Parallels Plesk SiteBuilder User's Guide

SWsoft, Inc.
SWsoft SiteBuilder 3.2
for Windows
User's Guide
(c) 1999-2006
ISBN: N/A SWsoft, Inc. 13755 Sunrise Valley Drive Suite 325 Herndon VA 20171 USA Phone: +1 (703) 815 5670 Fax: +1 (703) 815 5675
Copyright © 1999-2006 by SWsoft, Inc. All rights reserved Distribution of this work or derivative of this work in any form is prohibited unless prior written permission is obtained from the copyright holder. Solaris is a registered trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc. X Window System is a registered trademark of X Consortium, Inc. Intel, Pentium, and Celeron are registered trademarks of Intel Corporation. MS Windows, Windows 2003 Server, Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows NT are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. IBM DB2 is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corp. SSH and Secure Shell are trademarks of SSH Communications Security, Inc. MegaRAID is a registered trademark of American Megatrends, Inc. PowerEdge is a trademark of Dell Computer Corporation. Request Tracker is a trademark of Best Practical Solutions, LLC ActiveSite Compiller v4 is a trademark of Intorel, Inc. XML-RPC Library under MIT License
Preface 5
About This Guide .........................................................................................................................................5
Who Should Read This Guide ......................................................................................................................5
Organization of This Guide ..........................................................................................................................6
Typographical Conventions..........................................................................................................................6
About SiteBuilder 8
Main Steps to Create Site..............................................................................................................................9
Getting Started with SiteBuilder.................................................................................................................10
Logging in to SiteBuilder ................................................................................................................10
Becoming Familiar with SiteBuilder...............................................................................................10
Starting to Work with SiteBuilder ...................................................................................................11
Getting Help ...............................................................................................................................................12
Creating Site Design 13
Selecting Layout Template .........................................................................................................................14
Selecting Color Scheme..............................................................................................................................14
Selecting Banner.........................................................................................................................................15
Selecting Buttons Style...............................................................................................................................15
Changing Logo ...........................................................................................................................................16
Specifying Your Company Name and Copyright Notice............................................................................16
Creating Site Structure 17
Adding Pages..............................................................................................................................................18
Changing Position of Pages ........................................................................................................................19
Removing Pages .........................................................................................................................................19
Choosing Language and Customizing Settings for the Display of Numbers, Currencies, Times and Dates20
Creating Site Content 21
Working with Text......................................................................................................................................22
Applying Styles to Text...................................................................................................................23
Formatting Paragraphs.....................................................................................................................24
Copying and Moving Text...............................................................................................................24
Searching and Replacing Text.........................................................................................................25
Checking Spelling ...........................................................................................................................27
Cancelling and Repeating Changes .................................................................................................28
Inserting Images ..............................................................................................................................28
Inserting Links.................................................................................................................................29
Working with Tables ..................................................................................................................................33
Inserting Tables ...............................................................................................................................33
Adding Rows and Columns.............................................................................................................34
Removing Rows, Columns and Cells ..............................................................................................34
Formatting Table .............................................................................................................................35
Merging Cells ..................................................................................................................................36
Splitting Cells ..................................................................................................................................36
Contents 4
Formatting Cells ..............................................................................................................................
Making Tables Available for Users with Impaired Vision..............................................................38
Modifying HTML Source of Web Pages....................................................................................................39
Adding Blog ...............................................................................................................................................40
Managing Posts in Your Blog .........................................................................................................41
Managing Categories of Blog Posts ................................................................................................44
Configuring Blog Settings...............................................................................................................46
Adding E-Shop ...........................................................................................................................................47
Managing E-Shop Products.............................................................................................................48
Managing Categories of Products....................................................................................................51
Selecting Payment System...............................................................................................................55
Configuring E-Shop Settings...........................................................................................................56
Adding Flash Intro......................................................................................................................................57
Adding Forum.............................................................................................................................................59
Managing Forum Topics .................................................................................................................60
Managing Categories of Forum Topics...........................................................................................63
Configuring Forum Settings ............................................................................................................64
Adding Guestbook ......................................................................................................................................65
Managing Guestbook Messages ......................................................................................................65
Configuring Guestbook Settings .....................................................................................................67
Adding Image Gallery ................................................................................................................................68
Managing Images ............................................................................................................................69
Managing Categories of Images......................................................................................................71
Configuring Image Gallery Settings................................................................................................73
Registering Your Site Visitors....................................................................................................................74
Adding Maps ..............................................................................................................................................76
Adding Feedback Forms.............................................................................................................................78
Adding RSS News Feeds............................................................................................................................81
Conducting Polls and Online Surveys ........................................................................................................82
Inserting Scripts to Your Web Pages..........................................................................................................84
Publishing Site 85
Publishing Site Using Your User Account in SiteBuilder System..............................................................85
Publishing to Provider's Location....................................................................................................86
Publishing to FTP Server.................................................................................................................89
Publishing Site Using Guest Account in SiteBuilder System.....................................................................93
Updating Site 95
Index 98


In This Chapter
About This Guide.................................................................................................................. 5
Who Should Read This Guide............................................................................................... 5
Organization of This Guide................................................................................................... 6
Typographical Conventions .................................................................................................. 6
Feedback ............................................................................................................................... 7

About This Guide

SWsoft SiteBuilder 3.2 for Windows User's Guide instructs you how to create and publish sites on the Internet using the SWsoft SiteBuilder program.
This guide covers the following steps of creating and publishing sites:
1 Creating site design (see page 2 Creating and editing site structure (see page 3 Creating and editing site content (see page 4 Publishing a site on the Internet (see page
Additionally, the guide describes the process of editing a site after it has been created and published on the Internet.

Who Should Read This Guide

This guide is intended for users who want to create web sites with SiteBuilder - the online site design and publication platform included with your web hosting package.
Preface 6

Organization of This Guide

Chapter 2, About SiteBuilder, describes the SiteBuilder interface elements and first steps with the
SiteBuilder Wizard.
Chapter 3, Creating Site Design, provides instructions on how to create your site design. Chapter 4, Creating Site Structure, describes how to add pages to your site and change their
position in the site structure.
Chapter 5, Creating Site Content, describes how to add text, tables, images, online stores, blogs,
and other useful scripts to your site.
Chapter 6, Publishing Site, contains instructions on how to publish your site and manage it after
it was published.
Chapter 7, Updating Site, describes the process of updating and maintaining published sites.

Typographical Conventions

Before you start using this guide, it is important to understand the documentation conventions used in it.
The following kinds of formatting in the text identify special information.
Formatting convention
Special Bold
Italics Used to emphasize the importance
Preformatted On-screen computer output in your
Type of Information Example
Items you must select, such as menu options, command buttons, or items in a list.
Titles of chapters, sections, and subsections.
of a point, to introduce a term or to designate a command line placeholder, which is to be replaced with a real name or value.
The names of commands, files, and directories.
command-line sessions; source code in XML, C++, or other programming languages.
Go to the System tab.
Read the Basic Administration chapter.
The system supports the so
called wildcard character
The license file is located in the
http://docs/common/license s directory.
# ls –al /files
total 14470
Preface 7
Preformatted Bold
CAPITALS Names of keys on the keyboard. SHIFT, CTRL, ALT
KEY+KEY Key combinations for which the
What you type, contrasted with on-screen computer output.
user must press and hold down one key and then press another.
# cd /root/rpms/php


If you spot a typo in this guide, or if you have thought of a way to make this guide better, we would love to hear from you!
If you have a suggestion for improving the documentation (or any other relevant comments), try to be as specific as possible when formulating it. If you have found an error, please include the chapter/section/subsection name and some of the surrounding text so that we could find it easily.
Please submit a report by e-mail to

About SiteBuilder

SiteBuilder consists of two parts: Wizard and Administrator Panel.
With SiteBuilder Wizard, you can create sites by simply choosing the design preset you like and adding text and images. And then you can add picture galleries, blogs and online stores with a few clicks. You do not need to know any markup or scripting languages to have a site.
Administrator Panel is a tool for managing and maintaining web sites created in Wizard.
In This Chapter
Main Steps to Create Site...................................................................................................... 9
Getting Started with SiteBuilder ........................................................................................... 10
Getting Help.......................................................................................................................... 12
About SiteBuilder 9

Main Steps to Create Site

As a rule, the process of working on a site includes three main stages: planning, implementation, and site updating or maintenance.
Planning: The first and most essential stage in any project is planning. Before starting with
SiteBuilder, think about the purpose of your site and its target audience. After this, decide where your site will be stored, or, in Internet terminology, hosted. This stage is beyond the scope of this document. Because SiteBuilder is often provided with a web hosting package, we assume that you already have a web space for publishing your site. Then, you create a structure of your future site and prepare its contents, including text and graphics. The planning stage is extremely important because it eventually determines the usefulness of your site.
Implementation: The next stage is the implementation of your site. The five-step SiteBuilder
Wizard takes you through the entire process of creating your site, from initial design to publishing and maintenance. The following is an overview of the main steps required to create a site using SiteBuilder:
1 To create a site, open the SiteBuilder Wizard. You can start working with the Wizard
anonymously, without supplying login and password.
2 Complete the first four Wizard steps (select the design, create the site structure, add site
contents, add site modules and provide extra information for search engines).
3 Go to the Publish step and start the publication process. You can publish you site either to
the provider's location or to an FTP server you have access to. If you select to publish to an FTP server, your site will be put online at once. If you select to publish to the provider's
location, your site will be saved as a trial site in a temporary storage directory on the
SiteBuilder server. To be able to publish your site on the Internet, you should purchase hosting services from your provider. The instructions on how you can do that will be
displayed on the Publish screen appeared after the publication process is completed. This
screen will also contain the link to your trial site. Use this link to access your site for further editing or updating it.
4 After you purchase hosting services from your provider, you will be provided with a domain
name. The SiteBuilder provider will point your SiteBuilder account to your domain name, and after publication, your site will be available on the Internet.
5 Enter the link to your trial site in the address bar of the browser window. Your site will
open. Click Edit at the top of the site to launch the SiteBuilder Wizard. Now you can edit the content of your site. After editing, click Publish web site. The updated content of your site
will be transferred to the server where your site is hosted. After publication, your site will be available on the Internet.
Maintenance: When you complete the above steps, your site becomes available for visitors. It is
critical to keep your site content fresh because this is a good way to show your attitude to customers and services. Therefore, update your site on a regular basis. All you need to do is to
log in to the SiteBuilder, edit the content, and click Publish. SiteBuilder will automatically
transfer the updated content to your hosting location.
For detailed instructions on what to do on every step of creating your site, see the following chapters.
About SiteBuilder 10

Getting Started with SiteBuilder

This section describes your first steps with the SiteBuilder Wizard.

Logging in to SiteBuilder

¾ To log in to the SiteBuilder Wizard for the first time and start creating your site:
1 Open your Internet browser. 2 Enter the URL that your SiteBuilder provider has given to you into the
address bar of your browser.
The SiteBuilder Wizard opens on the first Overview page.
You can also access the SiteBuilder Wizard from the site of your hosting provider.

Becoming Familiar with SiteBuilder

Every SiteBuilder Wizard window consists of the following elements:
The Logotype image is located in the top frame of the SiteBuilder Wizard. The default
logotype is a SiteBuilder image linked to the SWsoft official site. This image can be customized by your SiteBuilder provider.
The Top help string provides short instructions about the operations you can do on this page. The Tabs in the top frame area switch between five Wizard steps. The tabs that are available
for you at the current stage of creating a site are highlighted.
The Work area displays the interface options available for the tab selected in the top frame. The Feedback button enables you to submit your opinion or suggestions on SiteBuilder
usability and functionality.
The Support button located in the top right corner of the screen opens SiteBuilder Online
Server Support screen on the SWsoft official site. Here you can request the help of our professional technical support team upon filling in the form.
The Help button opens the online version of this guide. The Command bar at the bottom of the window displays the result of your last action. The Back button enables you to get to the previous step of the Wizard (you can also return
to another step by selecting the corresponding tab in the top frame area).
The Next button takes you to the next step of creating your site (you can also go to the next
step by clicking the required tab in the top frame area).
About SiteBuilder 11

Starting to Work with SiteBuilder

The first page of the SiteBuilder Wizard contains short description of each step in the application. On the first page, you can also select the Wizard interface language from the
Interface language list.
Figure 1: Starting to Work with SiteBuilder
The five SiteBuilder Wizard steps are as follows:
Start. Enables you to choose the type of site you want to create. Design. Enables you to choose your site layout, color scheme, button style, a flash movie for
the first page, and so on.
Pages. Enables you to create and edit your site structure. Edit. Enables you to create and edit your site content. Publish. Enables you to publish your site.
To start creating your site, click Start in the main work area. On the Start page, you can select the type of your site. The type of site predefines the set of
pages that you can use as a basis for creating your site structure.
About SiteBuilder 12
Figure 2: Selecting Type of Site
Select the type of site you want to create and click Next in the bottom right corner of the page. You will be taken to the Design page where you can configure the appearance of your site (see

Getting Help

The SiteBuilder help system has been created to assist you in solving problems you might encounter when creating your site. To find the information you need, you can do the following:
Use on-screen context-sensitive help. It is the easiest and quickest way to get instant help
with your immediate tasks. Using context-sensitive help will not interrupt your work flow.
The Top help string contains short instructions on the operations that are available on the
current page and displays the result of the last command you have performed on the SiteBuilder page.
Use FAQ. For the fastest way to solve your problems with SiteBuilder, check out the
SiteBuilder FAQ page (
variety of issues. Select the SiteBuilder category and view the list of FAQs related to SiteBuilder.
Go to online forum. If you failed to solve your problem using the FAQs published on
SWsoft site, join our online forum (
questions, exchange ideas, and troubleshoot common problems. Note that SWsoft does not provide official support through this forum.
Contact technical support. If you have any problems or questions that are not covered in the
user documentation or FAQs, please contact SWsoft Technical Support
(, which provides instant access to solutions for a Here, all users can post

Creating Site Design

Creating site design includes the following steps:
Choosing a layout template (see page Choosing a color scheme (see page Choosing a banner (see page Choosing a buttons style (see page Choosing a logo (see page Specifying your company name and copyright notice (see page
Figure 3: Creating Site Design
In This Chapter
Selecting Layout Template ................................................................................................... 14
Selecting Color Scheme ........................................................................................................ 14
Selecting Banner ................................................................................................................... 15
Selecting Buttons Style ......................................................................................................... 15
Changing Logo...................................................................................................................... 16
Specifying Your Company Name and Copyright Notice...................................................... 16
Creating Site Design 14

Selecting Layout Template

Template is a ready-made web site design that can easily be customized to produce individual web sites. In SiteBuilder, every template belongs to a certain category.
¾ To select a template for your site:
1 Click the Design tab. 2 Select the template category from the Category list. 3 To view templates of all categories, select All categories. To preview a
template, click Preview.
4 Select a template by clicking it in the work area.
The selected template is outlined with a red frame.

Selecting Color Scheme

Color scheme is a set of colors used in design of your site.
¾ To select a color scheme for your site:
1 Click the Design tab. 2 In the Color schemes area, select the color scheme you like.
The selected color scheme is outlined with a red frame.
Creating Site Design 15

Selecting Banner

Banner is an image displayed at the top of every page of your site.
¾ To select a banner:
1 Click the Design tab.
2 In the Banners area, click .
The list of available banners is displayed.
3 Select the banner you need.
You can upload your custom banner for your site.
¾ To upload a banner:
1 Click Browse in the Banners area. 2 In the Browse window, find and select the banner image you want to upload. 3 Click Open in the Browse window. 4 Click Upload in the Banners area.
The new banner is uploaded and displayed in the list of available banners.

Selecting Buttons Style

¾ To select a buttons style:
1 Click the Design tab. 2 In the Buttons area, select the style you like.
The selected style is outlined with a red frame.
Creating Site Design 16

Changing Logo

Logo is a name, symbol, or trademark of a company or organization displayed in the upper left corner of site window.
¾ To upload a logo:
1 Click the Design tab. 2 Click Browse in the Logo area. 3 Find the logo image you want to upload from your computer. 4 Click Open in the Browse window. 5 Click Upload in the Logo area.
The new logo is displayed on the Design screen.

Specifying Your Company Name and Copyright Notice

You can provide your company information to be displayed beside the logo in the banner area and at the bottom of your site pages along with your copyright information.
¾ To configure your site info:
1 Click the Design tab. 2 In the Site Info section, enter your company name in the Company name field. 3 Enter the copyright information in the Copyright field.

Creating Site Structure

You can do the following operations on the structure of your site:
Add pages to your site structure (see page Change pages position in your site structure (see page Remove unnecessary pages (see page Choose language and customize settings for the display of numbers, currencies, times and
dates (see page
Figure 4: Creating and Editing Web Site Structure
In This Chapter
Adding Pages ........................................................................................................................ 18
Changing Position of Pages .................................................................................................. 19
Removing Pages.................................................................................................................... 19
Choosing Language and Customizing Settings for the Display of Numbers, Currencies, Times
and Dates...............................................................................................................................
Creating Site Structure 18

Adding Pages

To facilitate working with SiteBuilder, HTML pages are grouped as pre-defined sets of pages, which are different for various types of sites (business, personal, or other). Depending on the purpose and functionality of your future site, you can use a ready-to-use page set and modify it to adjust your site structure to your needs.
There are six types of sites available in the current version of SiteBuilder:
Blog Business Personal page Basic Photo gallery Service company
Pages listed in the Special pages box are not included in a selected type of site. These pages can
be added to your site structure independently.
Note: The maximum number of top-level and second-level pages you can create using
SiteBuilder is limited by the business plan defined by SiteBuilder provider. If you want to add more pages than allowed by your plan, please contact your SiteBuilder provider.
¾ To add pages to your site:
1 Click the Pages tab. 2 Select a page set from the Types of sites available list.
The list of pages for the selected type appears in the Standard pages box.
3 Choose the pages you want to add to your site by selecting the
corresponding check boxes.
4 Select additional pages from the Special pages box. 5 Click
The selected pages appear in the Your site structure box. To edit a page name, select a page and click Rename. Or just click the page you want to rename.
After you added pages to your site structure, you can change their position (see page pages hierarchy and remove unnecessary pages (see page
19) in the
Creating Site Structure 19

Changing Position of Pages

Using SiteBuilder, you can arrange the pages on your site in two levels of hierarchy: top-level
pages and second-level pages. You can edit your site structure using the buttons next to the Your site structure box.
¾ To move a page up or down at the same level:
Select it in the Your site structure box and click Up or Down respectively.
¾ To move a page from the second level to the top level:
Select it in the Your site structure box and click Left.
¾ To move a page from the top level to the second level in the structure:
Select it in the Your site structure box and click Right.

Removing Pages

If you decide that you do not need some pages or if you exceed the limit of pages, you can delete them from your site.
¾ To delete pages:
1 Click the Pages tab. 2 Select one or several pages in the Your site structure box.
3 Click
You will be prompted for confirming the removal of the pages.
4 Click OK in the removal confirmation dialog window.
Creating Site Structure 20

Choosing Language and Customizing Settings for the Display of Numbers, Currencies, Times and Dates

The language of SiteBuilder interface and the language of your site can be configured independently. You may need this option if you want to create a site in a language which is not in the list of available SiteBuilder interface languages. In that case, you just select the desired
language of your site on the Pages step. Besides, you can set a certain format of displaying
numbers, currencies, dates and times on your site.
¾ To select the language for your site and the format of displaying numbers, currencies,
times and dates:
1 Click the Pages tab. 2 Select the language of your site content and modules interface from the
Interface language list.
3 Select the type of formatting standard from the Standards and formats list.
The sample of the selected standard is displayed under the Standards and formats list.

Creating Site Content

Creating your site content includes the following steps:
Working with text and images (see page Working with tables (see page Modifying HTML source of pages (see page Configuring blog (see page
59), guestbook (see page 65), image gallery (see page 68), and authentication settings
(see page
Adding maps (see page
forms (see page
76), feedback forms (see page 78), RSS feeds (see page 81), voting
82), and scripts (see page 84)
40), e-shop (see page 47), flash intro (see page 57), forum (see
Figure 5: Creating Site Content
Creating Site Content 22
In This Chapter
Working with Text ................................................................................................................ 22
Working with Tables............................................................................................................. 33
Modifying HTML Source of Web Pages .............................................................................. 39
Adding Blog.......................................................................................................................... 40
Adding E-Shop...................................................................................................................... 47
Adding Flash Intro ................................................................................................................ 57
Adding Forum ....................................................................................................................... 59
Adding Guestbook ................................................................................................................ 65
Adding Image Gallery........................................................................................................... 68
Registering Your Site Visitors .............................................................................................. 74
Adding Maps......................................................................................................................... 76
Adding Feedback Forms ....................................................................................................... 78
Adding RSS News Feeds ...................................................................................................... 81
Conducting Polls and Online Surveys................................................................................... 82
Inserting Scripts to Your Web Pages .................................................................................... 84

Working with Text

This subsection describes the ways of working with textual information on your web pages. You will learn how to format characters and paragraphs, cut, copy, paste text, insert images and links.
Creating Site Content 23

Applying Styles to T ext

Using editing toolbar, you can change the following parameters of the text on your pages:
Font Size Style Color Font settings Special symbols
Figure 6: Formatting Characters Toolbar
¾ To apply formatting to a text:
1 On the Edit tab, select the web page where you want to edit the text. 2 Select the portion of the text you want to change (even one character will
3 Apply the necessary formatting options.
Select a font from the Font list. Select a font size from the Size list. Select a style from the Paragraph Style list.
Click the Click the
Click the
italic, underlined, or strikethrough respectively.
Click the
Сlick the
copyright character, letters of other alphabets, and other signs.
Note: Use styles to apply a particular format to the selected text. This ensures that similar pieces
of text are formatted in the same way, thus maintaining consistency throughout your site.
Foreground color icon to choose a font color.
Background color icon to choose a background color.
Bold, Italic, Underline, or Strike through icons to make the text bold,
Subscript or Superscript icon to make the text subscript or superscript
Insert Symbol icon to insert special symbols into the text, such as
Creating Site Content 24

Formatting Paragraphs

Paragraph indentation and alignment are the main parameters that define the position of a paragraph on a page. Indentation determines the distance of the paragraph from the left margin of the page. Alignment determines the orientation of paragraph edges.
Using the SiteBuilder editing toolbar, you can do the following:
Increase or decrease the indentation of a paragraph. Make a paragraph left-aligned, center-aligned, right-aligned, or justified. In case of justified
alignment, the text is spread evenly between the left and right margins of the page.
Visually separate the logical parts of textual information using horizontal rules.
¾ To apply formatting to a paragraph:
1 On the Edit tab, select the web page where you want to edit the text. 2 Select the text which you want to format. 3 Apply necessary formatting commands:
To align the text, click the Align left, Align center, Align right, or Justify
icon on the toolbar.
To change the indentation of the selected text, click the
the toolbar.
To insert a horizontal rule, place a cursor in any place on the page and click the
Horizontal Ruler icon.
To start a new paragraph, click the
new paragraph.
New Paragraph icon before the beginning of the
Indent or Outdent icon on

Copying and Moving T ext

¾ To copy or move text:
1 On the Edit tab, select the web page where you want to edit the text. 2 Select the needed piece of the text.
3 To move the text, click the Cut icon 4 To copy the text, click the
Copy icon.
5 Place the cursor where you want the text to appear. 6 Click the Paste icon.
Creating Site Content 25

Searching and Replacing T ext

¾ To find a particular part of text in the page content:
1 On the Edit tab, select the web page where you want to find the text. 2 Click the
The Find and Replace dialog opens.
Find icon.
3 On the Find tab, enter the text you want to find in the Find field. 4 Indicate the area of the search, by selecting one of the following options:
Entire text. Entire text on the web page will be searched for indicated word or phrase. Selection only. Only selected part of the text will be searched for indicated word or
5 Indicate the direction of the search, by selecting one of the following
Up. The search is done in the upper part of the text, starting from the cursor position. Down. The search is done in the lower part of the text, starting from the cursor position.
6 Select the method of the search, by selecting either one of the following
command options:
Match case. Only the text that exactly matches the case (uppercase and lowercase
character formatting) is searched for the specified search pattern.
Match whole words only. Only the exact text you specified is searched for.
7 Click OK to start the search. 8 Click Find Next to look for the next mention of the search pattern.
Figure 7: Searching Text
¾ To find and then replace a word or phrase:
1 Click the Find icon in the editor toolbar. 2 Click the Replace tab. 3 Enter the text you want to replace in the Find field.
Creating Site Content 26
4 Enter the replacement text in the Replace with field. 5 Click Replace. 6 To replace all the mentions of the search pattern in the text, click Replace All.
Figure 8: Replacing Text
Creating Site Content 27

Checking Spelling

¾ To check spelling on the page:
1 On the Edit tab, select the web page where you want to check the spelling. 2 Click the Spellchecker icon.
In the Not in dictionary field, a possible spelling mistake is shown.
3 If you are sure that the word found by the Spell Check editor is not
misspelled, click Ignore to ignore this part of the text.
To ignore all parts of the text, containing this word, click Ignore All.
4 If you want to replace the misspelled word with the word in the Suggestions
field, click Change.
To change this word in the whole text, click Change All.
Figure 9: Spell Checking
Creating Site Content 28

Cancelling and Repeating Changes

To undo the last action, click the Undo icon. If you later decide that you do not want to undo
the last action, click the
Redo icon.

Inserting Images

¾ To insert an image to a web page:
1 On the Edit tab, select the web page where you want to insert the image. 2 Place the mouse cursor on the place in your site, where you want to insert
the image.
3 Click the Image Manager icon.
The Image Manager dialog box opens.
4 Click Browse and select an image to upload.
1. The maximum size of an image is 200KB.
2. The supported graphics file formats are *.gif, *.jpg, *.jpeg, *.png, *.bmp
5 Click Open in the Browse dialog box. 6 If the file with the same name as the image you are uploading exists and you
want to overwrite it, select the Overwrite if file with such name exists? option.
7 Click Upload.
In the left dialog box, the name of uploaded image is displayed.
In the right dialog box, you can preview the image by selecting its name in the left dialog box.
8 Click Insert.
Creating Site Content 29

Inserting Links

Using the SiteBuilder editor, you can insert both internal and external links. Internal links point to other places of your site, taking the reader to related pages. External links pointing to other sites are often used to improve your site popularity and will direct visitors of your site to
friendly sites (the so-called link exchange).
Using the SiteBuilder hyperlink manager, you can add the following types of links:
Figure 10: Inserting Images
Hyperlink (see page Anchor (see page E-mail link (see page
Creating Site Content 30
Inserting Hyperlink
Hyperlink is a reference in a hypertext document to another document or other resources.
¾ To insert a hyperlink:
1 Select a text which you want to set as hyperlink. 2 Click the Hyperlink Manager icon.
The Hyperlink Manager dialog box opens.
Figure 11: Inserting Links
3 In the URL field, enter the web address which you want the link to point to.
If you have already inserted an anchor in the current document, you can select this anchor
from the Existing anchor list (for more details about inserting anchors, read Inserting Anchor
(see page
4 Specify the text of the link in the Link text field. 5 Select the type of the link from the Type list. 6 Select a target for the link from the Target list. 7 Enter a tooltip in the Tooltip field.
Tooltip is a text that appears when the mouse cursor is placed over the hyperlink.
8 Select a name of any predefined style from the CSS class field.
CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is a language used to describe the stylesheet for presentation of a document written in a markup language. Its most common application is to style web pages written in HTML and XHTML.
9 Click OK.
The hyperlink will be inserted.
+ 69 hidden pages