Items you must select, such as
menu options, command
buttons, or items in a list.
Go to the QoS tab.
Titles of chapters, sections,
and subsections.
Read the Basic Administration
Used to emphasize the
importance of a point, to
introduce a term or to
designate a command line
placeholder, which is to be
replaced with a real name or
The system supports the so
called wildcard character
The names of style sheet
selectors, files and directories,
and CSS fragments.
The license file is called
Typographical Conventions
The following kinds of formatting in the text identify special information.
6 Preface
Preformatted Bold
What you type, contrasted with
on-screen computer output.
# cd /root/rpms/php
>cd %myfolder%
On-screen computer output in
your command-line sessions;
source code in XML, C++, or
other programming languages.
# ls –al /files
total 14470
>ping localhost
Reply from
bytes=32 time<1ms
If you have found an error in this guide, or if you have suggestions or ideas on how to
improve this guide, please send your feedback using the online form at Please include in your report the guide‟s title,
chapter and section titles, and the fragment of text in which you have found an error.
It is recommended that you install Parallels Plesk Panel on a clean operating system.
C H A P T E R 1
Meeting Installation Requirements
Parallels Plesk Panel 9.5 for Linux/Unix requires one of the following operating systems
installed on the server:
Red Hat® Enterprise Linux 4.0 (AS/ES) i586 and 64bit
Red Hat® Enterprise Linux 5.0 (AS/ES) i586 and 64bit
FreeBSD® 6.x i586
SuSE® Linux 9.3 i586 and 64bit
SuSE® Enterprise Server 9.0 64bit
SuSE® Enterprise Server 10.0 i586 and 64bit
SuSE® Linux 10.0 i586 and 64bit
SuSE® Linux 10.1 i586 and 64bit
SuSE® Linux 10.2 i586 and 64bit
SuSE® Linux 10.3 i586 and 64bit
SuSE® Linux 11.0 i586 and 64bit
openSuSE 10.3
Fedora 4 i586 and 64bit
Fedora 5 i586 and 64bit
Fedora 6 i586 and 64bit
Fedora 7 i586 and 64bit
Fedora 8 i586 and 64bit
Fedora 11 i586 and 64bit
CentOS 4.x i586 and 64bit
CentOS 5.x i586 and 64bit
Debian 3.1 x86
Debian 4.0 x86 and 64bit
Debian 5.0 x86 and 64bit
Ubuntu 6.06 i586 and 64bit
Ubuntu 7.10 i586 and 64bit
Ubuntu 8.04 i586 and 64bit
CloudLinux 5.4 x86 and 64bit
If you have one or few servers to which you want to install Parallels Plesk Panel, you
C H A P T E R 2
Installing Parallels Plesk Panel on Linux
and FreeBSD
should follow the instructions provided below in this section. If you need to install
Parallels Plesk Panel on numerous servers, please refer to the chapter Installing
Parallels Plesk Panel on Numerous Servers (on page 22).
If you have not partitioned your hard drive yet, see the article at on partitioning tips.
Before installing Parallels Plesk Panel on FreeBSD, you should add the
„kern_securelevel_enable=”NO”‟ entry to the /etc/rc.conf file on your server‟s file
system, and then restart your server.
Before installing Parallels Plesk Panel on CloudLinux, make sure that the CloudLinux
repository is accessible and you are able to install some packages from there.
To install Parallels Plesk Panel software on a server:
1. Download the Parallels Products Installer utility that suits your operating
system from and save it
on your server‟s hard drive.
2. Change your working directory to the directory where the Parallels
Products Installer utility resides, for example:
# cd /root/plesk
3. Set the execution permission for Parallels Products Installer:
# chmod +x parallels_products_installer_file_name
4. Run the Parallels Products Installer:
# ./parallels_products_installer_file_name
5. Read installation notes displayed on the screen and type „n‟ to proceed
to the next screen. Press ENTER.
6. Specify the source of Parallels Plesk Panel distribution package.
You can choose to install from a local medium, the official Parallels Plesk Panel
Update server, or another site. By default, the official Parallels Plesk Panel Update
server is selected.
If you wish to retrieve installation files from a local medium or network storage:
a Type „s‟ and press ENTER.
b To choose a local medium, type 1. To choose a network storage device, type 3.
Press ENTER.
Installing Parallels Plesk Panel on Linux and FreeBSD 9
c If you chose a local medium, specify the location of psa.inf configuration file. If
you chose a network storage, specify the address. For example,,,
d When finished selecting the source, type „n‟ to proceed to the next step and
press ENTER.
7. If you use a proxy server, specify the following settings:
a Proxy host name and port number. To specify them, type „s‟, type the host name,
type the port number, press ENTER to continue.
b User name and password. If this proxy server requires authentication, type „a‟,
press ENTER, type user name and press ENTER, type password and press
c When finished with specifying proxy settings, type „n‟ and press ENTER to
continue with installation.
8. Select the product versions that you want to install: type the number
corresponding to the product version you need and press ENTER, then
type „n‟ and press ENTER to continue. By default, the latest versions of
Parallels Plesk Panel, Sitebuilder Web site creation and management
system, and Single Sign-on support components are selected.
9. On a FreeBSD system, specify FreeBSD Ports Collection tarball URL,
distfiles master site URL and Ports updating source, if required. It is
recommended that you use the default settings. Press ENTER to
10. Select the components that you wish to install. Specify the required
parameters for the selected components, when prompted.
By default, typical installation is selected. It includes a minimal number of packages
required for Parallels Plesk Panel to work.
To install all components of Parallels Plesk Panel including all Parallels Plesk
Panel modules and Web applications, select Full installation: type the
corresponding number and press ENTER.
To install only selected components, select Custom installation: type the
corresponding number and press ENTER.
To review the components that will be installed, type L and then press ENTER.
The selected packages are marked with [*] symbols. The packages that are
already installed and do not require updating are marked with [=] symbols. To
select or deselect a package, type the corresponding number and press
Note: When there are several versions of a component available for installing,
for example, PHP v. 4 and PHP v.5, then you can choose the version that
you want to install.
11. To continue with installation, type „n‟ and press ENTER. When
prompted, confirm installing: type „n‟ and press ENTER again.
The packages will be downloaded and installed. When the installation is finished,
Parallels Plesk Panel will start automatically.
10 Installing Parallels Plesk Panel on Linux and FreeBSD
12. Now to complete the initial configuration, log in to the Parallels Plesk
Panel running on your host at or
https://IP-address:8443/. Use the username „admin‟ and password
„setup‟ (both are case sensitive). For security reasons, change the
password upon initial login.
Note: In Parallels Plesk Panel there is a port not protected by a secure SSL
connection at or http://IP-address:8880/. This port is also used for RSS news feeds and Parallels Power
To install Parallels Plesk Panel software on a server through Parallels
Products Installer Web interface (available starting from Parallels
Products Installer 3.4.0):
1. Download the Parallels Products Installer utility that suits your operating
system from and save it
on your server‟s hard drive.
2. Change your working directory to the directory where the Parallels
Products Installer utility resides, for example:
# cd /root/plesk
3. Set the execution permission for Parallels Products Installer:
# chmod +x parallels_products_installer_file_name
4. Run the Parallels Products Installer with the following option: or https://IPaddress:8447/ in the address bar. The Parallels Product Installer
Web interface opens. Log in as root.
6. Click Updates source and installation settings and specify the source of
Parallels Plesk Panel distribution package:
By default, the Official Parallels Updates server is selected. Specify the location
where the installation files will be stored. By default, the installation files are
stored in the /root/parallels directory.
If you select a Mirror server, specify the .inf3 file location in the URL to the directory
with .inf3 file field. Specify the location where the installation files will be stored.
By default, the installation files are stored in the /root/parallels directory.
If you select a Local media, specify the .inf3 file location in the Absolute path to the
.inf3 file field.
7. If you use a proxy server, select the Connect using a proxy check box and
specify the following settings:
Specify proxy host name and port number in the Proxy address and port fields.
Installing Parallels Plesk Panel on Linux and FreeBSD 11
If this proxy server requires authentication, select the Require authentication check
box and specify user name and password.
8. Select the installation language and click Save to save the installation
preferences and proceed to installation.
9. Click Install or Upgrade Product. You are taken to the products list.
10. Select the check box corresponding to Parallels Plesk Panel and the
Parallels Plesk Panel product versions that you want to install. By
default, the latest products versions are selected. You can also select
Sitebuilder Web site creation and management system, Single Sign-on
support, and Parallels Workstation components to be installed with
Parallels Plesk Panel.
11. Select the installation type:
By default, Typical installation is selected. It includes a minimal number of
packages required for Parallels Plesk Panel to work.
To install all components of Parallels Plesk Panel including all Parallels Plesk
Panel modules and Web applications, select Full installation.
To install only selected components, select Custom installation.
12. To review the components that will be installed, select the Preview
components selection check box.
13. To continue with installation, click Continue.
14. If you selected to review components, you can see the list of available
components. To select or deselect a component, select or clear the
corresponding check box. To select or deselect all the components,
click Select all or None respectively. To start installation, click Continue.
The packages will be downloaded and installed. When the installation is finished,
you will see a notification saying “All products and components have been
successfully installed and upgraded.” Click OK. Parallels Plesk Panel will start
15. Now to complete the initial configuration, log in to the Parallels Plesk
Panel running on your host at or
https://IP-address:8443/. Use the username “admin” and password
“setup” (both are case sensitive). For security reasons, change the
password upon initial login.
Note: In Parallels Plesk Panel there is a port not protected by a secure SSL
connection at or http://IP-address:8880/. This port is also used for RSS news feeds and Parallels Power
Once the installation is completed, a trial license key is installed for evaluation
purposes. See the chapter Installing License Keys (on page 48) to learn how to obtain
and install a new fully functional license key for your Parallels Plesk Panel.
To install a license key for Sitebuilder, refer to the Parallels Plesk Panel Administrator‟s
Guide, section “Enabling Integration with Sitebuilder”.
12 Installing Parallels Plesk Panel on Linux and FreeBSD
If the server is protected by a firewall, be sure to configure the firewall as described in
the Parallels Plesk Panel Administrator‟s Guide, chapter “Configuring and Maintaining
Your Server”, section “Configuring Parallels Plesk Panel to Run Behind a Router with
Firewall and Network Address Translation”.
You can upgrade Parallels Plesk Panel in any of the following ways:
C H A P T E R 3
Upgrading Parallels Plesk Panel on Linux
and FreeBSD
Using the Parallels Plesk Panel‟s Web interface. You log in to your Parallels Plesk
Panel as the administrator, go to the Home > Updates section of the Parallels Plesk
Panel, choose the product version and the components to install, and simply wait
until the installation is completed. This is recommended for most users.
Using the Parallels Products Installer console utility. You can find it in your Parallels
Plesk Panel distribution or download from the Parallels download site. After you run
it, you are taken through the upgrade procedure step by step. This will take more
time as you will be prompted to choose the options and packages to install at each
Using the Parallels Products Installer utility‟s Web interface. Important: Make sure you upgrade all installed components when upgrading to a
newer version of Parallels Plesk Panel. This is required to avoid conflicts caused by
outdated components.
Note: If you use Qmail mail server with Parallels Plesk Panel and want to use Postfix
mail server instead, you can easily switch to Postfix while upgrading to Parallels Plesk
Panel 9.5. To do this, during Parallels Plesk Panel upgrade, select Postfix in the list of
components to be installed. Please note, that when Parallels Plesk Panel is switched
from using Qmail mail server to using Postfix mail server, the max_letter_size
parameter is changed to the default value for this mail server.
To update or upgrade your Parallels Plesk Panel software from the control
1. Log in to Parallels Plesk Panel as administrator, on the Home page,
click Updates.
Parallels Plesk Panel connects to the Parallels Plesk Panel Update server, retrieves
information on the available releases, then analyses the components installed in
your system, and displays the lists of available releases and component updates.
For each Parallels Plesk Panel version released a brief description of available
operations is displayed.
Note: If you want to update/upgrade from a locally stored Parallels Plesk Panel
distribution or Parallels Plesk Panel update server mirror inside your network, click
Preferences, select the Parallels Plesk Panel Update Source tab, select the Network
storage source type, specify the URL and click OK.
2. Select the Parallels Plesk Panel version that you want to update, or
upgrade to. A list of available components appears.
14 Upgrading Parallels Plesk Panel on Linux and FreeBSD
3. Select the check boxes corresponding to the components you want to
install and click Install.
4. Specify your e-mail address. You will be sent a notice by e-mail once
update is completed.
5. To confirm installation of the selected components, select the check
box and click OK. The components or updates you selected will be
downloaded and automatically installed in the background mode.
To update or upgrade your Parallels Plesk Panel software using the
command line of the Parallels Products Installer utility:
1. Run the parallels_installer binary file, which is located in the
directory /usr/local/psa/admin/bin/ on RPM-based Linux,
FreeBSD and Mac OS systems, and /opt/psa/admin/bin/ on debbased Linux systems.
2. Read the installation instructions displayed on the screen, and then
type „n‟ and press ENTER to continue. The Parallels Products Installer
will detect your existing installation of Parallels Plesk Panel and ask if
you want to upgrade it.
3. To confirm upgrade, type „y‟ and press ENTER.
4. Specify the source of Parallels Plesk Panel distribution package.
You can choose to upgrade from a local medium, the official Parallels Plesk Panel
update server, or another site. By default, the official Parallels Plesk Panel update
server is selected. If you wish to retrieve installation files from a local medium or
network storage:
a Type „s‟ and press ENTER.
b To choose a local medium, type 1. To choose a network storage device, type 3.
Press ENTER.
c If you chose a local medium, specify the location of psa.inf configuration file. If
you chose a network storage, specify the address. For example,,,
5. If you use a proxy server, specify the following settings:
a Proxy host name and port number. To specify them, type „s‟, type the host name,
type the port number, and press ENTER to continue.
b User name and password. If this proxy server requires authentication, type „a‟,
press ENTER, type user name and press ENTER, type password and press
c When finished with specifying proxy settings, type „n‟ and press ENTER to
continue with installation.
Upgrading Parallels Plesk Panel on Linux and FreeBSD 15
6. Select the product version that you wish to upgrade to: type the number
corresponding to the product version you need and press ENTER, then
type „n‟ and press ENTER to continue.
7. On a FreeBSD system, specify FreeBSD Ports Collection tarball URL,
distfiles master site URL and Ports updating source, if required. It is
recommended that you use the default settings. Press ENTER to
8. Select the components that you wish to install or upgrade. Specify the
required parameters for the selected components, when prompted.
Type „L‟ and press ENTER. The selected packages are marked with [*] symbols.
The packages that are already installed and do not require updating are marked
with [=] symbols. To select or deselect a package, type the respective number and
press ENTER.
9. To continue with the upgrade, type „n‟ and press ENTER. When
prompted, confirm upgrading: type „n‟ and press ENTER again.
The packages will be downloaded and installed.
To upgrade Parallels Plesk Panel software on your server through
Parallels Products Installer’s Web interface (available starting from
Parallels Products Installer 3.4.0):
1. Run the parallels_installer binary file with the—web-
interface option. The parallels_installer file is located in the
directory /usr/local/psa/admin/bin/ on RPM-based Linux,
FreeBSD and Mac OS systems, and /opt/psa/admin/bin/ on debbased Linux systems.
2. Open your browser and enter or https://IPaddress:8447/ in the address bar. The Parallels Product Installer
Web interface opens. Log in as root.
3. Click Updates source and installation settings and specify the source of
Parallels Plesk Panel distribution package:
By default, the Official Parallels Updates server is selected. Specify the location
where the installation files will be stored. By default, the installation files are
stored in the /root/parallels directory.
If you select a Mirror server, specify the .inf3 file location in the URL to the directory
with .inf3 file field. Specify the location where the installation files will be stored.
By default, the installation files are stored in the /root/parallels directory.
If you select a Local media, specify the .inf3 file location in the Absolute path to the
.inf3 file field.
4. If you use a proxy server, select the Connect using a proxy check box and
specify the following settings:
Specify proxy host name and port number in the Proxy address and port fields.
16 Upgrading Parallels Plesk Panel on Linux and FreeBSD
If this proxy server requires authentication, select the Require authentication check
box and specify user name and password.
5. Select the installation language and click Save to save the installation
preferences and proceed to installation.
6. Click Install or Upgrade Product. You are taken to the products list.
7. Select the check box corresponding to Parallels Plesk Panel and the
Parallels Plesk Panel product versions that you want to upgrade to. By
default, the latest products versions are selected. You can also select
Sitebuilder Web site creation and management system, Single Sign-on
support, and Parallels Workstation components to be installed with
Parallels Plesk Panel.
8. To review the components that will be installed, select the Preview
components selection check box and click Continue. You can see the list of
available components. To select or deselect a component, select or
clear the corresponding check box. To select or deselect all the
components, click Select all or None respectively.
9. To start installation, click Continue.
The packages will be downloaded and installed. When the installation is finished,
you will see a notification saying “All products and components have been
successfully installed and upgraded.” Click OK.
To add components to the installed Parallels Plesk Panel through
Parallels Products Installer’s Web interface (available starting from
Parallels Products Installer 3.4.0):
1. Run the parallels_installer binary file, which is located in the
directory /usr/local/psa/admin/bin/ on RPM-based Linux,
FreeBSD and Mac OS systems, and /opt/psa/admin/bin/ on debbased Linux systems, with the—web-interface option.
2. Open your browser and enter or https://IPaddress:8447/ in the address bar. The Parallels Product Installer‟s
Web interface opens. Log in as root.
3. Click Updates source and installation settings and specify the source of
Parallels Plesk Panel distribution package:
By default, the Official Parallels Updates server is selected. Specify the location
where the installation files will be stored. By default, the installation files are
stored in the /root/parallels directory.
If you select a Mirror server, specify the .inf3 file location in the URL to the directory
with .inf3 file field. Specify the location where the installation files will be stored.
By default, the installation files are stored in the /root/parallels directory.
If you select a Local media, specify the .inf3 file location in the Absolute path to the
.inf3 file field.
Upgrading Parallels Plesk Panel on Linux and FreeBSD 17
4. If you use a proxy server, select the Connect using a proxy check box and
specify the following settings:
Specify proxy host name and port number in the Proxy address and port fields.
If this proxy server requires authentication, select the Require authentication check
box and specify user name and password.
5. Select the installation language and click Save to save the installation
preferences and proceed to installation.
6. Click Add Components. You are taken to the list of Parallels Plesk Panel
components, installed and available for installation.
7. Select the components that you want to install. To select or deselect a
component, select or clear the corresponding check box. To view only
not installed components, select the Show only not installed components
check box.
8. To start the components update, click Continue.
The packages will be downloaded and installed. When the installation is finished,
you will see a notification saying “All products and components have been
successfully installed and upgraded.” Click OK.
To update installed Parallels Plesk Panel components for which updates
are available through Parallels Products Installer’s Web interface
(available starting from Parallels Products Installer 3.4.0):
1. Run the parallels_installer binary file, which is located in the
directory /usr/local/psa/admin/bin/ on RPM-based Linux,
FreeBSD and Mac OS systems, and /opt/psa/admin/bin/ on debbased Linux systems, with the—web-interface option.
2. Open your browser and enter or https://IPaddress:8447/ in the address bar. The Parallels Product Installer‟s
Web interface opens. Log in as root.
3. Click Updates source and installation settings and specify the source of
Parallels Plesk Panel distribution package:
By default, the Official Parallels Updates server is selected. Specify the location
where the installation files will be stored. By default, the installation files are
stored in the /root/parallels directory.
If you select a Mirror server, specify the .inf3 file location in the URL to the directory
with .inf3 file field. Specify the location where the installation files will be stored.
By default, the installation files are stored in the /root/parallels directory.
If you select a Local media, specify the .inf3 file location in the Absolute path to the
.inf3 file field.
4. If you use a proxy server, select the Connect using a proxy check box and
specify the following settings:
18 Upgrading Parallels Plesk Panel on Linux and FreeBSD
Specify proxy host name and port number in the Proxy address and port fields.
If this proxy server requires authentication, select the Require authentication check
box and specify user name and password.
5. Select the installation language and click Save to save the installation
preferences and proceed to installation.
6. Click Update Components. You are taken to the list of components for
which updates are available.
7. Select the components that you want to update. To select or deselect a
component, select or clear the corresponding check box. To select or
deselect all the components, click Select all or None respectively.
8. To start the components update, click Continue.
The packages will be downloaded and installed. When the installation is finished,
you will see a notification saying “All products and components have been
successfully installed and upgraded.” Click OK.
To correctly get the latest OS updates for servers based on CentOS:
1. Upgrade Parallels Plesk Panel to the version that supports the
corresponding OS update.
2. Use standard means (vzpkg update CTID or yum update) to
update the OS.
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