This chapter is intended to the users who switched to Panel 11.5 either from Plesk
In this chapter:
Upgrade from Earlier Panel Versions ................................................................ 11
Upgrade from Small Business Panel ................................................................. 14
C H A P T E R 1
After Upgrading to Panel 11.5
Panel 9 and earlier or from Parallels Small Business Panel. The chapter describes the
main changes in the business model of Panel 11.5 comparing to these products.
After Upgrading to Panel 11.5 11
Upgrade from Earlier Panel Versions
Compared to the previous versions of Plesk software (Plesk 9 and earlier), Parallels
Plesk Panel 10 introduces the following changes:
User accounts. In Panel 11, there are no client accounts and domain administrator
accounts. For users who need to resell hosting services and host their own
websites, you will set up reseller accounts. For users who do not need to resell
hosting services, but only host their own websites, you will set up customer accounts.
Customers can create user accounts in the Panel if they want to allow other users
to access the Panel for managing websites, installed applications, or use e-mail
services. In 11, customers can create any number of users for access to their
Panel, and set up multiple additional FTP accounts for access to the webspace.
Service plans. In Panel 11, there are no reseller, client, or domain templates.
Instead, there are service plans that you create according to your service offerings:
Reseller plans for signing up resellers, and hosting plans, for signing up customers
who do not need to resell services. After plans are created, you create reseller or
customer accounts and subscribe them to the plans - and the users are provisioned
with the necessary resources and authorized to perform operations in the Panel.
The most important change brought in by service plans is that, unlike old Plesk
templates, they are not applied only once, during the initial resources provisioning,
but remain connected to them, so that modifications of a plan change the
provisioned resources and privileges.
In addition to hosting plans, there are also add-on plans. You can use them to
allocate more resources and services to customers.
Subscriptions. Multi-domain hosting subscriptions replace domains. Instead of
creating domains for your customers, you subscribe them to a hosting plan, or, in
other words, you create a subscription for the customer. Actually, not only
customers can be subscribed to hosting services and host their websites and mail,
the Panel administrator and resellers can have their own subscriptions as well,
which they may use for their own purposes.
Subscriptions can be created based on service plans or configured manually.
When subscribing a new customer to your services in Panel 11, you specify a
domain name at the first step. A customer's subscription is always linked to a
domain, which is identified by such attributes as domain name, IP address and
system user account. All subscriptions are named after the domains to which they
are linked. This link is permanent and cannot be broken in any way, so moving a
domain from one subscription to another is impossible. However, you can still
rename domains.
You can host a number of websites under a single subscription, and you can create
several subscriptions for a single customer account.
Allocation of resources. In previous versions of Plesk, resources were allocated to
reseller accounts, client accounts, and domains. In Panel 11, resources are
allocated to resellers and hosting service subscriptions. Customer accounts in
Panel 11 do not get any resource allocations directly, so they cannot redistribute
them among subscriptions that they purchase. All resources allocated to a single
subscription are shared among all websites hosted in the webspace associated with
the subscription.
12 After Upgrading to Panel 11.5
Two separate panels: Server Administration Panel and Control Panel. System
Objects in previous versions of Plesk
Objects in Panel 11
Reseller account
Reseller account
administration, and customer and reseller account management tasks are
performed in Server Administration Panel. All operations related to managing
websites, hosting features, and mail accounts are performed in Control Panel.
Server Administration Panel provides links for access to Control Panel: You can
use them to log in to Control Panel and manage websites on behalf of your
resellers and customers.
Changes in organization of subdomain-related directories. Due to safety reasons, Panel
now stores content and configuration of hosted subdomains in separate directories:
/<VHOST>/<subdomain_name>, the directory that contains HTTP/HTTPs
documents (unlike the earlier versions that separated HTTP and HTTPS
/<VHOST>/<subdomains>/<subdomain_name>, the service directory that
keeps subdomain configuration. We strongly recommend that you do not change the content of this directory.
What Happens When You Upgrade or Migrate to Panel 11
When you upgrade or migrate to Panel 11, accounts, domains, users, and domain
templates are transformed according to the following schemes:
Reseller accounts are transferred without changes, and resources are allocated to
them by means of custom subscription, which are not bound to plans.
Client accounts become customer accounts, and after upgrade or migration is
finished, you need to perform either of the following operations to make sure that
the accounts fit in the new business model:
Redistribute former clients' resources among the subscriptions belonging to
Convert customers to resellers and assign the existing subscriptions to them.
This can be done if the customer accounts did not belong to a reseller before
upgrade or migration.
Domains are converted to individual subscriptions. The subscriptions are assigned
to the administrator, resellers, or customers, depending on whom the former
domains belonged to.
Domain administrator accounts are converted to user accounts, which are assigned
to the customers who own the corresponding domains.
Domain templates belonging to the server administrator and resellers are converted
to hosting plans.
Reseller templates are converted to reseller plans.
The following table summarizes the conversion of business objects.
After Upgrading to Panel 11.5 13
Client account
Customer account
Subscription (Custom)
Domain administrator account
User account
Reseller template
Reseller plan
Domain template
Hosting plan
14 After Upgrading to Panel 11.5
Upgrade from Small Business Panel
Next in this section:
Differences between SBP and Panel 11 ............................................................ 14
Next in this section:
Extended User Role Permissions ...................................................................... 15
Web Apps.......................................................................................................... 17
Extended Mail Management .............................................................................. 17
Other Panel Features ........................................................................................ 17
This chapter is intended for users who have migrated from Parallels Small Business Panel
(SBP) to Parallels Plesk Panel and want to know about changes in management operations,
as well as about new product possibilities. If you want to learn more about the migration
procedure, refer to Installation, Upgrade, and Migration Guide, section Migrating from Parallels Small Business Panel.
Migration to Panel is almost seamless as Panel allows you to perform the majority of tasks
you did in SBP. The main difference you may find is that some functions are now available in
new locations or have a slightly different effect. Moreover, Panel provides you with a number
of features unavailable in SBP, such as enhanced user role permissions, the Presence
Builder tool, or access to new web apps. Learn more about product differences in the section
Differences between SBP and Panel 11 (on page 14).
After the migration, you will use Panel in Power User view - a replacement of the SBP
interface. Power User view is almost identical to the SBP user interface. Panel in this view is,
in essence, Control Panel with server management capabilities. For more information on
Power User view, refer to the section The Panel GUI (on page 20).
Differences between SBP and Panel 11
User interfaces of SBP and Panel in Power User view are almost identical. Therefore, here
we will discuss only the most important changes to the way you work with Panel.
After Upgrading to Panel 11.5 15
Extended User Role Permissions
SBP permission
Panel permission
Migration result comments
Manage users
Manage roles
Manage users and roles
The permission is granted, if
one of the SBP permissions is
Manage websites and
Create and manage sites
Configure log rotation
Configure anonymous FTP service
Create and manage scheduled tasks
Create and manage databases
Configure and perform data backup
and restoration
View statistics
Design sites in Presence Builder
Create and manage additional FTP
Manage DNS settings
Install and manage Java applications
Change server settings
The permission is not migrated,
as Panel allows changing
server settings to users with the
Administrator role only.
Manage mail
Create and manage mail accounts
Create and manage mailing lists
Update personal
The permission is not migrated,
as Panel allows changing
personal information to all
Upload and manage files
By default, this permission is
denied after migration.
Configure spam filter
By default, this permission is
denied after migration.
Configure antivirus
By default, this permission is
denied after migration.
Panel, comparing to SBP, allows more accurate adjustment of user role privileges due to a
larger number of available permissions. For example, Panel allows dividing users on those
who can manage mail accounts and those who can manage company mailing lists. As Panel
has the extended list of permissions, some of SBP permissions can migrate into a number of
related Panel permissions. For better understanding how permissions are migrated, refer to
the table below.
For more information on user role properties, refer to the section User Roles (on page 371).
16 After Upgrading to Panel 11.5
Presence Builder Tool
While using SBP, you could easily create your own websites with the Site Editor tool. For the
same purposes, Panel provides you with the much more powerful tool, Presence Builder.
Comparing to Site Editor, Presence Builder offers:
New intuitive interface that allows creating websites in less number of steps.
About 100 website templates filled with content that you can use as a basis for your sites.
Additional components that can be easily integrated with your site, such as the online
store or the embedded video.
Integration of your website with Facebook and much more.
For more information on Presence Builder, refer to the section Building Websites with Presence Builder (on page 467).
Note that websites created in Site Editor are not compatible with Presence Builder.
Nevertheless, if Site Editor is installed in Panel, you can edit such websites with it. In that
case, websites in Websites & Domains list will contain the additional button Edit in SiteBuilder 4 or
Site Editor.
SSL Protection
Panel allows you to secure connections to your websites the same way as you did in SBP.
That means you can obtain SSL certificates in Server > Tools & Settings > SSL Certificates and
assign them to IP addresses in Server > Tools & Settings > IP Addresses. As in SBP, you can
assign only one certificate per IP address. Thus, if your hosting resources include one
shared IP address, you can secure only one website. Panel provides enhanced SSL
protection features that allow you to resolve this problem:
Separate SSL certificates for websites.
If you use Panel on a Linux operating system with the SNI technology support, it is
possible to use authentic SSL certificates for sites hosted on shared IP addresses. In
other words, Panel allows using separate SSL certificate for each website. Learn more
about separate SSL certificates in the section SSL and Shared IP Addresses (Linux) (on page
Shared SSL certificate for a number of websites.
If you use Panel on a Windows operating system, it is possible to use one shared SSL
certificate to secure connections to all sites. In that case, certificate is assigned to a
domain that shares it with others. That domain is called master SSL domain. In other
words, all websites will use common SSL certificate, despite of the fact it is issued to only
one of your websites. Learn more about shared SSL certificates in the section SSL and Shared IP Addresses (Windows) (on page 150).
The process of assigning an SSL certificate to a website is covered in the section Securing
Connections with SSL Certificates (on page 430).
After Upgrading to Panel 11.5 17
Web Apps
Comparing to SBP, the app management in Panel has little or no changes. As in SBP, the
list of available web apps is accessed through the Applications tab. For more information on
app management, refer to the section Using Website Applications (on page 421).
Note that the uploading of your own app packages is now performed by means of Application
Vault. Vault is the local Panel repository of web apps. Besides of extending the list of
available apps, it allows you to update apps, configure their server-wide settings, and carry
out some other operations. For more information on Application Vault, refer to the section
Web Applications (on page 177).
Extended Mail Management
Mail management in Panel slightly varies from those in SBP. General mail settings are now
available in Mail > Change Settings, while other settings are located in Server > Settings > Mail.
Comparing to SBP mail functionality, Panel provides a number of additional mail features:
Enhanced spam protection:
Server black and white lists.
Use these lists to always reject or always receive mail from selected servers. Learn
more on black and white mail lists in the section Server-wide Black and White Lists (on
page 90).
Extended SpamAssassin settings.
Panel allows you to configure SpamAssassin more accurately. For example, you have
access to such settings as spam filter sensitivity or SpamAssassin's black and white
lists. Moreover, you can configure spam filter individually for each mail account. Learn
more in the Protecting from Spam (on page 530) section.
Monitoring mail server message queue (on Linux platforms).
This can be helpful when your mail server is overloaded and cannot cope with the amount
of received messages. You can find out the reason that caused the overload using the
mail queue. Learn more about message queue in the section Mail Congestion and Message
Queue (Linux) (on page 104).
Other Panel Features
On top of main changes described above, Panel contains a number of features unavailable
in SBP at all. These are event management, server health monitoring, custom branding
themes and many more. The scope of this chapter does not allow to cover all of them. For
the detailed information on other server management operations, refer to certain sections of
this guide.
Parallels Plesk Panel is designed to help IT specialists manage web, DNS, mail and
In this chapter:
About Panel Users ............................................................................................ 19
The Panel GUI .................................................................................................. 20
C H A P T E R 2
About Parallels Plesk Panel
other services through a comprehensive and user-friendly GUI. It is a hosting control
panel, an intermediary between system services and users. For example, when a user
creates a website through the Panel GUI, Panel propagates this request to a web
server, either Apache or IIS, and the latter adds a new virtual host to the system. This
method of administering all system services from a single web interface reduces
maintenance costs and gives administrators more flexibility and control.
How Can I Use Panel?
Panel is an essential instrument for hosting service providers (HSPs) - companies that
sell shared and dedicated hosting accounts. Being installed on a server, Panel enables
HSPs to organize server resources into packages and offer these packages to their
customers. The customers are companies and individuals who need web presence but
do not have the necessary IT infrastructure. Learn more about the Panel intended
audience in the section About Panel Users (on page 19).
Can I Customize Panel to Address My Needs?
Each Panel user group is provided with their own GUI that is customized to fully meet
their needs. Thus, HSPs get tools for offering hosting services, including an integrated
billing solution that automates their business. By contrast, companies that use Panel to
manage their own web infrastructure do not have hosting selling capabilities in their
GUI. Instead, they can perform server management operations (such as system
recovery, web server configuration, and so on). Learn more about the Panel interface
in the section The Panel GUI (on page 20).
Next in this chapter we explain how different user groups should use Panel to gain all
its benefits.
About Parallels Plesk Panel 19
About Panel Users
Panel is a web hosting panel that targets four user groups:
Power users.
These are companies that buy VPS hosting with preinstalled Panel or deploy it by
themselves on their IT infrastructure. Panel allows such customers not only to
manage various aspects of their web presence but also to have full control over
server management operations, such as server backup, configuration of PHP
settings, and so on. For example, web design studios use Panel as a platform for
web development. Panel allows them to test created websites and present the
results to clients.
Hosting service providers (HSPs).
HSPs use Panel for two main purposes. First, as an easy tool for services
configuration. Thus, providers do not need to separately configure web or FTP
server - everything is done in the Panel GUI. Once services are configured, HSPs
can combine them with server resources (like disk space or traffic) into hosting
packages (service plans). For example, one package can contain a website, mail
accounts, and a number of web applications. These packages are then sold to
HSPs' clients - hosting customers and resellers.
These are companies that resell hosting services provided by HSPs. They use
Panel to buy hosting resources in bulk, and then split the resources into smaller
packages, and sell them to their customers. All server management is performed by
HSPs, allowing resellers to reduce their costs and concentrate on offering services
to end-users.
These are the end-users of Panel. By subscribing to one of the hosting plans
offered by an HSP or a reseller, they get access to Panel and manage the services
they have bought. They can create sites, fill them with content, add mail accounts,
and so on.
20 About Parallels Plesk Panel
The Panel GUI
For convenience, Panel tools for performing server and account management tasks are
divided between two web interfaces called panels: Server Administration Panel and Control Panel. In earlier Panel versions, each panel had its own unique responsibilities:
The Control Panel focused on web hosting operations and had all means to create and
manage websites, mailboxes, and so on.
The Server Administration Panel was in charge of server maintenance and accounts
If administrators needed to perform a web hosting management task, for example, add a
mailbox under a certain customer’s account, they located the account in the Server
Administration Panel and then opened the account in the Control Panel. As Panel evolved
over time, the border between the panels has become subtle. Now, the only significant
difference between the two panels is that tools for serving customers and resellers are available only in the Server Administration Panel. As for the other functions, the panels are
quite similar: Both of them allow you to maintain a server and manage web hosting. If you do
not use Panel for selling hosting services, you can choose any of these two panels.
The brief description of each panel is provided below, but before we go into details, we would
like to acquaint you with Panel views because views and panels are tightly connected.
Panel Views
Each Panel user group has its own Panel usage scenarios. The GUI can be configured to
better meet the needs of a certain group by rearranging tools between different web
interfaces and hiding odd tools. For example, power users may prefer to use only the Control
Panel with tools for server management, whereas hosting service providers use both panels
with all available tools; shared hosting customers use the Control Panel without server
management facilities. Such a user-targeted combination of available panels and tools is
called view. Learn more about the views in the section Interface Views (on page 24).
Server Administration Panel
About Parallels Plesk Panel 21
The Server Administration Panel is the main instrument of hosting providers that allows them
to serve their customers and maintain a server. Here, for example, the administrator creates
new hosting plans and customer accounts, configures server-wide settings of system
services, and so on. In addition, the administrator can set up Panel to manage web hosting
right from the Server Administration Panel (create websites and mail accounts for their
customers, install web apps, and so on). Learn more in the section Interface Views (on page
Control Panel
22 About Parallels Plesk Panel
The main task of the Control Panel is managing hosting services. Customers use this panel
to add domains and mailboxes, manage website content and so on. The administrator can
use this panel to create their own hosting accounts - webspaces or access customer
accounts. Learn more about webspaces and hosting management in the chapter Web Hosting Management (on page 324).
Power users also use the Control Panel but in Power User view. In this view, the Control
Panel gets additional capabilities for server administration. Thus, power users can not only
maintain their websites but control various server parameters, for example, switch off unused
Apache modules or perform Panel update. Learn more about interface views in the section
Interface Views (on page 24).
Parallels Plesk Panel Suite Components
In addition to the standard Panel functionality, Parallels Plesk Panel suite offers two optional
components that significantly increase Panel capabilities: Customer & Business Manager
and Presence Builder. These components are tightly integrated with Panel and have their
own user interfaces.
Customer & Business Manager.
About Parallels Plesk Panel 23
Customer and Business Manager (hereafter referred to as Business Manager) is an
Customizing Power User View .......................................................................... 25
optional solution that automates all business operations, for example, charging customers
and generating invoices. Note that Customer and Business Manager is an optional
component and you may decide to use another solution or perform business operations
manually. Learn more about Business Manager in the Administrator's Guide to Parallels Customer and Business Manager.
Presence Builder.
Presence Builder is a site building tool that helps customers create polished,
professional-looking web sites in record time based on more than 100 site templates.
Learn more about the tool in the section Building Websites with Presence Builder (on page
24 About Parallels Plesk Panel
Interface Views
As mentioned earlier, each Panel user group carries out their own set of tasks through Panel.
To better meet user needs, Panel offers two interface views: Service Provider and Power
User. These views define what panels you use, what tools are present in these panels, and
how the tools are organized.
Service Provider view.
This view is convenient for HSPs as it is intended for selling hosting services. It has all
the features required to create and manage customer accounts, subscriptions, and
service plans. This view includes the Server Administration Panel and the Control Panel.
Power User view.
This view is the best for power users - those who use Panel solely for personal needs,
such as for maintaining a company portal or a mail server. In this view, both server
administration and hosting services management take place in the Control Panel. As this
view does not assume a reselling service to others is needed, it does not provide facilities
for managing hosting plans, subscriptions, resellers, and customers. Also, as the server
administration functions are included in the Control Panel in this view, the Server
Administration Panel becomes unavailable.
This view can be tailored to needs of an administrator if you select Custom view in the
view selector. For details on how to do the customization, read Customizing Power User View
(see page 25).
You can change the Panel view any time from Tools & Settings > Interface Management.
Hosting Operations in Server Administration Panel
By default, when you want to perform an operation in a certain hosting account (for example,
create a mailbox), you open this account with the link on the Domains or Subscriptions pages.
The account is opened in a new window.
Since Panel 10.4, there has been no need to open hosting accounts in separate windows.
This may be convenient when you want to perform a series of hosting operations on a group
of accounts or you are just accustomed to carrying out all hosting tasks from a single GUI as
in previous Panel versions. You can set Panel to perform all hosting operations in the Server Administration Panel on the Tools & Settings > Interface Management page. Once you activate
the option, Panel will open hosting accounts in the interface that is similar to the Control
Panel but shown on the current page of the Server Administration Panel.
About Parallels Plesk Panel 25
Customizing Power User View
Power User view has a subtype, Custom View (available in Tools & Settings > Interface
Management), which serves two main purposes:
To simplify the user experience of administrators who use managed hosting.
Some administrators carry out only basic administration tasks (monitoring system
services, administering user accounts, and so on) leaving more complex tasks, usually
server and services configuration, to the support service of a service provider. This user
group wants to have only tools they really need and hide the other tools.
Make Panel safer and more comfortable.
Administrators can voluntarily revoke some of their permissions to hide the tools they do
not need in everyday operations and return to the full-featured Power User view only if
they need some system tuning (for example, to turn on server backups).
If you go to the Tools & Settings > Custom View Settings page (the Administrative Tools tab), you
can select the tools the administrator will see in this view. The view settings may be
unavailable if the service provider who gave you access to Panel has decided to lock Custom
Locking Custom View and Hiding Custom View Settings
To lock Custom view means to limit the selection of Panel features available to the
administrator and disallow any changes to the features list. Thus, when Custom view is
locked, it is impossible to switch to any other view from the GUI (or API RPC) or change the
Custom view settings. Generally, if you are a service provider, you can make some tools
unavailable to administrators, and, thus, separate Panel administration into two parts:
Day-by-day operations. These operations are performed by the Panel administrator, the
person who purchased the web hosting.
Complex configuration and maintenance. These operations are accomplished by your
support team. Such operations may include configuration of a network, DNS, web server
and so on.
If a Panel administrator needs a certain feature and is unable to find it, your support team
turns this feature on by unlocking Custom view, modifying the view settings, and locking the
view again.
Custom view is locked only through a command-line call of the poweruser utility:
poweruser--on -simple true -lock true
The lock is removed by calling poweruser--on -lock false.
26 About Parallels Plesk Panel
Custom View and Webspaces
The peculiarity of Custom view is that you can instantly adjust permissions, hosting
parameters, PHP settings, and other webspace parameters of all webspaces you have created in this view. This is possible because each webspace you create in this view derives
from the artificial Custom service plan that is not visible in the plans list. The settings of this
plan are available in Tools & Settings > Custom View Settings. When you change the settings, the
changes (if possible) are automatically applied to all webspaces under the Custom plan.
Another point that deserves attention is that the Custom plan has a special permission,
Ability to create, remove, and switch among webspaces. If this permission is cleared in the
GUI, it is not possible to create webspaces in Custom view.
If you need to adjust custom view settings through the command-line, use the admin utility.
Learn more about the utility options in Parallels Plesk Panel 11.5 for Linux (Windows): Reference for
Command Line Utilities.
In this chapter:
Apache Web Server (Linux) .............................................................................. 28
IIS Web Server (Windows) ................................................................................ 41
C H A P T E R 3
Web Servers
28 Web Servers
Apache Web Server (Linux)
Parallels Plesk Panel for Linux uses the Apache HTTP Server ( for hosting websites. Apache itself does not operate with
websites; it manages virtual hosts - web resources identified either by an IP address or
a host name. When you create a site, Panel adds a new virtual host to Apache so that
the site becomes available through the web server.
By default, to achieve better performance when delivering web content, Apache is
supplemented with another web server - nginx. For the details about how Apache is
integrated with nginx in Panel and how to make Apache a standalone server, see
Apache with nginx (on page 30).
Default Web Server Configuration
The file /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf defines Apache configuration for all virtual
hosts in the system. The configuration files for virtual hosts are on the lowest level of
the configuration files hierarchy. They are included into the Apache configuration file
(last_httpd.conf) through several levels of inclusion using the include directive. The
nginx web server is configured similarly: the /etc/nginx/nginx.conf file includes
the configuration files of all virtual hosts through several levels of inclusion. To learn
about the hierarchy of configuration files, see Web Server Configuration Files in the
Advanced Administration Guide.
Each virtual host in the system has two files - last_httpd.conf and
last_nginx.conf - that define default Apache and nginx configuration for this virtual
host correspondingly. These files (located in
/var/www/vhosts/system/<domain_name>/conf/) are generated automatically
based on so-called configuration templates. Therefore, if you want to change the
default web server configuration, you should adjust these template files. Learn how to
do this in the Changing Virtual Hosts Settings Using Configuration Templates in the Advanced
Administration Guide.
Custom Web Server Configuration
Website owners may need custom web server capabilities that are not provided by the
default configuration. For example, unusual types of index files or the restricted access
to the site by IP address. This can be done by overriding the default configuration for
specific customers.
The default web server configuration can be overridden on the following levels:
Service plan
The configuration defined on the service plan level overrides the default
configuration. You can set any Apache and nginx directives for a particular service
plan. These settings are stored in Panel database and will be applied to all
customers’ (plan subscribers’) websites by default. See Web Server (Apache) (on
page 571).
Web Servers 29
Website (virtual host)
Next in this section:
Apache with nginx ............................................................................................. 30
Adjusting Apache Settings for Virtual Hosts....................................................... 34
Adjusting nginx Settings for Virtual Hosts .......................................................... 35
Optimizing Apache Web Server......................................................................... 38
The custom virtual host (website) configuration overrides the configuration defined
in its service plan. When you set Apache and nginx directives for a particular
website, your directives are saved in the vhost.conf, vhost_ssl.conf and
vhost_nginx.conf files (located in
You can configure web server settings for a website (virtual host) in two ways:
By specifying your settings in the Control Panel. When you save your changes,
Panel creates corresponding directives in the virtual host configuration files. For
details, see Adjusting Apache Settings for Virtual Hosts (on page 34) and Adjusting nginx Settings for Virtual Hosts (on page 35).
By editing configuration files manually. For details, refer to the Advanced
Note: Only the Linux user root can add or modify custom Apache and nginx
configuration files manually.
Note that website settings work only for the selected website and are used instead
of the default settings and the service plan level settings.
See the hierarchy of web server settings on the diagram below.
30 Web Servers
Apache with nginx
You can improve the work of the web server which hosts customer websites by
installing nginx, a supplementary high-performance web server which is typically used
as a reverse proxy server. This web server was specifically designed for delivering
large amounts of static content (such as images, video, css, xml, and so on). As
opposed to Apache, nginx is much more efficient when it comes to handling a large
number of concurrent connections. Another advantage of this web server compared
with Apache is that nginx has a significantly smaller memory footprint per client
To leverage all the benefits of nginx, Panel configures it as a reverse proxy server that
stands between the Internet and Apache (see the diagram below). This means that
nginx becomes a frontend web server that processes all incoming requests from site
visitors. The requests are sent to Apache which, in turn, distinguishes requests for
static and dynamic content. If a request is for a static file (such as jpg, css, html, and so
on), Apache passes the request through all registered handlers (applies .htaccess
directory-level configuration, rewrites a URL, and so on) and returns to nginx a
response which contains only the location of the requested file on the file system. nginx
locates the file and sends it to the client. If the request is for a dynamic file (such as a
PHP script), Apache executes the file and sends the response to nginx, which delivers
it to the client.
+ 571 hidden pages
You need points to download manuals.
1 point = 1 manual.
You can buy points or you can get point for every manual you upload.