This chapter is intended for hosting service customers who previously used Parallels
C H A P T E R 1
First Steps After Upgrading to Panel 11.5
Plesk Panel version 9 and earlier. It describes the most important changes in the Panel
and addresses possible issues that the users might encounter after their accounts and
sites are moved to Parallels Plesk Panel 11 during the Panel upgrade.
The most important concepts you should know
Domain is replaced by subscription.
The concept of a domain has been replaced with a concept of a subscription - a
hosting unit able to run multiple sites (domains and subdomains) over given
resources and services. Multi-domain hosting within one subscription is limited to
one IP address. Customers who need to host sites on different IP addresses are
advised to obtain additional subscriptions.
Resources of a client are now resources of a subscription.
Customers no longer need to redistribute their resources across domains or
subscription: Each subscription is allocated a fixed set of resources according to a
hosting plan.
SSL certificates are typically shared among all domains of a subscription.
All sites in a subscription typically share the same SSL certificate. Customers who
want to protect all sites in a subscription should consider purchasing a multi-domain
(a wildcard) SSL certificate. It is also possible to have per-domain certificates in
case Panel supports SNI.
Peculiarities of SiteBuilder upgrade
Panel 11 ships with Presence Builder (former SiteBuilder), but you can use
SiteBuilder 4.5 as well.
Parallels Presence Builder is a Panel component that allows fast and efficient
creation of websites. When Plesk with SiteBuilder is upgraded to Parallels Plesk
Panel 11, the SiteBuilder component is not actually upgraded. Instead, the new
Presence Builder is installed on the server, and SiteBuilder 4.5 remains operable;
however, operations on websites created in SiteBuilder 4.5 are limited to editing
and publishing.
Transfer of websites from SiteBuilder 4.5 to Presence Builder is supported, with
Presence Builder allows websites created in SiteBuilder 4.5 to be imported.
However, this feature has certain limitations: some elements may be missing or
corrupted in the imported website. We advise you to compare it with the original
version and add the missing content manually.
See the section Importing Sites from SiteBuilder 4.5 (on page 158) for more details on
importing SiteBuilder 4.5 sites to Presence Builder.
First Steps After Upgrading to Panel 11.5 7
Changes in storing secure content
httpdocs is the only allowed directory for storing web content accessed over secure
The option to use a separate directory for storing web content that should be
accessed over secure SSL connections is no longer available. All web content is
now stored in a single directory - httpdocs.
The httpsdocs directory may remain in the webspace after upgrading to Parallels
Plesk Panel 11, however, we recommend that you place all content in the
httpdocs directory when uploading files to the webspace over FTP.
If you used the option to keep SSL-protected and all other content in separate
directories, and had APS-packaged applications installed in the httpsdocs
directory of a website, then after upgrade, the Panel will switch on the compatibility
mode for that site. This will make the apps previously installed into httpsdocs
directory accessible to the Internet users, but the apps will not be manageable
through the Panel, and you will not be able to install new apps to the httpsdocs
In such a case, if you have the necessary technical skills, you can do the following:
1. Back up all content from the httpsdocs directory and save it to another
location. Do not move the files to httpdocs yet.
2. Back up databases used by applications installed in httpsdocs directory. You
can do this with the help of the mysqldump utility.
3. Remove applications from the httpsdocs directory.
4. Switch off the compatibility mode through the Panel (at Websites & Domains tab >
domain name).
5. Reinstall the required applications.
6. Upload the data you backed up on the step 1 to the httpdocs directory.
7. Restore the applications' databases by importing them to the MySQL database
If you are an inexperienced user, we recommend that you leave the previously
installed applications and uploaded content in the httpsdocs directory, and host
new applications on other websites. If you need to install apps on the site operating
in compatibility mode, you can install them to the httpdocs (http://) location on
that site.
8 Quick Start with Parallels Panel
According to the latest studies, the Internet has become the most popular source of
In this chapter:
Set Up Your First Website ................................................................................. 9
Set Up Mail Accounts ........................................................................................ 13
View Site Visit Statistics .................................................................................... 32
C H A P T E R 2
Quick Start with Parallels Panel
information in the world, leaving far behind all traditional media such as TV or newspapers.
Nowadays, the first thing people do when trying to find services is to searching for them on
the web. Thus, a proper web presence is vital for every business. There are a number of
ways you can present your company on the Web. A web presence may be as simple as a
contacts page, or as complex as a large company website with access to an ERP system. In
both cases, you should perform the same steps to get your business online.
Before proceeding any further, you will need to take the following two essential steps:
Purchase a customer account from a hosting provider.
Your customer account provides access to the services that are vital for a web presence Internet connectivity, disk space to store your website content, and so on. For more
information about customer accounts in Panel, refer to the chapter Customer Account Administration (on page 33).
Register a domain name.
This is the name people will use to access your site from their browsers. For example,
These two elements - an account for web hosting management and a domain name make up
your website.
In this chapter, we will explain how to create your first website, fill it with content, create
mailboxes for users of the site, and, finally, view the site visits statistics.
Advanced Hosting Features
Once you are comfortable with basic Panel capabilities, try out some advanced hosting
features: Expand website functionality by installing web applications (on page 103), secure
your sites with SSL certificates (on page 113), employ databases (on page 232), and much
Note: Hosting providers can turn off some of the advanced features to make your Control
Panel look simple and user friendly. We have used the (Advanced) prefix to designate the
sections about features that may be turned off. If you require one of the advanced options,
contact your hosting provider.
Quick Start with Parallels Panel 9
Set Up Your First Website
Next in this section:
1. Create Your Site ............................................................................................ 9
2. Preview Your Site .......................................................................................... 12
Now that you have a customer account and a domain name, the first thing you will want to do
is create a website. The information about the possible ways to do it is provided in the
section 1. Create Your Site (on page 9)
When your site is ready, you may want to take a look at the result in your browser. Learn
how to do it in the section 2. Preview your Site (on page 12).
1. Create Your Site
There are three general ways to create a website:
Employ a web design studio to create a site for you, and then you will just maintain its
Create a site by yourself using Presence Builder - the powerful tool that allows you to
create professional-looking websites in a few mouse clicks. Learn more in the section
Presence Builder (on page 10).
Create your website in a third-party Content Management System - an editor that allows
you to easily create and edit website content such as pages, scripts, applications, and so
on. To learn more about creating sites in third-party content management systems, see
the section Content Management Systems (on page 10).
If you have purchased a ready-made site or created it by yourself, you should upload the site
content to your account to make the site visible on the web. There are two ways to upload
Using FTP. Learn more in the section Uploading Content Using FTP (on page 12).
Using an integrated File Manager. Learn more in the section Uploading Content with File
Manager (on page 12).
10 Quick Start with Parallels Panel
Presence Builder
Presence Builder is a tool that enables users with no knowledge of HTML markup or graphic
design skills to create professional-looking sites. This tool provides a simple visual editor and
a huge set of templates for different websites. The editor allows you to create web pages,
add content of different types (text, images, video, scripts), and edit website settings such as
website name, keywords, icons, and so on.
To create websites in Presence Builder, ensure that your hosting subscription includes this
option. If it does not, choose another way or upgrade your subscription.
To create a website with Presence Builder:
1. Go to the Websites & Domains tab and click your domain name.
2. Click the link Launch Presence Builder.
3. Select a topic that best suits your website.
4. Edit the website:
a. Structure: add more pages, remove the predefined pages that you do
not need.
b. Content: change the predefined content to your own, add text,
images, videos, scripts, and other required elements.
c. Design: change the layout and color scheme.
5. Publish the website.
Find more information about creating websites with Presence Builder in the section Building
Websites with Presence Builder.
Content Management Systems
Content Management Systems (or CMS) are applications that provide a graphical user
interface for adding and editing website content: pages, scripts, files, multimedia content, and
so on.
Before you can create a website in a third-party CMS, you should install the CMS on your
hosting account. Note that you can install the CMS only if your hosting subscription allows it.
To create a website using a CMS:
1. Go to the Applications tab.
2. Find the CMS you need in the list of available applications, and install it as
described in the section Using Website Applications (on page 103).
3. Create your website in the CMS. For information about creating websites
with your CMS, refer to the relevant documentation.
Quick Start with Parallels Panel 11
Uploading Content
Next in this section:
Uploading Content Using FTP........................................................................... 12
Uploading Content with File Manager ............................................................... 12
If you already have a website created by yourself or a web design studio, just upload the
website files and folders to your provider's server. You can do this in one of the following
Using FTP. This way is better when several people manage a website's content because
it does not require access to your customer account. You can just create FTP users for
them. Learn more about this method in the section Uploading Content Using FTP (on page
Using Control Panel File Manager. This way is more convenient since it uses the Control
Panel GUI and provides a set of useful features, for example, a visual HTML editor and a
file permissions manager. Find more information on the features of File Manager in the
section Uploading Content with File Manager (on page 12).
12 Quick Start with Parallels Panel
Uploading Content Using FTP
To publish a website using FTP:
1. Connect to your webspace on the server with an FTP client program, using
your FTP account username and password.
You can change your username and password in the Panel at the Websites & Domains tab
> Web Hosting Access.
The FTP address should be, where
is your site's Internet address.
Enable the passive mode if you are behind a firewall.
2. Upload the files and directories of your site to the httpdocs directory. If you
use CGI scripts, place them in the cgi-bin directory.
3. Close your FTP session.
You can also set up additional FTP accounts if you need to collaborate on website content
with other users. For more information, see the section Adding FTP Accounts (on page 209).
Uploading Content with File Manager
To upload a website from your computer to Panel server with File Manager, open the Files
tab of Control Panel and drag the website folder to the central area of this tab. You can also
upload your website as a compressed ZIP file and then extract the contents using the
archiver integrated in File Manager.
With File Manager, you can also do the following:
Edit HTML files in the visual editor.
Preview website pages.
Edit files in the text editor.
Manage the files' access permissions.
Learn more about uploading and editing website files and folders with File Manager in the
section Managing Website Content (on page 95).
Quick Start with Parallels Panel 13
2. Preview Your Site
Next in this section:
1. Create Mail Account ...................................................................................... 14
2. Access Your Mailbox ..................................................................................... 15
After you uploaded website files to the webspace, you can check how your site will look in a
web browser, even before the information about the new site has spread in the Domain
Name System.
To preview a site:
1. If you are subscribed to several hosting packages and have access to
several webspaces associated with your account, select the re quired
webspace in the Subscription menu at the top of the screen.
2. Go the Websites & Domains tab.
3. Click Preview below the domain name of the website that you want to preview.
You site will open in a new browser window.
Note: The contents of password-protected directories might be inaccessible in the Preview
Sometimes, you may need to show your site to someone when your domain name is not
registered yet. There are several ways to do it without giving a person access to your
customer account. Learn more in the section Previewing Websites (on page 102).
Set Up Mail Accounts
Once your website is ready, you can start creating mail accounts. You can choose, for
example, to create mail accounts for all users within your organization. Note that the number
and size of mailboxes is limited by your hosting plan.
14 Quick Start with Parallels Panel
1. Create Mail Account
To create an e-mail address:
1. If you are subscribed to several hosting packages and have access to
several webspaces associated with your account, in the Subscription menu at
the top of the screen, select the required webspace.
2. Click the Mail tab.
3. Click Create E-mail Address.
4. Type the left part of the e-mail address before the @ sign, and, if you have
several domain names on your account, select the domain name under
which the e-mail address will be created.
5. Leave the Mailbox checkbox selected.
Clearing this checkbox makes sense only if you want to use this address as a mail
forwarder, which will forward all incoming mail to another address.
6. Specify the mailbox size or use the default size defined by the provider's
policy or your service plan.
7. Specify a password consisting of five or more Latin characters.
8. Click OK.
Quick Start with Parallels Panel 15
2. Access Your Mailbox
Next in this section:
Access from Webmail ........................................................................................ 15
Access from Microsoft Office Outlook ................................................................ 16
Access from Microsoft Outlook Express ............................................................ 20
Access from Mozilla Thunderbird ...................................................................... 24
Access from Apple Mail ..................................................................................... 27
There are two ways to access a mailbox for sending and receiving e-mail messages:
Set up and use an e-mail client program on your computer. Typically, in such programs
you should specify the following settings:
Username. In this field, specify your full e-mail address. For example,
Password. Most likely, the password to your e-mail account.
Mail server protocol. This property defines whether you want to keep copies of
messages on the server or not. To keep the copies on the server, select the IMAP
option. If you do not want to keep them on the server, select POP3. Selecting IMAP will
also allow you to train the SpamAssassin spam filter on e-mail messages you receive,
if SpamAssassin is enabled on the server.
Incoming mail server (POP3/IMAP). Type your domain name. For example, The POP3 port is 110. The IMAP port is 143.
Outgoing mail server (SMTP). Type your domain name. For example,
The SMTP port is 25. This server requires authentication.
To get detailed instructions on configuring popular e-mail clients to work with your
mailbox, see subsections of this section.
Use a web browser to connect to the webmail interface.
Note: If you cannot access your mailbox following the instructions in this section, this might
be caused by mail server settings. Contact your hosting provider to resolve the issue.
Access from Webmail
To access your mailbox through webmail, do any of the following:
In a Web browser, visit the URL, where is the
Internet address of your website. When prompted, specify your full e-mail address as the
username (for example,, and specify the password that you use
for logging in to the Panel.
When logged in to the Panel, click the Mail tab, and in the list of e-mail addresses, click
an icon corresponding to the e-mail address you need.
16 Quick Start with Parallels Panel
Access from Microsoft Office Outlook
To set up Microsoft Office Outlook 2010:
1. Open Microsoft Office Outlook.
2. Go to File > Info > Add Account.
3. Select the checkbox Manually configure server settings or additional server types.
Click Next.
Quick Start with Parallels Panel 17
4. Select the Internet E-mail option and click Next.
18 Quick Start with Parallels Panel
5. Specify the following:
Your name.
Your e-mail address.
Account type. If you want to keep copies of messages on the server, select the IMAP
option. If you do not want to keep any messages on the server, select the POP3
option. Selecting IMAP will also allow you to train the SpamAssassin spam filter on email messages you receive, if SpamAssassin is enabled on the server.
Incoming mail server. Type your domain name. For example,
Outgoing mail server (SMTP). Type your domain name. For example,
User Name. Specify your full e-mail address. Example:
Password. Most likely, this password coincides with the password you use for logging
in to Panel.
Require logon using Secure Password Authentication (SPA). Leave this option cleared.
Quick Start with Parallels Panel 19
6. Click More Settings, open the Outgoing Server tab and check My outgoing server
(SMTP) requires authentication.
7. Click Next.
8. Click Finish.
20 Quick Start with Parallels Panel
Access from Microsoft Outlook Express
The instructions provided in this section were verified against Microsoft Outlook Express 6.
They might not work with earlier or later versions of Microsoft Outlook Express.
To set up Microsoft Outlook Express:
1. Open Microsoft Outlook Express.
2. Go to Tools > Accounts.
3. Click the Add button and select the Mail item.
4. Enter your name as you want it to appear in any messages you send, and
click Next.
Quick Start with Parallels Panel 21
5. Type your e-mail address, and click Next.
22 Quick Start with Parallels Panel
6. Specify the following settings:
Protocol of your incoming mail server.
If you want to keep copies of messages on the server, select the IMAP option. If you
do not want to keep any messages on the server, select the POP3 option. Selecting
IMAP will also allow you to train the SpamAssassin spam filter on e-mail messages
you receive, if SpamAssassin is enabled on the server.
Incoming mail server. Specify your website's Internet address.
Outgoing mail server. Specify your website's Internet address.
Quick Start with Parallels Panel 23
7. Click Next.
8. Specify the following:
Your account name. Type your e-mail address in the Account name box.
Your password. Most likely, this password coincides with the password you use for
logging in to the Panel.
Remember password checkbox. Leave it selected if you do not want to be prompted to
enter password each time your e-mail program connects to the mail server to check
for new mail, and click Next.
9. To complete setting up your e-mail program, click Finish.
24 Quick Start with Parallels Panel
Access from Mozilla Thunderbird
The instructions provided in this section were verified against Mozilla Thunderbird 12. They
might not work with earlier or later versions of Mozilla Thunderbird.
To set up Mozilla Thunderbird:
1. Open Mozilla Thunderbird.
2. Go to Tools > Account Settings > Account Actions > Add Mail Account.
3. Specify the following:
Your name, as you want it to appear in any messages you send.
Your e-mail address and password.
Quick Start with Parallels Panel 25
4. Click Continue.
5. If Thunderbird fails to find the settings automatically, specify the following:
Account type. If you want to keep copies of messages on the server, select the IMAP
option. If you do not want to keep any messages on the server, select the POP3
option. Selecting IMAP will also allow you to train the SpamAssassin spam filter on email messages you receive, if SpamAssassin is enabled on the server.
26 Quick Start with Parallels Panel
6. Click Create Account.
If you set up a mail account manually, please use the following typical combinations of
connection security and authentication method settings. If the settings do not work for you,
ask your hosting provider about the correct combination.
Other parameters that you may need when configuring your account manually:
POP3 port: 110
IMAP port: 143
SMTP port: 25
Username. Your full e-mail address. For example:
Incoming server address (POP3/IMAP). Specify your website's Internet address. Example:
Outgoing server address. Specify your website's Internet address. Example:
Quick Start with Parallels Panel 27
Access from Apple Mail
The instructions provided in this section were verified against Apple Mail 3.6 (Leopard). They
might not work with earlier or later versions of Apple Mail.
To set up Apple Mail:
1. Run Apple Mail.
If you run it for the first time and do not have any mail accounts configured in it, skip the
next step: Apple Mail will take you directly to creating one.
2. Open the Adding Mail Account wizard:
a. Click Mail > Preferences....
b. Select the Accounts tab.
c. Click the + button at the bottom left corner.
3. Enter the account information:
Your full name
Your full e-mail address
The password you use to log in to the Panel.
28 Quick Start with Parallels Panel
4. Click Continue.
5. Fill in the following incoming mail server information:
Account Type: select whether you want to use IMAP or POP protocol.
We recommend selecting IMAP if you use SpamAssassin as a spam filtering solution:
IMAP account is a requirement for SpamAssassin learning which messages are spam
and which are not.
Incoming Mail Server: type in the name of domain which serves your mail (which follows
the @ sign in your e-mail address).
User Name: enter your full e-mail address.
Password: leave it auto-completed (Apple Mail takes it from the previous step).
Quick Start with Parallels Panel 29
6. Click Continue.
7. (Optional) Specify the incoming mail security options:
a. Select the Use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) checkbox.
b. Select the authentication method.
Keep the default method if you are not sure which to select.
Apple Mail displays this setup screen only if a mail server bundled with Panel supports
SSL for the selected account type (POP or IMAP).
30 Quick Start with Parallels Panel
8. Click Continue.
9. Fill in the following outgoing mail server information:
Outgoing Mail Server: type in the name of domain which serves your mail (which follows
the @ sign in your e-mail address).
Use only this server: selected.
Use Authentication: selected.
User Name: enter your full e-mail address.
Password: leave it auto-completed (Apple Mail takes it from the previous step).
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