Items you must select,
such as menu options,
command buttons, or items
in a list.
Go to the System tab.
Titles of chapters, sections,
and subsections.
Read the Basic
Administration chapter.
About This Guide
This guide provides complete set of instructions on performing remote migration of hosted
data and mail content from different server management platforms to Plesk for Windows v.
7.5.6 - 8.6.
Who Should Read This Guide
This Guide is addressed to those who use hosting control panels other than Plesk and who
want to migrate
Typographical Conventions
Before you start using this guide, it is important to understand the documentation
conventions used in it.
The following kinds of formatting in the text identify special information.
Preface 9
Used to emphasize the
importance of a point, to
introduce a term or to
designate a command line
placeholder, which is to be
replaced with a real name
or value.
The system supports the
so called wildcard character search.
The names of commands,
files, and directories.
The license file is located
in the
/licenses directory.
On-screen computer output
in your command-line
sessions; source code in
XML, C++, or other
programming languages.
# ls –al /files
total 14470
What you type, contrasted
with on-screen computer
# cd
Names of keys on the
Key combinations for which
the user must press and
hold down one key and
then press another.
If you have found a mistake in this guide, or if you have suggestions or ideas on how to
improve this guide, please send your feedback using the online form at Please include in your report the guide‟s title,
chapter and section titles, and the fragment of text in which you have found an error.
Plesk Migration Manager is a tool for transferring hosting data from remote servers to
C H A P T E R 1
About Plesk Migration Manager
Plesk. At the present moment you can migrate your data from remote hosts where the
following hosting platforms, mail or database servers are installed:
Hosting Platforms
Helm, Version 3.1.x
Helm, Version 3.2.x
Helm, Version 4
Ensim Pro, Version 3.6, 4.0.1, 5, 10.x
Ensim Pro for Linux, Version 10.x
Plesk for Unix, Version 7.5 – 8.6
Plesk for Windows, Version 7.5 – 8.6
cPanel, Version 9, 10, 11
Web Servers
IIS, Version 5.0, 6.0
Plesk Migration Manager allows migrating user accounts, domains (including Web site
configuration and content, databases configuration and content, configuration of the
domain mail system, and so on) and objects similar to Plesk client and domain
templates. For the detailed information on the migrated data, refer to Data Mapping
Reference chapters that describe which objects of what hosting platform are migrated
to Plesk.
Mail Servers
Plesk Migration Manager supports mail migration from the following mail servers:
Mail Enable
Smarter Mail
Merak mail server (Windows)
Communigate Pro (Windows)
About Plesk Migration Manager 11
Plesk Migration Manager can also migrate mail content from virtually any mail server
that supports POP3, IMAP4, or SMTP mail transfer protocols. For more details on mail
migration options, consult the “E-Mail Content migration” (on page 244) appendix.
Database Servers
Plesk Migration Manager supports migration of databases of the following types:
Microsoft SQL, Version 7.0, 2000, 2005
MySQL, Version 3.x-5.0.
For more details on databases migration options, consult the “User Databases and
ODBC Data Sources Migration” (see page 272) appendix.
DNS Servers
Microsoft DNS
Bind 8.x-9.x (Windows, UNIX)
Simple DNS Plus
For more details on DNS zones migration options, consult the “Domain DNS Zones
migration” (see page 286) appendix.
FTP Servers
Microsoft FTP
For more details on FTP migration options, consult the “FTP Content migration” (see
page 293) appendix.
Plesk Migration Manager is produced for Plesk for Windows versions 7.5.6 - 8.6
Plesk version
PMM version-specific feature
Migrated parameter reference section
7.6 or later
Migration of FTP accounts from
Helm to Plesk
“Appendix 1. HELM Data Mapping
Reference” (on page 83) > “FTP
Subaccounts” (on page 110)
8.1 or later
PHP version support
“Appendix 1. HELM Data Mapping
Reference” (on page 83) > “Hosting
Parameters” (on page 99)
8.1.1 or later
Multiple SQL Server support
“Database Migration to Plesk 8.1.1 and
Later Versions” (on page 75)
C H A P T E R 2
Plesk Version-Specific Differences in
PMM available for a particular Plesk version will support migration of all features for all
platforms that can be migrated to Plesk. While most of the migrated parameters are the
same for different Plesk versions, the newer Plesk versions that have more features
have more parameters to be migrated.
The different Plesk version-specific PMM releases are available for download at the
Parallels (formerly SWsoft) web site.
The following table describes Plesk version-specific migration parameters.
This chapter answers the following questions:
In this chapter:
Preparing For Migration from Linux-Based Servers............................................13
Configuring Firewall and Windows to Enable Migration ................................ ......18
Preparing For Migration from Other Control Panels ...........................................21
Restoring Default Configuration of Migration Manager ...................................... 16
Preparing Servers For Migration........................................................................ 17
C H A P T E R 3
Preparing for Migration
How to install Migration Manager?
How to correctly configure Migration Manager components?
How to prevent possible conflicts?
Preparing For Migration from Linux-Based
This section explains in details the preparation procedure that should be carried out
before the actual data migration from other Plesk servers (for example, Plesk For
Linux/Unix servers).
Plesk Migration Manager supports migration from virtually all Linux platforms with Perl
5.0 and later, for example, Debian 3.1, Ubuntu 5.04, FreeBSD 4.9, FreeBSD 5.3,
CentOS 3.3, Fedora Core 1,2,3,4, Mandrake Linux 10.0, RedHat 7.3, RedHat 9,
RedHat EL 2,3,4, SuSE 9.1, 9.3.
14 Preparing for Migration
Installing Migration Manager
Run the installation file and follow the installation wizard instructions:
1 When the first screen of the installation wizard appears, click Next>. This starts the
Plesk Migration Manager installation.
Preparing for Migration 15
2 After Plesk Migration Manager is installed, click Finish to exit the installation wizard.
16 Preparing for Migration
Configuring Migration Manager
Before starting your first migration, you may want to prepare your Plesk server after the
Plesk Migration Manager is installed.
The most important condition of performing successful migration is that your Plesk
server should have a connection to the source Plesk server. The connection between
the source and the target Plesk servers is made through SSH. You need to have root
access in order to perform migration from Plesk for Linux/Unix.
If you need to change the name or location of the folder where the temporary dump will
be stored:
1 Open for editing the migrmng.exe.config file located in
%plesk_dir%\admin\bin\, where %plesk_dir% is the system
variable defining the folder where Plesk is installed.
To change the dump folder name - add the name into the „<add
key=”DumpName” value=”” />‟ string.
For example, if you want the migration dump folder to be named
“migration_data”, this string should be „<add key=”DumpName”
value=”migration_data” />‟. If such directory does not exist on disk H, it will be
To change the dump folder location, add the full path (starting with the drive
root) to folder where it should be placed into the „<add key=”DumpDirectory”
value=”” />‟ string.
For example, if you want the migration dump folder named “migration_data” to
be stored in the folder H:\Store\Plesk_migration, this string should be
„<add key=”DumpDirectory” value=”H:\Store\Plesk_migration” />‟. In this case,
all migration data will be stored in
To change the location of the dump folder on the remote server, add the full
path to the directory where it is to be placed into the „<add
key=”UnixDumpDirectory” value=”/usr/local” />‟ string.(/usr/local - is the default
value for the parameter). If the specified directory does not exist, it will be
2 Save the file.
Restoring Default Configuration of Migration Manager
If the Migration Manager configuration file is corrupt, restore it as follows:
1 Delete the corrupt configuration file
2 Run the installation file pmm_buildXXXXXX.XX.msi.
3 In the installation wizard, select the Repair option, click Next>, and follow the wizard‟s
Preparing for Migration 17
Preparing Servers For Migration
There are several operations you have to do before you start migrating hosting data
from your source Plesk server:
1 Make sure that the source server is available for connection with the target server
and that firewall on both servers is configured so that to allow this connection.
2 Make sure that both the source server and the target server have enough free disk
space for temporary migration files and the migration dump. To estimate how much
free space you need, consider the amount of disk space used by databases and
domain content folders.
3 MySQL user‟s databases used on the source server domains can be successfully
migrated to Plesk for Windows on the following conditions:
On the source server side, a connection should be established to MySQL server
with the parameters defined in the configuration of the source Plesk server.
User account defined in the configuration of this connection should have the
rights on all user‟s databases that will be migrated.
On the target server side, the connection to MySQL server should be configured
in Plesk, and this connection should be established during the migration.
4 Make sure the SSH banner is disabled on the source server.
To disable the SSH banner, open the /etc/ssh/sshd_config file, find the
Banner <path> line and transform it into comment by putting the # sign in front of
# Banner <path>
18 Preparing for Migration
Configuring Firewall and Windows to
6489 (or other)
22 (or other)
Enable Migration
If the Plesk server is behind a firewall, you need to properly configure the firewall to
allow the migration data exchange between the Migrator and the Migration Agent.
The following conditions must be observed:
Ports (with specific protocols enabled) required by SAMBA and Plesk Migration
Manager are opened.
The Client for Microsoft Networks and the File and Printer Sharing for Microsoft
Networks Windows applications are installed.
The Workstation service must be running on the Plesk server.
The Server service must be running on the remote server.
Administrative shares (admin$, c$, d$) must exist on the remote server.
In this topic:
Opening ports for SAMBA and PMM
Checking if the Client for Microsoft Networks and the File and Printer Sharing for
Microsoft Networks Windows applications are installed
Installing Client for Microsoft Networks
Installing File and Printer Sharing for Microsoft Networks
Opening ports for SAMBA, SSH and PMM
When you are migrating from Linux/UNIX-based servers, PMM uses SSH for network
connections. For migration from a Windows-based server, PMM uses SAMBA. SSH,
SAMBA, and the PMM require that certain ports are opened to enable proper network
connectivity for migration.
Specifically, the following ports must be open and the data exchange protocols enabled
on the ports.
Preparing for Migration 19
Checking if the Client for Microsoft Networks and the File and Printer Sharing for
Microsoft Networks Windows applications are installed
To verify that the software packages are installed, follow these steps:
1 Open Local Area Connection window (On the Start menu, select Control Panel > Network
Connections > Local Area Connection). The Local Area Connection Status window opens.
2 In the Local Area Connection Status window, select the the General tab and click the
Properties button. The Local Area Connection Properties window opens.
3 In the Local Area Connection Properties window, under This connection uses the following
items, check that the Client for Microsoft Networks and the File and Printer Sharing
for Micrrosoft Networks applications are listed and make sure that the
corresponding check boxes on the left are selected.
Installing Client for Microsoft Networks
To install Client for Microsoft Networks, follow these steps:
1 Open Local Area Connection window (On the Start menu, select Control Panel > Network
Connections > Local Area Connection). The Local Area Connection Status window opens.
2 In the Local Area Connection Status window, select the the General tab and click the
Properties button. The Local Area Connection Properties window opens.
3 Click the Install button. The Select Network Component Type window opens.
4 Under Click the type of network component you want to install, click Client. The Select
Network Client window opens.
5 In the list of network clients, select Client for Microsoft Networks and click OK.
6 Once the application is installed, the Client for Microsoft Networks item appears in the
Local Area Connection Properties window, under This connection uses the following items.
7 Select Client for Microsoft Networks by using the corresponding check box on the left.
20 Preparing for Migration
Figure 1: Installing Client for Microsoft Networks
Note: You must restart Windows for the configuration changes to take effect.
Installing File and Printer Sharing for Microsoft Networks
To install File and Printer Sharing for Microsoft Networks, follow these steps:
1 Open Local Area Connection window (On the Start menu, select Control Panel > Network
Connections > Local Area Connection). The Local Area Connection Status window opens.
2 In the Local Area Connection Status window, select the the General tab and click the
Properties button. The Local Area Connection Properties window opens.
3 Click the Install button. The Select Network Component Type window opens.
4 Under Click the type of network component you want to install, click Service. The Select
Network Service window opens.
5 In the list of network clients, select File and Printer Sharing for Microsoft Networks and
click OK.
Preparing for Migration 21
6 Once the application is installed, the File and Printer Sharing for Microsoft Networks item
Preparing Servers for Migration ......................................................................... 38
appears in the Local Area Connection Properties window, under This connection uses the following items.
7 Select File and Printer Sharing for Microsoft Networks by using the corresponding check
box on the left.
Note: You must restart Windows for the configuration changes to take effect.
Preparing For Migration from Other
Control Panels
This section explains in details the preparation procedure that should be carried out
before the actual data migration from other control panels (for example, Ensim Pro,
cPanel). If you are migrating from Helm 4, you should also see the “Preparing for
Migration” (on page 308) section in Appendix 12. “Helm 4 Data Mapping Reference”
(on page 306).
Plesk Migration Manager consists of the following two components:
1 Plesk Migration Manager - should be installed on the server with Plesk where you
want to migrate your hosting data.
2 Plesk Migration Agent - should be installed on the remote server from which you
want to migrate data.
These components are available for downloading at the Parallels (formerly SWsoft)
official site at the Download Plesk for Windows page. When the page opens, scroll
down to locate the list of utilities for your version of Plesk for Windows, then, follow the
Plesk Migration Manager and Plesk Migration Agent download links in the Migration Utilities section.
Note: Install Plesk Migration Manager components from one package. Otherwise,
migration will fail.
After you have installed Plesk Migration Manager components, you can configure them
and start migrating your hosted data to Plesk.
Preparing for Migration 23
Installing Migration Manager
Run the installation file and follow the installation wizard instructions:
1 When the first screen of the installation wizard appears, click Next>. This starts the
Plesk Migration Manager installation.
24 Preparing for Migration
2 After Plesk Migration Manager is installed, click Finish to exit the installation wizard.
Preparing for Migration 25
Installing Migration Agent
Run the Migration Agent installation file and follow the installation wizard instructions:
1 When the first screen of the installation wizard appears, click Next>. This starts the
Plesk Migration Agent installation.
26 Preparing for Migration
2 Enter your personal information next to Full Name and Organization, and define the
usage policy for Plesk Migration Agent by selecting whether any user or only you
can use Plesk Migration Agent. Click Next>.
Preparing for Migration 27
1. To install Plesk Migration Agent files to the default location C:\Program
Files\Parallels\Plesk Migrator Agent\, click Next>.
To specify another location, click Browse and select the desirable folder. Click
28 Preparing for Migration
2. To change installation properties, click <Back.
To start installation of Migration Agent with specified settings, click Next>.
Preparing for Migration 29
3 After the installation wizard has installed Migration Agent files to your server, click
Once you have installed Migration Agent, it starts automatically with the default settings
(see page 29).
Configuring Migration Manager Components
Before starting your first migration, you may want to prepare Plesk server and source
server after the Plesk Migration Manager components are installed.
The most important condition of performing successful migration is that Plesk server
should have a connection to source server. This connection is established by Plesk
Migration Manager, which is installed on the Plesk server, and Plesk Migration Agent,
which is installed on the source server.
This connection is established if the following settings of Migration Agent configurations
on the source server and on Plesk server match:
Port - number of the port that is used by Plesk for connecting to Migration Agent.
(Default is 6489.)
To specify the port correctly, consider the following:
It can be any number from 1 to 65535.
It must be free on server from which data will be migrated, that is, this port
should not be used by any other programs or services on both servers.
It must be allowed by firewall on server from which data will be migrated.
Migration Agent URI - name of the system object used by Plesk for calling Migration
Agent. (Default is “WinAgentURI”.)
To specify the Migration Agent URI correctly, consider the following
It can contain only numbers, and Latin letters of upper and/or lower case.
It should not be used by another application on server from which data will be
Channel type - the way of Migration Manager and Migration Agent connection.
(Default is HTTP.)
When selecting the channel type, consider the following characteristics:
TCP provides better performance than HTTP
HTTP is more public as it uses HTTP protocol, which is allowed by most of
Note: If these connection parameters are not the same in Plesk Migration Manager
configurations on Plesk server and source server, you will be unable to perform
Migration Manager configuration also contains parameters that define the location and
the name of migration dump. It is a folder containing all data of the objects selected for
migration. Migration dump is created on the source host during the migration process,
then it is transferred to Plesk server and the hosting data is imported to Plesk.
30 Preparing for Migration
By default, migration dump is created with the name “Main” in the %TEMP%\migrator
In this section:
Editing Configuration of Migration Manager Components on Plesk Server ........ 31
Editing Migration Agent Configuration on Source Server ................................... 34
Restoring Default Configuration of Migration Manager Components ................. 37
backup folder (where %TEMP% is environment variable defining the temporary folder of
the currently logged user). When the dump is transferred to Plesk server, it is placed to
%plesk_dir%\PMM\Store by default.
You have an ability to change these default names and locations when editing Plesk
Migration Manager components configurations.
Note: It is recommended that you do not change the default configuration of Migration
Agent unless necessary, in order to prevent configuration files corruption. Such cases
of necessity are, for example, security reasons or resolution of conflicts that may
appear in the system.
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