Parallels® Plesk Panel
Parallels Holdings, Ltd. c/o Parallels International GMbH Vordergasse 49 CH8200 Schaffhausen Switzerland Phone: +41-526-722-030 Fax: +41-526-722-010
Copyright © 1999-2010 Parallels Holdings, Ltd. and its affiliates. All rights reserved. This product is protected by United States and international copyright laws. The product’s
underlying technology, patents, and trademarks are listed at
Microsoft, Windows, Windows Server, Windows NT, Windows Vista, and MS-DOS are registered
trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.
Linux is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds. Mac is a registered trademark of Apple, Inc. All other marks and names mentioned herein may be trademarks of their respective owners.
About This Guide and Localization 4
Preparing for Translation 5
Copying Locale Files ..................................................................................................................... 6
Changing Locale Code and Language Properties ........................................................................ 8
Merging 'New-Style' Locale Files ................................................................................................ 10
Translating Locale Strings 12
Files Format ................................................................................................................................. 12
Translation Tips ........................................................................................................................... 13
Panel 10 Locale (PHP) ...................................................................................................... 14
SiteBuilder Locale (INI) ..................................................................................................... 16
Importing Custom Locale 17
Validating Translated Files .......................................................................................................... 17
Splitting 'New-Style' Locale Files ................................................................................................. 18
Adding New Locale to Panel Files............................................................................................... 19
Registering Locale in the Panel ................................................................................................... 19
Appendix. Locale Codes 20
Parallels Plesk Panel 10 is shipped with the following 10 interface languages:
C H A P T E R 1

About This Guide and Localization

American English (en-US) Dutch (nl-NL) French (fr-FR) German (de-DE) Italian (it-IT) Japanese (ja-JP) Russian (ru-RU) Simplified Chinese (zh-CN) Spanish (es-ES) Traditional Chinese (zh-TW)
This guide provides instructions on how to translate the Panel (including SiteBuilder) into a language not supported by Parallels, and apply the translation to a Panel installation.
To localize the Panel, one should do the following:
1. Export the default – en-US – locale sources.
2. Translate the source files content to a required language.
3. Import the translated files to the Panel.
To prepare locale files for translation:
In this chapter:
Copying Locale Files ........................................................................................... 6
Changing Locale Code and Language Properties .............................................. 8
Merging 'New-Style' Locale Files ........................................................................ 10
C H A P T E R 2

Preparing for Translation

1. Export the American English (en-US) locale by copying the locale directories and files (see the list below).
2. Change the language code in locale files.
3. Specify language properties in all required files.
4. Optional) Merge 'new-style' locale files. In other words, convert numerous locale files into a few for more comfortable translation.
6 Preparing for Translation

Copying Locale Files

Linux Server To export the en-US locale sources, make copies of the following folders: /usr/local/psa/admin/common/resources/languages/en-US/
Controls used on 'new-style' Plesk pages, shared by Server Administration Panel and Control Panel.
Locale of 'old-style' Plesk pages used in both Server Administration Panel and Control Panel. Includes help for command line utilities:
File with messages used as help for command line utilities. It is highly recommended to not translate it.
Server Administration Panel locale.
Control Panel locale.
SiteBuilder locale. Includes site content templates: /usr/local/sb/resources/locale/en_US/site_templates/
Site content templates. You may want to cut it from translation to save resources.
Preparing for Translation 7
Windows Server To export the en-US locale sources, make copies of the following folders: %plesk_dir%\admin\common\resources\languages\en-US\
Controls used on 'new-style' Plesk screens, shared by Server Administration Panel and Control Panel.
Locale of 'old-style' Plesk screens used in both Server Administration Panel and Control Panel. Includes help for command line utilities:
File with messages used as help for command line utilities. It is recommended to not translate it.
Server Administration Panel locale.
Control Panel locale.
%plesk_dir%\sb\resources\locale\en_US SiteBuilder locale. Includes site content templates:
Site content templates. You may want to cut it from translation to save resources.
+ 15 hidden pages