Parallels Desktop Business Edition - 15.0 Licensing Guide

Parallels Desktop for Mac Business Edition
Licensing Guide
Parallels International GmbH Vordergasse 59 8200 Schaffhausen Switzerland Tel: + 41 52 672 20 30
Copyright © 1999-2019 Parallels International GmbH. All rights reserved.
This product is protected by United States and international copyright laws. The product’s underlying technology, patents, and trademarks are listed at
Microsoft, Windows, Windows Server, Windows Vista are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Apple, Mac, the Mac logo, OS X, macOS, iPad, iPhone, iPod touch are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the US and other countries. Linux is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds. All other marks and names mentioned herein may be trademarks of their respective owners.
Introduction ............................................................................................................... 4
Sign Up and Register a Subscription ....................................................................... 5
Create a Parallels Account and Register a Subscription .................................................... 5
Create a Business Account ......................................................................................................9
Register a Subscription ......................................................................................................... 10
Subscription Duration .................................................................................................... 11
License Renewal and Update ........................................................................................ 11
Manage Subscriptions, Licenses, and Computers ................................................ 12
View Subscriptions and Subscription Details .................................................................. 13
Create Additional License Keys ...................................................................................... 16
Invite Users to Install Parallels Desktop .......................................................................... 19
View Active Parallels Desktop Installations ..................................................................... 21
View and Modify Computer Information ......................................................................... 23
Deactivate Parallels Desktop on a Computer .................................................................. 24
Blacklist a Computer ..................................................................................................... 25
Move a Parallels Desktop Installation to a Different License Key ...................................... 27
Export a Computer List to a File ..................................................................................... 28
Manage Accounts.................................................................................................... 29
Switching Between Accounts ........................................................................................ 29
Viewing and Modifying the Business Profile .................................................................... 30
Inviting Users to Join a Business Account ...................................................................... 31
Managing License Administrators .................................................................................. 33
Blocking and Removing Members of a Business Account .............................................. 35
Support Services ..................................................................................................... 36
Get Support .................................................................................................................. 36
Managing Support Tickets ............................................................................................. 37
Adding Watchers to a Support Ticket ............................................................................ 37
Downloads and Documentation ..................................................................................... 38
Index ........................................................................................................................ 39


This guide describes how to sign up for a Parallels Account and register a Parallels Desktop Business Edition subscription. It then describes how to use your new Parallels Account to manage your business subscriptions and licenses.

Sign Up and Register a Subscription

After you purchase a Parallels Desktop for Mac Business Edition subscription, you need to register it in Parallels My Account. The registration will provide you with the ability to manage your subscriptions, licenses, and Parallels Desktop installations in one place.
In This Chapter
Create a Parallels Account and Register a Subscription ........................................... 5
Subscription Duration ............................................................................................. 11
License Renewal and Update ................................................................................. 11

Create a Parallels Account and Register a Subscription

Before you can activate Parallels Desktop Business Edition on Mac computers, you need to create a Parallels Account and register your subscription. The instructions below describe how to do it.
Personal vs. Business Account
There are two types of Parallels accounts:
Personal account is used to manage subscriptions to Parallels consumer products. The
account is also required to manage Parallels business products.
Business account is used to manage business products, such as Parallels Desktop for Mac
Business Edition. A business account is created for your organization when you register a business subscription for the first time.
What you should read next
If you are a new customer and don't have a Parallels account, continue reading this section.
If you already have a personal account (but not a business account), you may skip to Create a
Business Account (p. 9).
If you already have both personal and business accounts, you may skip to Register a
Subscription (p. 10).
Sign Up and Register a Subscription
Create a Parallels Account
1 Visit Parallels My Account at 2 On the Welcome to Parallels My Account page, click Sign Up.
Sign Up and Register a Subscription
3 Enter your first and last name, email address, and password.
4 Read the Parallels Terms of Use and if you agree, select the I agree with Parallels Terms of
Use option.
5 Click Sign Up to continue.
Sign Up and Register a Subscription
6 In the dialog that opens, type your Parallels Desktop Business Edition license key that you
received with your subscription and click Register.
7 In the Provide your business details dialog, enter you company name, address, and phone
8 Click Register.
Sign Up and Register a Subscription
9 You will now be taken to Dashboard, which is the home page of your Parallels Account where
you can see your registered Parallels products.
Hint: To return to the Dashboard from any other area of Parallels My Account, simply click the Dashboard link on the page header at any time.
After completing the steps above:
A personal Parallels account is created for you.
A business Parallels account is created for your organization to which you are assigned as the
account administrator.
Your Parallels Desktop Business Edition license key is registered and can be used to activate
Parallels Desktop on Mac computers in your organization.

Create a Business Account

If you already have a personal Parallels Account (but not a business account) and would like to register a business subscription, do the following:
1 Visit Parallels My Account at 2 Sign in using your email address and password. 3 Click Register Key on the page header. 4 Input your Parallels Desktop Business Edition license key and click Register.
Sign Up and Register a Subscription
5 In the Provide your business details dialog, enter you company name, address, and phone
6 Click Register. 7 You will now be taken to Dashboard where you can see your registered Parallels products.
After completing the steps above:
A business Parallels account is created for your organization to which you are assigned as the
account administrator.
Your Parallels Desktop Business Edition license key is registered and can be used to activate
Parallels Desktop on Mac computers in your organization.
You can manage your business subscription(s) by signing in to your personal account and then
selecting the business account from the drop down list in the upper left.

Register a Subscription

If you would like to register a business subscription using your existing business account, do the following:
1 Sign in to Parallels My Account using your personal account email address and password. 2 Click Register Key on the page header. 3 Input your license key and enter a name you would like to use for the subscription in your
Parallels Account.
4 Click Register.
Your subscription is now registered and can be used to activate Parallels Desktop Business Edition on Mac computers.
Sign Up and Register a Subscription

Subscription Duration

When you receive your Parallels Desktop Business Edition license key, your subscription becomes effective immediately. When you activate Parallels Desktop on a Mac computer using the license key that came with your subscription, it will stay active for the duration of the subscription.
You should renew your subscription in advance of the expiration date to avoid any unintended service interruption. If you miss the expiration date and don't renew your subscription, Parallels Desktop will stop working on your users' computers.

License Renewal and Update

A Parallels Desktop Business Edition license is renewed automatically via the Internet. When Parallels Desktop is running on a Mac, it sends a license renewal request to the Parallels Licensing Server at random intervals. Once a license update is available, it is automatically downloaded and installed. Please note that if the license key expires, Parallels Desktop will continue to run on a Mac until it checks in with the Parallels Licensing Server. This could be anywhere from a few minutes to seven days.
Parallels Desktop uses port 443 (the standard SSL port) to communicate with the Parallels Licensing Server from which it obtains license updates.

Manage Subscriptions, Licenses, and Computers

This chapter describes how to use your Parallels Account to manage your subscriptions, licenses, and computers with active Parallels Desktop installations.
In This Chapter
View Subscriptions and Subscription Details ........................................................... 13
Create Additional License Keys ............................................................................... 16
Invite Users to Install Parallels Desktop .................................................................... 19
View Active Parallels Desktop Installations ............................................................... 21
View and Modify Computer Information ................................................................... 23
Deactivate Parallels Desktop on a Computer ........................................................... 24
Blacklist a Computer .............................................................................................. 25
Move a Parallels Desktop Installation to a Different License Key ............................... 27
Export a Computer List to a File .............................................................................. 28
+ 27 hidden pages