Please read this manual carefully, and use properly.
Please keep the manual and read whenever necessary.
User License
Before opening the CD-ROM package, please read the following.
End User License Agreement
You (“Licensee") are granted a license for the Software defined in this End User License Agreement ("Agreement”) on condition
that you agree to the terms and conditions of this Agreement. If Licensee does not agree to the terms and conditions of this
Agreement, promptly return the Software to Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd. (“Matsushita”), its distributors or dealers from
which you made the purchase.
Article 1 License
Licensee is granted the right to use the software, including the information recorded or described on the CD-ROM, instruction
manuals, and any other media provided to Licensee (collectively “Software”), but all applicable rights to patents, copyrights,
trademarks and trade secrets in the Software are not transferred to Licensee.
Article 2 Use by a Third Party
Licensee may not use, copy, modify, transfer or allow any third party, whether free of charge or not, to use, copy or modify the
Software, except as expressly provided for in this Agreement.
Article 3 Restrictions on Copying the Software
Licensee may make a single copy of the Software in whole or a part solely for back-up purpose.
Article 4 Computer
Licensee may use the Software only on one computer, and may not use it on more than one computer.
Article 5 Reverse Engineering, Decompiling or Disassembly
Licensee may not reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble the Software, except to the extent either of them is permitted
under law or regulation of the country where Licensee resides. Matsushita, or its distributors will not be responsible for any
defects in the Software or damage to Licensee caused by Licensee's reverse engineering, decompiling, or disassembly of the
Article 6 Indemnification
The Software is provided “AS-IS" without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to,
warranties of non-infringement, merchantability and/or fitness tor a particular purpose. Further, Matsushita does not warrant
that the operation of the Software will be uninterrupted or error free. Matsushita or any of its distributors will not be liable for any
damage suffered by Licensee arising from or in connection with Licensee’s use of the Software.
Article 7 Export Control
Licensee agrees not to export or re-export to any country the Software in any form without the appropriate export licenses under
regulations of the country where Licensee resides, if necessary.
Article 8 Termination of License
The right granted to Licensee hereunder will be automatically terminated if Licensee contravenes any of the terms and
conditions of this Agreement. In this event, Licensee must destroy the Software and related documentation together with all the
copies thereof at Licensee's own expense.
Bitte lesen Sie den folgenden Text, bevor Sie die Verpackung der CD-ROM öffnen.
Hiermit wird Ihnen (im Weiteren als „Lizenznehmer“ bezeichnet) eine Lizenz zum Gebrauch der in dieser
Endverbraucher-Lizenzvereinbarung (im Weiteren als „Vereinbarung“ bezeichnet) definierten Software unter der
Voraussetzung erteilt, dass Sie sich mit den Bestimmungen und Bedingungen dieser Vereinbarung einverstanden erklären. Im
Falle, dass sich der Lizenznehmer nicht mit den Bestimmungen und Bedingungen dieser Vereinbarung einverstanden erklärt,
ist er dazu verpflichtet, diese Software unverzüglich an Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd. (im Weiteren als „Matsushita“
bezeichnet) bzw. deren Vertrieb oder dem Fachhändler, von dem die Software enworben wurde, zurückzugeben.
Artikel 1 Lizenz
Hiermit wird dem Lizenznehmer das Recht zum Gebrauch der Software erteilt, einschließlich aller auf der CD-ROM
aufgezeichneten oder beschriebenen Informationen, Handbüchern und sonstigen dem Lizenznehmer übergebenen
Datenträgern (unter dem Sammelbegriff „Software“ zusammengefasst), doch werden keinerlei Rechte an Patenten, Copyrights,
Warenzeichen und Fabrikgeheimnissen bezüglich der Software an den Lizenznehmer übertragen.
Artikel 2 Nutzung durch Dritte
Der Lizenznehmer darf die Software nicht zum Zweck der Nutzung durch Dritte kopieren, modifizieren oder sie an Dritte
übergeben, weder gratis noch gegen Entgelt, und er darf Dritten nicht gestatten, die Software zu nutzen, zu kopieren, zu
odifizieren, außer soweit dies ausdrücklich in dieser Vereinbarung gestattet wird.
Artikel 3 Einschränkungen zum Kopieren dieser Software
Der Lizenznehmer darf ausschließlich für Sicherungszwecke eine einzige Kopie, vollständig oder teilweise, der Software
Artikel 4 Computer
Der Lizenznehmer darf die Software ausschließlich auf einem einzigen Computer verwenden.
Artikel 5 Reverse Engineering, Dekompiiieren oder Disassemblieren
Der Lizenznehmer darf keinerlei Reverse Engineering, Dekompiiieren oder Disassemblieren an der Software ausführen, außer
soweit dies im Land, in dem der Lizenznehmer seinen Wohnsitz hat, gesetzlich gestattet ist. Matsushita und deren
Vertriebsorganisationen und Fachhändler übernehmen keinerlei Haftung für Defekte der Software oder Schäden seitens des
Lizenznehmers, die auf ein Reverse Engineering, Dekompiiieren oder Disassemblieren an der Software zurückzuführen sind.
Artikel 6 Haftungsausschluss
Die Software wird so geliefert, wie sie ist, ohne jegliche ausdrückliche oder implizite Gewähr, einschließlich, aber nicht
beschränkt auf, Garantien der Nichtverletzung von Rechten Dritter, der Gangbarkeit und/oder Eignung zu einem bestimmten
Zweck. Außerdem übernimmt Matsushita keinerlei Haftung dafür, dass der Betrieb der Software ohne Unterbrechung und
Fehler erfolgt, Matsushita und deren Vertriebsorganisationen und Fachhändler übernehmen keinerlei Haftung für Schäden, die
dem Lizenznehmer durch den Gebrauch der Software oder im Zusammenhang mit der Software erwachsen.
Artikel 7 Ausfuhrkontrolle
Der Lizenznehmer verpflichtet sich, die Software in jedweder Form weder zu exportieren noch erneut in ein anderes Land
auszuführen, ohne die ggf, im Land, in dem der Lizenznehmer seinen Wohnsitz hat, gesetzlich vorgeschriebenen
Exportgenehmigungen einzuholen.
Artikel 8 Außerkrafttreten der Lizenz
Die dem Lizenznehmer im Rahmen dieser Vereinbarung erteilten Rechte erlöschen automatisch, falls der Lizenznehmer
irgendwelche Bestimmungen und Bedingungen dieser Vereinbarung verletzt. In einem solchen Fall ist der Lizenznehmer dazu
verpflichtet, die Software und die gesamte dazugehörige Dokumentation sowie alle ggf, davon erstellten Kopien auf eigene
Kosten zu zerstören.
Licence utifisateur
Avant d’ouvrir l’emballage du CD-ROM, veuillez lire ce qui suit :
Contrat de licence utilisateur final
Il vous (le “Titulaire de la licence”) est concédé une licence pour le Logiciel défini dans le présent Contrat de licence utilisateur
final (le “Contrat”) à condition que vous acceptiez les termes et conditions du présent Contrat. Si le Titulaire de la licence
n’accepte pas les termes et conditions du présent Contrat, il doit retourner rapidement le Logiciel à Matsushita Electric
Industrial Co., Ltd. (“Matsushita”) ou au distributeur ou revendeur de ce dernier auquel a été effectué l’achat.
Article 1 Licence
Il est concédé au Titulaire de la licence le droit d’utiliser le logiciel, y compris les informations enregistrées ou décrites sur le
CD-ROM, dans la documentation et sur tout autre support fournis (collectivement le “Logiciel”), mais il ne lui est transféré aucun
droit sur les brevets, droits d’auteur, marques et secrets de fabrication applicables du Logiciel.
Article 2 Utilisation par un tiers
Le Titulaire de la licence ne peut pas utiliser, copier ou modifier le Logiciel ou le céder à un tiers ou autoriser celui-ci à le copier
ou le modifier, même gratuitement, sauf stipulation contraire expresse dans le présent Contrat.
Article 3 Limites de copie du Logiciel
Le Titulaire de la licence est autorisé à effectuer une seule copie, complète ou prtielle, du Logiciel uniquement à des tins de
Article 4 Un ordinateur
Le Titulaire de la Licence n’est autorisé à utiliser le Logiciel que sur un ordinateur et un seul.
Article 5 Analyse par rétrotechnique, décompilation ou désossage
Le Titulaire de la licence n’est pas autorisé à analyser par rétrotechnique, décompiler ou désosser le Logiciel, sauf si l’une de
ces opérations est autorisée par la Loi ou la réglementation du pays dé résidence du Titulaire de la licence. Matsushita ou ses
distributeurs ne sauraient être tenus responsables d’une défaillance du Logiciel ou d’un préjudice au Titulaire de la licence
causé(e) par l’analyse par rétrotechnique, décompilation ou désossage du Logiciel.
Article 6 Indemnisation
Ce Logiciel est fourni “EN L’ÉTAT sans garantie d’aucune sorte, expresse ou tacite, et notamment, sans que cela soit limitatif,
sans garantie d’absence de contrefaçon, de qualité marchande et/ou d’aptitude à un usage particulier. Matsushita ne garantit
pas non plus que le Logiciel fonctionnera sans interruption ou erreur. Matsushita ou l’un de ses distributeurs ne pourra pas être
tenu responsable de dommages subis par le Titulaire de la licence directement ou à l’occasion de l’utilisation du Logiciel par ce
Article 7 Contrôle d’exportation
Le Titulaire de la licence s’engage à ne pas exporter ou réexporter le Logiciel vers un autre pays sous quelque forme que ce
soit sans les autorisations d’exportation nécessaires éventuelles du pays où il réside.
Article 3 Résiliation de la licence
Le droit concédé au Titulaire de la licence au titre du présent Contrat sera automatiquement révoqué en cas de manquement
par celui-ci à l’un des termes et conditions du présent Contrat. Dans un tel cas, le Titulaire de la licence doit détruire à ses frais
le Logiciel et toute sa documentation ainsi que toutes leurs copies.
Ucencia efe usuario
Antes de abrir este paquete del CD-ROM, lea lo siguiente.
Contrato de licencia para el usuario final
A usted (“la persona con licencia’’) se le otorga licencia para usar el Software definido en este Contrato de licencia para el
usuario final (“Contrato”) bajo la condición de que está de acuerdo con los términos y condiciones de este Contrato. Si la
persona con licencia no acepta los términos y condiciones de este Contrato, habrá de devolver prontamente el Software a
Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd. (“Matsushita”), sus distribuidores o agentes donde realizó la compra.
Artículo 1 Licencia
A la persona con licencia se le otorga el derecho a utilizar el software, que incluye la información registrada o descrita en el
CD-ROM, manuales de instrucciones, y cualquier otro medio provisto para ia persona con licencia (colectivamente “Software”),
pero no le son transferidos ninguno de los derechos aplicables a patentes, derechos de autor, marcas comerciales y secretos
comerciales del Software.
Artículo 2 Empleo por una tercera persona
La persona con licencia no puede usar, copiar, modificar, transferir: ni permitir a una tercera persona, ya sea de forma gratuita
o cobrando, usar, copiar o modificar el Software, excepto como se estipula expresamente en este Contrato.
Artículo 3 Restricciones sobre el copiado del Software > '
La persona con licencia puede hacer una sola copia del Software en su totalidad o de una parte solamente a modo de copia e
Artículo 4 Ordenador
La persona con licencia puede utilizar el Software solamente en un ordenador, y no deberá utilizarlo en más de un ordenador.
Artículo 5 Ingeniería inversa, descompilación o desensambiaje
La persona con licencia no podrá realizar ingeniería inversa, descompilar, ni desensamblar el Software, excepto en la medida
permitida para cualquiera de ellos por la ley o reglamento del país donde resida la persona con licencia. Matsushita, o sus
distribuidores no se harán responsables de ningún defecto en el Software o daños que la persona con licencia pueda sufrir
ocasionados por hacer ingeniería inversa, descompilación o desensamblaje del Software.
Artículo 6 Indemnización
El Software se entrega “TAL COMO ES” sin garantía de ningún tipo, tanto implícita como explícita, incluyendo, pero sin
limitación, garantias de no infracción, comerciabiiidad y/o idoneidad para un determinado fin. Además, Matsushita no garantiza
que el Software vaya a funcionar sin interrupciones o errores. Ni Matsushita ni cualquiera de sus distribuidores se
responsabilizarán de ningún daño que pueda sufrir la persona con licencia a causa del uso o en conexión con el uso del
Artículo 7 Control de exportación
La persona con licencia se compromete a no exportar o re-exportar el Software a ningún país de ninguna forma sin las
licencias de exportación apropiadas bajo los reglamentos del país donde dicha persona resida, si fuera necesario.
Artículo 8 Terminación de la licencia
El derecho otorgado en este documento a la persona con licencia será terminado automáticamente si dicha persona
contraviene cualquiera de los términos y condiciones de este Contrato. En este caso, la persona con licencia deberá destruir el
Software y la documentación relacionada junto con todas las copias realizadas corriendo con los gastos que ello conlleve.
Licenza deirutente
Leggere quanto segue prima di aprire la confezione del CD-ROM.
Contratto di licenza d’uso per l’utente finale
A Lei {"Licenziatario”) è concessa una licenza per il Software definito in questo Contratto di licenza d’uso per l’utente finale
(“Contratto”), a patto che accetti i termini e le condizioni di questo Contratto. Se il Licenziatario non accetta i termini e le
condizioni di questo Contratto, deve restituire prontamente il Software a Matsushita Electric Industriai Co., Ltd. (“Matsushita”),
ai suoi distributori o al rivenditore presso cui è stato acquistato.
Articolo 1 Contratto
Al Licenziatario è concesso il diritto di usare il software, comprese le informazioni registrate o descritte sul CD-ROM, manuali di
istruzioni e qualsiasi altro supporto (chiamati collettivamente “Software”) forniti al Licenziatario, senza però che al Licenziatario
vengano trasferiti tutti i diritti applicabili alle patenti, copyright, marchi di fabbrica e segreti commerciali del Software.
Articolo 2 Utilizzo da parte di terzi
Al Licenziatario non è concesso di usare, copiare, modificare, trasferire o permettere a terzi, gratuitamente o meno, di usare,
copiare o modificare il- Software, eccetto come espressamente indicato in questo Contratto.
Articolo 3 Restrizioni riguardo afta copia dei Software
Il Licenziatario può fare una singola copia del Software, totale o parziale, esclusivamente a scopo di riserva. ,
Articolo 4 Computer
Il Licenziatario può usare il Software su un solo computer, e non può usarlo in più di un computer.
Articolo 5 Decodificazione, decompilazione o disassemblaggio
Al Licenziatario è vietato decodificare, decmpilare o disassemblare il Software, eccetto per quanto essi sono consentiti dalle
leggi o norme del paese di residenza del Licenziatario. Matsushita o i suoi distributori declinano ogni responsabilità per
qualsiasi difetto del Software o danno causato della decodificazione, decompilazione o disassemblaggio del Software da parte
del Licenziatario.
Articolo 6 Risarcimento
Il Software viene fornito “COSÌ COM’È", senza alcuna sorta di garanzia, implicita o esplicita, compresa ma non limitata alle
garanzie di non violazione, commerciabilità e/o idoneità a uno scopo particolare. Matsushita non garantisce inoltre che il
funzionamento del Software sia ininterrotto o esente da errori. Matsushita e i suoi distributori declinano ogni responsabilità per I
danni incorsi dal Licenziatario derivanti da o in relazione all’utilizzo del Software da parte del Licenziatario.
Articolo 7 Controllo dell’esportazione
Il Licenziatario acconsente a non esportare o riesportare il Software in qualsiasi altro paese, sotto qualsiasi forma, senza le
appropriate licenze di esportazione accordate in base alle norme in vigore nel paese di residenza del Licenziatario.
Articolo 8 Terminazione del Contratto
Il diritto accordato al Licenziatario viene automaticamente terminato se egli contravviene a qualsiasi termine e condizione di
questo Contratto. In questo caso, il Licenziatario deve distruggere il Software e la documentazione relativa, insieme con tutte le
copie di essi, a spese dello stesso Licenziatario.
Installation of DV STUDIO 3.1 E-LE...............................................................................11
• Information for Your Safety
To reduce the risk of fire or shock hazard, do
not expose this equipment to rain or moisture.
To reduce the risk of fire or shock hazard and
annoying interference, use the recommended
accessories only.
• Please do not fit terminals other than those indicated.
• Please do not use in a condition wherein cables are in
pulled condition.
• Please do not forcibly pull out the cable, forcibly bend
or pull the cable.
If you require further assistance regarding the operation,
or if the product requires repair, then please contact our
This Telephone support is for UK customers relating to this
product only. For support with other product categories,
please contact your selling dealer for assistance.
Technical Support Hot Line by telephone
between 9.00am and 5.30pm Monday to Friday.
Technical Support
0870 1 505610
General enquiries
Customer Care Centre
08705 357357
Panasonic (on) lineshoppingdirect
For Accessories and Consumables visit our web site at
(for customers in the UK only)
Operating environment
Personal Computer:
• Images acquired from movie camera, megapixel images recorded in memory card etc., and even images of resolution 640 x
480 or more, will become equal to a resolution of 640 x 480.
• Operations in Card Playback Mode can be used only with movie cameras having Card function.
• Even if the above mentioned conditions are fulfilled, some personal computers can not be used.
IBM-PC/AT compatible personal computer with pre-installed
Microsoft® Windows® XP Home Edition/Professional
Microsoft® Windows® Me
Microsoft® Windows® 98 Second Edition
Intel® Pentium® E or Intel® Celeron™ 300MHz or higher (including compatible CPU)
800 X 600 or more /High Color (16bit) or more
32MB or more (64MB or more recommended)
'For Windows XP, 128MB or more
20MB or more available disk space
RS-232C (D-sub 9 pin)
CD-ROM drive
Before using
Before using
Read first
• This manual is the installation manual of [PC Connection Kit]. For an explanation of the operations, please refer to the PDF
manual contained in the CD-FtOM.
To view the PDF manual, Adobe® Acrobat® Reader™ 5.0 or higher is required. If Adobe Acrobat Reader is not already
installed in the personal computer, please install it from the CD-ROM.
• In the manual and PDF manual, Panasonic digital video camera provided with digital still picture terminal are referred to as
movie camera.
• Microsoft® Windows® are the registered trademarks of the American Microsoft Corporation in America and in various
• Pentium®, Celeron™ are the registered trademarks or trademarks of Intel Corporation in various countries.
• Adobe, Adobe logo. Acrobat are the trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated.
• In addition, various terminologies, company names, product names etc. mentioned herein are the registered trademarksor
trademarks of their respective holders.
• The actual contents and screen, and those described in this operation manual may differ depending on the personal computer
operating environments used. Please be aware of this beforehand.
• No information is provided about basic personal computer operations and terminology. Please refer to the relevant PC
• The contents of this operation manual may be subjected to changes without prior notice.
• Reproduction of this manual in part or in full without permission is prohibited.
Check the contents
DV STUDIO Version 3.1 E-LE
Operation Manual [PDF file]
Adobe® Acrobat® Reader™ 5.0
' Interface cable (4-9 pin)
When using DV STUDIO 3.1 E-LE, this is a cable for connecting digital still picture terminal
of movie camera to the serial port of personal computer.
> Operation Manual
Installation manual
The [PC Connection Kit] is a utility kit for movie camera with which the movie camera and personai computer can be
connected using the supplied interface cable (4-9 pin), and still images from tape or SD memory card, MultiMediaCard
and movie camera can be acquired into personal computer.
By controlling the movie camera from the personal computer, desired images from among the through images of camera, or
from among the images recorded in tape or memory card can be acquired as still images into the personal computer, and
viewed as thumbnail* list.
' A Thumbnail is a miniature display of an image.
For more information relating to this product, or contact details for support, please see the following WEB page
’’VW-DTA30E / PC Application Software”, in which DV STUDIO 3 full version made by newly adding the image autoacquire
feature and SlideShow features to DV STUDIO Version 3.1 E-LE and 5 softwares are bundled together, is a utility package for
movie camera for incorporating various effects to moving images or still images, edit and process to create original images.
You can enjoy a multitude of applications such as add 3D effects and illustrations to the favourite pictures you have taken and
easily create moving images for mail attachment, modify and edit images and create greeting cards and create Panorama
pictures etc.
To buy. please enquire at the Panasonic video camera shop.
• DV STUDIO Version 3.1 E
Movie camera can be controlled from personal computer, and desired picture can be acquired as still image into the personal
Contains the interval acquisition feature by which photoshot images recorded in tape, or autoacquisition of images from card,
and images recorded in tape or through images from camera can be acquired at regular intervals, and the images acquired onto
personal computer can be displayed as a list.
Moreover, slide show display can be done in which selected images can be viewed one at a time in a sequence.
• SD Viewer Version 1.1E
Using a digital video camera, viewing the list of still images recorded in memory card, copying the whole lot to personal
computer, searching, and slide show can be easily done. Further, the JPEG and BMP format image files in the personal
computer can be converted into a format that can viewed in the Panasonic video camera connected in the memory card slot.
• 3D- Title STUDIO Version 1.2
This is a software for incorporating pleasant 3D animation and 3D titles to the pictures taken with digital movie camera. The
resulting creation can be saved as moving image or still image, and can also be attached to Email.
• ArcSoft Software Suite (Editing and processing software)
ArcSoft Photoimpression: Editing, processing and printing of still images can be performed. Pictures can be saved as albums.
ArcSoft Panorama Maker: Panorama photos can be created by combining several still pictures.
ArcSoft PhotoMontage: One desired image can be created by combining many still images.
Installation of DV STUDIO 3.1E-LE
Installation screen may vary with the type of OS (* *in this
manual, explanation is offered with reference to Windows
Me screen.)
• Important
• Please close all the software (including permanently
resident software such as virus detecting software) running
on Windows. Otherwise, installation may not be possible.
• When installing in Windows XP in wherein multi-user
accounts are set up, please install with an user account
permitted by the computer administrator,
1. Insert the CD-ROM [DV STUDI03 LE] into
personal computer
The set up program automatically begins.
• If the set up program does not begin, double click on
[Autoplay.exe] in the CD-ROM.
2. Click on [Start]
rsTUDIO s-iDiu
, ;T. Instatfierer. S.e OV 5iUDlO
Inc-tall OV STUD'O
3. After the completion of set up, click on
Installation will be completed.
• When DV STUDIO 3.1E-LE is no longer required
Select DV STUDIO 3 from [Add/Remove Programs] in the
[Control Panel], and uninstall.
• The unistallation sequence may vary with the OS.
For details, please refer to the manual for the OS.
Installation begins.
After carefully reading the displayed contents, carry out
the installation as per the instructions.
’ If DV STUDIO 3.1 E-LE is already installed in the personal
computer, then DV STUDIO 3.1 E-LE will get uninstalled.
Please read the screen display carefully, and uninstall.
+ 21 hidden pages
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