8.1. Cold-Start---------------------------------------------------18
8.2. Doctor Mode Table--------------------------------------- 19
8.3. Reliability Test Mode (CD Mechanism Unit)------- 22
8.4. Self-Diagnostic Mode ----------------------------------- 23
8.5. Self-Diagnostic Error Code Table -------------------- 23
8.6. Sales Demonstration Lock Function ---------------- 24
9 Troubleshooting Guide---------------------------------------- 25
10 Disassembly and Assembly Instructions---------------26
10.1. Screw Types----------------------------------------------- 26
10.2. Disassembly Flow Chart-------------------------------- 27
10.3. Main Components and P.C.B. Locations ----------- 28
10.4. Disassembly of Top Cabinet--------------------------- 29
10.5. Disassembly of Front Panel Unit --------------------- 30
10.6. Disassembly of Panel P.C.B. and LCD P.C.B. ---- 31
10.7. Disassembly of Remote Sensor P.C.B.------------- 32
10.8. Disassembly of USB P.C.B. --------------------------- 32
10.9. Disassembly of CD Lid---------------------------------- 32
10.10. Disassembly of Rear Panel. --------------------------- 33
10.11. Disassembly of Main P.C.B. --------------------------- 34
10.12. Disassembly of SMPS Module and Voltage
Selector P.C.B. -------------------------------------------- 34
10.13. Disassembly of CD Mechanism Unit ----------- 35
10.14. Disassembly of CD Interface P.C.B.----------------- 36
11 Service Position ------------------------------------------------- 37
11.1. Checking of Panel P.C.B. and LCD P.C.B.--------- 37
11.2. Checking and Repairing of Main P.C.B. (Side
B) -------------------------------------------------------------37
11.3. Checking and Repairing of Main P.C.B. (Side
A) -------------------------------------------------------------38
12 Simplified Block Diagram ------------------------------------ 39
13 Block Diagram --------------------------------------------------- 40
13.1. Servo & System Control -------------------------------- 40
13.2. Audio --------------------------------------------------------42
13.3. Power Supply --------------------------------------------- 43
14 Wiring Connection Diagram --------------------------------- 44
15 Schematic Diagram--------------------------------------------- 45
15.1. Schematic Diagram Notes ----------------------------- 45
15.2. MAIN (CD Servo) Circuit -------------------------------47
15.3. MAIN (Micon) Circuit ------------------------------------ 50
15.4. MAIN (Damp) Circuit ------------------------------------ 51
15.5. MAIN (Dap_Dsp) Circuit--------------------------------52
15.6. MAIN (Tuner_Aux) Circuit------------------------------ 53
15.7. MAIN (Voltage Regulator) Circuit -------------------- 54
15.8. Panel, LCD, USB, Remote Sensor & CD
Interface Circuit-------------------------------------------55
16 Printed Circuit Board ------------------------------------------ 56
16.1. Main P.C.B. ------------------------------------------------ 56
16.2. Panel, LCD, USB & Remote Sensor P.C.B. ------- 58
16.3. CD Interface P.C.B.-------------------------------------- 59
17 Appendix Information of Schematic Diagram--------- 61
17.1. Voltage Chart---------------------------------------------- 61
18 Exploded View and Replacement Parts List -----------67
18.1. Exploded View and Mechanical Replacement
Part List-----------------------------------------------------67
18.2. Electrical Replacement Parts List -------------------- 73