Panasonic PT-LZ370 Product Sheet

LCD Projector
Remarkably Detailed and Truly Natural Full-HD Images
All the Beauty of Full HD. Ideal for Lectures and Presentations Requiring Detailed Images.
In additio n to its Full- HD LCD pan el, the PT-LZ370 gene rousl y empl oys unique Panasonic techn ologi es in its opti cal and si gnal- proce ssing syste ms t o produce capti vatin g im ages. It is t he ideal p rojec tor for presentations with h ighly detail ed images, and projecting Blu-Ray dis c and inc reasi ngly po pular H D contents. O ffering a va riety of funct ions, su ch a s 2x zoo m and a wi de l ens shift , f or permanent installation use, th e PT-LZ370 is ready for a host of applications, starting with class rooms and meeting roo ms, and extendi ng to uses tha t demand high colo r fi delit y and fine detail reprodu ction, s uch as engi neeri ng, R&D, art histo ry, and film class es/meetings.
Outstanding Images with Stunning
Full-HD Quality
High-Contrast, High-Quality Images from a Full-HD LCD Panel and Dynamic Iris Pro
The Full-HD (1920 x 1080-pixel) LCD panel of the PT-LZ370 produces the meticulous detail of Full-HD images. With its “normally black” system, the liquid crystal molecules are vertically aligned when no power is applied, to dramatically reduce unwanted light. The Dynamic Iris Pro also adjusts the brightness of the light source to match the image. The brightness of each scene is analyzed and the lamp power, gamma curve, and iris are adjusted accordingly frame by frame. This achieves a high contrast ratio of 10,000:1, providing a wide dynamic range for added beauty in both dark and bright scenes.
optimizes the sharpness of each image portion based on the extracted information. The resulting images have a more natural, lifelike expression than those of previous image-processing methods.
Conv enti onal shar pnes s cont rol:
Shar pness i s appli ed unif ormly, which c an cause a halo or r ing ef fect.
Detail Clarit y Proc essor 3:
Signa l freq uency i s extr acted realt ime and necessary shar pness i s appli ed at varyin g degre es for natura l, life- like im ages.
Dark scene with iris close d With out th e Dynam ic Iri s Pro PT-L Z370
Brig ht scene with iris opened With out th e Dynam ic Iri s Pro PT-L Z370
3,000-lm Brightness
The PT-LZ370 features a high-power 280 W UHM lamp. Optimal utiliza­tion of this light source achieves a full 3,000 lumens of brightness, for sharp, crisp images.
Detail Clarity Processor 3 Gives Natural Clarity to Even the Finest Details
After a two dimensional analysis of the video signal’s frequency in each scene and extracting information on the distribution of the super-high-, high-, medium-, and low-frequency image components, the new circuit
Daylight View Premium for Better Color Perception
This function corrects the image quality to project sharp, clear images even in brightly lit rooms. A luminance sensor measures the ambient brightness, and a real-time adjustment function optimizes sharpness and brightness according to the surroundings. This adjustment function also works together with the Detail Clarity Processor 3 to enhance the realism and vividness of projected images. This makes images easier to view and offers high contrast.
Simul ated image with Daylig ht View Premium turn ed off.
Simul ated image with Daylig ht View Premium turn ed on.
Full HD
3,0 00 lm
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