Panasonic PT-DZ8700, PT-DW8300, PT-DS8500 Product Sheet

A Bright 10,600 lm
in a Compact Body
A s o f J u n e 2 0 1 0
Av ai la b le f ro m s um me r 2 01 0
DZ8700 Series
3-Chip DLP™ Projectors
PT-D Z8 70 0U
WUX G A ( 1 92 0 × 1 2 0 0 )
HD/ S D - S D I i n p ut
Geo m e t r i c a d j us t m e nt
Brightness and Picture Quallity
• Panasonic’s original dual-lamp system, with its new 355-W lamp, has helped to make the body as compact as Panasonic’s original PT-D7700U Series, while providing a full 10,600 lm* brightness with 120-VAC operation.
• The new dynamic iris achieves a high contrast ratio of 10,000:1.
• Detail Clarity Processor 3 brings depth and clar­ity to details.
• System Daylight View 2 for enhanced color perception.
• A waveform monitor function enables easy adjustment of black and white levels. (PT-DZ8700U)
• The DICOM Simulation mode reproduces easy­to-view rendering of X-ray photos.*
Reliability and Stability
• Panasonic’s original Dual Lamp System elimi­nates the interruption if a lamp should fail (in
PT-D S8 50 0U
SXG A + ( 1 40 0 × 1 0 5 0 )
HD/ S D - S D I i n p ut
Geo m e t r i c a d j us t m e nt
dual-lamp operation mode). The Lamp Relay mode also operates the lamps alternately to enable 24/7 projection. Operation is possible in temperatures up to 113°F/45°C.* resistant optical block is also employed. These features combine to ensure high reliability.
• The Auto Cleaning Filter (ACF) eliminates the need to clean the air filter for up to 10,000 hours.*
A dust-
Enhanced Installation Flexibility
• A lens-centered design, a wide range of optional lenses, powered H/V-lens shift, and flexible vertical 360-degree installation enable smooth flexibility for use in various locations.
• The Multi-Unit Brightness Control function automatically adjusts and controls brightness variation over multiple screens.
• The Multi-Screen Support System optimally adjusts multiple screens.
• The Geometric Adjustment function lets you project images onto specially shaped screens
PT-D W8 30 0U
9,6 0 0 l m
WXG A ( 1 3 66 × 76 8 )
without distortion. (PT-DZ8700U/DS8500U)
• Versatile interfaces are provided, including an HD/SD-SDI input terminal (except the PT-DW8300U) and an HDMI input terminal.
• Multi Projector Monitoring & Control Software allows multiple projectors to be managed together over a wired LAN.
• Direct Power Off lets you directly shut off the power supply breaker.
• A Scheduling function enables timed operation using only the projector controls.
• Picture in Picture lets you flexibly control the layout of two windows for a wide variety of presentations.
• Environment-friendly, low standby power con­sumption of 0.2 W (Standby mode: eco)
*1 The PT-DW 8300 U has 9 ,600 lm of brig htness. *2 This pr oduc t is no t a medical ins trument . Do not use it for actual
medi cal dia gnos is.
*3 The ope rati ng temp erature is 32°F to 104 °F (0°C to 40°C) w hen
the fan control is set to High Altitud e mo de (for ove r 4,593 fee t (1,4 00 m ) to 8, 858 feet (2 ,700 m) abo ve sea leve l).
*4 The rep lace ment cy cle given h ere is a gu idel ine. It may be
shor ter dependi ng o n the u sage en viro nment.
Specif ic ation s (Tent ative)
Power supply
Power consumption
DLP™ chip
Projection size
Center-to-corner uniformity*
Scanning frequency
Optical axis shift
Cabinet materials
Dimensions (W x H x D)
Operating environment
Supplied accessories
*1 In Stan dby mode eco, L AN-ba sed n etwor k functio ns, suc h as the stand by ON fun ction , and the s erial output t ermin al wi ll no t operate . *2 Measu remen t, mea surin g con ditions, an d method of no tatio n all com ply w ith I SO 21118 inte rnational stan dards . *3 WUX GA re solut ion is su pport ed on ly when t he si gnals are comp liant with VESA CVT-RB (Coor dinated Vid eo Timing-Reduce d Bla nking ). *4 The o perat ing t emperatur e is 32°F to 104°F (0°C to 40 °C) when the f an co ntrol is set t o Hig h Alti tude mode (for over 4,59 3 fee t (1,400 m) to 8,85 8 feet (2 ,700 m) ab ove sea l evel) .
120 V AC, 10 A, 60 Hz
970 W (1,000 VA) (Standby mode eco* normal: 6 W. Both with fan stop pe d. )
0.96-inch diagonal (16:10 aspec t ra ti o) DLP™ chip x 3 (R, G, B), DLP™ projection system 2,304,000 (1,920 x 1,200) x 3, total of 6,912,000 pixels
: 0.2 W, standby mode
Optional powered zoom/focus len se s
355 W UHM lamp x 2 (dual lamp s ys te m)
70–600 inches, 16:10 aspect rat io (70–300 inches with the ET-D75L E5 , 16:10 aspect ratio)
10,600 lm (dual lamp, high mode )
90 %
10,000:1 (full on/full off, in dy na mi c ir is 3 m od e)
1,920 x 1,200 pixels
480p, 576p, 720/60p, 720/50p, 1 08 0/ 60 i, 1 08 0/ 50 i, 1 08 0/ 24 p, 1 08 0/ 24 sF , 10 80 /2 5p , 10 80 /3 0p , 10 80 /6 0p , 10 80 /5 0p VGA (640 x 480)–WUXGA* fH: 1 5 kH z– 10 0 kH z, f V: 2 4 Hz –1 20 H z, dot clock: 20 MHz–162 MHz fH: 1 5. 75 k Hz , fV : 60 Hz [480/60i ] / fH : 31.50 kHz, fV: 6 0 Hz [ 48 0/ 60 p] / fH: 1 5. 63 k Hz , fV : 50 Hz [576/50i ] f
H: 31 .2 5 kH z, f V: 5 0 Hz [ 57 6/ 50 p] / f H: 3 7. 50 k Hz , fV : 50 H z [7 20 /5 0p ] / fH: 4 5. 00 k Hz , fV : 60 Hz [720 /6 0p ]
fH: 3 3. 75 k Hz , fV : 60 Hz [1035/60 i] / fH : 33 .7 5 kH z, f V: 6 0 Hz [ 10 80 /6 0i ] / f H: 28.13 kHz, fV: 5 0 Hz [ 10 80 /5 0i ] f
H: 28 .1 3 kH z, f V: 2 5 Hz [ 10 80 /2 5p ] / fH: 2 7. 00 k Hz , fV : 24 H z [1 08 0/ 24 p] / fH: 2 7. 00 k Hz , fV : 48 H z [1 08 0/ 24 sF ]
fH: 3 3. 75 k Hz , fV : 30 Hz [1080/30p] / f H: 6 7. 50 k Hz , fV : 60 H z [1 08 0/ 60 p] / fH: 5 6. 25 k Hz , fV : 50 H z [1 08 0/ 50 p] f
H: 15 .7 5 kH z, f V: 6 0 Hz [ NT SC /N TS C4 .43/PAL-M/PAL60] / fH: 15 .6 3 kH z, f V: 50 Hz [PAL/PAL-N/SECAM]
±55% from center of screen (pow er ed ) (±44% with the ET-D75LE6) ±20% from center of screen (pow er ed ) (±15% with the ET-D75LE6)
(1,920 x 1,200), compatible wi th n on -i nt er la ce d si gn al s on ly , do t cl oc k: 2 5– 16 2 MH z
Ceiling/floor, front/rear
BNC x 1: SD-SDI signal (YC Single-link HD-SDI signal (YP 720/60p, 1035/60i, 1080/50i, 10 80 /6 0i , 10 80 /2 5p , 10 80 /2 4p , 10 80 /2 4s F, 1 08 0/ 30 p
HDMI 19-pin x 1 (Deep Color, co mp at ib le w it h HD CP , 48 0p , 57 6p , 72 0/ 60 p, 7 20 /5 0p , 10 80 /6 0i , 10 80 /5 0i , 10 80 /2 4p , 10 80 /2 4s F, 1 08 0/ 25 p,
1080/30p, 1080/60p, 1080/50p (n on -i nt er la ce d si gn al s on ly ), V GA ( 64 0 x 48 0) –W UX GA * DVI-D 24-pin x 1 (DVI 1.0 compl ia nt , co mp at ib le w it h HD CP , co mp at ib le w it h si ng le l in k on ly , 480p, 576p, 720/60p, 720/50p, 1 08 0/ 60 i, 1 08 0/ 50 i, 1 08 0/ 24 p, 1 08 0/ 24 sF , 10 80 /2 5p , 10 80 /3 0p , 10 80 /6 0p , 10 80 /5 0p ,
VGA (640 x 480)–WUXGA* BNC x 5 (RGB/YP D-Sub HD 15-pin (female) x 1 (R GB /Y PB PR/Y CB CR x 1 ) BNC x 1 (composite video) Mini DIN 4-pin x 1 (S-Video) D-sub 9-pin (female) x 1 (for e xt er na l co nt ro l, R S- 23 2C c om pl ia nt ) D-sub 9-pin (male) x 1 (for lin k co nt ro l, R S- 23 2C c om pl ia nt ) M3 jack x 1 (for wired remote c on tr ol ) M3 jack x 1 (for link control) D-sub 9-pin (female) x 1 (for e xt er na l co nt ro l, c on ta ct c on tr ol ) RJ-45 x 1 (for network connecti on , 10 Ba se -T /1 00 Ba se -T X, c om pl ia nt w it h PJ Li nk ™)
BCR 4:2:2 10-bit): SMPTE 259M compl ia nt : 48 0i , 57 6i
BPR 4:2:2 10-bit): SMPTE 292M compl ia nt : 72 0/ 50 p,
(1,920 x 1,200), compatible wi th n on -i nt er la ce d si gn al s on ly , do t cl oc k: 2 5– 16 2 MH z
Molded plastic
20-7/8 x 7-7/8 x 21-19/32 inche s (5 30 x 2 00 x 5 48 .5 m m) ( wi th l eg s at s ho rt es t po si ti on , op ti on al l en s no t in cl ud ed )
Approximately 52.9 pounds (24 k g) ( op ti on al l en s no t in cl ud ed )
Operating temperature: 32°F–113 °F ( 0° C– 45 °C )*
Power cord with security lock, wi re le ss /w ir ed r em ot e co nt ro l un it , ba tt er ie s fo r re mo te c on tr ol ( AA -t yp e x 2) , sa fe ty w ir e ro pe
Option al acce ss ories
• Zoom lens (ET-D75LE6)
• Zoom lens (ET-D75LE10)
• Zoom lens (ET-D75LE20)
• Zoom lens (ET-D75LE30)
• Zoom lens (ET-D75LE4)
• Zoom lens (ET-D75LE8)
• Fixed-focus lens (ET-D75LE5)
• Lens motor cover (ET-D75MC1)
• High-ceiling mount bracket (ET- PKD310H)
• Low-ceiling mount bracket (ET- PKD310S)
• Attachment plate (ET-PAD310)
• Frame (ET-PFD310)
• Smoke cut filter (ET-SFD310)
• Replacement ACF unit (ET-ACF310)
• Replacement lamp unit (ET-LAD310)
• Replacement lamp units (twin pack) (ET-LAD310W)
PT-DS8500U PT-DW8300UPT-DZ8700U
920 W (970 VA) (Standby mode eco*1: 0.2 W, standby mode normal: 6 W . Bo th w it h fa n st op pe d. )
0.95-inch diagonal (4:3 aspect ra ti o) DLP™ chip x 3 (R, G, B), DLP™ projection system 1,470,000 (1,400 x 1,050) x 3, total of 4,410,000 pixels
70–600 inches, 4:3 aspect ratio (70–300 inches with the ET-D75L E5 , 4:3 aspect ratio)
0.85-inch diagonal (16:9 aspect r at io ) DLP™ chip x 3 (R, G, B), DLP™ projection system 1,049,088 (1,366 x 768) x 3, total of 3,147,264 pixels
70–600 inches, 16:9 aspect rati o (70–300 inches with the ET-D75L E5 , 16:9 aspect ratio)
9,600 lm (dual lamp, high mode)
1,400 x 1,050 pixels (Input signals that exceed this r es ol ut io n wi ll be converted to 1,400 x 1,050 p ix el s. )
±50% from center of screen (pow er ed ) (±40% with the ET-D75LE6) ±30% from center of screen (pow er ed ) (±20% with the ET-D75LE6)
1,366 x 768 pixels (Input signals that exceed this r es ol ut io n wi ll be converted to 1,366 x 768 pix el s. )
±70% from center of screen (pow er ed ) (±60% with the ET-D75LE6) ±30% from center of screen (pow er ed ) (±20% with the ET-D75LE6)
(1,920 x 1,200), dot clock: 25 –1 62 M Hz
, operating humidity: 10%–80% ( no c on de ns at io n)
Optional lens thr ow ratios
PT- D S 8 5 0 0 U PT- D W 8 3 0 0 UPT- D Z 8 7 0 0 U
ET- D 7 5 L E 6 ET- D 7 5 L E 1 0 ET- D 7 5 L E 2 0 ET- D 7 5 L E 3 0 ET- D 7 5 L E 4 ET- D 7 5 L E 8 ET- D 7 5 L E 5
0.9 – 1 . 1 : 1
1.3 – 1 . 7 : 1
1.7 – 2 . 4 : 1
2.4 – 4 . 7 : 1
4.6 – 7 . 4 : 1
7.3 – 1 3 . 8 : 1
0.7 : 1
1.0 – 1 . 2 : 1
1.4 – 1 . 8 : 1
1.8 – 2 . 6 : 1
2.6 – 5 . 1 : 1
5.0 – 8 . 0 : 1
7.9 – 1 5 . 0 : 1
0.8 : 1
1.0 – 1 . 2 : 1
1.4 – 1 . 9 : 1
1.8 – 2 . 7 : 1
2.7 – 5 . 2 : 1
5.2 – 8 . 2 : 1
8.2 – 1 5 . 4 : 1
0.8 : 1
Weight s and di mensions shown ar e approx imate. Spe cificatio ns are subject t o change without notice. Thi s product may be subject to expor t regul ations. All other t rademarks are the property of thei r respec tive trad emark ow ners. Proj ection Im ages sim ulated. DL P, DLP logo and DLP Medal lion logo are tra demarks or regist ered trad emarks o f Tex as Instr uments. The PJLink t rademark is an a pplicatio n tradema rk in J apan, the Unite d States, and othe r countr ies and regions o r regist ered trad emarks. © 2010 Pana sonic Co rporation All right s reser ved.
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All i nf or mat io n in clu de d he re is v al id a s of J une 201 0.
Factorie s of Syste ms Busine ss Group h ave recei ved ISO140 01:2004 – the Env ironmental Manageme nt System certificat ion. (Exce pt for 3r d party’s p eripherals .)
PT-DZ 870 0U PR E1 Print ed i n Ja pan .