TechInfo Sheet fax: 01344 853689
Audio Visual email: av.technical@mail.panasonic.co.uk
Product Group: VCR Model: NV-L20B
Date: 21/10/98 Revision No: 01 Document No: 01
Subject: Common Faults
Common Faults NV-L20/25/28
Dead power supply................................................................... C1109 open circuit - 1uF at 400V
Dead power supply................................................................... D1113 short circuit - MA2200B
D1113 short circuit................................................................... C1114 open circuit - 47uF at 16V
No tuning or RF feed through................................................... Q1002 faulty - 2SD1330
Intermittent systems operation.................................................. X6101 dry joints
Intermitent stops and powers down.......................................... Plug P2001 dry joints
Intermittent stopping................................................................ Reel sensor low output - ON2170
Intermittent capstan problems................................................... Plug P2001 not correctly inserted
Intermittently damages cam and planet gears............................ Clutch tight on capstan rotor - VXP1113
Squeaking between modes........................................................ Capstan pressure pad worn - VXL1873
Audio dub cutting out after 5 mins (L25).................................. Upgrade IC6001 to MN6740VCJK
No video on E to E................................................................... Video input jack switch faulty - VEJ0777
Unable to tune in....................................................................... C706 leaky - 0.1uF
Shading on E to E picture.......................................................... C7678 open circuit - 10uF at 16V
Badly distorted E to E video...................................................... IC3901 faulty - LA7150
Intermittently badly distorted picture on playback & E to E........ RF convertor ENC17952
Picking up Macro vision on playback (L28)................................ Fit 50V 4.7uF across C9568
Remote control inoperative...........................Remove batteries and short battery contacts together briefly
Scanner not reading bar codes.................................................... Remove cap over LED and clean
Panasonic CS U.K. Document No: 01
Model: NV-L20B