DEKRA Testing and Certification, S.A.U.
Parque Tecnológico de Andalucía,
c/ Severo Ochoa nº 2 · 29590 Campanillas · Málaga · España
C.I.F. A29 507 456
Report No: (NIE) 51929RAN.004
Test report No:
NIE: 51929RAN.004
Assessment report
FCC 47 CFR Part 2.1091
ISED RSS-102 Issue 5:2015
Identification of item tested
Head unit with radio and Bluetooth.
Model and /or type reference
Other identification of the product
HW Version: X31
SW Version: X450
PN: 654.035.867.A
Robert Bosch Str. 27-29 – 63225 Langen - Germany
Test method requested, standard
FCC 47 CFR Part 2.1091 Radiofrequency radiation
exposure evaluation: mobile devices.
ISED RSS-102 Issue 5 (2015-03) – Radio Frequency
Exposure Compliance of Radiocommunication
Apparatus (All Frequency Bands)
Approved by (name / position & signature)
Miguel Lacave
Antennas Lab Manager
12:11:37 +01'00'

DEKRA Testing and Certification, S.A.U.
Parque Tecnológico de Andalucía,
c/ Severo Ochoa nº 2 · 29590 Campanillas · Málaga · España
C.I.F. A29 507 456
Report No: (NIE) 51929RAN.004
Competences and guarantees .................................................................................................... 3
General conditions ...................................................................................................................... 3
Data provided by the client .......................................................................................................... 3
Identification of the client............................................................................................................. 3
Document history ........................................................................................................................ 3
General description of the device under evaluation ..................................................................... 4
Assessment summary ................................................................................................................. 5
Appendix A: FCC RF Exposure ................................................................................................... 6
FCC RF Exposure evaluation for mobile devices .................................................................... 7
FCC MPE Evaluation Results ................................................................................................. 8
Appendix B: ISED RF Exposure .................................................................................................. 9
ISED RF Exposure evaluation for mobile devices ................................................................. 10
ISED MPE Evaluation Results .............................................................................................. 11

DEKRA Testing and Certification, S.A.U.
Parque Tecnológico de Andalucía,
c/ Severo Ochoa nº 2 · 29590 Campanillas · Málaga · España
C.I.F. A29 507 456
Report No: (NIE) 51929RAN.004
Competences and guarantees
In order to assure the traceability to other national and international laboratories, DEKRA has a calibration and
maintenance program for its measurement equipment.
DEKRA guarantees the reliability of the data presented in this report, which is the result of the measurements
and the tests performed to the item under test on the date and under the conditions stated on the report and, it
is based on the knowledge and technical facilities available at DEKRA at the time of performance of the test.
DEKRA is liable to the client for the maintenance of the confidentiality of all information related to the item under
test and the results of the test.
The results presented in this Assessment Report apply only to the particular item under test established in this
IMPORTANT: No parts of this report may be reproduced or quoted out of context, in any form or by any means,
except in full, without the previous written permission of DEKRA.
General conditions
1. This report is only referred to the item that has undergone the assessment.
2. This report does not constitute or imply on its own an approval of the product by the Certification Bodies
or competent Authorities.
3. This document is only valid if complete; no partial reproduction can be made without previous written
permission of DEKRA.
4. This assessment report cannot be used partially or in full for publicity and/or promotional purposes
without previous written permission of DEKRA and the Accreditation Bodies.
Data provided by the client
The test sample is an automotive head unit to be installed in cars with the following features: Bluetooth, FM, AM
and USB.
DEKRA declines any responsibility with respect to the information provided by the client and that may affect the
validity of results.
Identification of the client
Robert Bosch Str. 27-29 – 63225 Langen - Germany.
Document history

DEKRA Testing and Certification, S.A.U.
Parque Tecnológico de Andalucía,
c/ Severo Ochoa nº 2 · 29590 Campanillas · Málaga · España
C.I.F. A29 507 456
Report No: (NIE) 51929RAN.004
General description of the device under evaluation
The test sample is an automotive head unit to be installed in cars with the following features: Bluetooth, FM,
AM and USB.
According to the manufacturer, during its normal use, the separation distance between the device and the body
of nearby users will be greater than 20 cm. In order to perform the assessment a conservative separation
distance of 20 cm has been used.
The equipment specifications declared by the manufacturer for Bluetooth technology are:
Max. Equivalent
Radiated Power
Table 1: Maximum average total radiated power