Panasonic MBDDT2110N, MADDT1105N, MBDDT2210N, MCDDT3120N, MCDDT3520N Reference Specifications

Reference Specifications
AC Servo Drive MINAS-A4N (High-speed network type)
Issued on April 1, 2005
Revised on October 28, 2005
Motor Company
Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd
7-1-1 Morofuku, Daito-City, Osaka 74-0044, Japan
Fax :+81-72-870-3151
Phone: 800.894.0412 - Fax: 888.723.4773 - Web: - Email:
R2 Motor Company, Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd.
Page Rev.
2005.4.1 - - NEWLY ISSUED
2005.10.1 28 1 Corrected external regenerative resistor All Changed parameter name 16 Corrected regenerative resistor description 17 Corrected the tolerance of I-COM power to 5%
13 to 16, 22 Changed part No. of X3A, X3B, X6 and X7
2005.10.28 7 to 10 2 Added dimension of the mounting bracket. 13 to 16, 22 Corrected part No. of X6 and X7
16 Added size of screw 27 Deleted note 17
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R2 Motor Company, Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd.
1. Scope ·····································································································································1
2. Model No.·······························································································································1
3. Applicable motor ···················································································································2
4. Specifications·························································································································5 4-1 General specifications···································································································· 5 4-2 Specifications by model·································································································6
5. Dimensions····························································································································· 7
6. Appearance····························································································································13
7. Configuration of connectors ··································································································· 16 7-1 Power connectors X1 , X2 or terminal block··················································· 16 7-2 Encoder connector X6 ····························································································16 7-3 Interface connector X5 ·························································································· 17 7-4 RS232 communication connector X4 ····································································· 21 7-5 Network connectors X3A X3B ·········································································· 21 7-6 External scale connector X7 ················································································· 22
8. Wiring ·····································································································································23 8-1 Cable material and max. length····················································································· 23 8-2 I/O, Encoder and External scale connection·································································23 8-3 Cautions on wiring·········································································································24
9. Safety precautions on installation ·························································································· 38
10. Safety precautions on using the drive··················································································39
11. Life and Warranty················································································································· 40
11-1 Expected life time of the drive·················································································· 40 11-2 Typical life················································································································ 40 11-3 Warranty period ······································································································· 40
12. Conformity to EC Directive and UL Standards····································································· 41
12-1 EC Directives··········································································································· 41 12-2 Configuration of peripheral equipments··································································· 42 12-3 Servo drive and list of applicable peripheral equipments········································ 44 12-4 Conformity to UL Standards ···················································································· 45
13. Compliance with SEMI F47 standard··················································································· 45
14. Others··································································································································· 46
Specifications by model
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No.SX-DSV01676 (46-1)
R2 Motor Company, Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd.
1. Scope
This document specifies the servo drive for the AC servo sy stem manufactured and supplied by Motor Company, Mat sushita Electri c Industrial Co., Ltd.
2. Model No.
Notation of the model No. is as follows:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
M A D D T 1 2 0 5 N
(Note) It means 100Mbps real-time communication.
Custom specifications (Alphanumeric)
N: High-speed network type
Ratings of current detector
05: 5A 07: 7.5A 10: 10A 20: 20A 30: 30A 40: 40A 64: 64A 90: 90A A2: 120A
Power supply voltage
1: Single phase, 100V 2: Single phase, 200V 3: 3-phase, 200V 5: Single-phase/3-phase, 200V
A: Type A B: Type B C: Type C D: Type D E: Type E F: Type F
AC servo drive
A4 family
Max. current ratings of power element
T1: 10A T2: 15A T3: 30A T5: 50A T7: 75A TA: 100A TB: 150A
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R2 Motor Company, Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd.
3. Applicable motor
Servo Drive Applicable Motor
Model No.
Power supply
Model No. Voltage Rated output Rated speed Encoder spec.
MADDT1105N A Single phase MSMD5AZP1* 100V 50W 3000r/min 5-wire 2500 p/r
100V MSMD5AZS1* 100V 50W 3000r/min 7-wire, 17-bit
MADDT1107N A Single-phase MSMD011P1* 100V 100W 3000r/min 5-wire 2500 p/r
100V MSMD011S1* 100V 100W 3000r/min 7-wire, 17-bit
MQMA011P1* 100V 100W 3000r/min 5-wire 2500 p/r MQMA011S1* 100V 100W 3000r/min 7-wire, 17-bit
MADDT1205N A Single-phase MSMD5AZP1* 200V 50W 3000r/min 5-wire 2500 p/r
200V MSMD5AZS1* 200V 50W 3000r/min 7-wire, 17-bit
MSMD012P1* 200V 100W 3000r/min 5-wire 2500 p/r MSMD012S1* 200V 100W 3000r/min 7-wire, 17-bit MQMA012P1* 200V 100W 3000r/min 5-wire 2500 p/r MQMA012S1* 200V 100W 3000r/min 7-wire, 17-bit
MADDT1207N A Single-phase MSMD022P1* 200V 200W 3000r/min 5-wire 2500 p/r
200V MSMD022S1* 200V 200W 3000r/min 7-wire, 17-bit
MAMA012P1* 200V 100W 5000r/min 5-wire 2500 p/r MAMA012S1* 200V 100W 5000r/min 7-wire, 17-bit MQMA022P1* 200V 200W 3000r/min 5-wire 2500 p/r MQMA022S1* 200V 200W 3000r/min 7-wire, 17-bit
MBDDT2110N B Single-phase MSMD021P1* 100V 200W 3000r/min 5-wire 2500 p/r
100V MSMD021S1* 100V 200W 3000r/min 7-wire, 17-bit
MQMA021P1* 100V 200W 3000r/min 5-wire 2500 p/r MQMA021S1* 100V 200W 3000r/min 7-wire, 17-bit
MBDDT2210N B Single-phase MSMD042P1* 200V 400W 3000r/min 5-wire 2500 p/r
200V MSMD042S1* 200V 400W 3000r/min 7-wire, 17-bit
MAMA022P1* 200V 200W 5000r/min 5-wire 2500 p/r MAMA022S1* 200V 200W 5000r/min 7-wire, 17-bit MQMA042P1* 200V 400W 3000r/min 5-wire 2500 p/r MQMA042S1* 200V 400W 3000r/min 7-wire, 17-bit
MCDDT3120N C Single-phase MSMD041P1* 100V 400W 3000r/min 5-wire 2500 p/r
100V MSMD041S1* 100V 400W 3000r/min 7-wire, 17-bit
MQMA041P1* 100V 400W 3000r/min 5-wire 2500 p/r MQMA041S1* 100V 400W 3000r/min 7-wire, 17-bit
MCDDT3520N C Single/3- MSMD082P1* 200V 750W 3000r/min 5-wire 2500 p/r
phase, MSMD082S1* 200V 750W 3000r/min 7-wire, 17-bit
200V MAMA042P1* 200V 400W 5000r/min 5-wire 2500 p/r
MAMA042S1* 200V 400W 5000r/min 7-wire, 17-bit MFMA042P1* 200V 400W 2000r/min 5-wire 2500 p/r MFMA042S1* 200V 400W 2000r/min 7-wire, 17-bit MHMA052P1* 200V 500W 2000r/min 5-wire 2500 p/r MHMA052S1* 200V 500W 2000r/min 7-wire, 17-bit
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R2 Motor Company, Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd.
Servo Drive Applicable Motor
Model No.
Power supply
Model No. Voltage Rated output Rated speed Encoder spec.
MDDDT3530N D Single/3- MDMA102P1* 200V 1.0kW 2000r/min 5-wire 2500 p/r
phase, MDMA102S1* 200V 1.0kW 2000r/min 7-wire, 17-bit
200V MHMA102P1* 200V 1.0kW 2000r/min 5-wire 2500 p/r
MHMA102S1* 200V 1.0kW 2000r/min 7-wire, 17-bit
MDDDT5540N D Single/3- MGMA092P1* 200V 900W 1000r/min 5-wire 2500 p/r
phase, MGMA092S1* 200V 900W 1000r/min 7-wire, 17-bit
200V MSMA102P1* 200V 1.0kW 3000r/min 5-wire 2500 p/r
MSMA102S1* 200V 1.0kW 3000r/min 7-wire, 17-bit MHMA152P1* 200V 1.5kW 2000r/min 5-wire 2500 p/r MHMA152S1* 200V 1.5kW 2000r/min 7-wire, 17-bit MDMA152P1* 200V 1.5kW 2000r/min 5-wire 2500 p/r MDMA152S1* 200V 1.5kW 2000r/min 7-wire, 17-bit MSMA152P1* 200V 1.5kW 3000r/min 5-wire 2500 p/r MSMA152S1* 200V 1.5kW 3000r/min 7-wire, 17-bit MFMA152P1* 200V 1.5kW 2000r/min 5-wire 2500 p/r MFMA152S1* 200V 1.5kW 2000r/min 7-wire, 17-bit MAMA082P1* 200V 750W 5000r/min 5-wire 2500 p/r MAMA082S1* 200V 750W 5000r/min 7-wire, 17-bit
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R2 Motor Company, Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd.
Servo Drive Applicable Motor
Model No.
Power supply
Model No. Voltage Rated output Rated speed Encoder spec.
MEDDT7364N E 3-phase, MDMA202P1* 200V 2.0kW 2000r/min 5-wire 2500 p/r
200V MDMA202S1* 200V 2.0kW 2000r/min 7-wire, 17-bit
MSMA202P1* 200V 2.0kW 3000r/min 5-wire 2500 p/r MSMA202S1* 200V 2.0kW 3000r/min 7-wire, 17-bit MHMA202P1* 200V 2.0kW 2000r/min 5-wire 2500 p/r MHMA202S1* 200V 2.0kW 2000r/min 7-wire, 17-bit MFMA252P1* 200V 2.5kW 2000r/min 5-wire 2500 p/r MFMA252S1* 200V 2.5kW 2000r/min 7-wire, 17-bit
MFDDTA390N F 3-phase, MGMA202P1* 200V 2.0kW 1000r/min 5-wire 2500 p/r
200V MGMA202S1* 200V 2.0kW 1000r/min 7-wire, 17-bit
MDMA302P1* 200V 3.0kW 2000r/min 5-wire 2500 p/r MDMA302S1* 200V 3.0kW 2000r/min 7-wire, 17-bit MHMA302P1* 200V 3.0kW 2000r/min 5-wire 2500 p/r MHMA302S1* 200V 3.0kW 2000r/min 7-wire, 17-bit MSMA302P1* 200V 3.0kW 3000r/min 5-wire 2500 p/r MSMA302S1* 200V 3.0kW 3000r/min 7-wire, 17-bit
MFDDTB3A2N F 3-phase, MGMA302P1* 200V 3.0kW 1000r/min 5-wire 2500 p/r
200V MGMA302S1* 200V 3.0kW 1000r/min 7-wire, 17-bit
MDMA402P1* 200V 4.0kW 2000r/min 5-wire 2500 p/r MDMA402S1* 200V 4.0kW 2000r/min 7-wire, 17-bit MHMA402P1* 200V 4.0kW 2000r/min 5-wire 2500 p/r MHMA402S1* 200V 4.0kW 2000r/min 7-wire, 17-bit MSMA402P1* 200V 4.0kW 3000r/min 5-wire 2500 p/r MSMA402S1* 200V 4.0kW 3000r/min 7-wire, 17-bit MFMA452P1* 200V 4.5kW 2000r/min 5-wire 2500 p/r MFMA452S1* 200V 4.5kW 2000r/min 7-wire, 17-bit MGMA452P1* 200V 4.5kW 1000r/min 5-wire 2500 p/r MGMA452S1* 200V 4.5kW 1000r/min 7-wire, 17-bit MDMA502P1* 200V 5.0kW 2000r/min 5-wire 2500 p/r MDMA502S1* 200V 5.0kW 2000r/min 7-wire, 17-bit MHMA502P1* 200V 5.0kW 2000r/min 5-wire 2500 p/r MHMA502S1* 200V 5.0kW 2000r/min 7-wire, 17-bit MSMA502P1* 200V 5.0kW 3000r/min 5-wire 2500 p/r MSMA502S1* 200V 5.0kW 3000r/min 7-wire, 17-bit
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No.SX-DSV01676 - 5 -
R2 Motor Company, Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd.
4. Specifications 4-1 General specifications
Main circuit Single-phase 100 to 115V
Control circuit Single-phase 100 to 115V
A and B
Single-phase 200 to 240V
C and D
Single-phase/3- phase 200 to 240V
Main circuit
E and F
3 phase 200 to 230V
A to D
Single phase 200 to 240V
Input power supply
200V type
Control circuit
E and F
Single phase 200 to 230V
Temperature Operating: 0 to 55degrees C Storage: -20 to 80degrees C Humidity Operating and storage: 90%RH or less (free from dew) Altitude 1000m or lower
Ambient Condition
or less10 to 60Hzno continuous run at resonance point
Control method IGBT PWM control, sinusoidal wave drive
Encoder feedback
17Bit(131072 resolutions) 7-wire serial absolute encoder
2500p/r(10000 resolutions) 5-wire serial incremental encoder External scale feedback AT500 or ST771 senies by Mitutoyo Corporation. Motion command input Motion command input via network enabled
8 inputs
1) CCW over-travel, 2) CW over-travel, 3) HOME, 4) Emergency stop, 5)External Servo-ON/ External input4, 6) External input 1, 7) External input 2, 8) External input 3
Control signal
4 outputs
1) Servo alarm, 2) External brake release signal, 3) External output 1, 4) External output 2
Pulse signal Out put
3 outputs Output Encoder or External Scale A/B/Z-phase pulse in differential mode
Communication RS232 For the personal computer or the console
Front panel
1) Rotary switch (Setup of node address(MAC-ID))
2) 7-segment LED (2-digit)
3) Network status LED (COM , LINK
4) Analog monitor pin (Velocity monitor and Torque monitor)
Type A and B: No built-in regenerative resistor (External resistor only) Type C to F: Built-in regenerative resistor (External resistor connectable)
Dynamic brake Built in
Basic specifications
Control mode 1) Position control, 2) Full-closed control
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R2 Motor Company, Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd.
Smoothing filter Select the primary delay filter or the FIR filter for position command Setup range of Multiple Ratio for External scale
Ratio between the encoder pulse (numera tor) and the ex ternal scale pulse (denominator) can be set
within thesetting range : (1-10000 *2
)/(1-10000) Position control with 17bit encoder
Instantaneous velocity observer
Excluding the above Disabled
Vibration suppression control Enabled
Drive estimates the load inertia at actual running condition in real time, and the sets up the gain automatically, corresponding to the stiffness setup.
Auto-gain tuning
Normal mode
Drive estimates the load inertia by driving the machine with the internal action command of the drive and sets the gain corresponding to the stiffness setup.
Masking function of unnecessary input
The Following control input signals can be masked
1) Over-travel input, 2) Emergency stop, 3) Ex ternal Servo-ON Multiple Ratio for Encoder feedback pulse output
Max. Output pulses a rotation : E ncoder Re solntion.
Hard error Over-voltage, Under-voltage, Over-load, Over-heat, Over-current, and Encoder error etc.
Protective function
Soft error
Continuous communication error, Communication time out, Excess position deviation, Motion Command
error, EEPROM error, etc.
Trace back function of alarm data Trace up to 14 latest data including the present enable
4-2 Specifications by model
See the appendix placed at the and of this document.
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R2 Motor Company, Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd.
5. Dimensions
Dimensions: Type A
Unit : mm
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R2 Motor Company, Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd.
Dimensions: Type B
Unit : mm
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No.SX-DSV01676 - 9 -
R2 Motor Company, Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd.
Dimensions: Type C
Unit : mm
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R2 Motor Company, Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd.
Dimensions: Type D
Unit :mm
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No.SX-DSV01676 - 11 -
R2 Motor Company, Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd.
Dimensions: Type E
Unit : mm
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No.SX-DSV01676 - 12 -
R2 Motor Company, Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd.
Dimensions: Type F
Unit : mm
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No.SX-DSV01676 - 13 -
R2 Motor Company, Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd.
6. Appearance
Type A and B
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R2 Motor Company, Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd.
Type C and D
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R2 Motor Company, Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd.
Type E and F
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