Panasonic MCO-5AC User Manual

CO2 and CO2/O Laboratory Incubators (1.7 cu.ft.)
• Precise CO2 and O2 control in a compact, space-saving design allows up to 3 models to be stacked
• Exclusive inCu-saFe steel alloy interior construction with inherent germicidal protection against contamination
Panasonic… the new name for SANYO
copper-enriched stainless
CO2 and CO2/O2 Laboratory Incubators
Unit: mm (inch)
2 level setting: 5%, no load
548 (21.6”)
Unit: mm (inch)
Ambient temperature: 25˚C, Temperature setting: 37˚C, CO
2 level setting: 5%, no load
tion control
378 (14.9”)
548 (21.6”)
310 (12.2”)
Door-mounted control panel
Reversible door
Copper alloy stainless steel
Panasonic model MCO-5AC CO2 incubator features patented Direct Heat and Air Jacket temperature control for accurate, uniform temperature control and inCu-saFe feature selected SafeCell UV with exclusive Active Background Contamination Control. Panasonic model MCO-5M CO2/O2 incubator employs multiple sensor technologies to achieve in vitro simulation of the in vivo environment.
copper-enriched stainless steel interior for continuous contamination control. Panasonic laboratory CO
Model Number
InCu-saFe® Interior
Copper alloy stainless steel plenums, shelves and brackets extend contami­nation control to the chamber interior. Superior contamination control with an anti-bacterial copper alloy stainless steel interior provides germicidal protection and helps eliminate molds, spores and other contaminating spills, kills mycoplasma and
provides a noncorrosive environment.
P.I.D. Control Sophistication
Proportional, integral and derivative infra­red CO prevents overshoot.
control accelerates recovery and
(shown stacked)
Exterior Dimensions
(w x f-b x h) Contamination Control CO2 Control O2 Control
49 L
18.9" x 21.6" x 22.6 "
480 x 548 x 575 mm
inCu-saFe® copper-enriched stainless steel inte-
rior, Optional SafeCell UV with ultraviolet light,
High Performance In Vitro Modeling
Stable temperature, humidity and CO2 density are achieved through a combina­tion of performance systems supervised by a centralized microprocessor controller complete with alarm, programming, cali­bration and diagnostic protocols exportable to remote database.
Zirconia O2 Control (MCO-5M)
Non-depleting design for precise O2 con­trol with fast response to door openings. The maintenance-free zirconia solid-state sensor has a high degree of precision, a long service life and does not require fine adjustment. Through accurate determina­tion of the chamber O
level the micro-
processor injects either nitrogen gas or oxygen as required.
Direct Heat and Air Jacket Control
Patented, radiant-wall heating micro­processor controlled in three zones to maintain uniformity and optimum humid­ity. Unlike traditional water jacket units, the sealed air jacket and foam insulation maintains a uniform temperature and quick temperature recovery after door openings.
Air jacket technology requires little main­tenance and provides a lightweight unit for easier relocation or repositioning for cleaning.
Voltage, Power
Zirconia sensor with
P.I.D./R recovery
NEM A 5 -15
Inner Doors
Multiple chamber inner doors minimize loss of balanced interior atmosphere dur­ing routine door openings (available on selected models).
Product Dimensions (mm)
480 (18.9”) 350 (13.8”)
375 (14.8”)
568 (22.4”)
Front view Side view
378 (14.9”)
310 (12.2”)
Panasonic Healthcare Company of North America
1300 Michael Drive, Suite A, Wood Dale, IL 60191 Toll Free USA (800) 858-8442, Fax (630) 238-0074
© Panasonic Printed in USA 2012.02 JK JK201202V1
491.6 (19.4”)
115 V