Modular ICS
Central Answering Position
User Card

The central answering position
The Meridian Norstar* central answering position (CAP) consists of a Norstar M7324 telephone and
one or two CAP modules. A CAP module is an add-on device that provides 48 extra memory or line
buttons for an M7324 telephone. You can connect up to two CAP modules to an M7324 telephone.
Your telephone is ass ig ned as a central answering position by your installer or customer service
Norstar M7324 telephone with a CAP module attached
M7324 telephone
CAP module
Why use the CAP
About pre-assigned
By giving you one-touch access to many more lines, features and autodial
numbers, the CAP module m akes i t easier for you to:
• answer external cal ls
• check the status of the telephones in your Norstar system
• transfer calls to your co-workers' telephones
When CAP m odul es are first plugged into your telephon e, each CAP
module button is pre-assigned ei ther to select a line or to dial an internal
As a central answering position, wit h two CAP modules, your telephone can
be assigned up to 120 lines. Lines are assigned to a CAP module beginning
with the button in the top left corner and moving down.
Buttons on a CAP module cannot be assi gned as incoming line group or
answer buttons. Thes e buttons can o nly be assigned to your M7324
telephone. You cannot move incoming line group buttons from y our M7324
telephone to your CAP module.
After lines are assigned, any remainin g buttons on your CAP module(s)
become inter nal autodial buttons, starting with the lowest default internal
* Meridian and Norstar are trademarks of N ort el Networks.