Communication Systems Division
Technical Advisory
Updated: Nov. 16, 00
Document Number: KXTD1232014
KX-TD816/1232 Voice Mail Integration with KX-TVS50/80
Digital Integration via the Manager's Extension
It is important that the KX-TD1232 has the proper software level to allow Digital Integration
with the VPS. Follow the procedures below to confirm the software level, then complete the
required programming before starting up the VPS.
All of the following procedures must be done after entering system programming. Refer
to the KX-TD1232 Installation Manual for instructions on how to enter the system
programming mode.
Verify Software - If you are configuring a 2-cabinet system, remember to check both
cabinets. The software must be the same in each. Check the software version of the KX-TD1232
using System Program [116].
Example: P231UYMMDDA
The underlined digits represent the software production date code (year, month, day). For
Digital Integration, the software version of the PBX must be P231U or higher.
(For KX-TD816, the version must be version P301O or higher for Digital Integration to be
If the software version of the PBX is lower than this, call National Parts Center to order a software upgrade.
From the SYS-PGM NO ? screen:
a) Enter [116].
Press the NEXT button (SP-PHONE).
c) Enter the system number ([0] or [1], master/slave). The system displays the ROM
version and the date it was created.
This version must be P231U or higher for Digital Integration to be utilized (both
systems if system connection is used).
2. Set the date and time using System Program [000].
Date and time are automatically synchronized between the VPS and the Panasonic KX-TD
series telephone systems during initial setup.
3. Assign the Voice Mail Port. This program tells the PBX which jack will be connected to
the Voice Mail system. This allows the PBX to send the proper Digital Integration
information to those ports.
• KX-TVS50 (2 ports): assign 1 jack
If you are configuring a 2-cabinet system, all Voice Mail Ports should be assigned to
either the Master or Slave System.
From the SYS-PGM NO ? screen:
Enter [117].
Press the NEXT button (SP-PHONE).
Screen output: M: # # # #
c) Enter the jack number of the port you will use for the Voice Mail (02 - 64).
Press STORE.
Press END (HOLD) when finished.
Conditions: Jack 01 cannot be used as a Voice Mail port. A jack
programmed as a Manager Extension (prg. [006])
cannot be used in this program.
Skip this step unless setting flexible numbering.
System Program [118] (Voice Mail Extension Number Assignment) is automatically set.
This program allows you to assign an extension number to each Voice Mail port. Since
the jack connected to the VPS provides 2 extensions, this enables you to assign extension
numbers to each port. You can assign any extension number that is not already assigned
to another port. To reach the Voice Mail system, users dial these extension numbers. It
is not necessary to change the default programming for the extensions 165 and 166.
From the SYS-PGM NO ? screen:
a) Enter [118].
Press the NEXT button (SP-PHONE).
Screen output: VM NO?
Press the NEXT button (SP-PHONE).
Screen output: VM-01:#_ _ -1: 165
( _ _ = the port number you entered in program 117)
d) Enter the extension number that you want this port to have.
(The default extension number for port 1: 165; port 2: 166)
Press STORE.
f) Repeat c, d, and e until all extension numbers are entered.
Conditions: No 2 jacks on the system can have the same extension
number. If you try to enter a number that is already
assigned, you will hear an error tone. Each digital
extension connected provides 2 Voice Mail ports and
must have 2 different extension numbers assigned
5. Unplug or power down the KX-TD1232.
6. Connect the jack assigned in Step 3 to the KX-TVS50.