Panasonic KX-HNB700, KX-HNB705, KX-HNC700, KX-HNC710, KX-HNC705 User Manual

User’s Guide
Text entity: en_us
Model No.

Table of Contents

Getting started with the HomeHawk!
What is the HomeHawk? ..................................5
Overview .............................................................5
What kinds of devices are available? .............6
Panasonic Home Monitoring Camera device
Access point (KX-HNB700, KX-HNB705) ...........8
Front door camera (KX-HNC700,
KX-HNC705) .......................................................9
Outdoor camera (KX-HNC710, KX-HNC715) ...10 HD Camera (KX-HNC800, KX-HNC805,
KX-HN1003) .....................................................11
Shelf camera (KX-HNC810) .............................12
Floor camera (KX-HNC850) .............................13
Usage examples ..............................................14
Introduction .......................................................14
I want to view live camera images while I’m
out .....................................................................14
I want to know if someone approaches my home
while I’m out ......................................................14
I want to automatically sound a voice alert to
protect my packages .........................................14
I want to view color images at night ..................15
I want to know when my baby wakes up ..........15
I want to know when a room gets too hot or
cold ...................................................................15
I want the lights to turn on automatically when I
come home .......................................................16
I want the lights to turn on automatically when I’m
away on vacation ..............................................16
Downloading the [HomeHawk] app ...............17
Downloading the [HomeHawk] app
(overview) .........................................................17
Setting up devices ..........................................18
App basics .......................................................18
App basics (overview) .......................................18
Using the home screen .....................................19
Displaying the settings menu ............................22
Selecting devices ..............................................23
Accessing from multiple mobile devices ...........23
Exiting and logging out .....................................23
Confirming system status ..............................24
Confirming system status (overview) ................24
Status notifications ............................................24
Device LED indicators ......................................25
System expansion ..........................................28
System expansion (overview) ...........................28
Registering devices ..........................................29
Mobile device features ...................................30
Mobile device features (overview) ....................30
Amazon Alexa features ..................................30
Amazon Alexa features (overview) ...................30
Linking with your Amazon Echo Show ..............31
Using Amazon Alexa to control devices ...........32
Google Home features ...................................33
Google Home features (overview) ....................33
Linking with your Google Home ........................33
Using Google Home to control devices ............34
System settings and maintenance ................35
Event logs .........................................................35
Deregistering devices .......................................36
Support information .......................................37
Accessing the User’s Guide ..............................37
Accessing customer support .............................37
Viewing the Camera Installation / Removal Guide 37
Viewing system information ..............................38
Appendix .........................................................38
Copyright information ........................................38
Open source software information ....................38
Software information .........................................38
Notice for AVC patent portfolio license .............38
Using a shelf camera and floor camera
Shelf camera setup .........................................40
Shelf camera setup (overview) .........................40
Shelf camera initial setup ..................................40
Registering other mobile devices to the shelf
camera ..............................................................42
Shelf camera features ....................................44
Shelf camera features (overview) .....................44
Viewing the camera image/recording list
screen ...............................................................44
Viewing the live camera image screen .............45
Recording camera images (manual
recording) ..........................................................48
Taking snapshots ..............................................48
Displaying images upside down .......................48
Talking to the camera .......................................49
Playing back recordings ....................................49
Erasing recordings ............................................50
Protecting recordings ........................................51
Floor camera setup .........................................52
Floor camera setup (overview) .........................52
Floor camera initial setup ..................................52
Registering other mobile devices to the floor
camera ..............................................................54
Floor camera features ....................................55
Floor camera features (overview) .....................56
Viewing the camera image/recording list
screen ...............................................................56
Viewing the live camera image screen .............57
Recording camera images (manual
recording) ..........................................................60
Taking snapshots ..............................................60
Table of Contents
Talking to the camera .......................................61
Playing back recordings ....................................61
Erasing recordings ............................................62
Protecting recordings ........................................63
Adjusting the lighting .........................................64
Battery status ....................................................64
Mode settings ..................................................65
Mode settings (overview) ..................................65
Preset modes ....................................................65
Checking the selected mode ............................66
Accessing the mode screen ..............................66
Selecting modes ...............................................66
Turning modes off .............................................66
Creating new modes .........................................66
Editing modes ...................................................67
Deleting modes .................................................67
Automatic Mode Switching ...............................67
Configuring geo-fencing ....................................68
General features .............................................70
Status ................................................................70
Sound settings ..................................................70
Recording settings ............................................71
Using night vision ..............................................72
Video settings ...................................................72
Detection area ..................................................73
Motion sensitivity ..............................................73
Detection test ....................................................74
Temperature sensor .........................................74
Temperature units .............................................74
Sound sensitivity ...............................................74
Changing the name of cameras ........................75
Status LED ........................................................75
Updating firmware .............................................75
Resetting camera settings ................................76
Bit rate settings for Amazon Echo Show and
Google Home ....................................................76
Time adjustment ...............................................76
Country/region settings .....................................77
Displaying device information ...........................77
Updating the firmware .......................................77
Notification settings ...........................................77
Login settings ....................................................78
Network features ...............................................78
Home wireless network SSID features .............79
Camera SD cards .............................................80
Using a front door camera and outdoor camera
Front door camera and outdoor camera
setup ................................................................81
Front door camera and outdoor camera setup
(overview) .........................................................81
Initial setup ........................................................81
Registering other mobile devices to the access
point ..................................................................82
Front door camera and outdoor camera
features ............................................................84
Front door camera and outdoor camera features
(overview) .........................................................84
Main features ...................................................84
Viewing the camera image/recording list
screen ...............................................................84
Viewing the live camera image screen .............86
Recording camera images (manual
recording) ..........................................................88
Taking snapshots ..............................................88
Talking to the camera .......................................88
Playing back recordings ....................................89
Erasing recordings ............................................90
Protecting recordings ........................................90
Mode settings ..................................................91
Mode settings (overview) ..................................91
Checking the selected mode ............................92
Accessing the mode screen ..............................92
Selecting modes ...............................................92
Turning modes off .............................................92
Preset modes ....................................................92
Creating new modes .........................................93
Editing modes ...................................................94
Deleting modes .................................................94
Status ...............................................................94
Camera battery level .........................................94
Camera signal strength .....................................95
Image, sound, and recording settings ..........95
Speaker volume settings ..................................95
Recording settings ............................................96
Using night vision ..............................................96
Video settings ...................................................96
Detection settings ...........................................97
Detection area ..................................................97
Motion sensitivity ..............................................98
Disabling detections when leaving your
house ................................................................98
Detection test ....................................................98
Front door camera and outdoor camera
settings ............................................................99
Changing the name of cameras ........................99
Status LED ........................................................99
Updating firmware .............................................99
Resetting camera settings ..............................100
Access point features ..................................100
Access point features (overview) ....................100
Recording settings ..........................................101
Bit rate settings for Amazon Echo Show and
Google Home ..................................................101
Time adjustment .............................................102
Table of Contents
Country/region settings ...................................102
Displaying device information .........................102
Updating the firmware .....................................102
Notification settings .........................................103
Login settings ..................................................103
Network features .............................................104
Home wireless network SSID features ...........105
Access point SD cards ....................................105
Using an HD camera
HD camera setup ..........................................107
HD camera setup (overview) ..........................107
Downloading the [HomeHawk] app ................107
Setting up the HD camera ..............................108
HD camera basics .........................................110
HD camera basics (overview) .........................110
Displaying the options menu ...........................111
Accessing the HD camera from multiple
devices ............................................................111
HD camera main features .............................112
HD camera main features (overview) .............112
Viewing the HD camera list .............................112
Viewing live HD camera images .....................112
Taking snapshots ............................................114
Talking to the HD camera ...............................114
Recording HD camera images (manual
recording) ........................................................115
Viewing the HD camera recording list .............115
Playing back HD camera recordings ..............116
Erasing HD camera recordings .......................117
HD camera SD cards ......................................117
Confirming HD camera status .....................118
Confirming HD camera status (overview) .......118
Status notifications ..........................................118
HD camera LED indicator ...............................119
Smart recording features .............................120
Smart recording features (overview) ...............120
Creating smart recording scenarios ................120
Turning smart recording scenarios on and
off ....................................................................121
Editing smart recording scenarios ..................122
Erasing smart recording scenarios .................122
HD camera sensor features .........................122
HD camera sensor features (overview) ..........122
Viewing HD camera sensor history .................122
Temperature sensor .......................................123
Sound sensor ..................................................123
Motion detection .............................................124
Image, sound, and recording settings ........124
HD camera speaker volume ...........................124
Image brightness ............................................125
Image resolution .............................................125
Frame rate ......................................................125
Recording overwrite ........................................126
Talk mode .......................................................126
Recording sound .............................................126
Night vision mode ...........................................126
Thumbnail image ............................................127
Other image settings .......................................127
HD camera settings ......................................128
General settings ..............................................128
Login password ...............................................129
HD camera device profiles ..............................130
Network features .............................................130
Updating the HD camera’s firmware ...............131
Resetting the HD camera’s settings ...............132
System expansion ........................................133
Registering other mobile devices to the HD
camera ............................................................133
Adding another HD camera ............................133
Deregistering your mobile device ...................133
General information ......................................135
Messages .......................................................137
Initial setup ....................................................137
Connecting from your mobile device .........138
Notification features .....................................139
Shelf camera features ..................................140
General issues ................................................140
Initial setup by WPS ........................................141
Initial setup by Basic Setup .............................142
Floor camera features ..................................143
General issues ................................................143
Initial setup by WPS ........................................145
Initial setup by Basic Setup .............................146
Front door camera and outdoor camera
features ..........................................................147
HD camera sensor features .........................148
Amazon Alexa features ................................149
Google Home features .................................149
Limited Warranty (ONLY FOR U.S.A.) .........151
About this document

What is the HomeHawk?


Getting started with the HomeHawk!

The Panasonic Home Monitoring Camera is a wireless network of devices that help you monitor your home. Its easy-to-use app allows you to stay in charge even when away from home.
Getting started with the HomeHawk!

What kinds of devices are available?

Panasonic Home Monitoring Camera device lineup

The maximum number of camera devices for each type are listed below. In order to use front door cameras and outdoor cameras, they must be connected to an access point.
R Availability and release dates of devices and bundles may vary by region. R Device appearance may vary by region.
For monitoring outside your premises
Access point (KX-HNB700, KX-HNB705)
Overview: Access point (KX-HNB700, KX-HNB705)
Setup: Front door camera and outdoor camera setup (overview)
Features: Access point features (overview)
Front door camera (KX-HNC700, KX-HNC705)
Overview: Front door camera (KX-HNC700, KX-HNC705)
Registration: Registering front door cameras and outdoor cameras
Features: Front door camera and outdoor camera features (overview)
Outdoor camera (KX-HNC710, KX-HNC715)
Overview: Outdoor camera (KX-HNC710, KX-HNC715)
Registration: Registering front door cameras and outdoor cameras
Features: Front door camera and outdoor camera features (overview)
Maximum number of devices that can be registered
The maximum number of devices that can be registered to each type of device are listed below. R Number of devices that can be registered to an access point:
– Front door cameras and outdoor cameras*1: 16 – Mobile devices: 8
R Number of devices that can be registered to a mobile device:
– Access points: 4
*1 Front door cameras and outdoor cameras can only be registered to 1 access point.
For monitoring inside your premises
Floor camera (KX-HNC850)
Getting started with the HomeHawk!
Overview: Floor camera (KX-HNC850)
Setup: Floor camera setup (overview)
Features: Floor camera features (overview)
Shelf camera (KX-HNC810)
Overview: Shelf camera (KX-HNC810)
Registration: Shelf camera setup (overview)
Features: Shelf camera features (overview)
HD camera (KX-HNC800, KX-HNC805, KX-HN1003)
Overview: HD Camera (KX-HNC800, KX-HNC805, KX-HN1003)
Registration: HD camera setup (overview)
Features: HD camera main features (overview)
Maximum number of devices that can be registered
The maximum number of devices that can be registered to each type of device are listed below. R Number of devices that can be registered to a mobile device:
– Shelf cameras and floor cameras: 32 – HD cameras: 32
R Number of devices that can be registered to a floor camera, shelf camera, or HD camera:
– Mobile devices: 8
Getting started with the HomeHawk!

Access point (KX-HNB700, KX-HNB705)

R Joins front door cameras and outdoor cameras together R Connects to your wireless router with an Ethernet cable R Supports SD card connection for recording video and audio from cameras
Getting started with the HomeHawk!

Front door camera (KX-HNC700, KX-HNC705)

R Full-color camera with night vision (including color night vision) and built-in microphone for live
monitoring and recording
R Built-in motion sensor (visual detection) can be used to trigger other actions (alerts, etc.) R Built-in microphone and speaker for two-way communication
Getting started with the HomeHawk!

Outdoor camera (KX-HNC710, KX-HNC715)

R Full-color camera with night vision (including color night vision) and built-in microphone for live
monitoring and recording
R Built-in motion sensor (visual detection) can be used to trigger other actions (alerts, etc.) R Built-in microphone and speaker for two-way communication
Getting started with the HomeHawk!

HD Camera (KX-HNC800, KX-HNC805, KX-HN1003)

R Full-color, high-definition camera with night vision and built-in microphone for live monitoring and
R Built-in motion sensor (visual detection), sound sensor, and temperature sensor can be used to trigger
other actions (camera recording, etc.)
R Built-in microphone and speaker for two-way communication
Getting started with the HomeHawk!

Shelf camera (KX-HNC810)

R Smart and discreet design that blends in with your home environment R Full-color, high-definition camera with night vision and built-in microphone for live monitoring and
R Built-in motion sensor (visual detection) can be used to trigger other actions (camera recording,
sending notifications, etc.)
R Built-in sound sensor and temperature sensor can be used to trigger other actions (sending
notifications, etc.)
R Built-in microphone and speaker for two-way communication

Floor camera (KX-HNC850)

Getting started with the HomeHawk!
R Smart and discreet design that blends in with your home environment R Ambient light that can be turned on and off, and adjusted to 3 different levels R Full-color, high-definition camera with night vision and built-in microphone for live monitoring and
R Built-in motion sensor (visual detection) can be used to trigger other actions (camera recording,
sending notifications, etc.)
R Built-in sound sensor and temperature sensor can be used to trigger other actions (sending
notifications, etc.)
R Built-in microphone and speaker for two-way communication R Adjustable ambient light (high, medium, low, and off)
Getting started with the HomeHawk!

Usage examples


This section describes commonly used system features, the devices required for each example, and briefly explains the required settings.

I want to view live camera images while I’m out

While away from home, you can view live camera images.
Supported devices
R Shelf camera (KX-HNC810) R Floor camera (KX-HNC850) R Front door camera (KX-HNC700, KX-HNC705) R Outdoor camera (KX-HNC710, KX-HNC715) R HD Camera (KX-HNC800, KX-HNC805, KX-HN1003)
Required procedures
R Use the [HomeHawk] app to access the desired camera.
– Shelf cameras: See “Viewing the live camera image screen”, Page 45. – Floor cameras: See “Viewing the live camera image screen”, Page 57. – Front door cameras and outdoor cameras: See “Viewing the live camera image screen”, Page 45. – HD Camera: See “Viewing live HD camera images”, Page 112.

I want to know if someone approaches my home while I’m out

While away from home, you can receive a notification on your mobile device if it was detected that someone approaches your home.
Supported devices
R Front door camera (KX-HNC700, KX-HNC705) R Outdoor camera (KX-HNC710, KX-HNC715)
Required procedures
R Use the [HomeHawk] app to configure a mode or use a preset mode. See “Mode settings
(overview)”, Page 91.

I want to automatically sound a voice alert to protect my packages

You can configure the front door camera to sound a voice alert if a suspicious person approaches your house or package.
Supported devices
R Front door camera (KX-HNC700, KX-HNC705)
Getting started with the HomeHawk!
Required procedures
R Use the [HomeHawk] app to configure a mode or use a preset mode. See “Mode settings
(overview)”, Page 91.

I want to view color images at night

You can configure cameras to display images in color even at night or when the area surrounding the cameras is dark.
Supported devices
R Floor camera (KX-HNC850) R Front door camera (KX-HNC700, KX-HNC705) R Outdoor camera (KX-HNC710, KX-HNC715)
Required procedures
R Use the [HomeHawk] app to set [Night Vision] to [Color].
– Floor cameras: See “Using night vision”, Page 72. – Front door cameras and outdoor cameras: See “Using night vision”, Page 96.

I want to know when my baby wakes up

You can configure cameras to notify your mobile device when sound (such as a crying baby) is detected.
Supported devices
R Shelf camera (KX-HNC810) R Floor camera (KX-HNC850) R HD Camera (KX-HNC800, KX-HNC805, KX-HN1003)
Required procedures
R Use the [HomeHawk] app to configure the camera’s sound alert feature.
– Floor cameras: See “Notification settings”, Page 77. – Shelf cameras: See “Notification settings”, Page 77. – HD Camera: See “[Notification Settings]”, Page 129.

I want to know when a room gets too hot or cold

You can configure cameras to notify your mobile device when the temperature of a room goes above or below the specified temperatures.
Supported devices
R Shelf camera (KX-HNC810) R Floor camera (KX-HNC850) R HD Camera (KX-HNC800, KX-HNC805, KX-HN1003)
Required procedures
R Use the [HomeHawk] app to configure the camera’s sound alert feature.
– Floor cameras: See “Notification settings”, Page 77. – Shelf cameras: See “Notification settings”, Page 77. – HD Camera: See “[Notification Settings]”, Page 129.
Getting started with the HomeHawk!

I want the lights to turn on automatically when I come home

You can configure the floor camera to turn on its light when it detects your mobile device, such as when you return home from outside.
Supported devices
R Floor camera (KX-HNC850)
Required procedures
R Use the [HomeHawk] app to configure the camera’s mode feature. See “Adjusting the lighting”,
Page 64.
R Use the [HomeHawk] app to configure the camera’s geo-fencing feature. See “Automatic Mode
Switching”, Page 67.

I want the lights to turn on automatically when I’m away on vacation

You can configure the floor camera to turn on its light at specified schedules or when it detects motion.
Supported devices
R Floor camera (KX-HNC850)
Required procedures
R Use the [HomeHawk] app to configure the camera’s lighting feature. See “Adjusting the lighting”,
Page 64.
Getting started with the HomeHawk!

Downloading the [HomeHawk] app

Downloading the [HomeHawk] app (overview)

Download information is available at the web page listed below.
{{""|tolink(" support/homehawk")}}
Using your device’s app store
iPhone, iPad users
Search for “Panasonic HomeHawk”. iPad users should search in the “iPhone only” category.
Android device users
Search for “Panasonic HomeHawk”.
Compatible mobile devices
Please check the latest information at the following supported page.
{{""|tolink(" support/homehawk")}}
– iPhone 5s and later, iPad Air and later (iOS 10.0 and later), Android devices (Android 4.1 and later)
(As of March, 2019)
R The [HomeHawk] app may not function properly depending on the system environment, such as the
model of your mobile device, the peripherals connected to your mobile device, and the apps installed on your mobile device. Bluetooth headsets are not supported by the [HomeHawk] app.
R Operating systems for mobile devices are continually updated. Accordingly, the versions of operating
systems the [HomeHawk] app supports may also be updated.
R The following Android devices are not compatible with the [HomeHawk] app.
– Android devices that are not supported by Google Play – Android devices with limited hardware features
(Bluetooth, Wireless LAN, and microphone support are required.)
Getting started with the HomeHawk!

Setting up devices

Refer to the following for information on setting up your device. – Shelf cameras:
“Shelf camera setup (overview)”, Page 40
Floor cameras:
“Floor camera setup (overview)”, Page 52
Access points, front door cameras, and outdoor cameras:
“Front door camera and outdoor camera setup (overview)”, Page 81
HD cameras:
“HD camera setup (overview)”, Page 107

App basics

App basics (overview)

To begin, simply start the [HomeHawk] app on your mobile device by tapping its icon (shown below).
To prevent unauthorized access to your devices, you may need to enter a system password. Whether or not you need to enter the system password depends on how your mobile device is connecting to your devices, as explained below.
Accessing while at home
If your mobile device is connected to the same wireless network as your devices, you do not need to enter the system password when connecting to your devices. This is because it is assumed that in this situation, anyone in your home who is using your mobile device is authorized to access your devices. Note that even when you are at home, you will need to enter the system password if your mobile device is not connected to the same wireless network as your devices. This could occur if your mobile device is connected to the Internet using its mobile network connection instead of your wireless network, or if your mobile device is connected to a different wireless network.
Accessing while away from home
If your mobile device is not connected to the same wireless network as your devices, including situations when you are away from home, you will need to enter the system password when connecting to your devices. This is to prevent someone from using your mobile device to access your devices in the event that you lose your mobile device while away from home, for example.
R The password is set during initial setup.
Shelf cameras:
“Shelf camera setup (overview)”, Page 40
Floor cameras:
“Floor camera setup (overview)”, Page 52
Access points, front door cameras, and outdoor cameras:
“Front door camera and outdoor camera setup (overview)”, Page 81
Getting started with the HomeHawk!
HD cameras:
“HD camera setup (overview)”, Page 107
R You can change the password if necessary.
Shelf cameras/floor cameras:
“Login settings”, Page 78
Access points, front door cameras, and outdoor cameras:
“Login settings”, Page 103
HD cameras:
“[Automatic Login]”, Page 128
R If the app disconnects from your devices while away from home (such as when you turn your mobile
device’s screen off and then on, or you switch to another app and then return to the [HomeHawk] app), the app’s home screen will be displayed instead of the last screen you were viewing. Also note that in this case, it may take some time for the app’s screen to be displayed.
Automatic login
When entering the login password, you can enable the automatic login feature by turning on the [Automatic Login (for remote access)] checkbox. In this case, the password that you enter will be saved, allowing the [HomeHawk] app to connect to your devices automatically.
R You can turn this feature on and off later if desired.
Shelf cameras/floor cameras:
“Login settings”, Page 78
Access points, front door cameras, and outdoor cameras:
“Login settings”, Page 103
HD cameras:
“Login password”, Page 129
R Turning on this feature could allow unauthorized parties to access your devices if they are using your
mobile device.
Privacy information for iPhone and iPad users
Certain features of the app function by accessing your mobile device’s hardware, such as the microphone, or the information stored in your mobile device. While using the app, a dialog may be displayed that asks whether you want to allow the app to access these features of your mobile device. You can change this setting later if desired in the privacy section of your mobile device’s [Settings] app.

Using the home screen

The [HomeHawk] app home screen is displayed when you start the app.
Getting started with the HomeHawk!
Shelf camera and floor camera home screen
A Displays the settings menu D Displays the camera setting screen B Shows the camera’s name E Adjusts the brightness for the light (floor
C Shows the selected mode and displays the
R The displayed home screen differs depending on the number and type of devices registered.
Shelf camera only:
If only 1 shelf camera is registered, the camera image/recording list screen ( “Viewing the camera image/recording list screen”, Page 44) is displayed.
mode screen ( “Mode settings (overview)”, Page 65)
cameras only)
F Displays the HD camera list
Front door camera and outdoor camera home screen
Getting started with the HomeHawk!
A Displays the settings menu D Shows the selected mode and displays the
B Shows the access point’s name E Displays the camera setting screen C Shows the camera’s name F Displays the HD camera list
R The displayed home screen differs depending on the number and type of devices registered. If only 1
camera is registered, the camera image/recording list screen ( “Viewing the camera image/recording list screen”, Page 84) is displayed.
Connection mode when away from home
When connected away from home (i.e., your mobile device is not connected to the same wireless router as your devices), an icon is displayed in the live camera image screen*1, camera image/recording list screen*2, and playback screen*3 to indicate that you are connected away from home and whether you are connected via a relay server. (A relay server is used to make connections with your wireless router when you are away from home.)
mode screen ( “Mode settings (overview)”, Page 91)
is displayed when connected away from home using a relay server.
Getting started with the HomeHawk!
is displayed when connected away from home without using a relay server.
*1 Front door cameras/outdoor cameras: “Viewing the live camera image screen”, Page 86
Floor cameras: “Viewing the live camera image screen”, Page 57 Shelf cameras: “Viewing the live camera image screen”, Page 45
*2 Front door cameras/outdoor cameras: “Viewing the live camera image screen”, Page 86
Floor cameras: “Viewing the camera image/recording list screen”, Page 56 Shelf cameras: “Viewing the camera image/recording list screen”, Page 44
*3 Front door cameras/outdoor cameras: “Playing back recordings”, Page 89
Floor cameras: “Playing back recordings”, Page 61 Shelf cameras: “Playing back recordings”, Page 49
Viewing live images
Cameras can be selected on the home screen to watch live images for. See the following for more information. – Floor cameras: “Viewing the live camera image screen”, Page 57 – Shelf cameras: “Viewing the live camera image screen”, Page 45 – Front door cameras/outdoor cameras: “Viewing the live camera image screen”, Page 86 – HD cameras: “Viewing live HD camera images”, Page 112
Returning to the previous screen
iPhone, iPad
Tap .
Android devices
Press your device’s “back” button.
Returning to the [HomeHawk] app home screen
Tap or press your mobile device’s home button and then start the [HomeHawk] app again.
Home screen options
While viewing the home screen, the following items are available in the settings menu (see “Displaying the settings menu”, Page 22). Note that the available options may vary depending on system configuration and current connection status. – [Recording List]
Displays a list of recordings for devices registered to the mobile device.
[Event Log]
Displays logs of events such as motion detection.
Allows you to configure settings for devices used with the [HomeHawk] app.
Allows you to access support options and information.
[Add Camera(s)]
Allows you to register cameras to your mobile device.

Displaying the settings menu

Tap to display the settings menu. Note that the settings menu is not available on all screens.
Getting started with the HomeHawk!

Selecting devices

You can select the desired device (cameras, access points, etc.) when viewing recorded images, configuring settings, etc.
If there are multiple devices registered to your mobile device, you can select devices by tapping .

Accessing from multiple mobile devices

There are certain limitations when multiple mobile devices are connected to your devices at the same time, as explained below.
Shelf camera and floor camera features:
Viewing camera images
Up to 4 mobile devices, including 2 connected while away from home (i.e., connecting while away from a different network) can view images from cameras.
Playing images
Only 1 mobile device can play images. Subsequent mobile devices are blocked from playing images while images are being played on another mobile device.
Changing settings
Only 1 mobile device can change settings. Subsequent mobile devices are blocked from changing settings while settings are being changed by another mobile device.
Front door camera and outdoor camera features:
Viewing camera images
Up to 4 mobile devices, including 2 connected while away from home (i.e., connecting while away from a different network) can view images from a maximum of 2 cameras.
Recording camera images
Images from up to 2 cameras can be recorded. If you attempt to record images from a 3rd camera, the recording for the 1st camera will stop, and recording for the 3rd camera will start.
Playing images
Only 1 mobile device can play images. Subsequent mobile devices are blocked from playing images while images are being played on another mobile device.
Changing settings
Only 1 mobile device can change settings. Subsequent mobile devices are blocked from changing settings while settings are being changed by another mobile device.
Note: R Information for HD cameras
See “Accessing the HD camera from multiple devices”, Page 111.

Exiting and logging out

Exiting and logging out
Use the standard method for exiting an app used by your mobile device.
Getting started with the HomeHawk!

Confirming system status

Confirming system status (overview)

Your devices can provide information about system status in a variety of ways. – Displaying status notifications on your mobile device using your mobile device’s notifications features
( “Status notifications”, Page 24)
– Lighting the LED indicators on each device ( “Device LED indicators”, Page 25)

Status notifications

Your mobile device can receive status notifications that provide feedback about how your devices are functioning. Details vary depending on the app’s settings and the type of mobile device you are using.
R After recording has started for a camera, motion detection notifications from that camera are not sent
to mobile devices. However, motion detection notifications from other cameras are sent.
R Information for HD cameras
See “Status notifications”, Page 118.
Enabling and disabling status notifications
See the following for information. – Shelf cameras/floor cameras:
“Notification settings”, Page 77 “When motion is detected”, Page 67
Access points, front door cameras, and outdoor cameras:
“Notification settings”, Page 103 “[Push Notification]”, Page 93
Alert tone
The app sounds an alert tone when your mobile device receives a notification from your devices. The volume is determined by your mobile device’s alert volume setting.
Status notifications for iPhone, iPad
The app provides information about system status by displaying status notifications and error messages in the iOS Notifications Center. If your mobile device is registered to multiple devices, your mobile device can receive notifications from all devices, regardless of the device that your mobile device is currently connected to. When you tap a notification in the iOS Notifications Center, the app will attempt to connect to the corresponding device.
Status notifications for Android devices
The app provides information about system status by displaying status notifications, error messages, and the following icons in your mobile device’s status bar and notifications panel. If your mobile device is registered to multiple devices, your mobile device can receive notifications from all devices, regardless of the device that your mobile device is currently connected to. When you tap a notification in the notifications panel, the app will attempt to connect to the corresponding device.
The camera’s motion sensor was triggered
Getting started with the HomeHawk!
The selected mode was changed
An error occurred
The shelf camera’s or floor camera’s sound sensor was triggered
The shelf camera’s or floor camera’s temperature sensor was triggered
The shelf camera’s or floor camera’s privacy mode was enabled
The shelf camera’s or floor camera’s privacy mode was disabled

Device LED indicators

Each device can provide information about its status by turning on its LED indicator.
Meaning of symbols used in this section
Indicator off
Indicator lit
Indicator blinking slowly
Indicator blinking
Indicator blinking quickly
Indicator blinking very quickly
Indicator blinking slowly in two colors
Indicator blinking in two colors
Access point LED indicator
Registration mode, updating
Green or amber
Amber Power on until start up completed
Red Registration failed
No power, or LED indicator is turned off
Power is on (normal operations)*1, or registration completed for the camera or mobile device
Obtaining an IP address, or accessing a microSD card
Starting up
Getting started with the HomeHawk!
IP address is not obtained, or Ethernet cable is not connected to the router
*1 You can configure the access point so that its LED indicator does not light in most states. See
“Status LED”, Page 99.
*2 It may take some time for the access point to finish starting up.
Front door camera and outdoor camera LED indicator
Off R No power
Registration mode, updating
R More than 5 seconds have passed since turning on the power when
the camera is not registered to the access point
R LED indicator is turned off
Registration successfully completed or signal level is strong
*1, *4
*1, *3
Green or amber
blinking quickly -
off for 1 second
Camera is searching for an access point
Camera is on
Registration failed, signal level is weak*3, or detecting motion
Camera is out of range of the access point
Streaming data
Not registered to the access point*2, or signal level is good
Battery is running low
*1 You can configure the camera so that its LED indicator does not light in most states. See “Status
LED”, Page 99. *2 The LED indicator lights in amber for 5 seconds after the power is turned on for the camera. *3 The signal level (strong, good, weak, out of range) is shown after pressing the SETUP button for 3
seconds. You can also check the signal level from “Camera signal strength”, Page 95. *4 Motion detection can also be checked from “Detection test”, Page 98.
Front door camera and outdoor camera charging LED indicator
Red Charging is completed
Charging failure
HD camera LED indicator
No power, or LED indicator is turned off
Getting started with the HomeHawk!
Normal operation, connected to wireless router*1, privacy shutter is open
Normal operation, connected to wireless router*1, privacy shutter is closed
Camera is searching for wireless router
Green Initial setup required
Initial setup is in progress with mobile device connected
Initial setup is starting
Motion detected*1, or camera is starting up
Live images are being viewed or recorded, or camera is starting up
Device malfunction
*1 You can configure the camera so that its LED indicator does not light during normal operation or
when motion is detected. See “HD camera device profiles”, Page 130.
Floor camera LED indicator
Off R No power
R LED indicator is turned off
Registration successfully completed*3 or signal level is strong
Registration mode, updating
Camera is searching for your wireless router
Blinking every 1.5
Yellow Not registered to your wireless router (usually for initial setup), or signal
Blue Registration to your wireless router successfully completed or camera is
Batteries for power backup are in use
Registration failed*3, signal level is weak
R Streaming data*1 or detecting motion
R Accessing microSD card (when privacy mode is off) R Camera is out of range of your wireless router
R LED lights are abnormally hot R Wireless LAN connection failed
level is good
Initial setup is being performed using WPS on your router
Privacy mode is on
Accessing microSD card (when privacy mode is on)
Getting started with the HomeHawk!
*1 You can configure the camera so that its LED indicator does not light in most states. See “Status”,
Page 70. *2 The signal level (strong, good, weak, out of range) is shown after pressing the SETUP button for 3
seconds. You can also check the signal level from “Camera signal strength”, Page 70. *3 Lights for 3 seconds after registration is successfully completed or failed.
Shelf camera LED indicator
Off R No power
R LED indicator is turned off
Registration mode, updating
Registration successfully completed*3 or signal level is strong
Camera is searching for your wireless router
Yellow Not registered to your wireless router (usually for initial setup), or signal
Blue Registration to your wireless router successfully completed or camera is
*1 You can configure the camera so that its LED indicator does not light in most states. See “Status”,
Page 70. *2 The signal level (strong, good, weak, out of range) is shown after pressing the SETUP button for 3
seconds. You can also check the signal level from “Camera signal strength”, Page 70. *3 Lights for 3 seconds after registration is successfully completed or failed.
Registration failed*3, signal level is weak
R Streaming data*1 or detecting motion R Accessing microSD card (when privacy mode is off)
R Camera is out of range of your wireless router R Wireless LAN connection failed
level is good
Initial setup is being performed using WPS on your router
Privacy mode is on
Accessing microSD card (when privacy mode is on)

System expansion

System expansion (overview)

You can expand the system by registering additional devices. See “What kinds of devices are available?”, Page 6 for information on the types and number of devices that can be registered.
Getting started with the HomeHawk!

Registering devices

If you purchased devices that are not registered, you must register them before you can use them.
R To register a mobile device, use the procedure described in the following.
– Floor cameras: “Registering other mobile devices to the floor camera”, Page 54 – Shelf cameras: “Registering other mobile devices to the shelf camera”, Page 42 – Front door cameras/outdoor cameras: “Registering your mobile device to additional access points”,
Page 100
– HD cameras: “Registering other mobile devices to the HD camera”, Page 133
Registering shelf cameras
1 From the [HomeHawk] app home screen, tap ® [Add Camera(s)]. 2 Tap [SHELF Camera]. 3 Perform the procedure described in “Initial setup”, Page 40, starting from step 3.
Registering floor cameras
1 From the [HomeHawk] app home screen, tap ® [Add Camera(s)]. 2 Tap [FLOOR Camera]. 3 Perform the procedure described in “Initial setup”, Page 52, starting from step 3.
Registering access points
1 From the [HomeHawk] app home screen, tap ® [Add Camera(s)]. 2 Perform the procedure described in “Initial setup”, Page 81, starting from step 3.
Registering front door cameras and outdoor cameras
1 From the [HomeHawk] app home screen, tap ® [Add Camera(s)]. 2 Tap [OUTDOOR Camera] or [FRONT DOOR Camera]. 3 If you are close to the access point and can press its SETUP button:
Press and hold the access point’s SETUP button until the access point’s LED indicator blinks slowly
in green, and then tap [Click here to continue].
If you are not close to the access point and cannot press its SETUP button:
Tap [Click here if you are not close to the Access Point].
R If there are multiple access points, select the access point that you want to register the device to.
4 When prompted, press and hold the SETUP button on the camera that you want to register until the
camera’s LED indicator blinks slowly in green.
R When registration is complete, the camera sounds one long beep.
R If registration fails, the camera sounds several short beeps.
R You can customize the name of each device for easier management. For details, see “Changing the
name of cameras”, Page 99.
Registering HD cameras
1 From the [HomeHawk] app home screen, tap ® [Add Camera(s)]. 2 Tap [Indoor HD Camera].
Getting started with the HomeHawk!
3 For iPhone or iPad:
Continue from step 5 of “Initial setup for iPhone, iPad”, Page 108.
For Android devices:
Continue from step 5 of “Initial setup for Android devices”, Page 109.

Mobile device features

Mobile device features (overview)

You can configure settings for your mobile device.
Editing mobile device names
1 From the [HomeHawk] app home screen, tap ® [Settings]. 2 Tap [Mobile Device Name]. 3 Enter the desired name. 4 Tap [OK].
Adjusting mobile device speaker and microphone volume (Android devices only)
You can adjust the volume of your mobile device’s microphone, which determines the volume of your voice that is sent to the camera when talking to the camera, and your mobile device’s speaker, which determines the volume of the camera audio that is heard on your mobile device.
1 From the [HomeHawk] app home screen, tap 2 Tap [Mobile Device Volume]. 3 Select the desired volume for [Speaker] and [Microphone]. 4 Tap [OK].
® [Settings].

Amazon Alexa features

Amazon Alexa features (overview)

You can link your devices with an Amazon Echo Show device or other Amazon devices*1 and control and view images from devices connected to your devices using Amazon Alexa.
R This feature requires third-party equipment and services. R Feature availability may vary depending on the availability of third-party services. Panasonic cannot be
held responsible for the availability and functionality of third-party services.
R Only English is supported for use with Amazon Alexa features. R Amazon Alexa features are not available for HD cameras.
*1 The following Amazon devices are also supported. (Supported devices are subject to change without
– Echo Spot
– All generations of Fire TV
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