Before using this phone, please
read these instructions completely.
Section 750
Issued August, 1998
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The Key Tele pho ne Us er G uide i s f or any one who us es a Pa nasoni c d ig ital te lephon e
in conju nctio n wit h the Panason ic ICX. Th e ICX is a telep hone sys tem t hat pro vid es
you with a powerful set of features fo r handling cal ls.
This manual provides an overview of the following digital phones and offers
detail ed information about using the features provided by the ICX:
We recommend that you read the entire manual before usi ng your digita l phone, in
order to ge t a clear ide a of it s cap a bilities .
This manual contains the following chapters:
• Chapt e r 1, “Unde rs tandin g Your Phon e ” - D escribe s fe atures of Panason ic
digital telephon es .
• Chapter 2, “Setting Up Your Phone” - Provides procedures for setting up
telephone features such as Flexible Function (FF) keys.
Key Telephone User’ s Guide5
• Chapter 3, “Placin g Ou tside Calls” - Provides procedures for making outside
• Chapter 4, “Handling Incoming Calls” - Provides several proce dures for
answering calls.
• Chapter 5, “Communic ating Wit hin Your Office” - Provides procedures for
handli ng internal ca lls.
• Chapter 6, “Using Additional Features” - Provides procedures for using
additional features.
• Appendix A, “Dial Code List.” - Provides a list of dial codes used for
programming FF keys.
• Appendix B, “Customized PSD Bin Numbers.” - Provides a table for
documenting or tracking your personalized list of speed dial numbers.
This user guide uses the following conve ntions:
• References to chapters and secti ons are enclosed in quotation marks and
include the title and page number. For example: “Setting Up Flexible Function
Keys ” on pa ge 19.
• References to information you are to enter or dial are printed in boldfa ce,
mixed-case ch a racters. Fo r ex ample: En te r 73*.
• References to the teleph one keypad are printed in bold, upper case char acters.
For example: Press the HOLD key.
For more information a bout feature s available wi th the Panasoni c ICX system and
digital phones, contact your system administrat or or ICX dealer, or refer to the
Panasonic publication Feature Operation (Section 700).
6Ke y Telephone User’s Guide
The foll ow ing information in this chapter will familiarize you with your Panasonic
digital phone and enable you to effectively use its call-handling features:
• Non-Display Phones (page 7)
• Small-Display Phones (page 9)
• Large-Display Phones (page 13)
• Using Variable Mode (page 12)
• Changing the Default Display (pages 11 and 15)
• Understanding Display Information (pages 11 and 16)
Non-dis play phones do not have a Liq uid Crystal Display (LCD). Table 1 on page 8
descri bes the features (1-18 below ) that are typical of non-display phones.
Figure 1. Non-display phone
Key Telephone User Guide7
1. Understanding Your Phone
Table 1. Non-display phone features
Message Waiting IndicatorIndicates that you have a message.
PROG KeyUsed to pro gram Flexible Function (FF) and one-
CONF KeyUsed to establish conference calls and t o check FF
One-T ouch KeysUsed to make outside calls or to access system fea-
Flexible Function (FF)
DND/CF IndicatorIndicates that Do-Not-Disturb (DND) or Call For-
MIC IndicatorIndicates that your voi ce is not muted (i.e., par ty on
INT IndicatorLights when you are on a call and flas hes when you
ON/OFF IndicatorLights when the ON/OFF key has been pressed.
FL/R KeyUsed to en d an outside call and to either restore out-
REDIAL KeyUsed to redial the last number dialled.
MEMORY KeyUsed to access speed dialling or enter account
ON/OFF KeyUsed to make a call without lifting the handset or to
LINE KeyUsed to seize a free outside line.
VOLUME KeyUsed to adjust t he level of tones , background
HOLD KeyUsed to hold calls, to retrieve held calls, and to
MicrophoneUsed to talk to another party without using the
SpeakerOutputs tones and voice at your extension.
touch keys , t o adjust ringer vo lume, and to send a
flash signal. Depending on the setup of your sys tem, may also be used to transfer calls.
key and one-t ouch features.
Used to access outside lines or to access system fea-
warding is se t.
the other end can hear you). Goes of f when your
hands-free microphone is muted and flashes when
your handset is muted.
hold a call.
side dial tone or switch to exter nal dial tone status
without hanging up the receiver.
turn the spe a ker on and off.
music, ringing, receiver vol ume, and display con trast.
complete FF key programming.
8Key Telephone User Guide
1. Understanding Your Phone
Small-display phones have a display containing two lines of text. Table 2 on page 9
descri bes the features (1-22 below) that are typical of small -display ph ones.
Figure 2. Small-display phone
Table 2. Small-displa y phone features
Message Waiting IndicatorIndicates that you have a message.
DisplayDisplays information about the phone’s status,
MODE KeyUsed to change display modes from Default Mode
END KeyUsed to exit Directory Mode and return the display
menus, and dialling director ies, .
to Speed Dial Mode or Extension Directory Mode.
to Default Mode.
Key Telephone User Guide9
1. Understanding Your Phone
Soft KeysUsed to select speed dial directories or numbers.
PROG KeyUsed to pro gram Flexible Function (FF) and one-
CONF KeyUsed to establish conference calls and t o check FF
One-T ouch KeysUsed to make outside calls or to access system fea-
Flexible Function (FF)
DND/CF IndicatorIndicates that Do-Not-Disturb (DND) or Call For-
INT IndicatorLights when you are on a call and flas hes when you
MIC IndicatorIndicates that your voi ce is not muted (i.e., par ty on
ON/OFF IndicatorLights when the ON/OFF key has been pressed.
FL/R KeyUsed to en d an outside call and to either restore out-
REDIAL KeyUsed to redial the last number dialled.
MEMORY KeyUsed to access speed dialling or enter account
ON/OFF KeyUsed to make a call without lifting the handset or to
LINE KeyUsed to seize a free outside line.
VOLUME KeyUsed to adjust t he level of tones , background
HOLD KeyUsed to hold calls, to retrieve held calls, and to
MicrophoneUsed to talk to another party without using the
SpeakerOutputs tones and voice at your extension.
touch keys , t o adjust ringer vo lume, and to send a
flash signal. Depending on the setup of your sys tem, may also be used to transfer calls.
key and one-t ouch features.
Used to access outside lines or to access system fea-
warding is se t.
hold a call.
the other end can hear you). Goes of f when your
hands-free microphone is muted and flashes when
your handset is muted.
side dial tone or switch to exter nal dial tone status
without hanging up the receiver.
turn the spe a ker on and off.
music, ringing, receiver vol ume, and display con trast.
complete FF key programming.
10Key Telephone User Guide
1. Understanding Your Phone
Changing the Default Display
The MODE key enables you to change the software mode of the display from
Default Mode (i.e., time and date) to Directory Mode (i.e., System Speed Dial
[SSD], Personal Speed Dial [PSD], or Extension director ies). The END key enables
you to return the display to Default Mode.
While in Directory Mode, the soft keys enable you to view ei ther the SSD, PSD, or
Extensi on directo ries. Afte r selecti ng the desi red directory, the sof t keys also enable
you to eit her vi ew or di al sp eed di al or e xtens io n numb er s. (Fo r mor e i nf orma tion on
using directories to make calls, see “Dialling Speed Dial Numbers” on page 34 and
“Calling Other Extensions” on page 45.)
While in Variable Mode, you can also use the soft keys to access various system
• You must be in Di rect or y Mode to view sp eed di al and ext en sion d ir ect orie s o r
dial speed dial numbers using the soft ke ys.
• The system features displayed in Variable Mode require system programming
To display the Dir ectory Mode on a small-display phone
1. (A)Press the MODE key one ti me to access the speed dial directories . (
appear on the second line of the display.)
(B) Press the MODE key twice to access the Extension Director y. (
on the second line of the display.)
2. Press the END key to return to Default Mode.
Understanding Display Information
Displa y in formatio n indicates the status of th e phone. Ho w ev e r, this inf or m a tio n
will var y depending on how the phone is programmed and its status. Several of the
more common di sp la y s are illust ra te d below.
Figure 3. Idle condition for small-display phone (dis play default)
Key Telephone User Guide11
User name
1. Understanding Your Phone
Figure 4. Mess ages receive d for small-di splay phone
Number of
Figure 5. Reminder alarm for smal l-display phone
Alarm time
Figure 6. Incoming outside ca ll for small- display phone
Incoming outside
Figure 7. Out side call in progress for small -display phone
Outside call
in progress
Person that
left the first
Outside line
Figure 8. Internal calling in use for small -display phone
Interco m ca ll
Using Variable Mode
Using Variable Mode allows you to use the soft keys to access programmed system
features when your phone is in the following states:
• Duri ng an intercom cal l
• Duri ng a CO dial tone
• Duri ng a trunk call
• Afte r dialling a busy extension
To activate Variable Mode on a small-display phone
1. Lift the handset or press the ON/OFF key.
12Key Telephone User Guide
1. Understanding Your Phone
2. Press Variable Mode Key.
3. Replace the handset or press the ON/OFF key.
To use Va riable Mode on a small-displa y phone
1. After turning Variable Mode on, the dis play will reflect the programm ed feature s
during an intercom call, CO dial tone, trunk call, or after dialling a busy
2. Press the > or < key next to the desired feature.
Large -display phones are distinguished by their large displays. Table 3 on page 14
descri bes the features (1-23 below ) that are typical of large display phones.
Figure 9. Large-display phone
Key Telephone User Guide13
1. Understanding Your Phone
Table 3. Large-displa y phone features
Message Waiting IndicatorIndicates that you have a message.
DisplayDisplays information about the phone’s status,
Soft KeysUsed to select menus, directories, speed dial num-
PROG KeyUsed to progr am FF and one-touch keys , to adjust
CONF KeyUsed to establish conference calls and t o check
MIC KeyUsed to activa te/deactivate the Microphone/Mute
MENU KeyUsed to return to the default Main Menu screen
PREV KeyUsed to return to the previous screen.
NEXT KeyUsed to advance to the next screen.
Flexible Function (FF)
DND/CF IndicatorIndicates that Do-Not-Disturb (DND) or Call For-
INT IndicatorLights when you are on a call and flas hes when you
MIC IndicatorIndicates that your voi ce is not muted (i.e., par ty on
ON/OFF IndicatorLights when the ON/OFF key has been pressed.
FL/R KeyUsed to en d an outside call and to either restore out-
REDIAL KeyUsed to redial the last number dialled.
menus, and dialling directories.
bers, and to acces s call-handling features.
ringer vol ume and to send a fl ash si gn al. Dep end ing
on the setup of your system, may also be used to
transfer calls.
Flexible Function (FF) and one-touch key settings.
function. When act ivat ed, the par ty on the ot her en d
can hear you. (See item 13, MIC Indicator.)
which contains the following items:
• Personal Dial
•System Dial
• Function System
• Functio n Ex t
Used to access outside lines or to access system features.
warding is se t.
hold a call.
the other end can hear you). Goes of f when your
hands-free microphone is muted and flashes when
your handset is muted.
side dial tone or switch to exter nal dial tone status
without hanging up the receiver.
14Key Telephone User Guide
1. Understanding Your Phone
MEMORY KeyUsed to access speed dialling or enter account
ON/OFF KeyUsed to make a call without lifting the handset or to
LINE KeyUsed to seize a free outside line.
VOLUME KeyUsed to adjust level of tones, background music,
HOLD KeyUsed to hold calls, to retrieve held calls, and to
MicrophoneUsed to talk to another party without using the
SpeakerOutputs tones and voice at your extension.
turn the spe a ker on and off.
ringing, receiver volume, and display contrast.
complete FF key programming.
Changing the Default Display
The ten sof t keys located alongside the display on a large-display phone allow you
to change the software mode of the displ ay. Instead of displaying the Main Menu
(Defaul t M ode) for in stance, you can set your phone to displa y one of the fo llowing
directories or menus:
• Pers onal Dial - Allo w s you to program, vi ew, or dial PSD numbers using the
soft keys.
• Syst em D ial - Allows you to view or dial SSD numb ers using the soft keys.
• Exte n sion - Allows you to view or dial other extension s using the soft keys.
• Funct ion System - Allows you to access mo st key telephone features, such as
Call Forwarding, Do-Not-Disturb (DND), Microphone Mute, Background
Music, Call Pickup, Account Codes, etc.
• Funct ion Extension - A llows you to as sign frequently used phone fe atures for
easy acce ss. Most items found under the Function System Menu can be
assign ed to the Function Extension Menu in any order you desire.
To display a directory or menu on a large-display phone
1. Press the soft key to the left of the desired directory or menu. (The selected
directory or menu of feat ure displays.)
2. Press the MENU key to retu rn to the Main Menu.
Note: Menus are programmable or customizable per extension. Therefore, the
actual menu that displays depends on your system configuration.
Key Telephone User Guide15
1. Understanding Your Phone
Understanding Display Information
Displa y in formatio n indicates the status of th e phone. Ho w ev e r, this inf or m a tio n
will var y depending on how the phone is programmed and its status. Several of the
more common di sp la y s are illust ra te d below.
Figure 10. Idle condition for large-display phone (display default
Figure 11. Messages received for large-display pho ne
You can use the procedures in this chapter to customize your phone for the
• Adjusting Volume and Display Settings (page 18)
• Sett ing Up Flexible Function Keys (page 19)
• Sett ing Up One-touch Keys (page 20)
• Setting Up Speed Dialling (page 22)
• Assi gning and Deleting Personal Speed Dial (PSD) Numbers (page 22)
• Linking System Speed Dial Numbers (page 25)
• Assi gning and Deleting Names for PSD Num bers (page 26)
You can adjust the volume or display contrast of the fol lowing by pressing the
• Intercom and incoming ringer
• Handset
• Speaker
• Display contrast of your phone
To adjust the volum e of your phone while it is in use
Press th e
To adjust the ringer v olume of your phone while it is idle
Press th e
Press th e
Enter 9, then 1 to adjust the incoming ring tone. (The phone produces a tone.)
18 Key Telephone User Guide
During ringing to adjus t the intercom or incoming ri ng tone.
During a call to adjust the handset or speaker volume.
2. Setting Up Your Phone
Enter 9, then 2 to adjust the intercom ring tone. (The phone produces a tone.)
4. Press the VOLUME key.
5. Press the ON/OFF key.
To adjust the display contrast of your phone
Note: This task requires a display phone.
1. While the phone is idle, press the # key.
2. Press the VOLUME key several times as needed.
You can set up Flexible Function (FF) keys to initiate system features or to assign
specific extension numbers.
Note: You cannot set up FF keys t hat are dedicated to outsid e lines. Contact your
system administrator or ICX dealer to make changes to dedicated FF keys.
To set up FF keys
1. Pickup the handset or press the ON/OFF key.
2. Press the PROG key.
3. Press the FF key to be programmed.
4. Do one of the following:
If . . .Then . . .
You want one-key assess to a certain feature:
• You must enter a
assigning features. (See Chapter A,
“Dial Code List” on page 63.)
• Not all dial codes can be stored in FF
You want one-key access to a specific
extension nu mber , pl us t he ab ili ty t o pick up
the extension’s cal ls and know when the
extension is busy.
dial code
fixed dial code
For a
key . F or a
step b.
Ente r one of the dial codes listed in
Appendix A, “Dial Code List.”
Enter the extension number.
flexible di al code
, press the
, proceed to
Ke y Telephone User Guide19
2. Setting Up Your Phone
If . . .Then . . .
If you assig n an extension number to an FF key, the FF key will light red when the extension is busy. It will light green when Do-Not-Disturb (DND)or Call Forwarding is set. In
addition, you can pick up a call t hat is rin ging or on hold at the exten sio n by simpl y press ing
the FF key when it is flashing.
5. Press the HOLD key.
6. Repeat steps 2-5 to program additional keys.
7. Replace the handset or press the ON/OFF key.
To clear an FF key’s programming
1. Pick up the handset or press the ON/OFF key.
2. Press the PROG key.
3. Press the desired FF key.
4. Press the HOLD key.
5. Replace the handset or press the ON/OFF key.
To check the FF key’s setup
Note: This task requires a display phone.
1. Pick up the handset or press the ON/OFF key.
2. Press the CONF key.
3. Press the FF key. The assigned function appears on the display.
4. Replace the handset or press the ON/OFF key.
You can set up one-touch keys on a non-display or small-display phone to store
phone numbers, speed dial numbers, or feature access codes.
To progra m a one-touch key for an outside phone number
1. Pickup the handset or press the ON/OFF key.
2. Press the PROG key.
3. Press the one-touch key to be programmed.
20Key Telephone User Guide
2. Setting Up Your Phone
4. Dial the phone number to be stored.
5. Press the HOLD key.
6. Replace the handset or press the ON/OFF key.
To assign an SSD number to a one-touc h key
1. Pickup the handset or press the ON/OFF key.
2. Press the PROG key.
3. Press the one-touch key to be programmed.
4. Press the MEMORY key.
5. Enter the SSD bin number to be programmed.
6. Press the HOLD key.
7. Replace the handset or press the ON/OFF key.
To assign a featur e code or extension number to a one-touch
Note: **When the system is set up for MCO Code level, one-t ouch keys
automatically dial an outside line. (MCO Code level req uires system programming.)
1. Pickup the handset or press the ON/OFF key.
2. Press the PROG key.
3. Press the one-touch key to be programmed.
4. **If the fea ture functions at the MCO Code level, press MEMORY * #.
5. Enter the desired feature code or extension number.
6. Press the HOLD key.
7. Replace the handset or press the ON/OFF key.
To check a programmed one-touch key
Note: This task requires a display phone.
1. Pickup the handset or press the ON/OFF key.
2. Press the CONF key.
Ke y Telephone User Guide21
2. Setting Up Your Phone
3. Press the one-touch key to be checked. (Programmed data appears on the
4. Replace the handset or press the ON/OFF key.
You can set up the following speed dial features using your phone’s one-to uch or
soft keys:
• Spee d di al numbe rs
• Speed dial linking
• Speed dial names
Assigning and Deleting PSD Numbers
You can assign freque ntly ca ll ed number s ( or Syst em Spee d Dia l [ SSD] n umber s) to
your phone ’s one-touch or soft keys. These keys are preprogrammed to correspond
to specifi c PSD cod es or bin s. You store your PSD number s in t hese bi ns. When you
press a one -touc h or so ft key conta ini ng a PSD nu mber , the PSD bi n ass ociat ed with
that key is accessed and the speed dial number is dialle d.
You can assign up to 10 PSD numbe rs to the one-touch keys on a non-display or
small- displ ay p hone (PSD b ins 80 -89) and up t o 20 PSD nu mber s t o th e soft key s on
a large-display phone (PSD bins 80-99).
When in the PSD Directory Mode, you can view the PSD bin num bers on the
displa y. On a small-disp lay phone, two bi ns are displayed at a time. To display the
next two bins, press the # key. To display the previous two bins, press the * key. On
a large-display ph one, 10 PSD bins are displayed at a tim e. To di splay the next 10
bins, press the NEXT key. To display the previous 10 bins, press the PREV key.
For a list of corresponding PSD bin numbers and one-touch or soft keys, see Figure
16 and Table 4 on page 23.
• On a small -display phone, you must be in the PSD Directory Mode to assign,
access, or view numbers in PSD bins 90-99. On a non-display phone, you
access or assign numbers to PSD bins 90-99 by pressi n g the MEMORY key
and entering the PSD bin number. (To rev iew the PSD numbers on nondispla y phones, refer to your customized list of PSD numbers in Appendix B
“Customized PSD Bin Numbers” on page 66.)
• Unti l you assign a nam e or string of characters to a PSD number, the PSD bin
number will display when you press the one-touch or soft key. For more
information, see “Assigni ng and Deleting Names for PSD Numbe rs” on page
22Key Telephone User Guide
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