Panasonic F77G, MN101C77C User Manual

MN101C77C/F77G LSI User ’s Manual
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About This Manual

In this LSI manual, this LSI functions are presented in the following order : overview, basic CPU functions, interrupt functions, port functions, timer functions, serial functions, and other peripheral hardware functions. Each section contains overview of function, block diagram, control register, operation, and setting example.
Manual Configuration
Each section of this manual consists of a title, summary, main text, key information, precautions and warnings, and references. The layout and definition of each section are shown below.
The smallest block in this manual.
Main text
Key information
Important information from the text.
Chapter 2 Basic CPU
2-8 Reset
2-8-1 Reset operation
The CPU contents are reset and registers are initialized when the NRST pin (P.27) is pulled to low.
Initiating a Reset
There are two methods to initiate a reset. (1) Drive the NRST pin low for at least four clock cycles.
NRST pin should be holded "low" for more than 4 clock cycles (200 nS at a 20 MHz).
NRST pin
4 clock cycles
(200 nS at a 20 MHz)
Figure 2-8-1 Minimum Reset Pulse Width
(2) Setting the P2OUT7 flag of the P2OUT register to "0" outputs low level at P27 (NRST) pin. And
transfering to reset by program (software reset) can be executed. If the internal LSI is reset and register is initiated, the P2OUT7 flag becomes "1" and reset is released.
[ Chapter 4. 4-4-2 Registers ]
On this LSI, the starting mode is NORMAL mode that high oscillation is the base clock.
When the power voltage low circuit is connected to NRST pin, circuit that gives pulse for enough low level time at sudeen unconnected. And reset can be generated even if its pulse is low level as the oscillation clock is under 4 clocks, take notice of noise.
Introduction to the section.
References for the main text.
Precautions and warnings
Precautions are listed in case. Be sure to read these of lost functionality or damage.
About This Manual 1
II - 44
Finding Desired Information
This manual provides three methods for finding desired information quickly and easily.
(1) Consult the index at the front of the manual to locate the beginning of each section. (2) Consult the table of contents at the front of the manual to locate desired titles. (3) Chapter names are located at the top outer corner of each page, and section titles are located
at the bottom outer corner of each page.
Related Manuals
Note that the following related documents are available.
"MN101C Series LSI user's Manual"
<Describes the device hardware>
"MN101C Series Instruction Manual"
<Describes the instruction set.>
"MN101C Series C Compiler User's Manual: Usage Guide"
<Describes the installation, the commands, and options of the C Compiler.>
"MN101C Series C Compiler User's Manual: Language Description"
<Describes the syntax of the C Compiler.>
"MN101C Series C Compiler User's Manual: Library Reference"
<Describes the standard library of the C Compiler.>
"MN101C Series Cross-assembler User's Manual"
<Describes the assembler syntax and notation.>
"MN101C Series C Source Code Debugger User's Manual"
<Describes the use of C source code debugger.>
"MN101C Series PanaX Series Installation Manual"
<Describes the installation of C compiler, cross-assembler and C source code debugger and the procedure for bringing up the in-circuit emulator.>
About This Manual 2
Chapter 1 Overview
Chapter 2 CPU Basics
Chapter 3 Interrupts
Chapter 4 I/O Ports
Chapter 5 Prescaler 5
Chapter 6 8-bit Timers
Chapter 7 16-bit Timer Chapter 8 Time Base Timer /
8-bit Free-running Timer
6 7
Chapter 9 Watchdog Timer Chapter 10 Buzzer
Chapter 11 Serial Interface 0,1
Chapter 12 Serial Interface 3
Chapter 13 Serial Interface 4 Chapter 14 Automatic Transfer
Chapter 15 A/D Converter
9 10 11
13 14
Chapter 16 D/A Converter Chapter 17 Appendices
Chapter 18 Flash EEPROM
16 17


Chapter 1 Overview
1-1 Overview ..................................................................................................................... I - 2
1-1-1 Overview .................................................................................................... I - 2
1-1-2 Product Summary ....................................................................................... I - 2
1-2 Hardware Functions .................................................................................................... I - 3
1-3 Pin Description............................................................................................................ I - 9
1-3-1 Pin Configuration ....................................................................................... I - 9
1-3-2 Pin Specification....................................................................................... I - 10
1-3-3 Pin Functions ........................................................................................... I - 1 1
1- 4 Block Diagram ........................................................................................................... I - 17
1-4-1 Block Diagram .......................................................................................... I - 1 7
1- 5 Electrical Characteristics ........................................................................................... I - 18
1-5-1 Absolute Maximum Ratings ..................................................................... I - 18
1-5-2 Operating Conditions ............................................................................... I - 19
1-5-3 DC Characteristics .................................................................................... I - 22
1-5-4 A/D Converter Characteristics ................................................................. I - 26
1-5-5 D/A Converter Characteristics ................................................................. I - 27
1-6 Precautions................................................................................................................ I - 28
1-6-1 General Usage .......................................................................................... I - 28
1-6-2 Unused Pins ............................................................................................. I - 2 9
1-6-3 Power Supply ........................................................................................... I - 31
1-6-4 Power Supply Circuit................................................................................ I - 32
1-7 Package Dimension ................................................................................................... I - 33
Chapter 2 CPU Basics
2-1 Overview.................................................................................................................. II - 2
2-1-1 Block Diagram ....................................................................................... II - 3
2-1-2 CPU Control Registers ........................................................................... II - 4
2-1-3 Instruction Execution Controller ........................................................... II - 5
2-1-4 Pipeline Process...................................................................................... II - 6
2-1-5 Registers for Address.............................................................................. II - 6
2-1-6 Registers for Data ................................................................................... II - 7
2-1-7 Processor Status Word ............................................................................ II - 8
2-1-8 Addressing Modes ............................................................................... II - 10
2-2 Memory Space....................................................................................................... II - 12
2-2-1 Memory Mode ...................................................................................... II - 12
2-2-2 Single-chip Mode ................................................................................. II - 13
2-2-3 Special Function Registers...................................................................... II - 14
2-3 Bus Interface ............................................................................................................ II - 15
2-3-1 Bus Controller ......................................................................................... II - 15
2-3-2 Control Registers..................................................................................... II - 16
2-4 Standby Function..................................................................................................... II - 19
2-4-1 Overview ................................................................................................. II - 19
2-4-2 CPU Mode Control Register.................................................................... II - 2 1
2-4-3 Transition between SLOW and NORMAL.............................................. II - 22
2-4-4 Transition to ST ANDBY Modes ............................................................. II - 23
2- 5 Clock Switching........................................................................................................ II - 25
2-6 Bank Function .......................................................................................................... II - 27
2-6-1 Overview ................................................................................................. II - 27
2-6-2 Bank Setting ............................................................................................ II - 27
2-6-3 Bank Memory Space ............................................................................... II - 29
2- 7 ROM Correction ....................................................................................................... II - 30
2-7-1 Overview ................................................................................................. II - 30
2-7-2 Correction Sequence ............................................................................... II - 30
2-7-3 ROM Correction Control Register ........................................................... II - 32
2-7-4 ROM Correction Setup Example .............................................................. II - 35
2-8 Reset ........................................................................................................................ II - 38
2-8-1 Reset Operation....................................................................................... II - 38
2-8-2 Oscillation Stabilization W ait T ime.......................................................... II - 40
2-9 Register Protection................................................................................................... II - 42
2-9-1 Overview ................................................................................................. II - 42
2-9-2 Setting of the Register Protection Function ............................................ II - 4 2
2-9-3 Rewrite Procedure ................................................................................... II - 42
Chapter 3 Interrupts
3-1 Overview................................................................................................................. III - 2
3-1-1 Functions ............................................................................................... III - 3
3-1-2 Block Diagram ...................................................................................... III - 4
3-1-3 Operation ............................................................................................... III - 5
3-1-4 Interrupt Flag Setup............................................................................... III - 14
3-2 Control Registers.................................................................................................. III - 15
3-2-1 Registers List ....................................................................................... III - 15
3-2-2 Interrupt Control Registers.................................................................. III - 16
3-3 External Interrupts ................................................................................................... III - 38
3-3-1 Overview ................................................................................................ III - 38
3-3-2 Block Diagram ........................................................................................ III - 39
3-3-3 Control Registers.................................................................................... III - 42
3-3-4 Programmable Active Edge Interrupt ..................................................... III - 47
3-3-5 Both Edges Interrupt.............................................................................. III - 48
3-3-6 Key Input Interrupt ................................................................................ III - 19
3-3-7 Noise Filter ............................................................................................. III - 51
3-3-8 AC Zero-Cross Detector ........................................................................ III - 54
Chapter 4 I/O Ports
4-1 Overview .................................................................................................................. IV - 2
4-1-1 I/O Port Diagram...................................................................................... IV - 2
4-1-2 I/O Port Status at Reset ........................................................................... IV - 3
4-1-3 Control Registers..................................................................................... IV - 4
4-2 Port 0 ........................................................................................................................ IV - 6
4-2-1 Description.............................................................................................. IV - 6
4-2-2 Registers ................................................................................................. IV - 7
4-2-3 Block Diagram ......................................................................................... IV - 8
4-3 Port 1 ....................................................................................................................... IV - 12
4-3-1 Description............................................................................................. IV - 12
4-3-2 Registers ................................................................................................ IV - 13
4-3-3 Block Diagram ........................................................................................ IV - 16
4-4 Port 2 ....................................................................................................................... IV - 17
4-4-1 Description............................................................................................. IV - 17
4-4-2 Registers ................................................................................................ IV - 18
4-4-3 Block Diagram ........................................................................................ IV - 19
4-5 Port 5 ....................................................................................................................... IV - 21
4-5-1 Description............................................................................................. IV - 21
4-5-2 Registers ................................................................................................ IV - 22
4-5-3 Block Diagram ........................................................................................ IV - 23
4-6 Port 6 ....................................................................................................................... IV - 26
4-6-1 Description............................................................................................. IV - 26
4-6-2 Registers ................................................................................................ IV - 27
4-6-3 Block Diagram ........................................................................................ IV - 29
4-7 Port 7 ....................................................................................................................... IV - 30
4-7-1 Description............................................................................................. IV - 30
4-7-2 Registers ................................................................................................ IV - 31
4-7-3 Block Diagram ........................................................................................ IV - 33
4-8 Port 8 ....................................................................................................................... IV - 37
4-8-1 Description............................................................................................. IV - 37
4-8-2 Registers ................................................................................................ IV - 38
4-8-3 Block Diagram ........................................................................................ IV - 40
4-9 Port A ...................................................................................................................... IV - 41
4-9-1 Description............................................................................................. IV - 41
4-9-2 Registers ................................................................................................ IV - 42
4-9-3 Block Diagram ........................................................................................ IV - 44
4-10 Real Time Output Control (Port 1) ........................................................................... IV - 45
4-10-1 Registers ................................................................................................ IV - 45
4-10-2 Operation................................................................................................ IV - 46
4-11 Synchronous Output (Port 7) .................................................................................. IV - 4 8
4-11-1 Block Diagram ........................................................................................ IV - 48
4-11-2 Registers ................................................................................................ IV - 49
4-11-3 Operation................................................................................................ IV - 50
4-11-4 Setup Example ........................................................................................ IV - 52
Chapter 5 Prescaler
5-1 Overview .................................................................................................................... V - 2
5-1-1 Peripheral Functions ................................................................................. V - 3
5-1-2 Block Diagram ........................................................................................... V - 4
5-2 Control Registers........................................................................................................ V - 5
5-2-1 Registers List............................................................................................. V - 5
5-2-2 Control Registers....................................................................................... V - 6
5-3 Operation.................................................................................................................. V - 11
5-3-1 Operation................................................................................................. V - 11
5-3-2 Setup Example ......................................................................................... V - 12
Chapter 6 8-bit T imers
6-1 Overview................................................................................................................. VI - 2
6-1-1 Functions .................................................................................................VI - 2
6-1-2 Block Diagram ........................................................................................VI - 3
6-2 Control Registers...................................................................................................... VI - 6
6-2-1 Registers ................................................................................................. VI - 6
6-2-2 Programmable Timer Registers ................................................................ VI - 8
6-2-3 Timer Mode Registers ............................................................................ VI - 10
6- 3 8-bit Timer Count..................................................................................................... VI - 15
6-3-1 Operation................................................................................................ VI - 15
6-3-2 Setup Example ........................................................................................ VI - 17
6-4 8-bit Event Count .................................................................................................... VI - 19
6-4-1 Operation................................................................................................ VI - 19
6-4-2 Setup Example ........................................................................................ VI - 21
6-5 8-bit Timer Pulse Output ......................................................................................... VI - 23
6-5-1 Operation................................................................................................ VI - 23
6-5-2 Setup Example ........................................................................................ VI - 24
6-6 8-bit PWM Output .................................................................................................. VI - 26
6-6-1 Operation................................................................................................ VI - 26
6-6-2 Setup Example ........................................................................................ VI - 28
6-7 8-bit Timer Synchronous Output............................................................................. VI - 3 0
6-7-1 Operation................................................................................................ VI - 30
6-7-2 Setup Example ........................................................................................ VI - 31
6-8 Serial Interface Transfer Clock Output .................................................................... VI - 33
6-8-1 Operation................................................................................................ VI - 33
6-8-2 Setup Example ........................................................................................ VI - 34
6-9 Simple Pulse W idth Measurement........................................................................... VI - 36
6-9-1 Operation................................................................................................ VI - 36
6-9-2 Setup Example ........................................................................................ VI - 37
6-10 Cascade Connection ............................................................................................... VI - 3 9
6-10-1 Operation................................................................................................ VI - 39
6-10-2 Setup Example ........................................................................................ VI - 41
6-11 Remote Control Carrier Output ................................................................................ VI - 43
6-11-1 Operation................................................................................................ VI - 43
6-11-2 Setup Example ........................................................................................ VI - 44
Chapter 7 16-bit T imer
7-1 Overview................................................................................................................ VII - 2
7-1-1 Functions .............................................................................................. VII - 2
7-1-2 Block Diagram ..................................................................................... VII - 3
7-2 Control Registers................................................................................................... VII - 4
7-2-1 Registers ............................................................................................... VII - 4
7-2-2 Programmable Timer Registers............................................................ VII - 5
7-2-3 Timer Mode Registers.......................................................................... VII - 8
7-3 16-bit Timer Count .............................................................................................. VII - 10
7-3-1 Operation ............................................................................................ VII - 10
7-3-2 Setup Example.................................................................................... VII - 13
7-4 16-bit Event Count .............................................................................................. VII - 15
7-4-1 Operation ............................................................................................ VII - 15
7-4-2 Setup Example.................................................................................... VII - 17
7-5 16-bit Timer Pulse Output................................................................................... VII - 19
7-5-1 Operation ............................................................................................ VII - 19
7-5-2 Setup Example.................................................................................... VII - 21
7-6 16-bit Standard PWM Output
(Only duty can be changed consecutively) .................................... VII - 23
7-6-1 Operation ............................................................................................ VII - 23
7-6-2 Setup Example.................................................................................... VII - 25
7-7 16-bit High Precision PWM Output
(Cycle/Duty can be changed consecutively)...................................... VII - 27
7-7-1 Operation ............................................................................................ VII - 27
7-7-2 Setup Example.................................................................................... VII - 29
7-8 16-bit Timer Synchronous Output ...................................................................... VII - 31
7-8-1 Operation ............................................................................................ VII - 31
7-8-2 Setup Example.................................................................................... VII - 32
7-9 16-bit Timer Capture ........................................................................................... VII - 34
7-9-1 Operation ............................................................................................ VII - 34
7-9-2 Setup Example.................................................................................... VII - 37
Chapter 8 Time Base Timer / 8-bit Free-running Timer
8-1 Overview ................................................................................................................ VIII - 2
8-1-1 Functions .............................................................................................. VIII - 2
8-1-2 Block Diagram ....................................................................................... VIII - 3
8-2 Control Registers.................................................................................................... VIII - 4
8-2-1 Control Registers................................................................................... VIII - 4
8-2-2 Programmable Timer Registers .............................................................. VIII - 5
8-2-3 Timer Mode Registers ........................................................................... VIII - 6
8- 3 8-bit Free-running Timer......................................................................................... VIII - 7
8-3-1 Operation............................................................................................... VIII - 7
8-3-2 Setup Example ..................................................................................... VIII - 10
8- 4 Time Base Timer ................................................................................................... VIII - 12
8-4-1 Operation............................................................................................. VIII - 12
8-4-2 Setup Example ..................................................................................... VIII - 14
Chapter 9 Watchdog Timer
9-1 Overview................................................................................................................. IX - 2
9-1-1 Block Diagram ...................................................................................... IX - 2
9-2 Control Registers.................................................................................................... IX - 3
9-3 Operation ................................................................................................................ IX - 4
9-3-1 Operation ............................................................................................... IX - 4
9-3-2 Setup Example....................................................................................... IX - 7
Chapter 10 Buzzer
10-1 Overview ................................................................................................................... X - 2
10-1-1 Block Diagram .......................................................................................... X - 2
10-2 Control Register ........................................................................................................ X - 3
10-3 Operation................................................................................................................... X - 4
10-3-1 Operation.................................................................................................. X - 4
10-3-2 Setup Example .......................................................................................... X - 5
Chapter 11 Serial Interface 0,1
11-1 Overview .................................................................................................................. XI - 2
11-1-1 Functions ................................................................................................ XI - 2
11-1-2 Block Diagram ......................................................................................... XI - 4
11-2 Control Registers...................................................................................................... XI - 6
11-2-1 Registers ................................................................................................. XI - 6
11-2-2 Serial Interface 0 Data Buffer Registers ................................................... XI - 7
11-2-3 Serial Interface 0 Mode Registers............................................................ XI - 8
11-2-4 Serial Interface 1 Data Buffer Registers ................................................. XI - 14
11-2-5 Serial Interface 1 Mode Registers.......................................................... XI - 15
11-3 Operation................................................................................................................ XI - 21
11-3-1 Clock Synchronous Serial Interface ...................................................... XI - 21
11-3-2 Serial interface 0 Synchronous Serial Interface Pin Setup ..................... XI - 33
11-3-3 Serial interface 1 Synchronous Serial Interface Pin Setup ..................... XI - 36
11-3-4 Setup Example ....................................................................................... XI - 39
11-3-5 UART Serial Interface............................................................................ XI - 4 2
11-3-6 Serial interface 0 UART Serial Interface Pin Setup ................................ XI - 5 4
11-3-7 Serial interface 1 UART Serial Interface Pin Setup ................................ XI - 5 6
11-3-8 Setup Example ....................................................................................... XI - 58
Chapter 12 Serial Interface 3
12-1 Overview............................................................................................................... XII - 2
12-1-1 Functions ............................................................................................. XII - 2
12-1-2 Block Diagram .................................................................................... XII - 3
12-2 Control Registers .................................................................................................. XII - 4
12-2-1 Registers .............................................................................................. XII - 4
12-2-2 Data Buffer Registers .......................................................................... XII - 5
12-2-3 Mode Registers ...................................................................................... XII - 6
12-3 Operation............................................................................................................... XII - 10
12-3-1 Clock Synchronous Serial Interface ..................................................... XII - 10
12-3-2 Setup Example ...................................................................................... XII - 24
12-3-3 Single Master IIC Interface................................................................... XII - 27
12-3-4 Setup Example ...................................................................................... XII - 36
Chapter 13 Serial Interface 4
13-1 Overview ................................................................................................................ XIII - 2
13-1-1 Functions .............................................................................................. XIII - 2
13-1-2 Block Diagram ....................................................................................... XIII - 3
13-2 Control Registers.................................................................................................... XIII - 4
13-2-1 Registers List......................................................................................... XIII - 4
13-2-2 Data Register......................................................................................... XIII - 5
13-2-3 Mode Registers ..................................................................................... XIII - 6
13-3 Operation................................................................................................................ XIII - 9
13-3-1 Setup Example of the Slave IIC Serial Interface ................................... XIII - 11
Chapter 14 Automatic Transfer Controller
14-1 Overview ................................................................................................................ XIV - 2
14-1-1 A TC1 ..................................................................................................... XIV - 2
14-1-2 Functions .............................................................................................. XIV - 3
14-1-3 Block Diagram ....................................................................................... XIV - 4
14-2 Control Registers.................................................................................................... XIV - 5
14-2-1 Registers ............................................................................................... XIV - 5
14-3 Operation................................................................................................................ XIV - 9
14-3-1 Basic Operations and Timing ................................................................ XIV - 9
14-3-2 Setting the Memory Address .............................................................. XIV - 11
14-3-3 Setting the Data Transfer Count ......................................................... XIV - 12
14-3-4 Setting the Data Transfer Modes ........................................................ XIV - 13
14-3-5 Transfer Mode 0.................................................................................. XIV - 14
14-3-6 Transfer Mode 1.................................................................................. XIV - 15
14-3-7 Transfer Mode 2.................................................................................. XIV - 16
14-3-8 Transfer Mode 3.................................................................................. XIV - 17
14-3-9 Transfer Mode 4.................................................................................. XIV - 18
14-3-10 Transfer Mode 5.................................................................................. XIV - 19
14-3-11 Transfer Mode 6.................................................................................. XIV - 20
14-3-12 Transfer Mode 7.................................................................................. XIV - 22
14-3-13 Transfer Mode 8.................................................................................. XIV - 24
14-3-14 Transfer Mode 9.................................................................................. XIV - 26
14-3-15 Transfer Mode A................................................................................. XIV - 28
14-3-16 Transfer Mode B ................................................................................. XIV - 29
14-3-17 Transfer Mode C ................................................................................. XIV - 30
14-3-18 Transfer Mode D ................................................................................. XIV - 31
14-3-19 Transfer Mode E ................................................................................. XIV - 32
14-3-20 Transfer Mode F ................................................................................. XIV - 33
14-4 Setup Example ...................................................................................................... XIV - 34
Chapter 15 A/D Converter
15-1 Overview ................................................................................................................. XV - 2
15-1-1 Functions ............................................................................................... XV - 2
15-1-2 Block Diagram ........................................................................................ XV - 3
15-2 Control Registers..................................................................................................... XV - 4
15-2-1 Registers ................................................................................................ XV - 4
15-2-2 Control Registers.................................................................................... XV - 5
15-2-3 Data Buffers ........................................................................................... XV - 7
15-3 Operation................................................................................................................. XV - 8
15-3-1 Setup .................................................................................................... XV - 1 0
15-3-2 Setup Example ...................................................................................... XV - 12
15-3-3 Cautions ............................................................................................... XV - 16
Chapter 16 D/A Converter
16-1 Overview ................................................................................................................ XVI - 2
16-1-1 Functions .............................................................................................. XVI - 2
16-2 Operation................................................................................................................ XVI - 3
16-3 Control Registers.................................................................................................... XVI - 4
16-3-1 Overview ............................................................................................... XVI - 4
16-3-2 Control Registers................................................................................... XVI - 5
16-3-3 Input Data Register ............................................................................... XVI - 6
16-4 Setup Example ........................................................................................................ XVI - 7
Chapter 17 Appendices
17-1 Probe Switches ..................................................................................................... XVII - 2
17-1-1 PRB-MBB101C77-M.............................................................................. XVII - 2
17-1-2 PX-CN101-M ......................................................................................... XVII - 3
17-1-3 PX-ADP101-64-M.................................................................................. XVII - 4
17-1-4 PRB-DMY101C77-M ............................................................................. XVII - 5
17-2 Special Function Registers List ............................................................................ XVII - 6
Instruction Set..................................................................................................... XVII - 15
Instruction Map .................................................................................................. XVII - 21
Chapter 18 Flash EEPROM
18-1 Overview ............................................................................................................. XVIII - 2
18-1-1 Overview .............................................................................................. XVIII - 2
18-1-2 Differences between Mask ROM version and EPROM version........... XVIII - 4
18-2 Pin Descriptions .................................................................................................. XVIII - 5
18-3 Electrical Characteristics ..................................................................................... XVIII - 6
18-3-1 Absolute Maximum Ratings ................................................................. XVIII - 6
18-3-2 Operating Conditions ........................................................................... XVIII - 7
18-3-3 DC Characteristics ................................................................................ XVIII - 8
18-4 Reprogramming Flow........................................................................................... XVIII - 9
18-5 PROM writer mode ............................................................................................ XV III - 10
18-6 Onboard Serial Programming Mode .................................................................. XVII I - 1 2
18-6-1 Overview ............................................................................................ XVIII - 12
18-6-2 Circuit Requirements for the T arget Board (in Clock Synchronous
Communication using the YDC Serial Writer)..................................... XVIII - 13
18-6-3 Circuit Requirements for the T arget Board (in Clock Synchronous
Communication using the PanaX Serial Writer).................................. XVIII - 16

Chapter 1 Overview

Chapter 1 Overview

1-1 Overview

1-1-1 Overview

The MN101C series of 8-bit single-chip microcontroller incorporates multiple types of peripheral functions. This chip series is well suited for camera, VCR, MD, TV, CD, LD, printer, telephone, home automation products, pager, air conditioner, PPC remote control, fax machine, musical instrument, and other applica­tions.
The MN101C77 series brings to embedded microcontroller applications flexible, optimized hardware configurations and a simple efficient instruction set. The MN101C77C has an internal 48 KB of ROM and 3 KB of RAM. Peripheral functions include 5 external interrupts, 17 internal interrupts including NMI, independent 6 timer counters, 4 sets of serial interfaces, A/D converter, D/A converter, watchdog timer, automatic data transfer, synchronous output, buzzer output, and remote control output. The configura­tion of this microcontroller is well suited for application such as a system controller in a camera, VCR selection timer, CD player, or MD.
With two oscillation systems (max.20 MHz/32 kHz) contained on the chip, the system clock can be switched to high speed oscillation (NORMAL mode), or to low speed oscillation (SLOW mode). The system clock is generated by dividing the oscillation clock. The best operation clock for the system can be selected by switching its frequency by software. There are 2 choices for high speed oscillation : the normal mode, which has a system clock based on the clock (fosc/2) divided by 2, and the 2x-speed mode, which has a system clock based on the same cycle clock (fosc).
On the normal mode, when the oscillation source(fosc) is 8 MHz, minimum instructions execution time is for 250 ns, and when fosc is 20 MHz, it is 100 ns. On the 2x-speed mode, CPU is operated with the same cycle to the external clock, when fosc is 8 MHz, minimum instructions execution time is 125 ns. The packages are 64-pin LQFP and 64-pin TQFP (under development).

1-1-2 Product Summary

This manual describes the following models of the MN101C77 series. These products have same pe­ripheral functions. (Refer to chapter 18 Flash EEPROM for Flash version.)
Table 1-1-1 Product Summary
Model ROM Size RAM Size Classification
MN101C77C 48 KB 3 KB Mask ROM version MN101CF77G 128 KB 6 KB Flash EEPROM version
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1-2 Hardware Functions

CPU Core MN101C Core
- LOAD-STORE architecture (3-stage pipeline)
- Half-byte instruction set / Handy addressing
- Memory addressing space is 256 KB
- Minimum instructions execution time (3.0 V to 3.6 V for Flash version) High speed oscillation
[normal] 0.10 µs / 20 MHz (2.5 V to 3.6 V)
0.50 µs / 4 MHz (1.8 V to 3.6 V)
[2x-speed] 0.119 µs / 8.39 MHz (2.5 V to 3.6 V)
Low speed oscillation 61.04 µs / 32.768 kHz (1.8 V to 3.6 V)
- Operation modes NORMAL mode ( High speed oscillation ) SLOW mode ( Low speed oscillation ) HALT mode STOP mode (The operation clock can be switched in each mode.)
Chapter 1 Overview
0.20 µs / 10 MHz (2.1 V to 3.6 V)
Memory bank Data memory space expansion by bank form (4 banks unit : 64 KB / 1 bank)
- Bank for source address / Bank for destination address
ROM correction Max.3 parts in program can be corrected
Internal memory ROM 48 KB (Flash version 128 KB)
RAM 3 KB (Flash version 6 KB)
Interrupts 17 Internal interrupts
<Non-maskable interrupt (NMI)>
- Incorrect code execution interrupt and Watchdog timer interrupt
< Timer interrupts >
- Timer 0 interrupt (8-bit timer)
- Timer 1 interrupt (8-bit timer)
- Timer 4 interrupt (8-bit timer)
- Timer 5 interrupt (8-bit timer)
- Timer 6 interrupt (8-bit timer)
- Time base interrupt (8-bit timer)
- Timer 7 interrupt (16-bit timer)
- Match interrupt for Timer 7 compare register 2
Hardware Functions
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Chapter 1 Overview
< Serial interface interrupts >
- Serial interface 0 reception interrupt (Full-Duplex UART)
- Serial interface 0 transmission interrupt (synchronous + Full-Duplex UART)
- Serial interface 1 reception interrupt (Full-Duplex UART)
- Serial interface 1 transmission interrupt (synchronous + Full-Duplex UART)
- Serial interface 3 interrupt (synchronous + single master IIC)
- Serial interface 4 interrupt (slave IIC) < A/D interrupt >
- A/D converter interrupt < Automatic transfer controller(ATC) interrupt >
- ATC 1 interrupt
5 External interrupts (with/without noise filter)
- IRQ0 : Edge selectable. Both edges interrupt.
- IRQ1 : Edge selectable. Both edges interrupt. AC zero cross detector.
- IRQ2 : Edge selectable. Both edges interrupt.
- IRQ3 : Edge selectable. Both edges interrupt.
- IRQ4 : Edge selectable. Both edges interrupt. Key interrupt function.
7 timers ( 6 can operate independently )
- 8-Bit timer for general use 2 sets
- 8-Bit timer for general use (UART baud rate timer) 2 sets
- 8-Bit free-running timer 1 set Time base timer 1 set
- 16-Bit timer for general use 1 set
Timer 0 ( 8-Bit timer for general use )
- Square wave output ( Timer pulse output ), PWM output,
Event count, Remote control carrier output, Simple pulse width measurement
- Clock source fosc, fosc/4, fosc/16, fosc/32, fosc/64, fs/2, fs/4, fx, external clock
Timer 1 ( 8-Bit timer for general use )
- Square wave output ( Timer pulse output ), Event count,
16-Bit cascade connection function ( connected to timer 0 ), Timer synchronous output
- Clock source fosc, fosc/4, fosc/16, fosc/64, fosc/128, fs/2, fs/8, fx, external clock
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Hardware Functions
Timer 4 ( 8-Bit timer for general use or UART baud rate timer )
- Square wave output ( Timer pulse output ), PWM output, Event count
Simple pulse width measurement, Serial interface transfer clock
- Clock source fosc, fosc/4, fosc/16, fosc/32, fosc/64, fs/2, fs/4, fx, external clock
Timer 5 ( 8-Bit timer for general use or UART baud rate timer )
- Square wave output ( Timer pulse output ), PWM output, Event count,
Remote control carrier output, Simple pulse width measurement, Serial interface transfer clock
- Clock source fosc, fosc/4, fosc/16, fosc/32, fosc/64, fs/2, fs/4, fx, external clock
Timer 6 ( 8-Bit free-running timer, Time base timer )
8-Bit free-running timer
- Clock source fosc, fosc/212, fosc/213, fs, fx, fx/212, fx/2
Time base timer
- Interrupt generation cycle fosc/27, fosc/28, fosc/29, fosc/210, fosc/213, fosc/215, fx/27, fx/28, fx/29, fx/210, fx/213, fx/2
Chapter 1 Overview
Timer 7 ( 16-Bit timer for general use )
- Clock source fosc, fosc/2, fosc/4, fosc/16, fs, fs/2, fs/4, fs/16, 1/1, 1/2, 1/4, 1/16 of the external clock
- Hardware organization Compare register with double buffer 2 sets Input capture register 1 set Timer interrupt 2 vectors
- Timer functions Square wave output ( Timer pulse output ), Event count, High precision PWM output ( Cycle/Duty variable continuously ), Timer synchronous output, Input capture function ( Both edges can be operated )
- Real time output control PWM output is controlled in real time by the external interrupt 0 (IRQ0). At the interrupt enable edge of the external interrupt 0 (IRQ0), PWM output ( Timer output ) is controlled in 3 values ; "fixed high", "fixed low", "Hi-z".
Hardware Functions
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Chapter 1 Overview
Watchdog timer
- Watchdog timer frequency can be selected from fs/216, fs/2
or fs/220.
Remote control output
Based on the timer 0, and timer 3 output, a remote control carrier with duty cycle of 1/2 or 1/3 can be output.
Synchronous output
Timer synchronous output, Interrupt synchronous output
- Port 6 outputs the latched data, on the event timing of the synchronous output signal of timer 1, 5, or 7, or of the external interrupt 2 (IRQ 2).
Buzzer output Output frequency can be selected from fosc/29, fosc/210, fosc/211,
fosc/212, fosc/213, fosc/214, fx/23, fx/24.
Automatic transfer controller (ATC)
Data in the whole memory space (256 KB) can be transferred.
- External interrupt start / internal event start / software start
- Max. 255 bytes continuous transfer
- Support serial interface sequence transmission / reception
- Burst transfer ( interrupt shutdown is built-in )
A/D converter 10 bits X 7 channels input
D/A converter 8 bits X 2 channels input
Serial interface 4 types
Serial interface 0 (Full-Duplex UART / Synchronous serial interface )
Synchronous serial interface
- Transfer clock source
fosc/2, fosc/4, fosx/16, fosc/64, fs/2, fs/4 1/2 of UART baud rate timer ( timer 5 ) output
- MSB/LSB can be selected as the first bit to be transferred. Any transfer size from 1 to 8 bits can be selected.
- Sequence transmission, sequence reception or both are available. Full-Duplex UART ( Baud rate timer : Timer 5 )
- Parity check, Overrun error, Framing error detection
- Transfer size 7 to 8 bits can be selected. [Note : When Matsushita standard serial writer is used for flash memory version, serial interface 0 is used for program transfer.]
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Hardware Functions
Chapter 1 Overview
Serial interface 1 ( Full-Duplex UART / Synchronous serial interface )
Synchronous serial interface
- Transfer clock source
fosc/2, fosc/4, fosx/16, fosc/64, fs/2, fs/4 1/2 of UART baud rate timer ( timer 4 ) output
- MSB/LSB can be selected as the first bit to be transferred. Any transfer size 1 to 8 bits can be selected.
- Sequence transmission, sequence reception or both are available. Full-Duplex UART ( Baud rate timer : Timer 4 )
- Parity check, Overrun error, Framing error detection
- Transfer size 7 to 8 bits can be selected.
Serial interface 3 ( Single master IIC / Synchronous serial interface )
Synchronous serial interface
- Transfer clock source
fosc/2, fosc/4, fosc/16, fosc/32, fs/2, fs/4, 1/2 of timer 5 output
- MSB/LSB can be selected as the first bit to be transferred. Any transfer size 1 to 8 bits can be selected.
- Sequence transmission, sequence reception or both are available. Single master IIC
- IIC communication for single master ( 9-bit transfer )
Serial interface 4 ( Slave IIC )
IIC slave serial interface
- IIC high-speed transfer mode (400 kbps) is available.
- 7 bits or 10 bits slave address setting is available.
- Compatible with general call communication mode
LED driver 8 pins
Port I/O ports 53 pins
- LED ( large current ) driver pin 8 pins
- Serves as external interrupt 5 pins
Special pins 10 pins
- Analog reference voltage input pin 2 pins
- Operation mode input pin 1 pin
- Reset input pin 1 pin
- Power pin 2 pins
- Oscillation pin 4 pins
Package 64-pin LQFP ( 14 mm square / 0.8 mm pitch )
64-pin TQFP ( 10 mm square / 0.5 mm pitch )
Hardware Functions
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Chapter 1 Overview
On Flash version MN101CF77G, NC pin cannot be used as user pin as it is used as VPP pin. Refer to chapter 18 Flash EEPROM when designing your board for compatibility with Flash version.
Set VREF+ to VDD, VREF- to VSS even when A/D converter is not used.
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Hardware Functions

1-3 Pin Description

1-3-1 Pin Configuration

Chapter 1 Overview
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
9 10 11
13 14 15 16
- 64 pin for general use -
48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33
On Flash version of MN101CF77G, NC pin is VPP.
Figure 1-3-1 Pin Configuration ( 64 LQFP/64TQFP : Top view )
Pin Description
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Chapter 1 Overview

1-3-2 Pin Specification

Table 1-3-2 Pin Specification
P00 SBO1A TXD1A in/out P0DIR0 P0PLU0 SBO1A : Serial Interface 1 transmission data output TXD1A : UART 1 transmission data output P01 SBI1A RXD1A in/out P0DIR1 P0PLU1 SBI1A : Serial Interface 1 reception data input
P02 SBT1A in/out P0DIR2 P0PLU2 SBT1A : Serial 1 clock I/O P03 SBO0A in/out P0DIR3 P0PLU3 SBO0A : Serial 0 transmission data output P04 SBI0A in/out P0DIR4 P0PLU4 SBI0A : Serial 0 reception data input P05 SBT0A in/out P0DIR5 P0PLU5 SBT0A : Serial 0 clock I/O P06 BUZZER in/out P0DIR6 P0PLU6 BUZZER : Buzzer output P10 TCO0A RMOUTA in/out P1DIR0 P11 TCIO0B in/out P1DIR1 P1PLU1 TCIOOB : Timer 0 I/O P12 TCO4A in/out P1DIR2 P1PLU2 TCIO4A : Timer 4 I/O P13 TCIO4B in/out P1DIR3 P1PLU3 TCIO4B : Timer 4 I/O P14 TCIO7 in/out P20 IRQ0 P2PLU0 IRQ0 : External interrupt 0 P21 IRQ1 P2PLU1 IRQ1 : External interrupt 1 P22 IRQ2 P2PLU2 IRQ2 : External interrupt 2 P23 IRQ3 P2PLU3 IRQ3 : External interrupt 3 P24 IRQ4 P2PLU4 IRQ4 : External interrupt 4 P27 NRST in/out - - NRST : Reset P50 P51 P52 SBT3 in/out P5DIR2 P5PLU2 SBT3 : Serial interface 3 clock I/O P53 in/out P5DIR3 P5PLU3 P54 in/out P5DIR4 P5PLU4 P60 SDO0 in/out P6DIR0 P6PLU0 KEY0 : KEY interrupt input 0 P61 SDO1 in/out P6DIR1 P6PLU1 KEY1 : KEY interrupt input 1 P62 in/out P6DIR2 P6PLU2 P63 SDO3 P64 P65 P66
P67 P70 in/out P7DIR0 P7PLUD0 P71 in/out P7DIR1 P7PLUD1 P72 in/out P7DIR2 P7PLUD2 P73 in/out P7DIR3 P7PLUD3 P74 in/out P7DIR4 P7PLUD4 P75 in/out P7DIR5 P7PLUD5 P76 in/out P7DIR6 P7PLUD6 P77 in/out P7DIR7 P7PLUD7 P80 LED0 in/out P8DIR0 P8PLU0 LED0 : LED driving pin 0 P81 LED1 in/out P8DIR1 P8PLU1 LED1 : LED driving pin 1 P82 LED2 in/out P8DIR2 P8PLU2 LED2 : LED driving pin 2 P83 LED3 in/out P8DIR3 P8PLU3 LED3 : LED driving pin 3 P84 LED4 in/out P8DIR4 P8PLU4 LED4 : LED driving pin 4 P85 LED5 in/out P8DIR5 P8PLU5 LED5 : LED driving pin 5 P86 LED6 in/out P8DIR6 P8PLU6 LED6 : LED driving pin 6 P87 LED7 in/out P8DIR7 P8PLU7 LED7 : LED driving pin 7 PA0 AN0 PAPLUD0 AN0 : Analog 0 input PA1 AN1 PAPLUD1 AN1 : Analog 1 input PA2 AN2 PAPLUD2 AN2 : Analog 2 input PA3 AN3 PAPLUD3 AN3 : Analog 3 input PA4 AN4 PAPLUD4 AN4 : Analog 4 input PA5 AN5 PAPLUD5 AN5 : Analog 5 input PA6 AN6 PAPLUD6 AN6 : Analog 6 input
in/out in/out in/out in/out in/out
in/out P5DIR0 P5PLU0 SBO3 : Serial 3 reception data output in/out P5DIR1 P5PLU1 SBI3 : Serial interface 3 ransmission data input
in/out P6DIR3 P6PLU3 KEY3 : KEY interrupt input 3 in/out in/out P6DIR5 P6PLU5 KEY5 : KEY interrupt input 5 in/out in/out
in/out in/out in/out in/out in/out in/out in/out
Direction control
P6DIR6 P6DIR7 P6PLU7 KEY7 : KEY interrupt input 7
Pin control
Serial Interface 4
P1PLU0 TCIO0A : Timer 0 output
SDA4A : Serial interface 4 data I/O SCL4A : Serial interface 4 clock I/O SDO0 : Timer synchronous output 0 SDO1 : Timer synchronous output 1 SDO2 : Timer synchronous output 2 SDO3 : Timer synchronous output 3 SDO4 : Timer synchronous output 4
SDO5 : Timer synchronous output 5 SDO6 : Timer synchronous output 6
SDO7 : Timer synchronous output 7
SBO0B : Serial interface 0 transmission data output
SBI0B : Serial interface 0 reception data input
SBT0B : Serial interface 0 clock I/O
SBO1B : Serial interface 1 transmission data output SBI1B : Serial interface 1 reception data input
SBT1B : Serial interface 1 clock I/O TCIO1 : Timer 1 I/O TCIO5 : Timer 5 I/O
data I/O
RXD1A : UART 1 reception data output
Serial Interface 4 clock I/O TXD0A : UART 0 transmission data output RXD0A : UART 0 reception data input
RMOUTA : Remote control carrier output RMOUTB : Remote control carrier output
ACZ : AC zero bolt detection input
SDA3 :
Serial Interface 3 data I/O
SCL3 :
Serial Interface 3 clock I/O
KEY2 : KEY interrupt input 2
KEY4 : KEY interrupt input 4
KEY6 : KEY interrupt input 6
TXD0B : UART 0 transmission data output RXD0B : UART 0 reception data output
TXD1B : UART 1 transmission data output RXD1B : UART 1 reception data output
DA0 : DA0 output DA1 : DA1 output
I - 10
Pin Description

1-3-3 Pin Functions

Table 1-3-3 Pin Function Summary (1/6)
Name No. I/O Funct ion Ot her Funct ion Description
VDD 7 Power supply pin VSS 10 OSC1 9 Input Clock input pin
OS C 2 8 Output Clock output pin
Supply 1.8 V to 3.6 V to VDD and 0 V to VSS.
Connect these oscillation pins to cer amic or crystal oscillat ors for high-frequency c loc k operation. If the clock is an external input, connect it to OSC1 and leave OSC2 open. T he chip will not oper at e with an external c lock when using either the STOP or SLOW modes.
Chapter 1 Overview
XI 11 Input Clock input pin XO 12 Out put Clock output pin
NRST 14 I/O Reset pin P27 This pin resets the chip when power is turned on,
P00 15 I/O I/O port 0 SBO1A, TXD1A P01 16 SBI1A, RXD1 A
SDA4B P02 17 SBT1A , SCL4B P03 18 SBO0A , T XD0A P04 19 SBI0A, RXD0 A P05 20 SBT0A P06 21 BUZZER P10 22 I/O I/O port 1 TCO0A, RMOUTA P11 23 TCIO0B, RMOUTB P12 24 TCO4A P13 25 TCIO4B
P14 26 TCI07
Connect these oscillation pins to cer amic oscillators or crystal oscillators for low-fr equency clock operation. If the clock is an external input, connect it to XI and leave XO open. The c h ip will not operate with an ex ternal clock when using the STOP mode. If these pins are not used, connect XI to VSS and leav e XO open.
is allocated as P27 and contains an internal pull­up resistor. S etting this pin low initializes the internal state of the device. Thereafter, setting the input to high r eleases the reset. The hardware waits for t he sy stem clock to stabilize, then processes the reset int errupt. Also, if ""0" " is written to P27 and the reset is initiated by softwar e, a low level will be out put. The output has an n-channel open-drain configur ation. I f a capacitor is to be inserted between NRST and VDD, it is recommended that a discharge diode be placed between NRST and VDD.
7-Bit CMOS tri-state I/O port. Eac h bi t can b e set in di vi dual l y as either an in put or output by the P0DIR register. A pull-up resistor for eac h bit c an be selected individually by the P0PLU register. At reset, the input mode is selected and pull-up resistors are disabled (high impedance output) .
5-Bit CMOS tri-state I/O port. Eac h bi t can b e set in di vi dual l y as either an in put or output by the P1DIR register. A pull-up resistor for eac h bit c an be selected individually by the P1PLU register. At reset, the input mode is selected and pull-up resistors are disabled (high impedance output) .
Pin Description
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Chapter 1 Overview
Table 1-3-4 Pin Function Summary (2/6)
Name No. I/O F unctio n Other Function Description
P20 27 I/O I/O port 2 IRQ0 P21 28 IRQ1, ACZ P22 29 IRQ2 P23 30 IRQ3 P24 31 IRQ4
P27 14 Input I /O port 2 NRST P27 has an n-channel open-drain configurati on.
P50 32 I/O I/O port 5 SBI3 P51 33 SBO3, P52 34 SBT3 P53 35 SDA4A
P54 36 SCL4A P60 37 I/O I/O port 6 SDO0, KEY0 P61 38 SDO1, KEY 1 P62 39 SDO2, KEY 2 P63 40 SDO3, KEY 3 P64 41 SDO4, KEY 4 P65 42 SDO5, KEY 5 P66 43 SDO6, KEY 6 P67 44 SDO7, KEY 7 P70 45 I/O I/O port 7 SBO0B, TXD0B P71 46 SB I0B, RXD0B P72 47 SBT0B P73 48 SBO1B, TX D1B P74 49 SB I1B, RXD1B P75 50 SBT1B P76 51 TCI01 P77 52 TCI05 P80 60 I/O I/O port 8 LED0 P81 59 LED1 P82 58 LED2 P83 57 LED3 P84 56 LED4 P85 55 LED5 P86 54 LED6 P87 53 LED7 PA0 62 I/O I/O port A AN0, DA0 PA1 63 AN1, DA1 PA2 64 AN2 PA3 1 AN3 PA4 2 AN4 PA5 3 AN5 PA6 4 AN6
5-Bit CMOS tri-state I/O port. A pull-up resistor for each bi t can be select e d individually by the P2PLU register . At reset, pull-up r esistor s are d isabled (high impedance output ) .
When "0" is written and the reset is initiated by softwar e, a low level will be out put.
5-Bit CMOS tri-state I/O port. Each bit can be set individually as either an input or output by the P5 DIR register . A pul l-up resistor for eac h bit c an be selected individually by the P5PLU register. At reset, the P50t o P54 input mode is selected and pull- up resistors are disabled. (high impedance output)
8-Bit CMOS tri-state I/O port. Each bit can be set individually as either an input or output by the P6 DIR register . A pul l-up resistor for eac h bit c an be selected individually by the P6PLU register. At reset, the P60 to P67 input mode is selected and pull- up resistors are disabled. (high impedance output )
8-Bit CMOS tri-state I/O port. Each bit can be set individually as either an input or output by the P7 DIR register . A pul l-up/pull­down resistor for each bit can be selected individually by the P7PLU r e gist e r . Howev er, pull-up and pull-down resistors cannot be mixed. At reset, the P70to P77 input mode is selected and pull- up resistors are disabled. (high impedance output )
8-Bit CMOS tri-state I/O port. Each bit can be set individu al ly as either an input or output by the P8DIR register. A pull-up resistor for each bit c an be selected individually by the P8PLU register. When c o nfigured as out puts, these pins can drive LEDs directly. A t reset, the P80to P 87 input mode is selected and pull- up resistors are disabled. (high impedance output)
6-Bit I/O port. A pull-up or pull-down resistor for each bi t can be selected individually by the PAPLUD resister. However, pull-up and pull­down resistors cannot be mixed. At reset, the PA0 to PA 6 input mode is selected and pull- up resistor s are di sabled. (high impedance ou tput)
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Pin Description
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