Panasonic EY3530NQMKW User Manual

Metal Cutter
Operating instructions
Model No: EY3530


This manual contains safety Information. Read manual completely before first using this product and save this manual for future use.

Table of Contents

•How to Use This Manual
Parts and Controls.................................................
Setting Up
•Charging Battery Pack...................................................................
• Inserting Battery Pack...................................................................
• Before Uskig Metal Cutter
• Using Metal Cutter
•Cuttteg depth adjustment
• Rip fence {EY3500B7727)
•Alignment with cutting ine
•For Proper Use (Further DetaH)......................................................
• Removing Blade
•Installing Blade..............................................................................
•For i^ropriate use of Battery pack...................................................
• Battery Pack life
• Cleaning Metal Cutter
•Transparent Window......................................................................
•16 ‘16
•17 .17
•17 ‘17
Thank you for purchasing the Panasonic Metal Cutter. The powerful cutting action of this cutter, combined with the convenience of its rechargeable battery pack, provides you with great metal cutting performance. This Metal Cutter is only to be used for cutting unhardened ferrous metal and plastic material.


This product is a cutting tool, designed to cut through metal. It has a rotating blade which is capable of a cutting you deeply, causing serious injury or death. As a result, please read this manual and the cautionary markings on the tool carefully, and obey all of the safety instructions and additional
safety instructions to avoid such injury.


>To avoid irtjury, never insert your finger or
any other object into any opening of the metal cutter.

How to Use This Manual

• Please read this manual completely before starting to cut with your Metal Cutter.lf you let someone else use the Metal Cutter, make sure they either read this manual or are fully instruct^ in the proper use and all safety precautions concerning the Metal Cutter.
• Please Keep this manual for further reference.
It contains important safety information that
you must foNow to use the Metal Cutter safety.
•This manual and product use the following signal words:


Notes provide additional information that you
should know about the Metal Cutter.


Caution indfcaiss a poCentiaMy hazardous situation, which could resuR in rninor or rnoderate iiMy if not avoided. Cwjtions also alert you to unsafe pta^ioes to be avoided.
№mting indtoatas a potofitiatty fskzantous situation, which could result in serious injury or death if not avoided.
Oartger Incticates an imminent hazard which will result in serious toju^ or death If not avoided.
Failure to follow all instructions listed below, may result in electric shock, fire and / or serious personal injury.


Work Area

1} Keep your work area clean and wril lit
Ctuttered benches and dark areas irwRe aoddenla.
2} Do not operate power toole in exploeeve
aftmoepheree, such as In the ргемпсе of flammable liquide, gasee, or dust
Power tools create sparks which may ignite the dust or fumes.
3) Keep bystanders, children, and vlaltora
away while operating a power tool
Distractions can cause you to lose control. Make sure that no one is beneath, or on the other side of the area where you ate working.

Electrical Safety

4) A battery operated tool with Integral battartee or a aaparala batlary pack must be recharged only with the specified charger for the battery.
A charger that may be suitable for one type of battery may create a risk of fire when used wHh another battery.
5) Use battery operated tool only with
epedhcetly designated battery pack.
Use of any other batlerfee may create a risk of file.

Personal Safety

6) Stay alert, watoh what you art doing, and use common aanee whan operating a power tool. Do not use tool while tired or under the Influence of drugs, aicohol, or medication.
A monert of inattention while operating power tools may result in serious personal injury.
7) Drees properly. Do not wear loose cktfhing
or jewelry. Conteln long hair. Keep yow hair, clothing, end gloves ewey from moving parts.
Loose clothes, jewelry, or long hair, can be caught in moving parts.
4 —
8} Avoid acddMital starting. &• sure t¥fttch
la In tha locked or off position before inserting battery pack.
Carrying tools with your finger on the switch
19) Check for misalignment or binding of
or inserting the battery pack into a tool with the switch on invites accidents.
9) Remove adjusting kaya or wranchas
before turning the tool on.
A wrench or a key that is left attached to a
rotating part of the tool may reaull in peisoriat
10) Do not overreach. Keep proper footing
and balance at all times.
20) Uae only accaaaorlae that are recommandad
Proper footing and balance enable better
control of the tool in unexpected mtuations.
11) Uee safety equipment Always wear ays
Dust mask, non*skid safety shoes, hard hat,


21 )Tool tervico must bs porformsd only by
or hearing protection must be used for appropriate conditions.

Tool use and care

12) Use clamps or othar practical way to aacure and support tha workplaoe to a atabla plattorm.
Holding the work by hand or against ycxff body is unstable and may lead to loss of control and
serious bodOyinjuiy.
13) Do not loroe tool. Use the correct tool
for your ^tpllcatkm.
The correct tool wU do the Job better and safer
at the rate for which it is draignad.
14) Oo not uae tool If switch does not turn
it on or off.
A toot that cannot be controllad w№ the switch
is dangerous and must be repaired.
1 StDiaconnael bettarv neck Irom kxil or oleoe
the switch In the locked or off position
betore Risking any ediuelmsnia, changing
acoaseortaSi or storing die tod.
Such preventive safety measures reduce the
risk of starling the toot accidentally.
16) Store idle tools out of reach of children
and other untrained persons.
Tools are dangerous in the hands of untrained users.
17) When battery peck Is not In use, keep it
away from other metal objects like: paper dips, coins, keys, nails, screws, or other smell metal objects that can make a connection from one teiminel to another.
Shorting the battery terminals together may
cause sparks, bums or a fire.
18) Malntain tools with care. Keep cutting
tools sharp end clean.
22) When servicing a tod, use only Identlcat


2) Check lower guard for proper closing
Property maintained tools with sharp cutting
dd^ are less likely to bind and are easier to control.
, movlitg parts, breakoga of parta,arKl any
othar condition that may affect tha tod's operation. If danwged. have the tod ser viced before using.
Many acctderts are caused by poorly inairttained tools.
by tha manufacturer for your model.
Accessories that may be suiteüsle for one tool may create a risk of injury when used on another tool.
qualiflod repair paraonnel.
Service or maintenance performed by urrqualtfied personnel may result in a risk of injuiy.
replacement parts. Follow instructlone In the Maintenance section of this menual.
Use of Unauthorized parts or faiure to follow Maintenance Instructions may create a risk of shock or injury,
1) Keep hands away from cutting area and blade. Keep your second hand on auxiliary handle or motor housing.
if both hands ara holding the cutter, they caivKit be cut by the blade.
Keep your body positioned to either side d the cutler dede, but not in line with the cutter Weds.
KICKBACK could cause the cutter to Jump backwards.(See KICKBACK)
Do not reach underneath the work.
The guard can not protect you from the blade below the work.
before each use. Oo not operate cutter If lower guard does not move freely end close instantly. Never clamp or tie the lower guard into the open position.
If cutter is aociderilally dropped, lower guard may be bent Raise the lower guard with the Lower Guard Lift Lever and make sure it
moves freely and does not touch the blade or any other pert, in all angles and depths of cut
3) Ch*ck ttw optratlon and condition of ttw lowar guard apring. If ttw guard and tha apring ara not operating proparly, thay muat ba aarvicad bafora uaa.
Lower guard may operate sluggishly due to damaged parts, gummy deposits, or a buildup of debris.
4) Lower guard should ba latraclad manually only for apaclal cuts such aa **Pocket Cuts" and “Compound Cute“. Ralaa lower guard by Lower Guard Lift Laver. As soon aa blada antsrs №a malarfat, lower guard must ba ralaaaad.
For all other cutting, the lower guard ^oukJ operate automatically.
5} Always observa that tha lowar guard la
covering the Made before placing cutter down on bench or floor.
An unprotected, coasting blade will cause the cutter to walk beckwaids, cutting whatever is m its path. Be aware of the time it t^tes for the blade to stop after swith is released.
6) NEVER hold place being cut In your hands or across your lag.
It is important to support the work properiy to minimize body exposure, blade binding, or loss of control.
7) Hold tool by Insulated gripping aurfacaa whan performing an operation where
tha cutting tool may contact hidden
Contact with a “live" wire will also make exposed metal parts of the tool live” and shock the operator.
8) Whan ripping alwaya uaa a rip farwa or
straight edge guMa.
This improves the accuracy of cut and rerkices the chance for blade binding.
9) Alwaya uaa blade wWi correct alza and
ahapa (diamond va. round) arbor holas.
Blades that do not match the mounting hard ware of tie cutter ^ run eccentrically, causing loss of control.
10) Never use damaged or incorrect blade
wMhere or boite.
The Made washers and bolt were specially
designed for your cullw, for optimum performance and safety of opertfoa
11 )Causa and Operator Prevention of lOekback:
Kickback is a sudden reaction to a
pinched, bound, or misaligned cutter
blade, causing an uncontrolled cutter to lift up and out of the workpiece toward the
operator. When the blade is pinched or
bourtd tightly by the kerf closing down, the blade stalls and the motor reaction drives
, the unit rapidly back toward the operator.
If the blade becomes twisted or misaligned
, in the cut, the teeth at the back edge of the
blade can dig into №e top surface of the metat causing the blade to dimb out of the kerf and jump back toward tha operater. Kickback is the result of tool mlsi»e and/or incxxrect operating procedures or conditions and
can be avoided by taking proper precautions as given below;
12) Meintain e firm grip on the cutter and position your body end arm In a way that allows you to resist KICKBACK forces.
KICKBACK forces can be controlled by the operator, if proper precautions are taken.
13) When blade it binding, or when Interrupting a cut for any reason, releese the trigger end hold ttw cutter mottonlese In ttw material until ttw btads comes to e oompltte stop. Never attempt to remove ttw cutter from ttw work or puU ttw cutter backward while ttw blade Is In motion or KICKBACK may
Investigate and take corrective actions to eliminate the cause of blade binding.
14} When raaterting a cutter In ttw workpiece,
center the cutter blade In the kerf and
check that teeth era not engaged Into ttw
If cutter blade e binding, it may walk up or KICKBACK from the workpiece as the cutter isieetarted.
15) Support large panels to minimize the
risk of blade pinching and KICKBACK.
Large panels tend to sag under their own weight. Supports must be placed under the panel on both sides, near the line of cut and near ttw edge of the panel.
16) Do not use dull or damaged blade.
Unsharpened or improperly set blades
produce narrow kerf causing excessive friction, blade binding, and KICKBACK.
17) Bladt dapth wkI bevel adfuettng locking
levers must be tight end aeeure before making cuL
If blade adjustment shifts while cutting, it will cause binding and KICKBACK.
18) Uee extra caution when making a “Pocket Cut" Into existing well« or other blind areas.
The protruding blade may cut objects that
can cause KICKBACK, or a live wire couM cause electric shock.
19) The risk ol kickback Increases as the
battery peek (Hscharges.
20) Be sure to inspect mMarlak Avoid cutting
bolts, naUs or other different maleilaL
21) Be caiefuf not to drop Metal Cutter.
22) Never swing Metal Cutler.
23) Wsvsr cover toe vsnIHation slots, and keep
tosfn free ftom dust or ctosr пм1вг1а1.
24) Do not damp Metal Cutlsr In a vlat. Never
cut wHh UotsI Cutter held upside down in a vise. Thie It cxbremely dsngeroue and
can lead to ssftous scddents.
25) Nevsr wear kntttad glovaa.
26) Ba aura no ona It balow whan using
Metal Cutter in high locationa.
27) Do not touch tha blade Immadiataty
after oparatloa It may be hot and could bum your akin.
— / min
revolutions or reciprocation per minute
Direct Current
no load speed
manual contains important safety and operating instructions for battery charger EY0230.
1) Before using battery charger, read all instructions and cautionary markings on (1) battery charger, (2) battery pack.
2) CAUTION -To reduce the risk of
injury, charge only Battery Pack EY9001, EY9O0O, EYdOSS, EY90Q6, EY9086, EY9101, EY9180, EY9182, EY9106, EY9107. EY»136, EY9230, EY9200, EY9108.
Other types d batteries may burst caus ing personal injury and damage.
3} Do rwt expose charger to rain or snow.
4) To reduce risk of damaging the electric
phjg arxl cord, puMby plug rather than cord
when disconnecting charger.
5) Make sure cord is located so that it wll not be stepped on, tripped over, or otherwise subjected to damage or stress.
6) An extension cord should not be used unless absolutely necessary. Use of improper extension cord could result in a risk of fire and electric shock. If extension cord must be used, make sure; a. toat pins on plug of extension cord are
the same nurdwr, size and shape as those of plug on charger.
b. that extension cord is property wired
and in good electrical oondiUon.
c. that wire size is laiye enough tor ampere
rating of charger as specified below.
AC Input Rating. Ampens Equal to or But less
graatarihan than
0 2 15 18 18 16
AWG Size Of Cord
Length of Cord, Feet
25 SO 100 150
7) Do not operate charger with damaged cord
or plug-^ake itto a qualified serwoeman.
8) Do not operate charger if It has received a sharp blow, been dropped, or otherwise damaged in any way; take it to a qualifted serviceman.
9) Do not disassemble charger; take it to a
qualified serviceman when service or repair is required, incorrect reassembly may result in a risk of electric shock or fire.
10) To reduce the risk of electric shock, unplug charger from outlet before attempting any maintenence or cleaning.
11) The charger and battery pack are ^wciHcally designed to work togetoer. Do not attempt to charge any other cordless tool or battery pack with this charger.
12) Do not attempt to charge the battery pack with any other charger.
13) Do not attempt to disaseemble toe battery pack housing.
14) Do not store the tool and battery pack In locations where the tsmperatuie may teach
or exceed 122**F (50**C) (such a mstal tad shad, or a car in the summer), which can lead to deterioration of toe battery pack.
15) Do not charge battery pack when the
temperature is BELOW 32**F (0*C) or ABOVE 104*F (40“C).
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