Please read these instructions completely
before using DBS Manager.
Section 550
Part Number 552X00201
Issued April 2000
The contents of this manual are subject to change without notice and do not constitute a commitment on
the part of Panasonic Telecommunication Systems Company (PTSC). Every effort has been made to
ensure the accuracy of this document. However, due to ongoing product improvements and revisions,
Panasonic cannot guarantee the accuracy of printed material after the date of publication nor can it accept
responsibility for errors or omissions. Panasonic will update and revise this document as needed.
The software and hardware des cri be d in th is document may be used or copied only in acco rda nce with the
terms of the license pertaining to said software or hardware.
This document may be reproduced either electronically or in print as needed by certified dealers and
technicians of DBS products. However, the information contained in this document must not be altered,
copied, or changed in any way that misrep re sen ts the installati on, operation, or othe r function or feature of
the DBS product or Panasonic. Panasonic assumes no liability for any alternation or misrepresentation of
information contained herein.
DBS Requirements for Direct Communications: 10
DBS Requirements for Remote Communications: 10
DBS 824 Requirements for Direct Communications: 11
DBS 824 Requirements for Remote Communications: 11
systems from a personal computer. With
direct connection and modify the DBS’ programming parameters from your PC or laptop. You can also
maintain programming databases for any number of different phone systems in your PC and make modifications to a database for uploading to that phone system at a later time.
for most on-site FF key programming procedures (you will still ne ed to use FF keys for programming new
features, "any keys", Call Forwarding ID digits, etc.).
is a Windows-ba sed software applic ation that let s you manage Panasonic DBS telephone
DBS Manager
, you can connect to a DBS system via modem or
DBS Manager
replaces the need
How DBS Manager works
DBS Manager
Microsoft Access™ format . Using
programming parameters
immediately or at a la te r time. You can also download a DBS’ programming parameters to
for analysis and modification, or for use as a system backup.
It is important to understand that a database for a particular phone system exists in
independently from the actual system programming for that DBS. If programming for the system is
changed in a DBS database, the phone system will be unaffected unless you are connected to the DBS at
the time the changes are made, or those changes are uploaded to it from your PC.
Likewise, if any s ystem par ameters a re chang ed via o n-site FF key pr ogramming, thos e chan ges will n ot be
reflected in the
your PC, or you open that database in
stores the programming information for a DBS system in
as stored in the database
DBS Manager
DBS Manager
database for that s ystem un til t he changes are do wnloaded from th e DBS to
DBS Manager
, you can easily view or modify a system’s
and then upload any changes to that DBS either
and make the same changes.
database files
DBS Manager
based on the
DBS Manager
It is not necessary that a database exist in
programming. If desired, you can connect to the DBS using
without maintaining a copy of its database in the
DBS Manager
DBS Manager
DBS Manager
in order to make changes to a DBS’
and modify its programming
Using this manual
This manual is designed to assist you in getting started with
DBS Manager’s
Users should have a thorough working knowledge of Panasonic DBS programming procedures and
terminology and a good understanding of modem functionality. Users should also be familiar with basic
PC and Windows functionality and terminology.
DBS ManagerIssued April 2000 5
extensive interactive On-line Help files.
DBS Manager
. It is not intended to replace
Chapter 1
Conventions used in this manual
The following conventions are used throughout this manual:
1. Items to be selected from a menu are indicated as follows:
2. Names of menus and menu items are printed in
menu and menu item from the keyboard are underlined
3. Referen ce to
4. Words requiring special emphasis are
File > Exit
DBS Manager
to exit the application (Choose the
and its features appear in
menu, then click on
. Letters t hat you can use to access the
6Issued April 2000DBS Manager
Chapter 2
Installation Procedures
System requirements
DBS Manager is a powerful application which requires a powerful PC in order to run effeciently. The
following are
• A 486-33 or higher IBM-compatible PC with a 3.5" floppy drive.
• 8 MB or more RAM.
• 20 MB or m ore free disk space - see Note 1.
• Windows-compatible Mouse.
• VGA or higher resolution Monitor.
• Hayes-compatible modem (required for remote connections - see Note 2).
• Microsoft Windows version 3.1 or higher.
system requirements.
Note 1:
10 MB free work space on your hard disk to be used during database conversions. In addition, each
phone system database to be administered through
disk space.
MB of disk space - 6.0 MB for
(3.0 MB each) for the three phone system databases being administered.
Note 2
the Dealer version but intend to do only direct (i.e., not remote) connections.
Installation of
. A modem is not required if you have the End-User version of DBS Manager, or if you have
DBS Manager
If you are administe ring thr ee d iff erent DBS datab ases, y ou wi ll nee d at leas t 2 5
DBS Manager
requires about 6 MB of disk space. You will also need at least
DBS Manager
, 10 MB to be used during database conver sions, and 9.0
requires an additional 3.0 MB of
Before you begin
Check the following before you begin installation of the
1. If running W indows 3. 1 or 3.1 1, make sure your v irtual memory ( swap file) is set t o Permanent (not
Temporary). The recommended size for virtual memory is 25 MB or greater.
2. For Windows 3.1 and 3.11, set the Buffers parameter in your
applications which require a higher setting).
3. If you are running Windows 3.1 (not 3.11), DBS Manager requires the presence on your system of
a file named
must manually edit your
. DBS Manager will install this file during the installation process, but you
file to add the following line:
DBS Ma nager
file to 40 (unless you use
share.exe /L:500
Refer to your DOS and Windows user guides if you need help making the above changes.
DBS ManagerIssued April 2000 7
Chapter 2
Installing the DBS Manager hardware key
DBS Manager
connector. This hardware key must be installed in order to use
If using a printer, attach the hardware key to th e pa ral l el port, then plug the pri nt er cable into the hardwar e
key. (On some computers, if the printer is turned off when using
recognize the hardware key and will therefore not allow a communication session to be established.)
Figure 1. The DBS Manager Hardware Key
Two different versions of the hardware key are available: a dealer version and an end-user version.
The dealer version allows remote connections to a DBS. The end-user version is limited to local (on-site)
connections only (i.e., no external modem communications with a DBS are allowed). Both versions allow
full database functionality. The version type is displayed just above the phone graphic on the
is supplied with a hardware key which attaches to your PC’s parallel port via a 25-pin
DBS Manager
DBS Manager
to PC parallel port
Main window.
to connect to a DBS.
, the system will not
Installing the DBS Manager software
You should make backup copies of the
Use the backup disks for the installation.
1. Close out all other Windows applications.
2. Insert Disk 1 into floppy drive A or B.
3. For Windows 3.1, sel ect
(depending on which drive you placed the disk in), then press
confirm the directory
4. After the installation is complete, you should open
information on setting up and modifying user accounts.
Note 1:
Note 2:
password (
default password is changed, there is no way to open
personal User ID and/or password.
) and password (
The default User ID and passwo rd are c ase-se nsit ive and must be en te red exac tly as shown
T o pro tect ag ainst unauthor iz ed use of
from the Windows desktop. In the Command Line box, type
DBS Manager
) after your new user account is established. Be aware however that once the
DBS Manager
disks before beginning the installation procedure.
from the Program Manager scre en. For Windows 95, select
should be installed to.
DBS Manager
) and immediately set up a new user account. See page 27 for
DBS Manager
DBS Manager
, you may want to change the default
. You will be asked to
using the default User ID
should you forget your
8Issued April 2000DBS Manager
DBS M anager Communications Addendum
DBS Manager provides the ability to connect to the DBS and DBS 824 either
directly or by using modem connections. Modem connection allows for easy
remote maintenance without having to travel to the phone system site.
Figure 1. Direct Communications
Chapter 2
Figure 2. Remote Communications
M anager
M anager
DBS or
DBS 824
DBS or
DBS 824
Connecting remotely to the DBS or DBS 824 involves two modems; 1) a
modem at the DBS Manager PC and 2) a modem at the DBS or DBS 824.
With the DBS, the modem may be either the internal modem built into the
RAI card, or an external modem connected to the DBS external serial port
DBS ManagerIssued April 2000 9
Chapter 2
(CN6). With the DBS 824, an external modem must be connected to the SIU
“MAINT” connector CN2.
Regardless of your configuration,
properly configured to communicate
configuration commands between various modem models. Fortunately, DBS
Manager contains custom-tailored modem setup configurations to reduce or
eliminate modem-related problems. However, if you have a modem with dip
switches that control setup, they must be set to support DBS Manager
use. There are certain settings that must be correctly set to operate.
Connecting either directly or by an external modem to the DBS or DBS 824
requires special customized modem cables. These cables are described later
in this document.
cables listed here differ from previously defined cables.
The following items are required for DBS Manager to communicate with the
DBS or DBS 824.
the modems at both ends must be
. There are often differences in
Make certain you have complete documentation on the modems you
Make sure to use cables configured as described in this document. The
DBS Manager PC Requirements:
DBS Manager Version 1.1 or later (with hardware key)
Internal, PCMCIA, or External Modem (if connecting remotely)
Standard Modem Cable (if using an external modem)
DBS Requirements for Direct Communications:
Customized Direct Connection Cable
DBS Requirements for Remote Communications:
RAI or External Modem
Customized Modem Cable (if using an external modem)
Trunk Access to Modem (if calling unassisted) (i.e, DISA trunk, dedicated
Serial Interface Unit (SIU)
Customized Direct Connect Cable
DBS 824 Requirements for Remote Communications:
Serial Interface Unit (SIU)
External Modem
Customized Modem Cable
Direct Connection
Customizing the Direct Connection Cables
Chapter 2
A customized cable must be used with a direct connection. The cable required
to connect to the DBS is shown in Figure 3. The cable required to connect to
the DBS 824 is shown in Figure 4.
Figure 3. DBS Customized Direct Connection Cable
DBS ManagerIssued April 2000 11
Chapter 2
Figure 4. DBS 824
DB 9
To MAINT Port (CN2)
Customized Direct Connection Cable
Note: Some PC COM ports requirea9pin connector an
others require a 25 pin connector. Choose the approriate
DB 9
To PC Com Port
To MAINT Port (CN2)
DB 9
Note: Prior to connecting to the DBS 824, dial
at an attendant
DB 25
To PC Com Port
telephone to disable SMDR and set the DBS 824 serial communications
port to CN2 - “Maint”.
1. Attach the appropriate direct connection cable to the DBS or DBS 824.
See “Customizing the Direct Connection Cables” on page -11.
2. Start DBS Manager and login.
3. Select
4. Select the PC COM Port for the direct connect cable.
5. Select
Baud, 8 bit data length, 1 stop bit,
for parity.
Note: The above values MUST match the DBS FF1 2#,2#,1-4# or the
DBS 824 FF1 2#,9#,1-4# settings. The default settings in the DBS is
parity and should be changed if DBS Manager is set up for no parity.
6. Select
7. Select
8. Select
9. Select
10. Select
11. Select
Direct Connection
Connect to DBS
for Flow Control.
. DBS Manager will return to
to return to the main menu.
Communication Setup.
12Issued April 2000DBS Manager
Remote Communications
DBS Manager Modem Considerations
Before any remote connection to the phone system can be made, the DBS
Manager modem must be configured and installed. (This procedure is only
required before the first connection, it does not have to be repeated for each
Chapter 2
to a DBS or DBS 824 with an external modem and another way for
connecting to a DBS with an RAI card. DBS Manager provides a way to
support two settings that may be used for the same modem -
modem requires both configurations, it is recommend that the following steps
be performed twice with
Modem #2 Setup
connecting to a DBS only requires selecting the correct Modem Setup before
1. If using an external modem, attach the DBS Manager Modem to a PC
2. If using an internal modem, follow the modem installation instruction to
3. Start DBS Manager and login.
4. Select
5. Select the PC COM Port for the modem.
6. If connecting to a DBS or DBS 824 external modem, select 9600 Baud, 8
The DBS Manager modem must be configured one way for connecting
Modem #1
Modem #2 Setup
used for connecting to an External Modem. Then
communication port (usually COM1 or COM2) using a standard modem
install the modem in the DBS Manager PC.
bit data length, 1 stop bit, none for parity. (These values MUST match the
DBS FF1 2#,2#,1-4# or the DBS 824 = FF1 2#,9#,1-4# settings. The
default settings in the DBS is
Manager is set up for no parity.)
(see step 10 below). If the DBS manager
Modem #1 Setup
used for connecting to an RAI and
parity and must be changed if DBS
If connecting to a DBS RAI, select the RAI Baud rate (1200 or 300 Baud
for RAI-B or 300 Baud for RAI-A), 8 bit data length, 1 stop bit and none
for parity. (The baud rate MUST match the DBS FF1 2#,2#,10# setting.
The default setting in the DBS is
7. Select
8. If connecting to a DBS with an external modem, select
Assisted External Modem
connecting to a DBS using the internal RAI, select either
DBS ManagerIssued April 2000 13
Operator Assisted RAI
for Flow Control.
Unassisted External Modem
. If
Unassisted RAI
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