Panasonic DBS Section 500 Reference Manual

Digital Business System
Section 500
Revised April 2000
The contents of this manual are subject to change without notice and do not constitute a commitment on the part of Panasonic Telecommunication Systems Company (PTSC). Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this document. However, due to ongoing product improvements and revisions, Panasonic cannot guarantee the accuracy of printed material after the date of publication nor can it accept responsibility for errors or omissions. Panasonic will update and revise this document as needed.
The software and hardware described in this document may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of the license pertaining to said software or hardware.
Reproduction, publication, or duplication of this manual, or any part thereof, in any manner, mechanically, electronically, or photographically, is prohibited without permission of the
Panasonic Telecommunication Systems Company (PTSC).
Copyright 1996 by Panasonic Telecommunication Systems Company (PTSC)
Revised April 2000. All rights reserved.
T-SMART and T-SERV II are registered trademarks of ADC Kentrox. Premier is a registered trademark of U.S. Sprint. Reference to third-party products is for information only and does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation. Panasonic does not assume responsibility for the performance of third-party products.


About This Manual
Overview............................................................................................................................. ix
Related Documents............................................................................................................. ix
Chapter 1. Introduction to the T1 Interface
Overview................................................................................................................................. 1-3
Description of the T1........................................................................................................ 1-3
Framing Options ............................................................................................................... 1-3
Trunk Signaling Modes .................................................................................................... 1-4
DNIS Service.................................................................................................................... 1-4
Pre-Installation Requirements................................................................................................. 1-5
Ordering T1....................................................................................................................... 1-5
What You Must Purchase ................................................................................................. 1-6
Chapter 2. Installation
Guidelines............................................................................................................................... 2-3
Hardware Requirements ................................................................................................... 2-3
Maximums ........................................................................................................................ 2-3
Trunk Assignments for Single-Cabinet Systems.............................................................. 2-5
Trunk Assignments for Double-Cabinet Systems ............................................................ 2-6
Installation Procedures.......................................................................................................... 2-12
Installing the CSU........................................................................................................... 2-12
Installing a T1 in a Single Cabinet.................................................................................. 2-14
Installing T1 in a Double Cabinet with the T1 in the Slave ........................................... 2-21
Installing T1 in a Double Cabinet with T1s in the Master and Slave............................. 2-23
Chapter 3. Quick-Start Programming
Before You Begin................................................................................................................... 3-3
Programming Initial T1 Options............................................................................................. 3-4
Minimum Programming ................................................................................................... 3-4
DNIS Programming.......................................................................................................... 3-7
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Chapter 4. Programming Reference
T1 System Settings ................................................................................................................. 4-3
System Size....................................................................................................................... 4-3
Clock Settings................................................................................................................... 4-4
System-Wide Timers .............................................................................................................. 4-7
Digital Pad Settings .............................................................................................................. 4-14
Extension Port Settings................................................................................................... 4-16
Trunk Port Settings......................................................................................................... 4-17
Master and Slave Settings..................................................................................................... 4-18
Trunk Configuration ....................................................................................................... 4-18
Trunk Signaling .............................................................................................................. 4-19
Alarm Settings ...................................................................................................................... 4-21
Alarm Descriptions......................................................................................................... 4-21
Alarm Transmission Options.......................................................................................... 4-24
Alarm Timers ................................................................................................................. 4-25
Error Counters for FF Alarm Keys................................................................................. 4-29
Alarm Relay Controls..................................................................................................... 4-32
Trunk Settings....................................................................................................................... 4-35
FF Key Settings .................................................................................................................... 4-42
Special T1 Function Codes................................................................................................... 4-43
Appendix A. CPC-EX 1.0 Updates
Appendix B. CPC-EX 2.32 Updates
iv DBS-2.3/9.2-500 Revised April 2000

List of Figures

Figure 2-1 CSU installation .............................................................................................. 2-12
Figure 2-2 SCC-B Switch 4 .............................................................................................. 2-14
Figure 2-3 Connector 4 (CN4) strapping, Sync Unit ........................................................ 2-15
Figure 2-4 T1 Sync Unit installation ................................................................................ 2-16
Figure 2-5 T1 MDF card installation ................................................................................ 2-17
Figure 2-6 Sync Unit and T1 connection, single-cabinet installation ..............................2-18
Figure 2-7 RJ48 pinouts, CN1 connector ......................................................................... 2-19
Figure 2-8 T1 cabinet connections, single-cabinet installation ........................................ 2-20
Figure 2-9 Sync cable connections, double-cabinet with a T1 in the slave ...................... 2-22
Figure 2-10 Clock sync cable and sync cable connections, double-cabinet installation ....2-24
Figure 4-1 Circuit-type numbers ......................................................................................4-14
Figure 4-2 Default pad values .......................................................................................... 4-15
Figure 4-3 Pad Nos........................................................................................................... 4-15
Figure A-1 CPC-EX ............................................................................................................. A-5
Figure A-1 Desk Stand Removal.......................................................................................... A-6
Figure A-1 Inserting the wall mount bracket (rotated desk stand) ...................................... A-6
Figure A-1 Handset guide insertion for wall mounting, key telephone ............................... A-7
Figure A-1 44-Series Small-Display Phone ......................................................................... A-8
Figure A-1 44-Series Large-Display Phone ....................................................................... A-10
Figure A-1 DSS/72 Console (VB-44320) key layout ........................................................ A-21
Figure A-1 DSS/72 #1 Default Extension Numbers .......................................................... A-22
Figure A-1 EM/24 Unit (VB-44310) keys ......................................................................... A-24
Figure A-1 CPC-EX Serial Port 2 ...................................................................................... A-29
Figure A-1 T1 Network Extension Numbering ................................................................ A-32
Figure A-1 T1 Network Call Priority Routing ................................................................... A-33
Figure A-1 SMDR Format for CPC-EX............................................................................ A-42
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vi DBS-2.3/9.2-500 Revised April 2000

List of Tables

Table 2-1. EC/TRK slot usage for T1 ................................................................................ 2-3
Table 2-2. T1 and analog trunk assignments, DBS 40 ....................................................... 2-5
Table 2-3. T1 and analog trunk assignments, DBS 72 ....................................................... 2-5
Table 2-4. T1 and analog trunk assignments, DBS 96 ....................................................... 2-6
Table 2-5. Maximum T1 assignments for two-cabinet systems ......................................... 2-6
Table 2-6. T1 and analog trunk assignments, DBS 40 + 40 ............................................. 2-7
Table 2-7. T1 and analog trunk assignments, DBS 72 + DBS 72 .................................... 2-8
Table 2-8. T1 and analog trunk assignments, DBS 96 + DBS 40 .................................... 2-9
Table 2-9. T1 and analog trunk assignments, DBS 96 + DBS 72 .................................. 2-10
Table 2-10. T1 and analog trunk assignments, DBS 96 + DBS 96 .................................. 2-11
Table 2-11. Switch settings for SW1 on the T1 card ......................................................... 2-18
Table 4-1. T1 alarm definitions ........................................................................................ 4-21
Table 4-2. Alarm-related programs ..................................................................................4-22
Table 1-1. Guidelines for ordering T1 services .................................................................. 1-5
Table 1-2. T1 Hardware requirements for single-cabinet systems ..................................... 1-6
Table 1-3. T1 Hardware requirements for double-cabinet systems ...................................1-6
Table 1-4. CSU equipment required for T1 .......................................................................1-7
Table 2-1. EC/TRK slot usage for T1 ................................................................................ 2-3
Table 2-2. T1 and analog trunk assignments, DBS 40 ....................................................... 2-5
Table 2-3. T1 and analog trunk assignments, DBS 72 ....................................................... 2-5
Table 2-4. T1 and analog trunk assignments, DBS 96 ....................................................... 2-6
Table 2-5. Maximum T1 assignments for two-cabinet systems ......................................... 2-6
Table 2-6. T1 and analog trunk assignments, DBS 40 + 40................................................ 2-7
Table 2-7. T1 and analog trunk assignments, DBS 72 + DBS 72 ...................................... 2-8
Table 2-8. T1 and analog trunk assignments, DBS 96 + DBS 40 ...................................... 2-9
Table 2-9. T1 and analog trunk assignments, DBS 96 + DBS 72 .................................... 2-10
Table 2-10. T1 and analog trunk assignments, DBS 96 + DBS 96 .................................... 2-11
Table 2-11. Switch settings for SW1 on the T1 card ......................................................... 2-18
Table 4-1. T1 alarm definitions ........................................................................................ 4-21
Table 4-2. Alarm-related programs ..................................................................................4-22
Table A-1 44-Series Phones ............................................................................................. A-1
Table A-2 Small-Display Phone Features ......................................................................... A-8
Table A-3 Large-Display Phone Features ....................................................................... A-10
Table A-4 TRS Operator Access settings ....................................................................... A-38
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About This Manual


This manual provides an overview of the DBS T1 Interface, along with installation and programming instructions. The following table summarizes each chapter contained in this manual.
Chapter Title Purpose
3 Quick-Start
4 Programming
A CPC-EX 1.0
B CPC-EX 2.3.2
Introduction to the T1 Interface
Installation Provides step-by-step instructions on installing the DBS T1

Related Documents

Provides an overview of the DBS T1 Interface, plus informa­tion on pre-installation requirements.
hardware. Summarizes the programs that are essential to T1 installation.
Contains a complete list of T1 programming commands. Each command description includes a list of the available options and the associated programming addresses.
Provides information on feature enhancements and software corrections included with CPC-EX 1.0 version software.
Provides information on feature enhancements and software corrections included with CPC-EX 2.32 version software.
For general instructions on DBS hardware installation, see Installation
(Section 300). For an introduction to DBS programming, see Programming Guidance (Section 400).
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x DBS-2.3/9.2-500 Revised April 2000

Chapter 1. Introduction to the T1 Interface

This chapter provides an overview of the T1 Interface. It also describes pre­installation requirements for the T1.
The following table summarizes the topics contained in this chapter.
Topic Page
Overview 1-3
Description of the T1 1-3 Framing Options 1-3 Trunk Signaling Modes 1-4 DNIS Service 1-4
Pre-Installation Requirements 1-5
Ordering T1 1-5 What You Must Purchase 1-6
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1-2 DBS-2.3/9.2-5 00 Revised April 2000
Introduction to the T1 Interface Overview


Description of the T1

The T1 Interface is a digital trunk card that provides 24 voice channels over a four-wire circuit.
T1 lines can be leased from local exchange carriers and long-distance carriers.
Note: The current version of the T1 supports voice communications only. Data can be transmitted only if it reaches the T1 in analog form. Examples of analog data that can be transmitted over the T1 include fax transmissions or PC files that have been converted into analog form using a modem.

Framing Options

The T1 Interface takes an 8-bit sample from each of the 24 voice channels. These samples are grouped into 24 time slots, and each group of 24 slots is known as a T1 frame.
Since each of the 24 time slots contains 8 bits, the number of s ampling bi ts i n each frame equals 192 (24 x 8 = 192). In addition, a framing bit is added to the end of each frame to mark where the frame ends. The addition of the framing bit results in a 193-bit frame.
The T1 transmits these 193-bit frames at a rate of 8000 per second. The total number of frames (193) multiplied by the frame speed (8000 per second) results in a total transmission rate of 1.544 Mbps.
The T1 transmits the frames in groups of 12 or 24, depending on whether the SF or ESF framing format is used.
SF or ESF Framing Formats
The superframe (also known as SF or D4) format transmits the sampling frames in groups of 12. “Robbed bit signaling” is used to transmit signaling information for the frames. With robbed bit signaling, the eighth bit of each of the 24 samples is robbed from every sixth frame. The robbed bits transmit signaling states such as “onhook” and “offhook.”
The extended superframe (ESF) format also uses robbed bit signaling, but transmits the sampling frames in groups of 24. ESF supports monitoring and maintenance capabilities that are not available with the SF format.
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Trunk Signaling Modes

The T1 provides the following trunk signaling modes. The signaling modes can be assigned on a per-channel basis.
• Loop start
• Ground start

DNIS Service

The DBS T1 can be used for Dialed Number Information Service (DNIS). DNIS is normally used when multiple 1-800 lines terminate to the same
station or group. DNIS displays the last four digits of the dialed number, thereby allowing users to customize greetings for calls to different numbers.
Introduction to the T1 Interface
For example, an ACD group for ABC company may receive calls for sales and service. If the 1-800 number for sales is 1-800-555-4000 and the 1-800 number for service is 1-800-555-5000, the agents will know how to answer a ringing call by viewing their phone display. For instance, calls to the 4000 number may be answered “ABC Company--Sales Information,” while calls to the 5000 number may be answered “ABC Company--Customer Service.”
DNIS can be assigned on a per-channel basis.
1-4 DBS-2.3/9.2-500 Revised April 2000
Introduction to the T1 Interface Pre-Installation Requirements

Pre-Installation Requirements

Use the following guidelines to prepare your site for T1 installation.

Ordering T1

The following guidelines describe T1 options that must be ordered from your central office or interexchange carrier. These guidelines are designed to cover almost all T1 installations. However, special requirements should be discussed with your provider.
Table 1-1. Guidelines for ordering T1 services
Item to be Ordered Options
Line Type E&M, loop start, or ground start. For DNIS, order E&M with
wink start.
Trunk Signaling Wink start or immediate start/ringdown. Immediate start/ring-
down is used in most cases. However, if DNIS is used, order wink
start. Signaling Code DS-1 Line Code AMI or B8ZS. AMI is used in most cases. Framing Format D4 (Superframe) or ESF (Extended Superframe). D4 is used in
most cases. Signaling Method In-band Tones Order dial tone and ringback tone if provided by the CO.
Note: If the CO does not provide dial tone, program the DBS to
generate its own dial tone. See page 4-39. DNIS Service Order E&M trunk emulation with wink start signaling.
When the central of fice se nds a DID/DNIS ca ll to the DBS, it f irst
receives a wink from the DBS before sending the digits. Once the
wink is received, the central office should wait at least 200 ms
before sending the digits. Be sure to request the delay when order-
ing DNIS.
Note: The DBS supports four-digit DNIS service only.
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Pre-Installation Requirements

What You Must Purchase

The following items must be purchased to install T1.
DBS Equipment
If you are installing the T1 in a single-cabinet system, order the equipment included in Table 1-2. For two-cabinet systems, see Table 1-3.
Table 1-2. T1 Hardware requirements for single-cabinet systems
Introduction to the T1 Interface
CPC-B 4.0
(See Note 1.)
(See Notes 2 and 3.)
T1 Trunk Card
T1 MDF Card
Sync Unit
1. Version 1.3 of the Bus Processor Unit (BPU) chip is required for T1.
2. An MFR card is required for DID/DNIS if DTMF signaling is used. If DID/DNIS is provided through DP signaling, an MFR card is not required.
3. SCC-B with ROM 1.3 or later is required if the central office does not provide T1 dial tone.
Table 1-3. T1 Hardware requirements for double-cabinet systems
T1 Location
T1 in the Master
T1 in the Slave
T1 in both Master and Slave
(VB-43411) (See Note 1.)
1 1 1110 1
1 11111 1
1 12211 1
(See Notes
2 and 3.)
T1 Trunk Card
T1 MDF Card
Sync Unit
1. Version 1.3 of the Bus Processor Unit (BPU) chip is required for T1.
T1 Cable
Cable Kit
(VB-43110) (See Note 4.)
2. An MFR card is required for DID/DNIS if DTMF signaling is used. If DID/DNIS is provided through DP signaling, an MFR card is not required.
3. SCC-B with ROM 1.3 or later is required if the central office does not provide T1 dial tone.
4. Version 1.2 of the Cable Kit is required for T1.
1-6 DBS-2.3/9.2-500 Revised April 2000
Introduction to the T1 Interface Pre-Installation Requirements
CSU Equipment
The installer must provide a Channel Service Unit (CSU) plus CSU cabling. The CSU equipment must meet the specifications contained in T able 1-4. See
page 2-12 for instructions on installing the CSU.
Table 1-4. CSU equipment required for T1
Item Specifications Vendors
CSU The Channel Service Unit (CSU) must comply with
FCC Part 15 and Part 68. The CSU is installed between the DBS and the publ ic networ k. The C SU provides alarm, diagnostic, and monitoring func­tions, as well as network protection.
The following CSUs have been used successfully with the DBS T1.
For the D4 framing format: Kentrox T-SERV II
For the D4 or ESF framing format: Kentrox T-SMART (Kentrox can be contacted at 1-800-733-5511.)
CSU Cabling
Each CSU requires a network cable and an equip­ment cable. The network cable connects from the CSU to the network interface. The equipment cable connects from the CSU to the DBS T1 MDF card.
For Kentrox CSUs
The network cable requires a female DB-15 con­nector and an RJ48C connector. The equipment cable requires a male DB-15 connector and an RJ48C connector.
To simplify installation, you can order the prefabri­cated cables shown in the “Vendors” column.
If you fabricate your o wn T1 cables, you shou ld use 24 AWG stranded cable that includes shielding for each pair. For best results, use the cable listed un der “Vendors.”
For Premier CSUs
You must fabricate your own cables for the Premier CSU. The network cable requires two RJ48C con­nectors. The equipment cable connects to an RJ48C connector on the T1 MDF card and to four screw­down terminals on the CSU.
For both cables, use 24 AWG stranded cable that includes shielding for each pair. For best results, use the cable listed under “Vendors.”
For the D4 or ESF format: Premier PT-3000-01 (Premier is manufactured by U.S. Sprint. Sprint can be contacted at 1-800-791-1110.)
For Kentrox CSUs
Kentrox offers prefabricated cables f or their CSUs. For the network cable, order part number 01-
93010151. For the equipment cable, order part number 01-93010121. If you fabricate your own cables, use 24 AWG stranded cable that includes shielding for each pair.
Belden (Richmond, IN) offers stranded cable that complies with these specifications. Order part number 8723.
For Premier CSUs
Belden (Richmond, IN) offers stranded cable that complies with our specifications. Order part num­ber 8723.
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Chapter 2. Installation

This section describes guidelines and procedures for installing the T1 Interface. Once the T1 is installed, refer to “Quick-Start Programming” on page 3-1 for programming instructions.
This chapter covers the following topics:
Topic Page
Guidelines 2-3
Hardware Requirements 2-3 Maximums 2-3 Trunk Assignments for Single-Cabinet Systems 2-5 Trunk Assignments for Double-Cabinet Systems 2-6
Installation Procedures 2-12
Installing the CSU 2-12 Installing a T1 in a Single Cabinet 2-14 Installing T1 in a Double Cabinet with the T1 in the Slave 2-21 Installing T1 in a Double Cabinet with the T1 in the Slave 2-21
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2-2 DBS-2.3/9.2-5 00 Revised April 2000
Installation Guidelines


Read the following guidelines before beginning T1 installation. Installation instructions begin on page 2-14.

Hardware Requirements

• The system configuration determines what cards and cables must be purchased for T1. See “DBS Equipment” on page 1-6 for more information.
• The installer must provide a Channel Service Unit (CSU) that complies with FCC Part 15 and Part 68. The CSU is installed between the DBS and the public network. The CSU provides alarm, diagnostic, and monitoring functions, as well as network protection.
See “CSU Equipment” on page 1-7 for details on purchasing CSUs.


• One T1 card can be installed per cabinet; the T1 card must be installed in the “EC/TRK” slot.
• The number of T1 cards that can be installed in two-cabinet systems depends on the sizes of the connected systems. Table 2-1 shows T1 maximums for two-cabinet systems.
Note: The DBS 72 + DBS 40 combination does not support T1.
Table 2-1. EC/TRK slot usage for T1
System Size EC/TRK Slot
Usage for T1 Master Slave
DBS 40 + DBS 40 No Yes DBS 72 + DBS 40 No No DBS 72 + DBS 72 No Yes DBS 96 + DBS 40 Yes Yes DBS 96 + DBS 72 Yes Yes DBS 96 + DBS 96 Yes Yes
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Fractional T1 can be used when fewer than 24 T1 trunks are needed. Fractional T1 allows you to use only a portion of the 24 channels provided on the T1 card.
• Though each T1 Interface provides 24 trunk channels, T1 trunks do not increase the overall trunk capacity of the DBS. Each T1 channel subtracts from the total number of analog trunks that can be installed. Furthermore, the number of analog trunks that can be used are always decremented in quantities of 8.
For instance, if you’re installing a T1 in a DBS 96 and you only want to use 12 T1 channels, the logical number of analog trunks that would be available is 20 (32 - 12 = 20).
However, because the number of analog trunks must be decremented in quantities of 8, the actual number of analog trunks that can be used is 16:
(32 total trunks - 16 (two 8-trunk increments) = 16.) Tables 2-2 through 2-4 show the possible combinations of analog and
digital trunks assignments based on system size. The trunk numbering shown in these tables is determined by backplane
trunk port assignments. Therefore, the numbering cannot be changed. Note: Analog trunks are numbered beginning with “1.” T1 trunk channels
are numbered beginning with the highest trunk channel used.
2-4 DBS-2.3/9.2-500 Revised April 2000
Installation Guidelines

Trunk Assignments for Single-Cabinet Systems

• Programming is not required to associate trunk ports with slot locations. However, you must use programming to specify that a combination of T1 and analog trunks is installed, and you must also specify how many T1 channels are used.
Table 2-2. T1 and analog trunk assignments, DBS 40
Trunk Number
1 T1 channel 16 Analog trunk 1
8 T1 channel 9 Analog trunk 8 9 T1 channel 8 T1 channel 8
16 T1 channel 1 T1 channel 1
Note: Since the DBS 40 supports a maximum of 16 trunks, all 24 channels of the T1 cannot be used.
Table 2-3. T1 and analog trunk assignments, DBS 72
Trunk Number
1 T1 channel 24 Analog trunk 1 Analog trunk 1
8 T1 channel 17 Analog trunk 8 Analog trunk 8
24-Channel T1 Fractional T1
Fractional T1 using 16 Channels
using 16 Channels
Fractional T1 using 8 Channels
Fractional T1 using 8 Channels
9 T1 channel 16 T1 channel 16 Analog trunk 9
16 T1 channel 9 T1 channel 9 Analog trunk 16 17 T1 channel 8 T1 channel 8 T1 channel 8
24 T1 channel 1 T1 channel 1 T1 channel 1
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Table 2-4. T1 and analog trunk assignments, DBS 96
Trunk Number
1 Analog trunk 1 Analog trunk 1 Analog trunk 1
8 Analog trunk 8 Analog trunk 8 Analog trunk 8 9 T1 channel 24 Analog trunk 9 Analog trunk 9
16 T1 channel 17 Analog trunk 16 Analog trunk 16 17 T1 channel 16 T1 channel 16 Analog trunk 17
24 T1 channel 9 T1 channel 9 Analog trunk 24 25 T1 channel 8 T1 channel 8 T1 channel 8
32 T1 channel 1 T1 channel 1 T1 channel 1
24-Channel T1 Fractional T1
using 16 Channels
Fractional T1 using 8 Channels

Tru nk Assignments for Double-Cabinet Systems

• When T1 is used in a two-cabinet system, the number of T1 channels that can be assigned in each cabinet depends on the master/slave designation.
The following table shows the maximum number of T1 channels that can be assigned in two-cabinet systems.
Table 2-5. Maximum T1 assignments for two-cabinet systems
System Size Master Slave
DBS 40 + DBS 40 8 analog trunks 16 T1 trunks DBS 72 + DBS 72 16 analog trunks 24 T1 trunks DBS 96 + DBS 40 24 T1 trunks
8 analog trunks
DBS 96 + DBS 72 24 T1 trunks
8 analog trunks
DBS 96 + DBS 96 24 T1 trunks
8 analog trunks
16 T1 trunks
24 T1 trunks
24 T1 trunks 8 analog trunks
2-6 DBS-2.3/9.2-500 Revised April 2000
Installation Guidelines
• Two-cabinet systems use the same trunk numbering scheme as single­cabinet systems: analog trunks are numbered from “1” upward; T1 trunk channels are numbered downward from the highest channel used.
Tables 2-6 through 2-10 show trunk numbering for two-cabinet systems using the maximum number of T1 channels.
Table 2-6. T1 and analog trunk assignments, DBS 40 + 40 (16-channel fractional T1 in the slave)
Master Cabinet Slave Cabinet
1 Analog trunk 1
↓↓ Ν/Α
8 Analog trunk 8 9 T1 channel 16
16 T1 channel 9 17 T1 channel 8
24 T1 channel 1
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Table 2-7. T1 and analog trunk assignments, DBS 72 + DBS 72 (24-channel T1 in the slave)
Master Cabinet Slave Cabinet
1 Analog trunk 1
↓↓ Ν/Α
8 Analog trunk 8 9 Analog trunk 9 ↓↓ N/A
16 Analog trunk 16 17 T1 channel 24
24 T1 channel 17 33 T1 channel 16
40 T1 channel 9 41 T1 channel 8
48 T1 channel 1
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Installation Guidelines
Table 2-8. T1 and analog trunk assignments, DBS 96 + DBS 40 (24-channel T1 in the master; 16-
channel T1 in the slave)
Master Cabinet Slave Cabinet
1 Analog trunk 1
↓↓ Ν/Α
8 Analog trunk 8 9 T1 channel 24 ↓↓ N/A
16 T1 channel 17 17 T1 channel 16
↓↓ Ν/Α
24 T1 channel 9 25 T1 channel 8
↓↓ Ν/Α
32 T1 channel 1 33 T1 channel 16
40 T1 channel 9 41 T1 channel 8
48 T1 channel 1
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Table 2-9. T1 and analog trunk assignments, DBS 96 + DBS 72 (24-channel T1 in the master; 24-
channel T1 in the slave)
Master Cabinet Slave Cabinet
1 Analog trunk 1
↓↓ Ν/Α
8 Analog trunk 8 9 T1 channel 24 ↓↓ N/A
16 T1 channel 17 17 T1 channel 16
↓↓ Ν/Α
24 T1 channel 9 25 T1 channel 8
↓↓ Ν/Α
32 T1 channel 1 33 T1 channel 24
40 T1 channel 17 41 T1 channel 16
48 T1 channel 9 49 T1 channel 8
56 T1 channel 1
2-10 DBS-2.3/9.2-500 Revised April 2000
Installation Guidelines
Table 2-10. T1 and analog trunk assignments, DBS 96 + DBS 96 (24-channel T1 in the master; 24-
channel T1 in the slave)
Master Cabinet Slave Cabinet
1 Analog trunk 1
↓↓ Ν/Α
8 Analog trunk 8 9 T1 channel 24 ↓↓ N/A
16 T1 channel 17 17 T1 channel 16
↓↓ Ν/Α
24 T1 channel 9 25 T1 channel 8
↓↓ Ν/Α
32 T1 channel 1 33 Analog trunk 1
40 Analog trunk 8 41 T1 channel 24
48 T1 channel 17 49 T1 channel 16
56 T1 channel 9 57 T1 channel 8
64 T1 channel 1
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Installation Procedures

Installation Procedures
The following procedures provide step-by-step instructions for installing the CSU and the T1 Interface. The T1 procedure that you should use depends on the type of system you have and the number of T1s you are installing.
If you’re installing ... Use this procedure...
A T1 in a single cabinet “Installing a T1 in a Single Cabinet” (page 2-14) One T1 in a double cabinet, with the T1 located in
the master One T1 in a double cabinets, with the T1 located in
the slave T1s in both the master and slave “Installing a T1 in a Double Cabinet with T1s in
“Installing a T1 in a Single Cabinet” (page 2-14)
“Installing a T1 in a Double Cabinet with the T1 in the Slave” (page 2-21)
the Master and Slave” (page 2-21)

Installing the CSU

The following instructions explain how to install the CSU. See “CSU Equipment” on page 1-7 for specifications on CSUs and CSU cabling.
Note: The CSU should be powered locally, not through the CO line. Also, the CSU should be connected to an Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) to provide battery backup in case of AC power failures.
1. Connect the equipment cable from the DBS T1 MDF card to the equipment side of the CSU, as shown in Figure 2-1.
Figure 2-1. CSU installation
Network Demarcation
Network Cable
To the T1 MDF Card
Equipment Cable
2-12 DBS-2.3/9.2-500 Revised April 2000
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