Panasonic DBS Section 450 Guide

Digital Business System
Section 450
Forms and
Supports CPC-AII/B 9.2
and CPC-EX 2.3
Doc. No. 550X07801B
Revised A
ril 2000
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment by Panasonic Telecommunication Systems Company (PTSC). PTSC reserves the right, without notice, to make changes to equipment design as advances in engineering and manufacturing methods warrant.
The software and hardware described in this document may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of the license pertaining to said software or hardware.
The forms in this manual may be reproduced as needed by certified dealers and technicians of DBS products.
Copyright 1996 by Panasonic Telecommunication Systems Company (PTSC) Revised April 2000 All rights reserved.

Table of Contents

Section 1 - System Settings (FF1)
System Parameters (Part I).............................................................................................................. 6
Extension Class Of Service............................................................................................................. 9
Verified Forced Account Codes.................................................................................................... 10
Custom Large LCD Screen Assignments..................................................................................... 11
Caller ID Automatic DISA ........................................................................................................... 12
Door Phones.................................................................................................................................. 12
System Parameters (Timers/Access Codes).................................................................................. 13
DID/DNIS Assignments ............................................................................................................... 18
Section 2 - Trunk Settings (FF2)
Trunk Programming...................................................................................................................... 19
Section 3 - Extension Settings (FF 3)
Extension Programming Features................................................................................................. 21
Section 4 - Ringing and Hunt Groups (FF4)
Trunk to Extension Ring Assignments......................................................................................... 25
Trunk to Hunt Group Ring Assignments...................................................................................... 26
Hunt Group Assignments.............................................................................................................. 27
Call Coverage Group Member...................................................................................................... 28
Extension Ring (BLF) Table......................................................................................................... 29
Section 5 - FF Key Programming (FF5)
FF Key Assignment for Extension Ports ...................................................................................... 30
DSS Key Telephone Assignments................................................................................................ 31
EM/24 Key Assignments.............................................................................................................. 35
Section 6 - Name and Message Assignments (FF6)
Extension Names .......................................................................................................................... 39
System Speed Dials....................................................................................................................... 40
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Personal Speed Dials .................................................................................................................... 41
Absence Messages........................................................................................................................ 41
Trunk Name Assignments ............................................................................................................ 42
Hunt Group Name Assignment..................................................................................................... 44
Call Waiting/OHVA Text Reply .................................................................................................. 44
Section 7 - Toll Restriction Settings
TRS Settings................................................................................................................................. 45
TRS Restrictions for Extension Ports........................................................................................... 46
TRS Country Codes Allowed....................................................................................................... 47
TRS Office Code Restrictions for Types 2-6................................................................................ 47
7-Digit Toll Restriction for TRS Types 2-6.................................................................................. 48
Special 7-Digit Table for TRS Types 2-6..................................................................................... 48
Day/Night TRS Types for Trunk.................................................................................................. 49
Special Area Code Table for TRS Types 3-6 ............................................................................... 50
TRS Area Code/Office Code Table (000-249)............................................................................. 51
TRS Area Code/Office Code Table (250-499)............................................................................. 52
TRS Area Code/Office Code Table (500-749)............................................................................. 53
TRS Area Code/Office Code Table (750-999)............................................................................. 54
Section 8 - Least Cost Routing (FF 8)
LCR Trunk Group Assignments................................................................................................... 55
Time Priority Route Table 1-8 (Periods 1-24).............................................................................. 56
Time Priority Route Table 1-8 (Periods 25-48)............................................................................ 57
Time Priority Route Table 9-15 (Periods 1-24)............................................................................ 58
Time Priority Route Table 9-15 (Periods 25-48).......................................................................... 59
LCR Area Code/Office Code Table (000-249)............................................................................. 60
LCR Area Code/Office Code Table (250-499)............................................................................. 61
LCR Area Code/Office Code Table (500-749)............................................................................. 62
LCR Area Code/Office Code Table (750-999)............................................................................. 63
Special LCR Area Code Table...................................................................................................... 64
Special LCR Office Code Table).................................................................................................. 64
4 DBS-2.3/9.2-450 Revised April 2000
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This document contains the DBS Programming Forms and Tables for CPC-AII/B up to Version 8.0 and CPC-EX 1.0. These tables are useful in planning and configuring a DBS Installation.
These tables are organized as follows:
Section 1 - System Settings (FF1) Section 2 - Trunk Settings (FF2) Section 3 - Extension Settings (FF 3) Section 4 - Ringing and Hunt Groups (FF4) Section 5 - FF Key Programming (FF5) Section 6 - Name and Message Assignments (FF6 and FF10) Section 7 - Toll Restriction Settings (FF7) Section 8 - Least Cost Routing (FF 8)
The programming forms and tables are in the same general order as the programming telephone pro­gramming structure. However, some tables are combined to group r elated information. For instance, the Personal Speed Dial names (FF6 3#) and Speed Dial numbers (FF10 2#) are recorded on the same table (see T able 21). Also, some items in the tables may be moved to group rel ated information. For instance, the System Settings for the Attendant Timers are grouped together; not in programming order.
For ease of reference, a limited number of programming items are referenced in more than one place. Be sure to write the same value in each place. For instance, the Hunt Group No Answer T imer setting appears with system parameters and also in the Hunt Group Assignment Table.
When space permits, the related programming address is listed with the item. In some cases, the pro­gramming address is listed above or below the table.
Some tables show the possible settings including the default settings. The defaults are indicated in bold type. In some cases, the possible settings are too extensive to list in the tables. This is especially true for the system timing parameters. Most of the parameters with unlisted settings do not need to be changed from the default. If a change is required, refer to the DBS Section 400.
In many cases, the actual programming telephone entry is a 0 or 1 with the meaning determined by the item. These are usually listed in parentheses to the right of the possible settings in the tables.
Do not write on the originals! Instead make copies
need to be copied multiple times.
. Several tables are used repeatedly and may
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Section 1 - System Settings (FF1)

Table 1: System Parameters (Part 1)

General System Settings (FF1 2# 1#)
Call Duration Display Not Displayed (0), SMDR Start Timer for CO Calls Least Cost Routing (LCR) Access Override Toll Restrict with SSD
No. SSD Display Restriction
Auto Flash Redial R edial does not send flash (0),
One Touch Dial Disabled (0), Onhook Transfer Disabled (0), Key Bank Hold Non-Appearing Trunk Hold Exclusive hold (0), SLT Flash Control 2nd SLT hookflash results in intercom dial t on e (0)
Extension Number Digits 2-digit numbers (0),
Alternate Attendant Disable Alternate Attendant (0)
5 sec. (0) Pooled-trun k call (0)
00 - 89, 000 thru 199 , or 000 thru 499 FF1 2# 1# 4#
SSD (80-89, 160-199, or 400-499) dialed digits dis­played (0)
SSD displayed (1)
Redial sends flash (1)
Disabled (0)
2nd SLT hookflash results in held call (1)
4-digit numbe rs (CPC-EX In Network Only) (2)
Enable Alternate Attendant (1)
, 16 sec. (1) or 30 sec. (2) FF1 2# 1# 2#
(80-89, 160-199, or 400-499)
Display (1)
, LCR call (1) FF1 2# 1# 3#
dialed digits not
Enabled (1) Enabled (1)
, Enabled (1) FF1 2# 1# 9#
System hold (1)
3-digit numbers (1),
FF1 2# 1# 1#
FF1 2# 1# 5#
FF1 2# 1# 6#
FF1 2# 1# 7# FF1 2# 1# 8#
FF1 2# 1# 10# FF1 2# 1# 11#
FF1 2# 1# 12#
FF1 2# 1# 13#
Attendant Intercom Calling Ring tone calling (0), Extension Intercom Calling Tone Calling (0), Alert Tone for Voice Calls Disabled (0), Alert Tone - Busy Override and
OHVA System Installation Area Code 1 not required before long-distance call (0)
SSD Name Display
API/SLT Assignment Analog Extension Slot (2-1 8) FF1 2# 1# 20# Voice Mail Busy Tone Analog Transfer Ring Pat te rn See Section 400 ( Delayed Ring Second Attendant Position Extension Numbe r Third Attendant Position Extension Number (*** No entry) FF1 2# 1# 25# Fourth Attendant Position Extension Number (*** No entry) FF1 2# 1# 26# Attendant Transfer Extension Extension Number (*** No entry) FF1 2# 1# 27# Attendant Override Disabled ( 0),
Disabled (0)
1 required before long-distance call (1) Display 5 SSD names (0 )
Silence (0)
Disabled (0)
, Enabled (1) FF1 2# 1# 17
, Busy Tone (1) FF1 2# 1# 21#
, Enabled (1) FF1 2# 1# 23#
Voice Calling (1)
Voice Calling (1)
Enabled (1)
.4 on / 3.6 off - 0)
Enabled (1)
, Display 10 SSD Names
FF1 2# 1# 14# FF1 2# 1# 15# FF1 2# 1# 16#
FF1 2# 1# 18#
FF1 2# 1# 19#
FF1 2# 1# 22#
FF1 2# 1# 24#
FF1 2# 1# 28#
6 DBS-2.3/9.2-450 Revised April 2000
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Table 1: System Parameters (Part 1)
Attendant LED Alarm Indication (Attenda nt Feature Packa ge Only)
Extension (BLF) Delayed Ring Transfer Ring Pattern See Section 400 ( Multiple DID/DNIS
Page Duration SLT DISA Ring Pattern
AEC Disconnect Du ration See Section 400 ( DID/DNIS to a Voice Mailbox
DID/DNIS Answe r Code Up to 6 characters in cl uding 0-9, *, #, or pause
Call Duration Timer Internal Hold Tone Door Opener Access Code
Required API Port 1 Port Type
Alarm feature can be assigned (0)
Alarm feature can be assigned (1) Off (0)
, On (1) FF1 2# 1# 30#
.25 on/.25 off/.2 5 on/3.5 off - 0
Disables Multiple DID/DNIS ringing (0)
Enables Multiple DID/DNIS ringing (1)
Page Circuit Remains Open (0) 1 second on/ 3.0 seconds off (0)
Same as CO Transfer ring pattern (1)
No signal sent = 0
No DID/DNIS digits transmitted (onl y answer cod e) (0)
Answer Code, then final 4 DID/DNIS digits transmitted (1), Answer Code, then final 3 DID/DNIS digits transmit­ted (2)
5 sec.(0)
, 16 sec. (1), 30 se c. (2) FF1 2# 1# 38#
Disabled (0) Access Code not required (0)
Access Code required (1)
Standard API protocol (0)
, Enabled (1) FF 1 2# 1# 39#
, Open 60 sec. (1) FF1 2# 1# 33#
) FF1 2# 1# 35#
, TSAPI protocol (1) FF1 2# 1# 41# 1#
FF1 2# 1# 29#
) FF1 2# 1# 31#
FF1 2# 1# 32
FF1 2# 1# 34#
FF1 2# 1# 36#
FF1 2# 1# 37#
FF1 2# 1# 40#
API Port 1 Baud Rate API Port 2 Port Type API Port 2 Baud Rate
SMDR/Maintenance Data (Serial Ports) (FF1 2# 2#)
Parity Check (SMDR) Off (0), Odd/Even Parity (SMDR) Odd (0), Baud Rate (SMDR) 300 (1), 1200 (2), 24 00 (3), Stop Bit Length (SMDR) Data Length (SMDR) 7 bits (3), SMDR Printing Mode 1:
Outbound and Inbound SMDR Printing Mode 2:
Long-Dista nce and Local Calls SMDR Printing Mod e 3: H e ader
Title Serial Port Flow Control (Xon/
Xoff) RAI Baud Rate Parity Check (Maint, CPC-EX) Off (0),
9600 bps (0) Standard API protocol (0) 9600 bps (0)
1 bit (1)
Outbound Only (0), Inbound, Outbou nd and Networking (2)
Long Distance Only (0),
(1) Off (0)
Disable Xon/Xoff (0)
300 bps (0)
, 19200 bps (1) FF1 2# 1# 41# 2#
, 19200 bps (1) FF1 2# 1# 42# 2#
On (1)
Even (1)
, 1.5 bit (2), 2 bits (3) FF1 2# 2# 4#
8 bits (4)
Inbound and Outbou nd ( 1),
Local and Long Distanc e
, On (1) FF1 2# 2# 8#
, Enable XonXoff (1) FF1 2# 2# 9#
, 1200 bps (1) FF1 2# 2# 10#
On (1)
, TSAPI protocol (1) FF1 2# 1# 42# 1#
FF1 2# 2# 1# FF1 2# 2# 2#
9600 (4)
FF1 2# 2# 3#
FF1 2# 2# 5# FF1 2# 2# 6#
FF1 2# 2# 7#
FF1 2# 2# 11# Odd/Even Parity (Maint , CPC -E X) Odd (0), Baud Rate (Maint, CPC-EX) 300 (1), 1200 (2), 2400 (3),
Even (1)
9600 (4)
FF1 2# 2# 12#
FF1 2# 2# 13#
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Table 1: System Parameters (Part 1)
Stop Bit Length (Maint, CPC-EX) Data Length (Maint , C PC- EX ) 7 bits (3),
PBX Settings (F F1 2# 3#)
PBX Access Code 1 Access Code (up to 3 di gi t s) ( PBX Access Code 2 Access Code (up to 3 di gi t s) ( PBX Access Code 3 Access Code (up to 3 di gi t s) ( PBX Access Code 4 Access Code (up to 3 di gi t s) ( PBX Access Code 5 Access Code (up to 3 di gi t s) ( PBX Access Code 6 Access Code (up to 3 di gi t s) ( PBX Access Code 7 Access Code (up to 3 di gi t s) ( PBX Access Code 8 Access Code (up to 3 di gi t s) ( Automatic Pause Position for PBX
Access Codes be ginning with 1 Automatic Pause Position for PBX
Access Codes be ginning with 2 Automatic Pause Position for PBX
Access Codes be ginning with 3 Automatic Pause Position for PBX
Access Codes be ginning with 4
1 bit (1)
, 1.5 bit (2), 2 bit s (3) FF1 2# 2# 14#
8 bits (4)
Pause after 1st digit (1), pause after 2nd digit (2), pause after 3rd digit (3)
Pause after 1st digit (1), pause after 2nd digit (2), pause after 3rd digit (3)
Pause after 1st digit (1), pause after 2nd digit (2), pause after 3rd digit (3)
Pause after 1st digit (1), pause after 2nd digit (2), pause after 3rd digit (3)
FF1 2# 2# 15#
- No Entry) FF1 2# 3# 1#
- No Entry) FF1 2# 3# 2#
- No Entry) FF1 2# 3# 3#
- No Entry) FF1 2# 3# 4#
- No Entry) FF1 2# 3# 5#
- No Entry) FF1 2# 3# 6#
- No Entry) FF1 2# 3# 7#
- No Entry) FF1 2# 3# 8# FF1 2# 3# 9#
FF1 2# 3# 10#
FF1 2# 3# 11#
FF1 2# 3#12#
Automatic Pause Position for PBX Access Codes be ginning with 5
Automatic Pause Position for PBX Access Codes be ginning with 6
Automatic Pause Position for PBX Access Codes be ginning with 7
Automatic Pause Position for PBX Access Codes be ginning with 8
Automatic Pause Position for PBX Access Codes be ginning with 9
Automatic Pause Position for PBX Access Codes be ginning with 0
Ring Patterns for UNA Terminals (M1, C1, & B1)
External Page Interface Cont ro l for Paging Group 0
External Page Interface Cont ro l for Paging Group 1
External Page Interface Cont ro l for Paging Group 2
External Page Interface Cont ro l for Paging Group 3
Pause after 1st digit (1), pause after 2nd digit (2), pause after 3rd digit (3)
Pause after 1st digit (1), pause after 2nd digit (2), pause after 3rd digit (3)
Pause after 1st digit (1), pause after 2nd digit (2), pause after 3rd digit (3)
Pause after 1st digit (1), pause after 2nd digit (2), pause after 3rd digit (3)
Pause after 1st digit (1), pause after 2nd digit (2), pause after 3rd digit (3)
Pause after 1st digit (1), pause after 2nd digit (2), pause after 3rd digit (3)
Intermittent; 1 sec. on, 3 sec. off (0 )
Continuous (1)
No External Page and Relay Operation (0)
External Page and Relay Operation (1)
No External Page and Relay Operation (0)
External Page and Relay Operation (1)
No External Page and Relay Operation (0)
External Page and Relay Operation (1)
No External Page and Relay Operation (0)
External Page and Relay Operation (1)
FF1 2# 3#13#
FF1 2# 3#14#
FF1 2# 3# 15#
FF1 2# 3# 16#
FF1 2# 3# 17#
FF1 2# 3# 18#
FF1 2# 4# 1#
FF1 2# 4# 2#
FF1 2# 4# 3#
FF1 2# 4# 4#
FF1 2# 4# 5#
External Page Interface Cont ro l for Paging Group 4
No External Page and Relay Operation (0)
External Page and Relay Operation (1)
FF1 2# 4# 6#
8 DBS-2.3/9.2-450 Revised April 2000
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Make certain that features are not in use before disabling. Some features that are disabled from the Class of Service
while in use cannot be cancelled (for example, if BGM is removed from COS while in use, BGM cannot be turned off)

Table 2: Extension Class of Service

Extension Fe ature
(Default is Disabled - 0)
Dial Tone On/Off (#50) FF1 2# 5# (COS)# 1# 0/ 1#
Head/Handset Exchange (#51) FF1 2# 5# (COS)# 2# (0/1)#
BGM On/Off (#53) FF1 2# 5# (COS)# 3# (0/1)#
Absence Message Set/Reset (71) FF1 2# 5# (COS)# 4# (0/1)#
Call Forward Set/Reset (72) FF1 2# 5# (COS)# 5# (0/1)#
Do Not Disturb (73) FF1 2# 5# (COS) 6# (0/1)#
Station Lockout (74) FF1 2# 5# (COS)# 7# (0/1)#
Park Hold (75) FF1 2# 5# (COS)# 8# (0/1)#
Park Pickup (76) FF1 2# 5# (COS)# 9# (0/1)#
Class of Service # (FF1 2# 5# (1-8)# (1-21)#)
Meet Me Answer (77) FF1 2# 5# (COS)# 10# (0/1)#
UNA Pickup (78) FF1 2# 5# (COS)# 11# (0/1)#
Direct Pickup (79) FF1 2# 5# (COS)# 12# (0/1)#
Group Pickup (70) FF1 2# 5# (COS)# 13# (0/1)#
Tone/Voice Mode (1) FF1 2# 5# (COS) 14# ( 0/1)#
Message Waiting Set (2) FF1 2# 5# (COS)# 15# (0/1)#
Busy Override (4) FF1 2# 5# (COS)# 16# (0/1)#
Call Waiting (3) FF1 2# 5# (COS)# 17# (0/1)#
Offhook Voice Announce (5) FF1 2# 5# (COS)# 18# (0/1)#
Central Office Call Queuing (2) FF1 2# 5# (COS)# 19# (0/1)#
SLT Transfer (8) FF1 2# 5# (COS)# 20# (0/1)#
Call Forwarding -- External FF1 2# 5# (COS)# 21# (0/1)#
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Table 3: Verified Forced Account Codes

126 51 76 227 52 77 328 53 78 429 54 79 530 55 80 631 56 81 732 57 82 833 58 83
934 59 84 10 35 60 85 11 36 61 86 12 37 62 87
E n
t r
E n
t r
TRS Type
E n
t r
Type (0-
13 38 63 88 14 39 64 89 15 40 65 90 16 41 66 91 17 42 67 92 18 43 68 93 19 44 69 94 20 45 70 95 21 46 71 96 22 47 72 97 23 48 73 98 24 49 74 99 25 50 75
*Verified Forced Account Code -- FF1 2# 6# (Entry 1-100)# 1# (0001-9999)# **TRS Type for Verified Forced Account Code -- FF1 2# 6# (Entry 1-100)# 2# (0-7)#. Note that
TRS types 0 and 1 do not allow outgoing calls.
10 DBS-2.3/9.2-450 Revised April 2000
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Key 1 Key 2
Key 3 Key 4 Key 5
Key 6 Key 7
Key 8 Key 9 Key 10

Table 4: Custom Large LCD Screen Assignments

Screen Number ________ (25-39)
Feature Code
Soft Key #
16 27
FF1 2# 7# 1# (25-
39)# (Soft Key)# (Code)#
FF1 2# 7# 2# (25-39)#
(Soft Key)# (Text)#
Soft Key #
Feature Code
FF1 2# 7# 1# (25-
39)# (Soft Key)# (Code)#
FF1 2# 7# 2# (25-39)#
(Soft Key)# (Text)#
38 49 510
Screen Number _________ (25-39)
Feature Code
Soft Key #
16 27 38 49 510
FF1 2# 7# 1# (25-
39)# (Soft Key)# (Code)#
FF1 2# 7# 2# (25-39)#
(Soft Key)# (Text)#
Soft Key #
Feature Code
FF1 2# 7# 1# (25-
39)# (Soft Key)# (Code)#
FF1 2# 7# 2# (25-39)#
(Soft Key)# (Text)#
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Table 5: Caller ID Automatic DISA

Phone Number Assignment
1 - FF1 2# 8# 1# (Pho ne No.)# 2 - FF1 2# 8# 2# (Pho ne No.)# 3 - FF1 2# 8# 3# (Pho ne No.)# 4 - FF1 2# 8# 4# (Pho ne No.)# 5 - FF1 2# 8# 5# (Pho ne No.)# 6 - FF1 2# 8# 6# (Pho ne No.)# 7 - FF1 2# 8# 7# (Pho ne No.)# 8 - FF1 2# 8# 8# (Pho ne No.)# 9 - FF1 2# 8# 9# (Pho ne No.)#
10 - FF1 2# 8# 10# (Phon e No.) #
Phone Number (Max. 10 Digits)

Table 6: Door Phones

Door Phone 1 Door Phone 2 Door Phone 3 Door Phone 4
Door Phone Extension Port Number
FF1 2# 9# (Door Phone #1-4)# 1# (3-144)
Ring on Exte nsion Port(s)
FF1 2# 9# (1-4)# 2# (1-144)# (0 or 1)#
Door Opener Access Code
(Default -9999)
FF1 2# 9# (1-4)# 3# (0000-9999)#
Door Phone Tone Type
(Slow Chime - 0, Fast Chime - 1)
FF1 2# 9# (1-4)# 4# (0 or 1)#
Door Phone Ring Time-ou t
(20 sec. - 3)
FF1 2# 9# (1-4)# 5# (0-15)#
Door Phone Ring Pattern
(4 sec. between rings - 1)
FF1 2# 9# (1-4)# 6# (0-5)#
Door Opener Relay Timer
(4 sec. - 1)
FF1 2# 9# (1-4)# 7# (0-5)#
See also “Door Opener Access Code Required” setting (FF1 2# 1# 40#) on page 3.
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System Timers (FF1 3#)

Table 7: System Parameters (Timers/Access Codes)

Auto Day Mode Start Time Start Time (in 24-hour format) ( Auto Night 1 Mode Start Timer Start time (in 24 hour format) ( Auto Night 2 Mode Start Time Start Time (in 24-hour format) ( Attnd Hold Recall Timer for CO
Calls Attnd Transfer Recall Timer for CO
Calls Attnd Park Hold Recall Timer See Section 400, Attnd Call Reversion Timer See Section 400,
Attendant Timers
Attnd Hold Recall Timer for Inter­com Calls
Attnd Transfer Recall Ti mer for Intercom Calls
Attnd Hunt Group Recall Timer See Section 400, Ext Hold Recall Timer for CO Calls See Section 400, Ext Transfer Recall Timer for CO
Calls Ext Park Hold Recall Timer See Section 400,
See Section 400,
See Section 400,
See Section 400,
See Section 400,
See Section 400,
(20 sec. - 1)
(20 sec. - 1
(20 sec. -1)
(180 sec. - 9) (40 sec. - 2)
(20 sec. - 1)
(20 sec. - 1) (140 sec. - 7)
(140 sec. - 7)
(140 sec. - 7)
) FF1 3# 29# (000 0-2359)#
) FF1 3# 1# (0000 -2359)#
) FF1 3# 30# (000 0-2359)#
FF1 3# 2# (0-12)#
) FF1 3# 4# (0- 12)#
FF1 3# 8# (0-12)# FF1 3# 10# (0-12)# FF1 3# 22# (0-12)#
FF1 3# 24# (0-12)#
FF1 3# 6# (0-12)#
FF1 3# 3# (0-12)#
FF1 3# 5# (0-12)#
FF1 3# 8# (0-12)# Ext Delayed Ring Timer See Section 400, Ext Hold Recall Timer for Intercom
Extension Timers System Timers
Calls Ext Transfer Recall Timer for Inter-
com Calls Ext Hunt Group Recall Timer See Section 400, Unsupervised Conference Timer See Section 400, Automatic Pause Timer See Section 400 , CO Flash Timer See Section 400, SLT Onhook Flash Timer See Section 40 0,
System Timers
CO Ring Cycle Detection Timer 4 sec. (0),
Inbound Ring Cycle Expansion Timer
Dial Pause Timer See Section 400, PBX Flash Timer See Section 400,
See Section 400,
See Section 400,
(Power dow n an d r es tart the syst e m after changing this parameter)
6 sec. (1)
(3) See Section 400,
(12 sec. - 2) (140 sec. - 7)
(140 sec. - 7)
(140 sec. - 7) (10 min. - 2) (3.5 sec. - 7)
(1 sec. - 9)
(200 to 1500 ms - 4
, 8 sec (2), 10 sec
(350 ms - 7)
(1.5 sec. - 1) (.8 sec. - 7)
FF1 3# 27# (0-15)#
FF1 3# 23# (0-12)#
FF1 3# 25# (0-12)#
FF1 3# 7# (0-12)#
FF1 3# 11# (0-15)#
FF1 3# 12# (0-15)#
FF1 3# 13# (0-15)#
FF1 3# 14# (0-6)#
FF1 3# 15# (0-3)#
FF1 3# 16# (0-15)#
FF1 3# 17# (0-15)#
FF1 3# 18# (0-10)# Call Forward -- No Answer Timer See S ection 400,
(12 sec. - 2)
FF1 3# 19# (0-15)#
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Outbound Ground Start Detection Timer
Inbound Ground Start Detection Timer
System Timers
CO Delayed Ring Timer See Section 400, Hunt Group No Answer Timer See Section 400,
Remote Programming and DISA Codes (FF1 4# through FF1 6#)
Remote Programming ID Code 4-digit ID code, DISA Inbound Call ID 4-digit ID code FF1 5# (0000-9999)# DISA Outbound Call ID Code 1 4-digit ID code, DISA Outbound Call ID Code 2 4-digit ID code,
Private Password (only beta-level) 4-digit Password code
Programming Authorization Code (FF1 7#)
ID Code for System P rogramming 4-digit ID code,
T1 Settings (CPC-B 4.0 or higher/CPC-EX)
System Configuration See Section 400, Sync Source 1 T1 master cabinet (1), T1slave cabi-
1-8 sec.
1-8 sec.
net (2),
(4 sec.)
(4 sec.)
(12 sec. - 2) (12 sec. - 2)
(1111) (9999)
(6789 default)
(DBS 40 - 0
Free run (internal clock) (3)
) FF1 8# 4# 1# 1# (0-8)#
FF1 3# 20# (1-8)#
FF1 3# 21# (1-8)#
FF1 3# 26# (0-15)#
FF1 3# 28# (0-15)#
FF1 4# (0000-999 9 )#
FF1 6# 1# (0000-9999)#
FF1 6# 2# (0000-9999)#
FF1 6# 3# (NNNN)#
FF1 7# (0000-999 9 )#
FF1 8# 4# 1# 2# (1-3)#
Sync Source 2
Sync Source 3
Trunk Configuration for master cabinet
Number of T1 Channels in master cabinet
Frame Format for master cabinet
Frame Format for slave cabinet
T1 Initialization
Line Coding for master cabinet
Trunk Configuration for slav e cabinet
Number of T1 Channels in slave cabinet
(CPC-B 4.0 to 6.02)
(CPC-B 4.0 to 6.02)
None (0)
slave cabinet (2), Free run (internal clock) (3)
None (0)
slave cabinet (2), Free run (internal clock) (3)
Analog trunks only (0)
log trunks (1) 0-24,
Superframe - 0
frame (ESF) - 1
Superframe - 0
frame (ESF) - 1
AMI (0)
Analog trunks only (0)
log trunks (1) 0-24,
, T1 master cabinet (1), T1
, T1 master cabinet (1), T1
, T1 and Ana-
0 (None)
, Extended Super-
, Extended Super-
, B8ZS (1) FF1 8# 4# (4)# 1# 4# (0 or
, T1 and Ana-
0 (None)
FF1 8# 4# 1# 3# (0-3)#
FF1 8# 4# 1# 4# (0-3)#
FF1 8# 4# (4)# 1# 1# (0 or
FF1 8# 4# (4)# 1# 2# (0-24)#
FF1 8# 4# (4)# 1# 3# (0 or
FF1 8# 4# (5)# 1# 3# (0 or
FF1 8# 4# (5)# 1# 1# (0 or
FF1 8# 4# (5)# 1# 2# (0-24)#
Line Coding for slave cabinet
AMI (0)
, B8ZS (1) FF1 8# 4# (5)# 1# 4# (0 or
14 DBS-2.3/9.2-450 Revised April 2000
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These forms may be reproduced as needed by certified DBS Dealers and Technicians.
T1 Trunk Type Emulation Loop Start (0), (reserved -1), Ground
Start (2),
E&M (3),
E&M Network
Outgoing Signaling Type
Immediate start (0)
, Wink Start (1),
Dial Tone Start (2)
Incoming Signaling Type
Immediate Start/Ringdown (0)
Wink Start (1)
Network Re-Sync Timer Immediate (0), Hourly retries (1-24),
No retries (25)
Disconnect Timer See Section 400, Guard Timer See Section 400, Release Acknowledge Timer See Section 400, Outpulse Delay Timer See Section 400, Wink Time-out Timer See Section 400, Incoming Detection Timer See Section 400, Answer Supervision Timer See Section 400, Immediate Glare Timer See Section 400, Wink Glare Timer See Section 400,
(200 ms - 1) (1200 ms - 6) (240 sec - 9) (500 ms - 2) (5500 ms - 15) (90 ms - 7) (600 ms - 3) (60 ms - 3) (60 ms - 3)
FF1 8# 4# 6# (1-64)# 1# (0-
FF1 8# 4# 6# (1-64)# 3# (0-
2)# FF1 8# 4# 6 # ( 1-64 )# 4# (0 or
1)# FF1 8# 4# 2# 1# (0-25)#
FF1 8# 4# 2# 2# (0-12)# FF1 8# 4# 2# 3# (0-15)# FF1 8# 4# 2# 4# (0-15)# FF1 8# 4# 2# 5# (0-8)# FF1 8# 4# 2# 6# (0-15)# FF1 8# 4# 2# 7# (0-15)# FF1 8# 4# 2# 8# (0-8)# FF1 8# 4# 2# 9# (0-15)# FF1 8# 4# 2# 10# (0-15)#
Digital Pad Settings See Section 400,
Failure Mode for master cabinet
T1 continues to operate after error detected (0)
, T1 shuts down if errors
are detected
Remote Loopback for master
Reserved for future use FF1 8# 4# (4)# 1# 6# (0 or
cabinet Yellow Alarm Send for master
No (0),
Yes (1)
cabinet Flash Key Operation for master
cabinet Red Alarm Detection for master
Release and r e seize (0)
(1) See Section 400,
cabinet Yellow Alarm Detection for master
See Section 400,
cabinet Yellow Alarm Recovery for master
See Section 400,
(-2 dB - 16)
, future use
(8 -2)
(50 ms - 1)
(10 ms - 1)
FF1 8# 4# 3# (1-12)# (1-12)# (0-30)#
FF1 8# 4# (4)# 1# 5# (0 or
1)# FF1 8# 4# (4)# 1# 7# (0 or
1)# FF1 8# 4# (4)# 1# 8# (0 or
1)# FF1 8# 4# (4)# 2# 1# (0-5)#
FF1 8# 4# (4)# 2# 2# (0-15)#
FF1 8# 4# (4)# 2# 3# (0-15)#
Do not change from default without direction from Panasonic Technical Support.
Other Alarms Detection for master
See Section 400,
(250 ms - 1)
FF1 8# 4# (4)# 2# 4# (0-15)#
Revised April 2000 DBS-2.3/9.2-450 15
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These forms may be reproduced as needed by certified DBS Dealers and Technicians.
Other Alarms Recovery for master cabinet
Frame Loss Counter for master cabinet
Slip Counter for master cabinet 0-
Red Alarm Counter for master cabinet
Loss of Signal Counter for master cabinet
Sync Loss Counter for master cabinet
Yellow Alarm Counter for master cabinet
Yellow Alarm Relay for master cabinet
Red Alarm Relay for master ca binet
Sync Loss Relay for master cabinet
See Section 400,
Off (0)
, On (1) FF1 8# 4# (4)# 4# 1# (0 or
Off (0)
, On (1) FF1 8# 4# (4)# 4# 2# (0 or
Off (0)
, On (1) FF1 8# 4# (4)# 4# 3# (0 or
(250 ms - 1)
FF1 8# 4# (4)# 2# 5# (0-15)#
FF1 8# 4# (4)# 3# 1# (0-
9000)# FF1 8# 4# (4)# 3# 2# (0-
9000)# FF1 8# 4# (4)# 3# 3# (0-
9000)# FF1 8# 4# (4)# 3# 4# (0-
9000)# FF1 8# 4# (4)# 3# 5# (0-
9000)# FF1 8# 4# (4)# 3# 6# (0-
Frame Loss Relay for master cabinet
AIS Relay for master cabinet
Relay Reset for master cabinet
Failure Mode for slave cabinet
Remote Loopback for slave cabinet Reserved for future use FF1 8# 4# (5)# 1# 6# (0 or
Yellow Alarm Send for slave cabinet
Flash Key Operation for slave cabinet
Red Alarm Detection for slave cabinet
Yellow Alarm Detection for slave cabinet
Yellow Alarm Recovery for slave cabinet
Off (0)
, On (1) FF1 8# 4# (4)# 4# 4# (0 or
Off (0)
, On (1) FF1 8# 4# (4)# 4# 5# (0 or
Automatically cleared (0)
Manually cleared (1)
T1 continues to operate after error detected (0)
are detected
No (0),
Release and reseize (0)
(1) See Section 400,
See Section 400,
See Section 400,
, T1 shuts down if errors
Yes (1)
, future use
(8 -2)
(50 ms - 1)
(10 ms - 1)
FF1 8# 4# (4)# 4# 6# (0 or
1)# FF1 8# 4# (5)# 1# 5# (0 or
1)# FF1 8# 4# (5)# 1# 7# (0 or
1)# FF1 8# 4# (5)# 1# 8# (0 or
1)# FF1 8# 4# (5)# 2# 1# (0-5)#
FF1 8# 4# (5)# 2# 2# (0-15)#
FF1 8# 4# (5)# 2# 3# (0-15)#
Other Alarms Detection for slave cabinet
See Section 400,
(250 ms - 1)
FF1 8# 4# (5)# 2# 4# (0-15)#
16 DBS-2.3/9.2-450 Revised April 2000
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These forms may be reproduced as needed by certified DBS Dealers and Technicians.
Other Alarms Recovery for slave cabinet
Frame Loss Counter for slave cabinet
Slip Counter for slave cabinet 0-
Red Alarm Counter for slave cabinet 0-
Loss of Signal Counter for slave cabinet
Sync Loss Counter for slave cabinet 0-
Yellow Alarm Counter for slave cabinet
Yellow Alarm Relay for slave cabinet
Red Alarm Relay for slave cabinet
Sync Loss Relay for slave cabinet
See Section 400,
Off (0)
, On (1) FF1 8# 4# (5)# 4# 1# (0 or
Off (0)
, On (1) FF1 8# 4# (5)# 4# 2# (0 or
Off (0)
, On (1) FF1 8# 4# (5)# 4# 3# (0 or
(250 ms - 1)
FF1 8# 4# (5)# 2# 5# (0-15)#
FF1 8# 4# (5)# 3# 1# (0-
9000)# FF1 8# 4# (5)# 3# 2# (0-
9000)# FF1 8# 4# (5)# 3# 3# (0-
9000)# FF1 8# 4# (5)# 3# 4# (0-
9000)# FF1 8# 4# (5)# 3# 5# (0-
9000)# FF1 8# 4# (5)# 3# 6# (0-
Frame Loss Relay for slave cabinet
AIS Relay for slave cabinet
Relay Reset for slave cabinet
Trunk Mo de
Robbed Bit Setting Robbed Bit Off,
Incoming Dialing Method 1 (DTMF) FF1 8# 4# 6 # (1 -64 )# 7# ( 0 or
Dial Tone Transmission Reserved for future use FF1 8# 4# 6# (1-64)# 8# (0 or
Busy Tone Transmission Reserved for future use FF1 8# 4# 6# (1-64)# 9# (0 or
Dial Tone Receive
Ringback Tone Transmission
Off (0)
, On (1) FF1 8# 4# (5)# 4# 4# (0 or
Off (0)
, On (1) FF1 8# 4# (5)# 4# 5# (0 or
Automatically cleared (0)
Manually cleared (1)
Incoming and outgoing (0)
ing only (1)
Robbed Bit On (1)
Off (0)
, On (1) FF1 8# 4# 6# (1-64)# 10# (0 or
Off (0)
, On (1) FF1 8# 4# 6# (1-64)# 11# (0 or
, Outgo-
FF1 8# 4# (5)# 4# 6# (0 or
1)# FF1 8# 4# 6 # ( 1-64 )# 5# (0 or
1)# FF1 8# 4# 6 # ( 1-64 )# 6# (0 or
T1 Trunk Closure 0 (Open) FF1 8# 7# (1/2)# (1-4)# (1-8)#
(0 or 1)#
Revised April 2000 DBS-2.3/9.2-450 17
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These forms may be reproduced as needed by certified DBS Dealers and Technicians.

DID _____ or DNIS _____

Table 8: DID/DNIS Assignments

DID or DNIS Number
Ext. #
FF1 8# 3#
9999)# (Ext. No.)#
Ext. Ring
FF1 8# 5# (Ext No)#
Night 2
Delayed Day
Additional Ext. Ring
Ext. #
FF1 8# 3#
9999)# (Ext. No.)#
Delayed Night
Delayed Night 2
FF1 8# 5# (Ext No)#
Night 2
Delayed Day
Delayed Night
Delayed Night 2
For Multiple DID/DNIS ringing, set FF1 2# 1# 32# 1# Enter DID or DNIS numbers with FF1 8# 3# (0000-9999)# (Ext No.)# Enter additional DNIS numbers with FF1 8# 4# (0000-9999)# Ext No.)# Specify DID or DNIS per trunk with FF1 8# 4# 6# (Trunk)# 2# Specify Flexible Ring Assignments with FF1 8# 5# (DID No.)# (Ext No.)# (Day (0/1), Night (0/1), Night2
(0/1), Delayed Day (0/1), Delayed Night (0/1), Delayed Night2 (0/1))#
18 DBS-2.3/9.2-450 Revised April 2000
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These forms may be reproduced as needed by certified DBS Dealers and Technicians.

Section 2 - Trunk Settings (FF2)

Table 9: Trunk Programming

Trunk Telephone Number (For reference only)
Name (See Table 25 on page 44 for trunk name assignmen ts)
Trunk Port Operation
In service - 0
1) FF2 (1-64)# 1# (0/1)#
, Out of service -
Trunk Port (1-64)
DTMF (0)
FF2 (1-64)# 2# Pool Access Group 9
(Not included - 0, FF2 (1-64)# 3# (0/1)#
Pool Access Group 81
Not included - 0
( FF2 (1-64)# 4# (0/1)#
Pool Access Group 82
Not included - 0
( FF2 (1-64)# 5# (0/1)#
Pool Access Group 83
Not included - 0
( FF2 (1-64)# 6# (0/1)#
Pool Access Group 84
Not included - 0
( FF2 (1-64)# 7# (0/1)#
Pool Access Group 85
Not included - 0
( FF2 (1-64)# 8# (0/1)#
Pool Access Group 86
Not included - 0
( FF2 (1-64)# 9# (0/1)#
/Pulse (1)
Included - 1
, Included - 1)
, Included - 1)
, Included - 1)
, Included - 1)
, Included - 1)
, Included - 1)
Trunk Port Type
CO - 1
, PBX - 2)
FF2 (1-64)# 10# (0/1)# DISA Auto Answer
No - 0
, Yes - 1)
FF2 (1-64)# 11# (0/1)# Private Trunk Line Ext Port #
(No default ­FF2 (1-64)# 12# (1-144)#
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These forms may be reproduced as needed by certified DBS Dealers and Technicians.
AutoPause For PBX Line
(Enabled - 0
FF2 (1-64)# 13# (0-1)# Dial Tone Detection
Dial Pause Timer - 0
( D. T. Detection - 1) FF2 (1-64)# 14# (0/1)#
Outbound DTMF Signal
75 ms on/50 ms off - 1
( 125 ms on/125 ms off - 2 250 ms on/250 ms off - 3) FF2 (1-64)# 15# (1-3)#
Unsupervised Trunk Conf.
No - 0,
( FF2 (1-64)# 16# (0-1)#
, Disabled - 1)
Yes - 1)
Table 9: Trunk Programming
Trunk Port (1-64)
Inbound Ring Pat tern
Sync with CO - 0
( FF2 (1-64)# 17# (0-9)#
Trk Disconn. Detect. Timer
>350 ms default - 7
(0-15, FF2 (1-64)# 18# (0-15)#
DISA Start Time FF2 (1-64)# 19 # ( H HMM)#
DISA End Time FF2 (1-64)# 20 # ( H HMM)#
Trunk Circuit Type
LS - 0
, Caller ID - 1)
FF2 (1-64)# 21# (0/1)# DID Immediate or Wink S ta r t
Wink Start - 0
1) FF2 (1-64)# 22# (0 or 1)#
Wink Start Timer (See Section 400, FF2 (1-64)# 23# (0-15)#
Time Out for Dialed DID Digits (See Section 400, FF2 (1-64)# 24# (0-15)#
, 1-9)
, Immed. Start -
200 ms - 3
18 sec. - 4
DID Interdigit Time-out (See Section 400, FF2 (1-64)# 25# (0-15)#
80 ms - 5
20 DBS-2.3/9.2-450 Revised April 2000
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These forms may be reproduced as needed by certified DBS Dealers and Technicians.
Trunk Port Class Analog CO trunk - 4 master cabinet T1 - 5 slave cabi ne t T 1 - 6 Option 1 - 7 Option 2 - 8 FF2 (1-64)# 26# (0-15)#
Table 9: Trunk Programming
Trunk Port (1-64)
Revised April 2000 DBS-2.3/9.2-450 21
+ 46 hidden pages