PANASONIC DBS 576 User Guide

issued 6/2/98
This service information is designe d for experienced repa ir technicia ns only and is not designed for use by the general public . It does not co ntain warnings or cautions to advise non-technical individuals of potential dangers in attempting to service a product. Products powered by electr icity should be serviced or repaired only by experienced professional technicians. Any attempt to service or repair the product or products dealt with in this service infor mation by anyone else could result in serious injur y or deat h.

FCC Warning

This equipment gene rates, uses, a nd can radiat e radio fre quency en ergy, and, if not in stalle d and use d properly, that is, in strict accordance with the instruction manual, may cause interference to radio and televis ion reception. This equipment has been tested and fou nd to comply with the limits for a Class A computing device in Subject J of Part 15 of FCC Rules, which are designed to provide reasona ble protection agains t such interference in a resi dential insta llation. H o w ev er, there is no gu arantee that interfe r e n c e wi ll no t occur in a pa r ti cu lar instal lation. If th i s equipment does cause interference by one or more of the following measures:
1. Reorient the receiving antenna,
2. Relocate the key s ervice unit and key telephones with respect to the receiver,
3. Move the equipment from the receiver,
4. Plug the key service unit into a differ ent outlet so that the equipment and receiver are on differe nt branch circuits.

Battery Recycling Statement

The following stat ement applies if you purchas ed backup batteries with your s ystem. THE PRODUCT YOU HAVE PURCHASED MAY CONTAIN SEALED LEAD ACID BATTERIES WHICH
The information contained in this do cum ent is subject to chan ge without notice and should not be construed as a commitment by the Panasonic T elecommunication Sys tems Company (PTSC). PTSC reserves the right, without notice, to make changes to equipment design as adva nces in engineering and manufacturing methods warran t.
Reproduction , publication, or dupli cation of this manual, or any pa rt thereof, in any manner, mechanically, electronically, or photographically, is prohibited without permission of the Panasonic Telecommunication Systems Company (P TSC).
Copyright 1998 by Panasonic Telecommunicati on S ystems Company (PTSC)
All rights reserved.
About This Manual......................................................xv
Related Documents..................................................................................................................................xv
About Marks Used in This Manual........................................................................................................xvi
Chapter 1.Requirements........................................... 1-1
Mode l N u mb e r s ... ............ .. ........... ........... ............ ........... ........... ........... ... ........... ........... .................... ... . 1-1
FCC Re qu i r e m e nt s .. ........... ........... ........... ............ ........... ........... .. ............ ........... ........... ........... ............ . 1-1
Environmental Requirements ................................................................................................................1-4
Cleaning................................................................................................................................................. 1-5
Chapter 2.System Overview..................................... 2-1
Cabinet Description............................................................................................................................... 2-1
Cabinet Configurations .......................................................................................................................... 2-3
Circuit Cards.......................................................................................................................................... 2-4
Circuit Card Configuration ................................................................................................2-4
Card Descriptions ............................................................................................................... 2-5
Chapter 3.Cabinet Installation.................................. 3-1
Installation Loc ation........................... ............. ....................... ............. ....................... ........................... 3-1
Removing and Replacing Covers. ......................................................................................................... 3-2
Front Cover ........................................................................................................................ 3-3
Side cover ...........................................................................................................................3-4
Top Cover (Base Cabinet Only) ......................................................................................... 3-5
Cabinet Installation. ............................................................................................................................... 3-6
Grounding . ............................................................................................................................................. 3-8
Battery Backup (VB-44025).................................................................................................................. 3-9
-48 Volt Power Supply (VB-44022).......... .. ............. .................................. ............. ............................ 3-11
Card Installati on............. ....................... ............. .......... .. ........................ ....................... ....................... 3-13
576-13-300 DBS 576 (USA), issued 6/2/98 iii
Chapter 4.Installing Additional Cabinets................ 4-1
Installing the Buil ding Block System....................... ....................... ............. ....................... ..................4-1
Installation Location ..........................................................................................................4-1
Installation .......................................................................................................................... 4-2
Building Block Method (floor -mounting) Installation (576- port example shown)............. ............. ..... 4-4
Building Block Method (wall- mounting) Installation (576-port example shown)............ ............. ....... 4-7
Installing Switch Boxes (VB-44023) ............................................................................... 4-11
Battery Backup (VB-44025)................................................................................................................ 4-19
-48 Volt Power Supply (VB-44022).......... .. ............. .................................. ............. ............................ 4-20
Connecting the Systems ................................................................................................... 4-22
Setting ID No. of Additional Cabinets ............................................................................. 4-27
Connecting DBS 576 and DBS 96 Systems........................................................................................ 4-28
Installation ........................................................................................................................ 4- 2 8
Card Installation ............................................................................................................... 4-29
Connecting the Systems ................................................................................................... 4-29
Card Installati on Position ............ ............. ....................... ............. ....................... ............. ................... 4-33
Chapter 5.Trunks and Extensions ........................... 5-1
Maintenance Switches........................................................................................................................... 5-1
Trunks.................................................................................................................................................... 5-3
Trunk MDF Interface Card ................................................................................................ 5-4
Loop-Start Trunks ..............................................................................................................5-6
Loop-Start/Ground Start Trunks ......................................................................................5-10
DID Trunks ...................................................................................................................... 5-14
E&M Tie Line Trunks ......................................................................................................5-17
T-Point ISDN Interface (TBRI) ....................................................................................... 5-19
T-Point ISDN Primary Rate Interface (PRI) ......... ....... .... .. .... .... .. .... .... .. .... .... .. .... .... .. .... .. 5- 22
T1 Interface.......................................................................................................................................... 5-25
Extensions............................................................................................................................................ 5-28
Extension MDF Interface Card ... .... ...... .... ...... .... ........... .... ...... .... ...... .... ...... .... ...... .... ...... 5- 29
Digital Extensions ............................................................................................................ 5-31
DBS 96 Digital Extensions .............................................................................................. 5-34
Analog extensions ............................................................................................................ 5-39
S-Point ISDN Interface (SBRI) ........................................................................................ 5-42
S-point ISDN Primary Rate Interface (PRI) .................................................................... 5-45
Key Phone Wall Mounting............ ....................... ............. ....................... ............. .............................. 5-48
Chapter 6.Peripheral Equipment.............................. 6-1
Music -O n -Hold (M O H )..... .. .. ............ ........... ........... ........... ............ .. ........... ........... ............ ......... .. .. ...... 6 -1
iv DBS 576 (USA), issued 6/2/98 576-13-300
Background Music (BGM).................................................................................................................... 6-2
Paging.................................................................................................................................................... 6-4
PC Customization Tool.......................................................................................................................... 6-7
Call Logging Device........................ ....................... ............. .......... .. ........................ ............................ 6-10
MIS Rep o rt O u tp u t ... .. ........... ............ .. ........... ........... ............ ........... ........... ........... ... .......... . .. ........... .. 6-14
Application Interface (API)................................................................................................................. 6-16
Voice Recognition Adapto r.................... .................................. ............. ....................... ....................... 6-18
DSS...................................................................................................................................................... 6-20
EM24 ................................................................................................................................................... 6-21
TAPI Adaptor...................................................................................................................................... 6-22
Doorphone Adaptor.............. ....................... ............. ....................... ........................ ............................ 6-23
Power Failure Transfer........................................................................................................................ 6-26
Replacing the Backup Batter y of CPC card............................. ............. ....................... ....................... 6-29
Chapter 7.Specifications .......................................... 7-1
Index ...................................................Index-i
576-13-300 DBS 576 (USA), issued 6/2/98 v
vi DBS 576 (USA), issued 6/2/98 576-13-300
List of Tables
Table 1-1 DBS 576 model numbers......................................................................................1-1
Table 1-2 FCC information............................................................................................................... 1-1
Table 1-3 Interface information........................................................................................................ 1-2
Table 2-1 Unit card configuration.........................................................................................2-4
Table 2-2 Switch settings of CPU96 card......................................................................................... 2-6
Table 2-3 LED indication of CPC96 card............... .. ........................ ....................... ............. ............2-6
Table 2-4 Switch settings of CPC288 card.......................... ............. ....................... ............. ............2-8
Table 2-5 LED indications of CPC288 card ................. .................................. ............. ..................... 2-8
Table 2-6 Switch settings of CPC576 card.......................... ............. ....................... ............. .......... 2-10
Table 2-7 LED indications of CPC576 card ................. .................................. ............. ................... 2-10
Table 2-8 LED indications of CBL card......................................................................................... 2-13
Table 2-9 LED indications of CBLDBS card............................. ............. .................................. ..... 2-14
Table 2-10 LED indications of SYNC package................. ............. ............. .......... ............. ............. .2-18
Table 2-11 SCC card switch settings................................................................................................ 2 -20
Table 2-12 Maintenance switch (SW1) settings of LTRK/8 card..................................................... 2-22
Table 2-13 Caller ID switch (SW10-17) settings of LTRK/8 card.......... ............. ....................... ..... 2-22
Table 2-14 LED indications of LTRK/8 card............... ............. .................................. ..................... 2-22
Table 2-15 Ground Start/Loop Start jum per settings of LGTRK/8 card..... ....................... ............. .2-24
Table 2-16 Maintenance switch (SW4) settings of TBRI/4 card............................... ............. .......... 2-29
Table 2-17 Circuit select swit ch (SW1) set tings of TBRI/4 card ........ .. ............. .............................. 2-29
Table 2-18 LED indication of TBRI/4 card........... ....................... ............. .................................. ..... 2-29
Table 2-19 Maintenance switch (SW4) settings of PRI/23 card... .. ............. .......... ............. ............. .2-31
Table 2-20 Dip switch (SW1) settings of PRI/23 car d ................. ............. .................................. ..... 2-31
Table 2-21 Dip switch (SW2) settings of PRI/23 car d ................. ............. .................................. ..... 2-32
Table 2-22 LED indications of PRI/23 card ...... ............. .................................. ............. ................... 2-32
Table 2-23 Maintenance switch (SW3) settings of T1 card....................................... ............. .......... 2-34
Table 2-24 Dip switch (SW1) settings of T1 card ............................................................. ............... 2-34
Table 2-25 Dip switch (SW2) settings of T1 card ............................................................. ............... 2-34
Table 2-26 LED indications of T1 card .... ............. .................................. ............. ....................... ..... 2-34
Table 2-27 Settings of circuit selection switch of SBRI/4 card ........................................................ 2-38
Table 2-28 LED indications of SBRI/4 card...................... .. ............. .................................. ............. .2-38
Table 2-29 Mounting restriction of MFR/8 card........................ ....................... ............. ................... 2-39
Table 2-30 ACD Card Switch Settings....................... ............. .................................. ............. .......... 2-42
Table 2-31 ACD Card LED Indications...... .. .................................. ............. ....................... ............. .2-42
Table 2-32 VPU/4 Card LED Indication ............................... ............. ....................... ............. .......... 2-43
Table 2-33 VPU/8 Card LED Indication ............................... ............. ....................... ............. .......... 2-44
Table 2-34 VSSC Card Switch Settings.... ............. ....................... ............. ....................... ............. ... 2-46
Table 2-35 VSSC Card LED Indications............................... .................................. ............. ............2-46
Table 2-36 Maintenance switch (SW1) settings of API card............... ............. ............. ................... 2-47
Table 2-37 Internal diagnosis switch (SW2) settings of API card..................... .. ... .......................... 2-48
Table 2-38 Memory backup switch (SW3) settings of API card...... .. .......... .. ............. ..................... 2-48
Table 2-39 LED indications of API card.... ............. .................................. ....................... ............. ... 2-48
576-13-300 DBS 576 (USA), issued 6/2/98 vii
Table 4-1 Relationship of Programming Address to DBS Card Postion............................4-32
Table 4-2 PRI/23 and T1 card limitations....................................................................................... 4-36
Table 5-1 Number of Trunk Interface Cards Required per Cabinet..................................... 5-4
Table 5-2 Maximum loop-start trunks per system............................................................................ 5-6
Table 5-3 Caller ID switch (SW10-17) settings of LTRK/8 card..... ....................... ............. ............5-7
Table 5-4 Loop Start Trunk Connections and Pinouts.............. ............. ............. ....................... ...... .5-9
Table 5-5 Maximum Loop-Start/Ground-Start Trunks Per Syst em....... ............. ....................... ..... 5-10
Table 5-6 Ground Start/Loop Start jumper settings of LGTRK/8 card.............. ....................... ..... 5-11
Table 5-7 Loop Start/Ground Trunk Connections and Pinouts............................. ............. ............5-13
Table 5-8 Maximum DID Trunks Per System................................................................................ 5-14
Table 5-9 DID Trunk Connections and Pinouts..............................................................................5-16
Table 5-10 Maximum E&M Tie Line Trunks Per System ........................ ....................... ............. ... 5-17
Table 5-11 Maximum Number of T-Point ISDN Interfaces Per System............ .............................. 5-19
Table 5-12 Line Selection Switch (SW1: SELECT) on TBRI/4 Card... ............. ....................... ....... 5-20
Table 5-13 Mode Settings of PRI/23 Card......... ............. .................................. ............. ................... 5-22
Table 5-14 Maximum Number of T-Point ISDN Primary Rate Interface Cards Per System...........5-23
Table 5-15 Switch Setting for SW2 on PRI/23 Card........... ............. ....................... ............. ............5-23
Table 5-16 Switch Setting for SW1 on PRI/23 Card........... ............. ....................... ............. ............5-24
Table 5-17 Mode Settings of T1 Card....... ............. .................................. ............. ....................... ..... 5-25
Table 5-18 Maximum Number of T1 Interface Cards Per System................................................... 5-25
Table 5-19 Switch Setting for SW2 on T1 Card......... ............. ....................... ............. ..................... 5-26
Table 5-20 Switch Setting for SW1 on T1 Card......... ............. ....................... ............. ..................... 5-27
Table 5-21 Number of Extension Interface Cards Require d per Cabinet........................ .... .. ..... .... .. 5-29
Table 5-22 Maximum cards and digital (and analog) extensions per system.......... ............. ............5-31
Table 5-23 Digital Extension Connections and Pinouts ...................... .. ........................ .................. .5-33
Table 5-24 Relationship of Programming Address to DBS Card Postion.............. ............. ............5-34
Table 5-25 DBS 96 Digital Extension Connections and Pinouts - Slots EC1, EC2, and EC3...... ...5-36
Table 5-26 DBS 96 Digital Extension Connections and Pinouts - Slots EC4, EC5, and EC6...... ...5-37
Table 5-27 DBS 96 Digital Extension Connections and Pinouts - Slots EC7, EC8, and EC/TRK. .5-38
Table 5-28 Maximum cards and analog (and digital) extensions per system.......... ............. ............5-39
Table 5-29 Analog Extension Connections and Pinouts.......................... ............. ........................... .5-41
Table 5-30 Maximum Number of S-point ISDN Interfaces Per System.......................................... 5-42
Table 5-31 Mode Settings of PRI/23 Card......... ............. .................................. ............. ................... 5-45
Table 5-32 Maximum Number of S-point ISDN Primary Rate Interface Cards Per Sys tem ..... .. .... 5-45
Table 5-33 Switch Setting for SW2-2 on PRI/23 Card.............................................. ............. .......... 5-46
Table 5-34 Switch Setting for SW1 on PRI/23 Card........... ............. ....................... ............. ............5-46
Table 6-1 Pinout of external connector (CN3) of SCC card.................................................6-4
Table 6-2 Settings of SW2 on SCC card................ .......... .. ............. .................................. ............. ... 6-5
Table 6-3 RS-232C port (CN5 and CN6) pinout of SCC card ......................................................... 6-7
Table 6-4 Positions of SW1 on SCC card ......................................................................................... 6-9
Table 6-5 ACD Card SW1 Settings.............. ....................... .................................. ............. ............6-14
Table 7-1 Input Power.......................................................... .......... .......... .......... .......... .........7-1
Table 7-2 Battery Backup Capacity.......................... ............. ....................... ........................ ............ 7-1
Table 7-3 Temperature and Humidity Requirements for System Operation
(excludes Built- In Voice Mail)7-1
Table 7-4 Temperature and Humidity Requirements for Built-in VM...... ....................... ............. ... 7-1
viii DBS 576 (USA), issued 6/2/98 576-13-300
Table 7-5 Dimensions and Weight for Single-Cabinet Systems and Telephones ............................ 7-2
Table 7-6 Resource Maximums ........................................................................................................ 7-2
Table 7-7 Feature Related Capacities ............................................................................................... 7-3
Table 7-8 Hardware Maximums ....................................................................................................... 7-5
Table 7-9 Maximum Cabling Dista nces .............. ....................... ............. .................................. ....... 7-7
Table 7-10 Voice Path from KTELS to DBS 576........... .................................. ............. ..................... 7-7
Table 7-11 Data Communication Ports.................................. ............. ....................... .........................7-7
Table 7-12 Signaling to CO ................................................................................................................ 7-8
Table 7-13 Transmission Specific ations........................... ....................... ............. ....................... ....... 7-8
Table 7-14 DTMF Frequencies........................................................................................................... 7-8
576-13-300 DBS 576 (USA), issued 6/2/98 ix
x DBS 576 (USA), issued 6/2/98 576-13-300
List of Figures
Figure 2-1 The DBS 576 Base Cabinet ......................... ....................... ............. .............................. 2-1
Figure 2-2 System Connections....................................................................................................... 2-2
Figure 2-3 Example Cabinet Combinations..................................................................................... 2-3
Figure 2-4 CPC96 card .................................................................................................................... 2-5
Figure 2-5 CPC288 card .................................................................................................................. 2-7
Figure 2-6 CPC576 card .................................................................................................................. 2-9
Figure 2-7 TSW288 card ............................................................................................................... 2-11
Figure 2-8 TSW576 card ............................................................................................................... 2-12
Figure 2-9 CBL card ...................................................................................................................... 2-13
Figure 2-10 CBLDBS interface card ................. .. ..... .... .. ..... .... ..... .... ..... .. ..... .... .. ..... .... ..... .... ..... .. .... 2-14
Figure 2-11 CBLDBS MDF card..................................................................................................... 2-15
Figure 2-12 EXT MDF Interface card................... ..... .... ..... .. ..... .... .. ..... .... ..... .... ..... .. ..... .... .. ....... .. .. 2-16
Figure 2-13 TRK MDF In terface card.......... ..... .... ..... .... ..... .. ..... .... .. ..... .... ..... .... ..... .. ..... .... .. ....... .. .. 2-17
Figure 2-14 SYNC Package.............................................................................................................2-18
Figur e 2 -1 5 SCC card ........ ............ .. ........... ........... ............ ........... ........... ........... ... ........... ............... 2 -1 9
Figure 2-16 LTRK/8 card................................................................................................................ 2-21
Figure 2-17 CID card....................................................................................................................... 2-23
Figure 2-18 LGTRK/8 card............................................................................................................. 2-25
Figure 2-19 DIDTR 8 card............................................................................................................... 2-26
Figure 2-20 E&M/4 card.................................................................................................................. 2-27
Figure 2-21 TBRI/4 card..................................................................................................................2-28
Figur e 2 -2 2 PRI/ 2 3 card .. .. ... ........... ........... ........... ............ ........... ........... .. ............ ........... ............... 2-31
Figure 2-23 T1 card ......................................................................................................................... 2-33
Figure 2-24 DEC/8 card...................................................................................................................2-35
Figure 3-26 SBRI/4 card.... ..... .... ..... .. ..... .... .. ....... .. ..... .... ..... .. ..... .... ..... .... .. ..... .... ..... .. ....... .. ............. 2-37
Figure 3-27 MFR/8 card .................................................................................................................. 2-39
Figure 3-28 CONF card................................................................................................................... 2-40
Figur e 3 -2 9 ACD card ..... .. ............ ........... ........... ........... ............ ........... .. ........... ............ .................2-41
Figure 3-30 VPU/4 card................................................................................................................... 2-43
Figure 3-31 VPU/8 card................................................................................................................... 2-44
Figur e 3 -3 2 VSSC card ........... ........... ........... ... ........... ........... ........... ............ ........... ........... .. .. ......... 2-45
Figur e 3 -3 3 API ca r d .................. ............ ........... ........... .. ............ ........... ........... ........... .................... 2-47
Figure 3-1 Single base cabinet dimensions and maintenance area....... .. .................................. ....... 3-1
Figure 3-2 Removing and replacing front cover of base cabinet..................................................... 3-3
Figure 3-3 Removing and replacing side cover of base cabinet................ ............. ......................... 3-4
Figure 3-4 Removing and replacing top cover of Base Cabinet........... ............. ....................... ....... 3-5
Figure 3-5 Securing the cabinet to the floor (base cabinet shown) ................................................. 3-6
Figure 3-6 Cabinet plywood mounting backboard..........................................................................3-7
Figure 3-7 Wall-mounting Installation: Attaching the Wall-mounting Bracket....................... ....... 3-7
Figure 3-8 Wall-mounting Installation: Attaching the Wall-mounting of cabinet-1....................... 3-8
Figure 3-9 Grounding the Master Cabinet....................................................................................... 3-9
Figure 3-10 Installation of backup batteries (VB-44025)................................................................ 3-10
Figure 3-11 Installation of -48 Volt Power Supply (VB-44022)....................... ....................... ....... 3-12
576-13-300 DBS 576 (USA), issued 6/2/98 xi
Figure 3-12 Typical Initial configuration for automatic starting of base cabinet system................ 3-13
Figure 3-13 Unit card instal lat ion in cabinet ................................................................................... 3-15
Figure 4-1 Building block system dimens ions and maintenance area............................................. 4-1
Figure 4-2 Example cabinet combinations using building block method ....................................... 4-3
Figure 4-3 Floor-Mounting Insta llation: Attaching the Wall-Mounting Bracket............................ 4-4
Figure 4-4 Floor-mounting Insta llation: Vertical Joining... ............. ....................... ............. ............4-5
Figure 4-5 Floor Mounting Installa tion: Vertical/Horizontal Joining................ ............. ............. ... 4-6
Figure 4-6 Wall-mounting Installation: Attaching the Wall-mounting Bracket....................... ....... 4-7
Figure 4-7 Wall-mounting Installation: Attaching the Wall-mounting of cabinet-1....................... 4-8
Figure 4-8 Wall-mounting Installation: Attaching the Wall-mounting of cabinet-2....................... 4-9
Figure 4-11 Wall-mounting Installat ion: Attaching the Wall-mounting of cabinet -3............ ......... 4-10
Figure 4-12 Removing AC cable..................................................................................................... 4-12
Figure 4-13 Installing the Switch Box............................................................................................. 4-12
Figure 4-14 Attaching AC cable to cabinet ..................................................................................... 4-13
Figure 4-15 AC Power Cable Connection to Switch Box/Frame Ground....................................... 4-13
Figure 4-16 Switch Box to Power Supply AC Cable Connections.................................................4-14
Figure 4-17 Switch Box AC Cables to Frame Ground Connections................... .......... .. ................ 4-15
Figure 4-18 Power Supply AC Cable to Frame Ground Connections............. ............. ................... 4-16
Figure 4-19 Battery Control Connections to Expansion Cabinet Power Supplies..........................4-17
Figure 4-20 Battery Control Connection to Base Cabinet Power Supply ....................................... 4-18
Figure 4-21 Installation of cabinet backup ba tte ries (VB-44025)............... ............. ............. .......... 4-20
Figure 4-22 Installation of -48 Volt Power Supply (VB-44022)....................... ....................... ....... 4-21
Figure 4-23 System connection using building block method ( 576 port example)...... ................... 4-24
Figure 4-24 System connection using building block method ( 192 port example)...... ................... 4-25
Figure 4-25 System connection using building block method ( 288 port example)...... ................... 4-25
Figure 4-26 System connection using building block method ( 384 port example)...... ................... 4-26
Figure 4-27 System connection using building block method ( 480 port example)...... ................... 4-26
Figure 4-28 Relationship of rotary switch position/ID number and cabinet................................... 4-27
Figure 4-29 Example combinations of base cabinet and DBS 96................................................... 4-28
Figure 4-30 Connecting the CBLDBS . ............................................................................................ 4-30
Figure 4-31 Addition of two DBS 96 cabinets................................................................................4-31
Figure 4-32 Card installation positions in single cabinet system....................................................4-33
Figure 4-33 Card installation positions in building-block system...................................................4-34
Figure 4-34 Card installation positions in system comprising DBS 576 and DBS 96.................... 4-35
Figure 4-35 Restriction on PRI/23 and T1 cards installed in flexible slots of DBS 576..... .. .......... 4-36
Figure 4-36 Optimization of card installation.................................................................................. 4-37
Figure 5-1 Maintenance switch positions (LTRK/8 card shown).................................................... 5-2
Figure 5-2 Trunk MDF Interface Insta lla tio n .................. .... .. ..... .... ..... .. ....... .. ..... .... .. ..... .... ..... .... .... 5-5
Figure 5-3 Caller ID Card Installation:............................................................................................ 5-7
Figure 5-4 Connecting loop-st art trunks......... ............. ....................... ............. ....................... .........5-8
Figure 5-5 Connecting Loop-Start/Ground Start Trunks............................................................... 5-12
Figure 5-6 Connecting DID Trunks.............. ............. ............. ....................... ............. .......... .. ....... 5-15
Figure 5-7 Connecting E&M Tie Line Trunks.............. ....................... ............. ....................... ..... 5-18
Figure 5-8 Installation of Sync Package (Example: Installation on TSW288 Card)..................... 5-20
Figure 5-9 Connection of T-Point ISDN Interface (BRI)............... ..... .... ..... .. ..... .... .. ....... .. ..... .... .. 5-21
Figure 5-10 Connection of T-Point ISDN Primary Rate Interface (PR1) . ..... .... ..... .. ....... .. ..... .... .. .. 5-24
Figure 5-11 Connection of T1 Rate Interface.................................................................................. 5-27
Figure 5-12 Extension MDF Interface Installation.......................................................................... 5-30
xii DBS 576 (USA), issued 6/2/98 576-13-300
Figure 5-13 Connecting Digital Extension Lines ............................................................................5-32
Figure 5-14 Connecting DBS 96 Digital Extension Lines .............................................................. 5-35
Figure 5-15 Connecting Analog Extension Lines.... ............. ............. ....................... ............. .......... 5-40
Figure 5-16 Connection of S-point ISDN Interface (SBRI) ............................................................ 5-43
Figure 5-17 Point to multi-point connection (Long distance away)................................................ 5-44
Figure 5-18 Connection of S-point ISDN Primary Rate Interface (PRI) ................. ............. ..........5-47
Figure 5-19 Wall mounting of phone ............. ............. ............. ....................... ............. .......... .. ....... 5-49
Figure 6-1 Installation of music-on-hold source.............................................................................. 6-2
Figure 6-2 Installation of background music source ........................ .. ........................ ..................... 6-3
Figure 6-3 Connection of paging device.......................................................................................... 6-6
Figure 6-4 Connections for D-SUB 9-pin to D-SUB 25-pin cable.................................................. 6-8
Figure 6-5 Connections for D-SUB 9-pin to D-SUB 9-pin cable.................................................... 6-8
Figure 6-6 Connection to PC... ....................... ............. .................................. ............. ..................... 6-9
Figure 6-7 Connections for D-SUB 9-pin to D-SUB 25-pin cable................................................ 6-10
Figure 6-8 Connections for D-SUB 9-pin to D-SUB 9-pin cable.................................................. 6-11
Figure 6-9 Connection to call logging de vice................ .......... ............. ............. ....................... ..... 6-12
Figure 6-10 SMDR Output data format........................................................................................... 6-13
Figure 6-11 Connecting the ACD Card Personal Computer/Printer............................................... 6-15
Figure 6-12 25-pin to 25-pin D-SUB cable connections................................................................. 6-17
Figure 6-13 Connecting API card to PC.......................................................................................... 6-17
Figure 6-14 Removing telephone wall-mount adaptor.................................................................... 6-18
Figure 6-15 Cutting the connector covering from bottom of phone ................................................ 6-18
Figure 6-16 Connecting voice recognition adaptor to key phone.................................................... 6-19
Figure 6-17 Connecting phone to secondary socket........................................................................ 6-19
Figure 6-18 DSS connection............................................................................................................ 6-20
Figure 6-19 EM24 connection......................................................................................................... 6-21
Figure 6-20 Installing the TAPI adaptor.......................................................................................... 6-22
Figure 6-21 Doorphone Adaptor cable punch-out plate and wall mounting................................... 6-24
Figure 6-22 Doorphone Adaptor connections ................................................................................. 6-25
Figure 6-23 Power Failure Unit cable punch-out plate and wall mounting......................... ............6-27
Figure 6-24 Power Failure Unit connections............... ............. .......... ............. ............. ................... 6-28
Figure 6-25 Replacing the backup battery of CPC card.................................................................. 6-30
576-13-300 DBS 576 (USA), issued 6/2/98 xiii
xiv DBS 576 (USA), issued 6/2/98 576-13-300
About This Manual


This manual provides installation instructions for the DBS 576. Please carefully observe the contents of this manual.
The following table summari zes the purpose of each chapter .
Chapter No. Title Purpose
1 Requirements Includes DBS 576 model Nos, information on the
installation environment, and how to clean the DBS
2 System Overview Provides an overview of the DBS 576. This overview
includes descriptions of the cabinet, system configura­tions, and unit cards.
3 Cabinet Installation Explains how to prepare for base cabinet installation,
how to remove and replace the cabinet cover, install the battery and install cards.
4 Installing Additional
5 Exchange Lines and
Internal Lines
6 Peripheral Equipment Describes how to install and connect DSS, doorphone
7 Specifications Lists the specifications of the equipment constituting

Related Documents

• For instructions on DBS 576 programming, see the Programming Manual (Section 400).
• For detailed descriptions of DBS 576 operations, see the Operating Instruction (Section 700).
Explains how to prepare for additional cabinets, how to install them, and how to link the respe ctive systems, how to set the expansion cabinet ID No., and how to connect to the DBS.
Explains how to connect exchange lines and dedi­cated, and how to connect different types of digital and analog internal lines, and how to mount telephones on the wall.
adaptors, other peripheral equipment, and replacing the back up battery of CPC card.
the DBS 576.
576-13-300 DBS 576 (USA), issued 6/2/98 xv

About Marks Used in This Manual

XXXXX card
Card names shown at the side of function titles indicate cards that must be mounted to enable connections.
Cards marked with an at the side of the card name indicate that the card must not be removed or inserted while the power is ON.
For details on removing and inserting cards, refer to "Maintenance Switches" on page 5-1.
xvi DBS 576 (USA), issued 6/2/98 576-13-300

Chapter 1. Requirements

This chapter describe s DBS 576 model numbers, inf ormation on the installation environment, and how to clean the DBS 576.

Model Numbers

Table 1-1. DBS 576 model numbers
Designation Product Name Product Number
96 port Cabinet Base Cabinet VB-44020 96 port Expansion Cabinet Expansion Cabinet VB-44021

FCC Requirements

General Requirements

• The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has established Rules which permit the DBS 576 to be directly connected to the telephone network. FCC Compliant standardi zed jacks are used for these connections.
• This equipment may not be used on coin service provided by the telephone company. This equipment should not be used on party lines.
• Key FCC information appears in the following table.
Table 1-2. FCC information
Item Specification
FCC Registration Number When used as a key system: JNVUSA-32340-KF-E
Ringer Equivalence Number Loop start - 0.5B/2.8DC* ; DID - 0.0B* Network Address
Signaling Code * The Ringer Equivalence Number (REN) is useful to determine the quantity of
devices that you may connect to your telephone line and still have all of those devices ring when your number is called. In most, but not all areas, the sum of the RENs of all devices on any one line should not exceed five (5). To be certain of the number of devices you may connect to your line, as determined by the REN, you should call your telephone company to dete rmine the maximum REN for your call­ing area.
When used as a PBX: JNVUSA-32339-MF-E
• Before connecting the DBS 576, provide the telephone company with the following information:
576-13-300 DBS 576 (USA), issued 6/2/98 1-1
Chapter 1 - Requirements Section 300-Installation
Table 1-3. Interface information
Port Type
Loop Start Trunk 2-wire loop RJ21X 9.0F 02LS2 DID Trunk 2-wire DID RJ21X AS.2 02RV2- T T1 Trunk T1 Not Applicable 6.0P 04DU9-DN,
ISDN T1 Not Applicable 6.0P 04DU9-DN,
E&M Type I 2-wire
Type of
Type I 4-wire Type II 2-wire Type II 4-wire
• This equipment complies with Part 68 of the FCC Rules. On the left cover panel of this equipment is a label that contains, among other information, the FCC registration number and Ringer Equivalence Number (REN) for this equipment. If requested, provide this information to your telephone company.
• If the DBS 576 telephone equipment caused harm to the Telephone Network, the Telephone Company may discontinue your servic e temporarily. If possible, they will notify you in advance. But if advance notice isn’t practical, you will be notified as soon as possible. You will be advised of your right to file a complaint with the FCC.
RJ1CX 9.0F TL11M
Order Code*
Facility Interface
• No customer is authorized to repair this equipment. This restriction applies regardless of whether the equipment is in or out of warranty.
• The Telephone Company may make changes in its faci lities, equipment, operations or procedur es, that could affect the proper opera tion of your equipment. If they do, you will be given advance notice so as to give you an opportunity to maintain uninterrupted service.
• The Digital Key Telephones designed for use with this system are hearing aid compatible.
• This equipment is capable of providing users access to inter sta te providers of operator ser vices through the use of access codes. Modification of this equipment by call aggregators to bloc k access dia ling codes is a violation of the Telephone Operator Consumers Act of 1990.
• If you experience trouble with the DBS 576, please contact Panasonic Telecommunication Syste ms Company, Busin e s s Tele p hone Systems D ivision, Two Panasonic Way Panazip 7B-3, Secau cus, NJ 07094 (P hone : (1-800 - 822-0 909) f or repair/warranty information. The telephone company may ask you to di sconn ect this equipment f rom the networ k unti l the prob lem has be en corrected or you are sure that the eq uipment is not malfunc tioning.
1-2 DBS 576 (USA), issued 6/2/98 576-13-300
Section 300-Installation Chapter 1 - Requirements
• When programming emergency number and/or making test calls to emergency numbers:
- remain on the line and briefly explain to the dispatcher the reason for the call.
- Perform such activitie s in the off -peak hours, such as early morning or late evening.
• The software contained in the DBS 576 to allow user access to the network must be upgraded to recognize newly esta blished network area codes and exchange codes as they are placed in service.
- Failure to upgrade the premises systems of peripheral equipment to recognize the new codes as they are established will restrict the customer and the customer’s employees from gaining access to the network and to these codes.
- Bell Communications Research (Bellcore) publishes the North American Numbering Plan (NANP) information in paper, microfiche and tape. An abbr evia ted su mmary of t he ne wly establi she d area c odes and exchange codes is also available. Bellcore may be contacted on (908) 699 6700 to obtain appropri ate inf ormation to keep customer equipment upgraded.

DID Requirements

Allowing this equip ment to b e opera ted in su ch a manner a s to not provide f or pr oper answer supervision is a viol at ion of Part 68 of the FCC Rules.
Proper answer supervision is when: A. This equipment returns answer supervision to the PSTN when DID calls are:
- Answered by the called station
- Answered by the attendant
- Routed to a recorded announce ment that can be administered by the CPE user
- Routed to a dial prompt.
B. This equipment provides answer supervision on all DID calls forwarded to the PSTN. Permissible exceptions are:
- A call is unanswered
- A busy tone is received
- a reorder tone is rec ei ved
576-13-300 DBS 576 (USA), issued 6/2/98 1-3
Chapter 1 - Requirements Section 300-Installation

T1 Requirements

This device must only be connected to the T1 network connected behind an FCC Part 68 registered channel service unit. Direct connection is not allowed.

Environmental Requirements

Temperature: The environment should be free from exce ssi ve temperatur es in order to avoid component damage. Room temperature s should be 32° to 104 C).
Humidity: The environment shoul d be free from excessive humidity, which may rust metallic parts an d degra de performance. Do not install the system where humidity could conde nse on its surf aces. Rel ative humid ity shou ld range betwe en 30 and 90 percent.
Ventilation : Adequate ventilation must be provided to allow upward ai r circulation through the cabinet grille.
F (0° to 40
Gas and airborne particles: To avoid corrosion or oxidation of electrical contacts , the environment should be free from air borne particles and corrosive gas.
Electrical noise: The environment should be free from excessive electrical noise, which could di sturb the operation of digital circuits. The system should be located at least 10ft. (3m) away from welders, dimmers, or other high-current machines. Phones connected to the syste m should not be locate d near fluorescent lamps, air conditioners, washing machines, TVs, or radios.
Vibration: The environment should be free from excessive vibration, which coul d loosen components.
Water exposure: Because the DBS 576 is an electrical device, exposure to water is dangerous. Do not place anything containing water on the system. Do not install under overhead plumbing, sprinkler sys tem valves, or in areas that are susceptible to flooding.
Lighting: Suff icient lighting is required for testing and maintenance. Lightning protection/groundin g: The system must be properly grounded to protect
it from lightning damage.
• Supplemental and independent equipment grounding conduc tors are to be installed between the system and the wiring system ground.
• One of the equipment grounding conductors must be a wire that is as thick or thicker than the unground ed bran ch-circuit supply conductors. The equipment grounding conductor is to be installed as part of the circuit that supplies the system and is to be conn ected to a grou nd terminal at the ser vice equi pment. Bare, covered, or insulated grounding conductors should have a continuous outer f inish that is either green or green with one or more yellow stripes. The equipment grounding conductor should be conne cted to a ground terminal at the service equipment.
1-4 DBS 576 (USA), issued 6/2/98 576-13-300
Section 300-Installation Chapter 1 - Requirements
• The attachment-plug receptacles of the same type as that used by the systems that are in the vicinity of the DBS 576 are all to be of a grounding type, and the equipment grounding conduc tors serving these receptacles are to be connected to earth ground at the service equipment.
• A marking adjacent to the telecommunications jacks must instr uct the user to connect grounding conduc tors for peripheral equipment before any telecommunication lines are connected to the product or system.


• Use a slightly damp cloth to clean the phones. The phones should never be cleaned with benzene, paint thinner, or other solvents.
576-13-300 DBS 576 (USA), issued 6/2/98 1-5
Chapter 1 - Requirements Section 300-Installation
1-6 DBS 576 (USA), issued 6/2/98 576-13-300

Chapter 2. System Overview

This chapter provides an overview of the DBS 576. This overview includes descriptions of sys tem configurations and unit cards.

Cabinet Description

Panasonic's DBS 576 is a hybrid telephone system capable of supporting up to 576 ports.
The DBS 576 cabinet includes the following:
• Power unit
• Card slots
• Unit cards (optional)
• Backup battery (VB-44025) (optional)
• Switch box (VB-44023) (One required per base cabinet with one or more expansion cabinets att ache d)
• -48V Power Supply (VB-44022) (optional) (when one or more Ground Start, DID or E&M cards are installed in this cabinet)
Figure 2-1. The DBS 576 Base Cabinet
Peripherals such as paging spe akers, external music-on-hold sources, background music sources, PCs, printers, and SMDR connect to the unit cards.
Figure 2-2 sh ows the t runk a nd extensi on li ne con nections a s well as som e periph eral connections. Trunk and extensi on li ne conn ections a re cove red in de tail in Chapt er 5. Peripheral connections are covered in detail in Chapter 6.
576-13-300 DBS 576 (USA), issued 6/2/98 2-1
Chapter 2. System Overview Section 300-Installation
Figure 2-2. System Connections
2-2 DBS 576 (USA), issued 6/2/98 576-13-300
Section 300-Installation Chapter 2. System Overview

Cabinet Configurations

Two types of cabinets are used with the DBS 576. The DBS 576 base cabinet (VB-
44020) supports 96 ports. A DBS 576 system may contain up to two base cabinets. Each base cabinet can be combined with up to 2 expansion cabinets (VB-44021) to configure systems for up to 576 ports. They can also be combi ned with an existing DBS to increas e the num ber of digit al exte nsion line ports. For det ails, see Chapter 4, "Connection to DBS" (page 4-28).
Figure 2-3. Example Cabinet Combinations
576-13-300 DBS 576 (USA), issued 6/2/98 2-3
Chapter 2. System Overview Section 300-Installation

Circuit Cards

Circuit Card Configuration

Table 2-1 shows the unit cards and packages that can be used with the DBS 576.
Table 2-1. Unit card configuratio n
Card Type Card Designation Product
Analog Trunk
Digital Trunk
Digital Extension
Analog Extension
Service Circuit
Processor Cards
DTMF Circuits
Interface cards
Time-Switch Circuits
Audio applications
Daughter package
Loop Start Trunk Card LTRK/8 VB-44510 8-port loop-start trunk card An optional CID card can be
Loop Start/Ground Start Trunk Card
DID Trunk Card DID/8 VB-44520 8-port DID trunk card Dial Pulse and DTMF E&M Tie Line Trunk Card E&M VB-44560 4-port type 1/type 2 E&M tie line trunk
BRI Card TBRI/4 VB-44 530 T-point ISDN i nterface ports PRI Card PRI/23 VB-44540 T-point ISDN primary interface port
T1 Card T1 VB-44550 24-circuit T1 interface card Digital Extension Card DEC/8 VB-44610 8-port digital extension card BRI Unit (S-Point) SBRI/4 VB-44630 S-poi nt ISDN interf ace ports PRI Card PRI/23 VB-44540 T-point ISDN primary interface port
Analog Extension Card AEC/ 8 VB-44620 8-port analo g extens ion card
Service Control Card SCC VB-44181 Service circuit card (high level)
CPC-96 Card CPC96 VB-44410 Call processor card for 96 port system
CPC-288 Card CPC288 VB-444201 Call processor card for up to 288 port
CPC-576 Card CPC576 VB-4 44301 Call proc essor card for 576 port system
8 DTMF Receiver Card MFR/8 VB-44110 8-circuit DTMF receiver
Building B lock Expansi on Card
Connection Cable Card-DBS CBLDBS VB-44452 DBS 576-to-DBS interface card Install in AUX slot of DBS. Trunk MDF Card MDF-CO VB-44512 T runk MDF inter face card Mounts on si de of cabinet Extension MDF Card MDF-EX VB-44611 Extension MDF interface card Mounts on side of cabinet API Card API VB-44131 Applications Processor Interface card Data for External Integrated
8-Party Conference Card CONF VB-44120 Interface card for 8-party conference
Time Switch Card/288 TSW288 VB-444202 Time-switch circuit card (standard) Required with CPC288 card Time Switch Card/576 TSW576 VB-444302 Time-s w itch circuit ca r d (high-level) Required with CPC576 c ard Voice St or age Service Card VSSC VB-44170 2-way Voice storage cards Voice Processing Card/4 VPU/4 VB-44160 V oice processing card
Voice Processing Card/8 VPU/8 VB-44150 Voice processing cards 8 ACD Card ACD VB-44140 Built-in ACD unit Sync. Pac kage/Network Un it SYNC VB-44460 Network sync circuit unit (st a ndard) Mounts on CPC96,
Caller ID CID VB-44513 Caller ID interface card Mounts on LTRK/8 card
LGTRK/8 VB-44511 8-port loop-start/ground start trunk card
CBL VB-44451 I nter fac e card for additiona l cabinet Mounts in CPC s lot of all but
Prod uc t No. Card Description Remarks
attached (see below)
and S-poi nt primary inte rface port
and S-poi nt primary inte rface port
Including Ringer circui t
RS232C po r t 2, BGM I/F External paging I/F
(single cabinet)
system (up to 3 cabinets)
(up to 6 cab i n e t s )
Built-in ACD voice 4 processing card (4ch)
Supports up to 96 ports, 16 bit CPU
Supports up to 288 ports, 16 bit CPU
Supports up to 576 ports 32 bit CPU
first base cabinet
VM or ACD products
TSW288, or TSW576 card.
2-4 DBS 576 (USA), issued 6/2/98 576-13-300
Section 300-Installation Chapter 2. System Overview

Card Descriptions

This section provides an overvi ew of each card to be inst alled in the main cabinet.

CPC96 card (VB-44410)

The CPC96 card is a high-level CPU card for a 96 port system. This card incorporates a 16-bit CPU.
The CPC96 card provides a time switch (4 Highway x 4 Highway), a 4-circuit MFR (DTMF receiver circuit), a 3-party conference circuit, service tone, a DTMF transmitter, an input terminal for external hold tone source (RCA jack) , a connecting terminal for synchronization package (VB-44460), an interface connector for external PC card and modem (300 bps) functions. The system control program is downloaded to the internal memory of the system through the PC card. Memory is retained with a backup batt ery. (See “Replacing the Backup Battery of CPC card” on page 6-29 for more information on battery replacement.)
Otherwise, the system will operate in Key mode.
Figure 2-4. CPC96 card
J1 must be cut for the system to operate in Hybrid/PBX mode.
576-13-300 DBS 576 (USA), issued 6/2/98 2-5
Chapter 2. System Overview Section 300-Installation
Table 2-2 shows the switch settings and Table 2-3 shows the LED indicators.
Table 2-2. Switch settings of CPU96 card
SW No. Descripti on
SW1 : Black (MODE) Push switch for setting modes of syst em. SW2 : Red (RESET) Push switch f or res etting. SW3 : (CODE) Rotary switch for setting startup mode of system. SW6 : (RAM HOLD) Switch for selecting bat te ry backup of memory.
Table 2-3. LED indication of CPC96 card
LED indication Description
LED3 (RUN) Flashes red when Main Processing Unit (MPU) is operating. LED1 (MJ) Tur ns ON red when Major (MJ) alarm is dete ct ed. LED2 (MN) Turns ON red when Minor (MN) alarm is detected.
2-6 DBS 576 (USA), issued 6/2/98 576-13-300
Section 300-Installation Chapter 2. System Overview

CPC288 card (VB-444201)

The CPC288 card is a standard C PU unit for a system with up to 288 ports. A 16-bit CPU is incorporated.
The CPC288 card provides a 4-circui t MFR (DTMF receiver circuit), an input terminal for external hold tone source (RCA jack), an interface connector for external PC card and modem (300 bps) functions.
This card requires The system control program is downloaded to the internal memory of the system
through the PC card. Memory is retained with a backup battery. (See “Replacing the Backup Battery of
CPC card” on page 6-29 for more information on battery repla cement.) The switch settings are li sted in Tabl e 2-4. The LED indicators are listed in Table 2-
Otherwise, the system will operate in Key mode.
Figure 2-5. CPC288 card
the use of the TSW288 card (VB-444202).
J1 must be cut for the system to operate in Hybrid/PBX mode.
576-13-300 DBS 576 (USA), issued 6/2/98 2-7
Chapter 2. System Overview Section 300-Installation
Table 2-4. Switch settings of CPC288 card
SW No. Descripti on
SW1 : Black (MODE) Push switch for setting modes of syst em. SW2 : Red (RESET) Push switch f or res etting. SW3 : (CODE) Rotary switch for setting startup mode of system. SW6 : (RAM HOLD) Switch for selecting bat te ry backup of memory.
Table 2-5. LED indications of CPC288 card
LED indication Description
LED4 (RUN) Flashes red when (FPU) is operating. LED3 (RUN) Flashes red when Main Processing Unit (MPU) is operating. LED1 (MJ) Tur ns ON red when Major (MJ) alarm is dete ct ed. LED2 (MN) Turns ON red when Minor (MN) alarm is detected.
2-8 DBS 576 (USA), issued 6/2/98 576-13-300
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