Automatic Call Distribution (ACD)
Management Information Systems (MIS)
Section 525
DBS 576 - Version 5.0
issued September 2001
ACD/MIS Version 2.52
Issued July 2001
The contents of this document are subject to change without notice
and do not constitute a commitment on the part of Panasonic
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made to ensure the accuracy of this document. However, due to
ongoing product improvements and revisions, PTSC cannot guarantee
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The software and hardware described in this document may be used or
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TOC-6DBS 576/HD issued September 2001576/HD-50-525
ACD & Management Information System
Panasonic's Call Center products are focused on cost-effective solutions that
grow incrementally to meet the changing needs of a business. Whether ACD
Viewer is installed in a stand-alone configuration or in a network
configuration, the real time displays provide information about current Call
Center workload (incoming calls) and resources (ACD Agents). Historical
reports provide essential information used to evaluate trends, performance,
and results.
Figure 1 depicts the DBS576/HD Automatic Call Distribution (ACD) &
Management Information System (MIS).
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Overview Section 525 - ACD/MIS Reference
Figure 1. DBS576/HD ACD & MIS
ACD Viewer is a client that runs on the
Supervisors PC. ACD Viewer runs on MS
Windows 95, Windows 98, or Windows NT.
Agent View is a client that runs on individual
Agent PC’s. Agent View runs on MS Windows
95, Windows 98, or Windows NT.
Wallboards are connected directly to a PC
running ACD Viewer. One copy of ACD
Viewer can support up to 128 wallboards.
Wallboards can display information for one
ACD Group or be setup to display information
for any number of ACD groups.
DBS 576/576HD
MIS Server software and the Report Database
require a Windows NT Workstation or Windows
NT Server running TCP\IP.
The MIS Server software collects and organizes
ACD events from the DBS 576/576HD and
distributes the data via TCP\IP across the network
to ACD Viewer clients, Agent View clients, and
Wallboards. ACD events are also stored in the
Report Database that is used by the Report
Manager in ACD Viewer.
OV-2DBS 576/HD issued September 2001576/HD-50-525
Section 525 - ACD/MIS ReferenceOverview
MIS Server Application
The MIS Sever application has 3 general functions. First, it is responsible
for maintaining communications with the phone system. Secondly, it
receives and organizes real-time data that is broadcast via TCP\IP to ACD
Viewer and Agent View clients. And finally the MIS Server application
collects, sorts and stores call center records for historical reporting.
ACD Viewer
ACD Viewer is for Managers and Supervisors that need "real time"
information to oversee daily operations. An overview of all ACD Groups,
Agents and Alarm statuses are provided in one easy to use display. Another
display provides detailed information about one ACD group including
individual Agent states (ACD Call, Unavailable…) and duration of the
current activity.
Report Manager
Agent View
Report Manager is a component of ACD Viewer that provides the
Supervisor or Administrator of an ACD group(s) access to statistical and
historical data from their desktop PC. Report Manager enables the
Supervisor to schedule reports that run automatically on a daily, weekly,
monthly, or yearly interval.
To make analysis and manipulation of the data easier, reports are exportable
to other applications (MS Excel™, MS Word™…). Additionally, the
Microsoft DAO™ database can be accessed using tools such as Seagate
Crystal Reports™ or Microsoft's Access™. Dealers or Customers that have
qualified personnel on staff can write custom reports or modify the existing
Seagate Crystal Reports. (See Chapter 3, Overview for more details on
exporting data.)
Agent View provides an alternative method to deliver critical Call Center
data to front line and management personnel in a small, unobtrusive format
that's easy to understand. Agent View functions as a Software-Wallboard
application. However, Agent View is also used for lead personnel (subSupervisors) and management personnel that wish to monitor ACD
activities but don't require all the detail of ACD Viewer.
Agent View addresses three specific areas. First, Agent View provides more
Call Center information than an Agent's display telephone. Second, the
information is displayed continuously throughout the duration of a call.
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Overview Section 525 - ACD/MIS Reference
Finally, Agent View provides a method to deliver Call Center information
where wallboards are ineffective. For instance, personnel are in individual
offices, cubical walls are too high, or the customer doesn't want sensitive
Call Center information displayed in a public area.
Wallboards are an effective method to provide Agents and other interested
personnel with real-time Call Center information. Items that exceed preset
alarm conditions are displayed and may be accompanied by an audible
alarm. Text messages can be sent to the wallboard on a periodic basis or as a
one-time priority message.
ACD Configuration Options
Panasonic offers several configuration choices depending on your ACD
requirements. For example, the Standard ACD package consists of two (2)
cards installed directly into the DBS 576 or HD cabinet and provides a host
of basic ACD functionality to distribute and report incoming call traffic
(Figure 1). However, you can expand and enhance the ACD functionality by
adding our MIS (Management Information System) package along with the
standard ACD card. The MIS package is software that can be loaded into a
stand alone Server on a LAN, or loaded directly into an existing Server.
This expanded MIS package delivers a variety of ACD tools for more
sophisticated call center environments.
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Section 525 - ACD/MIS ReferenceOverview
Figure 2. Standard ACD Package
DBS 576
Po we r
Su pp l y
Uni t
FS3FS11 FS12
MIS Report
Pe rsona l
Printe r
RS-23 2C -type
How ACD Can Benefit Customers
Among the many benefits that ACD can provide to users, nothing compares
to the overall increase in Customer Satisfaction that can be gained using
this tool.
Callers entering into ACD systems have the comfort of knowing that their
call is being processed by prompting the caller periodically through various
messages. ACD above all else, eliminates terminal holds which can be
extremely frustrating to customers, and the business can ultimately lose the
customer. This can cost businesses thousands of dollars in lost business that
can never be measured.
Decreasing Costs always provides a tremendous benefit to organizations,
and ACD systems can certainly help accomplish this goal. Efficient call
centers can:
•Eliminate multiple handling of calls, reducing staff expenses
•Manage staffing levels by providing report data on call center activity
and call flow
•Manage agent efficiency
•Reduce returned calls (Outbound Toll)
•Help determine the correct number of incoming lines
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Overview Section 525 - ACD/MIS Reference
An effective ACD system can also provide Increased Revenue
opportunities for an organization. By handling more calls at a time than
number of Agents, potential customers can wait in Queue for an Agent to
become available to assist the customer and/or take an order. This process
greatly decreases and minimizes potential customers from abandoning calls.
Finally, the ACD system provides a call center with effective Management Tools to ensure that calls are being handled effectively, and that your getting
the highest level of productivity from your Agents. In addition, the ACD
provides Management with:
•Real time visualization of Call Center Status
•Short & Long term reports for statistical data analysis
•Immediate response to long delays
Additional Benefits of Panasonic's ACD
One Vendor Solution - The advantages to utilizing this single vendor
solution are many. Most importantly, the support for the system can be
obtained through one phone call, as well as maintenance and ongoing
changes for your call center.
Easy Installation - This ACD solution is an integrated solution in the form
of a circuit board that is placed within the cabinet. All of the power
resources and processing comes from the main cabinet and central
processor. In addition, by utilizing our battery back-up capabilities, you are
assured of system performance in the event of a power loss.
Simple Operation Agents - Agents can use virtually any of our telephone
models programmed to provide simple key depressions to Log-in, Wrap, and
make themselves unavailable. The training required for new agents is
extremely efficient, and takes no time to get new users up and running.
Major ACD Functions
Advanced Hunting (Standard ACD Package)
The software can be programmed to distribute calls to agents in two
different manners, depending on which one is right for you. The system can
find the agent who has been "least busy first" or "idle for the longest period
of time" depending on your preference.
•Least Busy First Distribution - The software analyzes the percentage of
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Section 525 - ACD/MIS ReferenceOverview
time each agent has been busy, and routes the call to the agent who has
been busy the least amount of time.
•Longest Idle Distribution - The software analyzes the agent group to
determine which agent has been idle for the longest period of time, and
routes the call to that agent.
Agent Wrap Function (Standard ACD Package)
Each agent can be programmed to allow wrap-up time on a conversation
with the customer for up to 600 seconds before receiving another incoming
Overflow (Standard ACD Package)
If a call is not answered in Group 1, the call can be sent to another group,
another extension or to voicemail.
Standard Reporting (Standard ACD Package)
The standard ACD package comes equipped with several built-in ACD
reports that can be used to further analyze your group's performance and
activity. These report can be viewed either through a PC connected to an RS232C connector from the ACD card, or they can be printed by connecting
directly to a printer. Activity of agents, groups and the system are tabulated
on an hourly, daily or weekly basis, and can be stored for a period of 14
MIS Reporting (MIS Package)
For more robust reporting functions, the Optional MIS package can be
utilized to provide customizable and historical reporting of the call center
activity. This data can be downloaded into a wide variety of standard
software programs such as Microsoft Excel™, for customized formatting of
charts and graphs.
Supervisor Function (Standard ACD Package)
For the supervisor, the standard ACD card and software also provides
valuable information at the touch of a button about the agent group and how
effectively your organization is handling customers. This ACD software
includes supervisory functions that are accessed through the system's
flexible large screen display telephone. The supervisor can change the ACD
script, view agents and call information, and generate reports for example.
MIS Supervisor Function (MIS Package)
For advanced supervisory functions, the MIS package allows the supervisor
to view agent and group activity, in real time, directly on their PC display.
This is accomplished through the Local Area Network, where the supervisor
is simply a client accessing the MIS functionality over the LAN.
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Overview Section 525 - ACD/MIS Reference
In addition, the supervisor can customize this PC application to provide
alarm thresholds. If a threshold has been exceeded for example, the color of
that data can be changed for a visual indication. If the supervisor desires an
audible alarm under these conditions, that can be programmed as well.
Agent View (MIS Package)
The MIS package also provides the option for software wallboard
functionality. Any client on the LAN can use this software wallboard to
visualize the Groups activity.
External Wallboard (MIS Package)
You can connect to the system an external Wallboard for Group activity and
messaging capability.
Multiple On Hold Messaging (Standard ACD Package)
Utilizing an external RAD device connected to analog ports, the ACD
system can provide multiple sources of Music/Message on hold. This is a
valuable benefit for using customized recording information for different
Groups within the ACD system.
Multiple Agent Groups (Standard ACD Package)
The built-in standard ACD Package provides the capability of setting up
three (3) distinct Agent groups. This is useful in organizations that have
separate call center functions, and specific supervisors in charge of those
Multiple ACD Systems (Standard ACD Package)
The DBS 576 & HD systems allow for the installation of up to 2 built-in
ACD cards. These 2 ACD systems act independently of one another,
however, provide for double the capacity of a single ACD system. In other
words, by installing 2 ACD systems, you will have a total of 6 different
ACD Agent groups.
Customer Script Editing (Standard ACD Package)
Once a script is designed for an Agent group to handle incoming calls, the
supervisor of that group can edit the script directly from his/her Large
Screen Telephone set. This customizable script editing allows the call
handling features to be changed on the fly.
OV-8DBS 576/HD issued September 2001576/HD-50-525
Section 525 - ACD/MIS ReferenceOverview
Agent Features
For the Agent, the Panasonic ACD system provides simple agent
functionality to ensure that external calls are being handled in the most
efficient way.
An available Feature Function key on an Agents phone can be programmed
as a Log-in/Log-out key. Simply depress the key, enter the Agent ID
number, and that particular agent is now logged into the ACD system and is
ready to receive incoming calls.
When the Agent is logged-in, that key will be lit solid green for easy
visualization of the Agents status. Depressing the key once again
automatically logs the Agent out of the ACD system.
Another feature key can be programmed that sets a logged-in Agent to
available (ready to take calls), or unavailable (system will bypass this
agent). In this case, the supervisor will see that the Agent is indeed logged in
to the ACD, but has is unavailable for some reason. In addition, the reports
will buffer this data to provide information on the lengths of time Agents are
When an Agent depresses the unavailable key, it will be lit solid Red.
Work Unit Count
In certain call center environments, the customer wishes to report work unit
codes that can be tagged on calls to indicate what type of call it was. In the
Panasonic ACD, these are called Work Units.
A key can be programmed on an Agents phone to provide this capability.
During a conversation, the agent can depress the Work Unit key and enter a
Work Unit Number. These numbers will be reflected in the ACD reports that
can be printed at a later time.
Up to twenty (20) Work Unit codes can be used in the system.
An excellent feature of the built-in ACD is the Agents ability to enter into a
Wrap mode after a conversation has been concluded. This mode allows the
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Overview Section 525 - ACD/MIS Reference
Agent up to 600 seconds to write notes, enter data, or perform any function
that is needed after calls are completed.
Wrap mode is beneficial in that it does not require the Agent to have to log
out of the group, or make them unavailable. This feature is programmable
by the supervisor on an Agent-by-Agent basis.
Zip Mode
If Agents are using headsets (a popular application), then you will find the
Zip Mode useful for answering incoming calls.
The Zip Mode essentially provides an automatic means for incoming calls to
be answered by the Agent. When an Agent is available to take a call, they
will hear a short tone burst indicating that a call is coming. Without any
other interaction with the telephone, the call will be delivered.
Figure 2 shows an example of what a typical Agent telephone might look
like in a call center group:
Figure 3. Typical Agent Telephone
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Section 525 - ACD/MIS ReferenceOverview
Supervisor Features
One of the benefits of the built-in ACD is the various supervisory functions
that are part of the standard ACD Package. The supervisors of course, are an
integral part of maintaining an effective call center.
The Panasonic ACD provides the Supervisor with the following tools for
efficient call control and Management.
Silent Monitor
There may be several instances where a Supervisor might need to enter an
Agent's conversation. The Panasonic ACD allows this function to work
easily, and without notice to the Agent which is sometimes desired.
Perhaps the Agent is new, and the Supervisor would like to monitor the
progress. Maybe the Agent needs help in managing a particular call. These
examples are just a few of how this feature can benefit a Supervisor.
The Supervisor can program a special key for Silent Monitoring. By
depressing this key, followed by the extension number of an Agent, the
supervisor is then in the call. Individual keys can even be assigned to
automatically dial the Agents phone for one-touch feature activation.
Supervisor System Monitoring
Through the Large Screen Telephone, the Supervisor has a myriad of
options to monitor his/her group. Entering the System Information mode on
the telephone, the Supervisor can select from the following:
•Traffic Information - This screen will display Total Calls in the group,
the Maximum Wait Time, the number of Agents logged-in, and how many
Agents are available to take calls.This information gives the Supervisor
a quick and easy mechanism to monitor and manage the group. A sample
is shown in Figure 3.
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Overview Section 525 - ACD/MIS Reference
Figure 4. Typical Traffic Information
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Section 525 - ACD/MIS ReferenceOverview
•Waiting Call - This screen gives the Supervisor important information
on individual calls that are waiting to be answered in the group. This
information will display the Trunk number of the call, and the length of
time the call has been in a Queue status. A sample is shown below in
Figure 4:
Figure 5. Typical Waiting Call Information
•Agent Status - In this screen, the Supervisor can see the Agent Group at
a glance to determine how many Agents are Logged-In, Available, Busy
on an ACD call, Busy on a non-ACD call, and how many are Idle.
Further information can be displayed regarding Agent Status such as ID
numbers, extension numbers, and Status. The Supervisor can establish his/
her own preferences on how to visualize the Agent activity. The Panasonic
Supervisor Monitoring provides this flexibility.
Supervisor Call Handling Scripts
Designing and changing scripts is very important for a call center group. In
the case of the Panasonic ACD, the scripting options are flexible, easy to
access, and provide tremendous benefits to the supervisor.
A script is written to determine the best way to handle incoming calls. For
example, you may decide to hunt through the Agent group first for a period
of time, then follow that period with a message. Once the message is
complete, continue hunting playing background music. This type of script
can continue for as long as you determine. Here are a few benefits of the
scripting options for the built-in ACD system:
•Six Different Commands - The script can utilize six (6) different
commands to design the most effective call handling application. These
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Overview Section 525 - ACD/MIS Reference
commands include Playing 1 of 6 different 96 second messages,
Forwarding to other ACD groups or to Voice Mail, Searching the Agent
groups for availability, Ending the script, Returning to any spot within
the script.
•Supervisor Editing - There may be cases where the Supervisor would
like to change the script. For example, perhaps inclement weather
prevented employees from making it to the work destination. The
Supervisor can easily change the script to alert external callers of this
important information. Additionally, it may be desirable for the
messages playing within a group to change periodically. The Supervisor
can easily edit the script to reflect this change. A sample is shown below
in Figure 5:
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Section 525 - ACD/MIS ReferenceOverview
Figure 6. Typical Supervisor Script Editing
SEARCH 1,015,010
01:Select FFKey
SEARCH 1,020,010
PLAY 7,1
SEARCH 2,015,003
RET 02,010
PLAY 9,0
•Report Generation - The Supervisor has the ability to generate the
internal standard reports to an external PC or Printer. The ACD card
itself must be equipped with an RS-232 Cable connected to a PC or
Through the Large Screen Telephone, the Supervisor simply selects the
report, and depresses the appropriate key to generate that particular
576/HD-50-525DBS 576/HD issued September 2001 OV-15
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