Clean image buffer ~Ax 7
Graphics download to external Flash card ~Ex,name,length 8
Graphic driver format ~G 8
Graphic down load to internal memory ~Ix,name,length 8
Print last label ~Px 8
Print version message ~V 8
Date / Time setting ~Dm,d,y,h,i,s 8
Reset printer ~Z 8
Acknowledge from RS -232 ~K 9
Printer header testing ~T 9
Clear flash memory ~MDEL 9
Rotate printing ~Rx 9
Print the available space and data name in the memory card ~Xn 9
Table 1.3 Label Formatting Commands
Label Formatting Command Syntax Pag
Define date layout Daa|bb|cc 9
Serial number setting Cx,s,? value,prompt 10
Terminate label formatting mode
and print label
E 10
Single line image data Gwxxx 10
Line command La,x,y,x1,y1 10
Rectangle command Rx,y,x1,y1,lrw,ubw 10
Define time layout formatting Th|m|s 11
Graphics Yx,y,name 11
Text command At,x,y,x_mul,y_mul,gap,rotation,data 11
Barcode command Bt,x,y,narrow,wide,height,rotation,readable,data 12
PDF 417 command Px,y,w,h,r,c,ec,len 12
Maxicode command Mx,y,sno,nos,mode,ccode,zip,class,rotation,message 13
Define variable field Vxx,length,prompt 13
Pattern command Qx,y,width,height 13
** 1mm = 8dots (203dpi) = 12dots (300dpi) **