WARNING: Use only a UL certied adapter when recharging
the Kodiak USB Power Bank. The use of a USB to AC adapter
WARNING: The use of non-certied USB to AC adapters can
that is not UL certied can cause high voltage and a spike in
lead to undesirable results when used to charge power banks.
AC current, which in turn could cause the Power Bank, the
There is a risk of high voltage and current spike which could
adapter, or both to explode or catch on re. To verify that the
lead to a risk of re and even explosion. Use only UL certied
UL mark on the adapter has been certied by UL go to: http://
adapters. To verify that the UL mark on the adapter has been
certied by UL go to: http://database.ul.com/cgi-bin/XYV/

Good call on picking up the Outdoor Tech®
Kodiak Mini 2.0 Portable Powerbank. Your
experience of the universe will soon be
enha nced powerfully. This manual exists to
help make sure that you use them correctly,
so you’re denitely going to want to relax
for a hot second and look through this.
