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When usingyour toaster,basic safetyprecautions shouldalways befollowed,
including thefollowing:
• Unplugtoaster fromoutlet whennot inuse andbefore cleaning.Allow tocool beforeputting on
ortaking offparts.
• Donot touchhot surfaces.Metal partscan becomehot. Usehandles orknobs.
• Toprevent electricshock, unplugbeforecleaning.
• Toprotect againstelectrical hazards,donot immersecord, plugor toasterin wateror otherliquids.
• Donot letcord hangover edgeof tableor counteror touchhot surfaces.
• Neverleave applianceunattended whenin use.
• Youngchildren orincapacitated personsshould notusethis appliance.Super viseolderchildren closely.
• Donot operateor placethe toaster:
–On non-heat-resistantor flammablesurfaces.
–On ornear ahot gasor electricburner.
–In aheated ovenor microwaveoven.
• Toreduce therisk offireor electricshock, donot insert:
–Utensils orfoil-covered oroversized foodsinto thetoaster.
–Fingers ormetallic utensilsinto slotswhen toasteris pluggedin.
• Donot attemptto dislodgefood whentoaster isplugged in.
• Donot usefoods thatwill dripcoatings orfillings whenheated. Suchaccumulations insidethe toastercreate
unsanitaryconditions andthe possibilityof fireor toastermalfunction. Cleanout accumulatedcrumbs
frequentlyto avoidrisk offire ortoaster malfunction.Do notoperate thetoaster withoutthe crumbtray being
replacedin itscorrect position.
• Donot operateany appliancewith adamaged cordor plugor afterthe appliancehas malfunctionedorhas
beendamaged inany manner.Return thetoaster tothe nearestAuthorized SunbeamAppliance Service
Centerfor examination,repair orelectrical ormechanical adjustment.
• Donot usethe toasteroutdoors orfor commercialpurposes; thisappliance isfor householduse only.
• Usethis applianceonly forits intendeduse asdescribed inthis manual.Do notuse attachmentsthatare
notrecommended bythe manufacturer;they maycause injury.
• Afire mayoccur iftoasters arecovered ortouching flammablematerial, includingcurtains, draperies,walls
andthe likewhen inoperation.
• Toconnect ordisconnect appliance,presscancel button.Toast liftlever mustbe inthe normalup position
beforeattaching ordisconnecting theplug fromthe walloutlet.
Power CordInstructions
Please follow the instructions below toens urethe safe use ofthe power cord.
• Thisto asterhas a powercord area thatall owsyou toa djustthe length ofthe cord sothat it isthe
appropriate length foryou rsituation .Try topositi onthe toaster nearthe power source toreduce the
hazards associated withpo wercords (such asbeco mingentangl edor tripping overa long powercor d).
• Fortoa sterspurcha sedin theU .S.and Canada: Thisapp liancehas a polarized plug(one blade is
wider thanthe other). Toredu cethe risk ofelectric shock, this plugwill fit intoa polarized plug inonly
one way.If youc annotcomple telyinsert the powerp luginto the poweroutle t,reverse the direction of
the plug.If it stilldoes not fit,co ntacta qualified electrician. Dono tmodify the plugin any way.
• Dono tpull, twist or otherwise abuse thepowe rcord.
• Dono toperate any electrical applianc ewith a damaged cordor plug ora fterthe applianc e
malfunctio nsor has beendr oppedor damaged in anym anner.
• Unplug thetoa sterwhe nit is notin use andbe foreclea ning.
• Dono twrap the power cordarou ndthe main body ofthe toaster during or afterus e.
Short PowerSupply CordInstructions
Ashort power-supplycord isprovided toreduce therisk resultingfrom becomingentangled inor trippingover
alonger cord.An extensioncord maybe usedif careis exercisedin itsuse.If anextension cordis used,the
electricalrating ofthe cordmust beat leastas greatas theelectricalrating ofthe appliance.The extensioncord
shouldbe arrangedso thatit willnot drapeover thecountertop ortabletop whereit canbe pulledon bychildren
ortripped overunintentionally.
Using theFood SelectFeature (Bagel, Waffle,Pastry)
YourOSTER®Toasterwill adjustthe light/darkrange basedupon thetype offood
youare toasting.You mustselect whichtype offood you aretoasting sothat the
toastercan adjustaccordingly.
Toselect thefood type:
Choose betweenthe Bagel,Waffle orPastry mode.
• Toastis thedefault settingif nofood orfunction selectbuttons arechosen.
• Pressthe Bagel buttonif you aregoing totoast a bagel.The Bagelindicator will
light. Thisoption willallow the toasterto adjustthe time neededto toastbagels
according tothe shadelevel selected.
Press theWaffle buttonif youare going totoast awaffle. The Waffleindicator will
This optionwill allowthe toaster toadjust thetime needed totoast waffles
according tothe shadelevel selected.
Press thePastry buttonif you aregoing totoast a pastry.The Pastryindicator will
light. Thisoption willallow the toasterto adjustthe time neededto toastpastries
according tothe shadelevel selected.
Using theFrozen FoodFunction
Yourtoaster can defrostyour frozenfood and thentoast it.Now you cantake a frozen
bagel outof thefreezer and defrostand toastit – allin yourtoaster – allin one easystep.
Todefrost andtoast your food:
1.Place foodinto the BreadCarriage.
2.Press theFrozen button ifthe food isfrozen, thenselect your foodtype bypressing
the appropriatebutton. Ifno food isselected thetoaster will operatein Toastmode.
3.Select thedesired darkness settingby turning theLighter/Darker knob.
4.Press theBread Carriage Lever.
Using theWarm Function
Will yourtoasted foodbe ready beforeyou areready to eatit? Thisfeature will
allow you
to reheatyour toastedfood.
Toreheat yourfood:
1.Press theWarmbutton.If desired,pressfood select.If nofoodis selectedthe toaster
willoperate inToastmode.TheWarm indicator willlightand thetoasterwill reheat
2.Press theBreadCarriage Lever.
Using theCancel Function
Tocancel thetoast process:
Press theCancel button.The toaster willstop toastingimmediately and thefood
will popup automatically.
Cleaning YourToaster
1.Unplug and allowthe toasterto cool.
2.Once cool, wipethe outsideof your toasterwith adamp cloth.
Español-1 Español-3 Español-4
Obedezca siemprelas precaucioneselementales deseguridad cuandovaya ahacer
uso desu tostadora,incluyendo lassiguientes:
• Desenchufe latostado radel tomacorrientes cuando nose encuentre en servicioy antes
de limpiarla. Antesde poner oquitar alguna pieza, esperaha staque lat ostadorase enfríe.
• Notoque las superficies calientes. Laspiez asde metal puedenvolve rsecaliente s.
Utilice lasa sideraso las perillas.
• Paraevit ardescarga eléctrica, desenchufe la tostadora antesde limpiarla.
• Paraevit ardescargas eléctricas ,no sumerja elcable, e lenchufe o latostador aen agua
u otroslíqui dos.
• Nopermit aque elcor dóncuelgue sobre elbor dede lames ao delmost rador,ni quee ntre
en contactoc onlas superficies calientes.
Jamás permita quelos enseres queden desatendidos duranteel uso.
• Losniños y lasperso nasincapaci tadasno adeben haceru sode estos enseres.
upervise cuidadosamente a losniños de mayoreda d.
• Noopere ni coloquel atostadora:
– Sobre superficies queno sean termorresistentes ni inflamables.
– Eno cerca deun ahornalla eléctrica oa gas caliente.
– Dentro deun horno calentado omicroond as.
• Pararedu cirel riesgo delos incendios olos choques eléctricos, no inserte:
– Utensilios nial imentoscub iertosen papel aluminio, nide grandes dimensiones, enla
– Los dedosni utensilios dem etalen lat ostadoracua ndoel aparato seencue ntreenchufa do.
• Nointent edesalojar alimentos cuando latos tadoraesté enchufada.
• Noutilic ealimentos cuyas cubiertas orelle nospuedan gotear acons ecuenciadel calentamie nto.
Tales acumulaciones dentrod ela tostadora creancon dicionespoc osanitaria sasí comol a
osibilidad de incendioso malfunciona mientosde la tostadora. Elimineco nfrecuenci alas
migas acumuladas paraevi tarel riesgo deincendi oso elmalf uncionamiento deltosta dora.
No operela tostadora sin haberantes devuelto la bandejapar amigas asu posición correcta.
• Noopere ningún aparato quetenga un cordóno enchufe dañado, odespu ésde quese haya
producido un malfuncionamiento enel aparato oqu ehaya sido dañadoen cualquier forma.
Devuelva lat ostadoraal centro dese rvicioauto rizadode Sunbeam paras uinspecció n,ajuste,
reparación o cualquieraj usteelectro mecánico.
• Noutilic ela tostadora ala intemperie opar ausos comerciales: esta tostadora espara elu so
oméstico exclusivamente.
• Sóloutil iceeste aparato parasu uso original conforme alo descrito eneste manual; nouti lice
aditamentos que nohayan sido recomendados porel fabricante ,ya quepue denproducir
lesionamiento s.
• Puedepro ducirseun incendio sis ecubre lat ostadorao si entraen contacto con material
inflamable, incluyendo cortinas, tapicería, paredes yafines mientras que seencuen tre
• Paraconectar odesconectar elaparato, aprieteel botón“cancel”. Elmando elevador detos tadas
debe estaren la posición elevadaant esde conectar odescone ctarel enchufe dela pared.
nstrucciones parael Cordónde Potencia
Obedezca las siguientesi nstrucciones paraasegu rarel usoc orrectodel cordón depo tencia.
• Estatost adoracuenta con unazon ade cordón depotencia que leperm iteajustarl oa lalongi tud
correcta para susituació n.Trate decol ocarla tostadora cerca deltomacorr ientesapro piadopara
disminuir los riesgosaso ciadoscon los cordones depotencia (tales como enredarsec onun
ordón depote nciade longitud excesiva otropezar sesobre él).
• Siresult anecesario, se puedeha ceruso deu naextensió neléctrica, pero asegúrese desegui r
estas direcciones:
– Lan otacióneléc tricade la extensióne léctricadeb eser deun mínimo de12 0/127voltio s,
60 Hz.
– Lae xtensiónelé ctricadebe estar colocada detal manera queno se envuelva sobreel
mostrador ol asuperficie de lamesa, ni quetamp ocoquede al alcancede los niños,n ique
ampoco pueda tropezarses obreella.
• Paralos tostadoraes cuya compra seefectúa en EE.UU.y el Canadá:e steaparato cuenta conu n
nchufe polarizado (unaho jaes másan chaque lao tra).Para disminuir el riesgode los choques
eléctricos, dicho enchufe seadaptará a untomaco rrientespo larizadode una maneras olamente.
Si nopuede insertar ele nchufeen el tomacorrientes completamente, invierta ladire cción
del enchufe. Siaún noca be,comuníqu esecon une lectricista experto.No modifique el enchufe.
• Notire, tuerza niab useel cordón depotenci a.
• Noopere ningúnaparato eléctricoque tengaun cordóno enchufedañado,ni despuésde quese haya
producidoel malfuncionamientode launidad, nique sehaya caídoo dañadoen cualquiermanera.
• Desenchufe latostado racuando ésta nose encuentre enu soy antesd elimpiarla.
Uso deun CableEléctrico Corto
Se incluyeun cable dete nsióncorto para evitar quese enrede oque cause tropiezos. Uncable
de extensión puedeusarse con cuidado. Sise usa unacable de extensión, lapotencia eléctrica
marcada enel cable deex tensióndebe ser porlo menos igual omayor ala potencia eléctrica del
aparato. Elc ablede extensión debec olocarsede manera quen ocuelgue del mostrador ode la
mesa, dondep uedacausar tropiezos accidentalmen te.
Conociendo SuTostadora
Si nose seleccionaningún botón defunción oalimento, el ajustepredeterminado
es “Toast” (Tostar).
1.Botón deAnulación –Presiónelo para hacersaltar los alimentos
de latostadora ycancelar el procesode tostado.
2.Botón de“Frozen” (Congelados)con Luz Indicadora– Presioneeste botónsi sus
están congelados.Utilice estebotón conjuntamente conlos botones
“Toast”y “Pastry”. La tostadoradescongelará
automáticamente susalimentos
y luegolos tostaráfácilmente en unsolo paso.
El botónse encenderáal presionarlo.
Botón “Warm”(Calentar) conLuz Indicadora–Presione estebotón paracalentar
su alimentotostado. Useeste botón encombinación conlos botones de
“Bagel”, “Waffle”, “Toast”y “Pastry”.El indicador seiluminará para
confirmar queel botón“Warm” seha seleccionado.
Selector yPiloto deTostadora –Gire laperilla para seleccionarel gradoal cual
le gustaríatostar susalimentos: el númeroes elmás ligero, yel númera siete
s elmás oscuro.
Botón “Toast” (Toast)con LuzIndicadora –Presione este botónsi deseatostar
rtículosde pastelería.El indicador“Pastry” se encenderá.Esta opciónle
permitirá ala tostadoraajustar el tiemponecesario paratostar pastelería de
acuerdo conel nivelde dorado seleccionado.-
.Botón de“Bagel” (Rosca)con Luz Indicadora
resione estebotón siusted
desea tostarun bagel.Se encenderá elindicador paraconfirmar que seha
seleccionado “Bagel”.
Botón de“Waffle” (Waffle)con LuzIndicadora–Presione estebotón siusted desea
tostar unwaffle. Seencenderá el indicadorpara confirmarque se haseleccionado
8.Ranuras ExtraAnchas –Las ranuras anchas(1.3 pulgadas)le permiten tostar
“bagels”, pan caseroy bollitos.
9.Guías paraRebanadas Dobles,Autonivelantes, Hechas deAcero Inoxidable–
Se ajustanautomáticamente algrosor del pan.
Mando deResistencias delPan –Presiónelo paraempezar a tostarsus alimentos.
11.Elevador deTostadas–Presione elmando deresistencias del panpara hacer
saltar losalimentos fuerade la tostadora.
12.Bandeja paramigas, totalmente extraíble–Para unalimpieza conveniente
y fácil.
13.Area paraguardar el cordónretractable –Le permiteguardar el cordónextra
en latostadora paraque no estorbe.
14.Cordón dePotencia
6. Withoutinserting anyfood intothe breadslots, pushthe BreadLever allthe way
untilit locks.(The carriage willnot lock ifthe toasteris not pluggedinto a
Thefirst toastingprocess willpreheat thenew elementsand burnoff
anydust whichmay haveaccumulated duringstorage ormanufacturing. Itis normal
forthis burnoff to createan odor. Your OSTER
Toasteris nowready foruse.
Adjusting thePower Cordlength
Yourtoaster’s RetractableCord Storage areaallows you toadjust thelength of the
Power Cordso thatit is theexact lengthyou desire whencontrols areoff and unitis
unplugged andcool.
1. Whenretracting thecord, hold theplug withone hand andpull thecord away
from thetoaster toretract. Once pulledhold theplug and allowcord toretract.
2. Thecord reelis compact formulti-layer retractingof the cord.In casecord is not
fully rewound,pull outthe cord andsteer cordevenly on thereel.
3. Incase thecord is notpulled outeasily, pullcord firmly.
4. Donot allowchildren to useretractable cordfeature as thecord maycause injury.
Using YourToaster
Inserting thefood intothe breadslots andtoasting:
Now youare readyto insert yourfood intothe bread slots.Keep thefollowing tips
in mindwhen insertingyour food:
• Mosttypes of breadsand pastries canbe toasted,such as bagels,tea cakes,thickly
sliced breads,English muffins,etc. Slices shouldnot, however,be sothick as tojam
the breadslots.
• Whentoasting two slicesat a time,the slicesshould be ofequal sizeand freshness
to ensureeven toasting.
• Whentoasting two slicesof bread, placeone slicein the centerof eachbread slot.
• Whentoasting one sliceof bread, placethe slicein the centerof eitherbread slot.
After youinsert thefood intothe breadslots:
1.Choose betweenthe Food SelectFeatures orother Functions. Ifno food or
function ischosen, Toastis thedefault setting.
2.Select thedesired darkness settingby turningthe Lighter/Darker knob.
3.Press theBread Carriage Leverdown untilit locks.
The Auto-AdjustingBread Guideswill automatically centerthe foodfor even
Tip:Your toaster has been designed for optimum toast balance. Some elements
on the inside of the toaster may glow more brightly than others when in use.
This is part of normal toaster operation.
After thedesired levelof darkness hasbeen reached,the food willpop up
. TheBread CarriageLever will returnto itsoriginal position andthe
indicator lightswill turnoff.
4.Carefully removethe toasted foodfrom thebread slots.
WARNING:Toasted foodcan be veryhot. Handlewith care.
Tip:To remove food jammed in the bread slots, unplug the toaster and remove
the food once the toaster has cooled down.
WARNING:Never insert yourfingers ormetallic utensilsinto thebread slots.
Learning AboutYour Toaster
Toastis the defaultsetting ifno food orfunction selectbuttons are chosen.
1. CancelButton –Press the cancelbutton topop the foodout ofthe bread slotsand
stop thetoasting process.
2. FrozenButton withIndicator Light– Press thisbutton ifyour food isfrozen. Use
this buttonin combinationwith the Bagel,Waffle, Toastand Pastrybuttons.
The toasterwill automaticallydefrost your foodand thentoast it inone easy
step. Thebutton willlight up whenpressed.
3. WarmButton withIndicator Light – Pressthis buttonto warm yourtoasted food.
Use thisbutton incombination with theBagel, Waffle,Toast andPastry buttons.
The indicatorwill lightto confirm that“Warm” isselected.
4. Lighter/DarkerKnob –Turn theknob to selecthow darkyou would likeyour food
toasted; 1is lightest,7 is darkest.
5. ToastButton withIndicator Light –Press this buttonif you wantto toasta pastry.
The indicatorwill lightto confirm “Pastry”is selected
6. BagelButton withIndicator Light –Press thisbutton if youwant totoast a bagel.
The indicatorwill lightto confirm that“Bagel” isselected.
7. WaffleButton withIndicator Light– Press thisbutton ifyou want totoast a waffle.
The indicatorwill lightto confirm that“Waffle” isselected.
8. Extra-WideBread Slots– Wideslots (1.3 inches)allow you totoast bagels,
thickly-sliced homemadebread andEnglish muffins.
9. Dual,Auto-Adjusting, StainlessSteel BreadGuides – Automaticallyadjust tobread
thickness foreven toasting.
10.Bread Carriage Lever– Pressto begintoasting your food.
11.Toast Lift– Press upon thebread carriage leverto liftfood out ofthe breadslots.
Convenient andsafe wayof retrieving thesmallest oftoasted items.
12.Fully Removable CrumbTray– For convenientand easycleanup.
13.Retractable Cord Storage– Allowsyou tostore extra cordin the toasterand out
of theway.
14.Power Cord
Preparing ToUse YourToaster forthe FirstTime
If youare usingyour toaster forthe firsttime, please besure to:
1. Removeany stickers fromthe surfaceof the toasterand wipe theoutside ofyour
toaster witha dampcloth.
2. Insertthe Removable CrumbTray intothe crumb trayslot.
3. Makecertain that theBread CarriageLever is inthe uppermost positionbefore
plugging inthe toaster’spower cord.
4. Selecta location forthe toaster.The locationshould be:
• Aflat, heat-resistant, non-flammablesurface.
• Atleast three inchesaway from wallsor theback of countertops.
• Atleast one footaway from anycabinet orshelving that maybe abovethe
• Awayfrom flammable materials,such ascurtains and wallfabric.
• Awayfrom a gasstove flameor electric element.
5. Plugthe Power Cordinto 120Volt, 60 HzAC outlet.
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For productquestions contact:
Sunbeam ConsumerService
USA: 1.800.334.0759
Canada: 1.800.667.8623
©2009 SunbeamProducts, Inc.doing business asJarden ConsumerSolutions.
All rightsreserved. Distributedby Sunbeam Products,Inc. doingbusiness as
Jarden ConsumerSolutions, BocaRaton, Florida 33431.
Pour lesquestions deproduit:
Sunbeam ConsumerService
États-Unis: 1.800.334.0759
Canada: 1.800.667.8623
2009Sunbeam Products,Inc. faisant affairessous lenom deJarden ConsumerSolutions.
Tousdroits reservés. DistribuéSunbeam Products,Inc. faisant affairessous lenom de
Jarden ConsumerSolutions, BocaRaton, Florida 33431.
Para preguntassobre losproductos llame:
Sunbeam ConsumerService
EE.UU.: 1.800.334.0759
Canadá: 1.800.667.8623
©2009 SunbeamProducts, Inc.operando bajo elnombre deJarden Consumer Solutions.
odos losderechos reservados.Distribuido por SunbeamProducts, Inc.operando bajo el
nombre deJarden ConsumerSolutions, Boca Raton,Florida 33431.
Printed inChina Imprimé enChine Impreso enChina
Felicitaciones por haber efectuado lacompra de unaTostado raOSTER
aprender mássobre los productosde OSTER
, visítenospor favor enwww.oster.com.
1 Year Limited Warranty
Sunbeam Products,Inc. doingbusiness as JardenConsumer Solutionsor if inCanada, Sunbeam
Corporation (Canada)Limited doingbusiness as JardenConsumer Solutions(collectively “JCS”)
warrants thatfor aperiod of oneyear fromthe date ofpurchase, thisproduct will befree from
defectsin material andworkmanship. JCS, at itsoption, willrepair or replacethis product or
any componentof theproduct found tobe defectiveduring the warrantyperiod. Replacement
will bemade witha new orremanufactured productor component. If theproduct is nolonger
available, replacementmay bemade with asimilar productof equal orgreater value. This is
your exclusivewarranty. Do NOTattempt to repairor adjustany electrical ormechanical
functionson this product. Doing sowill voidthis warranty.
This warrantyis validfor the originalretail purchaserfrom the dateof initialretail purchase
and isnot transferable. Keep theoriginal salesreceipt. Proof of purchaseis required toobtain
warranty performance.JCS dealers,service centers, orretail storesselling JCS productsdo not
have theright toalter, modifyor any waychange theterms and conditionsof thiswarranty.
This warrantydoes notcover normal wearof partsor damage resultingfrom anyof the
following:negligent use ormisuse of theproduct, useon improper voltageor current,use
contrary tothe operatinginstructions, disassembly,repair or alterationby anyoneother than
JCS oran authorizedJCS service center. Further,the warrantydoes notcover: Acts ofGod,
such asfire, flood,hurricanes and tornadoes.
What arethe limits onJCS’s Liability?
JCS shallnot beliable for anyincidental orconsequential damages causedby thebreach of any
express, impliedor statutorywarranty or condition.
Except tothe extentprohibited by applicablelaw, anyimplied warrantyor condition of
merchantabilityor fitness fora particular purposeis limitedin duration tothe durationof the
above warranty.
JCS disclaimsall otherwarranties, conditions orrepresentations, express,implied, statutory or
JCS shallnot beliable for anydamages ofany kind resultingfrom thepurchase, use ormisuse
of, orinability touse the productincluding incidental,special, consequential orsimilar damages
or lossof profits,or for anybreach ofcontract, fundamental orotherwise, orfor any claim
brought againstpurchaser byany other party.
Some provinces,states orjurisdictions do notallow theexclusion or limitationof incidentalor
consequentialdamages or limitationson how longan impliedwarranty lasts, sothe above
limitationsor exclusion maynot apply toyou.
This warrantygives youspecific legal rights,and youmay also haveother rightsthat vary from
province toprovince, stateto state orjurisdiction tojurisdiction.
How toObtain WarrantyService
In theU.S.A.
If youhave anyquestion regarding thiswarranty orwould like toobtain warrantyservice,
please call1-800-334-0759 and a convenientservice centeraddress will beprovided toyou.
In Canada
If youhave anyquestion regarding thiswarranty orwould like toobtain warrantyservice,
please call1 8001-800-667-8623 and a convenientservice centeraddress will beprovided to
In theU.S.A., thiswarranty is offeredby SunbeamProducts, Inc. doingbusiness asJarden
Consumer Solutionslocated inBoca Raton, Florida33431. InCanada, this warrantyis offered
by SunbeamCorporation (Canada)Limited doing businessas JardenConsumer Solutions,
located at20B HerefordStreet, Brampton, OntarioL6Y 0M1. If youhave anyother problem
or claimin connectionwith this product,please writeto Consumer ServiceDepartment.
Congratulations onyour purchase ofan OSTER®Toaster!
Tolearn more aboutOSTER®products,
please visitus at www.oster.com.
User Manua l
anual de Inst rucciones
Manuel d’I nstructions
P.N. 122453 REV1
Visi t us at www.o ster.co m
6340, 6341
1. Botónde Cancel(Anulación)
. Botónde“Frozen”(Congelados)con Luz
. Botónde“Warm”(Calentar)con Luz
. Selector yPilotode Tostadora
5. Botón “Toast”(Toast) conLuzIndicadora
6. Botón deRosca“Bagel”con LuzIndicadora
7. Botón de“Waffle”(Waffle)conLuz Indicadora
8. Ranuras Extra Anchas
. Guíaspara Rebanadas,
Hechasde AceroInoxidable
0. Mandode Resistenciasdel Pan
11. Elevadorde Tostadas
12. Bandejapara migas,totalmente extraíble
13. Areapara guarderel cordónretractable
14. Cordónde Potencia
1. CancelButton
2. FrozenButton withIndicator Light
3. WarmButton withIndicator Light
4. Lighter/DarkerKnob
5. Toast Buttonwith IndicatorLight
6. BagelButton withIndicator Light
7. WaffleButton withIndicator Light
8. Extra-WideBread Slots
9. StainlessSteel BreadGuides
10. BreadCarriage Lever
11. ToastLift
12. RemovableCrumb Tray
13. RetractableCord Storage
14. PowerCord