1-STEP METHOD: For sausages with casings – grind and stuff meat in one easy step .
1. Cut meat into 1-1/2 to 2-inch (3-cm – 5-cm) pieces to fit in Food Grinder Hopper.
2. Place meat in large bowl or on a clean flat surface. Sprinkle meat with required amount
of your favorite blend of seasonings. Add water if directed.
Toss the meat pieces gently with seasonings to coat evenly, using plastic or metal spoons.
4. Assemble Hopper as shown, using desired Stuffing Tube and Grinding Disc.
5. Generously coat Stuffing Tube with vegetable oil and slip casings onto Tube.
6. Ease 1 inch of casing off Tube before stuffing. Tie end with heavy string.
7. Start motor and feed the seasoned meat cubes into the Hopper opening with a gentle,
even pressure on the Food Pusher.
8. As the sausage is forced into the casings, loosely hold the casing end and ease it
off gradually as it fills.
9. Fill in one continuous rope. Do not fill too tightly. If link sausage is desired,
leave room enough to twist or tie between each link.
2-STEP METHOD: For sausages with casings – Grind meat entirely, then stuff in casings.
This provides a good distribution of fat, lean, and spices.
1. Follow steps 1 through 3 of 1-Step Method.
2. Assemble Food Grinder Hopper
(see Assembly Instructions on Pages 3 & 4).
Omit Stuffing Tube. Grind directly into a bowl. Disassemble Food Hopper.
3. Start motor and feed the seasoned meat cubes into the Hopper opening with a gentle,
even pressure on the pusher. When all meat is ground . . .
4. Reassemble the Hopper with the Feed Screw, desired Grinding Disc and desired
Stuffing Tube. Assemble per instructions for 1-Step Method above.
5. Generously coat Stuffing Tube with vegetable oil and slip casings onto Tube.
6. Ease 1 inch of casing off of Tube before stuffing. Tie end with heavy string.
7. Start motor and feed the seasoned ground meat into the Hopper opening with a gentle,
even pressure on the Food Pusher.
8. As the sausage is forced into the casings, loosely hold the casing end and ease it off
gradually as it fills.
9. Fill in one continuous rope. Do not fill too tightly. If link sausage is desired, leave room
enough to twist or tie between each link.