Orion VCC-X User Manual

VCC-X Controller Code: SS1062 Version 2.0 & up
VAV/Zone Controller Code: SS1001, SS1005, SS1025
VCC-X Controller
Operator Interface SD
Technical Guide
Requires Service Tool SD Code: SS1063
Requires System Manager SD Code: SS1068
This technical guide provides instructions for using the Modular Service Tool and Modular System Manager SD with the VCC-X & VAV/Zone Controllers only. If you are using a different controller, you can download the applicable SD Technical Guide listed below from our website— orioncontrols.com. The technical guides can also be printed from the SD card.
The Modular Service Tool and Modular System Manager are equipped with an SD memory card. This SD card can be removed and easily updated through a computer by downloading updates, as they become available, from our website to your computer.
In order to perform any updates, your computer needs an SD card drive or you will need to purchase an SD card adapter.
Download instructions are found in Appendix B on page 85 of this manual.
WattMaster Controls, Inc. 8500 NW River Park Drive · Parkville, MO 64152 Toll Free Phone: 866-918-1100 PH: (816) 505-1100 · FAX: (816) 505-1101 E-mail: mail@wattmaster.com Visit our website at www.orioncontrols.com
is a registered trademark of AAON, Inc., Tulsa, OK. WattMaster Controls, Inc. assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions. This document is subject to change without notice. Form: OR-VCCXOISD-TGD-01A Copyright June 2015 WattMaster Controls, Inc.
OVERVIEW & SYSTEM CONNECTION ...............................................................................4
Modular Service Tool ............................................................................................................................... 4
Modular System Manager SD .................................................................................................................6
MODULAR SERVICE TOOL SD ........................................................................................10
Display Screens and Data Entry Keys ...................................................................................................10
Initialization & Setting the Time & Date ................................................................................................. 11
Setting the Operating Mode & Energy Timer .........................................................................................12
Alarm Search & Override Search ..........................................................................................................13
Schedules & Holidays ............................................................................................................................14
Schedule Override ................................................................................................................................. 15
SYSTEM MANAGER SD ...................................................................................................16
Display Screens and Data Entry Keys ...................................................................................................16
Initialization & Setting the Time & Date .................................................................................................17
Setting the Operating Mode ...................................................................................................................18
Changing Passcodes .............................................................................................................................19
Loop Search and System Alarm Search ................................................................................................20
Unit Alarm Search & Override Search ................................................................................................... 21
Schedules & Holidays ............................................................................................................................22
Schedule Override ................................................................................................................................. 23
PROGRAMMING ...............................................................................................................24
VCC-X Confi guration Screen Index .......................................................................................................24
VCC-X Confi guration .............................................................................................................................25
VCC-X Setpoint Screen Index ...............................................................................................................39
VCC-X Setpoint Confi guration ...............................................................................................................40
VCC-X Status Screen Index ..................................................................................................................54
VCC-X Status Screens ..........................................................................................................................55
RSMV Confi guration ..............................................................................................................................64
RSMV Status .........................................................................................................................................67
VAV/Zone Confi guration Screens ..........................................................................................................69
VAV/Zone Setpoint Screens ..................................................................................................................72
VAV/Zone Status Screens .....................................................................................................................76
VAV/Zone Damper Force Modes ...........................................................................................................78
MiniLink PD Confi guration Screens .......................................................................................................79
MiniLink PD Status Screens ..................................................................................................................80
TROUBLESHOOTING .......................................................................................................81
VCC-X Outputs Force ............................................................................................................................81
APPENDIX A - SAVING, LOADING, AND COPYING SETPOINTS .....................................83
APPENDIX B - UPDATING YOUR SD MEMORY CARD .....................................................85
INDEX ..............................................................................................................................88
VCC-X Operator Interface SD
Modular Service Tool SD
Modular Service Tool SD
The OE391-12 Modular Service Tool is a system operator interface that provides a direct link to enable the system operator to view the status, confi gure, and adjust the setpoints of the VCC-X, VBC-X, VCM, VCM-X, VCM-X E-BUS, RNE, SA E-BUS, VA V/CAV , MUA II, or VAV/Zone Controller on the control system communications loop. However, this manual only applies to VCC-X and VAV/Zone Controllers. See note in the inside front cover for the list of manuals that pertain to other controllers.
The Modular Service Tool is housed in an attractive black plastic enclosure. The display area is covered with a clear plastic bezel for protection of the display screen. The Modular Service Tool has a 4-line-by-20-character display panel with adjustable contrast control and a 27-key membrane keypad for data selection and entry. All keypad operations are simple and straight forward, utilizing non­cryptic plain English language messages. Menu-driven programming allows for easy setup and operation without the need for specialized training. The Modular Service Tool is supplied with a program­mable 4 Gigabyte SD memory card, (4) AA 1.5 V batteries, a wall mount, a DC power supply, a mini-Din communication cable, and an E-BUS communication cable. The mini-Din cable allows you to connect the Modular Service Tool to any Orion controller which has a mini-Din connector socket for programming, monitoring, and troubleshooting purposes.
The Modular Service Tool is also equipped with an EBC E-BUS port and an RS-485 three conductor terminal block port. The E­BUS port and included E-BUS cable are used for updating E-BUS Module software (described in Appendix C). The RS-485 port is used for hard-wiring to older controllers that do not have a mini-DIN connector socket.
The Modular Service Tool is designed to be hand-carried. Its rug­ged plastic housing provides superior protection for the electronic components housed inside. The Modular Service T ool is a top-quality service tool that will stand up to the demands of the typical job site environment for many years.
Figure 1: Modular Service Tool SD Dimensions
VCC-X Operator Interface SD
Modular Service Tool
Modular Service Tool
Whether you have a Stand Alone, Interconnected, or Networked VCC-X Control System, the Modular Service T ool always connects to the controller via a prefabricated cable that is supplied with the service tool. The Modular Service Tool cable is terminated on both ends with a mini-DIN connector. Attach one end to the Modular Service Tool and the other end to the mini-DIN connector on the controller. If this is an Interconnected System, all controllers that are interconnected with communications cable can be programmed from any controller on the loop. If this is a Networked System, all controllers on the entire Networked System can be programmed from one controller.
Male DIN Connector
Connector Cable
RS-485 Port
Be sure that the Modular Service T ool has fresh batteries installed or that it is connected to a power source using the supplied power pack before attempting any programming of the controller. See Figur e 2 for connection details.
Female DIN Connector
Typical Controller Board
The Modular Service Tool Can Be Connected To Or VAV/Zone Controller By Plugging One End Of The Supplied Cable Into the Modular Service Tool DIN Connector And The Other End Into The DIN Connector On The Controllers.
A Unit Controller
SD Memory Card
Figure 2: Modular Service Tool SD
VCC-X Operator Interface SD
Power On Button
Modular Service Tool SD
Be Sure The Modular Service Tool Is Connected ToThe Supplied Power Pack Or Has Fresh Batteries Installed Before Attempting Programming Of The Controller. Be Sure The Power Is Turned Off On The Modular Service Tool Before Connecting The Cable To The Controller.
Modular System Manager SD
Modular System Manager SD
Figure 3: Modular System Manager SD Dimensions
The OE392-12 Modular System Manager SD provides a direct link to enable you to view the status and adjust the setpoints of the VCC-X, VCB-X, VCM-X, VCM-X E-BUS, RNE, SA E-BUS, VCM, VAV/CAV, MUA II or VAV/Zone Controller on the control system communications loop. The System Manager SD is housed in a beige­colored plastic enclosure. The System Manager has a programmable 4 Gigabyte SD card and is equipped with a 4-line-by-20-character backlighted display panel and a 24-key membrane keypad for data selection and entry. All keypad operations are simple and straight forward, utilizing non-cryptic plain English language messages. Menu-driven programming allows for easy setup and operation without the need for specialized training. The System Manager also has 2 integral LEDs for user notifi cation of system alarm condi- tions and override initiations. Protection from unauthorized users is provided by the System Manager’s integral multi-level passcode authorization programming.
On a Networked System, the Modular System Manager is connected to the communications and power loop of the system via modular cables that simply plug into the System Manager board and the Power/Comm Distribution Board. This virtually eliminates wiring errors and makes installation fast and easy. When it is to be con­nected to a Stand-Alone system, a cable with modular connectors on one end and stripped wire ends on the other end is provided to facilitate connecting communications and power to the Modular System Manager from the 24 VAC power source and the HVAC unit controller communication wiring terminals.
The Modular System Manager is designed for wall mounting. Mount­ing holes are provided to attach the Modular System Manager to a standard handy box. It is recommended that the System Manager be mounted at approximately eye level to allow for ease of program­ming and reading of the display. The System Manager is typically mounted in the building manager’s or superintendent’s offi ce or in an equipment room. The attractive enclosure is quite suitable for mounting in any location.
VCC-X Operator Interface SD
Modular System Manager SD Network Connection
Network Connection
As previously described, when you are connecting the Modular System Manager to a Networked System, the Modular System Manager is connected to the communications and power loop of the system via modular cables. These cables simply plug into the System Manager board and to any device with modular connectors on any local loop on the system. Devices with modular connectors include the Power/Comm Distribution Board, VA V/Zone controller , and MiniLink Polling Device. By using these plug-in connections, wiring errors are virtually eliminated and system installation is fast and easy. See Figure 4 below for typical connection information. See Figure 5 on page 8 for typical Power/Comm board wiring and connection information.
Modular System Manager SD Back View
When the System Manager is to be connected to a Stand Alone system, a 12-foot cable with modular connectors on one end and stripped wire ends on the other end is provided for this purpose. This is used to facilitate connecting communications and power wiring to the Modular System Manager from a 24 VAC power source and to the HVAC unit controller communication wiring terminals. See Figure 6 on page 9 for wiring details. If the supplied cable wire is not long enough for your installation, a standard modular cable of the correct length can be purchased through WattMaster and one of the modular connectors can be cut off to allow for the transformer and communication terminal wiring connections. It is recommended that you do not splice the communications wire if at all possible. The transformer should be rated at 6 VA minimum power output.
NOTE: For Stand-Alone Installations (No CommLink or MiniLink), All TERM Jumpers Must Be ON. For All Applications With CommLink(s) Or MiniLink(s), All Jumpers Must Be OFF.
Figure 4: Modular System Manager SD - Network
VCC-X Operator Interface SD
All Modular Power/Comm Cables Are To Be WattMaster Part Number PCC-xx Or PCCE-xx Cables.
Power/Comm Cables To Power/Comm Board, MiniLink Polling Device Or VAV/Zone Controllers On Local Loop.
Power/Comm Board Wiring
Line Voltage
24VAC Transformer (By Others)
4 Amp Slow Blow Fuse
A Power/Comm Connect With The MiniLink PD Instead
2 Conductor Twisted Pair With Shield
Using Cable A Power/Comm
. You Can Also Use Cable To Connect With Board, A System Manager Or A VAV/Zone Controller.
Cable Can Be Used To
Another Power/Comm
Local Loop RS-485
If Desired, Instead Of Using A Power/Comm Cable, You Can Use 2 Conductor Twisted Pair With Shield Cable To Connect To The Power/ Comm Board From The Unit Controller, MiniLink PD, Or Another Power/Comm Board.
All Comm Loop Wiring Is
9600 Baud
Straight Thru
NOTE: Diagram Shown Is For Wiring Of Power/Comm Board When Used For Connecting Local Loop Devices Such As VAV/Zone Controllers, System Manager(s) and Other Power/Comm Boards.
System Manager, Or VAV/Zone Controllers On Local Loop Only.
Figure 5: Typical Power/Comm Board Wiring
Power/Comm Cable To Power/Comm
Other Board(s),
VCC-X Operator Interface SD
Local Loop RS-485
9600 Baud
Modular System Manager SD Back View
Stand Alone Connection
NOTE: If Desired A Power/Comm Board As Used With The Networked System Can Be Installed And Wired Instead Of Using The Pigtail Cable Wiring Shown Below. See The Networked System Wiring Diagram For Details.
Use Supplied Modular Cable With Stripped Ends For Connection To Terminal Block And Transformer
Rated For 6 VA Minimum
Class 2 Transformer
NOTE: For Stand-Alone Installations (No CommLink or MiniLink), All TERM Jumpers Must Be ON. For All Applications With CommLink(s) Or MiniLink(s), All Jumpers Must Be OFF.
Controller Board
Figure 6: Modular System Manager SD - Stand Alone
VCC-X Operator Interface SD
Modular Service Tool Keys
Operator Interfaces
In order to confi gure and program the VCC-X Controller , you must have an Operator’s Interface or a personal computer with the Prism 2 computer front-end software installed. Two different Operator Interfaces are available for programming of the VCC-X Controls System—the Modular Service T ool SD and/or the System Manager TS. These devices allow you to access the status and setpoints of any controller on your communications loop. This manual describes the Modular Service Tool SD. If using the System Manager TS II, please see the System Manager TS II T echnical Guide. If using Prism 2, please see the Prism 2 Technical Guide.
The Modular Service Tool allows you to view any input or output status and change any setpoint to fi ne-tune the operations of the total system. All keypad operations are simple and straightforward, utilizing non-cryptic plain English messages.
Display Screens & Data Entry Keys
See the chart below for a list of the keypad descriptions and functions.
Use this key to exit from screens or
from data entry or to return to the
Main Screen from any screen in the
Use this key to enter a new value.
If a data entry mistake is made,
press this key to clear the data entry
eld and start over. This key also
turns off the power to the Service
Tool when on the
Main Screen
If a setpoint with a negative value
is required, press this key for the
minus sign.
Press this key when entering data
that requires a decimal point.
Use these keys to change values
in the Confi guration Screens as
Use these keys to step backward or
forward through the screens.
Mode Selection Buttons
The Modular Service Tool is provided with “Mode Selection But-
tons.” These buttons give you instant access to the specifi c mode
desired without having to scroll through several menu screens to
get there.
“Alarms” screen. See the “Alarms
(1) The Modular Service Tool will only search the Overrides one loop at a time. You must enter the Loop number and the MiniLink PD unit ID (60).
Table 2: Button Descriptions
Pressing this button takes you
directly to the controller
“Status” screens.
Pressing this button takes you
directly to the controller
“Setpoints” screens.
Pressing this button takes you
directly to the controller
“Schedules” screens.
Pressing this button takes you directly to the controller “Over­rides” screen. See the “Override
Button” section on page 21 for a
description of this function.
See Note 1 below.
Pressing this button takes you
directly to the controller
Button” section on page 20 for a
description of this function.
Pressing this button takes you
directly to the controller
“Confi guration” screens.
Pressing this button takes you
directly to the controller “Balance-Test” screens.
Table 1: Keypad Descriptions
10 VCC-X Operator Interface SD
Initialization & Setting the Time & Date
Modular Service Tool Initialization
Modular Service Tool Initialization Screen and Setup Screens
After connecting the Service T ool to the controller with the supplied cable, press <ON>. The Initialization Screen will appear followed by the Setup Screens as shown below. If there is no SD card in­stalled, the second screen will display, “No SD Card Connected! Powering Down!”
Service Tool vX.XX
WattMaster Controls
1) Set Time & Date
2) Communications
NEXT) More Options
ESC) Exit Menu
3) Energy Saving
4) Update Software
NEXT) More Options
ESC) Exit Menu
Although the times are displayed on the Main Screen in a standard 12-hour format, you must program them using the 24-hour military format. If you confi gured the VCC-X Controller to use its own Internal Schedules, the Occupied/Unoccupied modes are calculated on the basis of the current real time clock reading.
The two screens that follow will appear. T o scroll through the fi elds, press <> or
<ENTER>. In order to save a new value, you must
press <ENTER>.
Program Time/Date
Day (Sunday=0): X Enter Hr. (0-23): XX Enter Minutes : XX
Day - Enter the Day of the Week (0 to 6) Sunday = 0
Hours (Hr) - Enter Hours in 24-Hour Military Format (1700 = 5:00 PM)
Minutes - Enter the Minutes (0 to 59)
Programming the Date
NOTE: Once you press <ESC> while at the Setup Screens
shown above, you can access them again by pressing
<NEXT> or cycling power.
Setting The Time & Date
The Modular Service Tool is equipped with a real time clock chip allowing it to maintain the correct time. Once you have programmed the correct time and date, the information is broadcast globally to all controllers on the entire system.
NOTE: If you are in a time zone that has daylight savings,
you will need to manually adjust the time twice a year.
Programming the Time
From the Setup Screen shown below, press <1> on your keypad to access the Set Time & Date Scr eens. (Y ou may have to press <NEXT> to access this screen).
1) Set Time & Date
2) Communications
NEXT) More Options
ESC) Exit Menu
To scroll through the fi elds, press <> or <ENTER>. In order to save a new value, you must press <ENTER>.
Program Time/Date
Month (1-12): XX Day (1-31): XX Year (00-99): XX
Month - Enter the Month (1 to 12) Day - Enter the Day of the Month (1 to 31) Year - Enter the current Year with two digits
(00 to 99)
When you have fi nished programming the time and date, press
<ESC> to return to the Setup Screen shown below.
1) Set Time & Date
2) Communications
NEXT) More Options
ESC) Exit Menu
VCC-X Operator Interface SD
Setting the Operating Mode and Energy Saving Timer
Setting the Operating Mode
The Operating Mode is displayed on the last line of the Main Screen as shown below. The factory default setting for the Service Tool is LS (Low Speed) Stand Alone Mode. LS Stand Alone Mode is the correct confi guration for the VCC-X Controller when in Stand Alone Mode.
Service Tool SD vX.XX
Wednesday Operations
01/16/15 02:21 PM
LS Stand Alone *00*
If you are using this Service T ool on a communications loop and have an installed MiniLink PD or CommLink, you will need to change the setting to LS (Low Speed) Network Mode.
If you are using a VCC-X Controller that is set for high speed, you will need to change the setting to HS (High Speed) Stand Alone Mode or HS (High Speed) Network Mode.
If your display indicates a different mode than the one you need,
press <2> at the Setup Screen shown below. You may have to press
<NEXT> to access this screen.
1) Set Time & Date
2) Communications
NEXT) More Options
ESC) Exit Menu
Setting the Energy Saving Timer
The Modular Service Tool has a built-in timer that can be pro­grammed to shut the Service Tool off after a specifi ed period of time if no buttons are pressed. This is a very useful feature if you are powering the Service Tool from the internal batteries.
To set the Energy Saving Timer,
Screen and
<3> at the second Setup Screen shown below. (You may
have to press <NEXT> to access these screens).
1) Set Time & Date
2) Communications
NEXT) More Options
ESC) Exit Menu
3) Energy Saving
4) Update Software
NEXT) More Options
ESC) Exit Menu
The Energy Saving Screen will appear as shown below:
Energy Saving
Automatic Power Down
Minutes: xx
Press ESC to Exit
press <NEXT> at the fi rst Setup
The Communications Screen will appear as shown below.
Stand Alone Mode Lo Speed Connection Use Left/Right Arrow To Change Selections
Press <> or <> to select the proper mode of operation. When you have made your selection, press
screen will appear.
You Have Changed The
System Mode
Press Any Key To
Press any key to continue. The Setup Screen will appear as shown below:
1) Set Time & Date
2) Communications
NEXT) More Options
ESC) Exit Menu
<ENTER>. The following
Enter the number of minutes you want the Service Tool to stay ac­tive before it automatically powers down and press <ENTER>. To cancel the automatic power down, enter <99> and press <ENTER>. After you have entered a number between 1 and 99 minutes,
<ESC> to exit the screen.
The Setup Screen will appear again as shown below:
1) Set Time & Date
2) Communications
NEXT) More Options
ESC) Exit Menu
12 VCC-X Operator Interface SD
Alarm and Override Search
Modular Service Tool Alarm Search
NOTE: When you press the <ALARMS> button on the Modu-
lar Service Tool, it will search only the unit ID that you have entered; therefore, you must search each unit individually to access all alarms for that controller.
To search for alarms,
Main Screen. The Unit Selection Screen will be displayed.
Enter the Unit ID of the controller the Service Tool is connected to and press <ENTER>. Once communication is established, the *00* message will go away. Then
NOTE: If the *00* remains, it indicates a communication
failure to the controller.
One of the following screens will appear:
press < ALARMS> while on any screen but the
Enter Unit Address
Then Press Enter
Selected Unit #_1
Press Down
press <>.
Modular Service Tool Override Search
When a space sensor with override option is used with any VAV/ Zone or Unit Controller, the Modular Service Tool can determine and report any controllers that are currently operating in an override condition on a specifi c Loop by entering a Loop ID number and then doing a search.
NOTE: When you press the <OVERRIDES> button on the
Modular Service Tool, it will search only the Loop number that you enter; therefore, you must search each loop individually to access all overrides.
To access the Modular Service Tool’s keypad. A screen will appear asking you to enter the unit ID.
Enter the Unit ID for the MiniLink PD (MLPD) of the loop you wish to search and press <ENTER>. The MLPD is always address 60 on each loop. So the unit ID of any particular MLPD would be the loop number followed by 60. In the example above, Loop 1, address 60 has been entered. Once communication is established, the *00* message will go away. Then
NOTE: If the *00* remains, it indicates a communication
Overrides Screen, press <OVERRIDES> from the
Enter Unit Address
Then Press Enter
Selected Unit #160
Press Down
press <>.
failure to the controller.
Press <> to scroll through all the alarms for the controller that the
Modular Service Tool is connected to. To clear any alarms that are found, you must fi x the problem indicated
in the alarm. Once the problem is fi xed, the alarm will clear from the screen the next time the unit is polled.
If communications are successful, one of the following screens will appear:
After the Service Tool completes its search, it will post a message to tell you if there are overrides present. If there are overrides, press
<> and all units on the loop will be listed showing ‘Override: Yes
or No.’ Press <OVERRIDES> again to access overrides on a different loop. Enter the Unit ID of the MLPD of that loop.
VCC-X Operator Interface SD
Schedules and Holidays
You can access the Unit Controller Scheduling Screens by pressing
<SCHEDULES>. The Unit Selection Screen will be displayed.
Enter Unit Address
Then Press Enter
Selected Unit #_1
Press Down
Enter the Unit ID of the controller the Service Tool is connected to and press <ENTER>. Once communication is established, the *00* message will go away. Then
NOTE: If the *00* remains, it indicates a communication
failure to the controller.
Press the <> button and then press <ENTER> to access the
scheduling function you wish to view.
VCC-X Schedule Menu
Schedule Override Week Schedules Holidays
press <>.
The screens will step through the Start Time and then the Stop T ime for each day of the week. You can quit at any point in the process by
pressing <ESC>. There are two Start/Stop events available per day,
so the screen will show which event is being programmed. If you need only one event, keep Event #2’s times set at ZERO.
All times are in 24-hour military format, so 5:00 PM would be entered as 1700.
If both the Start and Stop Times are ZERO, the schedule is in a continuous OFF mode. (Also, use for Remote Forced Occupied
applications using the Forced Occupied Binary Input.)
If both the Start and Stop Times are 2359, the schedule is in a con­tinuous ON mode.
NOTE: The second line displays which day of the week is
currently being programmed. The day of the week automatically increments as you exit the Event #2 screen for the day and continue to the next day’s Event #1 screen.
CAUTION: The controller ships with all schedules set to
zero so that the controller will not attempt to heat or cool before you have confi gured the system.
Week Schedules
Holiday Start/Stop Day Selection
Event #1
VCC-X Schd ID #
Sunday Event #1 Start Time: XXXX Stop Time: XXXX
Event #2
VCC-X Schd ID #
Sunday Event #2 Start Time: XXXX Stop Time: XXXX
The screens will step through the fourteen possible holidays, one period at a time. Line 2 shows which holiday is currently being
VCC-X Schd ID #
Holiday # 1 Start Mon/Day: XXXX [ July 4
VCC-X Schd ID #
Stop Mon/Day: XXXX [ July 5
= 704 ]
Holiday # 1
= 705 ]
programmed. Since a holiday period can encompass more than one
If you are using the internal scheduling capability of the Unit Con­troller, set the schedule hours and holiday periods from the menu shown above. You can also force the unit to operate continuously in occupied or unoccupied mode by selecting the Schedule Override menu item and entering the desired command.
If you are using an external contact closure to signal the occupied mode, you must access the Week Schedule Screens and set all start
day, you need to program the day the holiday starts and the day the holiday ends. If your holiday only lasts one day, simply set both the Start Day and the Stop Day to the same value. Remember to combine the month and day into a single four-digit value.
EXAMPLE: 704 = July 4
(NOTE: Leading zero not
required) 1225 = December 25
and stop times to zero to prevent the internal schedule from turning the equipment on when you don’t want it to operate.
14 VCC-X Operator Interface SD
Holiday Scheduling and Schedule Override
Holiday Start/Stop Times
VCC-X Schd ID #
Holiday Schedule Start Event #1: XXXX Stop Event #1: XXXX
VCC-X Schd ID #
Holiday Schedule Start Event #2: XXXX Stop Event #2: XXXX
The fourteen holidays all use the same Start and Stop times which you program on this screen and the next. You must enter the time in 24-hour military format, the same as a regular week schedule.
Normally, the holidays will operate in an unoccupied mode or a reduced schedule mode. There are two start/stop events available on holidays to match the standard schedule number of events.
Schedule Override
VCC-X Ovrd ID #
Schedule Override Enter Override: X [0=Auto 1=ON 2=OFF]
If you want to force the unit to operate in a continuous Occupied or Unoccupied mode, select this menu item to activate the desired method. If a Schedule Override is active, all other methods of schedule control are ignored (Push-Button, Internal, and Remote).
As you can see on the last line of the display, tinuously in the Occupied Mode or <2> to run continuously in the Unoccupied Mode. T o restore normal schedule operations, enter <0>.
This override remains in effect until canceled and does not time-out like the Output Overrides do after 10 minutes of no communications.
NOTE: Do not use the Force OFF mode in place of setting
all the week schedules to ZERO if you are using a Remote Signal for your scheduling since the Override has priority over the Remote Signal.
enter <1> to run con-
VCC-X Operator Interface SD
System Manager SD Keys and Buttons
Operator Interfaces
In order to confi gure and program the Orion System controllers, you must have an Operator’s Interface or a personal computer with the Prism 2 computer front-end software installed. Three different Operator Interfaces are available for programming of the Orion Controls System—the Modular Service Tool SD, the Modular Sys­tem Manager SD, and/or the System Manager TS II. These devices allow you to access the status and setpoints of the controllers on your communications loop. This manual describes the Modular System Manager SD. If using the System Manager TS II, please see the System Manager TS II T echnical Guide. If using Prism 2, please see the Prism 2 Technical Guide.
The Modular System Manager SD allows you to view any input or output status and change any setpoint to fi ne-tune the operations of the total system. All keypad operations are simple and straightforward, utilizing non-cryptic plain English messages.
Display Screens & Data Entry Keys
See the chart below for a list of the keypad descriptions and functions.
Use this key to exit from screens or from data
entry or to return to the Main Screen from
any screen in the system.
Use this key to enter a new value.
If a data entry mistake is made, press this key
to clear the data entry fi eld and start over.
If a setpoint with a negative value is required,
press this key for the minus sign.
Press this key when entering data that re-
quires a decimal point.
Use these keys to change values in the Con-
guration Screens as prompted.
Use these keys to step backward or forward
through the screens.
Mode Selection Buttons
The Modular System Manager is provided with “Mode Selection Buttons.” These buttons give you instant access to the specifi c mode desired without having to scroll through several menu screens to get there.
Description Function
(1) This button only functions when the system is confi gured for “Network Mode” or “Multiple MGRS Mode.” It will not function in “Stand Alone Mode.”
(2) The “Search for Units” function must be performed on the System Manager upon initial system setup before this function will be avail­able. See the “Network Mode & Multiple Managers Loop Search” on page 20 of this manual for complete instructions on performing a loop search.
Table 4: Button Descriptions
Pressing this button takes you directly to
the controller “Status” screens.
Pressing this button takes you directly to
the controller “Setpoints” screens and
“Confi guration” menu.
Pressing this button takes you directly to
the controller “Schedules” screens.
Pressing this button takes you directly to
the controller “Overrides” screen. See the
“Override Button” section on page 21 for a
description of this function.
See Notes 1 & 2 below.
Pressing this button takes you directly to
the controller “Alarms” screen. See the
“Alarms Button” section on page 20 for a
description of this function.
See Notes 1 & 2 below.
Table 3: Keypad Descriptions
VCC-X Operator Interface SD
Initialization & Setting the Time & Date
System Manager SD Initialization
System Manager SD Initialization Screen and Setup Screens
After connecting the System Manager to the controller with the supplied cable, press <ON>. The Initialization Screen will appear followed by the Setup Screens as shown below . If there is no SD card installed, the second screen will display, “No SD Card Connected! Powering Down!”
NOTE: After exiting these screens, you can access them again
by pressing <ESC> and then <> or by cycling power.
System Manager SD
WattMaster Controls
1) Set Time & Date
2) Communications
NEXT) More Options
ESC) Exit Menu
Programming the Time
From the Setup Screen shown below, press <1> on your keypad to access the Set Time & Date Screens.
1) Set Time & Date
2) Communications
NEXT) More Options
ESC) Exit Menu
Although the times are displayed on the Main Screen in a standard 12-hour format, you must program them using the 24-hour military format. If you confi gured the Unit Controller to use its own Internal Schedules, the Occupied/Unoccupied modes are calculated on the basis of the current real time clock reading.
The two screens that follow will appear. T o scroll through the fi elds, press <> or
<ENTER>. In order to save a new value, you must
press <ENTER>.
Program Time/Date
Day (Sunday=0): X Enter Hr. (0-23): XX Enter Minutes : XX
3) Change Passcodes
4) Loop Search
NEXT) More Options
ESC) Exit Menu
5) Alarm Search
NEXT) More Options
ESC) Exit Menu
Setting The Time & Date
The System Manager SD is equipped with a real time clock chip allowing it to maintain the correct time. Once you have programmed the correct time and date, the information is broadcast globally to all controllers on the entire system.
NOTE: A Level 1 or Level 2 User can set the time and date.
NOTE: If you are in a time zone that has daylight savings, you
will need to manually adjust the time twice a year.
Day - Enter the Day of the Week (0 to 6) Sunday = 0
Hours (Hr) - Enter the Hour (0-23) in 24-Hour Military Format (13 = 1:00 PM)
Minutes - Enter the Minutes (0 to 59)
Programming the Date
To scroll through the fi elds, press <> or <ENTER>. In order to save a new value, you must press <ENTER>.
Program Time/Date
Month (1-12): XX Day (1-31): XX Year (0-99): XX
Month - Enter the Month (1 to 12) Day - Enter the Day of the Month (1 to 31) Year - Enter the current Year (0 to 99)
When you have fi nished programming the time and date, press
<ESC> to return to the Setup Screen.
VCC-X Operator Interface SD
Setting the Operating Mode
Setting the Operating Mode
The Operating Mode is displayed on the last line of the Main Screen as shown below. The factory default setting for the System Manager is LS (Low Speed) Stand Alone Mode.
System Manager SD
Wednesday Operations
01/16/15 02:21 PM
LS Stand Alone Mode
The System Manager must be confi gured for the correct mode of operation for your system. There are 5 modes of operation available for the Orion System—LS (Low Speed) Stand-Alone, HS (High
Speed) Stand-Alone, LS (Low Speed) Network, HS (High Speed) Network, and LS (Low Speed) & HS (High Speed) Multiple MGRS.
If you are using this System Manager on a communications loop that doesn’t have a MiniLink PD or CommLink connected to it and you have a single System Manager on your system, then you need to operate in LS (Low Speed) Stand-Alone Mode. If you are us­ing a VCC-X Controller or GPC-XP Controller that is set for high speed, and you don’t have a MiniLink PD or CommLink connected to the loop, then you will need to change the setting to HS (High Speed) Stand Alone Mode.
The Passcode Clearance Screen will appear as shown below.
Enter the seven digit passcode <2337377> to access the next screen.
You will then see the screen below displayed.
Stand Alone Mode Lo Speed Connection Use Left/Right Arrow To Change Selections
Press <> or <> if you need to change the mode of opera-
tion to LS (Low Speed) Stand-Alone, HS (High Speed Stand­Alone, LS (Low Speed) Network, HS (High Speed Network, LS (Low Speed) Multiple Manager or HS (High Speed) Multiple Manager and then press
selection. If you are not using Multiple Manager Mode, press
<ESC> at the screen below and continue scrolling right and left.
<ENTER> to save your
If you are using the System Manager on a communications loop and have an installed MiniLink PD or CommLink, you will need to change the setting to LS (Low Speed) Network Mode. If you are using a VCC-X Controller or GPC-XP Controller that is set for high speed, and are using a MiniLink PD or CommLink, then you will need to change the setting to HS (High Speed) Network Mode.
If you are using this System Manager on a communications loop, have a MiniLink PD or CommLink installed, and have multiple Sys­tem Managers, then you need to operate in Multiple MGRS Mode.
If your display indicates a different mode than the one you need,
press <2> at the Setup Scr een shown below. You will have to cycle
power to get to this screen or by
1) Set Time & Date
2) Communications
NEXT) More Options
ESC) Exit Menu
pressing <ESC> and <PREV>.
Multiple Manager
Unit Address: 0
Press ESC to Exit
For Multiple MGRS Mode, enter the address at which you want this particular System Manager to be set.
When multiple System Managers are used on a local loop, each must be set with a unique address different from any other device on that loop. You must perform this same operation again for each System Manager installed. If you want one of these System Manag­ers to be able to indicate alarms and overrides for the entire system, you must System Manager.
Once you have the correct number per the display above displayed,
press <ENTER>. The following screen will appear telling you that
you have changed the system mode:
select either LS or HS Network Mode on that particular
You Have Changed The
System Manager Mode
Press Any Key To
Press any key on the keyboard to exit this screen.
VCC-X Operator Interface SD
Changing Passcodes
System Manager Passcodes
Changing the mode of operation, updating software, changing schedules, and changing setpoints and confi gurations require pass- code clearance. The screen below will appear if this action requires passcode clearance.
Enter Passcode: XXXX
The System Manager has three levels of user access. All users can view Status Screens. Level 1 users are limited to changing the Time and Date and Operating Schedules. Level 2 users have complete system access. Any status or setpoint fi eld can be read or reset from the System Manager.
These two levels of passcodes are programmable by any Level 2 user. The default Level 1 passcode is “ 1111” and the default Level 2 passcode is “ 2222.”
If you wish to change either Level 1 or Level 2 passcodes, please see the instructions that follow.
From the Main Status Screen, The following screen will appear:
press <ESC> and then pr ess <PREV>.
Passcodes can only be changed by a Level 2 user. Enter the passcode and press <ENTER>. The following screen will appear:
Enter New Passcode
Level 1.....: XXXX
Level 2.....: XXXX
[Must Be 4 Digits]
This screen allows you to enter new Level 1 and/or Level 2 pass­codes. Passcodes must always be four digits in length, so the usable range of numbers is 1000 to 9999.
CAUTION: If you change the Level 2 passcode and can- not remember what it is, you will be locked out of your system!
1) Set Time & Date
2) Communications NEXT) More Options ESC) Exit Menu
Press <> for the Next Menu. The following screen will be dis-
3) Change Passcodes
4) Loop Search NEXT) More Options ESC) Exit Menu
Press <3> for Change Passcodes. The following screen will be
Enter Passcode: XXXX
VCC-X Operator Interface SD
Loop Search and System Alarm Search
Network Mode & Multiple Managers Loop Search
When the System Manager is confi gured for Network Mode, a loop search must initially be performed for the System Manager to rec­ognize alarms or overrides. Also, when you have a system that has multiple System Managers and you have one of the System Managers set to (63) Network Mode for alarm and override indication, you must also perform a loop search for that System Manager. This allows the System Manager to be aware of all alarms and overrides for all local loops on the entire system.
To access the and then press
Press <> for Next Menu. The following screen will be displayed:
Loop Search Scr een, from the Setup Screen, press <ESC>
1) Set Time & Date
2) Communications
NEXT) More Options
ESC) Exit Menu
3) Change Passcodes
4) Loop Search
NEXT) More Options
ESC) Exit Menu
System Alarm Search
The System Manager can be used to search for all active alarms on the system. You must confi gure the MiniLink PD to allow for “ Alarm Polling” for each controller you want polled for alarms. See the MiniLink PD programming section on page 79 of this manual for setting information.
This option will alert you of the number of alarms present on indi­vidual units, but will not tell you what type of alarm are present. You will have to perform and individual unit alarm search for detailed alarm information.
To access the
<ESC> and then press <PREV>.
Press <> for Next Menu. The following screen will be displayed:
Alarm Search Screen, from the Setup Screen, press
1) Set Time & Date
2) Communications
NEXT) More Options
ESC) Exit Menu
3) Change Passcodes
4) Loop Search
NEXT) More Options
ESC) Exit Menu
Press <4> for Loop Search. The following screen will be displayed:
Loop Search Current Loop = XX Loops Found = XX
The System Manager will now proceed to search all loops to fi nd the MiniLink PDs that are connected to the system. The screen will display the current loop being searched and the number of loops currently found.
Once the search is completed, the following screen will be displayed:
Loop Search
Loops Found = XX
Press ESC to Exit
The screen will display the number of loops found on your system. The information will be saved into the System Manager’s memory . No further loop searches will be required unless you add an additional MiniLink PD to the Network System.
Press <> for Next Menu. The following screen will be displayed:
5) Alarm Search
NEXT) More Options
ESC) Exit Menu
Press <5> for Alarm Search. The entire system is searched from this
point. The following screen will be displayed:
Alarm Screen
Once the Alarm Search is complete, one of the following screens will display:
Alarm Screen
VCC-X Operator Interface SD
Unit Alarm Search and Override Search
Alarm Screen
To check controllers individually for alarms, use the <ALARMS> button on the Main Display.
Unit Alarm Search
The System Manager can be used to search for all active alarms one controller at a time.
Press <ALARMS>. The Unit Selection Screen below will be displayed.
Enter Unit Address
Then Press Enter
Selected Unit #_1
Press Down
Enter the Unit ID of the controller you wish to search and press
<ENTER>. Once communication is established, the *00* message
will go away. Then
NOTE: If the *00* remains, it indicates a communication
failure to the controller.
press <>.
System Manager Override Search
NOTE: In order for the Override Search to work, a Loop
Search must be performed fi rst. See page 20 for de- tails.
When a space sensor with override option is used with any VA V/Zone Controller or Unit Controller, the System Manager can determine and report any controllers that are currently operating in an override condition. This function requires that a MiniLink PD is installed on each loop where the controllers may be located. The MiniLink PD must be confi gured to allow for “Alarm Polling” for each controller that Override Polling Enabled is desired for this function to work. See the MiniLink PD programming section on page 79 of this manual for setting information.
To access the The following screen will appear.
After the System Manager completes its search, it will list the fi rst unit on the system that is currently in the override mode.
<> button to scroll through all units that are in the Override Mode.
Space Sensor Overrides Screen, press <OVERRIDES>,
Overrides Screen
Press the
The following screen will appear. The System Manager will search for any active alarms on the unit and one of the following screens will appear:
Press <> to scroll through all the alarms for the controller that the
Modular Service Tool is connected to. To clear any alarms that are found, you must fi x the problem indicated
in the alarm. Once the problem is fi xed, the alarm will clear from the screen the next time the unit is polled.
Overrides Screen
Loop = 1 Unit = 59
VCC-X Operator Interface SD
Schedules and Holidays
You can access the Controller Scheduling Screens by pressing
<SCHEDULES>. The screen below will appear because Scheduling
requires passcode clearance. A Level 1 or 2 passcode can change schedules.
Enter Passcode: XXXX
If the correct passcode was entered, the Unit Selection Screen will be displayed.
Enter Unit Address
Then Press Enter
Selected Unit #_1
Press Down
Enter the Unit ID of the controller you wish to change schedules for and press <ENTER>. Once communication is established, the *00* message will go away. Then
NOTE: If the *00* remains, it indicates a communication
failure to the controller.
Unit Schedule Menu will be displayed.
press <>.
Week Schedules
From the Unit Schedule Menu, select W eek Schedules. The following two screens will appear in order:
Event #1
Sunday Event #1 Start Time..: XXXX Stop Time...: XXXX
Event #2
Sunday Event #2 Start Time..: XXXX Stop Time...: XXXX
If you are using the internal scheduling capability of the Controller, set the schedule hours and holiday periods from the menu shown above. Y ou can also force the unit to operate continuously in occupied or unoccupied mode by selecting the Schedule Override menu item and entering the desired command.
If you are using an external contact closure to signal the occupied mode, you must access the Week Schedule Screens and set all start and stop times to zero to prevent the internal schedule from turning the equipment on when you don’t want it to operate.
Schedule Menu
Schedule Override Week Schedules Holiday Schedules
Press the <> button until the cursor is on the desired option and then press
The screens will step through the Start Time and then the Stop T ime for each day of the week. You can quit at any point in the process by
pressing <ESC>. There are two Start/Stop events available per day,
so the screen will show which event is being programmed. If you need only one event, keep Event #2’s times set at ZERO.
All times are in 24-hour military format, so 5:00 PM would be entered as 1700.
If both the Start and Stop Times are ZERO, the schedule is in a continuous OFF mode. (Use for Remote Signal Contact.)
If both the Start and Stop Times are 2359, the schedule is in a con­tinuous ON mode.
NOTE: The second line displays which day of the week is
currently being programmed. The day of the week automatically increments as you exit the Event #2 screen for the day and continue to the next day’s Event #1 screen.
CAUTION: The controller ships with all schedules set to
zero so that the controller will not attempt to heat or cool before you have confi gured the system.
VCC-X Operator Interface SD
Holiday Scheduling and Schedule Override
Holiday Start/Stop Day Selection
From the Unit Schedule Menu, select Holiday Schedules. The fol­lowing four screens will appear in order:
Holiday # 1 Start Mon/Day.: XXXX [ July 4
Stop Mon/Day.: XXXX [ July 5
= 704 ]
Holiday # 1
= 705 ]
The screens will step through the fourteen possible holidays, one period at a time. Line 2 shows which holiday is currently being programmed. Since a holiday period can encompass more than one day, you need to program the day the holiday starts and the day the holiday ends. If your holiday only lasts one day, simply set both the Start Day and the Stop Day to the same value. Remember to combine the month and day into a single four-digit value.
EXAMPLE: 704 = July 4
(NOTE: Leading zero not
required) 1225 = December 25
Schedule Override
From the Unit Schedule Menu, select Schedule Override. The fol­lowing screen will appear:
Schedule Override Enter Override...: X [0=Auto 1=ON 2=OFF]
If you want to force the unit to operate in a continuous Occupied or Unoccupied mode, select this menu item to activate the desired method. If a Schedule Override is active, all other methods of schedule control are ignored (Push-Button, Internal, and Remote).
As you can see on the last line of the display, tinuously in the Occupied Mode or
<2> to run continuously in the
Unoccupied Mode. T o restore normal schedule operations,
enter <1> to run con-
enter <0>.
This override remains in effect until canceled and does not time-out like the Output Overrides do after 10 minutes of no communications.
NOTE: Do not use the Force OFF mode in place of setting
all the week schedules to ZERO if you are using a Remote Signal for your scheduling since the Override has priority over the Remote Signal.
Holiday Start/Stop Times
Holiday Schedule Start Event #1: XXXX Stop Event #1: XXXX
Holiday Schedule Start Event #2: XXXX Stop Event #2: XXXX
The fourteen holidays all use the same Start and Stop times which you program on this screen and the next. You must enter the time in 24-hour military format, the same as a regular week schedule.
Normally, the holidays will operate in an unoccupied mode or a reduced schedule mode. There are two start/stop events available on holidays to match the standard schedule number of events.
VCC-X Operator Interface SD
VCC-X Confi guration Screen Index
VCC-X Confi guration Screen Index
The available Confi guration Screens for the VCC-X Controller are listed on the next few pages by sequential screen number. When each VCC-X Controller is confi gured for the fi rst time, it is best to start with screen #1 and proceed to each screen in numerical order until you have viewed all available Confi guration Screens. This ensures that you have seen all the available VCC-X Controller confi gura- tion possibilities and have the opportunity to change or accept the defaults for each screen.
Once the unit is confi gured and you decide to change one of the screen options, it is helpful to know what screen number contains the confi guration you wish to change. With this in mind, the following is a list of all the VCC-X Confi guration Screens in numerical order with a brief listing of the confi guration feature available on each screen.
Screen #1 Sensor Scaling (Fahrenheit / Celsius) Screen #2 RSM 1 & RSM 2 Installed Screen #3 RSM 3 & RSM 4 Installed Screen #4 EM1 Expansion Module Installed Screen #5 MHGRV-X and MODGAS-X Installed Screen #6 12 Relay E-BUS Expansion Module Installed Screen #7 Preheat-X Controller Installed Screen #8 HVAC Mode Enable Source Screen #9 HVAC Mode Set By Remote Contact Screen #10 SAT Reset Source Screen #11 Reset Rate Interval Screen #12 Space Sensor Type Screen #13 Remote Space Sensor Board Address Screen #14 Outdoor Sensor Type Screen #15 Return Sensor Type Screen #16 Static Pressure Control Screen #17 Static/Fan Control Rate Screen #18 Static Pressure Control Max Adjust Screen #19 Fan Voltage Output - Min/Max Screen #20 Supply Fan Cycle Mode Screen #21 Fan Proving Screen #22 Fan Starting Delay Screen #23 Purge Mode Delay Screen #24 Heat Type Screen #25 Modulating Heat Output Signal - Min/Max Screen #26 Cool Type Screen #27 Mech Heat/Cool Alarm Delay Screen #28 Economizer Control Type Screen #29 Title 24 Economizer Screen #30 Economizer in Unoccupied Mode Screen #31 Economizer Enable Source
Screen #32 Economizer Control Loop Rate Screen #33 Economizer Voltage Output - Min/Max Screen #34 CO Screen #35 Building Pressure Sensor Installed Screen #36 Building Pressure Control Screen #37 Building Pressure Control Rate Screen #38 Building Pressure Control Max Adjust Screen #39 Exhaust Fan Output Screen #40 Dehumidifi cation Control Screen #41 Humidity Control Sensor Type Screen #42 Reheat Control Screen #43 Type of Airfl ow Station Screen #44 Monitor Outdoor Air Airfl ow Screen #45 Control Outdoor Air Airfl ow Screen #46 Outdoor Airfl ow Duct Size Screen #47 Monitor Supply Air Airfl ow Screen #48 Supply Airfl ow Duct Size Screen #49 Monitor Return Air Airfl ow Screen #50 Return Airfl ow Duct Size Screen #51 Monitor Exhaust Airfl ow Screen #52 Exhaust Airfl ow Duct Size Screen #53 Morning Warm Up Type Screen #54 AHU Uses Schedule Number Screen #55 Daylight Adjustment Start/Stop Date Screen #56 Trend Log Rate Screen #57 Screen #58 Dirty Filter
Screen #59 Broadcast Outdoor Air Temperature
Screen #60 Broadcast Outdoor RH Screen #61 Broadcast Building Pressure Screen #62 Broadcast to Boxes Screen #63 Cool Stage Up and Down Delays Screen #64 Cool Stage Min Run and Min Off Delays Screen #65 Heat Stage Up and Down Delays Screen #66 Heat Stage Min Run and Min Off Delays
Screen #67 Heat/Cool Changeover Delay Screen #68 Return Air Bypass Control Screen #69 Morning Cool Down Type Screens
#70-76 VCC-X Relay 1-8 Confi guration Screens Screens
#77-81 EM1 Relays 1-5 Confi guration Screens Screen
#82-93 12 Relay Confi guration Screens
Sensor Installed
Emergency Shutdown
VCC-X Operator Interface SD
VCC-X Confi guration Screens
Confi guration Screens
In order to correctly set up the VCC-X Controller, you must fi rst confi gure several parameters in regard to the type of HVAC unit and system you have installed. Most of these values and operat­ing parameters are only set once at the initial system setup and are never changed.
Modular Service Tool Instructions
No matter what screen or menu you’re in, press <CONFIGURA-
TION>. The Unit Selection Screen will appear, shown below , request-
Enter Unit Address
Then Press Enter
Selected Unit #_1
Press Down
ing that you enter the unit ID number.
Select & Press Enter
Enter the correct unit ID number of the VCC-X Controller you want
to confi gure and then press tablished, the *00* message will go away. Then VCC-X Confi guration and then press <ENTER>. Press <ENTER> to save entered data and press <> to scroll through the screens.
<ENTER>. Once communication is es-
press <>. Select
NOTE: If the *00* remains, it indicates a communication
failure to the controller.
The following screen will be displayed:
Change Setpoints Configure Unit Save/Copy/Restore
Select & Press Enter
On the fi rst screen, scroll down to the ‘Confi gure Unit’ option and
press <ENTER>. On the second screen, select VCC-X Confi guration
and then press
<ENTER>. This will take you to the fi rst Confi gura-
tion Screen shown below.
Confi guration Screen #1 - Sensor Scaling
VCC-X Cnfg ID #
Sensor Scaling
NOTE: If the *00* remains, it indicates a communication
failure to the controller.
System Manager SD Instructions
From any Main screen, press <SETPOINTS>. The screen below will appear because this option requires passcode clearance. Only a Level 2 passcode can change setpoints.
Enter Passcode: XXXX
If the correct passcode was entered, the Unit Selection Screen will be displayed.
Enter Unit Address
Then Press Enter
Selected Unit #_1
Press Down
Enter the correct unit ID number of the VCC-X Controller you
want to confi gure and then press <ENTER>. Once communication is established, the *00* message will go away. Then
press <>.
Options are Fahrenheit or Celsius. If you make a change to this screen, after you press <ENTER> to have the system accept the change, you must return to the Unit Selection Screen to re-establish communications with the Controller. Default is Fahrenheit.
Confi guration Screen #2 - RSM #1 & #2 Module Installed
VCC-X Cnfg ID # RSM#1 Installed: NO RSM#2 Installed: NO
If you have a one RSMV Module installed, the 1st confi guration op- tion should be confi gured as YES. If you have a 2nd RSMV Module installed, the 2nd confi guration option should be confi gured as YES.
Default is NO.
VCC-X Operator Interface SD
VCC-X Confi guration Screens
Confi guration Screen #3 - RSM #3 & #4 Modules Installed
VCC-X Cnfg ID # RSM#3 Installed: NO RSM#4 Installed: NO
If you have a 3rd RSMV Module installed, the 1st confi guration op- tion should be confi gured as YES. If you have a 4th RSMV Module installed, the 2nd confi guration option should be confi gured as YES.
Default is NO.
Confi guration Screen #4 - EM1 Expansion Module Installed
VCC-X Cnfg ID #
EM1 Installed: NO
If you have Expansion Module EM1 installed, this confi guration option should be confi gured as YES. Default is NO. If your unit utilizes the following, an EM1 Module is required:
Modulating Chilled Water  Return Air Bypass Control  Title 24 Economizer Actuator Feedback
Confi guration Screen #5 - MHGRV-X & MODGAS-X Installed
VCC-X Cnfg ID # MHGRV Installed: NO MODGS Installed: NO
If you have an MHGRV-X Controller installed, the fi rst confi gura- tion option should be confi gured as YES. If you have a MODGAS- X Controller installed, the second confi guration option should be confi gured as YES. Defaults are NO.
Confi guration Screen #6 - 12 Relay E-BUS Expansion Module Installed
VCC-X Cnfg ID #
12RLY Installed: NO
If you have a 12 Relay E-BUS Expansion Module installed, this confi guration option should be confi gured as YES. Default is NO.
Confi guration Screen #7 - PREHEAT-X Controller Installed
VCC-X Cnfg ID #
Installed: NO
If you have a PREHEAT-X Controller installed, this confi guration option should be confi gured as YES. Default is NO.
Confi guration Screen #8 - HVA C Mode Enable Source
VCC-X Cnfg ID #
HVAC Source
Supply Air
This selects which sensor will determine the mode of operation of the unit and how it will operate. Default is Supply Air. Available options are:
 Supply Air—This is for a standard Cooling Only VAV unit with optional Morning Warm Up. In the Occupied Mode, the unit will be in the Cooling Mode controlling to the Cooling Supply Air Setpoint.
Supply Air/Tempering—This selection is for VAV
“cooling only” applications where because of cold outdoor temperatures, heat may need to be added in order to maintain the “Cooling” Supply Air Setpoint. This application requires Outdoor Air Enable Setpoints to be confi gured in order to initiate Cooling and Heating Modes. The Cooling and Heating Supply Air Setpoints can then both be set to the same temperature (e.g. 55
Outdoor Air—This is for a 100% OA Unit (MUA) using
the OA Temperature Sensor to determine the Heating, Cooling, and Vent Modes of operation. Dehumidifi cation utilizes an Outdoor Air Dewpoint Setpoint.
R eturn Air—Optional recirculating unit confi guration
using the Return Temperature Sensor to determine the Heating, Cooling, and Vent Modes of operation.
Space Temperature—Typical recirculating unit using
a Space Temperature Sensor to determine the Heating, Cooling, and Vent Modes of operation.
Space Temperature with High % OA CFM—If it is
preferable to use Space conditions (instead of Outside Air) to control a 100% or high percentage outdoor air unit, this option allows tempering of the outdoor air in the Space Vent Mode of operation to prevent dumping of hot or cold air into the space. See the Sequence of Operations for details.
Single Zone VAV—Recirculating unit using the Space
Temperature Sensor to determine the mode of operation. Heating and Cooling are controlled to a Leaving Air Setpoint. Space Temperature resets the Supply Fan VFD speed to maintain the Space Temperature. Modulating Heating and Cooling must be used for this operation. Can be confi gured for CAV Heating using staged Heat.
VCC-X Operator Interface SD
VCC-X Confi guration Screens
Confi guration Screen #9 - HVAC Mode Set By Remote Contact
VCC-X Cnfg ID #
HVAC Mode Set By
Remote Contact: NO
This option allows separate 24 VAC wet contact closures on the VCC-X to force the unit into Heating, Cooling, and Dehumidifi ca- tion modes. If this option is selected, it applies to all three modes, and all three modes will only be initiated by these contact closures. See the VCC-X Remote Contact Control section of the Sequence of Operations in the VCC-X Controller Technical Guide for more details. Default is NO.
Confi guration Screen #10 - SAT Reset Source
VCC-X Cnfg ID #
SAT Reset Source
No Reset
This confi guration option is not available if Single Zone VAV was selected as the HVAC source. The Supply Air Setpoint can be “au­tomatically” adjusted based on a selected reset source. This screen allows you to choose this source. selections are as follows:
Default is No Reset. The available
No Reset—No SAT Setpoint Reset will occur. The SAT
Setpoints remain fi xed.
Space Temperature—The SAT Setpoints will be
adjusted based on the Space Temperature.
Outdoor Temperature—The SAT Setpoints will be
adjusted based on the Outdoor Air Temperature.
Return Air Temperature—The SAT Setpoints will be
adjusted based on the Return Air Temperature.
F an VFD Signal—The SAT Setpoints will be adjusted
based on the VFD Signal. This is good for Adjusting the Setpoints based on the building’s load by looking at the VFD speed.
R emote Voltage—The SAT Setpoints will be
adjusted based on the Remote Supply Air Temperature Voltage Reset Signal.
If the HVAC Source was set Single Zone VAV in Con guration Screen #8, then line 3 on this screen will read No SAT Rst Allowed and the line 4 will be blank.
Confi guration Screen #11 - Reset Rate Interval
VCC-X Cnfg ID #
Reset Interval
Rate...: 30 s
[1 - 255 Seconds]
If you selected a Reset Source in Con guration Screen #10, enter a value in seconds between 1-255. This value determines how fast the Supply Air T emperature Setpoint is adjusted as the Reset Source changes. Default is 30 seconds.
Confi guration Screen #12 - Space Sensor Type
VCC-X Cnfg ID #
Space Sensor Type
If this unit has a Space Sensor installed, select Analog if it is a wired Thermistor temperature sensor. Select E-bus Space/RH if it is a combination communicating temperature and humidity sensor. Select Receive Broadcast if the Space Sensor is attached to a sepa­rate device that will broadcast the reading, e.g., GPC-XP Controller . Select Remote Sensor if using a Sensor connected to a separate Unit Controller on the same loop (sharing a sensor). You can select the Unit Controller that will have the space sensor on Confi guration Screen #13. Default is NONE.
Confi guration Screen #13 - Remote Space Sensor Board Address
VCC-X Cnfg ID # Remote Space Sensor
Board Address: 0
If using a Remote Space Sensor (must be chosen in Confi guration Screen #12), enter the address of the board it is located on. This Unit
Controller has to be on the same loop as the Controller that will be sharing the sensor.
Confi guration Screen #14 - Outdoor Sensor Type
VCC-X Cnfg ID # Outdoor Sensor Type
VCC-X Operator Interface SD
If this unit has an Outdoor Air Sensor installed, select Analog if it is a wired Thermistor temperature sensor. Select E-bus OAT/RH if it is a combination communicating temperature and humidity sensor. Select Receive Broadcast if the Outdoor Sensor is attached to a separate device that will broadcast the reading, e.g., GPC-XP Controller. Default is NONE.
VCC-X Confi guration Screens
Confi guration Screen #15 - Return Sensor Type
VCC-X Cnfg ID #
Return Sensor Type
If this unit has a Return Air Sensor installed, select Analog if it is a wired Thermistor temperature sensor. Select E-bus Return/RH if it is a combination communicating temperature and humidity sensor.
Default is NONE.
Confi guration Screen #16 - Static Pressure Control
VCC-X Cnfg ID #
Static Pr Control
Select what type of Duct Static Pressure is being controlled, if any.
Default is Fan VFD. The options are:
None— This unit is not controlling Duct Static Pressure.  Fan VFD—This unit has a Supply Fan VFD that
modulates to control the Duct Static Pressure or this is a Single Zone VAV application.
Bypass DamperThis unit uses a Bypass Damper to
control the Duct Static Pressure.
This is the maximum amount that the Static Pressure Control output can adjust to when it needs to. Default is 5 percent.
Confi guration Screen #19 - Fan Voltage Output
VCC-X Cnfg ID #
Fan Voltage Output
Min Volts: 0.0VDC
Max Volts: 10.0VDC
Enter a value between 0.0 and 10.0 VDC for the main fan’ s minimum
and maximum output voltage. The Duct Static Pressure Output Status Screen will display 0% to 100%, but the output will range
from the minimum value set on this screen to the maximum value set on this screen.
The VCC-X will reverse the logic of the output signal when a Zoning Bypass Damper is used. Defaults are 0 VDC Min and 10 VDC Max.
Description Minimum Default Maximum
Minimum Fan Voltage 0 0 10
Maximum Fan Voltage 0 10 10
Confi guration Screen #20 - Fan Cycle Mode
VCC-X Cnfg ID #
Fan Cycle Mode
Confi guration Screen #17 - Static/Fan Control Rate
VCC-X Cnfg ID #
Static/Fan Control
Rate: 10s
[ 1 - 30 Seconds ]
This value determines the time interval between changes to the Sup­ply Fan Speed or the Bypass Damper Position during Duct Static Pressure Control. It also determines the time interval between changes to the Fan Speed during Single Zone VAV Reset of the Supply Fan VFD Speed. Default is 10 seconds.
Confi guration Screen #18 - Static Pressure Control Rate Max Adjust
VCC-X Cnfg ID #
Static Pr. Control
Max Adjust: 5%
[ 1 - 30% ]
Select YES if you want the HVAC unit’s Supply Fan to only run dur-
ing Heating or Cooling Mode. If you want the HVAC unit’s Supply Fan to run continuously while in the Occupied Mode, regardless of the Heating or Cooling Mode,
select NO. Default is NO.
Confi guration Screen #21 - Fan Proving
VCC-X Cnfg ID #
Fan Proving
Select YES if the unit is equipped with a Proof of Flow Switch and
it is connected to the VCC-X. If selected as YES and the Proof of Flow Switch is open, only the Supply Fan Relay will be active. If any other relays such as Heating Stages or Cooling Stages are ac­tive, they will be deactivated when the Proof of Flow Switch input is lost. Default is NO.
VCC-X Operator Interface SD
Confi guration Screen #22 - Fan Starting Delay
VCC-X Cnfg ID #
Fan Starting
Delay: -1s
[-1 = Unit Addr x 5]
VCC-X Confi guration Screens
Mod Heat Then Staged
form of Heat and Stage(s) of Heat as the 2nd form of
Mod Gas Heat Only—Only Modulating Gas Heat
controlled by the AAON® MODGAS-X Controller.
Mod Gas Then Staged—ModGas Heat as the 1
of Heat and Stage(s) of Heat as the 2nd form of Heat.
—Fully modulating Heat as the
Enter the number of seconds you want the fan to delay starting. This is the Supply Fan Starting Delay initiated whenever the VCC-X initiates Supply Fan operation upon going occupied or after power-up. This is useful when you are using multiple VCC-X-controlled HVAC units and want to be sure that all the units do not start at exactly the same time when the Occupied schedule occurs. Each VCC-X should be set with staggered Fan Starting Delay Setpoint values. When the -1 value is used, it multiplies each VCC-X Controller’s address by 5 and uses this value in seconds as the Fan Starting Delay. This provides a staggered start for each VCC-X Controller on the system without having to individually set each VCC-X Controller for its own time delay.
should be set to a minimum of 60 seconds to let the OA Damper open.
Default is -1 second.
Description Minimum Default Maximum
Fan Start Delay Timer -1 Sec -1 Sec 240 Sec
For an MUA unit, this
Confi guration Screen #23 - Purge Mode Delay
VCC-X Cnfg ID #
Purge Mode Delay: 10s
[ 0 - 900 Seconds ]
Enter the number of seconds you want the unit to stay in Purge Mode before going into Occupied Mode. In Purge Mode, the fan runs with the Economizer closed and all Cooling and Heating is de-energized.
MUA unit, this should be set to 0 seconds to prevent a Pur ge Mode (which is a damper closed operation).
Default is 10 seconds.
For an
See the VCC-X Controller Technical Guide for a more detailed descrip- tion of these operations.
Confi guration Screen #25 - Modulating Heat Output Signal
VCC-X Cnfg ID #
Mod Heat Volt Output Min Pos Volts: 0.0 Max Pos Volts: 10.0
Enter a value between 0.0 and 10.0 VDC for the Modulating Heat
minimum and maximum output voltage. When performing reverse acting heating, the minimum position volts will be the highest value. Defaults are 0 VDC Min and 10 VDC Max.
Description Minimum Default Maximum
Minimum Position Volts 0 0 10
Maximum Position Volts 0 10 10
Confi guration Screen #26 - Cool Type
VCC-X Cnfg ID #
Cool Type
Refrigeration Module
Confi guration Screen #24 - Heat Type
VCC-X Cnfg ID #
Heat Type
No Heat
Default is No Heat. Available options are:
No Heat
Staged Only
Mod Heat Only
Heat which would be Modulating Hot Water or Steam Heat or Modulating SCR Electric Heat. Does not include Modulating Gas using the AAON Controller.
—The unit has no Heat.
—On/Off Hot Water or fi xed stage(s) of Heat.
—Only fully modulating forms of
VCC-X Operator Interface SD
Default is Refrigeration Module. Available options are:
Refrigeration Module—A Refrigeration Module is
installed and confi gured.
Staged Only—On/Off Chilled Water or fi xed stage(s)
DX Cooling only and no Compressor Dehumidifi cation.
Mod Only— Modulating Chilled Water
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