Orion BP-HP10D4, BP-HP12D4 Owner's Manual

DDuuaall 1100//1122 VVeenntteedd SSuubbwwooooffeerr EEnncclloossuurree SSyysstteemm
DDuuaall 1100//1122 VVeenntteedd SSuubbwwooooffeerr EEnncclloossuurree SSyysstteemm
Orion vented subwoofer enclosure systems are covered by a two-year limited warranty. Be sure to retain your original sales receipt, and refer to the warranty section on the back cover of this guide for full details about your coverage.
High-powered car audio systems may produce sound pressure levels that exceed the threshold at which hearing loss may result. They may
also impair a driver’s ability to hear traffic sounds or emergency vehicles. Use common sense and practice safe listening habits when listening to or adjusting your audio system. If your subwoofer enclosure is installed in the passenger compartment, make sure it is restrained (use straps or seat belts—not provided) from moving in case of an accident.
Your Product Information
Model Number:
Date of Purchase:
1. Place the speaker assembly in your vehicle. Common placement will normally be the trunk, back seat, or back of a van.
2. Connect each speaker to an amplifier output (not supplied), observing that the polarity markings on the back of the speaker enclosure are connected to the corresponding polarities on the amplifier.
NOTE: Do not use an amplifier that can drive the speakers beyond their specifications.
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