Orion® Premium Linear
BinoViewer for Telescopes
Congratulations on your purchase of the Orion Premium Linear BinoViewer. This
innovative binoviewer will work on any telescope with a 1.25" focuser or accessory adapter, and does not require additional inward focus travel. Please review
these instructions before using the BinoViewer for the rst time. If you run into any
problems, contact Orion Customer Support at 800-676-1343 or by email at www.
IN 608 12/17
WARNING: Never look directly at the Sun through your telescope—
even for an instant—without a professionally made solar lter that
completely covers the front of the instrument, or permanent eye
damage could result. Young children should use this telescope only
with adult supervision.
Orion® Telescopes & Binoculars
Corporate Offices: 89 Hangar Way, Watsonville CA 95076 - USA
Customer Support: www.OrionTelescopes.com/contactus
Copyright © 2018 Orion Telescopes & Binoculars
All Rights Reserved. No part of this product instruction or any of its contents may be reproduced,
copied, modified or adapted, without the prior written consent of Orion Telescopes & Binoculars.

Installing and Using the Premium Linear BinoViewer
1. Remove the caps on the eyepiece collars (A) and barrel (F) before using the
2. Attach the BinoViewer to the telescope.
Before inserting the BinoViewer into the focuser, make sure any adapters or diag-
onal in the focuser drawtube are tightly in place. The BinoViewer weighs much
more than an average eyepiece, therefore all connections must be extra secure
to support it.
For Refractor or Cassegrain telescopes:
Install a diagonal. Your choice of diagonal will determine the image orientation
you see; see the table below. Then insert the 1.25" barrel (F) of the BinoViewer
into the diagonal and secure it tightly with the thumbscrew(s) on the diagonal.
For terrestrial viewing a normal, upright image is desired, so it is best to use
the Orion Pentaprism 90° Diagonal (#52055), which is sold separately. For
astronomical viewing, a correctly oriented image is not necessarily needed
since there is no “right side up” in space. But if you’re referring to a star chart
when observing, it can be inconvenient or confusing if the image seen in the
telescope is rotated or mirror-reversed. In that case, too, use of the Pentaprism
diagonal may be benecial.
Left Right