General Information ........................................................................................................................................ 3
Data Sharing............................................................................................................................................................................... 3
Connection and Wiring Information ................................................................................................................ 4
Troubleshooting Information .......................................................................................................................... 5
General Information .................................................................................................................................................................... 5
Using LED’s To Verify Operation ................................................................................................................................................ 5
Programming- General Information ................................................................................................................ 6
BACnet® Link Overview ............................................................................................................................................................. 6
BACnet® Link Device Object...................................................................................................................................................... 6
Local Address (MAC address).................................................................................................................................................... 6
MS/TP LAN Baud Rate............................................................................................................................................................... 6
Programming - Standard Objects ................................................................................................................... 7
General Information .................................................................................................................................................................... 7
Instance Number Base ............................................................................................................................................................... 7
MUA II Instance Number Base ................................................................................................................................................... 7
MUA II BACnet® Property Identifier ........................................................................................................................................... 8
VAV/CAV Instance Number Base ............................................................................................................................................... 9
CW/HW Instance Number Base............................................................................................................................................... 10
BACnet® Link Overview .......................................................................................................... ................................................. 13
MUA II Object............................................................................................................................................................................ 13
MUA II Property Identifier ......................................................................................................................................................... 14
BACnet® Link Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement........................................................................................... 20
WattMaster Controls Inc.
8500 NW River Park Drive · Parkville , MO 64152
Toll Free Phone: 866-918-1100
PH: (816) 505-1100 · FAX: (816) 505-1101 · E-mail:
Visit our web site at
Form: OR-BACNET-TGD-02B Copyright 2005 WattMaster Controls, Inc.
AAON® is a registered trademark of AAON, Inc., Tulsa, OK.
is a registered trademark of ASHRAE Inc., Atlanta, GA.
WattMaster Controls, Inc. assumes no responsibility for errors, or omissions.
This document is subject to change without notice.
General Information
Technical Guide
The OE367-22 BACnet® Link provides bi-directional translation of
data and information between BACnet® devices and Orion VAV/CAV,
CW/HW and MUA II unit controllers.
Up to 16 total, Orion VAV/CAV, CH/HW, MUA II or any combination
of these controllers may be connected to each BACnet® Link. Up to 4
BACnet® Links can be used on a Orion Controls system allowing for
a maximum of 64 total controllers to be used.
Data Sharing
The BACnet® Link interface provides the following data sharing capabilities:
•Provides values from points on the Orion side of the
gateway to BACnet
originating from BACnet
•Allows BACnet
Orion controller side of the BACnet
standard BACnet® write services
devices as if the values were
devices to modify point values on the
Link by using
devices to send Schedule events
•Ability to allow BACnet
to the Orion controller side of the gateway by using
standard BACnet
Hardware Specifications
Table 1 below contains the hardware specifications for the BACnet
Link interface.
Technical Data
BACnet Loop
Controller Loop
Protocol (BACn et Loop)
(Wa ttMa ster L o o p)
Power Input Voltage
Power Consumption
Operating Temp
Operating Humidity
To determine what controller you have you must look at the label located on the controller E-prom. If the controller label does not match
any of the SS or Y numbers listed above, your controller will not work
with the BACnet® Link.
Using LED’s To Verify Operation
The BACnet® Link is equipped with LED’s that can be used for troubleshooting. There are seven LED’s on the BACnet® Link. Five of these
LED’s are used in troubleshooting. The LED’s and their uses are as
This LED will light up to indicate that 24 VAC power has been applied to the controller.
This LED will light up to indicate communication with the controllers
on the loop.
This LED will light up to indicate communication with the BACnet®
This LED is not currently used.
This LED is also used to indicate communication with the BACnet®
This LED is used to indicate the number of controllers the BACnet®
Link is communicating with.
This LED is not currently used.
PWR LED Operations
When the BACnet® Link is powered up, the “PWR” LED should light
up and stay on continuously. If it does not light up, check to be sure
that you have 24 VAC connected to the board, that the wiring connections are tight and that they are wired for correct polarity. The 24
VAC power must be connected so that all ground wires remain common. If after making all these checks the PWR LED does not light up,
please contact WattMaster technical support for assistance.
LOOP COMM LED Operations
When power is applied to the BACnet® Link the “LOOP COMM”
LED will also light up. The LED should flicker rapidly indicating
that the BACnet® Link is trying to communicate with the controllers
on the loop. A “flicker” is defined as a brief moment when the LED
turns off then back on. If the LOOP COMM LED does not operate as
indicated above, first power down the unit and then reapply power. If
this does not work, then contact WattMaster technical support for assistance.
LED 2 Operations
When power is first applied, “LED 2” will be off temporarily then will
blink one time for each controller it is communicating with. For example, if you have 10 controllers on the loop connected to the BACnet® Link then LED 2 will blink 10 times. If the amount of blinks
does not match the number of controllers connected to the loop, it
indicates there is a communications problem. The best way to find
out which board is not communicating is to go to each controller and
look at its COMM LED. The LED should be solid and will flicker
occasionally indicating communication with the BACnet® Link. If
the COMM LED does not flicker, there is no communication with that
NET COMM LED Operations
The “NET COMM” LED works the same way as the LOOP COMM
LED but it indicates that the BACnet® Link is trying to communicate
with the BACnet® router.
Figure 4 BACnet® Link LED Locations
BACnet® Link Interface
LED 3 Operations
When power is first applied , “LED 3” will be off temporarily and
then will blink slowly indicating communication with the BACnet®
router. If LED 3 does not blink, this means it is not communicating
with the BACnet® router. The first thing to check is the wiring between the BACnet® Link and the BACnet® router. Make sure that T
is wired to the (-) terminal of the router and R is wired to the (+)
terminal of the router.
If all of these tests are made and the controller still doesn’t operate,
please contact W attMaster Controls Technical Support at our T oll Free
number, 866-918-1100 for assistance.
Technical Guide
Programming- General Information
BACnet® Link Overview
The BACnet® Link provides the communications interface between the
Orion system and a BACnet® network. One BACnet® Link can support
up to sixteen controllers. The BACnet
network using Master-Slave/Token Passing (MS/TP) LAN data link
The BACnet® Link supports 3 different controller types (device objects). These are the Orion MUA II, VAV/CAV and the CW/HW controllers.
Link connects to the BACnet
BACnet® Link Device Object
The information that follows describes the characteristics of the BACnet
Link Device Object. The properties for the BACnet® Link Device Object are listed in Table 2.
Object Name
The Object Name is a 15 byte character string that can be set through
the BACnet® front end.
Instance Number
The Instance Number of the Device Object is determined by the address jumper setting on the BACnet® Link. The BACnet® Link has two
address jumpers which allows the addressing number range to be from
0 to 3. The Instance Number of the Device Object would be the jumper
number plus 600192. This means there can be only four BACnet® Links
(Device Objects) on the entire local BACnet® system installation.
Location and Description
The Location and Description are 15 bytes character strings that can
be set through BACnet®.
Local Time and Date
The BACnet® Link (Device Object) does not have a hardware real time
clock. It does however keep a software timer running once the time and
date has been set through the BACnet® front end (by others). Since this
is a software timer, if the BACnet® Link loses power, the time will be
lost or incorrect and will need to be reset.
The BACnet® Link (Device Object) amends the following object type
to BACnet®’s object type, BACnetObjectType.
WattBacObjectTypes := Enumerated {
If any of these W attBacObjectT ypes conflict with other custom BACnet
object types on your BACnet® system, please contact WattMaster controls.
Local Address (MAC address)
The BACnet® Link’s Local Address (MAC address) on the MS/TP
LAN is determined by the address jumper on the device. The Local
Address is always the address jumper plus 32. Therefore, the
BacnetOrionInterface device’s Local Address (MAC address) can be
set to address 32, 33, 34 or 35. See Figure 3 for address switch setting
BACnet® Services Supported
The BACnet® Link supports the following BACnet® services:
ReadProperty ServiceReadPropertyMultiple Service
WriteProperty ServiceWho-Has and I-Have Service
Who-Is and I-Am Service
MS/TP LAN Baud Rate
The OE367-22 BACnet® Link (Device Object) is able to detect the Baud
rate of the host BACnet® MS/TP LAN and automatically adjust its Baud
rate to match the host. The BACnet® Link will then operate at the host’s
Baud rate of 9600, 19200, 38400 or 76800 Baud as required.
BACnet® Link De vice Object Pr oper ties
Pr oper ty Identifie rProperty Data Type
APD U _TimeoutUnsignedR/O
Data_Base_R evisionUnsignedR/O
Firmware_R evisionCharacterStingR/O
Lo c a l _ DateDa teR/ W
Max_ APD U _Length_A cceptedUnsignedR/O
Max_ M asterUnsignedR/O
Max-Info_Fram esUnsignedR/O
Mod el_Nam eCharacterStingR/O
Num ber_Of_A PD U_R etriedUnsignedR/O
Object_IdentifierBACnetO bjectIdentifierR/O
Object_ListBACnetA RR AY [N]R/O
Object_Nam eC haracterStringR/W
Object_TypeBAC netObjectTypeR/O
Protocol_Conformance_C lassUnsigned(1..6)R/O
Protocol_Object_Types_Supported BAC netObjectTypesSupportedR/O
The BACnet® Link provides additional shadowing Analog Input Objects and Analog V alue Objects for read/write parameters of the MUA
II, VAV/CAV and CW/HW controllers.
Note:The BACnet® Link does not implement any operational
function for the Analog Input Object or the Analog Value
Object but only uses the Current Value property of the
Analog Input/Value Object as a vehicle to convey one
specified parameter of the MUA II, VAV/CAV or CW/
HW controller.
Read Only Parameters are represented by Analog Input Objects and
Setpoint Parameters are represented by Analog Value Objects.
Parameters for (1) MUA II controller are represented by 36 Analog
Input/Value Objects.
Parameters for (1) VAV/CAV controller are represented by 52 Analog
Input/Value Objects.
Parameters for (1) CW/HW controller are represented by 54 Analog
Input/Value Objects.
Instance Number Base
Each Analog Input/Value Object has an unique Object Instance Number Base that can be used to identify which parameter the object represents. The unique Object Instance Numbers are calculated from formula based on the Instance Number Base which are defined in the tables
that follow.
External Relay Group #134Analog Input
External Relay Group #235Analog Input
External Relay Group #336Analog Input
Heating Deadband21Analog Value220
Modulate Gas Valve
On Board Relay Group33Analog Input
Outdoor Air Cooling
Outdoor Air Dew Point5Analog Input
Outdoor Air Dew Point
Outdoor Air Enthalpy8Analog Input
Outdoor Air Enthalpy
Outdoor Air Enthalpy
Outdoor Air Heating
Outdoor Air Humidity7Analog Input
Outdoor Air Temperature2Analog Input
Reheat Value Position18Analog Input
Schedule Force32Analog Value02
Space Humidity13Analog Input
Space Humidity At Max
Space Humidity At Min
Space Temperature16Analog Input
Space Temperature At
Max Supply
Space Temperature At Min
Supply Air Reset Limit24Analog ValueSA
Supply Air Setpoint31Analog Value5090
Supply Air Setpoint Mirror1Analog Input
Supply Air Temperature19Analog Input
30Analog Value130
17Analog Input
10Analog Input
28Analog Value0100
29Analog Value0100
25Analog Value40100
26Analog Value40100
3Analog Input
6Analog Input
9Analog Input
4Analog Input
BACnet® Link Interface
Table 3: Instance Number Base Data For MUA II
Technical Guide
Programming - Standard Objects
MUA II BACnet® Property Identifier
The BACnet® Link amends the following property identity to BACnet®’s
property identifier.