Tripod Setup Guide (M-TPx)
Items needed: 1/2 inch wrench, mast level (M-MLA), medium size wire cutters, crescent wrench, all-purpose grease, tape
measure, tie wraps, redi-mix cement (optional), shovel (optional), sledge hammer (for stakes and ground rod), cable cutters
(for ground wires and guy wires), and safety glasses.
WARNING: Severe shock hazard. Before installing the tripod or mounting poles, ensure that there are no electrical
power lines overhead. Do not install the system during any atmospheric electrical activity. Do not assemble or transport
tripods, mounting poles, or other structures unless there is sufficient clearance from potential electrical sources or other
WARNING: Do not climb on or around the tripod. The tripod and any of its associated hardware, towers, poles, etc. are
not designed to support the weight of a person. Injury may result.
WARNING: If using stakes to stabilize the tower, ensure that there are no underground wires or pipes underneath the
2-Meter Tripod (M-TPB) 3-Meter Tripod (M-TPA)
• It is recommended that two people set up most tripod systems. Some assemblies are heavy and are easier to
handle with two people.
• Be sure to stabilize, level, and secure the tripod on firm ground. It may be necessary to adapt the installation to the
existing site conditions as necessary (for example, if mounting the tripod on ice or rock, you may need to use a
masonry clamp to secure it).

Tripod Setup Guide (M-TPx)
2-Meter Tripod (M-TPB) Installation Instructions
Set up the tower on level ground; there should be no ground slope. The legs on the 2-meter tower are non-adjustable for
uneven surfaces. If the site you are using is not level, then you will need to either level it or use shims to level the tripod. Be
prepared to dig if necessary.
Optional Mounting Accessories
• 1/4 inch stake kit (M-SKB)
• Guy wire kit (M-GWA) with 1/2 inch stake kit (M-SKA)
• Grounding kit (M-GKA)
1. Open the 2-meter tripod and place it in an upright position.
2. Using a 1/2 inch wrench, build six nut and bolt assemblies (5/16-18) like the one shown below with one nut
partially screwed on the bolt.
3. Take one of the nut and bolt assemblies and insert it through a tri-clamp hole with the bolt head facing outward.
Loosely install a nut on the bolt to the inside of the tri-clamp.
4. Install the remaining five nut and bolt assemblies in the same manner for both upper and lower tri-clamps. Make
sure the bolt assemblies on the upper and lower mast tri-clamps leave enough room for the lower mast section to
slip through.
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Tripod Setup Guide (M-TPx)
5. Slide the lower mast from the top into the tri-clamps with the creased end of the mast facing up. The creases on
the lower mast should face north and south.
Lower mast
2-Meter tripod
6. Tighten the tri-clamp bolts by hand so that the mast is temporarily locked into position. Note: The lower mast can
rest on the ground at this time. You will adjust the height of the lower mast later.
7. Because the tripod for the 2 meter configuration has non-adjustable legs, you must verify that the mounting
surface area is level. If it is not, use shims or remove soil as needed. You can attach the mast level (M-MLA) to the
mast to verify that it is vertical as you level the surface. You can also use the tri-clamp bolts to fine tune the vertical
adjustment later after you adjust the height of the mast.
8. Secure the tripod. Use either the 1/4-inch diameter stake kit (M-SKB) or bolt the tripod to cement pads with 1/4-
inch anchors. Install a stake or bolt through one of the holes on each of three tripod feet.
9. If site conditions (high winds, etc.) warrant or if you will be mounting a rain gauge or wind sensors on the tripod,
use the guy wire kit (M-GWA). Instructions for installing the guy wire kit are later in this manual.
10. Go to page 7 for instructions on completing the installation.
3-Meter Tripod (M-TPA) Installation Instructions
The maximum ground slope is 13 degrees. The legs on the 3-meter tower allow for limited adjustment on uneven ground.
Be prepared to dig if necessary if the slope is significant.
Optional Mounting Accessories
• Guy wire kit (M-GWA); attach to tripod leg or with 1/2 inch stake kit (M-SKA)
• Grounding kit (M-GKA)
1. Using a 1/2 inch wrench, build six nut and bolt assemblies (5/16-18) like the one shown below with one nut
partially screwed on the bolt.
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