Chapter 1 An Overview of HOBOware ..................................................................................... 5
New HOBOware Features ....................................................................................................................................... 5
A Tour of the HOBOware Interface ...................................................................................................................... 10
Working in Secure Mode: 21 CFR Part 11 Compliance ......................................................................................... 12
Chapter 2 Working with HOBO Data Loggers ......................................................................... 14
Fast Logging Intervals ........................................................................................................................................... 41
Setting a Default Action on Multiple U-Series Devices ......................................................................................... 41
Using Launch Utilities ........................................................................................................................................... 42
Filter Series at Launch .......................................................................................................................................... 42
Data Assistants Window (Scaling) ........................................................................................................................ 44
Statistics: Maximum, Minimum, Average, and Standard Deviation ..................................................................... 49
Filtered Series vs. Statistics Logging ..................................................................................................................... 51
Checking Device Status ......................................................................................................................................... 55
The Status Window .............................................................................................................................................. 56
Stopping a Device ................................................................................................................................................. 58
Chapter 3 Reading Out, Plotting, and Analyzing Data ............................................................ 59
Reading Out Data ................................................................................................................................................. 59
Plotting Data ......................................................................................................................................................... 60
Opening Files from Unsupported Loggers ............................................................................................................ 63
Working with Plots ............................................................................................................................................... 64
Using the Arrow Tool ............................................................................................................................................ 65
Using the Crosshair Tool ....................................................................................................................................... 66
Zooming, Panning, and Smart Scaling Plots ......................................................................................................... 66
Copying Data Points and the Plot ......................................................................................................................... 68
Closing a Plot ........................................................................................................................................................ 68
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HOBOware User’s Guide
Viewing a Pie Chart ............................................................................................................................................... 68
Printing Plot Elements .......................................................................................................................................... 70
Chapter 4 Modifying a Plot .................................................................................................... 71
Setting Properties for Plot Elements .................................................................................................................... 71
Setting Series Properties ...................................................................................................................................... 73
Setting Title Properties ......................................................................................................................................... 75
Adding a Graph Label ........................................................................................................................................... 76
Selecting a Subset of the Plot (Subset Statistics Tool) .......................................................................................... 77
Moving a Series from Front to Back on the Plot ................................................................................................... 79
Filtering a Series ................................................................................................................................................... 79
Cropping a Series .................................................................................................................................................. 80
Hiding/Showing or Removing a Series from a Plot ............................................................................................... 80
Copying a Series to Another Plot .......................................................................................................................... 81
Converting Units ................................................................................................................................................... 83
Undoing and Redoing Plot Changes ..................................................................................................................... 84
Using Data Assistants ........................................................................................................................................... 84
Linear Scaling Assistant ........................................................................................................................................ 86
Exporting Data .................................................................................................................................................... 104
Exporting Table Data .......................................................................................................................................... 105
Exporting Data in Classic (BoxCar Pro) Format ................................................................................................... 106
Formatting the Date/Time Column in Excel ....................................................................................................... 106
The Bulk Export Tool ........................................................................................................................................... 107
Importing Text Files ............................................................................................................................................ 109
Import Text Files Requirements ......................................................................................................................... 110
Using the RX3000 Manager ................................................................................................................................ 114
Working with the HOBO U30 Station ................................................................................................................. 115
Controlling the Relay on the HOBO U30 Station ................................................................................................ 116
Setting Alarms on a HOBO U30 Station .............................................................................................................. 117
Configuring Excitation Power ............................................................................................................................. 120
Setting Voltage Ranges and Scaling Parameters ................................................................................................ 121
Loading a Saved Configuration ........................................................................................................................... 122
Resetting a Module to the Default Configuration .............................................................................................. 122
Working with a Shuttle ....................................................................................................................................... 123
Offloading and Saving Shuttle Files .................................................................................................................... 124
The Shuttle Management Window .................................................................................................................... 125
Deleting Files from a Shuttle .............................................................................................................................. 126
Configuring Loggers with the E50B2 Power & Energy Meter ............................................................................. 127
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HOBOware User’s Guide
Checking Dates for the HOBO U26 Dissolved Oxygen Logger Sensor Cap ......................................................... 129
Using the Lab Calibration Tool with the HOBO U26 Dissolved Oxygen Logger .................................................. 130
Updating UX/MX Series Logger Firmware .......................................................................................................... 134
A Tour of HOBOnode Manager .......................................................................................................................... 137
Determining Data Node Type ............................................................................................................................. 139
Changing Logging and Connection Intervals ...................................................................................................... 140
Setting up External Sensors ................................................................................................................................ 141
Configuring Scaling on a Sensor ......................................................................................................................... 142
The Network Map ............................................................................................................................................... 181
General Preferences ........................................................................................................................................... 198
Data Assistant Preferences ................................................................................................................................. 209
The Toolbar......................................................................................................................................................... 221
Tips for Working with Multiple Loggers ............................................................................................................. 223
Setting the Language/Format on Your Computer .............................................................................................. 225
HOBOware software is used for launching, reading out, and plotting data from HOBO® data loggers. With
HOBOware, you can also check logger status, filter and export data, save changes to graphs in project files, and
scale data with the Linear Scaling and Pulse Scaling data assistants. There are two versions of
HOBOware: HOBOware and HOBOware Pro. HOBOware Pro offers the following additional features:
•Support for Conductivity, Dissolved Oxygen, and Water Level loggers, which use HOBOware Pro Data
• Support for HOBO U-Shuttle and Waterproof Shuttle
• HOBOnode Manager and support for wireless HOBO data nodes
• Launch and readout time-saving options
• Additional data assistants (Barometric Compensation, Conductivity, Dissolved Oxygen, Grains Per Pound,
Growing Degree Days, and kWh)
• Importing of text data
• Bulk Export Tool
• Pie charts for UX90 series loggers
• Additional plot preferences (font type, style, and color, and series and value axis rules)
• Subset statistics tool for graphing a subset of data
• Series cropping on plots
• 21 CFR Part 11 Compliance
To upgrade from HOBOware to HOBOware Pro, call 1-800-564-4377 and ask for Onset Customer Service. To check
for the latest version of HOBOware, select Check for Software Updates from the Help menu. Note: If you are using
HOBOnode Manager with a HOBO ZW wireless network, you must stop device communication before you can
upgrade HOBOware.
Note: HOBOware supports the following languages: English, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, French,
German, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, and Spanish. The HOBOware user interface can display all of these
languages as configured by your computer (see Setting the Language/Format on Your Computer). HOBOware
documentation is available in English only.
Videos for using HOBOware and data loggers are available on YouTube (search for Onset data loggers) or go to
New HOBOware Features
The following features are available in HOBOware 3.7.16:
• Polish language support in the software user interface (Help and user guides are available in English
• Support for UX100-011A and UX100-023A loggers.
• Several bug fixes.
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New Features in Previous Releases
HOBOware 3.7.15:
• Support for Java 10 on Macintosh (HOBOware works with Java 8, 9, and 10 on both Windows and
• Several bug fixes.
HOBOware 3.7.14:
• HOBOware 3.7 The ability to import water pressure data in a text or CSV file.
• HOBOware now requires Java 8 or higher for both Windows and Macintosh.
• HOBOnode Manager and RX3000 Manager now work on Java 9.
• Several bug fixes.
HOBOware 3.7.13:
• Exporting to Excel files now uses .xlsx files instead of .xls. Date/time and data values are now also
stored as numeric data instead of text in exported Excel files.
• The ability to run the Barometric Compensation Assistant on a project file from the Edit menu.
• Several bug fixes.
HOBOware User’s Guide
HOBOware 3.7.11:
• Support for Traditional Chinese and Korean languages in the software user interface (Help and user
guides are available in English only).
• A new preference for handling the warning message that may appear when setting up HOBO ZW data
node alarms with email server authentication.
• Several bug fixes.
HOBOware 3.7.9:
• The ability to filter series on monthly or weekly intervals. See Filter Series at Launch or Filtering Series
for details.
• A preference for usage tracking, allowing anonymous information to be shared with Onset Computer
Corporation for future HOBOware enhancements.
HOBOware 3.7.6:
• Simplified Chinese language support for the software user interface (Help and user guides are available
in English only).
• The ability to select a time zone offset when importing text files. Previously, the time zone used for
imported text files was the computer's time zone.
HOBOware 3.7.5:
• The ability to view the latest conditions for the RX3000 Remote Monitoring Station via the RX3000
• Support for Windows 10.
HOBOware 3.7.3:
• Support for the new HOBO Temperature/RH/CO2 Logger (MX1102), including launch capability, pre-
launch filters, alarms, burst logging, statistics logging, and CO2 sensor calibration.
HOBOware 3.7.2:
• Support for Japanese in the software user interface; Help and user guides are available in English only.
1-800-LOGGERS 6
• HOBOware now requires Java 7 or higher (Java 1.7.0_17) for both Windows and Macintosh. Download
the latest Java Runtime Environment (JRE) at
• The ability to quickly hide and show a series from the plot by right-clicking the series in the Details
pane or by using the Edit menu or the right-click menu in the plot.
HOBOware 3.7.1:
• Introduction of HOBOware, formerly known as HOBOware Lite. See an Overview of HOBOware for
details on features in HOBOware and HOBOware Pro.
HOBOware 3.7:
• Support for the new HOBO Plug Load logger (UX120-018), including launch capability, pre-launch
filters, statistics logging, and the ability to stop and restart logging during a single deployment.
HOBOware 3.6:
• Support for the new HOBO 4-Channel Analog logger (UX120-006M), including launch capability, pre-
launch filters, alarms, burst logging, statistics logging (maximum, minimum, average, and standard
deviation), and the ability to stop and restart logging during a single deployment.
• A new preference for exporting the information in the Details Pane and series data from the Points
Table in the same file.
HOBOware 3.5:
HOBOware User’s Guide
• Support for the new HOBO 4-Channel Thermocouple logger (UX120-014M), including launch
capability, pre-launch filters, alarms, burst logging, statistics logging (maximum, minimum, average,
and standard deviation), and the ability to stop and restart logging during a single deployment.
• The ability to assign labels to sensors for all logger models in the Launch Logger window, a feature
previously only available for station loggers, such as the HOBO U30 and Micro Station.
• Enhancements to the export table data feature, including the ability to set the default order of
measurement types in the Export Settings preferences and to quickly reorder series in the Export
window by dragging them.
HOBOware 3.4.1:
• Device menu options specific to HOBO U30 Stations are now available through a new "Manage U30"
menu choice.
HOBOware 3.4:
• Support for the new HOBO UX100 series data loggers, including launch capability, pre-launch filters,
alarms, burst logging, statistics logging (maximum, minimum, average, and standard deviation), and
the ability to stop and restart logging during a single deployment.
• Pie charts for loggers with state series that you can view, print, and save as .png files for additional
analysis beyond line graphs. This is especially helpful for light and occupancy data from UX90-005x
and -006x loggers.
• A firmware upgrade tool that automatically detects when a new firmware file is available for UX90 and
UX100 series data loggers and walks you through the update process.
• Improvements to the process of exporting data points, including the ability to select individual series
or event types and to sort columns.
• A new preference for setting the logger launch description as the serial number so that you can easily
differentiate files when launching and reading out several loggers of the same type.
• The ability to shows gaps in series when merging datafiles or when plotting a UX100 logger that had
stopped and resumed logging.
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HOBOware User’s Guide
• Improved the Network Map feature in HOBOnode Manager. (This requires a ZW Receiver firmware
• Support for the new Windows 8 operating system. The current list of supported operating systems is
Windows 8, Windows 7 (Pro, Ultimate, and Home Premium), and Windows XP (Pro and Home) on the
PC and OS X Versions 10.6.x, 10.7.x, and 10.8.x on Mac.
Note: The Alarm & Readout Tool is no longer installed with HOBOware as of version 3.4. It is no longer supported
as of version 3.5.
HOBOware 3.3.2:
• Support for the following languages and their associated formats in the software user interface:
Spanish (Spain), Portuguese (Portugal), and German (Germany); Help and user guides are available in
English only.
• Improved field calibration accuracy in the Conductivity Assistant.
HOBOware 3.3.1:
• Support for the new HOBO U26 Dissolved Oxygen logger, including launch and readout capability, a
Lab Calibration tool to calibrate the logger to 100% and/or 0% saturation, and a Dissolved Oxygen
Data Assistant that corrects for measurement drift from fouling and generates salinity-adjusted DO
concentration as well as percent saturation data.
• The ability to update firmware for receivers and data nodes in the HOBO ZW Wireless System, with
the option to update a single device at a time or multiple data nodes in a group.
• A data encoding preference added to the General preferences that controls whether data in
HOBOware is imported and exported based on UTF-8 or operating system standards.
• French language support for the software user interface (Help and user guides are available in English
HOBOware 3.3:
• Support for the new HOBO UX90 series data loggers, including launch capability, advanced sensor
configuration, and pre-launch filters. The models supported with this release are the
State/Pulse/Event/Runtime logger (UX90-001x), Light On/Off logger (UX90-002x), Motor On/Off
logger (UX90-004x), and Occupancy/Light logger (UX90-005x/-006x).
HOBOware 3.2.2:
• Enhanced display preferences for sorting data series in the Status and Plot Setup windows.
• A utility for upgrading the HOBOnode Manager database to improve performance.
• Performance improvements for the HOBO data nodes data delivery feature.
• A change to the FTP option for the HOBO data nodes data delivery feature so that it uses passive
mode, which allows for better connections through firewalls.
• An update to the Conductivity Assistant, which includes refinements in the calculation of temperature
compensation and a new option for non-linear, sea water compensation based on PSS-78.
• A revision to the calculation for T-CDI-5200-10S and T-CDI-5400-20S sensors when used with U-Series
loggers ensuring data is displaying properly.
• Support for Java 7®.
HOBOware 3.2.1:
1-800-LOGGERS 8
• The integration of the Alarm & Readout Tool, which is now automatically installed and available for
use from the Tools menu. Note: This tool is no longer supported as of HOBOware 3.5.
• The ability for all non-administrator users to run HOBOware on Windows (administrator privileges are
required to install HOBOware, map and unmap file assocations, and load new Data Assistants).
• Compatibility with iMac® and MacBook® Pro and Intel® Core™ i5 and i7 processors.
• A revision to the calculation for the S-SMD Soil Moisture Sensor ensuring data is displaying accurately.
• The option to create new files or overwrite existing ones via FTP when using the data delivery feature
for HOBO Data Nodes. This allows you to automatically import wireless node CSV data into other
applications, such as Microsoft
HOBOware 3.2:
• A redesigned launch window for quick logger configuration and easy sensor setup.
• Faster processing times for opening large data files (512KB and up).
• The ability to configure filtered series when launching the logger, which automatically generates
custom series, such as average temperature per day, when you read out the logger and plot data.
• The ability to configure Pulse Scaling, Linear Scaling, and kWh Data Assistant series when launching
any logger with applicable external sensors
HOBOware User’s Guide
• Support for the new HOBO 4-Channel Pulse Input Data Logger (UX120-017x), including advanced
sensor configuration for setting maximum pulse frequency and lockout times as needed in raw pulse
and event channels.
• Support for the new E50B2 Power & Energy Meter (T-VER-E50B2), including single-step configuration
with the HOBO 4-Channel Pulse Input Data Logger (UX120-017x) and automatic calculation of
numerous additional data series for analysis.
• Support for the new HOBO Conductivity Logger (U24-002).
• The option to disable logging the battery channel by default on some loggers, which can extend
battery life and memory space.
Note: Loggers launched in HOBOware 3.2 or later with series created by the Pulse Scaling, Linear Scaling, and kWh
Data Assistants or with filtered series cannot be read out in earlier versions of HOBOware.
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HOBOware User’s Guide
A Tour of the HOBOware Interface
This is the main HOBOware window. Use the menu bar or tool bar to access all the features within HOBOware. The
status bar at the bottom of the window shows the current view in place (as selected by the Window menu) as well
as the device currently selected or connected, if any.
This example shows a file that has been opened and plotted. There are three components to a plotted datafile: the
Points Table, the Details Pane, and the Plot.
The Points Table
The Points Table is a list of data points, or values, and logged events displayed in the plot. The Points Table is linked
to the graph: only the data for the series and events on the plot are listed in the Points Table.
The data points are listed chronologically. Each point or event is listed in a single row and each series or event type
is displayed in a column. You can resize the columns by clicking and dragging the dividers between the column
Use the arrow keys or scroll bars to move up, down, left, and right in the Points Table. Additionally, as you click the
crosshair tool
event cell in the Points Table, the crosshair will appear on the graph at the time corresponding to that cell.
in the plot, the corresponding point is selected in the Points Table. Similarly, if you click a value or
To resize the pane, drag the divider between the Points Table and the plot. To hide the Points Table, select Points
Table from the View menu.
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HOBOware User’s Guide
If you do not want the Points table to be displayed by default when you plot data, open the Preferences, select
Plotting, and then Layout. Disable the "Show the points table when plotting data" checkbox.
The Details Pane
The Details Pane shows information for each series and event displayed in the plot including:
• Information about the devices, such as model and serial numbers.
• Deployment information, such as the launch description, deployment number, start time and time
zone, logging interval, and battery voltage at launch.
• Series statistics, such as the total number of sensor samples and events, time of the first and last
sample, and the maximum, minimum, average, and standard deviation for each sensor series in the
• Audit trail information for secure files.
Click the + or - button to expand or collapse an entry in the Details Pane. Click the Expand All/Collapse All buttons
to expand or collapse the entire details tree.
Click a series node in the details tree to select the corresponding series on the graph and corresponding column in
the Points Table.
Right-click a series to hide it on the plot and in the Points table. The hidden series will be grayed out in the Details
Pane. Right-click a grayed out series to show that series or select Show All Hidden Series to show all series that
were previously hidden.
To resize the pane, drag the divider between the Details pane and the graph. To hide the Details Pane, select
Details Pane from the View menu.
If you do not want the Points table to be displayed by default when you plot data, open the Preferences, select
Plotting, and then Layout. Disable the "Show the details table when plotting data" checkbox.
The Plot
The plot displays the data series and events in a graph. The plot has a time axis (x-axis) and a value axis (y-axis) for
each series selected in the Plot Setup window. The title, displayed at the top of the plot by default, is the
Description in the Plot Setup window. The legend, displayed to the right of the plot by default, lists the keys for
each series (line colors and marker types). If the crosshair tool is in use, it also lists the date, time and point values
currently selected by the crosshair. For secure files (.hsec and .dsec), a padlock icon
to the names of the series that were verified as original data.
appears in the legend next
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HOBOware User’s Guide
To show or hide the title or legend, use the View menu. Double-click a plot element (series, axis, title, or
legend) to change its properties or right-click the plot and select the item from the menu.
For more details on working with plot, see Reading Out, Plotting, and Analyzing Data.
Working in Secure Mode: 21 CFR Part 11 Compliance
You can create secure files in HOBOware Pro to comply with 21 CFR Part 11, or simply to add a level of security
when working with datafiles. When Secure Mode is enabled, HOBOware Pro begins an audit trail in the logger
when you launch it and adds an encoded digital signature to the new datafile when you read it out. A digitally
signed file, or "secure file," has a filename extension of .hsec (for most U-Series loggers) or .dsec (for station-type
• Issues may arise if you do not always use HOBOware Pro in the Secure Mode, if you sometimes use
HOBOware, or if you sometimes use a version of HOBOware prior to 2.3.0. The resulting file issues are
described later in this section.
• This feature is not available for use with HOBOnode Manager and its associated ZW series data node
• Project (.hproj) and export files are not secure, even if you create them from secure files.
To enable secure mode:
1. From the File menu in Windows or the HOBOware menu in Mac, select Preferences
2. Select General and then select Data Verification.
3. Select the Enable Secure Mode checkbox.
4. Click OK. When Secure mode is enabled, a padlock icon
main HOBOware Pro window
1-800-LOGGERS 12
appears in the lower right corner of the
HOBOware User’s Guide
Opening a Secure File and Data Verification
Secure files can be opened with HOBOware Pro 2.3.0 or greater. You can open .hsec files only with HOBOware
2.3.0 or greater.
Every time you open a secure file – even when you are not in Secure mode – HOBOware verifies the encoded
digital signature to detect whether the file has been corrupted or tampered with. When a file is verified as secure,
the padlock icon
• Filtered series set up prior to launching or created after readout are not verified.
• Series that were created as a result of user input after readout, such as running a data assistant or
• Series retain their verification status (and padlock icon) when copied and pasted into other plots.
In the Details pane, audit trail information is displayed under the Data Verification node for each series. HOBOware
Pro automatically obtains the Launch User and Readout User names from your computer's operating system. To
save the Launch User name, you must have Secure Mode enabled when you launch the logger.
If the digital signature cannot be verified when you open a file and even a single bit of data has changed since
readout, a warning message will appear that verification has failed. This means that the file has been altered or
become corrupted since it was originally saved. You may still be able to plot the data from the file, but the padlock
icon will not display in the legend or there will be no signing information in the Details pane. You will still be able to
perform typical HOBOware functions on the file.
appears in the legend next to the series that were verified as original data.
entering a constant temperature value for pressure or humidity, are not verified.
File Compatibility
Depending on the type of logger, the version of HOBOware that launched the logger, and the version of
HOBOware that reads out the logger, the resulting datafile may not be compatible with versions of HOBOware
prior to 2.3.0 or you may not be able to read out the logger at all. The following files are created when launching
and reading out in these scenarios:
• Launching and reading out in non-secure mode with any version of HOBOware. A backward-
compatible datafile (.hobo or .dtf) is created.
• Launching in non-secure mode with any version of HOBOware and reading out in secure
A secure file (.hsec or .dsec) is created with an audit trail that lists the readout user, but not
the launch user. Secure files are not backward-compatible.
• Launching in secure mode and reading out in a pre-2.3 version of HOBOware. Most U-Series
loggers cannot be read out. A backward-compatible datafile (.dtf) is created for station loggers.
• Launching in secure mode and reading out in non-secure HOBOware 2.3. A datafile (.hobo) is
created for U-Series loggers, but it is not backward-compatible. A backward-compatible datafile
(.dtf) is created for station loggers.
• Launching and reading out in secure mode. A secure file (.hsec or .dsec) is created with a full
audit trail. Secure files are not backward-compatible.
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Chapter 2
Working with HOBO Data Loggers
Working with HOBO data loggers involves the following basic steps:
1. Connect the logger to the computer for the initial setup and launch.
2. Launch the logger. Enter or select the appropriate parameters for the logger deployment and then
launch, or start, the logger.
3. Check the status of the logger. You have the option of checking the current status of the logger and
any current readings while it is still connected to the computer. This can be helpful to verify that the
launch configuration is as expected.
4. Read out the logger. After deploying the logger, read out all recorded data and save it to a file. Many
devices also work with shuttles that allow you to keep the logger in the field, but still read out any
recorded data. You can then bring the shuttle back to the office, connect it to the computer, offload
and save the files.
HOBOware User’s Guide
5. Plot the data. After reading out the logger and saving the data, you can select and define the data
series you wish to plot in a graph. Data Assistants may be available for automatic scaling of certain
data when plotting.
6. Analyze the data and customize the plot. There are numerous tools available for working with the data
and changing the plot, such as exporting, filtering, merging files, cropping, and more.
7. Save changes to the plot as a project file. Changes to the axis, series, plot, and legend properties as
well as any filtering or merging can be saved as an .hproj file.
Connecting Devices
Most HOBO data loggers and shuttles connect to the computer with a USB cable. The HOBO Weather Station,
HOBO Micro Station, and HOBO Energy Logger connect to the computer with a serial cable (or to a USB port with a
Keyspan™ serial adapter).
Some loggers require an optic USB base station/coupler to connect to the computer. Consult the manual that
came with your device for specific information about required base stations/couplers or cables.
Once a device is properly connected to the computer as described below, the device name is listed in the status
bar at the bottom of the main HOBOware window.
• For instructions on connecting HOBOware compatible shuttles or using the HOBO Waterproof shuttle
as a base station, refer to the shuttle's user guide.
• For details on working with HOBO ZW Wireless Data Nodes, see HOBOnode Manager.
• Windows only: If the device has never been connected to this computer before, it may take some time
for the computer to detect the new hardware and report that it has connected successfully. One or
more messages will appear, indicating that new hardware has been found. You may also hear a chime.
• Windows only: Your computer may tell you to reboot before you can use the device. It is not
necessary to reboot.
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HOBOware User’s Guide
Connecting a USB logger or Shuttle
To connect a logger or shuttle to HOBOware using a USB cable:
1. Open HOBOware.
2. Plug the large end of the USB interface cable into a USB port on the computer.
3. Plug the small end of the USB interface cable into the port on the device.
For instructions on connecting shuttles or using the HOBO Waterproof Shuttle as a base station, refer to the
shuttle’s user guide.
Connecting a Serial Device
To connect a device to a computer using a serial cable:
1. Open HOBOware.
2. Plug the 9-pin end of the serial interface cable into a serial port on the computer or Keyspan adapter.
3. Plug the other end of the serial interface cable into the communications port on the device. (Refer to
the diagram and instructions that came with the device if you need help finding the port.)
4. Click the Select Device icon
window. Click the button next to the device in the window, then click OK.
If you are using a serial port other than COM1 (PC) or Default (Macintosh), you will need to set up HOBOware to
use another port. To change the serial port:
1. From the File menu in Windows or the HOBOware menu in Macintosh, select Preferences.
2. Select Communications.
3. Select the serial port you want to use. Note that checking multiple serial ports can take some time,
even when no devices are attached.
4. Click OK.
on the toolbar to ensure that the device is listed in the Select Device
Connecting a Base Station/Coupler
To connect a logger to a base station/coupler:
1. Open HOBOware.
2. Plug the base station/coupler cable into a USB port on the computer.
base/station coupler is the correct model for the logger you want to use. Consult the manual that
came with the logger if you are not sure.
3. Attach the logger to the base station/coupler as described in the documentation that came with your
Important: Make sure the
Disconnecting a Device
To disconnect the device, simply unplug the USB or serial cable or unplug the device from the base
To attach another logger via a base station/coupler, remove the logger, leaving the base station/coupler
connected and then connect the next logger.
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HOBOware User’s Guide
Connecting Multiple Devices
If your computer has multiple USB and serial ports, you can connect multiple devices and work with one at a time.
When multiple devices are connected, the Select Device window opens every time you select Launch, Readout,
Stop, or Status from the Device menu. Click the button next to a device on the list to select it, then click OK. The
selected action will then proceed. The status bar lists the number of devices connected.
To access the Select Device window at any time, click the Select Device
Device from the Device menu.
Click the Blink Device Light button in the Select Device window to verify that you have selected the appropriate
device. This briefly illuminates the light on the devices that you have selected. If the device does not have a light,
or if the light is not visible when the devices is in the base station/coupler, simply check the serial number (S/N) on
your devices to make sure that it matches the one that is selected in this window.
icon on the toolbar, or choose Select
• If serial devices are selected in Preferences, it may take some time for HOBOware to scan all the serial
ports. You can select the device you want as soon as it is displayed. You do not have to wait for all of
the ports to be scanned.
• Serial devices that you have added or removed are not reflected in the device count until you click the
Select Device icon on the toolbar to update the device list.
• If you work with multiple U-Series devices frequently and are using HOBOware Pro, you can set the
Default Action in the Device menu to Launch and enable Launch Time-Saving Options to work more
Launching Devices
To set up a logger to record data, you must specify several parameters and launch, or start, the logger.
Tip: Check that the time on the computer is correct before configuring a launch. If it is not correct, close
HOBOware, update your computer's clock manually or synchronize it with an online time server (if available) and
then reopen HOBOware.
To launch a logger:
1. Connect the logger to the computer.
2. Click the Launch
3. Different messages may appear depending on the state of the logger. Answer each of the prompts
accordingly. A warning appears if the logger has already been launched. Click Yes to continue or click
No to cancel.
4. Select the options for the launch in the Launch Logger window.
5. Click the Start button when you are finished choosing the launch settings. Note that the text on the
Start button varies depending on when you chose logging to begin. HOBOware displays the progress
of the launch and warns you not to unplug the logger while it is being configured.
Once the logger begins logging, it will continue logging until the memory is full (if the logger is configured to stop
logging when the memory fills), it is stopped, or the battery runs out. Note: Any data stored in the logger from a
previous launch will be erased once the logger is relaunched.
icon on the toolbar, or select Launch from the Device menu.
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Launch Logger Window
Use the Launch Logger window to set up your logger to record data. The Launch Logger window is divided into the
following three panes:
• Logger Information. The model of the logger currently selected appears at the top of this pane,
which also includes the serial number, deployment number, and current battery level.
Use the Name field to type up to a 40-character name for the logger deployment. The name you enter
here will be used as the default file name when you read out the logger and save the data. It will also
be the default title on the plot. For new loggers, the name defaults to the logger serial number.
Click the Status button in this pane to see the current status of the logger and the settings used on the
previous launch.
A User Notes button may also appear for some loggers. Click it to enter more extensive notes about
the deployment.
• Sensors. This pane displays a list of the sensors available for the logger. Choose the sensors, or
channels, that you wish to log in this deployment, select any external sensors you may be using, and
type labels for sensors as desired. Note that labels may not be applied to some calculated or derived
channels, such as filtered series. This pane also displays any utilities available for your logger, such as
Alarms, Scaling, and Filters. For the HOBO Plug Load logger (UX120-018) logger, you also have the
option of configuring statistics for each channel in this pane.
• Deployment. Use this pane to select the logging interval (the rate at which you want the logger to
record data) and to choose when the logger should begin recording data. Loggers can be configured to
start logging immediately or on a specific date/time. Some loggers also can be configured to start at an
interval or start with push button/coupler start. The coupler start (also known as a triggered start)
involves removing the logger from its coupler or base station and then taking it to the deployment
location. When you are ready for logging to begin, insert the logger in the coupler without the base
station for three seconds. Refer to the logger manual for details.
This pane also displays the logging duration, which is the approximate time it will take to fill the logger memory
based on the logging interval, sensors, and other settings currently selected. For some loggers, you can also set a
sampling interval, choose when to stop logging, and select other options in this pane.
When you are done choosing the launch settings, click the button in the lower right-hand corner of the window to
send the settings to the logger. Note that the button text changes based on when you chose to start logging.
HOBOware Pro Tip: If you will be using the same launch settings for multiple deployments of the same logger type,
select the Skip Launch Window Next Time checkbox to bypass this window the next time you launch a device. This
will cause the next logger to be launched with either the previous launch settings or the current logger settings as
set in Launch Time-Saving Options subcategory of the General preferences.
The options available in the Logger Launch window vary depending on the type of logger you are using. For more
details about launching your particular device, refer to the following topics:
• Launch Options for HOBO UX90 Series Loggers
• Launch Options for the HOBO UX100 Series Loggers and the HOBO 4-Channel Thermocouple Logger
• Launch Option for the HOBO 4-Channel Analog Logger (UX120-006M)
• Launch Options for the HOBO 4-Channel Pulse Input Logger (UX120-017x)
• Launch Options for the HOBO Plug Load Logger (UX120-018)
• Launch Options for the HOBO MX CO
Logger (MX1102)
• Launch Options for Other U-Series Loggers
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• Launch Options for the HOBO U30 and Other Station Loggers
Launch Options for HOBO UX90 Series Loggers
The following launch options are available for HOBO UX90 series data loggers. Note that the Launch Logger
window may vary from the example shown below.
Logger Information
• Name.
Enter a name for the launch, up to 40 characters, in this field. This name is used as the default
file name when you read out and save the data recorded by the logger. It is also the default title of the
• Serial Number. This is the serial number for the logger. Note that some external sensors or devices
also have serial numbers, which are not listed here.
• Deployment Number. This is the number of times (including this time) the logger has been
launched. Each time you start a new launch, the deployment number increases by one.
• Battery Level. This shows the current battery level in the logger.
• Status. Click the Status button to check the logger settings from the previous launch.
The Sensors List displays all internal and external sensors available for recording data. Choose the sensors, or
channels, that you wish to log in this deployment. To configure a sensor:
1. Select the sensor(s) you wish to log.
2. Choose the measurement to log (e.g. State, Runtime, etc.) from the drop-down list.
3. Type a label for the sensor, if desired.
4. Complete additional details for the sensor. This will vary depending on what the logger will be
measuring. For most sensors, type a name and select a description pair from the drop-down list. For
external Pulse channels, click the button for the corresponding channel in the sensor list to select the
sensor type as shown below. If you select Raw Pulse for the sensor type, you can use Data Assistants
to set up kWh (HOBOware Pro only) and pulse scaling information as necessary, which will also display
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on the logger LCD screen. Note that sensors that support Data Assistants at launch time display the
kWh and/or scaling icon next to their name.
5. Repeat steps 1 through 4 if your logger supports multiple sensors.
6. Set the units that display on the logger's LCD screen. When the sensor is configured to log State or
Runtime, choose either:
• "Time" to show the total amount of time the switch has been closed or on since logging began,
ranging from seconds to days; or
• "%" to show the percentage of time the switch has been closed or on since logging began.
When the sensor is configured to log Pulse or Event, the LCD will display the units in three characters. Accept
either the default units or type your own three-character units.
Notes on configuring sensors:
• Click the Filters button to create additional filtered series for any of the channels you configured. The
filtered series will then be automatically calculated when you read out the logger and plot the data.
• Click the Advanced button to access the following settings specific to the logger: Pulse Frequency and
Lockout Time, Occupancy, and Calibration.
• When setting up a pulse sensor, consider setting up the launch for a delayed or push button start and
then connect the sensors/devices later before logging begins.
after logging begins may not log accurate data.
Important: Sensors that are connected
• The Occupancy/Light logger (UX90-005x/-006x) also automatically generates additional series upon
reading out the logger to give you combined statistics, such as how long the lights were left on while
the room was unoccupied. These series will be available in the Plot Setup dialog when opening the
• You have the option to record the logger's battery voltage at each sample time; this is the last channel
in the sensors list. Like the other data channels, logging the internal battery channel consumes some
of the logger's memory. Unless you suspect abnormal battery performance, you do not need to log
the battery voltage. You can also hide the battery channel with Series preferences (in Preferences,
select Display, then Series).
• Note that labels do not apply to calculated or derived channels, such as filtered series.
• Logging Interval.
to log Pulse or Runtime). You can choose either one of the preset logging intervals or specify a custom
logging interval. The minimum logging interval is one second and the maximum for most loggers is 18
1-800-LOGGERS 19
Select how often the logger will record data (only available for sensors configured
HOBOware User’s Guide
hours, 12 minutes, and 15 seconds. The shorter the logging interval, the more quickly memory fills
and battery power is consumed. See also Multiple Logging Intervals and Fast Logging Intervals.
• Logging Duration. This lists the approximate time it will take to fill the logger memory based on the
logging interval and sensors currently selected. This is a theoretical estimate only; battery life and
frequent state and event logging will affect your deployment. This estimate is only available when the
sensors are configured to log Pulse or Runtime. For estimates with State and Event logging, refer to
the logger documentation, also available at
• Start Logging. Select when to launch the logger. This defaults to the setting for the logger's previous
launch (you can change this in HOBOware Pro with the Launch Time-Saving Options subcategory of
the General preferences). You can choose to launch this logger:
Now. Logging begins as soon as you click the Start button in the Launch Logger window.
At Interval. Logging will begin at an exact interval (for example 9:00:00 rather than 8:47:00 when
you choose a one-hour logging interval). The exact start time depends on the logging interval you
choose. This option is only available when the sensors are configured to log Pulse or Runtime.
Push Button. Logging will not start until you press the Start/Stop button on the logger and hold it
down for at least three seconds. The LCD screen on the logger will display "Start" until you press
the button.
On Date/Time. Logging will begin at a date and time you specify, up to approximately six months
from the present. The LCD screen will count down to that start date/time and then logging will
• Stop logging. Select when you want the logger to stop logging. You can choose:
When memory fills or Never (wrap when full). If you select "When memory fills," then the logger
will stop recording data once the memory is full. If you select "Never (wrap when full)," the logger
will record data continuously until either the logger battery runs out or you stop it. Once the
logger is full, the newest data will overwrite the oldest data. When wrapping, the memory
segment on the logger LCD screen will blink.
Push button. When this option is selected, the logger will stop recording data when you press the
Start/Stop button on the logger itself for 3 seconds. The LCD screen on the logger will display
"Stop" when this option has been selected.
Specific stop date. Select the date you want the logger to stop recording data. Choose either a
preset time or set your own custom date and time.
• Options. Select "Turn LCD off" if you want the logger to operate in "stealth mode" with the LCD
screen turned off. You can override this temporarily by pressing the Start/Stop button on the logger.
The LCD will then remain illuminated for 10 minutes.
Skip launch window next time (HOBOware Pro)
Check this box if you would like to bypass the Launch Window the next time you choose Launch from the Device
menu or click the Launch icon. This will cause the next logger to be launched with either the previous launch
settings or the current logger settings as set in Launch Time-Saving Options subcategory of the General
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Launch Options for HOBO UX100 Series Loggers and the HOBO
4-Channel Thermocouple Logger (UX120-014M)
The following launch options are available for HOBO UX100 series data loggers and the HOBO 4-Channel
Thermocouple Logger (UX120-014M). Note that the Launch Logger window may vary from the example shown
Logger Information
• Name.
Enter a name for the launch, up to 40 characters, in this field. This name is used as the default
file name when you read out and save the data recorded by the logger. It is also the default title of the
• Serial Number. This is the serial number for the logger. Note that some external sensors or devices
also have serial numbers, which are not listed here.
• Deployment Number. This is the number of times (including this time) the logger has been
launched. Each time you start a new launch, the deployment number increases by one.
• Battery Level. This shows the current battery level in the logger.
• Status. Click the Status button to check the logger settings from the previous launch.
The Sensors List displays all sensors available for recording data. Choose the sensors, or channels, that you wish to
log in this deployment. If connecting a thermocouple, select the appropriate type from the drop-down list. Type a
label for the sensor, if desired.
• Click the Alarms button to set an alarm for this logger. Note that the Logging Mode must be set to
Normal or Statistics to configure an alarm. For thermocouple loggers (UX100-014M and UX120-014M
1-800-LOGGERS 21
• Click the Filters button to create additional filtered series for any of the channels you configured. The
• You have the option to record the logger's battery voltage at each sample time; this is the last channel
• Note that labels do not apply to all calculated or derived channels, such as filtered series channels.
HOBOware User’s Guide
models), alarms can only be configured on thermocouple channels; they are not available on the
internal 10K thermistor (temperature) channel.
filtered series will then be automatically calculated when you read out the logger and plot the data.
in the sensors list. Like the other data channels, logging the internal battery channel consumes some
of the logger's memory. Unless you suspect abnormal battery performance, you do not need to log
the battery voltage. You can also hide the battery channel with Series preferences (in Preferences,
select Display, then Series).
• Logging Interval.
preset logging intervals or specify a custom logging interval. The minimum logging interval is one
second and the maximum for most loggers is 18 hours, 12 minutes, and 15 seconds. The shorter the
logging interval, the more quickly memory fills and battery power is consumed.
Select how often the logger will record data. You can choose either one of the
• Logging Mode. Select the type of logging mode you wish to use: Fixed Interval, Burst Logging, or
Statistics. With Burst Logging mode, you can configure the logger to use a different logging interval
when specific conditions are met. With Statistics mode, you can configure the logger to calculate
maximum, minimum, average, and standard deviation for all enabled sensors (except battery voltage)
during logging at a sampling interval you specify. Keep in mind that the more statistics you record, the
shorter the logger duration and the more memory is required. Once you launch the logger, the
selected statistics will be displayed on the logger LCD. After you set up Burst or Statistics logging,
there will be an Edit button next to Logging Mode in the Launch Logger window to make additional
changes as necessary. Note that Fixed Interval or Statistics mode is required if you want to set up
alarms for the logger. On thermocouple loggers, burst logging and statistics are only available on
thermocouple channels and not on the internal temperature channel.
• Logging Duration. This lists the approximate time it will take to fill the logger memory based on the
logging interval, logging mode, and sensors currently selected. This is a theoretical estimate only;
battery life and other factors will also affect the deployment.
• Start Logging. Select when to launch the logger. This defaults to the setting for the logger's previous
launch (you can change this in HOBOware Pro with the Launch Time-Saving Options subcategory of
the General preferences). You can choose to launch this logger:
Now. Logging begins as soon as you click the Start button in the Launch Logger window.
At Interval. Logging will begin at an exact interval (for example 9:00:00 rather than 8:47:00 when
you choose a one-hour logging interval). The exact start time depends on the logging interval you
On Date/Time. Logging will begin at a date and time you specify, up to approximately six months
from the present. The LCD screen will count down to that start date/time and then logging will
Push Button. Logging will not start until you press the Start/Stop button on the logger and hold it
down for at least three seconds. The LCD screen on the logger will display "Start" until you press
the button.
• Stop Logging. Select when you want the logger to stop logging. You can choose:
When memory fills or Never (wrap when full). If you select "When memory fills," then the logger
will stop recording data once the memory is full. If you select "Never (wrap when full)," the logger
will record data continuously until either the logger battery runs out or you stop it. Once the
logger is full, the newest data will overwrite the oldest data. When "Never (wrap when full)" is
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selected, a wrap indicator icon will display on the logger LCD screen. Note: You cannot select
"Never (wrap when full)" on UX100 series loggers if Burst is selected for the Logging Mode.
Push button. When this option is selected, the logger will stop recording data when you press the
Start/Stop button on the logger for three seconds. The LCD screen on the logger will display
"Stop" when this option has been selected.
Allow button restart. This setting is available when "Push button" is selected as a "Stop Logging"
option. If you select this option, you can resume logging on the next even logging interval on a
stopped logger by pressing the Start/Stop button for three seconds. For example, press the
Start/Stop logging button on the logger once to stop logging. Then, a few minutes, hours, or even
days later when you are ready to continue logging, press the Start/Stop button on the logger again
and logging will resume at the next even logging interval (i.e. if the logging interval is set at 1 hour
and you press the button at 10:15 AM, logging will not resume until 11:00 AM, which is the next
even interval based on the 1-hour logging interval). You can then continue to start and stop
logging as often as you'd like during this same deployment. Any gaps between when you stopped
and restarted logging during this deployment will be reflected on the plotted data when you read
out the logger. Once you relaunch the logger, a new deployment and datafile will begin. The data
from the previous deployment will not be carried over to the new one.
Specific stop date. Select the date you want the logger to stop recording data. Choose either a
preset time or set your own custom date and time. Note: If you select a specific stop date and also
have the logger configured to resume logging on the next button push, then the logger will stop
logging at the date you select regardless of how many times you stop and restart the logger with
the Start/Stop button.
• Options. Select "Turn LCD off" if you want the logger to operate in "stealth mode" with the LCD
screen turned off. You can override this temporarily by pressing the Start/Stop button on the logger.
The LCD will then remain illuminated for 10 minutes.
Skip launch window next time (HOBOware Pro)
Check this box to bypass the Launch Window the next time you choose Launch from the Device menu or click the
Launch icon. This will cause the next logger to be launched with either the previous launch settings or the current
logger settings as set in the Launch Time-Saving Options subcategory of the General preferences.
Important: After you choose the launch settings in this window and click Start, the settings are then loaded into
the logger. The LCD screen on the logger will display "LOAD" during this process. If you disconnect the logger from
the USB cable before this process is finished, "Err" will appear on the LCD screen instead. If you see "Err" at any
point during launch configuration, check the USB connection between the computer and the logger, reopen the
Launch Logger window and click Start again.
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HOBOware User’s Guide
Launch Options for the HOBO 4-Channel Analog Logger (UX120-006M)
The following launch options are available for the HOBO 4-Channel Analog logger (UX120-006M). Note that the
Launch Logger window may vary from the example shown below.
Logger Information
•Name. Enter a name for the launch, up to 40 characters, in this field. This name is used as the default
file name when you read out and save the data recorded by the logger. It is also the default title of the
•Serial Number. This is the serial number for the logger. Note that some external sensors or devices
also have serial numbers, which are not listed here.
•Deployment Number. This is the number of times (including this time) the logger has been launched.
Each time you start a new launch, the deployment number increases by one.
• Battery Level. This shows the current battery level in the logger.
• Status. Click the Status button to check the logger settings from the previous launch.
The Sensors list displays all internal sensors and external channels available for recording data. Choose the sensors,
or channels, that you wish to log in this deployment. To configure a sensor:
1. Select the checkbox next to the channel number to enable the sensor.
2. Select the type of sensor or cable that will be connected to that channel on the logger as shown in the
following example.
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3. Type a label for the sensor, if desired.
4. Type a 3-character description for the units that the LCD will display for that sensor or use the default
5. Set up scaling for the sensor, if applicable. Click the Scaling button and enter the scaled values and
units as recommended in the sensor documentation.
6. Repeat steps 1 through 5 for each sensor you wish to configure.
Notes on configuring sensors:
• Although it is helpful to see the connected sensors/devices when setting up the launch, it is not
required that you physically connect them while selecting sensor type options. You may set up the
launch for a delayed or push button start, then connect the sensors/devices later, before logging
begins. Be sure to connect each sensor into the correct numbered jack based on you configured the
corresponding channel. Important: Sensors that are connected after logging begins may not log
accurate data.
• Click the Filters button to create additional filtered series for any of the channels you configured. The
filtered series will then be automatically calculated when you read out the logger and plot the data.
• You have the option to record the logger's battery voltage at each sample time; this is the last channel
in the sensors list. Like the other data channels, logging the internal battery channel consumes some
of the logger's memory. Unless you suspect abnormal battery performance, you do not need to log the
battery voltage. You can also disable the battery channel with Series preferences (in Preferences,
select Display, then Series).Note that labels do not apply to calculated or derived channels, such as
filtered series.
• Although it is possible to set up more than one scaling value for each sensor, only the first scaling value
for that sensor will be used.
•Logging Interval. Select how often the logger will record data. You can choose either one of the preset
logging intervals or specify a custom logging interval. The minimum logging interval is one second and
the maximum for most loggers is 18 hours, 12 minutes, and 15 seconds. The shorter the logging
interval, the more quickly memory fills and battery power is consumed. If you did not select any
channels to log, this field will be disabled.
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•Logging Mode. Select the type of logging mode you wish to use: Fixed Interval, Burst Logging, or
Statistics. With Burst Logging mode, you can configure the logger to use a different logging interval
when specific conditions are met. With Statistics mode, you can configure the logger to calculate
maximum, minimum, average, and standard deviation for all enabled sensors (except battery voltage)
during logging at a sampling interval you specify. Keep in mind that the more statistics you record, the
shorter the logger duration and the more memory is required. Once you launch the logger, the
selected statistics will be displayed on the logger LCD. After you set up Burst or Statistics logging, there
will be an Edit button next to Logging Mode in the Launch Logger window to make additional changes
as necessary. Note that Fixed Interval or Statistics mode is required if you want to set up alarms for the
•Logging Duration. This lists the approximate time it will take to fill the logger memory based on the
logging interval and sensors currently selected. This is a theoretical estimate only; battery life and
other factors will affect your deployment.
•Start Logging. Select when to launch the logger. This defaults to the setting for the logger's previous
launch (you can change this in HOBOware Pro with the Launch Time-Saving Options subcategory of the
General preferences). You can choose to launch this logger:
Now. Logging begins as soon as you click the Start button.
At Interval. Logging will begin at an exact interval (for example 9:00:00 rather than 8:47:00 when
you choose a one-hour logging interval). The exact start time depends on the logging interval you
Push Button. Logging will not start until you press the button on the logger and hold it down for at
least three seconds. The Waiting LED will blink on the logger until you press the Start/Stop button.
On Date/Time. Logging will begin at a date and time you specify, up to approximately six months
from the present. The LCD screen will count down to that start date/time and then logging will
•Stop logging. Select when you want the logger to stop logging. You can choose:
When memory fills or Never (wrap when full). If you select "When memory fills," then the logger
will stop recording data once the memory is full. If you select "Never (wrap when full)," the logger
will record data continuously until either the logger battery runs out or you stop it. Once the logger
is full, the newest data will overwrite the oldest data.
Push button. When this option is selected, the logger will stop recording data when you press the
Start/Stop button on the logger itself for 3 seconds. If you also configured a Push Button start, then
you must wait 5 minutes after logging begins before you can use the button to stop logging.
Allow button restart. This setting is available when "Push button" is selected as a "Stop Logging"
option. If you select this option, you can resume logging on the next even logging interval on a
stopped logger by pressing the Start/Stop button for three seconds. For example, press the
Start/Stop logging button on the logger once to stop logging. Then, a few minutes, hours, or even
days later when you are ready to continue logging, press the Start/Stop button on the logger again
and logging will resume at the next even logging interval (i.e. if the logging interval is set at 1 hour
and you press the button at 10:15 AM, logging will not resume until 11:00 AM, which is the next
even interval based on the 1-hour logging interval). You can then continue to start and stop logging
as often as you'd like during this same deployment. Any gaps between when you stopped and
restarted logging during this deployment will be reflected on the plotted data when you read out
the logger. Once you relaunch the logger, a new deployment and datafile will begin. The data from
the previous deployment will not be carried over to the new one.
Specific stop date. Select the date you want the logger to stop recording data. Choose either a
preset time or set your own custom date and time.
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•Options. Select "Turn LCD off" if you want the logger to operate in "stealth mode" with the LCD screen
turned off. You can override this temporarily by pressing the Start/Stop button on the logger. The
LCD will then remain illuminated for 10 minutes.
Skip launch window next time (HOBOware Pro)
Check this box if you would like to bypass the Launch Window the next time you choose Launch from the Device
menu or click the Launch icon. This will cause the next logger to be launched with either the previous launch
settings or the current logger settings as set in the Launch Time-Saving Options subcategory of the General
Important: After you choose the launch settings in this window and click Start, the settings are then loaded into
the logger. The LCD screen on the logger will display "LOAD" during this process. If you disconnect the logger from
the USB cable before this process is finished, "Err" will appear on the LCD screen instead. If you see "Err" at any
point during launch configuration, check the USB connection between the computer and the logger, reopen the
Launch Logger window and click Start again.
Launch Options for the HOBO 4-Channel Pulse Input Logger
The following launch options are available for the HOBO 4-Channel Pulse Input Data Logger (UX120-017x). Note
that the Launch Logger window may vary from the example shown below.
Logger Information
• Name.
Enter a name for the launch, up to 40 characters, in this field. This name is used as the default
file name when you read out and save the data recorded by the logger. It is also the default title of the
• Serial Number. This is the serial number for the logger. Note that some external sensors or devices
also have serial numbers, which are not listed here.
• Deployment Number. This is the number of times (including this time) the logger has been
launched. Each time you start a new launch, the deployment number increases by one.
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• Battery Level. This shows the current battery level in the logger.
• Status. Click the Status button to check the logger settings from the previous launch.
The Sensors List displays all internal sensors and external channels available for recording data. Choose the
sensors, or channels, that you wish to log in this deployment. To configure a channel:
1. If you are using the logger with an E50B2 Power & Energy Meter, then select “for E50B2 Power
& Energy Meter” in the Configure Sensors drop-down list at the top of the Sensors pane. This will
automatically preselect the appropriate channels and pulse scaling factors, which you can then
customize further in the following steps.
For all other sensors/devices, select “Manually” in the Configure Sensors drop-down list.
2. Make sure the checkbox is enabled for the external channel you wish to log.
3. Choose either Pulse, State, Event, or Runtime from the drop-down list.
4. For Pulse channels, click the button for the corresponding channel in the sensor list to select the
sensor type as shown below. If you select Raw Pulse for the sensor type, you can use Data Assistants
to set up kWh (HOBOware Pro only) and pulse scaling information as necessary. You can also adjust
maximum pulse frequency and lockout time by clicking the Advanced button. Note that sensors that
support Data Assistants at launch time display the Scaling and/or kWh icon next to their name.
For State and Runtime channels, type a name and select a description.
For Event channels, type a name, adjust the increment, and type a unit description (or accept the
default "units" for the description).
5. Type a label for the sensor, if desired.
6. Repeat steps 1 through 5 for each channel you wish to configure.
Notes on configuring sensors:
• Although it is helpful to see the connected sensors/devices when setting up the launch, it is not
required that you physically connect them while selecting sensor type options. You may set up the
launch for a delayed or push button start, then connect the sensors/devices later, before logging
Important: Sensors that are connected after logging begins may not log accurate data.
• Click the Filters button to create additional filtered series for any of the channels you configured. The
filtered series will then be automatically calculated when you read out the logger and plot the data.
• You have the option to record the logger's battery voltage at each sample time; this is the last channel
in the sensors list. Like the other data channels, logging the internal battery channel consumes some
of the logger's memory. Unless you suspect abnormal battery performance, you do not need to log
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• Note that labels do not apply to calculated or derived channels, such as filtered series.
HOBOware User’s Guide
the battery voltage. You can also disable the battery channel with Series preferences (in Preferences,
select Display, then Series).
• Logging Interval.
preset logging intervals or specify a custom logging interval. The minimum logging interval is one
second and the maximum for most loggers is 18 hours, 12 minutes, and 15 seconds. The shorter the
logging interval, the more quickly memory fills and battery power is consumed. If you did not select
any channels to log, this field will be disabled.
Select how often the logger will record data. You can choose either one of the
• Logging Duration. This lists the approximate time it will take to fill the logger memory based on the
logging interval and sensors currently selected. This is a theoretical estimate only; battery life and
frequent state and event logging will affect your deployment. If you are logging only state changes
and events, no estimation is possible.
• Start Logging. Select when to launch the logger. This defaults to the setting for the logger's previous
launch (you can change this in HOBOware Pro with the Launch Time-Saving Options subcategory of
the General preferences). You can choose to launch this logger:
Now. Logging begins as soon as you click the Start button.
At Interval. Logging will begin at an exact interval (for example 9:00:00 rather than 8:47:00 when
you choose a one-hour logging interval). The exact start time depends on the logging interval you
Push Button. Logging will not start until you press the button on the logger and hold it down for at
least three seconds. The Waiting LED will blink on the logger until you press the Start/Stop button.
On Date/Time. Logging will begin at a date and time you specify, up to approximately six months
from the present. The Waiting LED will blink on the logger until logging begins on the selected
• Stop logging. Select when you want the logger to stop logging. You can choose:
When memory fills or Never (wrap when full). If you select "When memory fills," then the logger
will stop recording data once the memory is full. If you select "Never (wrap when full)," the logger
will record data continuously until either the logger battery runs out or you stop it. Once the
logger is full, the newest data will overwrite the oldest data.
Push button. When this option is selected, the logger will stop recording data when you press the
Start/Stop button on the logger itself for 3 seconds. If you also configured a Push Button start,
then you must wait 5 minutes after logging begins before you can use the button to stop logging.
Specific stop date. Select the date you want the logger to stop recording data. Choose either a
preset time or set your own custom date and time.
• Options. Select "Turn LEDs off" if you want the logger to operate in "stealth mode," which disables
the Logging LED on the logger. The Waiting LED and the Test button/Activity lights will still remain
operational when this option is selected.
Skip launch window next time (HOBOware Pro)
Check this box if you would like to bypass the Launch Window the next time you choose Launch from the Device
menu or click the Launch icon. This will cause the next logger to be launched with either the previous launch
settings or the current logger settings as set in the Launch Time-Saving Options subcategory of the General
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HOBOware User’s Guide
Launch Options for the HOBO Plug Load Logger (UX120-018)
The following launch options are available for the HOBO Plug Load logger (UX120-018). Note that the Launch
Logger window may vary from the example shown below. This logger also has the ability to operate in meter mode
without logging data. For details on that capability, refer to the logger manual.
Logger Information
•Name. Enter a name for the launch, up to 40 characters, in this field. This name is used as the default
file name when you read out and save the data recorded by the logger. It is also the default title of
the plot.
• Serial Number. This is the serial number for the logger.
• Deployment Number. This is the number of times (including this time) the logger has been launched.
Each time you start a new launch, the deployment number increases by one.
• Battery Level. This shows the current battery level in the logger.
• Status. Click the Status button to check the logger settings from the previous launch. You can also
check status on the logger LCD (see the logger manual for details).
The Sensors list displays all measurements available to log with this logger. To configure measurements:
1. Select the checkbox next to each measurement you want to log. The available measurements to log are:
•RMS Voltage (V). RMS is root mean square. True RMS is the real or effective value of AC voltage for a
• RMS Current (A). True RMS is the real or effective value of current for a circuit.
• Active Power (W). The capacity of the circuit for performing work in a particular time (also known as
real power).
•Active Energy (Wh or kWh). A watt-hour (Wh) is a unit of energy equivalent to one watt (1 W) of
power expended for one hour (1 h) of time. kWh is a unit of energy equal to 1,000 watt-hours.
•Apparent Power (VA). The product of the current and voltage of the circuit.
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