Omron WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM Connection Manual

Machine Automation Controller NJ-series
EtherCAT(R) Connection Guide
WAGO Kontakttechnik GmbH & Co. KG
WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM Fieldbus Coupler (750 Series)
About Intellectual Property Rights and Trademarks
is registered trademark and patented technolo gy, licensed by Beckhoff Automation
Microsoft product screen shots repri nted with perm ission from Mic rosoft Corporation. Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the USA and other countries. EtherCAT(R) GmbH, Germany. Sysmac is a trademark or regi s tered trademark of OMRON Cor poration in Japan and other countries for OMRON factory automation products. Company names and prod uct names in this document ar e th e t ra dem arks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.
T a ble of Co ntent s
1. Related Manuals .......................................................................................... 1
2. T erms and Definitions ................................................................................. 2
3. Precautions .................................................................................................. 3
4. Overview ...................................................................................................... 4
5. Applicable Devices and Dev ice Configuration ........................................ 4
5.1. Applicable Devices .............................................................................. 4
5.2. Device Configuration ........................................................................... 5
6. EtherCAT Settings ....................................................................................... 7
6.1. EtherCAT Communications Param et er Settings ................................. 7
6.2. Allocation for PDO Communications ................................................... 7
7. EtherCAT Connection Procedur e .............................................................. 9
7.1. Work Flow ............................................................................................ 9
7.2. Setting Up the WAGO-I/O-SYSTE M Fieldbus Cou pler ..................... 10
7.3. Setting Up the Controller .................................................................... 11
7.4. Checking the EtherCAT Communications ......................................... 24
8. Initialization Method .................................................................................. 27
8.1. Initializing the Controller .................................................................... 27
9. Revision History ........................................................................................ 28
1.Related Manuals
100 Mbit/s, digital an d anal og signals (Manual)

1. Related Manuals

The table below lists the manuals related to this document. To ensure system safe ty, make sure to always read and h eed the information provided in all Safety Precautions, Precautions for Safe Use, and Precaution for Correct Use of manuals for each device which is used in the system.
Cat. No. Model Manual name
W500 NJ501-[][][][]
W501 NJ501-[][][][]
NJ-series CPU Unit Hardware User's Manual
NJ-series CPU Unit Software User's Manual
W505 NJ501-[][][][]
NJ301-[][][][] W504 SYSMAC-SE2[][][] Sysmac Studio Version 1 Operation Ma nual 750-354/000-001 EtherCAT(R) Fieldbus Coupler, ID Switch (Data Sheet) 750-354/000-001 WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750 Fieldbus Coupler EtherCAT
NJ-series CPU Unit Built-in EtherCAT Port User's Manual
with ID Address Selection Switc h 750-354/000-001

2. Terms and Definitions

EC_CoESDOWrite (Write CoE SDO) instruction.
Term Explanation and De fini tion PDO communications (Communications
using Process Data Objects)
SDO Communications (Communications
using Service Data Objects)
This method is used for cyclic data exchange between the master unit and the slav e units. PDO data (i.e., I/O data that is mapped to PDOs) that is allocated in advance is refreshed per iodically each EtherCAT process data communications cycle (i.e., the period of primary periodic task). The NJ-series Machine Automati on Controller uses the PDO communications for commands to refresh I/O data in a fixed control period, including I/O data for EtherCAT Slave Units, and the position control data for the Servomotors. It is accessed from the NJ-series Machine Automation Controller in the following ways.
With device variables for EtherCAT slave I/OWith Axis Variables for Servo Drive and encoder input slave to which
assigned as an axis This method is used to read and write the specified slave unit data from the master unit when required. The NJ-series Machine Automati on Controller uses SDO communications for commands to read and write data, such as for parameter transfers, at specified times. The NJ-series Machine Automation Controller can read/write the specified slave data (parameters an d er ror information, etc.) w i th the EC_CoESDORead (Read CoE SDO) instruction or the
2.Terms and Definitions
Slave unit There are various types of slaves such as Servo Drives that handle
position data and I/O te rmi nals that handle the bit signals. The slave unit receives output data sent from the mast er , and sends input data to the master.
Node address A node address is an address to ide nt i fy a unit connected to Ether C AT. ESI file (EtherCAT Slave
Information file)
The ESI files contain information unique to the EtherCAT slaves in XML format. Installing an ESI file enables the Sysmac Studio to allocate slave process dat a and make other settings.
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided,
Indicates a potential ly hazardous si tuation which, if not damage.
Precautions for Safe Use
Precautions for Correct Use
Additional Inf or mation

3. Precautions

(1) Understa nd the specifications of dev i ces which are used in the syst em. Allow some
margin for ratings and performance. Provide safety measures, such as installing safety circuit in order to ensure safety and minimize risks of abnormal occurrence.
(2) To ensure system safety, always read and heed the information provided in all Safety
Precautions, Precautions for Safe Use, and Precaution for Correct Use of manuals for each device used in the syst em.
(3) The user is encouraged to confirm the standards and regulations that the system must
conform to.
(4) It is prohibited to copy, to reproduce, and to distribute a part or the whole of this
document without the permission of OMRON Corporation.
(5) The information contained in this document is current as of April 2014. It is subject to
change without notice f or improvement.
The following notations are use d i n t his document .
will result in minor or moderate injury, or may result in serious injury or death. Additionally there may be significant property
avoided, m ay result in min or or m oderate inju ry or propert y
Precauti ons on what to do and what not to do to ensure safe usage of the product.
Precauti ons on what to do and what not to do to ensure proper operation and performanc e.
Additional information to read as required. This information is provided to increase underst anding or make operation easier.
The filled circle symbol indicates operations that you must do. The specific operation is shown in the circle and explained in text. This example shows a general precaution for something that you must do.
Address Selection Switch
Precautions for Correct Use
Additional Inf or mation

4. Overview

This document describes the procedure for connecting WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM Fieldbus Coupler (750-series) of WAGO Kontakttechnik GmbH & Co. KG (hereinafter referred to as WAGO) to NJ-series Machine Automation Controller (hereinafter referred to as Controller) of OMRON Corporation (hereinafter referred to as OMRON) via EtherCAT and provides the procedure for checking their connection. Refer to Section 6 EtherCAT Settings and Section 7. EtherCAT Connection Procedure to understand the setting method and key points to operate PDO communications of EtherCAT.

5. Applicable Devic es and Device Configuration

5.1. Applicable Devices

The applicable devices are as follows:
Manufacturer Name Model
OMRON NJ-series CPU Unit NJ501-[][][][]
WAGO WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM Fieldbus Coupler with ID
As applicable devices above, the devices with the models and versions listed in Section 5.2. are actually used in this document to describe the procedure for connecting devices and checking the connection. You cannot use devices with versions lower than the versions listed in Section 5.2. To use the above devices with versions not listed in Section 5.2 or versions higher than those listed in Section 5.2, check the differences in the specifications by referring to the manuals before operating the devices.
This document describes the procedure to establish the network connection. Except for the connecti on procedure, i t does not provide information on operation, instal lation or wiring method. It also does not describe the functionality or operation of the devices. R efer to the manuals or contact the device manufacturer. (WAGO ) This URL is the latest address at the time o f th i s do cument creation. Conta ct ea ch device manufacturer for the latest information.
5.Applicable Devices and Dev i ce Configuration
CPU Unit (Built-in EtherCA T port)
Ver.1.07 OMRON
Power Supply Unit
Sysmac Studio
Personal computer (OS: Windows 7)
USB cable (USB 2.0 type B connector)
Ethernet cable (with industrial Ethernet connector)
WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM Fieldbus Switch
Rev. Power supply module
2-channel digital ou tpu t mo dule
4-channel digital input module
ESI file
24 VDC power supply
Precautions for Correct Use
Personal computer
24 VDC
24 VDC
power supply

5.2. Device Configuration

The hardware components to reproduce the connection procedure of this document are as follows:
(Sysmac Studio installed, OS: Windows 7)
(Built-in EtherCAT port)
Ethernet cable
750-602+750-501+ 750-407+750-600
USB cable
power supply
Coupler with ID Address Selection
Prepare the ESI file shown in this section beforehand. The ESI file can be downloaded from the WAGO website. (WAGO ID=WAGO01&zone=7) Contact WAGO if the file is not available.
5.Applicable Devices and Dev i ce Configuration
Precautions for Correct Use
Precautions for Correct Use
Additional Inf or mation
Additional Inf or mation
The connection line of EtherCAT communication cannot be shared with other Ethernet networks. Do not use devices for Ethernet such as a switching hub. Use the cable (double shielding with aluminum tape and braiding) of Category 5 or higher, and use the shielded connector of Category 5 or high er. Connect the cable shield to the connector hood at both ends of the cable.
Update the S ysmac Studio to the version sp ec i fied in this s ection or hig her version using the auto update function. If a version not specified in this section is used, the procedures described in Section 7 and subsequent sections may not be applic able. In that case, use the equivalent procedures described in the Sysmac Studio Version 1 Operat io n M anual (Cat. No. W504).
For information on the specifications of the Ethernet cable and network wiring, refer to
Section 4 EtherCAT Network Wiring of the NJ-series CPU Unit Built-in Et herCAT Port User's Manual (Cat. No. W505).
The system configuration in this document uses USB for the connection to the Controller. For information on how to install a USB driver, refer to A-1 Driver Installation for Direct USB Cable Connection of the Sysmac Studio V er s i on 1 Operation Manual (Cat. No. W504).
6.EtherCAT Settings
Precautions for Correct Use
K-Bus Cycle Overrun Flag Disable
Input Process Data Hold Request
Output Process Data Hold Request
Output Process Data Clear Request
Diagnostics Control Word

6. EtherCAT Settings

This section describes the specifications such as communication parameters and variables that are set i n this document. Hereinafter, the WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM Fieldbus Coupl er is referred t o as the "Destination Device" or t he "Slave Unit" in some descr i ptions.

6.1. EtherCAT Communi cations Parameter Settings

The communications parameter required connecting the Controller and the Destination Device via EtherCAT is given below.
Fieldbus Coupler
Node address 1
The Controller with the version described in this document cannot use the node address setting with the rotary switches of the Destination Device. The node address for the Destination Device can be set by Sysmac Studio.

6.2. Allocation for PDO Communications

The EtherCAT PDO communications data of the Destination Device are allocated to the Controller's device variables. The device variables and the data types are shown below.
Output area (from Controller to Destination Device) Device variable nam e Data type Meaning
E001_Output_K_Bus_Cycle_Overrun_Flag_Di_F200_01 BOOL E001_Output_Input_Process_Data_Hold_Req_F200_02 BOOL E001_Output_Output_Process_Data_Hold_Re_F200_03 BOOL E001_Output_Output_Process_Data_Clear_R_F200_04 BOOL E001_Output_Diagnostics_Control_Word_F200_05 UINT
M1_Output_s_Channel_1_Data_7000_01 BOOL M1_Output_s_Channel_2_Data_7000_02 BOOL M2_Output_s_Channel_1_Data_7000_01 BOOL
M2_Output_s_Channel_2_Data_7000_02 BOOL
Output of Digital Output Module (Slot1)
Output of Digital Output Module (Slot2)
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