Omron R88D Operation Manual

Motor Sizing Tool
Startup Guide
R88D-1SN[]-ECT (1S-series)
R88D-1SAN[]-ECT (1S-series with safety functionality)
R88D-KN[]-ECT-L (G5-series)
R88D-KN[]-ML2 (G5-series)
R88D-KT (G5-series)
R88D-GN[]-ML2 (G-series)
R88D-GT (G-series) R7D-BP (SMARTSTEP 2)
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Motor Sizing Tool
Version 1.40
Operation Manual
December 2019
Omron Corporation
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Motor Sizing Tool v1.40 Copyright (c) OMRON Corporation 2019. All Rights Reserved. OMRON Corporation License.


This program is protected by copyright law and international treaties. Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this program, or any portion of it, may result in severe civil and criminal penalties, and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under law.
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Table of contents

Copyright .................................................................................................................................. 3
Warning .................................................................................................................................... 3
Table of contents ...................................................................................................................... 4
1. Overview .............................................................................................................................. 5
2. Revision history .................................................................................................................... 6
3. Installation ............................................................................................................................ 7
4. Creating a new project ......................................................................................................... 9
4.1. Wizard Window .............................................................................................................. 9
4.2. Main Window ............................................................................................................... 11
4.2.1. Toolbar .................................................................................................................. 12
4.2.2. Solution Explorer ................................................................................................... 16
4.2.3. Property Grid ......................................................................................................... 18
4.2.4. Workspace and toolboxes ..................................................................................... 20
5. Motor/drive sizing ............................................................................................................... 24
5.1. Operational Flow .......................................................................................................... 27
5.2. Profile Editor ................................................................................................................ 28
5.3. Inertia calculator .......................................................................................................... 30
5.4. Linear motor coil temperature ...................................................................................... 31
6. Power supply tab ................................................................................................................ 32
7. Third party motors .............................................................................................................. 33
8. Data output ......................................................................................................................... 36
8.1. Document report .......................................................................................................... 36
8.2. Export file to Sysmac Studio ........................................................................................ 37
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1. Overview

The Motor Sizing Tool (MST) helps to select the appropriate motor and drive from the mechanical structure in which the motor is to be used, and from the operating patterns, mass, reduction ratio and other properties of the various components required to calculate inertia and torque. Various functions have been incorporated into this program to make it easier to select an OMRON motor and drive to aid in producing higher quality systems in response to this demand from the customers.
OMRON Motors and Drives models data are contained in a database, making it possible to select the optimum motor without having to input data.
This manual describes the operating procedures of the Motor Sizing Tool.
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2. Revision history

A manual revision code appears as a suffix to the catalog number on the front cover manual. The following table outlines the changes made to the manual during each revision.
Revision history
June 2016
Original production
July 2018
New features from software version 1.10 to 1.20:
Regions were included: Europe, Japan, America, China, Taiwan, Southeast, Korea
New Profile Editors: Advanced Trapezoidal, S-Curve
New mechanical element 'Mechanical lift CAM'
Help for setting mechanical properties
Improved Print Report
Improved Gearbox optimization
Intelligent scaling export to Sysmac Studio
Lite Project version
Bugs correction
March 2019
New features from software version 1.20 to 1.30:
New mechanical element 'Rack & Pinion' with moving pinion
Intelligent Inertia Ratio Evaluation
Auto-Alignment of Kinematic Chain
Third party motor database improvement
Database upgrade
Bugs correction
December 2019
New features from software version 1.30 to 1.40:
1S Motion Safety family has been included
Improved Gearbox property setting
Auto-connect axis and Auto-connect selected items
New auto-naming when adding a new axis
New pre-defined axis: Winder, Unwinder, MovingRack,
MovingPinion, Eccentric and Vertical Load
Axis window and motor selection window are independent
Non-admin rights
Bugs correction
Note: For more detailed information, please refer to the MOTOR SIZING TOOL REVISION HISTORY document.
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3. Installation

This section explains how to install the program. For the correct installation of the product, the destination computer must meet the following requirements:
- Operating systems accepted (32/64 bits):
Windows 8.1 or later
Windows 8
Windows 7
- Software installed requirements:
Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 Full package
Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 Full package
- Available disk memory (at least 50 Mbytes is recommended).
To have the sufficient privileges to complete the installation for all users of the machine, the installer file must be executed as Administrator. The easiest way is by right-clicking the file and then clicking Run as Administrator to start the installer.
1- Execute the Motor Sizing Tool installer file. When the opening message appears,
read the warnings and then click the Next button. To end the installation operation, click the Cancel Button.
Fig. 1 Installation Wizard. Step 1.
2- Define the installation directory. To change the directory, click the Change button.
After checking the installation directory, click the Next button to continue.
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Fig. 2 Installation Wizard. Step 2.
3- Recheck all the information for copying the program files. If anything needs to be
changed, click the Back button. If no changes are required, click the Install button to continue.
Fig. 3 Installation Wizard. Step 3.
4- When the installation is successfully completed, the following message appears.
Fig. 4 Installation Wizard. Step 4.
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4. Creating a new project

Once the user initially executes the application, the splash screen appears and after that, the tool starts up. The aim of the splash screen is to inform the user that the software is loading. See Fig. 5.
Fig. 5 Start-up Window

4.1. Wizard Window

After the user starts the application, no project is loaded and a popup wizard window is shown to guide the user with a set of steps that must be completed in a sequential order. The conceptual appearance of this window is:
- List of the steps, where the current step is highlighted. The steps still to be edited are unmarked.
- ‘Next’ and ‘Back’ buttons allow navigating within the wizard project steps.
- ‘Finish’ button closes the window and goes to main screen with a default project configuration.
- ‘Cancel’ button closes the window and goes to main screen with no project opened.
The wizard process consists, firstly, of a welcome step and different followings steps according to which type of project wants to be created -Lite or Full-.
- Welcome Step: asks for ‘New Lite project, ‘New Full project’ or ‘Open project’. See Fig. 6.
o New Lite project: will follow the wizard in order to build a Lite project. A Lite
project is a project in which the axis chains contained in a machine are protected in terms of components (not possible to modify predefined axis) but some fields are editable. Lite projects present the following details:
Can only create Lite projects Can only open Lite projects. Can only save opened projects as Lite project
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o New Full project: will follow the wizard in order to build a Full project. A Full
project is a project in which the axis chains in which the axis chains contained in a machine are fully editable in terms of components and fields. Full projects present the following details:
Can only create “Full projects”.Can open “Lite projects” and “Full projects”. ▪ Can only save opened projects as “Full project”
o Open project: allows select an existing project (*.omst) and, after that, the tool
will go to main screen with the project opened.
Fig. 6 Welcome Window
- Project information Step: request of project, author and customer information. The project name must be specified, but even if the other information is not set, it will not affect the operation of the application. See Fig. 7.
o Main project data: name, date, comment. o Author data: name, department, mail. o Customer data: name, identifier, company, mail, phone, address.
Fig. 7 Project information Window
Author data persists after to reinitialize a new project.
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- Machine information Step: request information of machine, device model and version of the controller, and the type of power supply. A list of available controllers is displayed. The generic model can be selected when a third party controller is used. Each machine is associated to one controller. See Fig. 8. This step is by-passed for Lite projects.
o Machine data: name, number, picture. o Controller: name, device model & version, power supply.
Fig. 8 Machine information Window
- Axes information Step: asks for the general configuration of the machine. The Predefined axes’ must be inserted into the defined machine. See Fig. 9.
o A list of predefined axes is available.
Fig. 9 Axes information Window
After these steps are finished, the configured project is built.

4.2. Main Window

After finishing the wizard process, the software goes to the main screen with the skeleton of the configured project and with the machine view as a background.
As a general view, the user interface of the application has the following control and function elements. By default, the windows are arranged in a similar structure shown in Fig. 10.
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For Full projects two tool anchorable toolbars will be available at top right: Axis toolbox and Machine toolbox. In case of Lite projects, the Axis toolbox is not available, and the Machine toolbox is always shown.
Fig. 10 Main window
It’s possible to create customizable layouts. By clicking and dragging, the windows can be docked, undocked, floated, auto-hidden, or moved to new locations. Next Fig. 11 shows this functionality.
Fig. 11 Dockable windows

4.2.1. Toolbar

By clicking the items in the toolbar, which is partially shown in Fig. 12, the user can directly invoke the most frequently used functions. The toolbar is split in three tabs.
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