Omron NS12-TS01*-V1, NS15-TX01*-V2, NS12-TS01*-V2, NS10-TV00*-V1, NS10-TV00*-V2 Setup Manual

Programmable Terminals
NS15-TX01@-V2 NS12-TS00@-V1/-V2, NS12-TS01@-V1/-V2 NS10-TV00@-V1/-V2, NS10-TV01@ -V1/-V2 NS8-TV00@-V1/-V2, NS8-TV01@-V1/-V2 NS8-TV10@-V1, NS8-TV11@-V1 NS5-SQ00@-V1/-V2, NS5-SQ01@-V1/-V2 NS5-TQ00@-V2, NS5-TQ01@-V2 NS5-MQ00@-V2, NS5-MQ01@-V2 NS5-SQ10@-V2, NS5-SQ11@-V2 NS5-TQ10@-V2, NS5-TQ11@-V2 NS5-MQ10@-V2, NS5-MQ11@-V2
Cat. No. V083-E1-12
OMRON products are manufactured for use according to proper procedures by a qualified operator and only for the purposes described in this manual.
The following conventions are used to indicate and classify precautions in this manual. Always heed the information provided with them. Failure to heed precautions can result in injury to people or damage to property.
! DANGER Indicates an imminently hazardous situation which, if not avoided, will result in death or
serious injury. Additionally, there may be severe property damage.
! WARNING Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in death or
serious injury. Additionally, there may be severe property damage.
! Caution Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may result in minor or
moderate injury, or property damage.
OMRON Product References
All OMRON products are capitalized in this manual. The word "Unit" is also capitalized when it refers to an OMRON product, regardless of whether or not it appears in the proper name of the product.
The abbreviation "Ch," which appears in some displays and on some OMRON products, often means "word" and is abbreviated "Wd" in documentation in this sense.
The abbreviation "PLC" means Programmable Controller.
The abbreviation "host" means a controller, such as an IBM PC/AT or compatible computer, that controls a PT (Programmable Terminal).
Visual Aids
The following headings appear in the left column of the manual to help you locate different types of information.
Precautions for Safe Use
Indicates precautions on handling the product to ensure that the product is used safely.
Precautions for Correct Use
Indicates precautions to ensure that product functions and performances are realized, to ensure that the reliability of the product is maintained, and to ensure that the product is otherwise used correctly.
Indicates information of particular interest for efficient and convenient operation of the product.
Indicates supplementary information on procedures, descriptions, and settings.
1, 2, 3...
1. Indicates lists of one sort or another, such as procedures, checklists, etc.
Boxes in model numbers indicate variable characters. For example, "CS1G-CPU@@-EV1" indicates the following models: CS1G-CPU42-EV1, CS1G-CPU43-EV1, CS1G-CPU44-EV1, and CS1G-CPU45-EV1.
OMRON, 2003
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means, mechanical, electronic, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of OMRON.
No patent liability is assumed with respect to the use of the information contained herein. Moreover, because OMRON is constantly striving to improve its high-quality products, the information contained in this manual is subject to change without notice. Every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this manual. Nevertheless, OMRON assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions. Neither is any liability assumed for damages resulting from the use of the information contained in this publication.
Notice .............................................................................................................................................1
About this Manual...............................................................................................................................7
Related Manuals ..................................................................................................................................8
Terminology ........................................................................................................................................9
Introduction .......................................................................................................................................10
Section 1 Overview ................................................................................................. 1-1
1-1 NS-series PT Functions and Operation............................................................................................1-2
1-1-1 PT Functions for FA Manufacturing Sites ........................................................................... 1-2
1-1-2 NS-series PT Operating System........................................................................................... 1-3
1-2 Communications with the Host ....................................................................................................... 1-5
1-2-1 What is an NT Link?............................................................................................................ 1-6
1-2-2 Ethernet ................................................................................................................................ 1-6
1-2-3 Controller Link..................................................................................................................... 1-6
1-2-4 Host Link ............................................................................................................................. 1-6
1-2-5 Connecting to a Temperature Controller.............................................................................. 1-6
1-2-6 Memory Link Connections .................................................................................................. 1-7
1-2-7 Communicating with Other Devices.................................................................................... 1-7
1-2-8 EtherNet/IP .......................................................................................................................... 1-7
1-3 System Configuration...................................................................................................................... 1-8
1-3-1 Supported Peripheral Devices.............................................................................................. 1-8
1-4 Procedure for Running NS-series PTs........................................................................................... 1-10
Section 2 Before Connecting ................................................................................... 2-1
2-1 Connecting the Host ........................................................................................................................ 2-2
2-1-1 Communications Types and Connection Methods............................................................... 2-2
2-2 Part Names and Functions ............................................................................................................... 2-8
Section 3 Installing the PT and Connecting Peripheral Devices......................... 3-1
3-1 Installing the PT .............................................................................................................................. 3-3
3-1-1 Installation Environment...................................................................................................... 3-3
3-1-2 Installing RS-232C/RS-422A Converters ............................................................................ 3-4
3-1-3 Mounting the PT to the Control Panel ................................................................................. 3-4
3-1-4 Connecting the Power Supply.............................................................................................. 3-6
3-1-5 Wiring the Ground Wire ...................................................................................................... 3-7
3-1-6 Peripheral Device Connection Limitations .......................................................................... 3-7
3-2 Starting the PT ................................................................................................................................. 3-8
3-2-1 Operation at Startup ............................................................................................................. 3-8
3-2-2 Starting the PT for the First Time ...................................................................................... 3-10
3-3 Connecting the CX-Designer......................................................................................................... 3-12
3-3-1 Connecting via RS-232C or Ethernet................................................................................. 3-12
3-3-2 Connecting via USB........................................................................................................... 3-12
3-3-3 Connecting via a Modem ................................................................................................... 3-14
3-4 Connecting to Bar Code Readers................................................................................................... 3-15
3-4-1 Connection Methods .......................................................................................................... 3-15
3-4-2 Setting Bar Code Readers .................................................................................................. 3-16
3-4-3 Data Format ....................................................................................................................... 3-17
3-4-4 Bar Code Input................................................................................................................... 3-17
3-5 Connecting to Printers ................................................................................................................... 3-18
3-5-1 Connecting to a Printer Compatible with ESC/P Raster and BJ Raster ............................. 3-18
3-5-2 Connecting a PictBridge-compatible Printer...................................................................... 3-19
3-6 Using Memory Cards..................................................................................................................... 3-21
3-6-1 Installation.......................................................................................................................... 3-22
3-6-2 Replacing the System Program .......................................................................................... 3-23
3-6-3 Transferring Data with Memory Cards .............................................................................. 3-24
3-7 Installing the Video Input Unit ...................................................................................................... 3-30
3-7-1 Video Input Unit Components ........................................................................................... 3-30
3-7-2 Nomenclature and Functions.............................................................................................. 3-31
3-7-3 Installation Method for Video Input Unit .......................................................................... 3-32
3-7-4 Connecting to Video Input Connectors.............................................................................. 3-37
3-8 Installing the Controller Link Interface Unit ................................................................................. 3-42
3-8-1 Controller Link Interface Unit Components ...................................................................... 3-42
3-8-2 Nomenclature and Functions.............................................................................................. 3-43
3-8-3 Installation Method for Controller Link Interface Unit...................................................... 3-46
3-8-4 Wiring ................................................................................................................................ 3-53
3-9 Connecting a Monitor.................................................................................................................... 3-59
3-10 External Brightness Adjustment.................................................................................................... 3-60
3-11 RS-232C/RS-422A Selector DIP Switch....................................................................................... 3-61
Section 4 Connecting the Host to Serial Port........................................................ 4-1
4-1 1:1 Host Connection ........................................................................................................................ 4-2
4-1-1 Connection Methods ............................................................................................................ 4-2
4-1-2 Unit Setting Methods ........................................................................................................... 4-4
4-2 1:N Host Connection ....................................................................................................................... 4-7
4-2-1 Connection Methods ............................................................................................................ 4-7
4-2-2 Unit Setting Methods ........................................................................................................... 4-7
4-3 High-speed 1:N NT Link ............................................................................................................... 4-18
4-3-1 Unit Setting Methods ......................................................................................................... 4-19
4-4 Recommended Connector Cables.................................................................................................. 4-27
Section 5 Connecting to Host via Ethernet or Controller Link........................... 5-1
5-1 Connecting to Host Via Ethernet..................................................................................................... 5-2
5-1-1 Host Types and Settings....................................................................................................... 5-3
5-2 Connecting to the Host Using Controller Link.............................................................................. 5-17
5-2-1 What Is a Controller Link Network?.................................................................................. 5-17
5-2-2 Data Links.......................................................................................................................... 5-18
5-2-3 Troubleshooting Using Indicators...................................................................................... 5-23
5-3 Connecting to Host via EtherNet/IP ..............................................................................................5-26
5-3-1 What is EtherNet/IP? ......................................................................................................... 5-26
5-3-2 Setting Individual Units ..................................................................................................... 5-27
Section 6 System Menu Operations ....................................................................... 6-1
6-1 Operating Modes and System Menu................................................................................................ 6-3
6-1-1 Mode Configuration............................................................................................................. 6-3
6-1-2 System Menu Configuration ................................................................................................ 6-3
6-1-3 Overview of Menu Items ..................................................................................................... 6-4
6-1-4 Using the System Menu ....................................................................................................... 6-7
6-2 Initializing and Saving Data and Removing the Memory Card..................................................... 6-10
6-2-1 Screen Data Area Format ................................................................................................... 6-11
6-2-2 Initializing or Saving the Alarm/Event History ................................................................. 6-12
6-2-3 Initializing and Saving Data Log ....................................................................................... 6-14
6-2-4 Initializing and Saving the Operation Log ......................................................................... 6-15
6-2-5 Initializing and Saving the Error Log................................................................................. 6-17
6-2-6 Language Selection ............................................................................................................ 6-18
6-2-7 Removing the Memory Card.............................................................................................. 6-19
6-2-8 Initializing Internal Holding Memories ($HB/$HW)......................................................... 6-20
6-3 PT Settings .................................................................................................................................... 6-21
6-3-1 Start-up Wait Time............................................................................................................. 6-23
6-3-2 Screen Saver....................................................................................................................... 6-24
6-3-3 Key Press Sound ................................................................................................................ 6-25
6-3-4 Buzzer Sound ..................................................................................................................... 6-25
6-3-5 Backlight Brightness .......................................................................................................... 6-26
6-3-6 Calendar Check ..................................................................................................................6-27
6-3-7 Printer Type ....................................................................................................................... 6-28
6-3-8 Printing Mode .................................................................................................................... 6-28
6-3-9 Orientation ......................................................................................................................... 6-29
6-3-10 Changing Values in Device Monitor Setting ..................................................................... 6-29
6-3-11 Contrast (NS5-SQ@@/NS5-MQ@@ Only) ....................................................................... 6-29
6-3-12 CJK Han Unification Priority............................................................................................. 6-30
6-3-13 Alarm Monitor Registration Procedure.............................................................................. 6-30
6-3-14 Starting the Ladder Monitor from Alarm/Event Summary and History
(NS15/12/10/8 Only) ......................................................................................................... 6-30
6-3-15 Setting the Tag Update Notification Message.................................................................... 6-31
6-3-16 Time to Switch to System Menu (NS12, NS10, NS8, or NS5).......................................... 6-31
6-3-17 Double-touch Interval (NS15 Only)................................................................................... 6-32
6-3-18 Analog RGB Output (NS15 only)...................................................................................... 6-32
6-4 Project Settings .............................................................................................................................. 6-33
6-4-1 Project Title........................................................................................................................ 6-33
6-4-2 Number of Labels............................................................................................................... 6-34
6-4-3 Initial Screen ...................................................................................................................... 6-34
6-4-4 Initial Label........................................................................................................................ 6-34
6-4-5 Alarm/Event History Recording Method ........................................................................... 6-34
6-4-6 Data Log Recording Method.............................................................................................. 6-34
6-4-7 Operation Log Recording Method ..................................................................................... 6-35
6-4-8 Error Log Recording Method............................................................................................. 6-35
6-4-9 System Memory ................................................................................................................. 6-35
6-5 Setting Passwords .......................................................................................................................... 6-36
6-5-1 Changing the Password...................................................................................................... 6-36
6-5-2 Setting the Password Function ........................................................................................... 6-37
6-6 Communications Settings .............................................................................................................. 6-39
6-6-1 Communications Conditions.............................................................................................. 6-39
6-6-2 Setting 1:1 NT Link ........................................................................................................... 6-41
6-6-3 Setting High-speed 1:N NT Links (Standard, High-speed)................................................ 6-42
6-6-4 Setting Ethernet.................................................................................................................. 6-42
6-6-5 Setting the Controller Link Network.................................................................................. 6-45
6-6-6 Setting Bar Code Readers .................................................................................................. 6-46
6-6-7 Modem Settings ................................................................................................................. 6-47
6-7 Screen Data Check ........................................................................................................................ 6-48
6-8 Special Screens .............................................................................................................................. 6-49
6-8-1 Alarm History .................................................................................................................... 6-50
6-8-2 Operation Log .................................................................................................................... 6-51
6-8-3 Error Log............................................................................................................................ 6-52
6-8-4 Device Monitor ..................................................................................................................6-53
6-8-5 Communication Test .......................................................................................................... 6-55
6-8-6 Video Configuration .......................................................................................................... 6-57
6-8-7 USB Device List ................................................................................................................ 6-59
6-8-8 Display Capture Data ......................................................................................................... 6-60
6-8-9 Memory Card Transfers ..................................................................................................... 6-61
6-8-10 External Application Startup.............................................................................................. 6-63
6-8-11 Version Display .................................................................................................................6-64
6-8-12 PLC Data Trace (NS15, NS12, NS10, and NS8 Only) ...................................................... 6-64
6-9 Hardware Check ............................................................................................................................ 6-66
6-9-1 LCD Check ........................................................................................................................ 6-66
6-9-2 Touch Switch Check .......................................................................................................... 6-67
6-9-3 Touch Panel Calibration (NS15 Only) ............................................................................... 6-67
6-10 Starting Operations........................................................................................................................ 6-68
6-11 Verifying Tags............................................................................................................................... 6-70
Section 7 Maintenance and Troubleshooting........................................................ 7-1
7-1 Maintenance .................................................................................................................................... 7-2
7-1-1 Replacing the Battery...........................................................................................................7-2
7-2 Inspection and Cleaning .................................................................................................................. 7-4
7-3 Troubleshooting and Maintenance .................................................................................................. 7-6
7-4 Requesting a Replacement PT ....................................................................................................... 7-14
Appendices .................................................................................................................. A-1
Appendix 1 Specifications .......................................................................................................................A-3
A-1-1 General Specifications .........................................................................................................A-3
A-1-2 Characteristics......................................................................................................................A-5
A-1-3 Communications Specifications...........................................................................................A-8
Appendix 2 Dimensions ........................................................................................................................A-11
Appendix 3 Using NS-AL002 Converters.............................................................................................A-20
A-3-1 Dimensions ........................................................................................................................A-20
A-3-2 Mounting and Removing ...................................................................................................A-21
A-3-3 Specifications.....................................................................................................................A-21
A-3-4 DIP Switch Settings ...........................................................................................................A-22
A-3-5 Pin Arrangement ................................................................................................................A-23
A-3-6 Handling the Shield on RS-422A/485 Cables....................................................................A-24
A-3-7 Connection Example ..........................................................................................................A-27
Appendix 4 Using NT-AL001 Converters.............................................................................................A-28
A-4-1 Dimensions ........................................................................................................................A-28
A-4-2 Methods for Mounting and Removal .................................................................................A-28
A-4-3 Specifications.....................................................................................................................A-30
A-4-4 DIP Switch Settings ...........................................................................................................A-31
A-4-5 Pin Arrangement ................................................................................................................A-32
A-4-6 Block Diagram...................................................................................................................A-33
Appendix 5 Preparing Connecting Cables .............................................................................................A-34
A-5-1 Cable Preparation...............................................................................................................A-34
A-5-2 Soldering............................................................................................................................A-35
A-5-3 Hood Assembly..................................................................................................................A-35
A-5-4 Preparing Connecting Cables for Host Connection ...........................................................A-36
Appendix 6 Preparing Cables for Computer Connection ......................................................................A-40
A-6-1 Connecting Cable Assembly..............................................................................................A-40
Appendix 7 Preparing Connecting Cables for Bar Code Readers .........................................................A-42
Appendix 8 Standard Models ................................................................................................................A-43
Appendix 9 List of Optional Products ...................................................................................................A-58
A-9-1 Anti-reflection Sheets: NS15-KBA04, NS12-KBA04, NS7-KBA04, NT30-KBA04 .......A-58
A-9-2 Protective Covers: NS12-KBA05(N), NS7-KBA05(N), NT31C-KBA05(N) ...................A-59
A-9-3 NT30-KBA01 Chemical-resistant Cover ...........................................................................A-60
A-9-4 Replacement Battery: CJ1W-BAT01.................................................................................A-60
A-9-5 Recommended Memory Cards...........................................................................................A-61
A-9-6 NS-CLK21 Controller Link Interface Unit ........................................................................A-61
A-9-7 NS-CA001/CA002 Video Input Unit.................................................................................A-61
A-9-8 Attachments: NS12-ATT01(B)/NS12-ATT02/NS8-ATT01/NS8-ATT02 ........................A-61
A-9-9 NS-USBEXT-1M USB Relay Cable..................................................................................A-62
Appendix 10
System Memory List ......................................................................................................A-63
Appendix 11 Differences between "-V1"/"-V2" Models and Other Models .......................................A-66
Appendix 12 NS5 System Menu..........................................................................................................A-68
About this Manual
Section 1 Overview
This section provides an overview of the NS-series PTs, including functions, features, connection types, and communications methods.
Section 2 Before Connecting
This section provides information on methods for connecting NS-series PTs that must be understood before connecting the host and peripheral devices.
Section 3 Installing the PT and Connecting Peripheral Devices
This section describes the methods used to install the PT and connect peripheral devices.
Section 4 Connecting Host to Serial Port
This section describes the methods for connecting the host to the serial port of the PT.
Section 5 Connecting to Host via Ethernet or Controller Link
This section describes the methods for connecting the PT to the host using the PT’s Ethernet interface and the Controller Link Interface Unit.
Section 6 System Menu Operations
This section describes the methods for operating the System Menu. It also provides details on functions that are useful for NS-series PT applications and for system maintenance.
Section 7 Maintenance and Troubleshooting
This section describes the maintenance and inspection methods for preventing errors occurring, and troubleshooting measures when errors occur in the PT.
Describe hardware specifications and methods for preparing connections cables, and provide lists of standard products.
Failure to read and understand the information provided in this manual may result in personal injury or death, damage to the product, or product failure. Please read each section in its entirety and be sure you understand the information provided in the section and related sections before attempting any of the procedures or operations given.
Related Manuals
The following manuals are used for NS-series PTs. (The boxes at the end of the catalog numbers indicate the revision code.)
NS Series -V1/-V2 Setup Manual ...............................................V083-E1-@
Provides information on NS Series V1 and V2 PTs (i.e., NS15-V2, NS12-V@, NS10-V@, NS8-V
@, and NS5-V@).
Describes how to connect the PT to the host and peripheral devices, methods to setup communications and operation, and procedures for maintenance.
Refer to the NS Series Programming Manual (V073-E1-
@) for information on PT
functions and specific operating procedures.
NS Series Setup Manual ............................................................V072-E1-@
Provides information on NS Series PTs prior to V1 (i.e., NS12, NS10, and NS7).
Describes how to connect the PT to the host and peripheral devices, methods to setup communications and operation, and procedures for maintenance.
Refer to the NS Series Programming Manual (V073-E1-
@) for information on PT
functions and specific operating procedures.
NS Series Programming Manual ................................................V073-E1-@
Describes the screen configurations, object functions, and host communications for the PT.
CX-Designer User’s Manual .......................................................V099-E1-@
The screens displayed on the PT can be created in the CX-Designer and transferred between the CX-Designer and PT. This manual describes the installation and features of the CX-Designer. For details on CX-Designer operations, refer to the CX-Designer’s Online Help.
The following terminology is used in this manual.
PT In this manual, indicates an NS-series Programmable Terminal.
NS Series
Indicates products in the OMRON NS@@ Series of Programmable Terminals.
PLC Indicates a Programmable Controller in the OMRON SYSMAC CS/CJ, C, or
CVM1/CV Series of Programmable Controllers.
CS/CJ Series Indicates Programmable Controllers in the OMRON SYSMAC CS/CJ Series of
Programmable Controllers: CS1G, CS1H, CS1G-H, CS1H-H, CJ1G, CJ1G-H, CJ1H-H, CJ1M, CP1H, CP1L, CJ2H.
In this manual, “CJ1H-H” indicates the CJ1H-CPU@@H-R and CJ1H-CPU@@H CPU Units. “CJ1H-H-R” is used to indicate only the CJ1H-CPU @@H-R CPU Units.
The “CP Series” is used to indicate only the CP1H and CP1L.
C Series Indicates products in the OMRON SYSMAC C Series of Programmable Controllers:
C200HS, C200HX(-Z), C200HG(-Z), C200HE(-Z), CQM1, CQM1H, CPM1A, CPM2A, CPM2C.
CVM1/CV Series Indicates products in the OMRON SYSMAC CVM1/ CV Series of Programmable
Controllers: CV500, CV1000, CV2000, CVM1
Serial Communications Unit Indicates a Serial Communications Unit for an OMRON CS/CJ-series PLC.
Serial Communications Board Indicates a Serial Communications Board for an OMRON CS-series or CQM1H
Communications Board Indicates a Communications Board for an OMRON C200HX/HG/HE(-Z) PLC.
CPU Unit Indicates a CPU Unit in the OMRON SYSMAC CS/CJ, C, or CVM1/CV Series of
Programmable Controllers.
Indicates the OMRON CX-Designer (NS-CXDC1-V@).
Host Indicates the PLC, IBM PC/AT or compatible computer, or personal computer
functioning as the control device and interfaced with the NS-series PT.
Programming Manual
Indicates the NS Series Programming Manual (V073-E1-@).
Intended Audience
This manual is intended for the following personnel, who must also have knowledge of electrical systems (an electrical engineer or the equivalent).
Personnel in charge of introducing FA systems into production facilities.
Personnel in charge of designing FA systems.
Personnel in charge of installing and connecting FA systems.
Personnel in charge of managing FA systems and facilities.
General Precautions
The user must operate the product according to the performance specifications
described in the operation manuals.
Do not use the PT touch switch input functions for applications where danger to human life or serious property damage is possible, or for emergency switch applications.
Before using the product under conditions which are not described in the manual or applying the product to nuclear control systems, railroad systems, aviation systems, vehicles, combustion systems, medical equipment, amusement machines, safety equipment, and other systems, machines and equipment that may have a serious influence on lives and property if used improperly, consult your OMRON representative.
Make sure that the ratings and performance characteristics of the product are sufficient for the systems, machines, and equipment, and be sure to provide the systems, machines, and equipment with double safety mechanisms.
This manual provides information for connecting and setting up an NS-series PT. Be sure to read this manual before attempting to use the PT and keep this manual close at hand for reference during installation and operation.
Safety Precautions
Notation Used for Safety Information
The following notation is used in this manual to provide precautions required to ensure safe usage of the product.
The safety precautions that are provided are extremely important to safety.
Always read and heed the information provided in all safety precautions.
The following notation is used.
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, will result in minor or moderate injury, or may result in serious injury or death. Additionally there may be significant property damage.
Indicates a general prohibition
Indicates general cautionary, warning, or danger level information
Always ensure that the personnel in charge confirm that installation, inspection, and maintenance were properly performed for the PT. “Personnel in charge” refers to individuals qualified and responsible for ensuring safety during machine design, installation, operation, maintenance, and disposal. Ensure that installation and post-installation checks are performed by personnel in charge who possess a thorough understanding of the machinery to be installed. Do not use the input functions of the PT, such as the function switches or switches on the touch panel, in applications that involve human life, in applications that may result in serious injury, or for emergency stop switches. Do not attempt to disassemble, repair, or modify the PT. Doing so may impair the safety functions.
Do not attempt to take the Unit apart and do not touch any internal parts while the power is being supplied. Doing either of these may result in electrical shock.
The NS15-TX01@-V2 uses an analog touch panel. Never press more than two points on the panel at a time. Otherwise, it may activate a switch somewhere between the two points.
Precautions for Safe Use
1. When unpacking the Units, check carefully for any external scratches or other damage. Also, shake the Units gently and check for any abnormal sound.
2. The PT must be installed in a control panel.
3. The mounting panel must be between 1.6 and 4.8 mm thick. Tighten the Mounting Brackets evenly to a torque of between 0.5 and 0.6 Nm to maintain water and dust resistance. Make sure the panel is not dirty or warped and that it is strong enough to hold the Units.
4. Do not let metal particles enter the Units when preparing the panel.
5. Do not connect an AC power supply to the DC power input terminals.
6. Use a DC power supply with minimal voltage fluctuation that provides a stable output even if the power supply input is interrupted for 10 ms. The DC power supply must also have reinforced or double insulation. Rated power supply voltage: 24 VDC (Allowable range: 20.4 to 27.6 VDC)
Capacity: NS15: 45 W min. NS12, NS10, or NS8: 25 W min. NS5: 15 W min.
7. Do not perform a dielectric voltage test.
8. Use a twisted-pair cable with a cross-sectional area of at least 2 mm
to connect to the power terminals and always use M3.5 crimp terminals. Tighten the terminal screws to a torque of 0.8 Nm. Make sure the screws are properly tightened.
9. Ground the Unit correctly to prevent operational errors caused by noise.
10. Do not touch the surface of the circuit board or the components mounted on it with your bare hands. Discharge any static electricity from your body before handling the board.
11. Confirm that the current capacity of the connected device is 250 mA or less before using the 5-V power supply from pin 6 of the RS-232C connector. The 5-V output from the PT is 250 mA max. at 5 V ±5%.
12. Turn OFF the power supply before connecting or disconnecting cables.
13. Always tighten the connector screws after connecting communications cables.
14. The maximum tensile load for cables is 30 N. Do not apply loads greater than this.
15. Confirm the safety of the system before turning ON or OFF the power supply or before pressing the reset button.
16. The whole system may stop depending on how the power supply is turned ON or OFF. Turn ON or OFF the power supply according to the specified procedure.
17. After changing the settings of the DIP switch, always turn the power supply OFF and ON or reset the PT.
18. Do not perform the following operations while the Memory Card is being accessed:
Turning OFF the power supply to the PT
Pressing the PT’s reset switch
Removing the Memory Card
19. To ensure system safety, incorporate a program that periodically calls PT operation bits from the host side to check that the PT is properly operating.
20. Start actual system application only after sufficiently checking screen data, macros, and the operation of the program in the host.
21. Do not press a touch switch with a force greater than 30 N.
22. Do not operate a touch switch using a screwdriver or other tool.
23. Confirm the safety of the system before pressing a touch switch.
24. Do not press touch switches consecutively without pausing in between. If touch switches are pressed consecutively at high speed, the PT may not be able to detect the inputs. Confirm that the PT has detected the input of a touch switch before pressing any other touch switch.
25. Do not accidentally press touch switches when the backlight is not lit or when the display does not appear. Confirm the safety of the system before pressing touch switches.
26. To ensure safety when using numeral input functions, set the upper and lower limits for the input value.
27. Before initializing screen data, confirm that existing data is backed up at the CX-Designer.
28. W hen changing the password with the system menu, do not reset or turn OFF the power supply until writing is finished.
29. W hen using the device monitor, confirm the safety of the system before performing the following operations.
Changing monitor data
Changing operation modes
Forced setting or resetting
Changing present values or set values
30. Dispose of any battery that has been dropped on the floor or otherwise subjected to excessive shock.
31. Do not connect an USB connector to any device that is not applicable.
32. Before connecting an USB connector to a device, make sure that the device is free of damage.
33. Commercially available USB hubs and the recommended USB hub do not necessarily have the same general specifications as the PT, and may not function properly if used in environments subject to static electricity or other forms of noise. W hen using a USB hub, take sufficient measures to prevent static electricity and other forms of noise, or do not install the PT in an environment subject to such noise.
34. Do not perform the following operations while downloading or uploading screen data or system program. Doing so may corrupt the screen data or system program.
Turning OFF the power supply to the PT
Pressing the PT’s reset switch
35. W hen mounting the Battery, be sure to use the correct Battery and mount it correctly.
36. Do not disassemble or short-circuit the battery.
37. Dispose of the Units and batteries according to local ordinances as they apply.
38. Never use volatile solvents, such as benzene or thinners, or chemical dusters to clean the PT.
39. The backlight in the NS-series PT contains mercury. Do not dispose of the PT together with waste to be processed at disposal plants. Dispose of the PT according to all local laws, regulations, and ordinances.
40. The backlight in the PT cannot be replaced by the user. Contact your OMRON representative for backlight replacement.
41. Periodically check the installation conditions in applications where the PT is subject to
contact with oil or water.
The NS15-TX01@-V2 uses an analog touch panel. Deterioration over time can cause the
touch points to move. If the touch points move too far, calibrate the touch panel.
43. Never connect more than two crimp terminals to one terminal.
44. Water and oil resistance will be lost if the front sheet is torn or is peeling off. Do not use the PT if the front sheet is torn or is peeling off.
45. The Rubber Packing will deteriorate, shrink, expand, or harden depending on the operating environment. Inspect and replace the Rubber Packing periodically.
Precautions for Correct Use
1. Do not install the Unit in the following places:
Locations subject to severe changes in temperature.
Locations subject to direct sunlight
Locations subject to temperatures or humidity outside the range specified in the
Locations subject to condensation as the result of high humidity
Locations subject to corrosive or flammable gases
Locations subject to shock or vibration
Outdoor locations directly subject to wind or rain
Locations subject to strong ultraviolet light
Locations subject to excessive dust
Locations subject to direct sunlight
2. Take appropriate and sufficient countermeasures when installing systems in the following locations:
Locations subject to static electricity or other forms of noise
Locations subject to strong electromagnetic fields
Locations close to power supplies
Locations subject to possible exposure to radioactivity
Conformance to EC Directives
This product is EMC compliant.
OMRON products are electronic devices that are incorporated in machines and manufacturing installations. OMRON PTs conform to the related EMC Directives (see note) so that the devices and machines into which they are built can more easily conform to EMC directives. However, customers may use a wide variety of equipment and manufacturing installations. Therefore the customer must check whether the Directives are satisfied for the actual system. EMC-related performance will vary depending on the configuration, wiring, and other conditions of the equipment or control panel in which the PT is installed. The customer must, therefore, perform final checks to confirm that the overall machine or device conforms to EMC standards.
Note: Applicable EMC (Electromagnetic Compatibility) standards are as follows: EMS (Electromagnetic Susceptibility): EN 61131-2 EMI (Electromagnetic Interference): EN 61131-2
(EN 61131-2 radiated emission: 10-m regulations)
Conformance to EC Directives
NS-series PTs conform to EC Directives. To ensure that the machine or device in which the NS-series PT is used complies with EC Directives, the PT must be installed as follows:
The NS-series PT must be installed in a control panel.
You must use reinforced insulation or double insulation for the DC power supply and the
DC power supply must have minimal voltage fluctuations and provide a stable output even if the power supply input is interrupted for 10 ms.
NS-series PTs complying with EC Directives also conform to the Common Emission Standard (EN 61131-2). Radiated emission characteristics (10-m regulations) may vary depending on the configuration of the control panel used, other devices connected to the control panel, wiring, and other conditions. You must therefore confirm that the overall machine or equipment complies with EC Directives.
This is a class A product. It may cause radio interference in residential areas, in which case the user may be required to take adequate measures to reduce interference.
Conformance to Shipbuilding Standards
This product conforms to shipbuilding standards with the exception of the NS15. The shipbuilding standards have conditions that may make them unusable depending on the location in which the PT is installed. When using a PT on a ship, be sure to contact your OMRON sales representative.
Shipping Standards (NK, LR, ABS, BV, DNV, KR)
Conditions for Use in Locations Other Than the Bridge or Deck
The NS-series PT must be installed in a control panel.
The control panel must be equipped with an air conditioner.
The entire surface of the NS-series PT must be covered with electromagnetic shielding
that is also grounded using conductive tape (e.g., copper tape).
Gaps in the door of the control panel must be completely filled or covered with gaskets or other material.
Gaps between the PT and the panel cutout must be completely covered with conductive tape, such as copper tape, and the PT must be secured using mounting brackets.
Conditions for Use on the Bridge (Class NK Certification Only)
The NS-series PT must be installed in a control panel.
The control panel must be equipped with an air conditioner.
The entire surface of the NS-series PT must be covered with electromagnetic shielding
that is also grounded using conductive tape (e.g., copper tape).
Gaps in the door of the control panel must be completely filled or covered with gaskets or other material.
Gaps between the PT and the panel cutout must be completely covered with conductive tape, such as copper tape, and the PT must be secured using mounting brackets.
The following noise filter must be connected to the 0 to 24 VDC power line.
Electromagnetic Shielding
Manufacturer SEIWA ELECTRIC MFG, Co., Ltd. Model E09F-100, E09R13502P
* Electromagnetic shielding reduces the permeability by approximately 50%.
Noise Filter
Manufacturer Cosel Model TAH-06-683
Read and Understand this Manual
Please read and understand this manual before using the product. Please consult your OMRON representative if you have any questions or comments.
Warranty and Limitations of Liability
OMRON's exclusive warranty is that the products are free from defects in materials and workmanship for a period of one year (or other period if specified) from date of sale by OMRON.
In no event shall the responsibility of OMRON for any act exceed the individual price of the product on which liability is asserted.
Application Considerations
OMRON shall not be responsible for conformity with any standards, codes, or regulations that apply to the combination of products in the customer's application or use of the products.
At the customer's request, OMRON will provide applicable third party certification documents identifying ratings and limitations of use that apply to the products. This information by itself is not sufficient for a complete determination of the suitability of the products in combination with the end product, machine, system, or other application or use.
The following are some examples of applications for which particular attention must be given. This is not intended to be an exhaustive list of all possible uses of the products, nor is it intended to imply that the uses listed may be suitable for the products:
Outdoor use, uses involving potential chemical contamination or electrical interference, or conditions or
uses not described in this manual.
Nuclear energy control systems, combustion systems, railroad systems, aviation systems, medical
equipment, amusement machines, vehicles, safety equipment, and installations subject to separate industry or government regulations.
Systems, machines, and equipment that could present a risk to life or property.
Please know and observe all prohibitions of use applicable to the products.
OMRON shall not be responsible for the user's programming of a programmable product, or any consequence thereof.
Product specifications and accessories may be changed at any time based on improvements and other reasons.
It is our practice to change model numbers when published ratings or features are changed, or when significant construction changes are made. However, some specifications of the products may be changed without any notice. When in doubt, special model numbers may be assigned to fix or establish key specifications for your application on your request. Please consult with your OMRON representative at any time to confirm actual specifications of purchased products.
Dimensions and weights are nominal and are not to be used for manufacturing purposes, even when tolerances are shown.
Performance data given in this manual is provided as a guide for the user in determining suitability and does not constitute a warranty. It may represent the result of OMRON's test conditions, and the users must correlate it to actual application requirements. Actual performance is subject to the OMRON Warranty and Limitations of Liability.
The information in this manual has been carefully checked and is believed to be accurate; however, no responsibility is assumed for clerical, typographical, or proofreading errors, or omissions.
Section 1
This section provides an overview of the NS-series PTs, including functions, features, connection types, and communications methods.
NS-series PT Functions and Operation............................................................................ 1-2
1-1-1 PT Functions for FA Manufacturing Sites................................................................. 1-2
1-1-2 NS-series PT Operating System ................................................................................ 1-3
1-2 Communications with the Host........................................................................................ 1-5
1-2-1 What is an NT Link? ................................................................................................. 1-6
1-2-2 Ethernet ..................................................................................................................... 1-6
1-2-3 Controller Link .......................................................................................................... 1-6
1-2-4 Host Link................................................................................................................... 1-6
1-2-5 Connecting to a Temperature Controller ................................................................... 1-6
1-2-6 Memory Link Connections........................................................................................ 1-7
1-2-7 Communicating with Other Devices ......................................................................... 1-7
1-2-8 EtherNet/IP................................................................................................................ 1-7
1-3 System Configuration...................................................................................................... 1-8
1-3-1 Supported Peripheral Devices ................................................................................... 1-8
1-4 Procedure for Running NS-series PTs........................................................................... 1-10
1-1 NS-series PT Functions and Operation
1-1 NS-series PT Functions and Operation
The NS Series offers advanced operator interfaces called Programmable Terminals that can be used to display required information and provide operating capabilities for FA manufac­turing sites. This section describes the role and functions of the NS-series PTs for first-time users of Programmable Terminals.
1-1-1 PT Functions for FA Manufacturing Sites
Line Operating Status Monitor Display
NS-series PTs can be used to display information such as the operating status of the system and the devices. Graphs and other indicators can be used to better represent the information and make it easy to understand.
Directions for FA Site Operators
The PTs can be used to inform the operators of system and device errors and assist them in taking appropriate measures.
1-1 NS-series PT Functions and Operation
Control Panel Switches
The NS-series PTs allow the user to create various on-screen switches. By using touch switch inputs, operating results can be sent to the host.
1-1-2 NS-series PT Operating System
Transferring Screen Data
The screen data displayed on NS-series PTs is created using the CX-Designer on a com­puter and transferred to the PT through RS-232C, Ethernet, or USB communications.
RS-232C, Ethernet, USB
Screen data
Create screen data.
Connect the computer to the PT only when transferring screen data to or from the CX-Designer.
Computer (CX-Designer)
Note 1: Some models do not support Ethernet. Note 2: USB data transfer is not supported for some PT lots and system program versions. Note 3: If the serial port protocol is set to Allen-Bradley DF1, you cannot connect to the CX-Designer
through that port.
Screen data can also be transferred at high speed using a Memory Card.
Memory Card
Computer (CX-Designer)
1-1 NS-series PT Functions and Operation
Displaying Screens
The information displayed on the screens is created using the CX-Designer on a computer and transferred to the PT. The required screens can be displayed by using commands from the host or touch switch operations.
The required screens can be displayed by using commands from the host or touch switch operations.
Reading Data from the Host
A communications method such as NT Link Ethernet or Controller Link is used to connect the host, and the required data is automatically read from the host.
Note: Some models do not support Ethernet or Controller Link.
NT Link or Ethernet, Controller Link
Sending Data to the Host
Data input using touch switches (button ON/OFF status, numerals, and character strings) is sent to the host.
Touch panel
ON/OFF status, numeric data, etc.
1-2 Communications with the Host
1-2 Communications with the Host
NS-series PTs allow the user to allocate words and bits in any PLC area for use in accessing the required display contents and storing input data.
Operations that can be performed include reading and writing allocated word contents and bit status directly, changing the display status of functional objects on the PT screen, and con­trolling and notifying PT status.
The NS-series PTs also enable communications with more than one PLC. A host name is registered for each PLC connected, allowing access to any PLC areas by specifying the host name and address.
NS - Series PT PLC
DM Area I/O Area
Auxiliary Area
When using NS-series PTs, the host can be connected using any of the following methods.
1:1 NT Link
1:N NT Link (normal or high-speed)
Controller Link
Host Link
Other methods, such as temperature controller protocols
1-2 Communications with the Host
1-2-1 What is an NT Link?
An NT Link is a method for high-speed communications between an OMRON PLC and an OMRON Programmable Terminal (PT) using a special protocol. In addition to a 1:1 NT Link, where a single PT is connected to a single PLC, NS-series PTs also support 1:N NT Links, allowing up to eight PTs to be connected to a single PLC port.
CS- and CJ-series PLCs can also be connected using high-speed 1:N NT Link communica­tions. For details on the PLCs that support high-speed 1:N NT Link communications, refer to Appendix 8 Standard Models.
In the rest of this manual, "NT Link" refers to NT Link communications in general, "1:1 NT Link" refers to an NT Link in a 1:1 configuration only, and "1:N NT Links" refers to NT Links in a 1:N configuration only. Where necessary, "normal 1:N NT Links" and "high-speed 1:N NT Links" are used. When "1:N NT Links" is used alone, it refers to both normal and high-speed communications.
1-2-2 Ethernet
Ethernet Units in PLCs that are supported by the NS-series PTs can be used to read and write data, word, and bit information simply. The use of FINS (Factory Interface Network Ser­vice) message communications, one of OMRON’s standard communications services, en­ables high-speed communications without the need to be aware of the protocol.
For details on connection methods, refer to Section 5 Connecting
to Host via Ethernet or
Controller Link. For details on the PLCs that can be connected to the Ethernet, refer to Ap­pendix 8 Standard Models.
1-2-3 Controller Link
Controller Link is an FA network that can send and receive large data packets among OMRON PLCs and FA computers. Controller Link Units for PLCs that are supported by the NS-series PTs connected to NS-CLK21 Controller Link Interface Units can be used to read and write data, word, and bit information simply. The Controller Link supports data links that enable data sharing and a message service that enables sending and receiving data when required.
For details on connection methods, refer to Section 5 Connecting
to Host via Ethernet or
Controller Link. For details on the PLCs that can be connected using Controller Link, refer to Appendix 8 Standard Models.
Note: Controller Link Interface Units are compatible only with the NS15, NS12, and NS10.
1-2-4 Host Link
Host Link is a serial communications protocol for connecting an OMRON PT 1:1 to a host (a PLC) to read and write bits and words from the host. Host Link communications connect a PT to many different PLCs. Refer to the Host Connection Manual (Host Links) for connection methods and the PLCs for which Host Links can be used.
1-2-5 Connecting to a Temperature Controller
OMRON Temperature Controllers can be connected with an RS-485 connection. Attach a CJ1W-CIF11 RS-422A Converter to serial port A or B to convert the communications
protocol to RS-485. For details, refer to the Host Connection Manual (Temp. Control, Mem- Link).
1-2 Communications with the Host
1-2-6 Memory Link Connections
When the host is a computer instead of a PLC, the Memory Link protocol can be used to connect with the computer. Use serial port A or B to connect to the host. For details, refer to the Host Connection Manual (Tem.Control, MemLink).
1-2-7 Communicating with Other Devices
The NS-series PTs can communicate with the following devices.
OMRON Trajexia Motion Controllers
Mitsubishi FX-series, A-series, and Q-series PLCs
Siemens S7-300-series PLCs
Yaskawa MP-series Machine Controllers
Yaskawa F7-series Varispeed and VS Mini V7-series Inverters
Rockwell Automation (Allen-Bradley) SLC50, MicroLogix, PLC-5, CompactLogix,
CompactLogix, and ControlLogix Controllers
Devices that support Modbus RTU
Yokogawa Electric FA-M3/FA-M3R-series PLCs
For details on connection methods, refer to the Host Connection Manual (Multivendor Con­nection).
1-2-8 EtherNet/IP
EtherNet/IP is a multi-vendor industrial network protocol that uses Ethernet. The specifica­tion is an open standard managed by the ODVA (Open DeviceNet Vendor Association), as is DeviceNet, and it is used for a variety of industrial devices.
NS-series PTs can communicate with CS/CJ-series EtherNet/IP Units and CJ2H-CPU@@-EIP CPU Units, which have a built-in EtherNet/IP port. Also, it is possible to perform tag message communications if an NS-series PT is connected to a CJ2H PLC. The CJ2H-CPU@@-EIP has a tag name server in the CJ2H-CPU@@-EIP Unit, so if a tag name and address table is stored in advance, it is possible to perform access from the NS-series PT using only the tag name.
1-3 System Configuration
1-3 System Configuration
The following information describes the system configuration using NS-series PTs. Refer to Appendix 8 Standard Models for details on available models.
1-3-1 Supported Peripheral Devices
Printer (See note 4.) Connecting a general-purpose colo
printer to the USB port on an NS-series PT makes it possible to print out the current PT display.
RS-232C cable Ethernet cable (See note 1.) USB cable (See note 5.)
NS-series PT
Memory Card Save screen data or the system program or automatically read data at startup.
RS-232C cable (15 m max.) RS-422A cable (500 m max.) RS-232C/422A Adapter Ethernet cable (See note 1.)
Personal computer Computer running Windows 2000 or XP
Controller Link Interface Unit Enables Controller Link communications with a host. (See note 2.)
NTSC/PAL cable
Twisted-pair cable
Video Input Unit (See note 3.)
Video camera or Vision Sensor
Bar Code Reader Read bar codes as text string data.
Monitor (See note 6.)
VGA c abl e
Note 1: Only the following models support Ethernet: NS15-TX01@-V2, NS12-TS01(B)-V@,
NS10-TV01(B)-V@, NS8-TV@1(B)-V@, NS5-SQ@1(B)-V@, NS5-TQ@1(B)-V@, and VS5-MQ@1(B)-V@.
Note 2: Only the following models support the Controller Link Interface Unit: NS15-TX01@-V2,
NS12-TS0@, NS10-TV0@. (The NS8 and NS5 do not support the Controller Link Interface Unit.)
Note 3: The following models support Video Input Units: NS15-TX01@-V2, NS12-TS0@, NS10-TV0@,
and NS8-TV@@. (The NS15-TX01-V2 does not support the NS-CA001 and it does not support video input from the NS-CA002. It does support analog RGB input from the NS-CA002.) (The NS5 does not support Video Input Units.)
Note 4: The NS5-SQ0@(B)-V@, NS5-TQ0@(B)-V@, and NS5-MQ0@(B)-V@ cannot be connected di-
rectly to general-purpose printers.
Note 5: Refer to 3-3-2 Connecting via USB for information on connecting the PT and computer with a
USB cable. A USB Relay Cable can be used to place a USB slave connector on the front of the control panel. Refer to 3-1-3 Mounting the PT to the Control Panel.
Note 6: Only the following monitor is supported: NS15-TX01@-V2.
PTs (Refer to Appendix 8 Standard Models.)
Recommended Bar Code Reader (Refer to page 3-15.)
OMRON V520-RH21-6 OMRON V400-H111 OMRON V400-H211
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