Omron NL-200, NL-220, NL-220F User Manual

NL-200, NL-220, NL-220F
LED Lighting Controller
User Manual
84-100022 Rev A
NL-200 Series Controller User Manual
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NL-200 Series Controller User Manual
2 Getting Started
The NL-200 current controller provides repeatable intensity control of LED lighting for machine vision applications. It includes the intensity control, timing and triggering functions required for machine vi­sion systems.
LED lighting needs a constant current supply as small variations in voltage can cause large variations in light output. The NL-200 can set currents in steps of 0.1% (with a lower limit of 2.5mA steps to give very ne control of intensity
Before you start consult your NERLITE specification or product labeling for it’s Current Rating. All specifications can be found on the Omron Microscan website.
NOTE: This current rating is critical to the safe operation of the NERLITE, care must be taken
to determine the correct rating for the light to be connected to the NL-2XX controller.
NOTE: Lighting must not be connected to anything else and must not have a common con­ nection to other lights
NOTE: The NL series has SafePowerTM low heat technology so that in most cases
heatsinking is not required. SafePower also automatically “steps-up” the output volt age, so that from a 24V supply a higher voltage (eg 36V) can be output.
1.) Read the sections on Safety (Section 3) and Specications (Appendix A) and check the
NL-2XX fulls your requirements.
2.) Mount the NL-2XX as described in Section 4.
3.) Connect the NL-2XX up to a supply as described in Connections (Section 5). When the front
panel is present, the NL-2XX should show two alternating lines on the display to indicate that it is operating properly.
4.) Read Lighting Setup (Section 7) and then enter the current rating for the lights you need to
connect. Then connect the lights. NOTE: The current release of the NL-2XX does not sup
port Voltage Rating, use only Current Rating to operate your light(s).
5.) Set up the NL-2XX for the desired operation as described in the Conguration sections
(Section 8, 10 or 11).
NL-200 Series Controller User Manual
Getting Started
2.1 Summary of Features
Throughout this manual, references to the NL-2XX refer to all variants in the NL range unless other­wise stated.
The convention for the part number is:
NL product range name
c Number of channels: 2, 8.
d Conguration option: 0 = front panel, 2 = Ethernet
F Option for fast pulsing
vv Maximum current rating in amps: 2, 20
The following table lists the features on each model.
Feature NL200 NL220 NL220F
Number of channels 2 2 2
Front panel conguration Yes Yes Yes
Ethernet conguration No Yes Yes
Fast pulsing No No Yes
NL-200 Series Controller User Manual
3 Safety
Read this before using the NL-2XX. Always observe the following safety precautions. If in doubt, contact your distributor or Omron Microscan Systems. The following symbols mean:
Warning: read instructions to understand possible hazard
Warning: Possible hazardous voltage
Warning. Surface may get hot
Where these symbols appear in the manual, refer to the text for precautions to be taken.
3.1 Heat
The NL-2XX can dissipate up to 10W and so can get hot. It should be positioned where personnel
cannot accidentally touch it and away from ammable materials.
Read the Mounting (Section 4). Do not exceed the power ratings given in the manual. Note that at the maximum ratings the case temperature can reach 65°C.
Ensure that any ventilation holes are not blocked. Allow free ow of air around the unit.
3.2 Electrical
The lighting connections can exceed 46.7V but should not exceed 70V. Pulse peak voltages above 46.7V are considered hazardous. The lighting connections must be shielded from being touched along the whole length of the cable and in the light.
The user must ensure that the potential difference between any combination of input signals does not exceed 46.7V. WARNING: Higher voltages may cause a danger to personal health.
The NL-2XX does not have complete tracking isolation of inputs and outputs.
Transients caused by inductive loads must be suppressed external to the NL2XX.
The NL-2XX outputs high energy pulses. Care must be taken to connect the outputs correctly and protect the output wiring and load from inadvertent short-circuits. When switched off, there is still energy stored in the NL-2XX for about 15 seconds.
3.3 General
The NL-2XX must not be used in an application where its failure could cause a danger to personal health or damage to other equipment.
If the equipment is used in a manner not specied by the manufacturer, the protection provided by the equipment may be impaired.
NL-200 Series Controller User Manual
4 Mounting
In order to provide xing points to mount the unit onto a at surface or bracket M3 nuts must be inserted into one or more of the slots in the base, see illustration below. The quantity and position of these nuts is dependant upon the users requirements. To t a nut remove one of the end covers. The nuts can then be slid into the slots and the cover replaced. Ensure that the xing screws used do not extend past the lower base surface by more than 5.5mm.
See Addendum for installation of optional DIN Rail Mounting Kit.
4.1 Environmental considerations
The NL-2XX enclosure is a re enclosure as long as it is mounted so that none of the connectors are facing downwards.
If a re enclosure is used, the enclosure should be metal or plastic (with a ammability rating of UL94 V1 or better); with no holes below or to the sides of the NL-2XX when mounted. Cable entries below the NL-2XX should be via glands that have a ammability rating as before. The NL-2XX should be at least 10mm from any other part or side of the enclosure.
The NL-2XX does not have an IP rating and should be mounted so that moisture and dirt cannot enter the unit.
NL-200 Series Controller User Manual
5 Connections
See the Specication (Appendix A) for information on connection ratings.
5.1 Power Supply
To avoid a re hazard from the NL-2XX or the power supply consider the implica­tions of overheating in the unlikely event of a fault in the NL200. The power dissipa­tion in the NL-2XX in a fault condition can be up to:
<Power supply voltage> * <max current delivered by power supply>
Either limit the power supply output current so that not more than 30W can be dissipated in the NL200, or mount the unit in a re enclosure.
Choose a PSU that limits its output current by design, by setting the current limit on the supply (if this feature exists) or use fuses. Remember to derate the fuse, if mounted in an enclosure, as the temperature will be higher than ambient. The external power supply will need to be able to supply at least the average output power for all active channels.
The use of a regulated power supply with 100% short circuit protection is recommended. If however a non-regulated power supply is used, then the maximum ripple voltage of this power supply must not exceed 10% of the actual DC value.
Route low voltage and mains wiring separately. If they must be loomed together ensure that low volt­age insulation rating is sufcient or that supplementary insulation is used.
Pin Power Input Connector
1 +24V to +48V
5.2 Lighting Output
The lighting connections can exceed 46.7V but should not exceed 70V DC. Pulse peak voltages above 46.7V are considered hazardous. The lighting connections must be shielded from being touched along the whole length of the cable and in the light.
Make sure you set the current rating for a light before connecting it. See the Lighting Setup (Section 7) for details on this.
Light output is on 4-way pluggable screw terminal sockets. It is possible to use two 2-way connectors in a 4-way socket.
The lighting output connections must not be commoned or grounded in any way.
NL-200 Series Controller User Manual
Pin LED12
1 CH1 lighting
out +ve
2 CH1 lighting
out -ve
3 CH2 lighting
out +ve
4 CH2 lighting
out -ve
5.3 Trigger Inputs
There is one trigger input per channel.
The trigger inputs are opto-isolated 3V to 24V input, drawing a minimum of 3mA.
Pin ET12 connector
1 TRIG1 -ve
2 TRIG1 +ve
3 TRIG2 -ve
4 TRIG2 +ve
5.4 12V Power Output
One or two 12V power supply outputs may be present. These can supply up to 1A at 12V for power­ing external cameras and other devices. Do not connect inductive loads or devices that take large peak currents. Do not exceed the current rating as these outputs are not fused.
Pin PW1 connector PW2 connector
2 +12V +12V
5.4.1 Ethernet Connection (NL220, NL-220F)
The RJ45 Ethernet connector requires a straight through cable to connect into a network switch, hub or router. It runs at 10Mbits per second.
NL-200 Series Controller User Manual
5.4.2 Connectors
The NL-2XX is supplied with mating connectors for the power supply input, trigger inputs, 12V power output and lighting output.
Should spare parts be required these can be obtained as follows:
Connector Description Wuerth part Farnell part
number number
Power Wuerth 351 series 691-351­Input 2W screw terminal free skt 500-002 164-1952
Trigger Wuerth 361 series 691-361- 1642-001 Input 4W screw terminal free socket 100-004
12V Wuerth 348 series 691-348- N/A Output 2W screw terminal free plug 500-002
Lighting Wuerth 348 series 691-348- N/A Output 4W screw terminal free plug 500-004
NL-200 Series Controller User Manual
6 General Description
The NL-2XX current controller provides repeatable intensity control of LED lighting for machine vision applications. It includes the intensity control, timing and triggering functions required for machine vi­sion systems.
LED lighting needs a constant current supply as small variations in voltage can cause large variations in light output. The NL-2XX can set currents in steps of 0.1% (with a lower limit of 2.5mA steps) to give very ne control of intensity.
Four modes of operation are provided separately for each channel:
Continuous (“SCo”):
In continuous mode the output is a continuous brightness.
Pulse (Strobe) (SPu”):
In pulse mode output is pulsed once per trigger. One trigger input is used as a trigger. The delay from trigger to pulse, the pulse duration and the brightness can be set.
Switched (“SOn”):
In switched mode a trigger input can be used to switch the output current on and off. The output is only enabled when the trigger input has a voltage on it.
Selected (“SSe”):
In selected mode a trigger input can be used to select between two different intensities..
The NL-2XX is set up using the push buttons and display on the front of the unit. The set up is non­volatile, so the NL-2XX will resume the same operation after a power cycle.
6.1 Output Modes
The trigger inputs are used as follows:
Mode Trigger Input Output
Continuous Unused Output is on.
Switched Trigger = off Output is off
Trigger = on Output is on
Selected Trigger = off Output is continuous brightness 2
Trigger = on Output is continuous brightness 1
Pulsed Trigger rising edge Pulse is triggered if P ag = 1
Trigger falling edge Pulse is triggered if P ag = 0
Note that the P ag inverts the sense of the trigger input.
6.1.1 Continuous Output, Switched Output, Selected Output
In continuous mode the output current Is xed and continuous. Switched mode uses a trigger input to switch the output on or off. Selected mode uses a trigger input to select between two different brightnesses.
The output current can be varied from 0% to 100% of full brightness.
6.1.2 Pulsed Output
The output is off by default. When the NL-2XX is triggered it will wait for a delay and then pulse the output. The delay, pulse width, retrigger delay and pulse intensity are all congurable.
Retrigger delay is the minimum allowed time from one trigger to the next. Any triggers that happen too soon after the previous trigger are ignored. The retrigger delay is set in multiples of 100us.
In pulsed mode, the brightness can be set up to 1000% of its rating, but only for short periods and at low duty cycles, so that the lighting does not overheat and get damaged. The duty cycle is limited by ignoring triggers which are too soon after the previous trigger.
Output Brightness Allowed Pulse Width Allowed Duty Cycle
0 to 100% 999ms 100%
101% to 200% 30ms 30%
201% to 300% 10ms 20%
301% to 500% 2ms 10%
501% to 1000% 1ms 5%
So for example, if the brightness is set to 250%, then the NL-2XX will not allow pulses greater than 10ms long. With 10ms pulses, if a trigger occurs within 50ms of a previous trigger (so that the duty cycle would be greater than 20%) the trigger is ignored.
If necessary the NL-2XX will limit the duty cycle by increasing the retrigger delay.
WARNING: To prevent possible overcurrent condition when operating NERLITE Strobe models, initiate the
brightness setting to 10%, then increase current appropriately.
6.1.3 Fault Detection
The NL-2XX detects the following errors. When the output current is less than 100mA, some fault detection is turned off.
Error Reason
PO Internal power dissipation is too high. Output turned off.
OP Output current to lighting is too low. The light is open circuit or there is not
enough supply voltage for the requested output current.
SH If the output voltage is too low, the controller detects that the output is short circuited.
HI The voltage required for the lighting has increased too much. Check for ageing of the
lighting or a failed LED.
LO The voltage required for the lighting has decreased too much. Check for ageing of the
lighting or a failed LED.
The user must press SEL to cancel the error and the NL-2XX will then re-sense the light.
NL-200 Series Controller User Manual
General Description
NL-200 Series Controller User Manual
General Description
6.2 Cold Start
The NL-2XX conguration can be cleared to the default settings, which clears the lighting ratings and sets all channels to 50% brightness continuous operation. This can be done from the front panel or by sending the CL command using Ethernet.
To clear the conguration from the front panel, turn on the NL-2XX while holding the SEL and DOWN buttons, for about 5 seconds, until ‘COL’ is displayed.. The controller can be cold booted even when the keypad is locked. The lock is removed by the cold boot.
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