E3X-DRT21 (DeviceNet)
E3X-SRT21 (CompoBus/S)
E3X-CIF11 (RS-422)
Fiber Amplifier Sensor
Communication Units
Operation Manual
Produced Septemb er 2001
OMRON products are manufactured for use accordin g to proper procedures by a qualified operator
and only for the purposes described in this manual.
The following conventions are used to ind icate and classify pr ecautions in this manual . Always heed
the information provided with them . Failure to heed precautions can result in in jur y to people or damage to property.
!DANGERIndicates an immine ntly hazardous situation whi ch, if not avoided, will result in death or
serious inj ury.
!WARNINGIndicates a potentially hazardous situatio n which, if not avoided, could resu lt in death or
serious inj ury.
!CautionIndicates a potentially hazardous situat ion which, if not avoided, may result in minor or
moderate injury, or property damage.
OMRON Product References
All OMRON products are capitalized in this manual. The word “Unit” is also capitalized when it refers to
an OMRON product, regardless of whether or not it appears in the proper name of the product.
The abbreviation “Ch,” which appears in some dis plays and on some OMRON products, often means
“word” and is abbreviated “Wd” in documentation in this sense.
The abbreviation “PLC” means Programmable Controller.
Visual Aids
The following headings appear in the left co lumn of the manual to help you locate different types of
DeviceNet is a registered tradema rk of the ODVA (Open DeviceNet Vendor Association). Othe r product names and company names use d in this manual are the tradema rks or registere d trademarks of
the respective companies. The copyright to t he Fiber Am plifier Sen sor Communicati on Units belo ngs
to OMRON Corporation.
¸ OMRON, 2001
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or tran smit ted, in any form, o
by any means, mechanical, electronic, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission o
No patent liability is assumed with respect to th e use of the in fo rmation c ontain ed he rein. M oreover, because OMRON is con stantly striving to improve its high-quality products, the information contained in this manual is subject to change without
notice. Every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this manual. Nevertheless, OMRON assumes no responsibility
for errors or omissions. Neither is any liability assumed for damages resulting from the use of the information contained in
this publication.
Note Indicates information of pa rticular interest for efficient and convenient opera-
tion of the product.
1,2,3...1. Indicates lists of one sort or another, such as procedures, checklists, etc.
This manual describes the installation and operation of the E3X-DRT21 (DeviceNet), E3X-SRT21
(CompoBus/S), a nd E3X-CIF11 (RS-422) Fiber Amplifier Se nsor Communication Un its. These Units
enable optical fiber com munic ati on s for OMRON E3X- DA-N Digital F ib er Am pl ifier s and E39 - TM1 Terminal Block Units.
Please read this manual carefully and be sure you understand the information provided before
attempting to install or ope rate a Fib er Amplifier Sensor Com munic at ion Uni t. B e s ur e t o read the precautions provided in the following section.
Precautions provides general precautions for using a Fiber Amplifier Sensor Communication Unit and
related devices.
Section 1 provides an overview of the Fiber Amplifier Sensor Communication Units for DeviceNet,
CompoBus/S, and RS-422 c ommunic ations, inc ludin g thei r features, system c onfig urations, s pecific ations, and connection methods. This section also covers the differences between different models.
Section 2 provides details on the Fiber Amplifier Sensor Communication Unit for DeviceNet communications, including proc edures and application examples for remote I/O communica tions and explicit
messages used by the Unit, par t nam es and fun ction s, operation proced ures, wiring , and appl ications
available from the DeviceNet Configurator.
Section 3 provides detai ls on the Fiber Am plifier Sensor Communication Unit for CompoB us/S communications, including proc ed ures and a ppl ic atio n examples for CompoBus/S remote I/O communications used by the Unit, part names and functions, operation procedures, and wiring.
Section 4 provides details on the Fiber Amplifier Sensor Communication Unit for RS-422 communications, including informati on on the model s, procedures, set tings, and applica tion examples of Com poWay/F message communications used by the Unit, par t names and fun ctions, operation procedures,
and wiring.
Section 5 descr ibes the procedure us ed to mount the Fiber Amplifier Sen sor Communication Unit to
DIN Track and provides the dimensions of the Units.
Section 6 provides infor mation for each Communication Unit on the types of errors that m ay occur,
including details on the indicator status, probable causes, and remedies.
The Appendices provide information on communications timing, monitoring incident light levels of
E3X-DA6-P Sensors, DeviceNet connection settings, and the device protocol for DeviceNet.
!WARNING Failure to read and under stand the information provided in th is manual m ay result in p er-
sonal injury or death, damage to th e product, or product failure. Please r ea d ea ch section
in its entirety and be sure you understand the information provided in the section and
related sections before attempting any of the procedures or operations given.
This section provides general precautions for using the Fiber Amplifier Sensor Communication Units and related devices.
The information contained in this section is importa nt for the safe and reliable application of the Fiber Amplifier
Sensor Communication Units. You must read this section and understand the information contained before
attempting to set up or operate a Fiber Amplifier Sensor Communication Unit.
This manual is intended for the following personnel, who must also have
knowledge of electrical systems (an electrical engineer or the equivalent).
• Personnel in charge of installing FA systems.
• Personnel in charge of designing FA systems.
• Personnel in charge of managing FA systems and facilities.
2General Precautions
The user must operate t he product according to t he performance specifications described in the operation manuals.
Before using the product under conditions which are not described in the
manual or applying the produ ct to nuclear control s ystems, railroad systems,
aviation systems, vehicles, combustion systems, medic al equipmen t, amusement machines, safety equipment, and oth er systems, machines, and equi pment that may have a serious influence on lives and property if used
improperly, consult your OMRON representative.
Make sure that the ratings and performan ce charact er is ti cs of the pr od uc t are
sufficient for the systems, machi nes, and equipment, and be sure to provide
the systems, machines, and equipment with double safety mechanisms.
This manual provides information for install ing and operating OMRON Fiber
Amplifier Sensor Communication Units. Be sure to read this manual before
operation and keep this manual close at hand for reference during operation.
!WARNING It is extremely important that a Fiber Amplifier Sensor Communication Unit be
used for the specified pur pose and under the specified co nditions, especial ly
in applications that ca n directly or indir ectly affect human life. You must consult with your OMRON representative before applying a Fiber Amplifier Sensor Communication Unit to the above mentioned applications.
3Safety Precautions
!WARNING Provide external emer gency stop circ uits, interlock circu its, limit circuits, and
other safety circuits in addition to any provided within the control system to
ensure safety in the event of product failure or errors resulting from external
causes. Incorrect or unexpected operation may result in serious accidents.
Operating Environment Precautions4
4Operating Environment Precautions
Do not operate the control system in the following places.
• Where the Fiber Amplifier Sensor Communication Unit is exposed to
direct sunlight.
• Where the ambient temperature or humidity exceed the specified ranges.
• Where condensation may occur due to radical temperature changes.
• Where there is any corrosive or inflammable gas.
• Where there is excessive dust, saline air, or metal powder.
• Where any water, oil, or chemical may splash on the Fiber Ampli fier S ensor Communication Unit.
• Where the Fiber Amplifier S ensor Com munic ati on Un it i s subj ect to direct
vibration or shock.
!Caution The operating environment of the Fiber Am pli fi er Sen so r Co mmunication Unit
can have a large effect on the longevity and reliability of the system. Improper
operating environments can lea d to mal function, failure, and othe r unforeseeable problems with the Fiber Ampli fier Sensor Communication Uni t. Be sure
that the operating environment is withi n the speci fie d co ndi tio ns at ins tallation
and remains within the specified conditions during the life of the system.
5Application Precautions
Observe the following precautions when using the Fiber Amplifier Sensor
Communication Unit.
!Caution Failure to abide by the following precautions could lead to faulty operation of
the Fiber Amplifier Sens or Communication Unit or the syst em or could damage the Fiber Ampl ifier Sensor Com munication Uni t. Always heed these precautions.
• Provide proper shielding when installing in the following locations:
• Locations subject to static electricity or other sources of noise.
• Locations subject to strong electromagnetic fields.
• Locations subject to possible exposure to radiation.
• Locations near power supply lines.
• Do not clean the Fiber Ampl ifi er Se nso r C ommuni catio n Unit wi th or gan ic
solvents, such as paint thinner. Organic solvents will dissolve and discolor
the surface of the Unit.
• Take measures to stabilize the power suppl y to conform to the rated supply (the voltage, frequency, etc.) if it is not stable.
• Do not attempt to take a Fiber Amplifier Sensor Communication Unit
apart, to repair a Fiber Amplifier Sensor Communication Unit, or to modify
a Fiber Amplifier Sensor Communication Unit in any way.
• Never attempt to wire a Fiber Amplifier Sensor Communication Unit while
power is being supplied. Doing so may result in serious electrical shock or
• Do not drop a Fiber Amplifi er Sensor Communication Unit or subj ect it to
excessive shock or vibration. Unit failure or malfunction may result.
• Use the specified communications cables.
Application Precautions5
• Wire communications within the specified distances.
• Do not wire communications cables near or in parallel with high-voltage or
high-current lines.
• Do not bend cables past their natural bending radius or pull on cables.
• Check all wiring carefully and completely before supplying power.
• Confirm that the correct polarity has been used in wiring the ter minals
and that the communic ation s and power lines have been otherwise wire d
correctely. Incorrect wiring may result in Unit failure.
• Do not connect or disconnect connectors while the power supply is turned
ON. Doing so may result in Unit failure or malfunction.
• Use the specified power supply voltage.
• Do not turn ON or OFF the power supply to the Mobile Consol e during
communications. Doing so may result in communications errors.
• Tighten the screws on t he co mmuni ca tio ns c onn ec tor s ec urel y. The tightening torque is 0.5 to 0.6 N
This section provides an overview of the Fiber Amplifier Sensor Communication Units for DeviceNet, CompoBus/S, and
RS-422 communications, including their features, system configurations, specificat ions, and connection methods. This
section also covers the differences between different models.
The Fiber Amplifier Sensor Communication Units are Communication Units
for E3X-DA-N-series Digital Fiber Amplifi er Units or E39-TM1 Terminal Block
Units. (See note.) The following three models are available.
• E3X-DRT21 for DeviceNet (functions as a DeviceNet slave)
• E3X-SRT21 for CompoBus/S (functions as a CompoBus/S slave)
• E3X-CIF11 for RS-422 (functions as a CompoWay/F slave)
Note In this manual, Digital Fiber Amplifier Units and Terminal Block Units are
referred to collectively as Fiber Amplifier Units.
The Fiber Amplifier S ensor Communication Un its can be connected to Fiber
Amplifier Units with Connectors. Connecting a Fiber Am plifier Sensor Communication Unit to the l eft side of one or more Fiber Amplifi er Units allows
data to be exchanged with the Fiber A mplifier Sensor Units via optical communications.
Note When using a Fibe r Amplifier Sensor Communicatio n Unit for DeviceNet or
CompoBus/S communications, however, a Slave Connector with Cord cannot
be connected to a Fiber Amplifier Unit with a Connector. Use a Cordless
Slave Connector instead.
The E3X-MC11 Mobile Console for Fiber Amplifier Units can also be connected to a Fiber Amplifier Sensor Communication Unit.
Communications between
a Host and Optical
Remote I/O
Message CommunicationsSending comman ds from the PLC all ows reading parameters (such as those
Setting, Monitoring, and
Operating Sensors from
the Configurator
Mobile Console
The Fiber Amplifier Sensor Communication Unit enables communications
between optical sensors and a host, such as an OMRON PLC (CS-series, CJseries, C200HX/HG/HE, or o ther OMRON PLC), other manufacturer’s PLCs
that support DeviceNet, and personal computers.
Information on the Fiber Am plifier Un it’s ON/OFF output signa ls and in cident
light levels can be sent to the host PL C (master) using rem ote I/O commun ications without any spe cial programming (suppor ted only for Fiber Amplifier
Units for DeviceNet and CompoBus/S communications).
for incident light levels), writing parameters (such as those for thresholds), and
various teaching operations. (DeviceNet models u se explicit messages, and
RS-422 Communication Units use CompoWay/F commands.)
With DeviceNet models, the DeviceNet Configurator (Ver. 2. 10 or higher) ca n
be used to set Fiber A mplifi er Sens or Co mmunicat ion Uni t pa rame ters (C ommunication Unit settings and Sensor settings) and download them to the
Communication Unit and Fiber Amplifier Unit as a batch.
The E3X-MC11 Mobile C onsole for Fiber Ampl ifier Units ca n be co nnecte d to
the Communication Unit. Th e head for connecting to the Mobile Console is
not required when it is connected to a Communication Unit.
Note The Mobile Console ca n be us ed in co nju n ction with monitori ng ON /OFF out-
put signals throug h remote I/O com munications. The Mobile Console canno t
be used, however , in conjunction with remote I/O communications for monitoring incident light levels, message communications, and using the Configurator
for transferring device parameters.
Features and System ConfigurationSection 1-1
1-1-3System Configuration
E3X-DRT21 for
DeviceNet Configurator
CS/CJ-series DeviceNet Unit
Serial connector
(For setting, monitoring,
and operating Sensors)
Explicit message
Fiber Sensors
DeviceNet slave
NoteThe Mobile Console cannot be used at the same time as
E3X-DRT21 Fiber
Amplifier Sensor
Unit for DeviceNet
explicit messages communications and setting, monitoring, and operating from Configurator.
E3X-DA-N Digital Fiber
Amplifier Unit (Uses a
Cordless Slave Connector.)
E3X-SRT21 for
Remote I/O
E3X-MC11 Mobile
CompoBus/S Master Unit
Fiber Sensors
E3X-DA-N Digital Fiber Amplifier Unit
(Uses a Cordless Slave Connector.)
E3X-SRT21 Fiber Amplifier
Sensor Communication
Unit for CompoBus/S
CompoBus/S slave
Features and System ConfigurationSection 1-1
E3X-CIF11 for RS-422
With PLC as Master
Serial Communications
CompoWay/F master
NoteThe Mobile Console cannot be used at the same
time as CompoWay/F message communications.
for protocol macros
RS-422 (CompoWay/F)
CompoWay/F slav e
E3X-DA-N Digital Fiber Amplifier Unit
E3X-CIF11 Fiber Amplifier Sensor
Communication Unit for RS-422
With Personal Computer
as Master
Personal computer
Mobile Console
NoteThe Mobile Console cannot be used at same
time as CompoWay/F message communications.
RS-422 (CompoWay/F)
CompoWay/F slave
E3X-DA-N Digital Fiber Amplifier Unit
E3X-CIF11 Fiber Amplifier Sensor
Communication Unit for RS-422
Setting, monitoring, and
operating Sensors from Configurator
Mobile Console connectionYes
Power supply (Shared by Communication Unit and all Fiber Am plifier
Units connected to it.)
Maximum number of Sensors that
can be connected per Unit.
(See note 1.)
Applicable Fiber Amplifier UnitsThe following Fiber Amplifier Units with Connectors are supported (See note 2.):
Applicable Slave Connectors for
Fiber Amplifier Units
Power supply cableNoneNoneProvided.
ON/OFF data, status, and monitoring incident light levels
(Functions as DeviceNet slave.)
Explicit messagesNoFunctions as
Supported from DeviceNet Configurator
(depends on the parameter editi ng and
device monitoring functions of the slave).
Cannot be used at the same time as monitoring incident light levels from remote I/O
communications, using explicit messages
communications, or setting, monitoring, or
operating Sensors from the Configurator.
From DeviceNet communications co nnector
13 or 16 (depending on the mode used)6 or 14 (depending
at the same time
as CompoWay/F
message communications.
From power supply cable
E3X-CN12 Slave
Connector with
Cord or E3XCN02 Cordless
Slave Connector
Note1. Fiber Amplifier Units that are allocated two unit numbers must be counted
as two Units when counting the number of connected Sensors.
2. Prewired models (E3X-DA11/21/41/51-N, E3X-DAB11-N, etc.) and waterresistant models can not be used. Connecting these Uni ts will di sable the
power reset switch.
SpecificationsSection 1-2
3. The following Fiber Amplifier Units can be connected to products from specific lots (or later) only:
E3X-DA6, E3X-DA8, E3X-DAB6, E3X-DAB8, E3X-DAG6, E3X-DAG8,
E3X-DA6TW, and E3X-DA8TW
Even one Unit from a previous lot cannot be connected. The Units that can
be connected must have the following lot numbers or later.
Lot No.
18 6 01
Another method for distinguishing which Units can be connected is by
checking whether the printed information “MADE IN JAP AN” on the front is
underlined or not. This information is underlined for those Units that can be
• Underlined
Manufactured on June 18, 2001
Year of manufacture expressed as last two
digits of the year.
Month of manufacture. Oct., Nov., and Dec. ar
expressed as X, Y, and Z respectively .
Day of manufacture.
• N ot underlined
The printed infor mation “MADE IN JAPAN” indicat es whether conn ection
is possible, as follows:
• Underlined:Can be connected to Communication Unit.
• Not underlined: Cannot be connected to Communication Unit.
1-2-2General Specifications
Power supply voltage 11 to 25 VDC14 to 26.4 VDC11.4 to 26.4 VDC
Internal current consumption (per Communication Uni t) (See
Ambient temperature –20 to 55C
Ambient humidityOperating and storage: 35% to 85% (with no condensation)
Storage temperature–30 to 70C
Dimensions30 34.6 71.3 mm (W H D)
Weight (packed state) Approx. 150 gApprox. 150 gApprox. 200 g
Brown :
12 to 24 VDC
Blue : 0 V
Black :
Brown :
12 to 24 VDC
Blue : 0 V
Black :
(12 VDC –5% to
24 VDC +10%)
70 mA max.30 mA max.40 mA max.
Note The current supplied to the Sensor is not included in the specification.
Connecting Fiber Amplifier UnitsSection 1-3
1-3Connecting Fiber Amplifier Units
1-3-1Identifying Sensors (Fiber Amplifier Units)
Fiber Amplifier Units are connected serially to the right side of the Fiber
Amplifier Sensor Communication Unit, as shown in the following diagram.
Fiber Amplifier Units
Fiber Amplifier Sensor
Communication Unit
DIN Track
Fiber Amplifier Unit
Slave Connectors
Unit 1
Unit 2
Unit 3
Unit 4
Unit 5
Unit 6
Unit 7
Unit numbers in ascending order from the left.
Unit 10
Unit 8
Unit 9
Unit 11
Unit 12
Unit 13
Unit 14
Unit 15
Unit 16
The Fiber Amplifi er Units con nected to the Co mmunica tion Un it ar e ide ntifie d
according to their unit numbe rs. Unit numbers are automatically assigned to
the Units in order from unit number 1 starting from the Unit next to the Communication Unit.
Some Fiber Amplifier Units, i.e., the E3X-DA6TW and E3X-DA8TW, are
assigned two unit numbers.
1-3-2Number of Sensors Connected
The number of Sensors ( i.e., the number of Fibe r Amp lifie r Unit s) that c an be
connected depends o n the type of Communi cation Unit us ed and its settings
as follows:
ModelSettingNumber of Sensors
E3X-DRT21 f or De viceNet Remote I/O communications
E3X-SRT21 for CompoBus/S
E3X-CIF11 for RS-422---16 max.
Note Fiber Amplifier Units that are allocated two unit numbers (E3X-DA6TW, E3X-
DA8TW) must be counted as two Units when counting the number Sensors.
13 max.
(one-word mode)
Remote I/O communications
16 max.
(two-word mode or two-word
mode with incident light level
One allocated node address6 max.
Two allocated node addresses14 max.
Connecting Fiber Amplifier UnitsSection 1-3
1-3-3Supported Fiber Amplifier Units
The Communication Unit can be connected to the following Fiber Amplifier
E3X-DA6Standard model NPNNone11
E3X-DA6-PON/OFF inci-
dent light levelmonitoring
(See note 1.)
(blue LED)
(green LED)
NPN/PNP -----Unit
Number of
Number of
unit numbers
Note1. The incident light level can be monitored when Unit is turned ON or OFF.
2. Prewired Units (E3X-DA11/21/41/51-N, E 3X-DA B11-N, etc.) and Waterresistant Units (such as E3X -DA14V) cannot be used. Connecting these
Units will disable the power reset switch.
3. Connect ions of E3X-D A6/8, E3X-DA B6/8, E3X- DA G6/8, E3X-D A6T W , and
E3X-DA8TW are restricted depend ing on the lot number. Refer to page 6
for details on restrictions.
4. Install the E39-TM1 Terminal Block Unit as far away from the Communication Unit as possible.
1-3-4Slave Connectors for Fiber Amplifier Units
Fiber Amplifier Unit s must be used with Slave Connectors ( purchased separately). When connecting a Fibe r Ampli fier S ensor Com municat ion Unit , however, th e Slave Connector tha t ca n be connected to the Fib er Am pl ifier Uni t is
restricted accor ding to the Communication U nit use d, as shown in the following table.
Note Do not use a E3X-CN11 or E3X-CN21 Mas ter Connector with a Fibe r Ampli-
fier Unit.
Slave Connector for Fiber Amplifier Unit
CordlessWith 1-wire cord With 2-wire cord
Connecting Fiber Amplifier UnitsSection 1-3
1-3-5Power Supply for Sensors
The Communication Unit supplies power to the Fiber Amplifier Units. The following table shows the methods u sed to su pply power to the Co mmunicatio n
Unit and all Fiber Amplifier Units connected to it.
ModelPower supply method
E3X-DRT21 (DeviceNet)From DeviceNet communications power supply.
E3X-SRT21 (CompoBus/S) From CompoBus/S communications power supply.
E3X-CIF11 (RS-422)From power supply cable.
1-3-6Regi stering the Number of Sensors
To detect wh ether communica tions with F iber Amplifi er Units are n ormal, th e
number of Fiber Amplifier Units connected must be registered. When the
number of Fiber Amplifier Units connected is registered, errors can be
detected when there is no optical communications response from Sensors
due to malfunctions in Fiber Amplifier Units. The errors can be detected by the
difference between the number of Fiber Am plifier Units communicating and
the number registered as connected.
A difference between the number of Fiber Amplifier Units connected and th e
number of registered Units is indicated as follows:
• The SS indicator lights red.
• The Sensor Communications Error Flag turns ON.
The following table shows the method used to set the number of Sensors connected to the Unit
E3X-DRT21 (DeviceNet)When pin 3 on the DIP switch is OFF:
E3X-SRT21 (CompoBus/S)Use the rotary switch.
E3X-CIF11 (RS-422)When pin 3 on the DIP switch is OFF:
ModelSetting method
Use the rotary switch.
When pin 3 on the DIP switch is ON:
Use the Configurator or e xp lic it messages.
Use the rotary switch.
When pin 3 on the DIP switch is ON:
Use CompoWay/F messages.
Note Fiber Amplifier Units that are allocated two unit numbers (E3X-DA6TW, E3X-
DA8TW) must be counted as two Units when counting the number Sensors.
1-3-7Sensor Rese t Sw it ch
The sensor reset switch is used to replace or add Fiber Amplifier Units without
turning OFF power to the Fiber Amplifier Sensor Communication Unit.
With the Fiber Amplifier Sensor Communication Unit power ON, replace or
perform required work on the Fiber Amplifier Units. After completing work,
press the reset switch to reset all Fiber Amplifier Units and restart normal
communications between the Fiber Amplifier Sensor Communication Unit and
Fiber Amplifier Units.
Connecting Fiber Amplifier UnitsSection 1-3
E3X-DRT21 for Device Net Communications
This section provides details on the Fiber Amplifier Sensor Communication Unit for DeviceNet communications, including
procedures and application examples for remote I/O communications and explicit messages used by the Unit, part names
and functions, operation procedures, wiring, and applications available from the DeviceNet Configurator.
Overview of DeviceNet Communications ModelSection 2-1
2-1Overview of DeviceNet Communications Model
The E3X-DRT21 for DeviceNet communications is a Communication Unit that
uses the DeviceNet to communicat e with one or more Fi ber Optical Senso rs
through Fiber Amplifier Units, including monitoring ON/OFF output signals
and incident light levels, writing parameters, and controlling operation.
Remote I/O communications can be use d to monitor ON/OFF output signals
and incident light levels without special programming. Explicit m essages can
be used to read and write parameters and the DeviceNet Configurator
enables transferring and monitoring parameters as a batch.
Note When DeviceNet Communication Units are used, however, Fiber Amplifier
Units can output ON/OF F signals via communi cations only. (Fiber A mplifier
Units can be connecte d to Cordless Slave Connectors only. They cannot be
connected to Slave Connectors with Cords.)
Refer to the following manuals when using a DeviceNet Communication Unit:
DeviceNet Operation Manual (Cat. No. W267) and DeviceNet Slave Manual
(Cat. No. W347).
2-1-2DeviceNet Communications Overview
Remote I/O
Words in the IN Area of the master can be allocated to the E3 X- DRT21 Communication Unit for storage of the ON/OFF data, status data, and incident light
levels of the Sensors.
DeviceNet UnitCPU Unit
Remote I/O
E3X-DRT21 Fiber
Amplifier Sensor
Unit for DeviceNet
Remote I/O IN
Communications Flag
E.g., 1-word
Unit 1 ON/OFF
Unit 2 ON/OFF
Unit 13 ON/OFF
Fiber Sensors
E3X-DA-N Digital Fiber Amplifier Unit
(Uses Cordless Slave Connector.)
Overview of DeviceNet Communications ModelSection 2-1
Communications modeWordsCommunications dataNumber of
Remote I/O c ommunications
one-word mode
Remote I/O comm unications,
two-word mode
One word in
IN Area
Two words in
IN Area
Sent to the master:
ON/OFF output signals for up to 13 Sensors .
Sent to the master:
ON/OFF output signals for up to 16 Sensors .
13 max.---
16 max.
Number of Sensors able to communicate.
Number of Sensors connected.
Remote I/O c ommunications
two-word mode with incident
light level monitoring
Explicit Message
Two words in
IN Area plus
words for
number of
Sensors connected
Sent to the master:
ON/OFF output signals for up to 16 Sensors .
Number of Sensors able to communicate.
Number of Sensors that are connected.
Incident light levels of up to 16 Sensors.
16 max.Incident light
Sending explicit messages to the E3X-DRT21 Communication Unit enables
reading and writing Sensor parameters.
DeviceNet UnitCPU Unit
Ladder program
CMND(490), etc.
levels cannot
be monitored if
Mobile Console is connected.
E3X-DRT21 Fiber
Amplifier Sensor
Unit for DeviceNet
E3X-DA-N Digital Fiber Amplifier Unit
(Uses Cordless Slave Connector.)
MessageCommunication dataConditions
Explicit message
Fiber Sensors
Unit 1Unit
Reads parameters, including ON/
OFF data, incident light levels, and
Writes parameters, including maximum sensitivity, and thresholds.
Performs various operations including teaching and fine tuning.
Cannot be used
when a Mobile
Console is connected.
Overview of DeviceNet Communications ModelSection 2-1
Transferring, Monitoring,
and Operating from the
DeviceNet Configurator
CS/CJ-series DeviceNet Unit
A DeviceNet Configurator (Ver. 2.10 or higher) can be used to read and write
Sensor parameters from a personal computer.
Serial connector
Operating and monitoring Sensor settings from Configurator
• Setting and downloading Sensor data.
• M onitoring Sensor ON/OFF data, incident light levels, etc.
Fiber Sensors
• Performing Sensor teaching operations.
E3X-DRT21 Fiber
Amplifier Sensor
Communication Unit
for DeviceNet
DeviceNet slave
TypeCommunications contentsConditions
Sensor parameter
Writes any parameters, including maximum
sensitivity, and thresholds.
Sensor monitoringReads any parameters, including ON/OFF
data, incident light levels, and thresholds.
Sensor teachingPerforms various teaching operations.
Cannot be
used when
Mobile Console is connected.
Overview of DeviceNet Communications ModelSection 2-1
2-1-3Using Remote I/O Communications: Example
The following example is for monitoring the ON/OFF out put status of Fiber
Amplifier Unit 1 using one -word mode (DI P switch pins 1 and 2 are OFF) and
E3X-DRT21 DeviceNet node address 00.
CS1W-DRM21 DeviceNet Unit with fix ed
allocations for remote I/O communications
CS1 CPU Unit
IN Area
Reflected in IN Area
E3X-DRT21 Node
address 00
IN Area (fixed allocation area 1)
CIO 3300
Node address 00
15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
Sensor ON/OFF output status for Unit 1
Fiber Sensors
Unit 1 for which
ON/OFF data is
being monitored.
2-1-4Using Explicit Message Communications: Example
The following example is for setting the maximum sensitivity of Unit 1.
CS1W-DRM21 DeviceNet Unit, Unit 0
(unit address: FE Hex or 10 Hex)
DeviceNet node address: 05
Explicit message
Node address 00
CMND(490) instruction
Fiber Sensors
Unit 1 for which
maximum sensitivity
is being set.
Overview of DeviceNet Communications ModelSection 2-1
■ Command Format for Setting Maximum Sensitivity
Send the following explicit message.
00 Hex16 Hex009C Hex0001 HexNone30 Hex
Note When using the CMND(490) i nstr uction to se nd the attribute I D and data, set
them in the righ tmos t byte (bits 0 0 t o 07 ) , an d s et the le ftmo st byte (bit s 08 to
15) to 00 Hex. (In the above example, the data is set to 0030 Hex.)
When the explicit message has no attribute ID, omit the words for the attribute
ID in the command data specified for the CMND(490) instruction.
Class IDInstance IDAttribute IDData
S D01000
D01001 0016
D01002 009C
D01003 0001
D01003 3000
C D00000
D00001 000A
D00002 0001
D00003 05FE
D00004 0000
D00005 003C
Enabled Flag
151100 or
Online status or
Sends 10 bytes of
Command code
Slave node address: 00, Service code: 16 Hex
Command data bytes: 9
Response data bytes
Destination network address: 1
Destination DeviceNet node address: 05 Hex
Destination unit address: FE Hex (or 10 Hex)
Response required, communications port No.: 0, retries: 0 Hex
Response monitoring time: 6 s
command data starting at
D01000 to node address 05,
and stores the10 bytes of
response data in local node
starting at D02000 (D00000
is used for control data).
DeviceNet Communication Unit Part Names and FunctionsSection 2-2
2-2DeviceNet Communication Unit Part Names and Functions
DIP switch
E3X-MC11 Mobile Console Connector
Used to connect the Mobile Console.
When the Mobile Console is
connected, incident light level
monitoring and explicit message
communications are disabled.
Communications Connector
Connector for DeviceNet communications.
Note1. Do not turn ON the power to the Communication Unit when the Mobile
Rotary switches
Sensor Reset Switch
Resets Sensors connected to the Unit by turning Sensor
power OFF and ON again.
Power Supply Connector
The E3X-DRT21 is supplied power from the Communications
Connector, so there is no power supply cable.
Console is connected. Communicat ions will not be established with the
Sensors if th e Mobile Co nsole is al read y co nnecte d when the Unit power
is turned ON.
2. Always set the Sensors to RUN mode when using the Fiber Amplifier Sensor Communication Uni t for DeviceNet. When ot her m odes ( SET or AD J)
are set, the Fiber Amplifier Sensor Communication Unit cannot read or
write Sensor data.
3. A Sensor communicati ons error will occur un der the following conditions
after the Mobile Console is connected with it’s power turned ON.
• When the power to the Mobile Console is turned OFF.
• When the Mobile Console is left idle while connected, causing the
power to automatically turn OFF.
• When the Mobile Console battery goes low, causing the power to turn
Do not allow the above conditions to occur when using the Mobile Console,
or use the Mobile Consol e when problems wi ll not o ccur even if a Sensor
communications error occurs.
IndicatorsThe following table shows the operation of the indicators.
GreenLitOperating normally.
Flashing Not set.
RedLitA fatal error has occurred.
Flashing A non-fatal error has occurred.
---Not litThe power is OFF.
DeviceNet Communication Unit Part Names and FunctionsSection 2-2
Normal Status of
communications status
MSOperation is normal when the MS indicator is lit green.
NSOperation is normal when the NS indicator is lit green
(online and communications connected).
SSSensors are communicating when the SS indicator is lit green.
GreenLitDeviceNet is online and communica-
tions are connected.
Flashing DeviceNet is online and communica-
tions are not connected.
RedLitA fatal DeviceNet communications
error has occurred.
Flashing A non-fatal DeviceNet communica-
tions error has occurred.
---Not litDeviceNet is offline or power is OFF.
GreenLitUnit is communicating with Sensors.
RedLitA Sensor communications error has
---Not litSensor communications are on
standby or power is OFF
Rotary Switches
DIP Switch
DeviceNet Node Address Setting
Set the DeviceNet node address to between 00 and 63.
(64 to 99 are not used.)
Connected Number of Sensors Setting
Registers the number of Sensors connected. By setting the number of Sensors, errors
can be detected in the configuration.
When the DIP switch pin 3 is turned ON, however, this rotary switch is disabled. Instead,
the values set from the DeviceNet Configurator or using explicit messages are enabled.
NoteFiber Amplifier Units (E3X-DA6TW and E3X-DA8TW) that are allocated two unit
numbers must be counted as two Units when counting the number of connected
1 234
Operating mode (MODE0)
Operating mode (MODE1)
Method for setting number of Sensors
Reserved for system use.
■ Pins 1 and 2: Operating Mode Setting
These pins set the operating mode. The data allocated in the master’s IN Area
depends on the operat ing mode. For fur ther details, refer to 2-5 DeviceNetRemote I/O Communications.
DeviceNet Communication Unit Part Names and FunctionsSection 2-2
Note Fiber Amplifier Units (E3X-DA6TW and E3X-DA8TW) that are allocated two
unit numbers must be counted as two Units when counting the number of connected Sensors.
■ Pin 3: Controlling the Setting of the Number of Connected Sensors
The number of Sensors connected is registered by using either a rotary switch
or the Configurator.
When pin 3 is ON, r egi stering the number of Se ns ors i s ena bled from Configurator or by using explicit messages enabled, and the value for the number of
Sensors enabled for communications that is stored i n the inter nal memor y of
the Fiber Amplifie r Sensor Communic ation Unit is us ed. The default value in
the internal memor y is 16. This value can be changed from the DeviceNet
Configurator. The setting methods are shown in the following table.
Pin 3Method for setting the number of Sensors
OFFUse rotary switch to register number of Sensors.
ONUse Configurator or e xp lic it mes sa ge s to regi ste r n um be r of Se ns ors.
Note When DIP switch pin 3 is ON (register ing from Configurator or using explicit
messages), pin 1 is OF F, a nd pin 2 is ON (remote I/O communi cations twoword mode with incident light level monitor ing) , the value in the i nternal memory of the F i ber A mp li fie r Se nso r Com mu nicati on Uni t for the number o f Un its
being monitored for incident light levels is used. The d efault value in the i nternal memory is 16. This value can be se t to a different value from t he number
of Sensors connected. When pin 3 is OFF (registering from rotary switch), pin
1 is OFF, and pin 2 is ON, the rotary switch setting applies to both the number
of Sensors connected and the number of Units monitoring incident light level.
■ Pin 4: Reserved for System Use
This pin must always be OFF.
Sensor Reset SwitchPress this switch to reset the connected Sensors by executing power interrup-
tion processing. This switch is used in the following case.
If the number of Sensors with co mmunications enabled does not match the
number of Sensors connected , one or more Sensors may have become disconnected. The power res et switch is require d to enable the Sensors to be
reconnected properly and for communications to be reestablished between
Sensors. Tur ning OFF th e power supply would disc onnect the F iber Amplifi er
Sensor Communication Un it f ro m D eviceNet, whic h may effect the enti re s y stem. The Sensor reset switch is thus used to reestablish communications with
the Sensors.
Note The E3X-DRT21 automaticall y uses the DeviceNet baud rate of the master.
Therefore, the DIP switch is not required to set the baud rate.
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