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Cat. No. W08E-EN-01

Software Release 2.0




Getting Started

Software Release 2.0


Getting Started with CX-Supervisor





OMRON products are manufactured for use according to proper procedures by a qualified operator and only for the purposes described in this manual.

The following conventions are used to indicate and classify precautions in this manual. Always heed the information provided in them. Failure to heed precautions can result in injury to people or damage to the product.

DANGER! Indicates information that, if not heeded, is likely to result in loss of life or serious injury.

WARNING Indicates information that, if not heeded, could possibly result in loss of life or serious injury.

Caution Indicates information that, if not heeded, could result in relatively serious or minor injury, damage to the product, or faulty operation.

OMRON Product References

All OMRON products are capitalised in this manual. The word “Unit” is also capitalised when it refers to an OMRON product, regardless of whether or not it appears in the proper name of the product.

The abbreviation “PLC” means Programmable Logic Controller and is not used as an abbreviation for anything else.

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Visual Aids

The following headings appear in the left column of the manual to help you locate different types of information.


Indicates information of particular interest for efficient and convenient

1, 2, 3…

operation of the product.

Indicates lists of one sort or another, such as procedures, checklists etc.


Represents a shortcut on the Toolbar to one of the options available on the


menu of the same window.


Indicates a program must be started, usually by clicking the appropriate


option under the standard Windows ‘Start’ button.

OMRON, 2007

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means, mechanical, electronic, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of OMRON.

All copyright and trademarks acknowledged.

No patent liability is assumed with respect to the use of the information contained herein. Moreover, because OMRON is constantly striving to improve its high-quality products, the information contained in this manual is subject to change without notice. Every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this manual. Nevertheless, OMRON assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions. Neither is any liability assumed for damages resulting from the use of the information contained in this publication.

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About this Manual

This manual describes the CX-Supervisor application and its installation. This manual contains the following:

Getting Started. A description of CX-Supervisor installation and its use for the first time. Basic Tutorial. A quick guide of use for the first time.

Advanced Tutorial. A detailed step by step tutorial for the key areas.

A Glossary of Terms and Index are also provided.

Warning: Failure to read and understand the information provided in this manual may result in personal injury or death, damage to the product, or product failure. Please read each section in its entirety and be sure you understand the information provided in the section and related sections before attempting any of the procedures or operations given.

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CX-Supervisor ...............................................................................................................


Getting Started with CX-Supervisor ............................................


Welcome to CX-Supervisor...........................................................................................


About this Manual .........................................................................................................


System Requirements ....................................................................................................


Installing CX-Supervisor ...............................................................................................


Copy Protection .............................................................................................................


Starting CX-Supervisor..................................................................................................


Customising CX-Supervisor Settings ............................................................................


The CX-Supervisor Help System...................................................................................


Basic Tutorial................................................................................


Advanced Tutorial........................................................................


Glossary of Terms.........................................................................




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Getting Started with CX-Supervisor




Getting Started with CX-Supervisor

This chapter introduces the CX-Supervisor application to a new user.

Welcome to CX-Supervisor

CX-Supervisor is dedicated to the design and operation of PC based visualisation and machine control. It is not only simple to use for small supervisory and control tasks, but it also offers a wealth of power for the design of the most sophisticated applications. CX-Supervisor boasts powerful functions for a wide range of PC based HMI requirements. Simple applications can be created rapidly with the aid of a large number of predefined functions and libraries, and even very complex applications can be generated with a powerful programming language or VBScript. CX-Supervisor has an extremely simple, intuitive handling and high user friendliness. Importing ActiveX® components makes it possible to create flexible applications and extend functionality.

CX-Supervisor offers a comprehensive range of facilities for the developer and is capable of developing solutions with the following features:

Operator interface to processes

Data acquisition and monitoring

Information management

Manufacturing control

Supervisory control

Batch sequencing

Continuous process control

Alarm monitoring and reporting

Material handling (monitoring and control)

Simulation and modelling through graphic animation

Data Logging

Error logging

Project Editor and cross referencing

Multi-lingual user interfaces

Report editor

Database Connectivity

Connection to OPC Servers

Use of ActiveX objects

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Use of Visual Basic script and Java Script

CX-Supervisor runs on standard PC desktop computers running Microsoft Windows. CX-Supervisor is intuitive and easy to use, and allows the developer to rapidly configure, test and debug a project. CX-Supervisor comprises two separate executable Windows programs, CX-Supervisor Development environment and CX-Supervisor Runtime environment. Applications are created and tested using the development environment and then delivered as a final customer application with the runtime environment.

The runtime-only environment may only be used for executing an application previously generated using the development environment. It is not possible to generate a new runtime application using the runtime environment.

Note: It is important that this copy of the CX-Supervisor software is registered on the OMRON web site, in order to qualify for technical support and maintenance updates. OMRON will not be able to help unless this copy has been registered.

About this Manual

This manual helps a new user get started with CX-Supervisor, by describing the software installation and computer configuration, and by leading the user through the basics of CX-Supervisor application programming.

Separate OMRON manuals describe the related software products; CX-Server, CX-Programmer etc.

Some small example applications are included with the CX-Supervisor software to demonstrate some of the most useful features. These can be used to help with product familiarity.

CX-Supervisor comes with a comprehensive context-sensitive on-line help system, which is designed to complement this manual, and provide a quick reference at any point in the CX-Supervisor application when the manual is not to hand. This general help system uses a fast 'hypertext' system that allows progressively more information to be obtained about any topic by selecting keywords within the descriptive text.

Throughout this manual, it is assumed that the user has a working knowledge of Microsoft Windows, and can:

Use the keyboard and mouse.

Select options from Windows menus.

Operate dialog boxes.

Locate, open and save data files.

Edit, cut and paste text.

Drag and drop.

Start programs from the “START” button.

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Getting Started with CX-Supervisor




If Windows has not been used before, spending some time working with the Microsoft documentation is recommended before using CX-Supervisor.

This introductory chapter deals with several important aspects of installing CX-Supervisor and setting it up for use. It is recommended that this entire chapter be read before installing the software.

System Requirements

CX-Supervisor operates on the following hardware and operating systems:

Hardware Requirements

The following configuration is the minimum system requirements for running CX-Supervisor:

IBM PC compatible 600 MHz Pentium II processor or better.

256Mbyte of RAM minimum.

650Mbyte available hard disk space.

1024 x 768 XGA display.

A CD ROM drive is required in order to install the CX-Supervisor software.

Note: These are requirements when using minimum operating system. For other operating systems consult your documentation.

The following configuration is the recommended minimum system environment for running CXSupervisor effectively:

IBM PC compatible Pentium II 1.0 GHz processor.

512Mbyte of RAM.

650Mbyte available hard disk space.

1024 x 768 XGA display.

Operating Systems and Environments

The operating systems on which this software should be run are:

Microsoft Windows 2000 (SP2)

Microsoft Windows XP Professional

Note: This product does not install or run on Windows NT, Windows ME, Windows98 or Windows 95.

Note: CX-Supervisor is not guaranteed to be compatible with computers running Windows emulation (e.g. Apple Macintosh or VMWare).

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Note: Internet Explorer 5.0 or later is required to use the version of CX-Server installed with this product

Interfaces to Hardware Communications

CX-Supervisor utilises communications driver CX-Server for direct communication with OMRON factory automation equipment.

If it is intended for a PLC to be connected to the development computer for executing program code and testing, one of the following is required:

RS-232C connection via a standard serial port on the computer (COM1 etc.)

RS-422 connection to a 422 serial board

Standard Ethernet board

Standard USB port

An OMRON Network Service Board

Refer to the appropriate hardware system manuals for full information about connecting and configuring these devices for the environment.

Installing CX-Supervisor

The CX-Supervisor software is supplied on CD-ROM and is installed easily from within Windows. To install CX-Supervisor, load the disk in the CD-ROM drive. The AutoRun feature should automatically start the setup program and the installation of CX-Supervisor should take no more than a few minutes. If this has been disabled see the README.TXT on the CD-ROM for manual launching instructions.

After installation the text file README.HTML in the CX-Supervisor directory contains up-to-date information about the software. Read this file for details of any changes or new features in CXSupervisor made since this manual was produced.

Copy Protection

CX-Supervisor is copy protected to prevent illegal use. During installation a valid License Key must be entered. The CX-Supervisor Runtime environment has additional protection and if the protection is not installed certain features are inaccessible. To gain access to these features the USB protection must be installed.

Copy Protection using a USB Dongle

The Runtime copy protection method consists of a small box called a “Dongle” which is plugged into a USB port. When CX-Supervisor is run the port is checked for a valid dongle and the program fails if it is not present.

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Fitting a CX-Supervisor USB Dongle

Simply connect the dongle to any spare USB port of the computer noting any instructions supplied. If there are no spare sockets a “USB Hub” device may be used to add extra sockets.

Once fitted, Windows will automatically detect the new hardware and the power light on the USB Dongle will illuminate.

Note: Old 'USB Dongles' from previous versions cannot be used with this version. The version 2.0 Runtime can only be activated with a new version 2.0 USB Dongle which are clearly identified as either ‘Machine Edition’ dongle or ‘PLUS’ dongle. A 'Machine Edition' dongle will only allow projects compiled for 'Machine Edition' to run. A 'PLUS' dongle will allow both 'Machine Edition' and 'PLUS' projects to run.











































Max no. Devices



(PLCs etc.)






OPC Connections






Max user defined









Max Regular



Interval Scripts






Max no. Pages









MS Access

Access, MS Excel,



dBase, CSV






Activating a CX-Supervisor USB Dongle

The USB Dongle should not require any additional activation. The CX-Supervisor installation process should correctly install and configure the required USB Dongle drivers, which should be automatically loaded when the USB Dongle is fitted as above.

In exceptional circumstances, the CX-Supervisor USB Dongle Drivers can be installed manually if required. The USB Dongle Driver installation shortcut can be started from the Start button, and can be found under the Omron and CXSupervisor groups.

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Copy Protection using a Parallel Dongle

Old parallel port 'Hardlock Dongles' from previous versions cannot be used with this version. The version 2.0 Runtime can only be activated with a new USB Dongle..

Copy Protection using a Software Token

Old 'Software Tokens' from previous versions cannot be used with this version. The version 2.0 Runtime can only be activated with a new USB Dongle.

Starting CX-Supervisor

After the software installation the Programs option from the Start button shows a new group window for CX-Supervisor under the OMRON heading. The software is ready to run and can be started by clicking on the CX-Supervisor Developer icon.

When CX-Supervisor Developer is started and a new Project created, it displays a window similar to the one shown below. When launched automatically from the installation, the Engine demo is automatically loaded, and by default when started thereafter the last loaded project is automatically loaded. The CX-Supervisor window offers many features to ease the process of programming, using the mouse or keyboard or both. It is possible to configure the display for any size monitor so that as much or as little information is visible as required, using options from the View menu. Any display configuration changes are saved in the Windows environment, and restored next time CX-Supervisor is run.

Use this section to become familiar with the layout of the CX-Supervisor display, and to set it up as desired.

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Customising CX-Supervisor Settings

By default CX-Supervisor shows the Workspace, Output view, Toolbar, Control bar and Status bar. The display of these can be selected by activating the options from the View menu.

To display a toolbar, Window or the palette toolbox, click on the menu item with the mouse. A tick next to a name indicates that it is currently displayed. CX-Supervisor saves the settings when it is exited and restores them when it is next executed.

The CX-Supervisor Help System

CX-Supervisor comes with a detailed context-sensitive help system: at any time while using the software, help can be obtained on the particular point currently being worked on, or on general

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aspects of CX-Supervisor. This system is intended to complement the manual, by providing on-line reference to specific functions of the software and how to use them.

There are three types of CX-Supervisor help: index, context sensitive help and status bar help. An index of help topics can be accessed at any time by clicking Index from the Help menu. Instructions on how to use help can be accessed by clicking Using Help from the Help menu.

Alternatively, help on the topic currently in use can be obtained by pressing <F1>. Some dialogs also provide a Help button.

At the bottom of the CX-Supervisor screen is a general status bar, which provides several helpful pieces of information as the mouse is moved over display components.

CX-Supervisor also includes “point and click” help. To use this facility click on the icon. The cursor changes to an arrow with a question mark next to it. Use this cursor to point at any menu item or button on the display, and then click. Context-sensitive help for that item is then displayed.

General information regarding CX-Supervisor can be obtained by selecting About CX-Supervisor from the Help menu.

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Basic Tutorial

Basic Tutorial

This chapter illustrates how to create a simple application using CX-Supervisor. It should only take about 20 minutes and should explain some key concepts:

The difference between the Development and Runtime applications.

The system is wholly controlled by data in the points, whether in memory or from a PLC

Controls can set the data

Graphical controls use Animations to control how the data is displayed


This chapter describes how a simple traffic signal is drawn using the Graphics Editor and how it is animated via the Animation Editor so that it changes colour just as if it were a real traffic signal controlling a road or rail junction.

As the first tutorial proceeds, important concepts about CX-Supervisor are introduced by this symbol.

By the end of this tutorial, sufficient understanding of CX-Supervisor should have been gained to allow progression to the second, more advanced tutorial which demonstrates some of the more popular key features.

Note: CX-Supervisor uses standard Microsoft Windows dialogs and conventions wherever possible so that experienced Windows users should immediately feel comfortable. Inexperienced Windows users should refer to standard Windows documentation.

The First Step

Before the tutorial can be started, the development version of CX-Supervisor must be installed on a suitable machine, as described earlier in this manual. When this has been done, invoke CXSupervisor Development from the Start button.

When CX-Supervisor has initialised, the main screen is displayed as shown (or similar):

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