Monitor Plus
The CX-Process Monitor Plus can improve cost performance for
monitoring and controlling equipment, storing operating data,
and checking the alarm status.
Ver. 2.0

Easy Monitoring of PLC-based Process Control
Lower the cost of screens required for process monitoring and control.
The CX-Process Monitor Plus is Support Software that monitors a process control system based on OMRON
CS/CJ-series PLCs. Tag information, which is allocated in the monitor/control program in the Loop Controller,
can be allocated to dynamic elements in a Control Screen.
Flexible screens can be created inexpensively and easily to achieve Easy Monitoring of PLC-based process control.
The various functions of the Graphic and Trend Screens have been improved in the version 2.0 upgrade.
CX-Process Monitor Plus Functions
Monitor and control the operating status of function blocks
in the Loop Controller.
Monitor the alarm status of function blocks
in the Loop Controller.
Configure screens.
Control Screen
Segment Program 2 Screen
Version 2.0 upgrade
Graphic Screen
Version 2.0 upgrade
Improvements to
Tuning Screen
Support Software (CX-Process Tool)
Monitor Plus
Ver. 2.0
CS/CJ-series PLC
Trend Screen
Version 2.0 upgrade
Graphic Functions
Graphic elements, such as tanks and pumps, and
drawing functions can be used to easily and flexibly
create Graphic Screens. Fixed elements such as text,
lines, and ellipses have been added, along with
images, screen jumps, and faceplate pop-ups. Graphic
elements, images, and objects can be shown or hidden
based on data value. Graphic colors can be changed
based on tag values and graphics can be grouped.
Ver. 2.0
Loop Controller
Create a monitor/control program.
Heating and
cooling outputs
Improvements to Trend and
Segment Functions
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An upgraded Trend Screen called a Batch Trend Screen can start or stop data
collection using a data value as a trigger. Another screen can set or display
Segment Program 2. collection using a data value as a trigger. Another screen
can set or display a Segment Program 2 block.
Ver. 2.0

CX-Process Monitor Plus Functions
Various Screen Functions
Various Screen Functions
A Wide Variety of Screens Is Available, and PLC-based Process
Control Systems Can Be Constructed Flexibly and Inexpensively.
The CX-Process Monitor Plus can be used to import tag data (CSV file format) of the function blocks in a Loop Controller,
and easily create screens such as Control Screens (on-site instrument images), Trend Screens, Graphic Screens, and
Annunciator Screens.
Control Screens
Up to eight tags can be allocated. By
allocating tags, it is possible to display
faceplates based on the function. The loop
status can be monitored and controlled in
the faceplate.
Trend Screens
Control Block values such as the SP and MV
can be displayed as a trend graph. There
are three kinds of trends: realtime trends,
historical trends, and batch trends. And up
to 8 trends can be displayed in one Trend
Screen. The collected data can be saved
automatically or manually in CSV format.
The defined trend points can be changed,
deleted, or added offline.
Alarm Log Screens
The Alarm Log can be displayed in
historical order. Alarms resulting from
deviation alarms or bit status can also be
displayed in the Alarm Log, in addition to
the Control Block's HH, H, L, and LL alarms.
Operation Log Screens are also available to
sequentially display values manipulated
from Control Screens, Tuning Screens, or
Graphic Screens.
Tuning Screens
Tuning Screens display the parameters that
can be tuned in faceplates and trend graphs
displaying the PV, SP, or MV. Parameters
can be adjusted while monitoring operation
in the trend graph in 1-second intervals.
Graphic Screens
Dynamic symbols (elements that change with
the tag's value), such as valves, pumps, and
numerical values, can be allocated freely.
Lines, rectangles, and ellipses can also be
drawn, the color of those elements can be
changed, and the elements can be made to
flash. Static symbols or bitmap images
created in standard graphics software can be
read as images and displayed.
Other Screens
Other helpful screens are provided, such as
System Monitor Screens, Annunciator
Screens, and Operation Guide Message
Screens. System Monitor Screens can
display the status of the CPU and Loop
Controller as well as the error status of
Blocks. Annunciator Screens can display up
to 16 alarm displays per screen. Operation
Guide Message Screens can display
messages that were registered in advance
by the user.
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