Omron CX-INTEGRATOR V2 User Manual

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Cat. No. W464-E1-06
CX-Integrator Ver. 2
CX-Integrator Ver. 2.@
Operation Manual
Revised December 2009


OMRON products are manufactured for use according to proper procedures by a qualified operator
and only for the purposes described in this manual.
The following conventions are used to indicate and classify precautions in this manual. Always heed
the information provided with them. Failure to heed precautions can result in injury to people or
damage to property.
!DANGER Indicates an imminently hazardous situation which, if not avoided, will result in death or
serious injury. Additionally, there may be severe property damage.
!WARNING Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in death or
serious injury. Additionally, there may be severe property damage.
!Caution Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may result in minor or
moderate injury, or property damage.
OMRON Product References
All OMRON products are capitalized in this manual. The word “Unit” is also capitalized when it refers
to an OMRON product, regardless of whether or not it appears in the proper name of the product.
The abbreviation “Ch,” which appears in some displays and on some OMRON products, often means
“word” and is abbreviated “Wd” in documentation in this sense.
The abbreviation “PLC” means Programmable Controller. “PC” is used, however, in some
Programming Device displays to mean Programmable Controller.
Visual Aids
The following headings appear in the left column of the manual to help you locate different types of
Note Indicates information of particular interest for efficient and convenient
operation of the product.
1,2,3... 1. Indicates lists of one sort or another, such as procedures, checklists, etc.
OMRON, 2008
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form,
or by any means, mechanical, electronic, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission o
No patent liability is assumed with respect to the use of the information contained herein. Moreover, because OMRON is
constantly striving to improve its high-quality products, the information contained in this manual is subject to change
without notice. Every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this manual. Nevertheless, OMRON assumes no
responsibility for errors or omissions. Neither is any liability assumed for damages resulting from the use of the information
contained in this publication.
1 Intended Audience ..............................................................................................................xx
2 Safety Precautions.............................................................................................................. xx
3 Application Precautions .................................................................................................... xxii
4 Operating Environment Precautions................................................................................. xxv
5 Guide to Version Upgrade ............................................................................................... xxvi
Section 1 Overview
1-1 The CX-Integrator ............................................................................................................. 1-2
1-1-1 Overview .............................................................................................................. 1-2
1-1-2 Functions According to Network .......................................................................... 1-4
1-1-3 Connecting to the Relay PLC .............................................................................. 1-4
1-1-4 Accessible Network.............................................................................................. 1-5
1-1-5 Communicating Across Network Layers.............................................................. 1-7
1-1-6 Starting Other Applications .................................................................................. 1-7
1-2 Specifications.................................................................................................................... 1-8
1-2-1 CX-Integrator Specifications ................................................................................ 1-8
1-2-2 Files Created by the CX-Integrator .................................................................... 1-12
1-3 Installation....................................................................................................................... 1-14
1-4 PLC Connecting Cables.................................................................................................. 1-15
1-4-1 Direct Serial Connections to a PLC ................................................................... 1-15
1-4-2 Connecting CJ-series CJ2 CPU Units, CP-series PLCs and
NSJ-series Controllers Using Commercially Available USB Cable ................... 1-21
1-5 Window Descriptions ...................................................................................................... 1-34
1-5-1 Starting Methods................................................................................................ 1-34
1-5-2 Main Window ..................................................................................................... 1-34
1-6 Menus ............................................................................................................................. 1-49
1-6-1 Menus 1-49
1-6-2 Pop-up Menus.................................................................................................... 1-54
1-6-3 Toolbars ............................................................................................................. 1-62
Section 2 Basic Operations
2-1 Basic Procedures.............................................................................................................. 2-2
2-2 Connecting Online to the Relay PLC .............................................................................. 2-10
2-2-1 Overview ............................................................................................................ 2-10
2-2-2 Procedures......................................................................................................... 2-11
2-2-3 CPU Unit Troubleshooting ................................................................................. 2-22
2-3 Uploading Network Configurations and Checking for Communications Unit Errors....... 2-23
2-3-1 Overview ............................................................................................................ 2-23
2-3-2 Procedure .......................................................................................................... 2-23
2-3-3 Checking and Correcting Communications Unit Errors ..................................... 2-31
2-4 Switching the Target PLC ............................................................................................... 2-33
2-4-1 Overview ............................................................................................................ 2-33
2-4-2 Procedure .......................................................................................................... 2-33
Creating Virtual Network Configurations Offline ............................................................. 2-35
2-5-1 Overview ............................................................................................................ 2-35
2-5-2 Procedure........................................................................................................... 2-35
2-5-3 Changing Node Addresses ................................................................................ 2-45
2-5-4 Editing Components (Devices) .......................................................................... 2-46
2-6 Manipulating Component Parameters ............................................................................ 2-49
2-6-1 Overview ............................................................................................................ 2-49
2-6-2 Procedure........................................................................................................... 2-50
2-7 Uploading, Downloading, and Comparing Network Parameters .................................... 2-54
2-7-1 Overview ............................................................................................................ 2-54
2-7-2 Procedure........................................................................................................... 2-54
2-8 Comparing Network Configurations ................................................................................ 2-55
2-8-1 Overview ............................................................................................................ 2-55
2-8-2 Procedure........................................................................................................... 2-55
2-9 File Operations................................................................................................................ 2-56
2-9-1 Overview ............................................................................................................ 2-56
2-9-2 Procedures......................................................................................................... 2-57
2-10 Target PLC Online Operations........................................................................................ 2-60
2-10-1 Overview ............................................................................................................ 2-60
2-10-2 Procedure........................................................................................................... 2-60
2-11 Starting Specified Applications ....................................................................................... 2-62
2-11-1 Overview ............................................................................................................ 2-62
2-11-2 Procedure........................................................................................................... 2-62
2-12 Printing ........................................................................................................................... 2-63
Section 3 Routing Tables
3-1 Routing Table Overview.................................................................................................... 3-2
3-1-1 Definition of Routing Tables................................................................................. 3-2
3-1-2 Network Conditions That Require Routing Tables............................................... 3-4
3-1-3 Routing Table Setting Methods............................................................................ 3-5
3-1-4 Routing Table File Types Supported by the CX-Integrator.................................. 3-6
3-1-5 Transferring the Routing Tables .......................................................................... 3-6
3-1-6 Operating Procedures Prior to Routing Table Transfer ....................................... 3-7
3-2 Setting the Routing Tables.............................................................................................. 3-11
3-2-1 Routing Table Setting Example ......................................................................... 3-11
3-2-2 Creating the FINS Local Routing Tables ........................................................... 3-12
3-2-3 Setting the Gateway Counter............................................................................. 3-20
3-2-4 Checking Routing Tables for Errors................................................................... 3-23
3-2-5 Transferring Routing Tables to a Directly Connected PLC................................ 3-24
3-2-6 Saving Routing Tables....................................................................................... 3-26
3-2-7 Reading Routing Tables .................................................................................... 3-26
3-2-8 Verifying Routing Tables.................................................................................... 3-26
3-2-9 Printing Routing Tables...................................................................................... 3-27
3-2-10 Transferring Routing Tables to a Network PLC through
a Direct Serial Connection ................................................................................. 3-28
Maintenance after Network Configuration ...................................................................... 3-32
3-3-1 FINS Network Routing Tables ........................................................................... 3-32
3-3-2 Editing the FINS Local Network Tables ............................................................. 3-32
Section 4 Data Links for Controller Link and SYSMAC LINK
4-1 Overview ........................................................................................................................... 4-2
4-1-1 What Are Data Links? .......................................................................................... 4-2
4-1-2 Overview of Procedure by Data Link Setting Method .......................................... 4-3
4-2 User Interface Overview ................................................................................................... 4-4
4-2-1 Starting the Data Link Component....................................................................... 4-4
4-2-2 Datalink Component ............................................................................................ 4-4
4-3 Manually Setting Data Links ............................................................................................. 4-8
4-3-1 Procedure through Data Link Startup .................................................................. 4-8
4-3-2 Creating Data Link Tables ................................................................................... 4-9
4-3-3 System Configuration Example ......................................................................... 4-11
4-3-4 Creating Data Link Tables Offline...................................................................... 4-12
4-3-5 Procedure Using Setup Example....................................................................... 4-23
4-3-6 Checking Data Link Tables ................................................................................ 4-25
4-3-7 Printing Data Link Tables................................................................................... 4-25
4-3-8 Saving Data Link Tables .................................................................................... 4-26
4-3-9 Creating, Reading, and Writing CSV Files (Saving) .......................................... 4-26
4-3-10 Reading and Data Link Tables .......................................................................... 4-32
4-3-11 Transferring the Data Link Table ....................................................................... 4-34
4-3-12 Starting and Stopping Data Links (Including Status Displays) .......................... 4-41
4-4 Automatically Set Data Links .......................................................................................... 4-43
4-4-1 Procedure Through Data Link Startup ............................................................... 4-43
4-4-2 Controller Link Automatic Setup ........................................................................ 4-44
4-4-3 SYSMAC LINK Automatic Setup ....................................................................... 4-49
4-4-4 Transferring Automatic Data Link Setup Parameters to the Startup Node........ 4-50
4-4-5 Monitoring Data Link Status............................................................................... 4-52
Section 5 Ethernet
5-1 Broadcast Node Search.................................................................................................... 5-2
5-1-1 Overview .............................................................................................................. 5-2
5-1-2 Procedure ............................................................................................................ 5-2
5-2 Ping Test........................................................................................................................... 5-4
5-2-1 Overview .............................................................................................................. 5-4
5-2-2 Procedure ............................................................................................................ 5-4
Section 6 DeviceNet
6-1 DeviceNet Setting Procedures.......................................................................................... 6-2
6-1-1 Designing Networks Offline.................................................................................. 6-2
6-1-2 Downloading Saved Parameters ......................................................................... 6-2
6-1-3 Saving the Parameters for the Entire Existing Network....................................... 6-3
6-2 Setting Slave Parameters ................................................................................................. 6-4
6-2-1 Editing Slave Parameters .................................................................................... 6-4
6-2-2 Checking and Setting I/O Size ............................................................................. 6-6
Adding Slaves to the Master ............................................................................................. 6-8
6-3-1 Automatic I/O Area Allocation with Registration .................................................. 6-8
6-3-2 Adding Slaves .................................................................................................... 6-10
6-4 Setting Master Properties................................................................................................ 6-13
6-4-1 CS1W-DRM21(-V1) and CJ1W-DRM21 ............................................................ 6-13
6-4-2 CVM1-DRM21-V1 or C200HW-DRM21-V1 ....................................................... 6-14
6-5 Editing Master Parameters.............................................................................................. 6-15
6-6 Parameter Wizard ........................................................................................................... 6-16
6-7 Master Parameter Editing Details (Tab Descriptions)..................................................... 6-21
6-7-1 Edit Device Parameters on CS1W-DRM21(-V1)/CJ1W-DRM21 ....................... 6-22
6-7-2 Editing Device Parameters on CVM1-DRM21-V1 and C200HW-DRM21-V1 ... 6-24
6-7-3 Editing Device Parameters on 3G8F7-DRM21 DeviceNet PCI Board Scanner 6-26
6-7-4 Canceling Slave Registration with the Master ................................................... 6-28
6-7-5 Automatic Allocation with Registration............................................................... 6-28
6-8 Manual I/O Allocations .................................................................................................... 6-29
6-8-1 I/O Allocation Tab Page ..................................................................................... 6-29
6-8-2 Changing the First Address of Output/Input Block............................................. 6-30
6-8-3 Allocating I/O...................................................................................................... 6-32
6-8-4 Slave Information ............................................................................................... 6-35
6-9 Advanced Settings
(Connection, Communication Cycle Time, Slave Function Settings, Etc.) ..................... 6-36
6-9-1 Advanced Settings ............................................................................................. 6-36
6-9-2 Communication Cycle Time Settings ................................................................. 6-38
6-9-3 Setting Message Timers ....................................................................................6-39
6-9-4 Slave Function Settings ..................................................................................... 6-41
6-9-5 Setting/Canceling Explicit Message Communications....................................... 6-42
6-9-6 Starting Remote I/O Communications ............................................................... 6-42
6-10 Creating and Editing I/O Comments ............................................................................... 6-43
6-11 Displaying Device Properties .......................................................................................... 6-45
6-11-1 Property Dialog Box Common to All Devices .................................................... 6-45
6-11-2 I/O Information Inherent to Each Slave Device.................................................. 6-46
6-11-3 Information for Master ........................................................................................ 6-48
6-12 Downloading the Network Configuration/Device Parameters to Devices....................... 6-51
6-12-1 Downloading the Network Configuration............................................................ 6-51
6-12-2 Downloading Device Parameters....................................................................... 6-53
6-12-3 Resetting the Device .......................................................................................... 6-55
6-13 Uploading and Verifying Device Parameters .................................................................. 6-56
6-13-1 Uploading the Network Configuration ................................................................ 6-56
6-13-2 Uploading Device Parameters ........................................................................... 6-56
6-13-3 Verifying the Network Configuration .................................................................. 6-58
6-13-4 Verifying Device Parameters ............................................................................. 6-59
6-14 Monitoring Devices.......................................................................................................... 6-61
6-14-1 Setting Monitor Refresh Timer ........................................................................... 6-61
6-14-2 Monitoring Devices............................................................................................. 6-62
6-15 Using General-purpose Tools to Set Devices................................................................. 6-69
6-15-1 Setting Device Parameters with Class Instances .............................................. 6-69
Optional Functions .......................................................................................................... 6-71
6-16-1 Installing Expansion Modules ............................................................................ 6-71
6-16-2 Adding Vendors and Device Types ................................................................... 6-71
Section 7 CompoNet
7-1 Overview ........................................................................................................................... 7-2
7-1-1 What Is CompoNet?............................................................................................. 7-2
7-2 Basic Procedures.............................................................................................................. 7-3
7-2-1 Basic Procedures................................................................................................. 7-3
7-2-2 Optional Settings.................................................................................................. 7-4
7-3 Uploading, Downloading, and Comparing Network Configurations.................................. 7-5
7-3-1 Upload the Network Configuration to the Computer............................................ 7-5
7-3-2 Comparing Network Configurations..................................................................... 7-6
7-4 Component Monitor .......................................................................................................... 7-7
7-4-1 Starting Monitoring............................................................................................... 7-7
7-4-2 Master Unit Monitor Window................................................................................ 7-8
7-5 Uploading, Downloading, and Comparing Component Parameters............................... 7-13
7-5-1 Uploading Component Parameters to a Computer ........................................... 7-13
7-5-2 Comparing Component Parameters .................................................................. 7-14
7-5-3 Downloading the Component Parameters to the Components ......................... 7-15
7-5-4 Resetting Component ........................................................................................ 7-17
7-6 Editing Master Unit Parameters ...................................................................................... 7-18
7-6-1 Master Unit Parameter Settings......................................................................... 7-18
7-6-2 Editing the Registration Table............................................................................ 7-23
7-6-3 Editing the Software Setting Table .................................................................... 7-26
7-7 Editing Slave Parameters ............................................................................................... 7-28
7-7-1 Setting Slave Parameters ................................................................................ 7-28
7-7-2 Checking the Slave I/O Size ............................................................................ 7-29
7-8 Other CompoNet Functions ............................................................................................ 7-30
7-8-1 Additional Functions........................................................................................... 7-30
7-8-2 Installing Expansion Modules ............................................................................ 7-31
Section 8 CompoWay/F
8-1 CompoWay/F System Configuration ................................................................................ 8-2
8-1-1 Overview .............................................................................................................. 8-2
8-2 CompoWay/F Slaves Connected to a PLC....................................................................... 8-3
8-2-1 Communications with CompoWay/F Slaves through a PLC ............................... 8-3
8-2-2 Setting the CompoWay/F Slave’s Parameters .................................................... 8-8
8-3 CompoWay/F Slaves Connected to a Computer............................................................ 8-10
8-3-1 Reading from Slaves Connected to the Computer ............................................ 8-10
Section 9 NT Links
9-1 NT Link Connection Auto-detect Function ........................................................................ 9-2
9-1-1 Overview .............................................................................................................. 9-2
9-1-2 Procedure ............................................................................................................ 9-2
Transferring Screen Data through the PLC ...................................................................... 9-6
9-2-1 Overview .............................................................................................................. 9-6
9-2-2 Procedure............................................................................................................. 9-6
Section 10 Network Testing
10-1 Controller Link Network Diagnostic Tool......................................................................... 10-2
10-1-1 Diagnostic Functions and Flowcharts ................................................................ 10-2
10-1-2 Diagnosing Network Status................................................................................ 10-5
10-1-3 Diagnosing Node Settings ............................................................................... 10-11
10-1-4 Diagnosing Disconnections.............................................................................. 10-14
10-1-5 Diagnosing Transmission Status ..................................................................... 10-17
10-1-6 Node Status ..................................................................................................... 10-18
10-1-7 Collecting Error Logs........................................................................................ 10-21
10-2 Echoback Test between Nodes .................................................................................... 10-22
10-2-1 Overview .......................................................................................................... 10-22
10-2-2 Start Methods ................................................................................................... 10-22
10-2-3 PLC Internode Echoback Test Dialog Box....................................................... 10-22
10-2-4 Executing an Echoback Test between Nodes ................................................. 10-23
10-3 Ethernet Ping Test ........................................................................................................10-25
10-3-1 Overview .......................................................................................................... 10-25
10-3-2 Start Methods ................................................................................................... 10-25
10-3-3 Ping Test Dialog Box........................................................................................ 10-25
10-3-4 Executing a Ping Test ......................................................................................10-26
A-1 CPS File Management......................................................................................................A-2
A-1-1 Description of CPS Files ......................................................................................A-2
A-2 EDS File Management......................................................................................................A-5
A-2-1 Installing EDS Files ..............................................................................................A-5
A-2-2 Creating EDS Files............................................................................................... A-6
A-2-3 Deleting EDS Files ...............................................................................................A-7
A-2-4 Saving EDS Files .................................................................................................A-7
A-2-5 Searching EDS Files ............................................................................................A-8
A-2-6 Displaying EDS File Properties ............................................................................A-8
A-3 Precautions When Using Windows Vista or Windows 7 ................................................... A-9
Revision History

About this Manual:

This manual describes the installation and operation of CX-Integrator and includes the sections
described below.
Please read this manual carefully and be sure you understand the information provided before
attempting to use the CX-Integrator. Be sure to read the precautions provided in the following section.
Precautions provides general precautions for using the CX-Integrator.
Section 1 outlines the functions of the CX-Integrator and describes the menus and connecting to
Section 2 describes the basic operations required to use the CX-Integrator.
Section 3 describes how to set routing tables.
Section 4 describes how to set data links for Controller Link and SYSMAC LINK Networks.
Section 5 describes how to use the diagnostic tools for Controller Link Networks.
Section 6 describes settings and operations unique to DeviceNet Networks, including registering
slaves in the master, allocating I/O, monitoring devices, etc.
Section 7 describes the basic use of and how to set parameters for CompoNet Networks.
Section 8 describes settings and operations unique to CompoWay/F Networks.
Section 9 settings and operations unique to NT Links.
Section 10 describes operations for testing networks using the Controller Link Network Diagnostic
Tool, echoback tests between nodes, and Ethernet ping tests.
The Appendix describes CPS files for Ethernet, Controller Link, CompoWay/F, and NT Link
Networks and EDS files for DeviceNet Networks.
!WARNING Failure to read and understand the information provided in this manual may result in
personal injury or death, damage to the product, or product failure. Please read each
section in its entirety and be sure you understand the information provided in the section
and related sections before attempting any of the procedures or operations given.
Manuals Related to the CX-Integrator
Cat No. Models Name Description
(this manual)
CX-Integrator Operation
Describes CX-Integrator operating
methods, e.g., for setting up and
monitoring networks.
CX-One Setup Manual Describes installation and provides an
overview of the CX-One FA Integrated
Tool Package.
W446 WS02-CXPC1-V9
CX-Programmer Ver. 9.@
Operation Manual
Describes CX-Programmer operations
except those related to function blocks.
W447 WS02-CXPC1-V9
CX-Programmer Ver. 9.@
Operation Manual:
Function Blocks and
Structured Text
Describes function block functions and
programming in structured text language.
For basic CX-Programmer operations,
refer to the CX-Programmer Operation
Manual (W446).
W469 WS02-CXPC1-V9
CX-Programmer Ver. 9.@
Operation Manual: SFC
Describes the SFC programming
functions. For basic CX-Programmer
operations, refer to the CX-Programmer
Operation Manual (W446).
Manuals Related to DeviceNet
Cat No. Models Name Description
W267 --- DeviceNet Operation
Describes network communications
settings and wiring common to all
DeviceNet networks.
W380 CS1W-DRM21(-V1)
DeviceNet Unit Operation
Describes CX/CJ-series DeviceNet Units.
W379 C200HW-DRM21-V1
DeviceNet Master Unit
Operation Manual
Describes C200H and CV/CVM1-series
DeviceNet Master Units.
W381 3G8F7-DRM21 DeviceNet PCI Board
Operation Manual
Describes the DeviceNet PCI Board.
Manuals Related to CompoNet
Cat No. Models Name Description
W456 CS1W-CRM21
CompoNet Master Units
Operation Manual
Provides an overview of the CompoNet
Network and describes network
communications settings and wiring
common to all CompoNet networks.
Also describes CS/CJ-series
CompoNet Master Units.
W457 CRT1 Series
CRS1 Series
CompoNet Slave Units and
Repeater Unit
Operation Manual
Provides CompoNet Slave Unit and
Repeater Unit specifications.

Read and Understand this Manual

Please read and understand this manual before using the product. Please consult your OMRON
representative if you have any questions or comments.
Warranty and Limitations of Liability
(1) The warranty period for the Software is one year from either the date of purchase or the date on which
the Software is delivered to the specified location.
(2) If the User discovers a defect in the Software (i.e., substantial non-conformity with the manual), and
returns it to OMRON within the above warranty period, OMRON will replace the Software without
charge by offering media or downloading services from the Internet. And if the User discovers a defect
in the media which is attributable to OMRON and returns the Software to OMRON within the above
warranty period, OMRON will replace the defective media without charge. If OMRON is unable to
replace the defective media or correct the Software, the liability of OMRON and the User’s remedy shall
be limited to a refund of the license fee paid to OMRON for the Software.
Application Considerations
The software specifications and accessories may be changed at any time based on improvements or for
other reasons.
The license fee of the Software does not include service costs, such as dispatching technical staff.
The information in this manual has been carefully checked and is believed to be accurate; however, no
responsibility is assumed for clerical, typographical, or proofreading errors, or omissions.


This section provides precautions for using the CX-Integrator.
The information contained in this section is important for the safe and reliable application of the CX-Integrator.
You must read this section and understand the information contained before attempting to use the
1 Intended Audience.......................................................................................... xx
2 Safety Precautions .......................................................................................... xx
3 Application Precautions.................................................................................. xxii
4 Operating Environment Precautions............................................................... xxv
5 Guide to Version Upgrades ............................................................................ xxvi

1 Intended Audience

1 Intended Audience
This manual is intended for the following personnel, who must also have
knowledge of electrical systems (an electrical engineer or the equivalent).
Personnel in charge of installing FA systems
Personnel in charge of designing FA systems
Personnel in charge of managing FA systems and facilities

2 Safety Precautions

!WARNING Provide safety measures in external circuits (i.e., not in the
Programmable Controller), including the following items, to ensure
safety in the system if an abnormality occurs due to malfunction of
the PLC or another external factor affecting the PLC operation. Not
doing so may result in serious accidents.
Emergency stop circuits, interlock circuits, limit circuits, and other
safety measures must be provided in external control circuits.
The PLC will turn OFF all outputs when its self-diagnosis function
detects any error or when a severe failure alarm (FALS)
instruction is executed. Unexpected operation, however, may still
occur for errors in the I/O control section, errors in I/O memory,
and other errors that cannot be detected by the self-diagnosis
function. As a countermeasure for all such errors, external safety
measures must be provided to ensure safety in the system.
The PLC outputs may remain ON or OFF due to deposits on or
burning of the output relays, or destruction of the output transistors.
As a countermeasure for such problems, external safety measures
must be provided to ensure safety in the system.
When the 24-V DC output (service power supply) is overloaded or
short-circuited, the voltage may drop and result in the outputs
being turned OFF. As a countermeasure for such problems,
external safety measures must be provided to ensure safety in the
!WARNING The CPU Unit refreshes I/O even when the program is stopped (i.e.,
even in PROGRAM mode). Confirm safety thoroughly in advance
before changing the status of any part of memory allocated to I/O
Units, Special I/O Units, or CPU Bus Units. Any changes to the data
allocated to any Unit may result in unexpected operation of the loads
connected to the Unit. Any of the following operation may result in
changes to memory status.
Transferring I/O memory data to the CPU Unit from a
Programming Device
Changing present values in memory from a Programming Device.
Force-setting/-resetting bits from a Programming Device.
Transferring I/O memory files from a Memory Card or EM file
memory to the CPU Unit.
Transferring I/O memory from a host computer or from another
PLC on a network.
!Caution When performing any of the following operations, always check the network
address and node address of the other node (PLC) and the node address
2 Safety Precautions
and unit number of the mounted Unit (PLC CPU Bus Unit or Special I/O Unit)
or the node address of the Component (DeviceNet Master/Slave or
CompoWay/F Slave), and be sure that these operations can be performed
safely for the current status of the node (Unit or Component):
Transferring parameter or program data to the other node
Changing the operating mode of the other node
Unexpected operation may result if parameter or program data is transferred
to the wrong node (DeviceNet Master/Slave, CompoNet Master/Slave or
CompoWay/F Slave), the operating mode of the wrong node is changed, or
the other node is not in a suitable status to receive the program or parameter
data or the operating mode change.
!Caution When changing the target PLC to any PLC other than the relay PLC, check
the node address and node number of the target PLC carefully before
executing the change. Unexpected operation and injury may result if the
wrong PLC is set as the target PLC.
Changing the operating mode
Transferring or verifying user-set data link tables
Transferring or verifying routing tables
Performing I/O table operations (including transferring CPU Bus Unit or
Special I/O Unit parameters)
Note Operations performed from the CX-Integrator are performed for the target
PLC, which is not necessarily the same as the relay PLC.
!Caution When transferring parameters that have been created or edited on the
computer to actual Units (PLC CPU Bus Units or PLC Special I/O Units) or to
actual Components (DeviceNet Masters/Slaves, CompoNet Master/Slave
or CompoWay/F Slaves), always check the identifying number of the actual
Units or Components (i.e., the unit numbers and unit addresses or node
addresses) before executing the transfer. Unexpected operation and injury
may result if parameters are transferred to the wrong Unit or Component.
!Caution When changing or removing a routing table (see note), be sure to update the
display for the Online Connection Information Window. The display for the
Online Connection Information Window could possibly be different from the
actual network status. If operations are executed without first updating the
display, particularly online operations in the Network Configuration Window, it
could cause data to be mistakenly read or written for the wrong network or
node address or unit number.
Note: Changing or removing a routing table refers to using the
CX-Integrator (or a CX-Integrator for another personal computer) to
start the Routing Table Component and then changing or removing
a routing table for the target PLC (either a local network table or a
relay network table).
!Caution Do not execute a broadcast node search if a node exists for something other
than an OMRON Ethernet Unit or FinsGateway within the same segment on
Ethernet, and when the Ethernet network system is in operation. When a
broadcast node search is executed, an OMRON FINS command is sent to all
nodes in the segment. Therefore, if a node exists for something other than an
OMRON Ethernet Unit or FinsGateway, the FINS command will not be
received at that node and unexpected operation may occur.
!Caution Confirm safety thoroughly in advance before transferring program data to
another node on the network or changing the I/O memory. Otherwise, injuries
may occur.

3 Application Precautions

3 Application Precautions
Observe the following precautions when using the CX-Integrator.
General Communications Precautions
Do not turn OFF the power to the PLC or disconnect the cable connecting
the PLC when the CX-Integrator is online with the PLC. Doing so may cause
the computer running CX-Integrator to malfunction.
Before changing the operating mode, always confirm that doing so will not
adversely affect system operation.
Always check the operation of parameters sufficiently before using them for
actual system operation.
Confirm that resetting CPU Bus Units and Special I/O Units will not
adversely affect system operation before resetting these Units.
Use only the specified communications cables.
Do not extend connection distances beyond the ranges given in the
Take appropriate measures to ensure that the specified power with the rated
voltage and frequency is supplied. Be particularly careful in places where the
power supply is unstable. An incorrect power supply may result in
When installing the PLC, ground to 100 min.
Install external breakers and take other safety measures against
short-circuiting in external wiring. Insufficient safety measures against
short-circuiting may result in burning.
Check all wiring and switch settings to be sure they are correct before
turning ON the power supply.
Check the user programming (e.g., the ladder program) for proper execution
before actually running it on the PLC. Not checking the program may result
in unexpected operation.
Enable the scan list to before operating the system.
When adding a new node to the network, make sure that the baud rate is
the same as other nodes.
Use specified communications cables.
Do not extend connection distances beyond the ranges given in the
Always turn OFF the power supply to the personal computer, Slaves, and
Communications Units before attempting any of the following.
Attaching or detaching the DeviceNet Board or Card
Assembling the Units
Setting rotary switches
Connecting or wiring the cables
Connecting or disconnecting connectors
3 Application Precautions
Be sure that the communications cables and other items with locking
devices are properly locked into place.
Observe the following precautions when wiring the communications cable.
Separate the communications cables from the power lines or
high-tension lines.
Do not bend the communications cables.
Do not pull on the communications cables.
Do not place heavy objects on top of the communications cables.
Be sure to wire communications cable inside ducts.
Use appropriate communications cables.
Before touching the PCI Board, be sure to first touch a grounded metallic
object in order to discharge any static build-up. Not doing so may result in
malfunction or damage.
When transporting a Board or Card, use the special box in which it was
shipped to protect the LSIs and ICs from being damaged. Also do not
subject the Board or Card to excessive vibration or shock.
Because the devices are reset in order, communications errors will
temporarily occur in the master and slaves. For this reason, do not
download the network configuration while the master-side PLC (CPU Unit)
is operating.
When downloading the network configuration, each of the devices is reset.
If the Master Unit is reset first, it may cause errors in writing parameters to
the subsequent slaves. For that reason, this method (downloading the
network configuration) should be used only when the Master Unit has been
given the highest address.
Downloaded device parameters will be valid only after the devices are reset
unless they are the OMRON CVM1-DRM21-V1, C200HW-DRM21-V1,
CS1W-DRM21(-V1), or CJ1W-DRM21.
When the devices are reset, communications errors will temporarily occur.
For this reason, do not reset the devices while the master-side PLC (CPU
Unit) is operating.
Data Links in Controller Link or SYSMAC LINK Networks
The data link mode (manual setting or automatic setting) and data link
method are determined according to the data link setting in the startup node.
In the startup node, set a data link table for manual settings and data link
automatic setting parameters for automatic settings. If the settings are
incorrect, the data links will not start.
Check the following items before starting data links.
(1) Manually Set Data Links
Check the data link tables in each node participating in the data link to
see that they are correct.
Be sure that data link tables are deleted from nodes that are not
participating in the data links.
(2) Automatically Set Data Links
Be sure that the correct DM parameters have been set in the data link
startup node.
3 Application Precautions
If incorrect data link tables or parameters are set, injury may result due to
unexpected operation of the system. Even if the correct data link tables and
parameters have been set, do not start or stop data links before verifying
that there will be no adverse influence on the system.
Routing Tables
CPU Bus Units are reset when routing tables are transferred from a
Programming Device to a PLC to allow set routing tables to be read. Make
sure that resetting CPU Bus Units will not cause equipment damage or
dangerous system behavior before transferring tables.
Be sure to start operation only after transferring the necessary parameters in
the EEPROM of the CompoNet Master Unit (e.g., software settings and
registration table settings) from the CX-Integrator to the CompoNet Master
I/O allocations may change if the communications mode of the CompoNet
Master Unit is changed.
4 Operating Environment Precautions

4 Operating Environment Precautions

!Caution Perform installation properly, according to the procedures described in this
!Caution Do not install in the following locations:
Locations subject to direct sunlight
Locations subject to temperatures or humidity outside the range specified in
the specifications
Locations subject to condensation as the result of severe changes in
Locations subject to corrosive or flammable gases
Locations subject to dust (especially iron dust) or salts
Locations subject to exposure to water, oil, or chemicals
Locations subject to shock or vibration
!Caution Take appropriate and sufficient countermeasures when installing in the
following locations:
Locations subject to static electricity or other forms of noise
Locations subject to strong electromagnetic fields
Locations subject to possible exposure to radioactivity
Locations close to power supplies
5 Guide to Version Upgrades

5 Guide to Version Upgrades

The following table shows the changes in the upgrade from CX-Integrator Ver.
2.3 to Ver. 2.4.
Item Previous (Ver. 2.3) Ver. 2.4
Support for Windows 7
Not supported.
The following table shows the changes in the upgrade from CX-Integrator Ver.
2.2 to Ver. 2.3.
Item Previous (Ver. 2.2) Ver. 2.3
Support for CJ-series CJ2
CPU Units and EtherNet/IP
CJ2H-CPU6@-EIP, CJ2H-CPU6@ and
CS1W/CJ1W-EIP@@ Units are now
The following table shows the changes in the upgrade from CX-Integrator Ver.
2.1 to Ver. 2.2.
Item Previous (Ver. 2.1) Ver. 2.2
CompoNet Network support
Not supported. Supported.
Component parameter settings and
monitoring is now possible on CompoNet,
a field network in which connection and
settings can be performed easily.
The following table shows the changes in the upgrade from CX-Integrator Ver.
2.0 to Ver. 2.1.
Item Previous (Ver. 2.0) Ver. 2.1
Switching of the target PLC
from the PLC Routing Table
Not supported.
(When the CX-Integrator is
directly connected by a
serial connection to a PLC
without transferred routing
tables, routing tables can be
transferred only to that
(When the CX-Integrator is directly
connected by a serial connection to a PLC
without transferred routing tables, the
connection can be switched to other nodes
in the network that are connected to that
PLC, and the routing tables can be
transferred to those connected nodes. The
directly connected PLC must have a
CS/CJ-series CPU Unit with unit version
4.0 or later.)
Transferring routing tables to
a PLC that is connected
directly by Ethernet
Not supported.
(It was not possible to
select Work Online to
connect directly through
Ethernet to a PLC without
transferred routing tables.)
Note: The CX-Programmer
can connect online.
(A PLC without transferred routing tables
can be connected directly through
Ethernet, and the routing tables can be
Resuming an upload of the
DeviceNet network
Not supported.
(If an error occurred while transferring the
DeviceNet network information due to a
communications error or other error, the
information can be transferred only from
the nodes where the transfer error
5 Guide to Version Upgrades
Item Previous (Ver. 2.0) Ver. 2.1
Maximum number of send
words per node in a
Controller Link data link
1,000 words max.
4,000 words max.
(The CS1W-CLK13, CS1W-CLK23,
CJ1W-CLK23, and CS1W-CLK53
Controller Link Units support this feature.)
Number of entries registered
in the relay network table
(Number of destination
network, relay network, and
relay node combinations)
20 entries max.
64 entries max. (An expansion mode for
the number of relay networks is available.)
(This feature is supported only for
CS/CJ-series CPU Units with unit version
4.0 or later.)
Display of the transferred
(network to PC)
CompoWay/F network
(When a network address is allocated to
the CompoWay/F network transferred to
the PC, that network address will be
The following table shows the changes in the upgrade from CX-Integrator
Ver. 1.1 to Ver. 2.0.
Item Previous (Ver. 1.1) Ver. 2.0
System overview showing
network configuration
Not supported. A System Overview Window displays the
relationships between different networks.
You can understand the relationships
between networks on one display. Also,
you can easily switch between the System
Overview and the Network View.
Registering networks and
Entered in dialog box for
each setting.
A Wizard can be used to enter settings.
You can also return to the previous setting
to correct it.
Workspace Window Only networks are listed. Components and networks are listed.
Property Window Not supported. The properties of the selected component
or network are displayed.
Data link mode
confirmation when
transferring Controller Link
data link tables
Not supported. (The Data
Link Specification in the
software switched in
allocated DM Area words
does not change.)
When transferring Controller Link data link
tables, the data link mode (automatic or
manual) can be checked for all the nodes
on the network.
After confirmation, the data link modes for
all nodes can be changed to user-set data
Combining PLCs between
When more than one
network is uploaded by
connecting to different
PLCs, the Network
Configuration Windows
sometimes have the same
PLC registered as two
separate PLCs.
If the same PLC is registered separately,
the PLCs can be combined as the same
PLC in the Network Configuration Window.
5 Guide to Version Upgrades
The following table shows the changes in the upgrade from CX-Integrator
Ver. 1.0 to Ver. 1.1.
Item Previous (Ver. 1.0) Ver. 1.1
Ethernet network PING test Not supported. Yes
Echoback test between nodes on
Ethernet, Controller Link,
SYSMAC LINK, and DeviceNet
Not supported. Yes. (Response time can be
Controller Link network diagnosis
Repeater display
Not supported. Branching information can be
displayed by Repeater Units.
Start Special Application Not supported. It is possible to select an Inverter
on DeviceNet, and to start the
Support for NSJ Series No Yes

Section 1 Overview

This section provides an overview of the CX-Integrator and describes CX-Integrator
menus and connections.

1-1 The CX-Integrator

1-1-1 Overview
1-1 The CX-Integrator

1-1-1 Overview

The CX-Integrator is a Programming Device software package that enables reading
the PLC's network and serial network configuration from a personal computer via an
online connection. This enables easily performing many operations, such as
monitoring the connection status of various networks, setting parameters, and
diagnosing networks.
The CX-Integrator can be placed online manually or automatically with the
CS/CJ-series PLC to which it is directly connected to enable uploading and monitoring
the network configuration (including device parameters) for that PLC or other network
PLCs for each network.
Direction connection to serial communications using the CompoWay/F protocol is also
possible without going through a PLC. The CompoWay/F network configuration can
be uploaded or automatic connection is possible using the NT Link protocol for
NS-series PTs and CS/CJ-series PLCs.
Furthermore, parameters in slaves on the networks can be set, edited, uploaded, and
Whenever required, network configuration information can be saved in files. The
configuration information in previously saved files can be later compared to the
actually current configuration.
Uploading and displaying network and serial
communications configuration of the t arget PLC for
each network
Computer running CX-Int egrator
Direct serial connection
(Toolbus or Host Link) or
network connection
Uploaded to computer
General-purpose slaves,
such as I/O Terminals
ure Controller
or other device
Devic eNet
CompoWa y/F
Smart Sensor
CS/CJ-se ries PLC
CS/CJ-series PLC
(NT Link)
works that can be
Controller Li nk
Target PLC
Online connection
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