1-2 Specifications
1-2-1 CX-Integrator Specifications
Item Specification
Series Device type CPU Unit model
CS1H CS1H-CPU67/66/65/64/63(-V1)
CS1G/CJ1G CS1G-CPU45/44/43/42(-V1)
Note: CompoWay/F cannot be
used with a built-in serial
port on the CPU Unit.
CS1G-H CS1G-CPU45H/44H/43H/42H
CS1H-H CS1H-CPU67H/66H/65H/64H/63H
Note: A CPU Unit with unit
version 3.0 or later must be
used when using
CompoWay/F with a
built-in serial port on the
CPU Unit
Note: When using a pre-Ver. 1.1
CS1D-H CPU Unit, use it as if it
were a CS1H-H CPU Unit.
CS Series
CS1D-S CS1D-CPU67S/65S/44S/42S
Note: CompoWay/F cannot be
used with a built-in serial
port on the CPU Unit.
CJ1M CJ1M-CPU23/22/21/13/12/11
CJ1G-H CJ1G- CPU45H/44H/43H/42H
CJ Series
CJ1H-H CJ1H-CPU67H/66H/65H
Note: A CPU Unit with unit
version 3.0 or later must
be used when using
CompoWay/F with a
built-in serial port on the
CPU Unit
CP1H-XA CP1H-XA@@@@-@ CP-Series
CP1H-X CP1H-X@@@@-@
Note: CompoWay/F cannot be
used with a built-in USB
port on the CPU Unit. It
can be used with a serial
communications port.
NSJ G5D (Used for the NSJ5-TQ0@-G5D,
NSJ5-SQ0@-G5D, NSJ8-TV0@-G5D,
NSJ10-TV0@-G5D, and
Note: CompoWay/F can be used
on serial port C (RS-232C
port) on the Controller
Section of the NSJ
PLCs that are
accessible as target
Note: The target PLC
is the PLC actually
being accessed, e.g.,
to upload/download
the PLC’s network
Note: The CS/CJ-series PLC must have a lot number of 030201 or later (manufactured 1
February 2003 or later) to start the CX-Designer and transfer screen data to an NS-series PT
from the CX-Designer through the PLC. The following PLCs can be used:
CS1G-H, CS1H-H, CS1D-S, CJ1M, or CJ1H-H. (The CS1D-H cannot be used.)
The following communications are possible for a directly connected target PLC.
Supported network
Ethernet (Access is possible only to CS/CJ-series PLCs, NS-series PTs,
and computers with FinsGateway on the Ethernet network. For
CVM1/CV-series PLCs, only display functions are supported.)
Controller Link (Access is possible only to CS/CJ/CP-series PLCs,
NS-series PTs, and computers with FinsGateway on the Controller Link
network.) For C200H-series PLCs and CVM1/CV-series PLCs, only
display functions are supported.)
Note: When the Controller Link Network Diagnosis application is
being used, it is possible to monitor and troubleshoot PLC models in
the Controller Link network other than CS/CJ-series PLCs.
SYSMAC LINK (Monitoring is possible only to CS/CJ-series PLCs,
NS-series PTs, and computers with FinsGateway on the SYSMAC LINK
DeviceNet (CS/CJ-series DeviceNet Units, C200H DeviceNet Master
Units, or CVM1/CV-series DeviceNet Master Units)
Note: A C200H-DRM21-V1 or CVM1-DRM21-V1 DeviceNet Master
Unit can be used through a CS/CJ-series DeviceNet Unit.
Supported serial
CompoWay/F (CS/CJ-series CPU Units must be unit version 3.0 or later.)
Serial Communications Boards and Serial Communications Units must be
unit version 1.2 or later. Only slaves for which CPS files are installed on
the computer can be accessed.
NT Links (Connection is possible only for NS-series PTs with model
numbers ending in V1 or later.)
Note: Accessing PLC Communications Across Network Layers
If relay network routing tables are set, a PLC on a different network layer than the network of the
PLC connected to the CX-Integrator can be set as the target PLC.