Omron COMFIT CUFF BP755 Getting Started

Insert four AA batteries into bottom of unit.
Plug arm cu into the main unit.
Place cu directly on bare skin of upper left arm, with cu edge 1/2 inch above elbow.
Align cu so the blue stripe is centered on the inside of your arm with the tubing pointing down toward your hand. Close cu snugly.
Q. Why are my blood pressure readings
sometimes dierent?
A. Your blood pressure changes constantly based on your
daily activities and time of day. Because of this, some uctuations can be expected. That’s why it is important to use averages over time to compare readings. Because each person is dierent, it’s important to consult with your doctor about what your numbers mean to you.
Q. Why could my doctor’s readings be dierent
than my readings taken at home?
A. Having your blood pressure measured by a healthcare
professional in a doctor’s oce can cause nervousness and may result in an elevated readings. Because these readings can vary considerably, you should take your blood pressure on a regular basis at home and share your results with your healthcare provider.
- For accurate readings, sit quietly with feet at
on the oor for ve minutes before taking measurements. Do not measure within 30 minutes after meals, exercising, bathing, smoking or drinking alcohol.
- To review readings for multiple users, ip the
switch to user A or B. Press the memory button to scroll through readings.
- To turn on and use the TruRead™ mode, see
pages 28-34 in the instructional manual.
- To display morning and evening averages, see
pages 39-42 in the instructional manual.
1 2 3
Insert four AA batteries into bottom of unit.
Plug arm cu into the main unit.
A. Press START/STOP button once. The year
will ash. Press the Memory Up button to advance to current year, then press to conrm. (Press the Memory Down button to go back to the previous value.) Change month, day and time the same way. Unit will shut o when complete.
Q. Why are my blood pressure readings
sometimes dierent?
A. Your blood pressure changes constantly based on your
daily activities and time of day. Because of this, some uctuations can be expected. That’s why it is important to use averages over time to compare readings. Because each person is dierent, it’s important to consult with your doctor about what your numbers mean to you.
Q. Why could my doctor’s reading be dierent
than my readings taken at home?
A. Having your blood pressure measured by a healthcare
professional in a doctor’s oce can cause nervousness and may result in an elevated reading. Because these readings can vary considerably, you should take your blood pressure on a regular basis at home and share your results with your healthcare provider.
For accurate readings, sit quietly with feet
at on the oor and rest for ve minutes before taking measurements. Do not measure within 30 minutes after eating, exercising, bathing, smoking or drinking alcohol.
To review readings, press the and
memory buttons to scroll through readings.
To use the Advanced Averaging function
and display averages, see page 26 in the instruction manual.
To keep your monitor in the best condition,
follow the Care and Maintenance directions on page 29 of the instruction manual.
To turn unit on and take a measurement, press
START/STOP button once.
The cu will inate automatically. Hold still until cu deates and results are displayed.
To Set Date and Time Go To
To Bypass Date and Time Setup Go To
B. Press START/STOP button to turn unit on.
The year will ash. Press START/STOP again to turn unit o. You have now bypassed setting the Date and Time. Go to STEP 3.
For more information on date and time setting, see pages 17-19 in the instruction manual.
with ComFit™ Cu
Premium Arm Blood Pressure
To use on right arm, see page 22 in instruction manual.