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Pulse Meter

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It is the policy of OMEGA Engineering, Inc. to comply with all worldwide safety and EMC/EMI
regulations that apply. OMEGA is constantly pursuing certification of its products to the European New
Approach Directives. OMEGA will add the CE mark to every appropriate device upon certification.
The information contained in this document is believed to be correct, but OMEGA accepts no liability for any
errors it contains, and reserves the right to alter specifications without notice.
WARNING: These products are not designed for use in, and should not be used for, human applications.

FTB8000B-Series meters use the internationally-accepted
multi-jet principle. A gear train drives the register totalizer
dials. For pulse output, one of the pointers is replaced by a
magnet arm, which is detected by an encapsulated sensor
attached to the outside of the lens.
PR meters use a solid-state, long-lasting Hall-effect sensor,
which requires power. They are suited for use with Omega
controls and metering pumps (LMI for instance) that have
sensor power.
PT meters use a reed switch. They provide a dry contact closure and do not require power.
Standard meters do not have a sensor, and they totalize
Materials Body
Pulse Output
Max Current
Max Voltage
Cable Length
Flow Rates (GPM)
*Specifications subject to change.
**CAUTION: Excessive ow can cause breakage.
Do not exceed recommended maximums.
6 mA at 12 Vdc (PR only)
105˚ F (40˚ C) max
150 psi operating
Cast bronze, epoxy powder coated inside and out
Engineered thermoplastic
+/- 1.5% of reading
PR PT Standard
Hall-effect Reed switch Totalizer only
20 mA 20 mA n/a
24 Vdc 24 Vdc or Vac n/a
12’ (4 m) standard (2000’ maximum run)
3/4” 1” 1-1/2” 2”
0.22 0.44 0.88 1.98
22 52 88 132
INSTALLATION Pu lse Output. Both PR and PT sen sors respond to
a magnet that rotates on the face of the meter under
Position. FTB8000B-Series meters should be installed horizontally with the register up. Vertical mounting will result in
some degree of under-measurement and shortened life of the
bearings. No upstream straight pipe is required.
the lens. The sensor turns on and off once each time
the magnet passes under it. Sensors are designed for elec-
tronic control loads, and should not be used to switch power
loads or line voltages. See maximum current and voltage
ratings, under Specications.
Caution: These water meters are
not recommended for installation
in uninsulated suspended ceilings where freezing is possible,
or in any overhead indoor piping
conguration where leakage may
cause damage.
Omega recommends all service to be performed by an autho-
rized distributor or the factory to maintain the integrity of the
protective tamper-proof wire-and-seal.
Inlet Strainer. Clean the strainer yearly, or as required, de-
pending on water condition. Pull out the strainer or backush
the meter to loosen trapped particulates.
Couplings. Male NPT threaded couplings are included with
each meter. The threads on the end of the meter are IPS
straight threads one size bigger than the meter size. Though
it is possible to thread a standard pipe coupling directly onto
the meter for close coupling, the included couplings are much
preferable because they provide a union connection for meter
service. Be sure to use the included gasket between the end
of the meter and the coupling.
Calibration. Meters used for billing or billing exemp-
tion may be regulated by state or local authorities. New
me ters ar e fac tor y-tested to mee t the AWWA C-708
Mu lti-Jet Meter ac curacy spe cif ication. Some states
require retesting at various intervals, typically eight years for
3/4" meters, six for 1", and four for 1-1/2" and 2". Meters
used for control should be tested every 5-10 years. Testing
can be done by the factory or local meter shops authorized
for this purpose. Please contact Omega before sending
Connections. PR and PT sensors are supplied with a color
meter in for calibration or servicing.
coded output cable (see diagram, page 4). Optional connectors can be ordered to plug directly into a Omega control or
LMI metering pump.
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