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Blind Analog Transmitter

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The Omega FMG-1000-MAW is a blind (non-indicating) 4-20 mA
transmitter, designed for use with almost all Omega ow sensors. It accepts a pulse frequency input from the ow sensor,
and converts this input into a continuous analog output signal.
Power for the transmitter is taken from the current loop itself,
so only two wires are required. The digital design makes it pos-
sible to span the unit in the eld without tools. The frequency at
which 20 mA is desired is entered on a set of rotary switches,
and an internal microcontroller automatically scales all other
values accordingly. An additional benet of the microcontroller
is its ability to average inputs, for smoothing of the output signal.
The degree of averaging can be selected in the eld, from 2 to
16 seconds.
For maximum environmental protection, the electronic compo-
nents are encased in a special semi-exible urethane potting
material. The housing is cast from aluminum and fuse-coated.
The clamshell housing is provided with mounting feet for remote
The FMG-1000-MAW will operate on a relatively wide range of
current loop voltages, 24 to 36 Vdc. Lower voltages limit the load
that can be applied to the loop without distortion of the signal.
(See Load/Supply chart if there is a question regarding voltage
vs. load.) A built-in power regulator supplies the appropriate
power to the ow sensor.
Mounting. The FMG-1000-MAW comes with mounting feet
and requires four screws to attach it to any stable surface.
Connection. The upper portion must be removed to make
connections. Use a standard hex wrench (5/32” or 4 mm)
to loosen the screws, then remove the upper half. The
connections are made to terminal blocks in the upper half,
which contains the potted electronics.
Consult the Connections diagram before connecting to
the current loop. On an FMG-1000-MAW, the sensor must
be connected, since it is remote from the transmitter. Be
careful to follow the color coding of the ow sensor wires
in order to establish the correct polarity. Incorrect polarity
can damage the sensor.
Typical applications for this transmitter are telemetry (or SCADA),
distributed control systems, programmable controllers, data
logging, and chart recording.
Input Averaging
Response Time
Frequency Minimum
*Specications subject to change
24 - 36 Vdc
32˚ - 130˚ F (0˚ - 55˚ C)
Open-collector solid state sensor
2 - 16 seconds (switch selectable)
2-60 seconds; 90% of full scale
(dependent on input averaging)
10 Hz (@20 mA)
999.9 Hz
4 Rotary DIP switches
Proportional 4-20 mA
700 900 1100 1300
Load Resistance (Ohms)