For Clean, Non-Coating Gases
FMA-7000E Series
Starts at
⻬ ±1% Full Scale Accuracy
⻬ ±0.25% of Rate
⻬ Broad Range in a
Single Unit to Fit
Most Applications
⻬ Field Selectable
Soft Start Eliminates
Spoiled Batches
⻬ Normally Closed Valve
⻬ Low Pressure Drop
⻬ Compact Design
⻬ For Clean, Non-Coating
OMEGA®FMA-7000E Mass Flow
Controllers accurately measure gases
on the basis of mass flow. The flow
sensor produces an electrical output
signal linear with the flow rate used for
indicating, recording, and/or control
purposes. It eliminates the need for
continuous monitoring and readjustment
of gas pressures to provide a stable gas
flow. This is accomplished automatically
by an electromagnetically actuated
flow rate control valve.
The operating principle of the controller
is thermodynamic. A precision power
supply directs heat to the midpoint of
the sensor tube carrying the flow. On
the same tube, equidistant upstream
and downstream of the heat input, are
resistance temperature measuring
With no flow, the heat reaching each
temperature element is equal. With
increasing flow, the flow stream carries
heat away from the upstream element,
and carries it towards the downstream
element. An increasing temperature
difference develops between the two
elements and this difference is
proportional to the mass flow rate of
the gas. A bridge circuit interprets the
temperature difference and an amplifier
provides the output to the control
circuitry as well as a 0 to 5 Vdc
output signal.
Mating connector
Accuracy: ±1% FS including linearity
at calibration conditions, ±1.5% FS
including linearity for flow ranges
greater than 20 SLM
Repeatability: ±0.25% of rate
Response Time: <3 second response
to within 2% FS final value with a
0 to 100% command step
Set Point Input: 0 to 5 Vdc or
⍀ potentiometer
Output: 0 to 5 Vdc into 2000
minimum load; 3 mV rms max. ripple
Maximum Pressure: 1500 psig,
pressure drop 5 to 50 psid
Temperature Range: 4 to 66°C
(40 to 150°F) ambient and gas
Temp. Sensitivity:
Zero: < ±0.075% FS per °C
Span: <±1.0% FS shift over 10 to
50°C (50 to 122°F) range
Power Supply Sensitivity: ±0.09% FS
per % power supply voltage variation
Mounting Attitude Sensitivity: ±0.5%
maximum FS deviation after zeroing
Leak Integrity: 1 x 10
scc/sec helium
Control Range: 50 to 1
Pressure Sensitivity: ±0.03% per psi
up to 200 psig (N
Power: +15 Vdc at 35 mA DC,
-15 Vdc at 180 mA dc, 3.5 watts
power consumption
Wetted Parts: 316 and 430SS, FKM
compression fittings
⁄4" stainless steel
Compatible Meters:
DPF50, DPF60, DPF300,
DP24-E, DPF403 (Section M)
FMA-7100E, $2250, shown
smaller than actual size.
Electrical Connections: Card edge,
20 terminals, gold over low stress nickelplated copper
Accessories Included: Mating
connector with 1.5 m (5') ribbon cable
model. Easy connector/cable
assemblies available
Model FMA-7EC-(*):
1.5 m (5') = $109
3.0 m (10') = $120
7.6 m (25') = $131
15.2 m (50') = $152
* Specify length: 5, 10, 25 or 50'
After Choosing Your Flowmeter,
Complete the System to Meet
Your Requirements
Display and Alarm DPF64, $289.
Setpoint Potentiometer (1000⍀)
Computer Interface
FC-21 $775, Basic Unit
FC-22 $1100, Basic Unit
Power Supply FPW-15, $75.
In addition to your mass flowmeter,
select a complete flow measurement
system to meet your requirements.

FMA-7100E, $2250,
shown smaller
than actual size.
To Order
Model No. 1⁄4"
Compression Model No. Model No.
Fitting Price
FMA-7100E-(*) $2250 FMA-7200E-(*) $2350 FMA-7300E-(*) $2350 to 10 SCCM
FMA-7101E-(*) 1850 FMA-7201E-(*) 1950 FMA-7301E-(*) 1900 to 20 SCCM
FMA-7102E-(*) 1850 FMA-7202E-(*) 1950 FMA-7302E-(*) 1900 to 50 SCCM
FMA-7103E-(*) 1850 FMA-7203E-(*) 1950 FMA-7303E-(*) 1900
FMA-7104E-(*) 1850 FMA-7204E-(*) 1950 FMA-7304E-(*) 1900
FMA-7105E-(*) 1850 FMA-7205E-(*) 1950 FMA-7305E-(*) 1900
FMA-7106E-(*) 1850 FMA-7206E-(*) 1950 FMA-7306E-(*) 1900 to 1 SLM
FMA-7107E-(*) 1850 FMA-7207E-(*) 1950 FMA-7307E-(*) 1900 to 2 SLM
FMA-7108E-(*) 1850 FMA-7208E-(*) 1950 FMA-7308E-(*) 1900 to 5 SLM
FMA-7109E-(*) 1850 FMA-7209E-(*) 1950 FMA-7309E-(*) 1900 to 10 SLM
FMA-7110E-(*) 1850 FMA-7210E-(*) 1950 FMA-7310E-(*) 1900 to 20 SLM
Comes complete with mating connector and operator’s manual.
Calibrations done at ambient temperature only, 20°C (70°F).
Please specify gas, inlet and outlet pressure when ordering.
For calibration between 201 and 999 psig, add $400 to price. For calibrations between 1000 and 1500 psig, add $475 to price.
For NIST certificate add suffix “-NIST” to the model number, and $425 to price. NIST certificate does not include points.
Ordering Examples: FMA-7100E-(Argon, 150/100 psig), mass flow controller for argon, 0 to 10 SCCM, 150 psig inlet/100 psig outlet, $2250.
FMA-7102E-(02, 20/PSIG), mass flow controller for oxygen, 0 to 50 SCCM, 20 psig inlet/0 psig outlet, $1850.
(Specify Model Number)
⁄4" VCO Price
⁄4" VCR Price Max Range
to 100 SCCM
to 200 SCCM
to 500 SCCM