It is the policy of OMEGA to comply with all worldwide safety and EMC/EMI regulations that apply. OMEGA is constantly pursuing certification of its products to the European New
Approach Directives. OMEGA will add the CE mark to every appropriate device upon certification.
The information contained in this document is believed to be correct, but OMEGA Engineering, Inc. accepts no liability for any errors it contains, and reserves the right to alter
specifications without notice.
WARNING: These products are not designed for use in, and should not be used for, patient-connected applications.
This device is marked with the international caution symbol. It is important to read the Setup Guide before installing or commissioning this device as the guide contains important
information relating to safety and EMC.
This device is marked with the international caution symbol. It is important to read the Setup Guide before installing or commissioning this device as the guide contains
important information relating to safety and EMC.
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The Input Options Manual is divided into three major sections. Each option board
contains circuitry which is exclusive of the others. The main board assembly diagram
is identical for all of the input options, however, and should be referred to when jumper
configuring each option board. This illustration is located in Section 1.10 Drawings.
1.1 General ................................................................................................................1
1.2 Mechanical Installation ........................................................................................2
1.3 Electrical Connections ........................................................................................3
1.4 Inputs and Outputs ..............................................................................................5
1.5 Trigger Level Adjustment ....................................................................................7
1.6 Hysteresis Selection ............................................................................................8
1.7 Debouncing Monostable Circuit ..........................................................................8
1.8 Configuration ......................................................................................................9
1.9 Specifications ....................................................................................................10
1.10 Drawings ............................................................................................................11
2.1 General ..............................................................................................................13
2.2 Mechanical Installation ......................................................................................13
2.3 Electrical Connections ......................................................................................14
2.4 Inputs and Outputs ............................................................................................16
2.5 Configuration ....................................................................................................17
2.6 Specifications ....................................................................................................17
2.7 Drawings............................................................................................................18
3.1 General ..............................................................................................................19
3.2 Mechanical Installation ......................................................................................20
3.3 Electrical Connection and Configuration ..........................................................21
3.4 Low-Frequency Cutoff ......................................................................................24
3.5 Open Circuit Indication ......................................................................................24
3.6 Power ................................................................................................................24
3.7 Calibration..........................................................................................................25
3.8 Specifications ....................................................................................................25
Figure 1-1 Exploded View ....................................................................................................2
Figure 1-2 Simplified Block Diagram of the Signal Conditioner ............................................6
Figure 1-3 P6A1A Potentiometer/Jumper Locations ............................................................7
Figure 1-4 Debouncing a Mechanical Switch........................................................................8
Figure 1-5 Isolated Signal Conditioner Assembly Diagram ................................................11
Figure 1-8 Main Board Assembly Diagram ........................................................................12
Table 1-1 Wiring and Adjustments for Signal Sources ........................................................4
Table 1-2 Correlation of Sensitivity to Frequency Response ..............................................5
Table 1-3 P6A1A Potentiometer Selection ..........................................................................7
Table 1-4 Jumper Configuration ..........................................................................................9
Figure 2-1 Exploded View ..................................................................................................13
Figure 2-2 Rear View ..........................................................................................................14
Figure 2-3 Non-Isolated Signal Conditioner Assembly Diagram ........................................18
Table 2-1 Required Wiring for Most Commonly Used Sensors ........................................15
Table 2-2 Jumper Configuration ........................................................................................17
Figure 3-1 Exploded View ..................................................................................................20
Figure 3-2 P6A5B Potentiometer/Jumper Locations ..........................................................22
Table 3-1 P6A5A Potentiometer Selection ........................................................................22
Table 3-2 Jumper Positions & Input Wiring For Different Ranges ....................................23
Table 3-3 Cutoff Frequency Selection ..............................................................................24
Table 3-4 Analog Input Signal Range Specifications ........................................................25
The isolated signal conditioner options provide one or two low level, isolated amplifier
channels. Each channel offers:
Adjustable trigger level by a multiturn potentiometer
Three levels of hysteresis, selectable by push-on jumpers
A one-shot (monostable multivibrator) with selectable time for debouncing purposes
Selectable RC filters for contact closure or low frequency applications
High sensitivity (±10 mV) and high protection level (260 V rms) inputs
The above features and the 12.4 V at 20 mA excitation output make this signal conditioner
compatible with a wide range of signal sources such as: contact closure, NPN or PNP opencollector outputs, passive inductive pickups, and most active sensors including NAMUR
standard types.
The signal conditioner board is positioned as a mezzanine, supported by the rear
panel and a slot on the display board (Figure 1-1).
Figure 1-1 Exploded View with Power & Signal Connector
IMPORTANT: Turn-off the power and input signals from the unit before proceeding.
Failure to do so may result in injury!
CAUTION: The meter has no power-on switch; it will be in operation as soon as you
apply power. To change the factory preset jumpers, disconnect the power from the
unit. Failure to do so may result in injury! The jumpers must be changed by specially
trained personnel.
1. When using a signal conditioning board with the meter, the main board must
be jumper configured prior to installation. For single channel, install SA-I; for dual
channel, install SA-I and SB-I (main board). Refer to Section 1.8 for jumper selection
of input and output features.
2. The insulator board rests atop the lower rear panel, with the two tabs fitting into holes
on the display board.
3. Insert the tab of the signal conditioning board into the slot provided on the display
4. Position J3, an 8-pin connector on the circuit side of the signal conditioner, to mate
with the P3 pins on the main board. Press the board downward until the rear
connectors rest on the lower rear panel.
5. Install the upper rear panel.
Channels A and B of the signal conditioner work separately. The inputs are available on
connector TB3 and are electrically isolated from the counter. The outputs are connected to
the main board with connector J3.
1 Passive Inductive Voltage <260 V rms Connect signal wires to Select the hysteresis &
Pickup Voltage >±10 mV TB3-pins 3 & 4. Remove adjust the trigger level
S1, S2, S3, S5, S6, S7. for lowest input voltage
S16 on DC position. (lowest frequency).
2 Active Transducer Operating Voltage = 12.4 V Connect the positive and Select 700 mV hysteresis
(inductive, OPTIC or Operating Current < 20 mA negative supply inputs of (Install S4-A & S8-A).
capacitive) with NPN transducer to the EXC Adjust the multiturn pot
open-collector output. HI & EXC LO, for 0 V trigger level.
respectively. Install S2-A,
S3-A, S6-A, S7-A and
3 Same as #2, but PNP Same as #2 Same as #2, except Same as #2
open-collector output. install S2-A & S6-A,
remove S3-A & S7-A.
4 TTL- or CMOS- ---- Connect signal output to Select 700 mV hysteresis
compatible signal TB3- pin 4 and Ground to and adjust the trigger
TB3- pin 3. Remove level for 1 V.
jumpers from S2, S3, S6
and S7.
5 Contact Closure Off duration > 100 ms Connect the two ends of Do the #4 adjustments.
(slow) (less than 5 on/off per sec) the contact to TB3-pins 2 Install S1-A and S5-A.
and 4. Install S16-DC. Select the debounce time
Remove S2, S3, S6, S7. if required.
6 Contact Closure Off duration < 100 ms Same as #5 except install Same as #5
(fast) S2-A & S6-A.
7 NAMUR type sensors NAMUR standard Connect the positive Same as #2
(2-wire) sensor input to TB3-pin 4
and the negative sensor
input to TB3-pin 1. Install
S2-A, S3-A, S6-A, S7-A
and S16-DC.
Table 1-1 Wiring and Adjustments for Signal Sources
Signal conditioning inputs and excitation outputs are available on TB3, a 7-position header
(shown in Figure 1-1).
Refer to the block diagram in Figure 1-2. Channel A input is available on connector TB3–pin 4.
Pins 6 and 7 are allocated to DC and AC inputs on Channel B. Pins 3 and 5 are isolated
ground (signal return).
TB3 mates with two screw-clamp connectors: a 4-position, TB3J4, and a 3-position, TB3J3.
The 4-position connector may be used with a single or dual-channel signal conditioner; the
3-position may be used only with a dual-channel signal conditioner.
The trigger level can be adjusted between -2 and +2 volts. When the input signal has a large
DC level and does not cross the trigger level range, the AC input should be used. The AC
input is coupled to the DC input with a 0.1 uF capacitor. The maximum non-destructive DC
blocking voltage of this input is 250 V. This input should be left open when not used.
Sensitivity for a Square Frequency Response
Wave Input DC Input AC Input
±10 mV DC - 1 kHz 5 Hz - 1 kHz
±25 mV DC - 20 kHz 2 Hz - 20 kHz
±50 mV DC - 100 kHz 2 Hz - 100 kHz
Table 1-2 Correlation of Sensitivity to Frequency Response
The outputs of the signal conditioner channels are connected to the main board through the
J3 connector. These outputs can be connected to the A and B inputs of the meter (pins 1 and 2
of TB2) by installing push-on jumpers on the I positions of SA and SB (Figure 1-2). Each output
can drive 10 LSTTL load (5 LSTTL when debounce monostable is bypassed) and is TTL / 5 V
CMOS compatible
In a single-channel signal conditioner (Channel A only), the output can be connected to either
or both A and B outputs by installing jumpers on the appropriate positions of S9, S12 and S15
(see Figure 1-5). However, when a jumper is installed on A or B position of S15, the S9
jumper must be removed.
Figure 1-2 Simplified Block Diagram of the Signal Conditioner
A 12.4 V regulated excitation voltage is available on pins 1 and 2 of TB3 (Figure 1-1). This
voltage can be used to drive external transducers with operating currents up to 20 mA.
It should be noted that this voltage is isolated from the main board ground, not from the
isolated ground. Excitation HI and Excitation LO are +6.2 and -6.2 V respectively referenced
to isolated ground.
The EXC LO must not be connected to ISO GND
Jumpers at S1 and S5 connect two .033 uF or .0022 uF capacitors to form an RC low-pass
filter for each input. The time constants of these filters are about 2.5 and .17 milliseconds.
When the input is a contact closure (between EXC HI and ISO DC input), the capacitor is
discharged through a 1 MOhm resistor to ISO GND, providing a time constant of
33 milliseconds. In this case, the trigger level should be adjusted between 0 and +2 V.